How to get out of the circle of negative. How to break out of a closed circle

"A lot of people most of life are in a closed circle. A closed circle is when waking up in the morning

the first word coming to our consciousness is "necessary." It is necessary - but I do not want. I do not want, but it is necessary. We must go to work, but I do not want, because the work does not bring us satisfaction. We must give boots to repair, but I do not want, because it does not give any pleasure to continue to wear them. It is necessary to make cleaning in the apartment, but there is no special desire, since the situation has not been updated for a long time, and the degree of comfort and comfort does not contribute to the emergence of motivation in this apartment to do.

A vicious circle, this is when we live not as we would like. If we chronically lack something that it is important to us and necessary. If we are unhappy with how we live, and, nevertheless, a month for the month, year after year, the position of things remains unchanged. When our life passes, as if in the fog. One day is similar to the other, and we are not enough to pain, there is something extraordinary, new, some significant events and positive changes. When such beautiful holidays like a birthday and the new year cease to rejoice. Because these dates like milestones resemble us that one another year has passed, and again nothing in our lives has not changed.

Five key moments, long-term absence or shortage of which indicates to us that we got into a vicious circle - this money, time, recognition, improvement, and self-realization. Moreover, without "sobering" with the first two, it is very difficult to fill the lack of the rest.

Concept lack of money, very relative. Someone lacks them for the most needed, and someone to buy the island in the Pacific Ocean. The case when financial revenues are not enough to normal satisfying elementary human needs, unfortunately, the most common, and, of course, the most offensive. He looks classically familiar. If, instead of living a bright, filled with life, instead of getting moral, creative and material satisfaction from your activity, instead of giving joy to your children, you have to work in the morning to the evening so that the family does not starve. So that the family was not undressed. So as not to be turned off gas, electricity, telephone. All this is more similar not to life, but for survival.

Lack of time Either is not uncommon, and with a monetary deficit often goes hand in hand. There is no time to relax with your family, chat with friends, read the book. I am no longer talking about the fact that it sometimes has to give up for a favorite thing about the absence and time and money. Every day or ND (no money), or HB (no time). The child asks to buy him a mobile phone - ND. Go to the cinema. To visit the concert of the beloved "Stars" - NDV. Interestingly, the reason for the lack of time, as a rule, is that everything it goes to earning "small" money. Money, which only enough for not to starve, not be broken, and another "not".

Periodically arise backing thoughts: "Yes, what kind of life is this! How much can you endure!? " But the time is held (which is not enough), and is addictive to this provision of things.

Dangerous addiction. Watching the TV transmission program and different countries, we stop wanted to visit there. All less often we go to expensive shops. It's a shame that many people agree "With what is," when the range of what can be purchased for money becomes simply limitless! When new travel agencies are opening every day! When you can buy the most unthinkable things that can improve and decorate our life, a variety of home appliances simply amazing, and cars are gradually stopped being luxurious! Who is it all!? After all, to think only, having an income of $ 800 per month, literally during the year you can get rid of the cargo of "financial tails" (if they are not very high) and take a car on credit; Each month to postpone the amount sufficient to spend time with your family abroad once a year; It is quite well to eat and dress, and, every two months acquire something that will increase our pleasure from being in your own home (food processor, vacuum cleaner, etc.).

There may be a fair question: where to take them, $ 800?. Do you really want it? If your answer: "Yes, very!", I think everything will be fine with you, and, through this information, I will try to help you as much as possible. Perhaps you are interested in how you can earn more than eight hundred dollars a month? Well, on this site you can find the answer and this question. In the end, it all depends on what you take from what you read.

Life around us becomes brighter and more interesting every day, but this brightness may not be for you. In the event that we allow themselves to come to terms with what is. If we allow yourself to get used to that routine, then a closed circle, inside which was. If we do not remember what we want and have the right. And we can live as we want! If we do not remember this, then it may happen that nothing will ever change. Why? Yes, because while we get used to finding something good in what we have, and at the same time, I stop thinking about how we would like to live and at the same time, cease to look for ways to improve your life, then we can To such an extent, "bogging", which will be simply incapable of seeing the possibilities that do not rush swim by.

There are different types of "closed circles". It happens that it seems to be money, but you have to work "on them." When there is no time to take advantage of the availability of money. Because it is only worth stopping - and they will not immediately become.

Sometimes it falls for a long time to keep the "straw", it would seem, a good earnings, while feeling that at any moment this straw can break, leaving after himself only one question: "What to do now?" There are closed circles while in which we chronically feel the lack of perspectives, or constantly experiencing pressure and underestimation by the authorities of us as a person. Closed circles of lack of communication and the possibility of managing yourself. There are many types of closed circles, but all of them combines the fact that you can go out. If there is an entrance, then somewhere is obliged to be a way out. And, in order to find this output, you must first start thinking about how we want to live in fact.

