How to choose a hand sapper for clothes. What saparler is better to buy for a clothing store? Why do you need excipators

Surely, each of you used and knows what iron is. Among the majority, the process of ironing does not bring any pleasure, but only ranks first among the tedious and unloved homework. Especially when it is necessary to smooth out difficult to lean fabrics or things that are in front of the eyes. In this case, do not get upset! It's time to buy a good steamer, which will greatly simplify the process of ironing. To understand why the device is an alternative to irons and how to choose the right swap for clothes the best 2017-2018 rating, we will tell with this article!

What is a saparler and how does it work?

Please note that modern technologies are intensively developing and at least such devices as home utilities appeared on the market quite recently, they proudly managed to gain confidence in many owners and enjoy their popularity. With their help, you are quick, and most importantly, without much effort to give any item from the wardrobe to the appropriate look.

As you have already guessed from the name, the "saparler" is a device that performs a wide range of functions based on a strong effect of steam to the surface of textiles. The design has a water tank heating to high temperatures. As a result of boiling, the flow of the pair enters a flat nozzle, with the help of which the fabric is treated. Due to strong pressure, the material fibers have the "relax" property, allowing the surface to smooth out. It is also worth saying that the steamers have an advantage over ordinary irons. With their help, you not only stroke the thing, but also easily remove the unpleasant smell and stains.

Varieties of excipators

The modern market has a huge number of sweeps for clothing. And depending on what the purpose and principle of work they have, professionals classify them on:

  • Vertical steamer. With such a small iron, you will be on your pocket. The devices of this species are considered multifunctional and distinguished by high power indicators. It works in the position vertically and perfectly suitable for use both in production and at home. The only thing is not recommended to apply to work on an ironing board.
  • Hand steamer. The best steamer for people constantly on business trips and travel. The device is distinguished by miniature sizes, which is indispensable on the road. On average, with active use, the duration of work is more than 15 minutes.
  • Outdoor steamer. It is considered one of the popular and productive steamers suitable for the use of purely indoors. In addition, the model has high power parameters and is equipped with a capacitive water tank. It is worth saying that the floor devices are ideal when ironing large volumes of clothing in uninterrupted mode from 1-2.5 hours.

Interesting fact. In 2018, the manufacturer of robot vacuum cleaners Okami Group has released 3 successful models at once, one of which was headed by the overall rating of vacuum cleaners. The best choice in the segment to 500 cu (30 000 rubles).

How to choose the best steamer?

How to choose the best saparler for the house, and then do not regret? This question is quite relevant among those who decided to buy this modern and useful device. It is worth saying that the best sapar for clothes is the one that is entirely and fully satisfies the preferences and needs of each buyer, both at the price and the functionality. In order to understand what better to purchase a swap, you should decide where it will be used and carefully examine the parameters and characteristics. Pay attention to:

  • The stated power. Among all the parameters is considered the main and important indicator. If the steamer will be used in domestic purposes, the power from 1300-1700 W will be quite enough. It is worth saying that the power is not displayed on the quality of the ironing itself, it affects only the speed of work.
  • Volume of water tank. Also an important factor when choosing. If the device is used exclusively in production or textile stores, which requires large amounts of work on the smoothing of things, then it is worth buying steamers with large reservoirs. Note the smaller the container, the more often it will have to fill it with water. Also, more expensive models, allow water to fill in the mode of operation, which cannot be said about cheap, where the filling is carried out only after shutdown.
  • Type and quality of water. The rating of steamers of expensive models is equipped with a special filter, which allows the use of flow water. Thus, you will always be sure that neither the sediment will not destroy the metal. But if you take into account the inexpensive models, you will have to buy only distilled water, due to lack of filter.
  • Number of modes. Inexpensive clothing steamers are often monofunctional, but this is enough to use for domestic purposes. The best steamer for clothes - the device with a wide range of modes is considered. Using it, you can set the appropriate mode in the intensity, given the features of the tissue.
  • Steam iron material. Buying a device for life, it is worth paying special attention to the material of the construction case. Professionals recommend choosing a technique, the sole of which is made of metal and ceramics. Plastic, in turn, short-lived and quickly fail. The more holes-holes - the better when working. Also, it is better to choose models with a heated plate, which helps to eliminate water splashing.
  • The intensity of the steam stream is measured in grams / 1 minute and can range from 35-50 g.
  • Length of the hose. Note, if the heating element is provided in the iron itself, then the longer the hose - the more convenient, otherwise, in the absence, it may be a disadvantage.
  • Manufacturer. Choosing household appliances, the brand plays an important role. We recommend choosing products of proven brands, as you will be completely confident in quality and warranty service. Remember! If the price of goods is strongly understated, although the branded emblem is worth it is definitely a Chinese fake!

