How to get the person you like to ask for a date. Possible venues for the proposed meeting. Direct communication, social networks and SMS

Situations are not uncommon when your friend, whom you sympathize with, does not take a single step towards rapprochement. In this case, you will have to take the initiative into your own hands. The easiest way to get to know the object of your attention better is with a cup of coffee. But you need to do this as unobtrusively as possible, because you do not know for which he refuses your attention.

Coffee in gratitude

The most popular and effective method is to invite a friend for coffee in gratitude for a service. But this method is only suitable if you communicate regularly.

Think of a problem for yourself that only your friend can solve. Ask him to help you with work (if your object is a colleague), look at the lock on or on (if you have one), rid your computer of viruses or install new software.

If your friend has little initiative, then you will have to ask, because without help you will not be able to cope. Well, in gratitude, boldly (even persistently) invite him for a cup of coffee, even in a cafe, and not to your home. What happens next depends only on you and your enterprise.

Pretend date

Writers and directors of romantic films are very fond of this method. But even in he is quite capable of helping.

Ask your friend to go to a cafe with you for a meeting or business partners to play the role of your boyfriend. If there is a share of adventurism in his character, then he will certainly agree to help you. And, playing with feelings, it is easy to transfer them into reality.

Even if you have not made any appointments, you can always ask friends or relatives with whom your "object" is not familiar for help. And you can not ask anyone, but pretend that they called you and canceled the meeting, and since you are in a cafe, it’s a sin not to drink a cup of coffee.

Directly invite for coffee

This method is the most sincere and most effective. Just walk up to your friend and invite him over for coffee. If he is well brought up, he will not be able to refuse, and you will make an indelible impression with your sincerity.

These are just three ways to invite a man you know for coffee. In fact, women's ingenuity has no limits. But, regardless of the outcome of the meeting, only a man can appoint the second. Otherwise you may be ill-mannered and obsessive.

In the days of our grandmothers, the girls waited for the guy to take the initiative and offer to meet. You can, of course, follow the traditions, but waiting is so boring! What if you invite the guy on a date yourself? Here are some tips that will come in handy depending on the situation.

You will need

  • In any situation, you need to have fresh makeup, well-groomed hands, a neat hairstyle (of course, your hair must be clean!) And a stylish outfit. First of all, you should like yourself.


Be brave.

If you see someone you haven't met before (say, in a cafe, in a museum, or even at a bus stop), you need to first decide if it's worth asking him out. Come up to him and have a short conversation with him about anything - about the dish he has chosen (in a cafe), about the artist whose paintings are hanging in front of you (in the museum), about the weather (at the bus stop). After 10-15 minutes of conversation, you will know if you want to go on a date with this. If an inner voice tells you that this is a worthy option, be frank and ask directly whether he will go with you to another cafe, or to another exhibition, or just take a walk in the park. Whatever you hear back, keep a cheerful and casual look. Girls do not attract with despair in their eyes. If your company is pleasant, he will answer with consent. But no, and there is no trial, and in general, look, there is another pretty one over there, maybe it is worth approaching him?

Be sophisticated.

If you are carried away by a guy who attends with you, for example, yoga, you have the advantage of a daily demonstration of your merits. Always wear beautiful bright clothes to class, make sure your hair and make-up are impeccable. During breaks, strike up a friendly conversation with him about your studies (or work - if you are colleagues). Smile at him, try to make him laugh, laughing together is a great start. While talking, casually touch his hand. If he gets a hint, then next time you will most likely exchange phone numbers. Well, if you can't wait, invite him for a glass of juice in the bar of your fitness club or in a cafe nearby. This way you will be able to determine whether it is really "your" object without rushing events.

Be honest.

If you like him for a long time and you would like more than just to be friends, just admit it to him. Ask him to sit down and tell him directly how you feel about him. This confession can be a little overwhelming for a guy, especially if he hasn't had a reason to notice your sympathy until now. If he feels the same way about you, you will inevitably make a date. If not (or if he looks a little shocked by this news), tell him that you shared your feelings with him because you trust him, and that you do not expect the same in return. Explain that yours is very important to you and that you want to keep it. Be sincere in saying this.

Be mysterious.

