What are the benefits for a single mom? Additional types of assistance. Is housing

The authorities in the capital take multifaceted care of single mothers and their children. The amount of these additional Moscow benefits depends directly on the level of income. If the income per family member is less than the currently existing subsistence level, a woman can receive the following benefits:

  1. Increased monthly allowance. 3200 - from one and a half to 3 years and 1600 - to one and a half, as well as from 3 to 18 years. (According to the regulation adopted in 2012).
  2. Monthly compensation of 750 rubles, the payments of which are due to the rise in the cost of living. This amount is received by all single mothers for children under 16 years old, as well as those whose children study in educational institutions under 18 years old.
  3. Monthly compensation of 675 rubles to increase the cost of children's food. These payments are made until the baby reaches 3 years old.

The payments listed above will not be made just like that. To get that kind of money, you need to come to the social security authorities, submit an application. Before visiting this institution, you need to analyze your income. If they, together with maternity payments, exceed the subsistence minimum for a family member, then it is better to postpone the visit to social security.

If sick leave payments are supposed or 3 months have not passed since the receipt of this large amount, then you have to wait with the application. After all, any money received is income that will be taken into account when calculating per capita income.

An important point: a single mother who has entered into an official marriage is still a single mother. The main condition is that the new husband should not officially adopt the baby. Then she will keep all due benefits, benefits. The main condition for payments will be the same income per family member. In this case, the income of the spouse will not be taken into account.

If the income exceeds the subsistence level, the amount of benefits for a single mother will be lower: compensation for the increase in the cost of living is only 300 rubles, and compensation for baby food is still the same 675 rubles.

If it so happens that a disabled woman has become a single mother, or she was assigned this status after the birth of a baby, additional benefits will be paid. For disabled people of I, II groups, this is the amount of 6 thousand rubles. This money is paid until the child is 18 years old. If a single mom is healthy, and her child then money will be paid for him until he is 23 years old.

For mothers with children with a dash in the column "father", with full name father, written down only from the words of the mother, other benefits are provided. Regardless of their income, all such women should receive 300 rubles annually. This is additional material assistance. Also, each constituent entity of the Russian Federation is obliged to pay the amount specified in local legislation to help single mothers whose children are under 18 months old.

Labor benefits for single mothers

Single mothers are entitled to financial aid

In addition to the benefits listed above, single mothers are entitled to certain benefits. They are summarized as follows. The ban on the dismissal of single mothers. This rule applies to all companies and organizations. This also applies directly to private companies. These norms are valid until the child reaches the age of 14.

An exception is the situation when the company is officially liquidated. Then the woman, like other employees, is fired. But she does not face the lack of work, because the old employer is obliged to find her a new job, which will have the same position, the same level of income.

When such a woman works, at the end of her term of employment, the employer must provide her with a new job. Within 3 months, in the absence of a new job, a single mother, dismissed due to the expiration of the contract, will receive an average salary at her old place of work.

When paying sick leave, single mothers also have benefits. Firstly, b / l is issued for a longer period of time. Secondly, it should be paid only in 100%. Single mothers are entitled to 14 days of additional vacation, however, it is taken exclusively at their own expense, but at any time convenient for the woman. Of course, management should be warned in advance so that management can plan production activities based on the woman's 14-day needs.

All employers must respect the rights of single mothers.

It is strictly forbidden to deny her admission to the state, to dismiss her, or to use her punishment measures solely because she has such a status. If you have to face a situation when they are not hired, you must use your right to receive a refusal in writing, indicating the reasons for refusal. Such a document will become the basis for applying to the courts.

Features of some labor benefits

To obtain the status of a single mother, you must collect the necessary documents

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for a number of benefits for single mothers. For example, if such a mother with her baby is in a hospital for treatment, she will receive an increased benefit. The first 10 days - in accordance with her seniority, from the 11th day, the allowance will be half the salary she usually received.

If the child is not yet attending school, then this amount will be paid for the entire duration of the stay in the hospital. But for mothers whose children are over 7 years old, payments will be made only for 15 days. This rule is valid until the child reaches the age of 15.

