How to restore a healthy complexion. Effective masks for a fresh face at home

Do the refrigerator and microwave have an unbearable smell? The smell of burnt food has penetrated all the rooms of the house? Or maybe you can't stand the smell of fresh paint that painted the walls, or just want to let more freshness into your home during a hot season? Find out how to freshen the air in your apartment effortlessly in our article.

Natural products for fresh air in the apartment

Remarkably, with just a few natural ingredients that can be easily found in every kitchen, you can freshen up your home and make the atmosphere pleasant and comfortable. Coffee, lemons, oranges, spices, and vanilla are essential air fresheners. We will use them in order to remove all unpleasant odors.

How to freshen the air in an apartment with ground coffee

To eliminate unpleasant odors in the kitchen, bathroom or other room, it is enough to grind the coffee beans and leave the fresh mixture in an open container for several hours.

Ground coffee is also very effective in removing odors from. Fill two small containers with fresh coffee grounds or ground coffee and leave them in the refrigerator overnight. For a stronger aroma, add a few drops of vanilla essence to your coffee.

Cotton balls for a fresh scent in the home

Put a few drops of your favorite perfume on a cotton ball and place in your vacuum cleaner's trash bag. When it is working, a gentle, pleasant scent will fill the room and freshen the air in the room where you will be vacuuming.

Cotton balls, like coffee, can also be used to freshen the refrigerator. Often the refrigerator doesn't smell very nice. In such cases, place a cotton swab soaked in vanilla extract on the shelf in the refrigerator.

Use fresh citrus fruits to freshen the air in your apartment

It is the smell of citrus that will do the best job of eliminating unnecessary unpleasant "aromas" and you no longer have to think how to freshen the air in the apartment.


In order to neutralize the unpleasant odor that comes from the cat's sand box or from the bathroom, it is not necessary to use special aerosols. Place lemon wedges on a plate and leave in the affected area. In just a few hours, the air will become fresh and fragrant.

To remove odors from the refrigerator, soak a sponge with lemon juice and leave in it for a few hours.

To freshen the air throughout your home, office or apartment, add lemon zest, cinnamon, cloves, and apple peels to hot water. A pleasant smell will reach all rooms.


You can use fresh oranges to freshen the air in your kitchen after cooking. Boil the orange peel in a saucepan and leave the container open for several hours. The air in the kitchen will be immediately refreshed very effectively.

How to freshen up an apartment - spices and herbs

Avoid using special room fragrances and make wonderful DIY air fresheners. Cook the cinnamon sticks and cloves in a saucepan for 30 minutes. You can also put a few tablespoons of spices on a tray lined with parchment paper to freshen the air. Place the tray in a hot oven for 30 minutes. Leave the door ajar.

If you have dried mint, rub the leaves in your hands and place them on a saucer. In addition, it will not be superfluous to grow such aromatic and aromatic herbs as mint, thyme, basil on the windowsill - they can grow here all year round, delighting with their freshness and aroma. Plus, you can use these herbs for your own recipes.

How to freshen the air in the kitchen

Vanilla extract for freshness at home

If you don't like the smell of freshly painted walls, add a teaspoon of vanilla after you open the paint box. The smell is intoxicating.

If the refrigerator smells bad, soak a sponge in vanilla extract and wipe down the inside of the refrigerator. Also, if the microwave oven smells bad, rinse it out and put the vanilla extract in the bowl for a minute.

Refresh the air with aromatic oils

If fresh fruits, especially citrus fruits, are not always on hand, get used to keeping a couple of jars of essential oils at all times. Lemon, grapefruit and orange aroma oils will do an excellent job of freshening the air in your apartment if you add a couple of drops of any of them to a bowl of slightly warmed water. Grapefruit oil freshens the air especially effectively.

Time-tested folk ways to freshen up an apartment

There are several more ways that good housewives have proven to freshen up an apartment and remove unpleasant odors, in particular, coming from the kitchen. These are vinegar and baking soda. The baking soda can simply be opened (several packs) and placed in the room to be freshened up. And dilute the vinegar with water (3: 1) and spray in the apartment with a spray bottle.

Ventilate and refresh the air in the house often so that odors are not absorbed into upholstered furniture, decor items and even walls. And do not forget about, which not only refresh, but also purify the air from bacteria and other impurities.