This method is good for a club or any other place where a lot of people gather. Swiftly walk past him and "accidentally" hit him with your shoulder. Then turn to him, smile broadly and apologize. Most likely, he will smile back. When he does, smile again and step away. When communicating with friends, try to be in his field of vision. As you sip your drink, periodically catch his eye and smile at him. If he correctly perceived your signals, he will invite you to dance. Dancing with him, you can take another step towards convergence, because in order to chat on a noisy dance floor, you need to speak to your partner in your ear.

Be adventurous.

At the bar, ask the waiter what that young man is drinking, and send the same drink along with a note to his table. If it happens in a cafe, send him a present in the form of something sweet, for example a cake, accompanying the present with a napkin with your name and phone number. You can also invite him to join you.

Any guy will appreciate this kind of attention, and if he hasn't responded in any way, he is probably just a bore. However, if you think he is just shy, go up to him and strike up a conversation.

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Helpful advice

And remember, whatever you do, whatever advice you follow, be yourself.


  • Danielle Chong, Boston University.
  • the girl invited the guy out on a date

Even in recent times, it was considered inappropriate and even shameful for a girl to take the initiative when communicating with the opposite sex. Now times have changed, which means that morals have also changed. Is it worth waiting for a guy you like to invite you to meeting? Or it may be better to cast aside doubts and complexes and call him somewhere herself. Of course, any girl can wait for a refusal, but it can also happen that a guy will gladly agree to meet.


Be prepared for what you can.
If she watches the object of her sympathy for a very long time and nurtures hopes and dreams inside herself, it will be very difficult for her to come to terms with the refusal of her beloved. She can become melancholy and. The best way out of the situation is to perceive everything as a kind of game. For example, you can imagine that you are an assignment for an argument, so it is easier to relax and be natural. Refusal should not be taken as a personal tragedy. Everyone has different tastes, so the refusal of this or that person is not for you, but just a sign that he has different tastes and interests. It will be very ugly if, after having refused you, you begin to mock or humiliate him. One must be able to suffer defeat with dignity.

Invite to meeting only yourself.
You should not ask a friend to call on your behalf, which you are not indifferent to, to. It looks childish and does not adorn you in the eyes of your chosen one. This situation can initially provoke a refusal, even if the young man likes you. You must have the courage and approach yourself.

Seize the opportunity.
Invite to meeting better one on one. Do not approach if he is surrounded by friends. His reaction to the invitation may be feigned, for example, he may be embarrassed or want to refuse to show off his "popularity" in front of friends. It is better to offer to meet face to face, then no one will stop you from talking frankly.

Don't make plans.
Do not torment yourself with unnecessary excitement and do not make a conversation plan. You will see that your plan is still not being implemented, since the words you have conceived will surely fly out of your head. Just outline for yourself the main idea that you want to convey to the chosen one.

Be natural.
Inviting boyfriend on meeting, do not behave in a way that is unusual for you. Naturalness is an excellent quality in a person that always attracts people. A sincere smile while talking can be charming. boyfriend even if he saw you for the first time. Remember that you are an attractive girl and be confident in yourself and your attractiveness. When a person loves himself, he subconsciously forces others to treat himself positively.

To invite a woman dating is equally difficult if you know each other one day or know each other from school. The more you like a girl, the harder it is to take the first step. But don't despair. A good mood, a positive attitude and a few simple rules will help you withstand this difficult test with honor.


1 Think about the invitation ahead of time. Slight excitement is forgivable, but confused, confused speech will not add attractiveness to your eyes. Most people like it when a man is confident. However, you shouldn't confuse self-confidence with self-confidence. A girl would rather forgive excessive shyness than assertiveness or familiarity.

Be natural. Don't try to turn into a man you think the woman you are interested in will like. People are often attracted to opposites. A strict business woman can look at quivering romantics, and a student of the philology department can look at broad-shouldered ones. It is impossible to guess women's preferences, since girls themselves often do not know who they like until they meet their man. Perhaps you.

Choose the right moment. Do not approach when she is upset or angry about something. Most likely, at such a moment she will not want to talk to anyone, even if you want to cheer her up. It is unlikely that you will be pleased with the offer of a meeting immediately after a hard day at work. Not everyone can quickly switch from a work rhythm to a more relaxed type of communication.