A single mom is required to keep a job. Even if the management carries out a layoff, or the woman does not correspond to the occupation, it is prohibited to fire her. She will not have to worry if the owner changes, if the accounting department made a mistake, this led to property damage that the company suffered.

An additional 14-day vacation can be taken in whole at once, or in parts. You can take it separately, or you can supplement the main one with these days. The main thing is to use the due days in the current calendar year. After all, you will not be able to transfer days to the next year and save them. This is not provided for by the law.

When a single mother is raising a disabled child, she can enjoy 4 paid days each year, which can be taken at any convenient time.

Social benefits

  • The ability to get housing on a priority basis.
  • The right to a preferential placement in the state.
  • Free meals in the school cafeteria (in selected regions), if possible, free textbooks for schoolchildren.
  • 50% discount on certain drugs required by local laws.
  • The opportunity to get a ticket to a country camp for free or by paying only a small part of its cost.
  • Issued by local authorities.
  • Cheap clothes can be purchased at special children's clothing fairs organized by local authorities.

Tax and housing benefits

For single mothers who are not officially married, there is a double tax deduction. The Housing Code stipulates the priority right of such women to. However, it is rather difficult to prove the need for housing. So we can talk about the limited benefits for single mothers in this area.

Having become a single mom, you should not despair and be afraid of the future. In a difficult situation, the state will certainly help, and will not leave you alone with your problems.

You can learn from the video what single mothers are supposed to do:

The status of a single mother is established by various regulations.

The definition of single mother status is given in. According to this document, a single mother is a woman who alone takes care of and upbringing her children. This applies to both native and adopted children.

The regulation specifies the following circumstances affecting the presence of this status of a woman:

  • a statement from parents indicating paternity was not sent to the registry office;
  • the child was born out of wedlock (or after 300 or more days after the dissolution of the marriage union or the death of the spouse);
  • the adoptive parent of the child is a woman who is not in a marriage relationship;
  • if paternity has not been established;
  • the man indicated in the child's birth document is not his father according to the results of the genetic examination.

By Labor Code this status is assigned to a woman who brings up a child on her own, regardless of whether he has a father.

From a social point of view, a mother is considered lonely if the document on the birth of a child there is no reference to the father(or information about him was entered at the direction of the mother).

Types and amounts of benefits for a single mother

  • ... The size of the transfers depends on the availability of employment. If a woman has a permanent job, then she is entitled to an amount from 34,000 rubles... Unemployed women are charged 7500 rbl.
  • when a child is born. Its size is fixed at RUB 16,350.33... The appointment does not take into account the fact of employment.
  • Monthly child allowance single mother before reaching. Payments can be calculated based on a woman's average earnings over a two-year period. When a woman has less experience or low income, then the minimum wage is taken as the basis for the calculation.
  • Monthly transfers before execution to kid... The amount of the allowance is fixed and amounts to 50 rbl.

Regional benefits

At the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, single mothers may receive additional payments. What kind of allowance a single mother receives, its amount and the procedure for calculating it are established by local authorities.

Single mother allowance in 2017 at a level of earnings below the subsistence level, it totals:

  • 4500 rbl... - at the age of the child from one and a half to three years;
  • 2500 rbl... - for children of other ages.

Additionally, this category is entitled to compensation for expenses due to inflation ( 750 rbl.), as well as to compensate for the rise in food prices ( 675 rbl.). If the mother's earnings exceed the established minimum, then the amount of transfers in the first case will be RUB 300.

How many are payments in, establishes local legislation:

  • 2859 rbl... - for a child under 1.5 years old;
  • 1061 rbl... - for preschool children;
  • 986 rbl... - for schoolchildren.