And also remember that first of all you need to find the source of the unpleasant odor in the apartment and try to get rid of it. It is necessary to do a general cleaning, especially in kitchen cabinets and other places where food is stored, completely defrost, wash and ventilate the refrigerator. Only after that, use all the listed methods of how to freshen the air in the apartment, and your home will always be filled with pleasant aromas.

An article for those who want to know how to look fresh and rested, what to do for this. What ways and methods exist in order to acquire a fresh look of the face.

Most women on the planet want to look great always and everywhere. In order for it to be the way women want it, you need to know the methods and ways of how to look fresh and rested.

According to psychologists, facial skin is one of the more important components of a person's appearance. If a person's skin is clean and smooth, then this indicates his excellent physical condition. For some women, redness, age spots, or just freckles on the skin of the face cause irritation and discomfort in society.

Therefore, women often try to take better care of their skin, doing everything possible to get rid of dissatisfaction with their appearance. But this does not give any positive results. This happens because, probably, a person makes mistakes, not knowing how to properly care for his face. Usually, when women wash their face under the tap, they assume that this procedure moisturizes the skin of the face. But this is not the case.

The water that flows from the tap contains many different salts. When you wash your face, these salts remain on the skin, drying it out. It is better to use the most effective method of moisturizing the skin, that is, sprinkle the face with thermal water containing minerals and vitamins that help to make the face look fresh.

After such washing, freshness is felt and the feeling of tightness disappears. If this procedure is carried out regularly, the skin will be restored, protected and strengthened. Many women believe that any cream does not harm the skin, but, on the contrary, makes it healthy and perfect.

If the skin is dry, but the face is smeared with a cream for oily skin, then redness and rashes may appear. Therefore, before using any cream, you need to find out what type of skin your face belongs to. Well, then you can pick up a cosmetic product.

Sometimes, not having time to get out of bed, you have to run for some business. As a result, a person who has not yet had time to get out of sleep does not look the best way. For example, swelling, dark circles under the eyes appear on it, the skin acquires an unhealthy complexion. In order to put things in order on your face, it will take time, which is usually not enough for every woman.

In order to remain satisfied with your appearance, you must adhere to several rules. First of all, without fail, you need to ventilate the room a short amount of time before bedtime. After all, fresh air maintains a healthy and sound sleep. Thanks to this, waking up, a woman feels fresh and rested.

It is also necessary to wash off the paint at night, you should never be lazy, it is better to clean your face before going to bed. After the procedures performed before bedtime, apply a thin layer of face cream. It is best to use a night cream. But you shouldn't use it often because it interferes with the skin's breathing.

In order to avoid swelling on the face, you should not drink too much liquid before bed. In addition, you should not eat a lot of salty food, because salt retains fluid in the human body. It is from this that swelling appears on the face. It is very practical to take a bath with salt before going to bed, which should be sea salt. After this procedure, the process of getting rid of toxins that have accumulated overnight takes place. In order to consolidate the effect, it is necessary to use anti-cellulite products.

Those who like to drink coffee should not drink it after lunch. Because coffee cheers you up. Better to drink it in the morning. It is also not recommended to drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes approximately 4 hours before bedtime. Many women wonder how to look refreshed and rested, without even knowing that what they sleep on at night also affects their sleep and facial condition in the morning.

It is best to sleep on a low pillow, and in order to avoid curvature of the spine, you need to lie on a hard and smoother mattress. The best sleeping position is the supine position. However, this is not convenient for everyone. Very often, waking up in the morning, red streaks form on the face, which are the result of an incorrect posture.

In this case, it is better to use a moisturizer or a protein mask. In order to wake up completely in the morning, you can take a shower, which will invigorate. First, you need to stand under a stream of warm water for 15 seconds, then the water can be replaced with a cooler one. And so alternate 3 times. Finish your shower with cold water. After all, cold water tones and refreshes the face. It is advisable to rinse the face with chamomile infusion, but you should not rub the skin of the face, it will be enough just to wet it.

Many women, despite their best efforts to give their appearance a fresh face, still develop dark circles under the eyes. Then you can use the following simple method - to apply the usual tea leaves to these areas of the face. You need to keep it for several minutes, then rinse. After this procedure, apply a regular moisturizer to your face.