In the modern market, there is a wide range of home appliances various firms and manufacturers, among which they deserve attention: Philips, Kitfort, Polaris, Mie, Endever, Zimber, Maxwell, Grand Master. To not guess with the choice of a suitable option, we have prepared the main rating of steamers for clothes.

Hand-held Handling Rating 2018

Polaris PGS 1412C.

The in-demand model, in addition to its main digestion function, is often used to remove the pile and removal of various stains. The device is easy to use and appreciated for high quality. Given the positive user feedback, this model is convenient and reliably lies in the hand and copes well with ironing things of various fabrics.

  • inexpensive;
  • comfortable, compact, lightweight in hand;
  • water reservoir is enough for a decent amount of work.
  • it works both with thin and heavy tissues, smoothes even deep clamps;
  • to get a good result, you will have to be faithful;
  • short cord.

Maxwell MW-3704 VT

The best hand sapper among the analogues in which the "price-quality" is combined. High rating, swarm for clothes received in 2018. The device perfectly copes with small folds and hard-to-reach plates, which is not valid by other models.

  • perfectly silent;
  • compact, you can take with you on the trip;
  • Large water tank (compared to other compact swaps);
  • long cord;
  • fastening the cord to the hinge body;
  • quickly heats up.
  • sometimes spits (not critical);
  • from the tank it is not possible to completely drain the water (but this is all so, even in irons);
  • it is impossible to disappear horizontally, but this is not a lack, but a feature.

Philips GC351 / 20 Steam & Go

Hand sapper for clothes, deservedly fell into the ranking of the best 2018. The stylish model is ideal for ironing knitwear and delicate fabrics.

  • it is convenient to use;
  • long cord makes it possible for maneuvers;
  • water instantly heats up and the device is quickly ready for work;
  • It copes well with knitwear (which is not desirable to stroke the iron) or with curtains (which are too lazy to shoot from the cornice).


  • May leave wet traces on clothes.

Now, wherever you are, the Filipse sapper will help to quickly refresh and bring clothes into a suicide view.

Mie Piccolo.

Rating of steamers for clothing among multifunctional, occupies MIE Piccolo model. An amazing invention that combines the kettle and the saparir. The device with confidence can be called high-quality with a powerful steam supply. Completed additionally by nozzles for different types of fabrics and protective mittens.

  • easy to manage;
  • powerful;
  • strong steam;
  • sufficiently capacious for the manual swaparer;
  • high-quality assembly.
  • just one disadvantage- can be disappearing only in a vertical position

Otherwise, only positive feedback, buyers are satisfied with the purchase. It is not worthwhile to wait for some supractors. And therefore where he "does not pull," he also does not have to "pull". Iron will not replace, but there was no such task!


The hand sapper for clothes, deservedly fell into our rating as the most inexpensive and comfortable. The device is often used to smooth things from delicate tissues. Also, often used for cleaning dense things from a nubuck and suede.

  • compact;
  • quickly heats up;
  • easy use;
  • big jet of steam;
  • includes there are several nozzles, which is very convenient.
  • the power is not enough, tight clothing does not steam;
  • no thermal protection mittens included.

For rigid tissues, of course, it is weak, but a couple of simple shirts and blouse will decline quickly in one refueling. In general, the best option for the price, quality.

Zimber ZM-10085

Affordable and most effective steamer. With it, you can sip thin and rather dense tissues. The dear steamers certainly will not compare with this, but in principle, and this can be used.

  • compact;
  • easy to operate;
  • quickly heats up;
  • well smoothes folds on delicate tissues;
  • price.


  • weak power

The desired effect is achieved, just requires a little longer

Top Outdoor Squares

Kitfort KT-910

One of the best and better and improved outdoor models. The device has a wide range of use, as it is endowed with a powerful steam supply. A professional wrapper for clothes can be applied not only in everyday life, but also in clothing stores, allowing you to quickly give a product of aesthetic species.


  • high quality;
  • acceptable price;
  • many accessories and fixtures for convenient and safest safer.


  • short cord and poorly wounded;
  • easily turn over the whole design, carefully;
  • clips-clothespins for clothes are very tight and absolutely not fixed their position on the bar.

In general, most reviews are positive and buyers are satisfied with the work of the excavator. Of course, it is not a replacement iron, but a good addition, because There are really things that it is impossible to iron, but you can walk.