Single Mothers Benefits

Single mothers are entitled to the following labor benefits:

  1. preservation of the workplace in the event of a reduction in staff (if a woman is raising a child under 14 years old);
  2. employment after the liquidation of the organization;
  3. 14 days of vacation without payment at any convenient time;
  4. if the child is under 5 years old, then work beyond the established period and at night is only possible with written consent;
  5. full payment according to the sick leave when caring for a preschool child.
  1. providing a set of underwear for a newborn;
  2. providing food until the child turns 2 years old;
  3. free medicines and medical devices upon the conclusion of a doctor;
  4. 50% discount on selected medicines;
  5. treatment in a sanatorium with a specialist's opinion;
  6. enrollment in kindergartens out of turn;
  7. 50% discount on the payment for the child's stay in kindergarten;
  8. free meals at school;
  9. one-time payment for the purchase of office supplies and school uniforms;
  10. 30% discount in continuing education institutions.

The procedure for registration of benefits and allowances for single mothers

How to get the necessary payments depends on their type and whether a woman has a job. Apply for child benefits and benefits it is possible at the place of employment or in the departments of social protection. To receive payments and preferential conditions, you must provide a package of documents:

  • ID confirmation;
  • statement. You can view and download it here:;
  • a document establishing the fact of the birth of a child;
  • employment history;
  • confirmation of the absence of the second parent;
  • a certificate confirming the composition of the family;
  • income document for 3 months;

The absence of a second parent is established by the following documents:

  1. certificate in the form F-25 from the registry office;
  2. parent's death document;
  3. a court decision recognizing the parent as deceased or missing.

It is allowed to go through the registration procedure through multifunctional centers. The documents are sent by the applicant personally, by mail or through a representative.

After accepting the package of documents, the information provided is checked. The final decision is made in up to 10 days... The applicant is notified of a positive decision or reasons for refusal.

Funds are provided from the moment when the right to financial assistance appeared. The length of time you receive payments depends on the age of the child. The right to receive material support must be confirmed annually.


  1. Single mother status established by various legal acts.
  2. This category is entitled to the same childcare benefits as full families.
  3. Additional transfers are due to women with low income.
  4. Definite scroll guarantees single mothers labor legislation.
  5. Social benefits cover health care and educational services.
  6. Single mother allowance depends on her income and the age of the child.
  7. Regional authorities provide additional transfers for children or increase the amount of payments.
  8. The increase in payments for this privileged category is carried out annually in accordance with inflation indicators.

Most Popular Single Mother Benefits Questions and Answers

Question: Hello. I am raising one child and have single mother status... Soon I am planning marry... Tell me, if a woman with this status enters into a marriage, how will this affect the receipt of material support?

Answer: Hello. Marriage registration is not an obstacle to receive payments for the child.

Exception make up cases when the spouse becomes the official father of the child as a result adoption procedures... Then the woman's right to receive benefits as a single mother is lost. If this circumstance is not established, then the transfers are made in the same order.

The sharp rise in the cost of living and the economic crisis are forcing Russians to peer anxiously into the future. The difficult situation is especially painful for unprotected people - women who single-handedly support minors. Many people want to be guided by what kind of social assistance for single mothers is provided in 2018, whether the amount of subsidies due has been increased or decreased. Knowledge about the benefits, their size, will enable Russian women to apply for additional payments, providing social security employees with a correctly assembled package of documents.

Who is a single mother

Many Russian women, who are raising children on their own, without the help of a father, are offended and perplexed when the services involved in calculating benefits refuse to grant the position of a single mother and do not assign the payments due, arguing that a woman does not belong to this category. Single-parent families have become the norm in the country - there are about one third of them for all other family formations. Women bring up, dress, teach their sons and daughters themselves, often without receiving any alimony from their biological fathers.

The level of income in single-parent families is low, since the woman provides for herself and the baby. If a single mom is unemployed, then often the family cannot provide two meals a day. This situation contributes to the search for additional state support, and many women are trying to find out what payments are due to single mothers in 2018. According to the law, not all Russian women are issued certificates of single mothers due payments, there are exceptions.

Determination of status

Legislative standards provide a definition of the circumstances recognized as essential for obtaining the desired status for single women with an offspring who live without the help and participation of a second parent. You can receive payments to single mothers in 2018 under the following circumstances:

  • the documented contested paternity and the available court decision on this matter;
  • a divorce from the offspring's father lasting more than 300 days;
  • absence of a second parent and confirmation of paternity by the registry office;
  • adoption of a baby;
  • the absence of judicial decisions on which citizen is considered the father of the baby.