It often happens that man, hitting the routine, slowly, but confidently forgets about how he wants to live in fact. In this case, if you ask him what he wants, he can say: "I want to make money on 50 cu per month more. " Either: "I want to buy new shoes." Either: "give debts." This is not a true answer. It will not be a change in life. It will be the same closed circle, only it will expand on 50 cu. per month or one pair of shoes. Either it will be a vicious circle without debts.

For the same to get out of a closed circle, you need to imagine how you want to live. How do you want to furnish your apartment? Where do you want to visit? What do you want for your children? What do you want to bring to this world? What attitude towards yourself, how do you want from other people? Finally, how much, do you want to earn a month in order to feel excellent? To wake up in the morning with a smile on the lips from the feeling of reliability and the provision of your future! And you need not only to remember about your desires. You need to stop forget about them! Start live them! Wake up and fall asleep with thoughts about them!

The cherished word is "really". Do you have come to accept the fact that never see your own eyes, how beautiful at the end of September sunset on the French Riviera? And Venice!? Millions of tourists visit it every year. Why not you? Are you not worthy of it? Remove all this on the camcorder (with you in the lead role) and show your parents, friends (and this help them start going out of their own closed circle)! And what if you sit in the middle of May in your own car, put your family in it, and go to Sochi? There is everything blooming at this time! Your children will not forget!

Many people completely cease to think about the most important and desires. In order not to "Bed" your wounds. "What, they say," the point of thinking about what it is impossible to happen! After all, there is no opportunity. Not for me only. Only not in this country "I.T. d. I.T. However, at the same time others find opportunities. Not only those whom "lucky". Not only those who have "comfortable circumstances". Not. First of all, those who did not refuse their dreams to live humanly! So, do you aware what you want to change? Then ...

Open your eyes and configure your thoughts on finding your ability. And she will appear!
The opportunity can come to us from any side, and from anyone. It happens, she has been describing circles around us for several months, waiting for our attention to it, and we are too busy with the decision of current problems to notice it.

The ability to appear, and then it will be important to take the right decision regarding her. It will be necessary to soberly and not bias to appreciate it, in order not to become a victim of its own stereotypes. It happens that in a person's life there is a chance to change a lot. It is possible to express yourself, improve your financial situation, learn something new, but it does not use it. For the simple reason that this opportunity is not similar to what he is used to. Reminds the story of a sinking man, whom he sailed a log, and he did not grab him. Because, the log was birch. And he liked Acacia. Like this.

All that we know and know how, all our life experience is our invaluable capital, but it is he who can become our main enemy, who can prevent us from achieving a better life if we lose flexibility. If we appear in the field of our vision, we will evaluate from the persecution of distrust, suspicion, and critics. It should not, approach the choice of the possibility of closerly, making a decision rapidly, it can be fraught. Decide on choosing your ability to be responsible. To do this, I can offer you - a special technique, consisting of five steps, but before we turn to them, I would like to once again draw your attention to a very important thing:

Never refuse, no matter how much opportunity, not considering it carefully and not biased. Perhaps this is your chance! It is not known how soon the other will appear in your life.

5 steps selection features:

1. Check it with a "card" of your goals. Does this opportunity suggests the solution of important issues for you? Does she show the way to improving those aspects of your life that you have long wanted to improve? Perhaps she will serve as the highest level, the starting platform, where are you going to perform your more large-scale aspirations and goals?

2. Rate Risk. Do not rush to the first adventure. You probably remember what a great many people in the "post-pre-trial" time lost money, and sometimes a lot of money on financial pyramids, striving to "break the kush in an even place," get a lot, without making anything. Soberly appreciate the opportunity to you, remembering that free cheese is most often found in the mousetrap. On the other hand, do not fall into the opposite extreme. There is a fair saying: "Who does not risk, he does not drink champagne." The risk is an integral part of any change and achievements, and it happens different. There is a reasonable risk, but there is meaningless. Anyone, who starts a new thing for him, risks to a certain extent, and most often he risks just what you should not be afraid. The most common risk, this "but suddenly I will not succeed." Because of this virtual "risk, many people lose opportunities every day. Lose chance to change your life, and return to your usual and hated closed circle. Thus: in order to make the right decision, the degree of risk must be assessed objectively.