Oddly enough, it helps to get rid of wrinkles, giving a fresh look to the face. Next, you need to drink some kind of invigorating drink, consisting of a glass of water, half a lemon squeezed into it and a spoonful of honey. After using the drink, the skin will feel rested and refreshed. And in order not to be more drawn to sleep, it is better not to eat breakfast.

Hair, that is, a hairstyle done in the morning, also plays an important role in giving a fresh look to the face. For this, the hair is collected in a bun or in a tight ponytail. Experts have proven that an open face always looks much fresher. So that the eyes do not seem sleepy, it is recommended to bring the upper eyelids from the inside with a blue eyeliner. As a result, the whites of the eyes become brighter, the look is more expressive, the redness disappears.

Taking constant care of yourself and your face will yield positive results. And most importantly, it will help to acquire a fresh face, increase self-esteem and help women become more self-confident.

Poor sleep, weather changes, poor health, possible diseases make the skin of the face lifeless and dull. And so you want to look fresh and radiant. How to refresh your face if you don't have enough time for yourself in the morning? Modern cosmetologists can recommend various products that can restore youthfulness and color of the skin, elasticity and healthy appearance.

You can also use the simplest methods of traditional medicine, which, in addition to their cheapness, also have indicative results, how to refresh the skin in just 20 minutes in the morning. For skin that looks tired, flabby, haggard, we recommend performing several actions before leaving the house, which will take no more than 15-20 minutes. Doing this will help you look fresher and brighten your skin.

In addition, the mood will improve when in the mirror you see not a tired image, but a luminous woman of unearthly beauty. And no matter how pretentious it may sound, the mood improves if the appearance of the skin pleases the eye of its owner. Therefore, do not hesitate, try all the recipes for yourself, choose the one that you like the most and use it to your health!

How to refresh your face in 20 minutes

When to implement a plan for skin glow is every woman's choice. For one lady, it is better to get up 30 minutes earlier and do all the procedures, for another - the best time for yourself is evening. In any case, it only takes 20 minutes to restore the skin's freshness.

1. Elimination of dry skin

Dry and tight skin requires replenishment of vitamins and nutrients in the skin of the face. We will provide the skin with a vitamin revolt with a banana mask. For the mask, crush one medium-sized banana and add 1 teaspoon of nourishing cream, as well as the same amount of olive oil. Mix everything, plus add half a teaspoon of lemon juice (if not allergic), mix everything until smooth. Apply on face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water, then rinse with cool water.

2. Get rid of "bags" under the eyes, as well as swelling and annoying bruises

We use potatoes to combat edema. Grate a medium potato and apply to the skin near the eyes for 15 minutes. Potato gruel will draw out all the accumulated liquid from the eyelids.

Advice: if cosmetics do not help to remove the swelling, go through an examination with a urologist to find out if everything is in order with the kidneys.

Masking the bruises. We combine business with pleasure: brew 2 tea bags (black or green) and drink tea, while waiting for the bags to cool. We put the bags on closed eyes and wait 15 minutes. Another quick option is to soak 2 cotton pads in milk and apply over your eyes.

3. Soothe irritated skin

We use a kefir mask to restore skin freshness. How to refresh your face with a kefir mask? Very simple, you only need 100-200 ml of fatty kefir. We apply it on the skin of the face for 15 minutes, while not allowing it to dry, constantly lubricating it with a new layer of kefir or yogurt. Rinse off kefir with warm water.

4. We give tone to the skin of the face

We use egg white, whipped into a foam for oily skin, mix with a spoonful of olive oil and a few drops of lemon, apply on the skin for a period of 15 minutes.

We use cottage cheese with sour cream (cream) for dry skin, stir until smooth, apply to the face.

We use banana crumb with a spoonful of fresh grapefruit juice for normal skin. Mix everything thoroughly and apply on the face.

5. Even out skin color on faces, eliminate pallor

An indispensable material on the way to get rid of pallor and uneven color will help berry masks or fresh vegetables.
Option 1. - For dry skin, take 2 carrots, grate, then mix with one egg yolk. After mixing all the ingredients, you can apply it to your face.

Option 2. - take one egg white and mix with 3 tablespoons of viburnum juice. Then we apply the resulting mixture on the face for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

6. Remove greasy shine

Oily skin requires special care to remove shine. Mix water and white vinegar. We moisten cotton swabs and wipe our face. The vinegar will remove oil in the skin and unclog pores. This can be done before applying makeup.