Philips GC558 / 30 ComfortTouch Plus

  • convenient, easy to use;
  • there is a choice of power modes;
  • board for the best ironing;
  • heats up quickly;
  • the water tank is big enough for a long time.
  • expensive;
  • the nozzle holder does not fix very well;
  • quickly broke the hose braid near the nozzle.

Mie Deluxe.

Modern model with three steam feed modes and electronic display. The reliability of the design and light adjustment is height. Also, the main advantage can be considered the power where the pair emission reaches 85g / min.


  • appearance;
  • stability;
  • good equipment by nozzles;
  • large volume of water tank;
  • made from high-quality material;
  • good suitable for pillows, soft toys and rag furniture.


  • short cord;
  • the hose is also short;
  • the lids of the side compartments are chlipsky and themselves open;
  • the binding system is sometimes summed;
  • price;
  • weak steam jet.

Polaris PGS 1821VA.

The famous swarm for clothes, the rating of the best among its predecessors. The container accommodates 0.6 liters of water, with intensive work of which is enough for about 30 minutes. Also, there is an opportunity to adjust the intensity of the steam supply.

  • design;
  • several modes of operation;
  • attractive price;
  • convenient in operation.
  • a little bit of the hose.

Good swarm. With gentle fabrics, it seems that on dresses, it copes easily, I now at least do not suffer with long loops. In addition, people who have high house curtains are very useful, I speak experienced. It is enough to raise them and you can begin to "stroke".

Before buying equipment for use at home, you should always carefully read the characteristics and to know exactly where it will be applied. It should also be remembered that a cheap model is not always a qualitative and better option. The correctly selected saparler for the house will become a reliable and faithful assistant for many years. We hope that our rating of the best excrement officer for clothes 2017-2108 helped you will decide on the choice!

Today it becomes fashionable to use senders instead of irons. Rather, it is not even a tribute to fashion, but a truly more convenient invention that provides the perfect ironing. It is quite difficult to choose, because saparisters for home use: what better to determine what is fashionable on the basis of consumer reviews. The market is represented by a large number of manufacturers offering and promoting its products. The instrument rating will help to figure it out in this matter.

The iron is many times inferior to the siparer, who in one instant can smooth out a very mad fabric, get rid of it from folds, chances and folds. Early, the steamer cannot completely replace the iron. With the help of an iron, you can quickly and better fulfill the shank of the seams.

Earbers have a mass of advantages that should be taken into account by making a decision on its acquisition.

It is only necessary to turn on the saparir, as he is immediately ready for work. At the same time, if you need to stroke a significant amount of tissue, the saparler is designed for long-term use: it does not overheat and does not turn off. Steamers are conveniently stored in the house: they are compact and do not occupy a lot of space.

Advantages of the steamer:

  • Rapid inclusion and long working period;
  • Compactness, practicality and functionality;
  • The ability to get rid of unpleasant odors from the fabric;
  • Care;
  • Saving time and electricity.

With the help of an excavator, you can handle products with a complex cut, in which there are protruding parts. The steamer can be used as a disinfector of fabrics, soft toys and furniture upholstery. Steamers are used at home, in theaters, shops and workshops on tailoring.

For the right choice of the excipheler, experts advise paying attention to his appearance. The market presents a large number of steamers, each of which has its purpose. Devices can be divided into manual and stationary.

Manual steamers are compact devices having a small size. Stationary steamers put on the floor and are used in stores and factories.

Both types have a general principle of operation: they are equipped with a water capacity, in which the liquid boils, becomes steam, which is supplied through special holes. Para has a smoothing, disinfecting effect on the fabric. With the help of steam, you can also get rid of stains and unpleasant odors in the fabric.

Types of steamers:

  • Manual. The models consist of closed Tannes, the same as the electric kettle. In suchges, you can bring water to boiling. But the tanks are quite small, so they are enough for a small period of time. Such devices operate a maximum of 10 minutes, then need to top up water. Previously compact models can work for no more than 30 minutes. The power of such an excavator is not very big. But it is convenient to take it on the road.
  • Stationary. They can be used at home. Such devices work for a long time and continuously. These are mainly vertical devices that have quite large dimensions. Couple feed can occur in two ways: samotane and pumps.

Experts advise you to choose a steamper depending on its power. The steamer can be budget. Such models are inexpensive, but their power is not enough to evaporate dense tissues. Typically, such steamers can only work in one mode. If the consumer wants to use a high-quality sweeping, he should pay attention to new generation steamers, in which steam feed occurs under pressure.