Summing up the above conditions, it can be noted that a single mother will be considered a woman who gave birth to a baby outside of the officially registered family ties of marriage, and the baby has a dash in the documentary information about the birth in the subparagraph intended to indicate the father. These circumstances are the reason for the issuance by employees of the bodies registering civil unions, a special certificate confirming the sought position.

In what cases the status is not allowed

There are legal regulations stating the rule that if a child has a father, the mother is not entitled to any additional social benefits. There are several situations when, despite the sole upbringing of the child, a citizen cannot claim the status of a single mother:

  1. The spouses divorced, the father is a malicious defaulter of alimony, the woman provides the children exclusively on her own.
  2. Citizens registered a marriage union, the child born is officially registered to the lady's husband, even if the latter is not a biological dad.
  3. Less than 300 days have passed since the official termination of the marriage and the death of the husband. The offspring is recorded on the woman's spouse, she can claim alimony or, in the event of the death of a man, for the assistance of the widow after the loss of the breadwinner.
  4. The baby's parents did not register the marriage bond, but the relationship was established at the birth of the baby, the man does not refuse to recognize the child as his own.
  5. The man was deprived of his parental rights.
  6. The fact of paternity was established by the courts on the initiative of the second party.

Legal and regulatory framework

Persons assigned to the category of single mothers have enjoyed privileges since 1926, when this concept was first introduced into legal use by the Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR dated November 19, 1926, approving the primary model of legislation on family and marriage. This category of citizens received additional benefits and privileges in 1944, with the enactment of the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union of 07/08/1944. The document introduced the awarding of the title of "Mother-Heroine" and the Order of Maternal Glory to single mothers with many children.

Additional explanations were indicated by the Decree of the USSR Council of Ministers of August 12, 1970. No. 659, which approved the receipt of benefits and benefits for pregnant, lactating, single women with children. Currently, the legal provisions have not undergone significant changes: By the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of Russia dated 01.28.2014 No. 1, which approves the standards for the use of labor for women, family citizens and minors, indicates labor benefits for single citizens raising offspring, but the direct definition of the concept does not change.

Benefits for single mothers in 2018 are regulated by Federal Law No. 81 of May 19, 1995, which establishes the purpose of benefits for Russians with children. Regional support for this category of persons is entrusted to the constituent entities of the federation by the Ministry of Social Development of Russia, which issued on 23.12.2009 Order No. 1012Н on the procedure and conditions for issuing grants to persons with children.

What does the single mother's child allowance depend on?

Federal regulations do not provide for the allocation of single women with babies who have the appropriate status in the privileged category of persons enjoying increased cash benefits. The amount of assistance allocated for the development and upbringing of children in families with one parent is the same as for families with both parents.

Regional authorities may provide special payments to single mothers in 2018 if the single-parent family is deemed poor. The amount of all subsidies is set individually and depends on the following facts:

  • whether the citizen worked during pregnancy;
  • does he have an official job at this time;
  • how many children are under care;
  • the amount of money for each household.

What payments are due to a single mother in 2018

The list of subsidies that a familyless woman burdened with one or more children can apply for is long. These include payments assigned at the federal level:

  • Standard or Increased Maternity Assistance (BIR), the amount of which depends on the severity of the birth process.
  • A one-time subsidy given after the birth of a baby.
  • A small allowance given out during early gestation and registration with a medical consultation facility.
  • Postpartum benefits.
  • Regular payments up to one and a half year old baby, issued monthly.
  • Subsidies issued every month, from one and a half to three years of age.
  • Regional assistance to a poor Russian woman with a son under 16 years old.
  • Payments for the second and other children under the age of three, calculated according to the subsistence minimum (SM) in the region.
  • Maternity capital issued by federal and regional authorities.