7. Making the skin elastic

In the morning, wipe your face with ice cubes made from frozen medicinal herbs. You can use viburnum juice, chamomile or sage decoction.

In order not to suffer losses, supermarkets are trying in every possible way to extend the life of products.

Sergey is one of those who work behind the scenes of the supermarket. Sergei brings food to life.

Sergey Asolov, product recovery specialist:
Let's start with a raw smoked sausage with signs of spoilage. In order to bring it back to normal, we need to take a damp cloth and lightly rub the sausage. We then use vegetable oil to refresh this sausage and add shine. Already processed sausage has such an appearance that if you see it in a shop window, you cannot distinguish it from fresh sausage. It will shine and have a very marketable appearance.

All goods are subject to such retraining: these are canned food, and all products in their original packaging. Skillful sellers simply erase the date with the help of acetone, and the buyer can no longer distinguish whether the date itself has been blurred, or someone has worked on it. Hard cheese is the easiest to process. They simply cut off the moldy layers.

Sergey Asolov:
After we have cut off all the obvious signs of spoilage, the cheese can be divided into several parts, wrapped in cling film and sold in pieces by weight.

Much more difficult with rennet cheese. To bring it into a divine form, sellers have to wash it, and only then rub it with vegetable oil. If the supermarket has a culinary department, then expired products go to salads and cutlets.

Sergey Asolov:
Leftover cheese can be used to make a salad, and to get rid of the smell, you need to season it generously with mayonnaise. Also, the same leftover cheese and poor quality sausage can be used to make pizza.

With expired sausages, everything is also very simple: they are rearranged in a different order to hide those that have lost their presentation. They will also be sold, but it depends on the dexterity of the seller.

The situation with fish delicacies is more complicated.

Sergey Asolov:
We determine the freshness of the fish by the color of the gills. If the gills are pink, then this fish is fresh, if darkish or gray, then this is a clear sign that the fish is already spoiled. The fish can be freshened up and give a bright color to the gills with a small solution of potassium permanganate.

When the herring expires, it is smoked or frozen. And the fish that died in the aquarium is gutted, washed and laid out as fresh on the counter, but if it is not bought during the day, then it is automatically sent to the cooking department for aspic.

Sergey Asolov:
If the herring has a specific smell, then in order to refresh it, we soak the fish in a well-salted water solution. After standing overnight in this solution, you will not be able to distinguish it from fresh. In large retail chains and supermarkets, such manipulations with herring are carried out in unsanitary conditions in large vats and most often in some basement at the same store.

Expired meat is turned into minced meat, which is sold by weight. If the minced meat is packed too tightly, then, most likely, it is definitely spoiled.

Sergey Asolov:
Let's take a chicken on which traces of spoilage are visible, in order to remove these traces, it is enough to soak this chicken in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, after which it will be white and shiny. This chicken can be grilled.

Even a girl who has danced the entire night party dreams of freshening up her face at home in order to look her 100 best during the day before an important meeting.At the age of 40, facial skin no longer has the same elasticity and freshness as in youth. But this does not mean that a fresh face cannot beandvbig years.A eIf there is no proper care, then already at the age of 30 the first flabbiness will appear.Express care can be different, let's figure out how to quickly refresh your face.

In search of answers to the question "how to quickly refresh the face and all the skin at home", you do not need to run to the store and buy expensive masks and creams. Simple masks that can be prepared from available tools will help refresh your face and skin.

They not only cleanse it, but also make it glow from within. Such express skin and face care allows you to achieve the following effect:

  1. Yellowness, grayness and everything that makes the skin tired and dull disappears. This is useful after a sleepless night or illness.
  2. The epidermis is renewed and cleansed with a mild exfoliation effect that removes dead cells.
  3. The skin becomes radiant due to the fact that the microcirculation of blood improves, and the cheeks are covered with a slight blush.
  4. The relief of the epidermis and the contour of the face are instantly leveled, which is incredibly important after forty.
  5. The face is cleared of impurities that burden it, and fatigue ceases to be felt throughout the body.
  6. The cleaned epidermis does not shine so much, because excessive shine will categorically spoil the appearance.
  7. Some products help not only refresh the skin of the face and body at home, but also partially hide hyperpigmentation.
  8. Tired skin cells are actively saturated with nutrients and moisture, and this is a great way to give your face a fresh look. It is also the prevention of sagging skin.