Ask for a date over the phone. This method is convenient if you don't come across too often. It has its merits and demerits. On the one hand, on the phone you will feel more relaxed and can better hide your excitement. On the other hand, you will not see the immediate reaction of the interlocutor to the proposal: the thoughtful silence of the telephone receiver will tell less than a glance or a movement of eyebrows. When making a date, be specific about the place and time. With excitement, you can confuse the metro station, and she misheard. To avoid misunderstandings, clarify the agreement again.

If you cannot call or meet in person, write about the invitation via SMS or via social networks. This one is also suitable for shy people. It is easier to write a short message than to apply in person. Remember that if it is easier for you to apply, then it is not so difficult to refuse. Inviting a woman on, choose a less mediated way.

Don't be discouraged when you get rejected. If the woman referred to being busy, it is quite possible that this is true. Sitting in a tower waiting for a handsome prince is not fashionable now, and there may be a hundred different things that prevent her from accepting the offer. Call her again in a few days or a week. But don't be too intrusive either. Gallant persistence should not turn into pursuit. After two sentences, the woman will rate how interested you are. If the sympathy is mutual, she will invite you herself.

Although the times we live in are very different from those in which our great-grandmothers lived, in some respects we are still old-fashioned. There are things that we women just don't do. We are not the first to meet - we believe that a man should do it. We are not invite men on dates- many of us believe that only a man has the right to do this.

If you like a guy, the game is worth the candle. At the very least, you won't be wasting the next few months sighing. In simple terms, people tend to regret what they don't do, not what they did. So it’s better to hear “no” than to sway on a rocking chair in a nursing home, regretting that you once didn’t have the courage.

Men love to be invited by women. First of all, the man feels relieved that no pressure is exerted on him, right off the bat, proposing a date.

Second, their self-esteem increases. Well, how they were invited, it's nice when someone shows their sympathy. Thirdly, men are often not self-confident. If a woman who looks fantastic invites them to meet, they feel like they've got a lucky lottery ticket.

If you decide to ask your boyfriend out on a date, be sure to follow a few simple rules:

1. Speak directly

Men usually don't take hints. When talking to them, you should call things as they are. Most of them will not understand what you mean by saying that you saw a beautiful scarf at the show, or that you are dreaming of a back massage.

You have to bring the guy to the store and point your finger at the scarf, with a comment that he should buy it or give him massage oil and point out exactly where he should do it.

So instead of hinting to a man that there is a very nice Italian restaurant nearby that serves excellent carbonara, just offer to have dinner together, take a walk in the park, or something like that.

Otherwise, he will answer that he would like to eat something hot, and even take a friend with him.

2. Don't act spontaneously

It's good to have a plan. If you just tell a man that you want to go somewhere together, he will say that it is understandable why not, and that will be the end of it.

If you tell him that the club in the center has a good concert tonight and that you wanted to go there with him, you have a chance that your dreams will soon become a reality.

3. Don't scare him

Even if you initiate the meeting, do not forget which of you is wearing pants. Most men are afraid of overbearing, overly dominant women.

Remember that it is better to ask a man out in private than to send him service letters and small gifts at the office, or hide a note with his phone number in a homemade cupcake that he left on his computer.

How to get a guy out on a date in a tricky way

Remember that men love to win and it's worth giving them a chance to do so.

First you need to set the stage for this. You need to awaken his curiosity and show him that you want it too. However, this can be done in a less obvious way.

So, how do you smartly (without saying it directly) get him to ask you out on a date? Here are some suggestions!

1. Common interests

Find out about his hobbies. You may be interested in what your potential boyfriend likes. This will give him an excuse to invite you to spend time together. Similar interests are a great way to start a relationship.

2. Tell him about your plans.

If you want to meet him but don't have the courage to offer it to him, do it in a different, clever way. During normal conversation, tell him about your plans for the weekend. Tell him which party you are going to go to. If a guy is interested in you, we guarantee that he will come there too.

3. Ask him for help

Men love to take care of us and feel like heroes at the same time. So what do you need to do to get his attention?

Just ask him for help! Tell them you have a problem with your computer. He will come quickly to help.

4. Let him know that you are ready for a relationship.

It's difficult to play, but only to a certain extent. From the very beginning, let the potential boyfriend know that in the future you would like to be in a relationship with him.

He does not need to know that you mean a very near future ... Try not to scare him, but also do not need to pretend to be indifferent. Let him know that you are not interested in a short-term relationship.