Vertical steamer: what features

Parking - the most effective way to quickly smooth climbing fabric, whatever density it is. It is needed not only for ironing, but also for disinfection of fabrics. A powerful jet of hot steam has a disinfecting effect, eliminates the cloth from glue and pathogenic bacteria.

When working with the excipatant, it is important to correctly follow the safety technique, otherwise you can greatly burn.

The vertical sapper driver belongs to the stationary type of devices. It usually has a high power, which contributes to a high-quality tissue excavation. If the vertical steamer is chosen only for moving clothes, you need to make sure that it will not leave the leaks on the fabric.

Advantages of the vertical sweeping:

  • Carefully disappears products. Using it, clothes can not be damaged or burn. With it, you can disappear delicate types of fabrics.
  • Saves time. With the help of an excommellent, the product can be stroked at times faster. Than with iron.
  • Universality. Some things are impossible to try hard with the iron. But the saparler can cope with the reference in a few minutes.

The steamer does not lead to the appearance of shiny stains and feces on clothes. Caps perfectly cleans the surface of the fabric, eliminating it from unpleasant odors. Vertical swaps are similar to the vacuum cleaner. You can remove the fabric using the handle, it is quite convenient.

These devices are designed not only for ironing. Depending on the functions, three groups of devices are distinguished, with which it is expected to handle various surfaces with hot steam: steamers, steam cleaners and steam mop. Steamers are used to smooth the fabric due to the penetration of hot steam fibers. With the help of such devices, you can smooth out and refresh any clothes and remove unpleasant odors, smooth the curtains right on the window. Steam cleaners are used for cleaning and disinfection of various surfaces, such as in the bathroom or in the kitchen. Steam mop will be useful for removing contaminants without household chemicals on large surfaces - tables, windows and carpets. If you want not only cleaning in any places at home, but also disappear, then you will need a steam cleaner with a special sweeping nozzle.


All saparisters and steam cleaners are divided into two large groups - manual and outdoor. Manual devices - compact and lungs, they have a small volume boiler (about 60 ml), which is built into the sprayer. Hand swaps will be useful on the trip, when you need to quickly put in order one or two things, but at home, when you need to sip or clean the curtains hanging on the cornily.

Choose a saparler, but do not know what characteristics to pay attention to?

Want to feel joy from shopping, not disappointment?

Information on disappearances is scattered, not systematized, most of the articles on the Internet are clearly written for consumer benefits. If you wish, you can find comparative tables and sales ratings. But how can they help in choosing a person, have never seen this device? In this review you will find exhaustive answers to key questions.

Varieties and types of excavators

Hand steamer.


  • This is a compact device of a small size.
  • It is convenient to take it on trips and travel.
  • Water consumption varies within 13-20 ml per minute.
  • As a rule, manual steamers are equipped with a closed heating element or tens, as well as a classic electric kettle.
  • Due to the low weight, the steamer is easy to transport, and some models can be used even as a kettle.
  • Convenient for excipating curtains


  • Rotate the device with a full reservoir more than 90 degrees is possible for a short time and fraught with a burn.
  • It is undesirable to use a steamer for longer than 30 minutes. It is necessary to give him the time to "relax."

See how manual sweeps look like:


If the need for using the excavator occurs not every day, but periodically, manual device is the best option. It will easily fit in the bag and will become an indispensable thing in the journey.

Vertical steamer.

This is a stationary large-sized device, weighing 3-12 kg, with a rack, reaching up to 180 cm. Consider a detailed feature of the vertical saparist, its varieties, differences between models and aspects of pricing.

Why is one steamper gives more couple, and the other is less?

The power supply force depends on the heating element, which can be made of brass or stainless steel. The material does not affect the service life of the device, but if comparing the performance characteristics, the brass is less susceptible to corrosion. In some models, the heating element is closed with a flask made of thermoplastic.

How to figure out the power of steam?

The more couple, the faster things straightened:

  • 25 ml / min - slowly, if you need to slowly smooth out 1-2 things.
  • 35 ml / min - not fast, but not barely.
  • 55 ml / min - as quickly as possible.
  • The higher the power, the more steam.

So it is so, but there is one nuance. Some manufacturers deliberately overestimate power parameters to enter the consumer to delust and increase sales. Therefore, it is not necessary to focus only on the power.