Before a holiday or other important event, you can set the master in the salon to urgently make flabby skin fresh and beautiful, but even he is not a magician. If there was no proper care for it earlier, then the effect will not be overwhelming. How to refresh your face at home? Easy and simple - using home remedies that are even allowed for breastfeeding and pregnant women!

5 best express masks

How to make your face look fresh? Use one of the following masks, which solve this problem in just a quarter of an hour:

  1. Magic cucumber. It not only helps in diets due to its low calorie content, but also provides a lasting refreshing effect. It is enough to take it and parsley in equal proportions, chop and apply to the skin.
  2. Miraculous oatmeal... Oatmeal drenched in hot milk will help refresh and rejuvenate the complexion. The proportion should be such that the result is a viscous mass that will not drain from the face.
  3. Tandem of yolk and honey... At 30 and 40 years old, at home, this tandem helps to solve many problems that any skin of the face suffers from. You just need to mix the yolk with a teaspoon of honey and apply on your face. If desired, you can enhance their effect by adding half a teaspoon of carrot juice and olive oil to the mixture.
  4. Bright orange... A refreshing effect and light whitening can be achieved by using chopped half of the fruit, to which you need to add a little olive oil and a couple of drops of lemon juice.
  5. Homemade cottage cheese. How to freshen up a dry face in the morning? Just put grated homemade cottage cheese on it, to which you need to add a little fat sour cream and a large pinch of salt.

Secrets of radiant skin

If you slept only 2 hours at night, and in the morning you need your skin to look rested, then this cannot be solved in 5 minutes, but in 15 minutes it is quite possible. However, for this you need to strictly follow the rules for the preparation and application of home cosmetics:

  1. The consistency of the finished product must be uniform, otherwise the desired effect will be partial and incomplete. Even if we are talking about a small amount of the product, it is better to grind it in a blender or meat grinder.
  2. How to make your face glow? Easy, but only if the mask is applied strictly warm. It is strictly forbidden to make it hot or cold. Due to the heat, the epidermis will steam out, and all the nutrients will go directly to the dermis, which is responsible for the beauty of the skin.
  3. To comply with such an important point as evenness of application, you can use not only a special cosmetic sponge, but also any available material. Do not use your fingers, they will not give the desired evenness.
  4. All components of the mask must be fresh, then they will have the desired effect. Usually only the duration of exposure of the agent differs, which sometimes can affect the duration of the result.
  5. Maintaining a beautiful complexion at home is not difficult, the main thing is the regularity of the procedures. No matter how your skin looked before, but after regular use it will glow, even if you sleep at least 3 hours a night. But only if this trend does not persist for a long time, because the body can weaken, and no mask will make you beautiful.
  6. Rinse off the product with warm or slightly cool water. You do not need to add any cosmetics to it, use only clean water.
  7. Always carry out an allergy test before introducing a new ingredient into the mask. After all, if this is not done, then, perhaps, then you will have to look for answers to the question "how to make a person healthy."

Cold for a fresh face

How to refresh your face? Of course, ice, but not ordinary, but cosmetic. Even with an active night vigil, it will have a miraculous effect on the face. There is no difficulty in using it: just run a piece of ice over your skin. And to make it useful, you need to make a decoction, which you then pour into a special form.

How to make your face beautiful? Use the following formulations for your cosmetic ice:

  • cornflower with the juice of half a lemon;
  • oak bark and cucumber juice;
  • grapefruit juice;
  • parsley and dill juice;
  • potato juice;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • green tea;
  • geranium.

Each composition has its own proportions, but it is always better to select them individually. Start with the smaller doses that are included in the instructions, gradually bringing them up to the desired volume. With regard to juices: not all of them can be used in their pure form. So, potato juice should be diluted in half with water so that it does not tighten the skin too much. For those with dry skin, it is better to use milk as a thinner.

Do not forget to check them for an allergic reaction, because even the usual geraniums can give your face an unpleasant surprise. You can add a few drops of essential oil to any ice with the effect you want. If bleaching is needed, use citrus or tea rose ether. For rejuvenation, any essential agent designed for this, for example, fir or pine, is suitable. If you choose the perfect composition for yourself, then you can significantly save on store funds.