5. Suggest to your friends that he likes you

Of course, note that you want him to stay between you. We guarantee, however, that none of his friends will be able to close the tongue. Once a potential boyfriend finds out that you like it, he will definitely invite you somewhere.

6. Ask about his plans

By the way, ask about his plans for the weekend. As soon as he tells you what he is going to do, tell him that you like it too. Even if you've never done it before. There is a good chance he will invite you to join him.

7. Always be friendly

Be cheerful, friendly, and open-minded. Everyone loves to spend time with such people. Plus, it’s easier for a potential boyfriend to invite you out if he knows how pleasant you can be.

Hello dear readers. In this article, we'll talk about how to ask a man out on a date. You will learn how to do it correctly. You will know where you can call the guy. How to behave to reduce the likelihood of rejection.

The right time and place for the invitation

You need to meet a young man in an informal setting. In fact, it could even be a corridor or a sports field. It is important that no one interferes during the conversation. The time should be when the guy is not stressed and relaxed enough. Let's take a look at what to look out for when planning to ask a man out on a date.

  1. Privacy will allow you to talk calmly. It should be understood that the presence of strangers can cause embarrassment, and the man decides to refuse.
  2. If you work or study together, then it is not necessary to wait for the guy to go out somewhere in order to catch up with him and say about his intentions. It is better to just walk up to him and in a whisper offer to go out for a couple of minutes to talk.
  3. There is no need to lie in wait for a young man, I catch him before entering the classroom or office, call and be silent on the phone, ask his friends about what he is doing. This behavior will be too intrusive and unhealthy, and, for sure, scare the young man away.
  4. Make sure that your passion for a man does not develop into. You don't need to track every step, every breath of a man, both in real and virtual life.

Options for how you can ask for a date

  1. The extra ticket trick. It is especially successful if you know the preferences of a young man, his desire to attend a concert or watch a long-awaited film. You need to buy two tickets, then start a conversation with the guy about the fact that she was going to go to an event with a friend, but she can't. If the guy doesn't say anything after that, you can ask directly if he wants to keep you company. It is important to speak in such a way that the young man does not understand that this was the main purpose of your conversation. However, you need to be careful that the guy does not decide that you treat him like a friend. Then the meeting will not have the expected result.
  2. Group date. It will be appropriate if you have a common circle of acquaintances or some work colleagues. Something like a get-together is suitable here. It could be going to the movies, bowling, or just a party. Invite your guy to join your friendly company. And during the event, try to be closer to him, show interest. If he doesn't immediately understand your intentions, then everything will become clear at the party. If the meeting is successful, then you can move on to the next step, invite the young man to a solitary meeting. Only now you need to be careful, it is desirable that the guy still guess about your intentions, so that it does not happen that he will either come to the party with the girl, or start flirting with some young lady in front of your eyes.
  3. Find out about his hobbies and invite the young man to join. He may be interested in football or basketball. It is desirable that you, too, be glad of this hobby, or, at least, something in this sense. The guy will happily spend time doing what gives him pleasure.
  4. You can also invite by a note. You can put it in a textbook, a locker, or even a bag. It is enough to write that you want to go somewhere together and leave your phone number. This method will be great if the guy is not very familiar with you. If you want to bring more romance into your relationship, then you can write a beautiful invitation letter.
  5. If you have a strong desire to meet a guy, but you are too shy person, and cannot overcome your fear, then you can use the phone. Call and ask if he wanted to spend the weekend somewhere. To make it easier to make such a call, you can enlist the support of your friends. The main thing is that they are serious enough and do not start giggling at the most inopportune moment.

Possible venues for the proposed meeting

When thinking about where to ask a guy on a date, you need to take into account his interests and preferences. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to understand that a young man is unlikely to be interested in going to the opera or ballet, but some guys do not mind going to the theater. Therefore, it is so important to have at least some information about the hobbies of the chosen one.

  1. To football or other sports competition, if the guy is interested in this. Moreover, if he is a football fan, then it is not necessary to go to the stadium, it can be a cafe where matches are watched on TV.
  2. Skating rink or rollerblading. You can choose if you like this pastime and already have some skills.
  3. In the cafe, have a cup of coffee and chat in a cozy atmosphere. Romantic pastime. But an extreme and active person may not be interested.
  4. An amusement park, an exotic exhibition will attract the attention of a guy who lacks adrenaline in his life. If you know that he has long dreamed of jumping with a parachute, and this desire is not alien to you, invite him to a joint jump.
  5. In summer you can invite for a picnic. In order not to embarrass the guy with such solitude, it is better that the first meeting takes place with friends.