Z. Determine what resources are needed to successfully implemented the opportunity to you.
And money
Sometimes a person takes about the case without calculating what "infusion" will be required for the development of the project. As a result, it turns out that the case will require new and new investments, and for the lack of necessary funds from it, it is necessary to refuse, are lost because of their own everyday life, money, and mood.

On the other hand, sometimes the sizes of the investments necessary for the start and development of the case are very small, but the person, having the necessary amount, does not want to part with it. Often, at the same time, he loses much more (not even realizing this), namely, loses the opportunity to improve his life itself, and again returns to his "Sinice in his hands."

B) Special knowledge and experience.
In the event that the case you are going to do is refer to the area in which you are not a specialist, determine if you have the opportunity to access the sources and examples of success in this industry.
There is such an old proverb: "Not knowing the brow, do not climb into the water." Different people interpret it in different ways. Some carefully avoid all that does not fit into the familiar framework. Such people for years, otherwise, and the same decades continue to do the same, while getting the same results at the same same. Others are readily taken for a new thing, realizing that if you do not know the fusion - you just need to cope with the one who knows. Such an approach is much more useful, and sooner or later leads to the fact that a person finds his way to everything that he dreams about. Therefore, the next step to make a decision about whether the possibility of ours is considered.

4. Consult a person with experience and significant results (This is very important), specifically in the fact that you are going to do. Specify it in advance prepared questions that exciting you questions, and be sure to console the degree of risk and resources. Learn from him, what difficulties he had to overcome, what skills to develop, thanks to what his qualities he was able to succeed in the case, which promises to bring so desirable fruit for you. Note that this person will be able to give you the most valuable recommendations.

* * * Be careful, listening to the advice and opinions of people who are not expert in this area, especially those who failed. Of the very good intentions, they can confuse, causing meaningless and harmful doubts. If any of the like goodwires still get access to your ears, remember, perhaps, have previously had the cases when you achieving great success than they than them? Perhaps it has already happened that they gave advice to follow which was not worth it?

Well, let's sum up some results. If you decide that you no longer have no strength, nor the desire to continue every day the "drowning paths" of the same closed circle. If you realized what exactly you want to change in your life and opened your eyes in search of your opportunity. If something or someone appeared in the field of your vision, offering you the way to such elegant changes, and, and the degree of risk is small, and your resources are sufficient ...

5. Take the decision in which, would not be successful and start to act!
And now, it has come time, proceed to the consideration of the issue, which literally at this very moment worries, almost 90% of the population of our country.

So ... Do we have the opportunity?
Another twenty years ago in our country there was a firmly installed system. The state "grown" specialists like cucumbers on the garden.

There was a plan. This year, the country requires 2430 new mechanics, 1790 locksters, 684 teachers, 365 engineers, in 81 "cultural worker." All experts were provided with work and free medical care. Everyone paid money sufficient to "exist well", and once a year, vacation was guaranteed. The state was responsible for people in exchange for their freedom. Freedom of speech, opinions, creative freedom. The bread cost 20 kopecks, but no one (almost no one) could drive abroad. The sausage was 3 rubles, but any creative manifestation of a person was made by the framework of rigid censorship. All (almost all) ate the same meal and went in the same clothes, and were pleased because all this was guaranteed.
Then the system was destroyed. Since 1991, the state has ceased to bear responsibility for people, in parts returning them to them (which few people knew how to use). Since 1991, everyone has become responsible for himself. The problem was that for 70 years of the existence of the system, people had to bear responsibility for themselves. An even big problem was that the conditions, in order to "effectively" be responsible for themselves, was not.

People were divided into three groups:

The first group is those who managed to take advantage of the created chaos, and "lean" on this enormous money. Some "Round the Bank", being in the "right place at the right time," others earned on inflation or selling state ownership, and someone else on a rack, or on deception, the accomplice of the population of I.T. etc.

The second group is people who have an entrepreneurial "resident". They managed to maintain a relatively good standard of living, looking for suitable opportunities in an unstable, constantly changing reality of the destroyed system (here we bought something, they sold something there).

The main part of the population belonging to the third group remained with anything. The overwhelming majority of people had to be "plowing for pennies", ripe as proteins in the wheel, in order to elementary survive.

Stable, constant, reliable opportunity to do the case, getting a fair remuneration for its work, there were no people for most people.

A. Buyov

Recorded Nadezhda Antonov

Man offended. In his head sits the thought that he was offended cruelly and unfair. Like, and nothing such a controversy did so that they were so unfair and died to say this! Yes, how so! but why! And a person does not find a response, and can not calm down.

Man starts cycling. You raise something to someone to prove. And nothing happens. Trying with all my might, now seems to be caught. But again we break up, because nothing can be proved. And again you start.