  • Steam stream.
  • Economy steamers up to 5000 rubles. With water consumption of 15-25 ml / min.
  • Models from 5000 to 10,000 rubles, with a capacity of 1500-2000 W. The flow of the pair is 30-50 ml / min.
  • New generation steamers from 8,000 to 18,000 rubles. With a pair stream 55 ml / min. Unlike sampares, where pairs spontaneously rises from boiling water along the hose and comes out of the iron, innovative steamers have a completely different mechanism. Water is supplied by pump from the tank and, falling into the heater, turns into steam. At the moment of pressing the steam supply button on the handle, the valve opens and frees the heater from overpressure.

Why is one saparler costs 1000 rubles, and the other is more than 10,000 rubles?

All saparisters without exception perform their functions, but cheaper models do it slower. The higher the price, the faster the thing will be smoothed. It is important to be able to use the device correctly. And the skills come with experience.

They are made of plastic, and the plate and the sole is made of metal or ceramics. Distinguish models with heated and without it. Metal and ceramics are heated not instantly, so the wet stain may form on things as a result of evaporation of condensate. After 3-5 minutes, the spot will disappear, since the sole is already pretty enough.

So that there are no wet spots on clothes, give the device time to heating to the desired temperature.


The steam iron handle in the new generation steamers is equipped with an additional heater, which eliminates the formation of condensate.

Do you need hanger and other accessories?

The criterion is purely individual. Someone is comfortable to have a hanger at hand or a special place under it, there is no one. Most of the models are equipped with accessories such as: a thermal house, a trouser, brush, clamp for arrows on pants.

Often the functionality of such elements is reduced to zero. For example, the trouser hanger holds the pants badly, and the clamps go. There are difficulties and arrows, to guide the hand to the guide.


Appointment of racks and their varieties

Major racks are equipped with steamers for shops and boutiques. As a rule, it is non-separable stationary devices. Also distinguish telescopic racks on clips and with a rotary blocking mechanism. Visually they look like this:


The standard height of the rack reaches 165 cm, in some cases - 185 cm. Curious, but the fact: a person, height 160 cm, is more comfortable to use a steamer with a resistant 180 cm, since the process does not have to bend.

In the end, do you need a saparler at home?

Definitely yes! But do not hope to replace it iron. The excipatant is conveniently smoothed by delicate things to which it is impossible to let the iron. And let in the 21st century the iron is morally outdated, it is better to purchase a steam generator to replace it.

Where to buy a good steamer?

Council one: Only in a highly specialized store of ironing equipment, where you can not only visually inspect the devices, but also try them in the case. Choose what is responsible for your needs, and not what imposes advertising.

And be sure - we will always help you.

Competent selection is a guarantee of a successful purchase.

Svaparizer. He knows what he offers.

Earbers for clothing not so long ago appeared on store shelves, but their popularity is growing every year. With the help of the steamer, you can quickly stroke clothes from delicate tissues or embroidered by beads and braid, put in order a jacket or down jacket, remove the folds from the curtains. The device is useful, and it can be safely recommended for purchase.
However, our review is devoted to buyers' reviews.

Types of sweeps


Simple and inexpensive devices for simple everyday tasks. Hand swaps are well coped with thin and delicate fabrics, but with natural (cotton, lynnaya) and some dense materials there may be problems. Undoubted advantages include compactness and lightweight. That is why such steamers are optimal for use on travel either at home to quickly align in the order of easy clothing in front of the "exit to light". Of the disadvantages: low power supply power, a small duration of work due to the small volume of the water reservoir.

Vertical (outdoor)

The typical outdoor dice design is mobile (on wheels) or stationary boiler, rack-hanger and steam hose with iron. These devices are fully suitable for smoothing clothing from almost any fabrics (with appropriate characteristics), used for vertical basting curtains, fur products. Pros: Power, the possibility of continuous continuous operation, a good set of nozzles. The disadvantages should include decent dimensions, high weight and limited hose length.

For what parameters it is better to choose a steamper

  • Power. What it is above, the heating is faster. Manual steamers are desirable to consider from 1000 W and above, outdoor - from 1500 W;
  • Intensity (performance) steam feed. Directly affects the efficiency of smoothing. Measured in grams per minute. More - better;
  • Volume of water tank. From this parameter will depend on the duration of continuous operation;
  • Material sole iron. The best option is metal. It is stronger and durable plastic, although somewhat harder;
  • Length of the steam hose. What it is more, the more convenient, but then the heater should be in the iron. Otherwise, the dignity will become a disadvantage;
  • Number of steam feed modes. Some models are adjustable for various types of fabric. In fact, it is quite possible to do the only regime;
  • Having protection against scale. You can use distilled water or choose a model with a special softening filter and apply a simple plumbing. Only people living in the regions where the rigidity of the water "rolls" should not fully rely on a similar system.