There are many more options. The main thing is to choose, taking into account the preferences of the chosen one, but not to forget about your needs.

How to improve your chances of success

So that you have more chances for the consent of the young man to spend time together, you must act as follows.

  1. Take care of your flawless appearance. To do this, you need to be well-groomed, with a good haircut, discreet makeup, well-groomed nails, beautiful clothes. If you look impressive, it will give you strength and confidence.
  2. Tune in to the upcoming conversation. It is important, when talking to a guy, to look him straight in the eyes and smile sweetly. Eye contact will win over the other person. Speak clearly, no need to mumble. It is better to start the conversation with something else, with some neutral topic, and only then move on to the real purpose of the conversation.
  3. If earlier, you in no way made it clear to the guy about your feelings, then it is better, before calling him out on a date, start flirting with him, glancing in his direction and smiling. But don't be overly intrusive.
  4. You need to understand that there is no universal phrase that will allow you to invite a man on a date. You do not need to memorize the upcoming speech, you can simply forget something or confuse from excitement, and then completely fall into a stupor. Sincerity and naturalness are much more appreciated. In fact, you can invite a guy by simply asking if he wants to go to a cafe today.
  1. Don't be shy, you can take the first step. The main thing is to remain confident in your desire. Even if the guy did not pay attention to you until this time, after such an offer he may become interested and agree to a meeting.
  2. You can offer an interesting pastime. To do this, you need to find out in advance what exactly interests the young man. If you call him where he is happy to go, then he will definitely agree, at least in order to have a cool time. It's great if you have common interests, and the guy can turn his attention to this.
  3. If you are a rather shy person or doubt the correctness of your deed, you can change the meeting in private to chat with friends. You can offer to go to an event where there will be a lot of young people. It is important not to miss the moment, and more time to be with the chosen one, so that he noticed your interest.
  4. You can hint to the young man that you would not mind spending time with him. Or say that it is very interesting communication with him.
  5. It is important to be sincere, to show signs of attention to a young man. To do this, it is enough to smile, look him straight in the eyes for a long time, make light touches, flirt, check the genuine interest in his life. The young man will quickly understand that you are interested in him. Then, either it will be easier for you to take the first step, or the young man will decide on it himself.

Now you know where and how to ask a guy out on a date. Remember to remain yourself, to behave naturally. Do not forget that it is important to consider the preferences of the man when choosing the place where to invite him.

You are probably wondering how to ask a man out on a date, especially if your sympathy for him haunts you, but the object of interest itself will not take the first step. You will not find a universal answer here - for the simple reason that it does not exist, but a portion of useful recommendations will definitely be appropriate in your situation.

What to think about

So, you decided not to wait for the initiative from the man and plan to invite him yourself somewhere. Let's first think about the chances of getting consent? The fact is that a woman in love can interpret any actions of a man as a manifestation of sympathy, although in reality he simply behaves tactfully and gallantly - as befits a man with any woman. Look at the situation from the outside and decide if you are sure of his sympathy.

Another important point is for you to know for sure if a man is free for a relationship. Of course, quite often your colleagues and acquaintances have affairs with those who already have a couple (and sometimes legal marriage), but why do you need to play such a role? So check the ground ahead of time so you don't get embarrassed by asking a married man out on a date. In the age of the Internet, it is as easy as shelling pears to do it - just look at your profile on social networks.

By the way, before asking a man out on a date, it’s better to really collect some information about him in order to understand his interests and proceed from this. Someone loves football, someone is a fan of Italian cuisine, but for someone the best vacation is an active vacation. And if you offer a man a date in a pleasant and familiar environment for him, then this will certainly increase the likelihood that he will happily agree.

Not all women are so confident in themselves that, having decided to invite a man they like on a date, they will immediately come up and do it. Conversation, however, is still one of the best ways to make such a proposal. To gain the cherished confidence, it is better to plan such a conversation in advance and prepare for it. You can even rehearse your speech in front of the mirror!