On this cycle, a crazy person pushes over time. A person spends colossal spiritual powers: it seems to be sitting, it does nothing, and the forces just go into the sand, and he himself is hard. He wants to get rid of it, and trying again and reiterate: what happened why. And again. This cold logic that leaves a person with you.

Budwema is this and necessary. It is perhaps that the person does not swear, and so thought, repeating and hardly thinking about the same thoughts, scrolling in his head one situation, experiencing about the events that occurred, and again and again returned to the conflict. The task of the evil is to drive a person into an unpromising, hopeless and infinitely exhaustive mental circle and bring a person to complete exhaustion: both physical and moral. Devastate his inner forces!

You can draw such a visual picture. Imagine that a person is in a big big hall. In the far end it is open ordinary sizes. This person, no matter what reason, you need to run out of the hall. And so he runs to the open door in full support, in the whole spirit. And now imagine that someone is cunning, merciless and invisible wants this person to stop. It is not interesting to rush to him - you can also fall. What will he do?

He will become quietly - especially since he is invisible - two steps from the door. A man runs up joyful and happy - here it is a goal, now cure. And the cramped pushing in the shoulder is completely completely, and he will smear on the wall on the wall, and this is not someone will smear you, and you yourself. And hurt, and scary. And again you will try, and again the same. Why is it going on? Because, instead of understanding that we can't get out of here, trying ourselves.

"Looking from the dungeon my soul"

But it's easy: I got into the west, "ask: Lord, bring me out of here. Both the great prophet, the king and the Psalmopevets David fell into a similar Western. Only unlike us, without any reflection, he directly addressed God: "Look my soul from the dungeon." It is necessary to read the Psaltry - it is so comprehensive, so thin it penetrates the innermost depths of the human spirit. The Head Tsar David, who lived three thousand years ago in Palestine, completely different psychology, a completely different climate, another culture, language is all another. And the soul in the same dungeon as we have. Only he completely calmly puts the diagnosis - my soul in the dungeon, I myself do not get out of here - and refers to the Lord.

Of course, you need to attach all your strength to get out of this dungeon. And if you with a prayer for God, you should give up, you will give up to this door: you will push you dying, and the Lord will support you on the other side. And if necessary, and the wall will move away: the Lord Almighty. Wenty - powerful, but far from Almighty, but Almighty Lord. The Lord wishes your salvation, wants you to get out of this dungeon, but you cannot. Then enough fool to fool. Your mind must tell you: Yes, I found myself in the dungeon. It was always so there was nothing new in it - people got into a similar dungeon, the cramped there swore. I got - ask the Lord to withdraw from there.

To truly pray to feel where the Lord leads you to, you need to remember - "Blessed with a clean heart." You have sins in your heart - here and see. That's where all your strength needs to be investing, and not fight your head about this mental wall. Well, with the fact that you try his forehead wall - what will you do in the next chamber? And only you need a person to exhaust and deeper and deeper and deeper.

You are in the dungeon not because you were offended, but because you are sinful. Would you humble, I would not get here. I would calmly took offense and with a prayer would have suffered her. It would be prayed for the offender for the Lord to save him and delivered him from his own troubles. Instead, you condemn, you are spreading a laughing puddle, you regret yourself, but do not eat.

Getting rid of passion

It turns out that the Lord allows a person to fall into such a situation, because he has already seen such inclinations in man, and he helps him get rid of ...

The Lord and populates temptations to overcoming them, we grow spiritually. And we begin to honestly: ah, I'm poor, but how did the Lord allowed me to be so worried. He does not know that I am so poor and weak, but how so. It is easy to sin, but to overcome the sins is difficult, it must be understood, and not to raise on God.

Nobody in humans will take away, and the meaning of the mind can not cross. On the contrary, for this you need a courageous understanding: you all get in your sins. Realized - now come on, work. Then you break away with God's help. And if not, it means you will be very bad. But you will not be bad because someone offended you, but because you are sinful. There is no one to complain about.

Yes, and nothing to remember something: too much honor. In the summer or in the spring there are many mosquitoes in the forest. Will you have a komar bless? Will be. Do you want you to Komar bone? No, you do not want. You can even really want him to bite you. You can strain all your inner forces, but Mosquito spit, he will still bite you. So the crap. For him, absolutely anyway, what you want, what you do not want: you do not exist for him as a person. He knows only what he wants himself, and will drive you into these traps.

If you learn from God's help to go out, you will only increase spiritually. And you will thank God: Glory to you, Lord, "Breeding to me, I am a member of myself." I would still train and still, I'm not afraid of a dying, because you with me, Lord.

All passions can be subordinate to the spirit

And what can you advise such a person? For example, a person is very emotional knows that he has a heart superior to mind. And if solutions to take through emotion, everything will splash and will be even worse.

Everyone is unique, but we are all people, and we have a lot in common. A person should know his weak and strengths. If he knows that he has increased emotional and some incidents can cause his emotional explosion, he must constantly tense the Lord so that the Lord gives him, his spiritual beginning of power over his emotional sphere.

Apostle Paul says that there is a spirit spirit, soul and body. Human creature three-part. The Lord made a man and breathed in him the spirit of life. This spirit in man is present, in contrast to any other living beings. There is a mental life in animals, physical and bodily, but there is no spiritual - no, there is no one that makes a man god-like. The man in the image and likeness of God created, has such a high dignity, ascending to God himself, "this is the Lord in each of us breathed. This spiritual we must put on the highest place.

When a man reaches this, then human nature comes to an extraordinary harmony, and his god-likes reveals in man. This task is before everyone in order to develop it in yourself. And above everything should dominate the Spirit - even if you are a thousand times emotional. It is necessary to still search for such an emotional person as Maria Egypt, who possessed an inacred temperament both in sin and in virtue. But she could tame herself with repentance. She developed its spiritual component so - right to heaven delivered. She conquered spiritual in himself - the best in herself, deep, serious and beautiful - and emotional and physical side. And he grown into an extraordinary spiritual height, remaining all the same Maria Egyptian, only unlike himself in his youth, she became saint.

For spiritual development there is no restriction. Each of us needs a spiritual component to raise, feed spiritual food. And the church offers the man of the sacrament, prayer, repentance. It is necessary to ask the Lord to show your ways as King David asked: "Tell me, Lord, the way, in the same way I will go, for you soul my soul," - because I handed you my soul. Here's how Maria Egyptian handed her soul completely without a residue, completely. What could eat in the desert? . And the Lord drink Maria Egyptian not only spiritually, but also bodily.

So, hope for the Lord, and he will satisfy your whole life. And this is just the hardest. If you realize this and send your emotionality to repentance, on prayer, then you can use your strengths and subordinate your emotional sphere to the highest in yourself. So that it contributes not to the development of sinfulness, but on the contrary, to salvation and spiritual increase.

- Batyushka, you sounded a thought about the harm of cold logic. Does this mean that rational understanding is incorrect?

- The meaning of the mind is impossible to deny. Science is just moving due to the achievements of the human mind. But also to make decisions in the scientific sphere, you need a very big courage. And the faith is needed, because you take the case, which was not yet, and it is not known that at the end it will turn out. You need courage to venture on such a big deal, and you need a faith in what your efforts will bring fruit. But the meaning of mind can not be exaggerated.

There are words of holy Scripture, where the Savior says: "Lite of the Lord God of yours with all your heart, all your soul, with all your thinking, your whole strength of yours." Here the mind is placed in the third place, and not on the first. And it is very important. Moreover, no one denies the meaning of the mind - this is a special gift to man, but it is impossible to exaggerate him. If instead of the third place occupies the first, - very heavy mistakes occur, because the mind is very accurate, powerful, almost the universal tool and ... limited. Its bounded is not in logical, rational, but in the moral sphere. And the development of the mind depends on the moral level of a person.

Not everything can be rationally explained and defined. And it is obvious. If, for example, ask loving spouses: why they love each other, you can hardly get an answer. It's just a fact - I love. You can try to say: for that, and for this, and for the other. But still it will be some kind of approach, because love is a certain integral state that fully covers the entire person. But if you ask: why don't you love a person, he will give you such a list! When you do not like, you are a consecration about a person's person and you can express my negative judgment for each insignificant detail. And if you condemn this person, the list is very large. And when sin is mixed to the arguments, then he makes the most skillful logic.

Here in what sense, and in any other. This does not mean that it is impossible to reason when you make a responsible decision. It is impossible to refuse logical reasoning, doing, especially exact sciences. Yes, and there is nothing to do in the humanitarian without logic. Here we are talking about the spiritual sphere, about the desire to complete the divine life. If a person does a moral effort, spiritually increases, then with him grows and the ability of his mind to distinguish good and evil. A high spiritual person knows how to distinguish such the finest movements of the soul (and their own, and others), who does not notice a simple person.

Spiritual effort


What does it mean to "take moral efforts"? Forgive?

So, if you know how to forgive - well. And look - try, sorry, if you were offended. This is just easy to say. And how to forgive and accept, if the soul hurts, if it is injured. It's like saying the patient - be healthy. To achieve the result, you need a whole system of spiritual efforts that must be applied constantly. In other words, it is possible to say: from us the repentant effort, diligence and constancy, from us a prayer and the desire to overcome their spiritual weakness, and the result from the Lord. When the Lord sees that you really sincerely want to ask about what.