Preparation can consist not only in the fact that you will figure out where to invite the object of your sympathies and how to clothe this thought in the words of an invitation, but also in preparing yourself for the conversation. You've probably thought about what day this conversation will take place? To be confident and irresistible, you need to look good, because we all know perfectly well that nothing gives confidence like a great outfit and perfect makeup. You can even rummage in the closet and find your "happy" thing - let it support you and give you strength!

If you still don't have the confidence to walk up and talk, don't despair - there are tons of ways to ask a man out on a date without having to talk in person. For example, if his number is firmly established in the contacts of your phone, then it is quite possible to call or write an SMS. And for those who cannot imagine even a day without the Internet, the option to write a message to the chosen one in any convenient way is suitable. Messengers, social networks, and at least email - anything will suit your purpose!

Afraid of sounding intrusive and don't want to directly voice that this is really a date? Arrange everything as an accident, for example, buy two tickets to the theater for a play that the chosen one will definitely like, call him and offer to go together, otherwise “my friend couldn’t go, it’s a pity that the ticket will be lost”. This move works very often, so it's worth a try!

And finally, a traditional portion of humor especially for you!

Oh, girls, what a smart man went to. One whispers to me today on the bus: - Girl, your hooks have unbuttoned ... I blushed out of stupidity, let's check the panties, check the bra ... Only from Google I found out that it was a clasp on an earring.

Before you ask a man out on a date, you need to decide if you just want to have a good time or are looking forward to a continued romantic relationship. Depending on how well the girl knows the young man, as well as on whether the guy is in a relationship, and will depend on how best to invite him out on a date.

Preparatory work

If you still don't know the man you like, it is better to find out as much as possible about his hobbies, hobbies and interests. Armed with the necessary knowledge, it will be easier for you to approach your boyfriend and create a rough scenario of the perfect evening.

A wait-and-see tactic is ideal if the young man already has a girlfriend. True, it is worth reminding yourself that it is not easy to build happiness on someone else's misfortune, so think carefully before trying to repulse a young man.

The "waiting" strategy presupposes the development, first of all, of friendly and trusting relations. This position is also convenient because in the role of a good friend and comrade you will have a unique opportunity to scout out more information about the guy, gain his trust and win over. However, do not go too far and turn into a tomboy who desperately supports any male interests, be it mountaineering or kayaking.

Once you become a real friend for a guy, it will no longer be difficult to invite him out on a date. Any offer to meet can be regarded as an invitation to an innocent friendly walk or a joint trip to the cinema.

Where to ask a man on a date

If you are already in close friendships, then you can decide what to do and where to go when you meet.

If you dared to take the first step and decided to invite a man you liked, but unfamiliar with, on a date, you should think in advance where you could go. In this matter, the information about his interests, which was mentioned a little above, will be very useful to you. Once you know his favorite music artists, you could buy two tickets to a concert or festival.

The cinema is a proven and optimal place for a first date. A romantic and even slightly intimate setting in a dark cinema will set you both in the right mood. Here you need to be careful about choosing a movie. It would be better to focus on a popular blockbuster or, for example, an exciting thriller.

A picnic is another great date option. For its implementation, it is necessary to take care of all the details in advance - the bedspread, food, napkins, cutlery. Be sure to check the weather forecast in advance as well. A date like this will allow you to chat in a light and relaxed atmosphere.

In order not to embarrass a man, you should not invite him to an expensive restaurant or cafe. According to the rules of etiquette, coming to such establishments with a girl, a well-mannered young man will have to pay for himself and for her.

Options for how to ask a guy out on a date

Friendly meeting

How to invite a young man out on a date, being his girlfriend, has already been discussed above. Young people are often not averse to developing a romantic relationship with a friend, especially if they like her as a girl. On such a friendly walk, you have every chance to awaken in a man an interest in his person, to conquer him with your charm.

Date of interest

Speaking frankly

The third option may seem too daring for some. To ask a man out on a date, you can simply openly invite him to meet and spend time together. Women's confidence has attracted men at all times, so do not be ashamed of your feelings and emotions. At the same time, hold on with dignity, do not be nervous and do not worry. At this point, you need to be ready for any answer. In addition, do not forget that this man is not the only one not on Earth, therefore, even if he does not share your sympathy, do not despair. You will definitely meet someone who will not only accept your invitation with delight, but, quite possibly, will take the initiative himself and take the first steps.