After all, we often ask insincere. I want something, but I really don't really want. If people who loving drinking, prayed and asked sincerely, then the Lord would save them from this dependence. A person prays - yes not so, something does, but not so. Because in the depths of the soul still sitting some kind of shorter, the desire to leave everything as it is. God cannot commit violence against man. If a person really wants, then he will help him. If a person asks for something insincere, then it will have to twist the horn? The Lord can not, he does not apply to people. These are we are rapists, but the Lord is no, he is patiently waiting for a person that he really asks for insincere. And for this can put a person to some conditions so that he himself became obvious that he is insincere.

One ascetic XX century Older Tavrion said: So you ask the Lord to taught to pray as you can not know how, and he does not give. This is all nonsense - you just don't want to ask what. Everyone knows the desire of your heart before your petition. So, does not want your heart what you ask. If you want to reconcile, really sorry from the whole soul, then you can accept the offender when he comes to apologize.

N. V. Gogol has a very funny story on this topic - "How Ivan Ivanovich was quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich." Gogol is a spiritual person, and spiritual roots of human flaws felt very thinly, and he was brilliantly described them in their work. If the characters of the story really would like to forgive each other, they would have forgiven. And then some word "hussak" broke out, and everything! It's just that deep insecurity, pride. There is a lot of things, with all the external calm and good-natured seemingly manifestations. Gogol, after all, begins with the fact that Beksech Ivan Ivanich praises, because there is nothing really good in it. So we are as follows: the nuclear bowl of themselves in front of them, so we can not get it sometimes, and we turn out to be completed in the demonic game. And the swordless is just a workshop psychologist who enjoyed any of our missing and weakness.


Often they say that they are angry, and the Lord does not hear, and everything still remains. Noeto is not because the Lord does not hear, but because there are a lot of ruins, the years formed in the soul of some rotting garbage. At Tsar David there are such words: "A man will start, and the heart is deeply", that is, the human heart can be like a bottomless well, which is littered with all trash. To get to the lively water, which flows in a well, you need all these ruins to unrest.

Sinwoods are skills, passions, the sins of the unskilled. Filled, now you need to scream. It is very difficult and not even very pleasant work. We need special courage to look into the eyes of your sins as they are under the eyes of God, and not how it seems to us: they say, everyone do, it's not me, they provoked me, I'm not on purpose. The Lord all softening circumstances knows, knows them and takes into account. But what do we think for the Lord. The Lord knows and take into account all your circumstances, upbringing, development, when you rose to the path of spiritual life. And everything you can, all in your favor interpret.

I write and ask - where to start changing your life? How to be if there are no problems and exit around?
I think the answer to this question can be important for many, so I want to write it for everyone.
The very first thing you should know is:

No matter how difficult for you, and no matter how problems are - until you start emitting happiness and positive, you will not be able to break out of this circle.

"How can you emit a positive if I'm all bad? How can I imagine myself secured if I'm going to the subway at the rush hour and see dull faces every day? " - you ask.
Unfortunately, it is impossible in this world differently. Before you take something - you must give something.

If you want to be happy - you have to become more thanks to some conditions, but contrary to them.

In my life there was not everything smoothly, and I also had to push the peak hours in the subway and think how to earn money to have enough and pay for their studies, and to life. And then I imagined that everything I really is good and safely. And I have a car, just now on the subway it is more convenient for me and in general I love to go down in the subway, look at the hurrying people. And you know - for many years I have practically not going to public transport, but if sometimes I descend in the subway, when I need it, I do it with exactly the same sensation as then, many years ago - with ease, curiosity and pleasure.

All energy flows that we radiate belong to one or another levels of life.

If you emit the energy stream of happiness and well-being - you are transferred to the reality, where you are happy and everything is safe for you.
If you emit despair, lack of love - then the reality you will get appropriate to your streams.

Therefore, no matter how difficult it is to start and take the first step to escape from a closed circle - you must, no obliged to learn how to do it. Just for the time that tomorrow you were fine.
  • Step 1 - Start with your inner sensations.
    If you are spinning like a squirrel in a wheel on low-paid work - imagine that you are temporarily there, and what you do from great love for this work. If you feel anyone who does not fit and desperately, straighten your shoulders, smile, imagine that you love and loved.
  • Step 2 - Begin the bookmark of positive thoughts.
    Even if you do not believe in what you say is important. Repeat them resolutely and firmly, at least 5 minutes a day. Examples of positive statements I gave in the articles below and will soon write about them yet. Just choose what suits you.
  • Step 3 - Sit and think - what do you want? I have not yet been talking about any global goals.
    If at the moment you are in that reality where you are bad and hard, start with the little things. Work over a map of desires - get there what you would like to have. Start with the little things that can quickly check and inspire you for further steps.
Even these three small steps are capable of changing your life very cool. And if you go even further - you are amazing yourself.
How to go further - I will write about it later.

What to do when the troubles are racing one after another, as if out of the horns of abundance? This can help the secret of the ancient sages

F. Larochefuky

Chicken or egg: stress or trouble?

The issue of energy in our world is so relevant that, perhaps, it can be called superficial. Every day we think where to take forces, whether the Spirit is enough, desires, intentions ...

Many complain that the energies are simply not enough: I don't want to work, to make something new relationships in the relationship, too, and to change the life - in general, an unbearable task.

In addition, constantly pursue the attacks that these very recent life forces eat and eat. Then a disease, then stress, then trouble with relatives, work, friends and even the weather seems to be on the way.

The phrase from the "Twelve Chairs" is remembered about how "the earthquake rose on the path of the Great Combinator."

It turns out vicious circle :

We drag morally, we enter the state stress"I break"

Each new "attack" torn We have even more energy

These "Force" for some reason it becomes more and more

We feel stress that goes into impotence

And so continues until we turn into a helpless "sacrifice of forces that cannot be changed." The frames continue to narrow, as if this process is spontaneously.

It seems that the situation is entangled in the same way as the appearance of chicken and eggs.

What appeared before: the state of stress as a result of the thread of troubles or attack on the law of attraction fell on us due to the negative energy state?

Skip to life

The experience of rotation in this, selecting the energy of the circle, does not happen without a trace. The state of stress and powerlessness is enshrined so much that we ultimately begin to accept it as a given or even as our fate and fate.

In this case, we literally bless themselves for all these troubles. We attach them a special importance, meaning and, as a result, we endow energy and let go of our lives.

It is amazing that the person in such a state is learned to want, as it goes into the mode "I do not want."

    i don't want to suffer more

    do not want to sick

    i do not want to silence

    i do not want problems at work

    i don't want to fight more

The paradox is that thereby "I don't want" we attract everything unwanted.

The secret of the ancient wise men

Hawaiian shamans made various miracles, applying secret knowledge that called HUNA. Of course, we are not shamans, and everyday life seems to eliminate the presence of any magic. However, there is something to learn from the ancient wise men.

They used the following secret: "Bless what you want".

If you see how someone has achieved success - bless him.

Someone sharply rich in his business - bless him and his business.

Someone found his half - bless him.

See a person on a chic car - bless it, and the car.

If instead start hating and envy someone's successes and achievements, thereby closing the opportunity to possess it.

Moreover, we will find ourselves in the closed circle that takes out energy and becoming stronger with each "I do not want."

Bless what we want, we give him a pass to our life, even if we don't have it yet.

At the end of this small publication, the parable about the curse and blessing.

A long time ago in the north of China lived - there was an old man who had a wonderful horse. And so good was that people came from afar, just to look at her. They told the owner, what a blessing is to have such a horse.

"Maybe it also answered," but even a blessing can be a curse. "

And once the horse ran away. People began to sympathize with the old man, speaking, what a failure he has suffered.

"Maybe it's so," he answered, "but even a curse may be blessing."

A couple of weeks later, a horse returned and led 21 horse. By the law of the region, he became their owner and rich! Neighbors came to congratulate it with such luck.

- You really blessed!

"Maybe it," he replied, "but even a blessing can be a curse."

And here a few days later, the only son of the old man riding the horse fell and broke his leg. Neighbors came to sympathize with an old man. Undoubtedly, a curse was sent to him.

"Maybe it's so," he replied, "but even a curse may be a blessing."

A week later, the king was passing through the village, collecting all healthy men under the banner on the war. All who left the village did not return. And only the son of the old man survived, he did not take it.

Until now, in this village they say: "What seems to be a curse may be a blessing. What seems to be a blessing, can be a curse."

Dmitry Vostrahov

P.S. And remember, just changing your consciousness - we will change the world together! © Econet.

All of you heard (or faced personally) about such a phenomenon as psychological infertility - when everyone is healthy and no problems, but the years go and nothing changes. The reasons for this are exactly the same as in many other situations in your life - you looked around in incorrect behavior and to solve the problem you need to understand how to get out of a closed circle. Esoterics call it "to reduce importance." You can't get married - because too want to be there. Sit in poverty - because you go crazy from this. Can't wait for a partner of decisive actions - as it became the goal of your life. Dropped by severe illness - due to the fact that they were afraid too.

Dear readers! I have real sclerosis - I can't remember the scientific term and its author, I hope that there are specialists among you who will facilitate my suffering and prompt. This term is similar to the concepts of the "scenario" and "counter-satellite" proposed by Eric Berne and Claude Steiner. So, a psychotherapist is not very famous to the general public (not Freud, not Jung and not Sondi), working with its customers in a state cyclical behavior, suggested the next way to resolve the situation - to configure yourself to present the worst version of the development of events, look at your fear into the eyes, and then avail the bad finals more than anything else. For example, the patient is very afraid of lonely old age. He is invited to imagine her in all details, describe the details of life and life. Further by leading questions, the specialist finds out what the pros and cons of this situation are, and the client in his mind draws a complete picture. The bottom line is that most people are afraid of unknown, and not the problem itself. It also loves to thicken the paint and immerse your life in fear. Learning how it may be, we:

- Slowly get rid of the fair share of our alarms

- We reduce importance and thanks to this, we leave from a closed circle

- Care of inner calm, which plays an essential role for success in all endeavors

I already wrote - the more you worry, climb your hands, crying and go crazy from what nothing comes out, the longer you are being taken about the wall. Only when you look at your fear into the eyes, tell me "Yes, most likely I will not have what I so want," and then you will warm up and wave a hand, only then notice the exit from the labyrinth. But this should be sincerely - without a game of public and acute suffering. Can't give birth to a child with beautiful health - in the rubbish all nasal shawls! And go to play with the children of your friends, walk with them, give gifts and happy to successes. You have already heard the stories of wonderful conception for 100,500 times soon after the parents argue, calm down and begin to build their lives, taking into account the fact that the childless remains. As soon as a woman says: Enough failed relationships with me, focusing on a career - the same man is quickly located (checked for himself - it works)). The chase of money, career and desperate desire to get out of debts and poverty will end with despair and failure while you do not calm down and do not say - and okay. Remember, like Zelanda in the "transfing of reality" - as soon as you start too much to desire something, some "pendulums" immediately split the situation in the opposite direction to preserve the balance. Therefore, to achieve the desired, you need to deceive pendulums and show that it is not so important to you. I mentioned that all popular esoterics, coaches and the authors of megapopular trainings are not completely authors of their theories - all this is borrowed from other sources.

There is still such a term - "dead dot". It was introduced by a psychotherapist Claus Fafe, based on ... The theory of Einstein's relativity, according to which, time has certain physical parameters and develops on a spiral relative to the person and relative to the world. In parallel, the Dutch physicist Heinrich Laurents tried to mathematically explaining the feeling of the speed of time depending on the saturation of life. The more life is full of events, the amount it moves. The smaller the events or a person in general "stuck in the situation" - the faster the time flies. And the longer the person is in such a state - all the harder to find an output. This is called a "dead point". The same applies to age lonely women who have lost all joy in life and day and night spend time in tears, prayers and self-digging. It is possible with a probability of 99.99% to say that it will not change anything in her life. Her desperate desire all deeper pounds her angle. She behaves with men so that these men inevitably leave. Because already programmed to such behavior. And the more she is trying to do something, the worse it becomes.

With a long stay in such a state without the help of a specialist, it is not necessary - a person does not know other options as you can behave. But some can first try to solve the problem yourself. Here are some ways:

1. Long rest. For six months - a year, during which it is completely forgotten about your position and deal only with your favorite affairs. Even if you are 35+. Speak yourself - I'll think about it at 36, and now I'm "on vacation" from my problems and thoughts. During this time, your loop will noticeably take off.

2. Try to learn how to live a moment - I tell about it in detail in my two articles.

3. The method called "Labyrinth". It can be realized by 2 options. The first is a labyrinth in the literal sense of the word. You find the quest or independently organize the space of the labyrinth. Friend ties you eyes, and your task is to find a way out. Option Second - Draw a labyrinth. It is necessary to do it on a sheet of paper with your left hand, starting from the left edge. Thus, you connect the right hemisphere of the brain, which contains an unconscious information about our difficulties and problems. Drawing a labyrinth left to right - we are moving from the past to the future. Such exercises will help to leave the psychological labyrinth if the situation is not entirely launched.

4. Determine your triggers (moments that activate your past experiences) - to deal with them as small as possible. For example, if you are accustomed to find men only on dating sites and all your relationships developed by one sad scheme - change the environment of communication. And analyze the behavior - not as it was necessary to behave, but how it is not necessary.