This list of payments depends on the circumstances considered by the social security authorities individually when assigning benefits - for example, a lady with an official place of work receives more subsidies than an unemployed woman. For many types of surcharges, there is a limitation period - if the citizen has not submitted for their receipt within the specified time frame, then there is a possibility that the money will not be given out for the missed period.

For the first child

Fertility stimulation programs provide numerous government subsidies for women who decide to have offspring, regardless of whether the newborn has a father or not. In the table below, you can familiarize yourself with the types of subsidies and their amount, provided that the Russian woman left her official workplace on maternity leave, was a full-time student or served in the army.

Donation name

Value, rub.

BiR subsidy

Greater than or equal to 34,520.55 (100% of a pregnant woman's income for the period from 30 weeks of gestation to 70 days after birth)

One-time payment for early arrival and registration in the antenatal clinic

One-time infant born subsidy

Regular payment every 30 days for a child up to 18 months

Greater than or equal to 3,066 (40% of the average income of the mother who gave birth)

Compensation for offspring aged 18-36 months

Subsidy for offspring up to 16-18 years old

Established by the subjects of the federation

Additional benefits for the first child, according to the presidential statement of November 28, 2017.

10,000 (depends on the minimum wage in 2018 for the region)

For a second or more children

A single mother who has given birth to more than one baby can qualify for the same cash assistance as after the birth of her first offspring. The above subsidies are complemented by other types of compensation, which can be seen in the following table:

To find out what subsidies are due to single mothers in 2018, please contact the social protection authorities near your place of residence. When applying for additional payments, you will have to provide a package of papers confirming the benefits, wait for the consideration of the application for benefits. Many single Russian women complain that it takes a long time to collect documents, but the rules according to which finances will be paid are the same for all citizens of the country.

Features of calculating payments to non-working single mothers

The practice of labor relations shows that the heads of firms are very reluctant to take pregnant applicants for vacant positions, therefore, a huge number of Russian women are not employed while carrying a baby. Unemployed women are entitled to fewer subsidies, the amount of assistance is fixed, money is given out through the social security authorities, and not when using the branches of the FSS, as in the case of employed Russian women. Familyless women with children in their arms can claim the following benefits:

  • a one-time subsidy given after childbirth;
  • monthly payments for an infant before he turns 18 months;
  • a local subsidy given to poor complete or incomplete families for the maintenance of descendants;
  • maternity capital, the state certificate for which is provided after reaching 36 months of the second child;
  • womb capital for a third child, established by regional authorities;
  • local subsidies for third offspring up to three years of age.

Despite the large list of possible payments, a single mother can actually collect benefits after the birth of a baby, a monthly subsidy up to 18 months of age and maternity capital for a second baby, provided there is no permanent job. The rest of the benefits may not be paid by the subjects of the federation due to the budget deficit for the social sphere or other reasons.


In addition to cash subsidies, a single mother has other privileges determined by law. These include the following types of support for single parent families:

  • Social help. It is expressed in the provision of natural goods and expensive services necessary for the full and normal development of the baby, his subsequent socialization.
  • Labor benefits. The Labor Code of Russia protects single women with minors or incapacitated dependents from the unpleasant possibility of losing their jobs at the initiative of the company's directorate. Cases of impossibility of dismissal of single mothers on a general basis are discussed separately.
  • Tax preferences. For each dependent, a single woman is granted a double deduction of 600 rubles from a monthly salary not exceeding 20,000 rubles from the beginning of the year.
  • Housing privileges. According to Art. 36 ZhK of Russia should provide housing to the municipality with priority to single mothers, if they provided information that they need to improve living conditions, belong to poor single-parent families, live in difficult conditions.

Social help

Any form of support is important for adoptive parents or parents of young children. The following types of social assistance provided to single mothers are of great help:

  • Compensation for purchases of baby food up to 36 months of the baby's life.
  • Payments to neutralize the growth of inflation to compensate for the cost of life support.
  • Targeted material assistance to indigent single mothers - clothes, shoes, sets for newborns, medicines, dairy products.
  • Subsidies when paying for housing and communal services.
  • Preferential admission to kindergarten, school, college, university for students brought up by one parent, payment of scholarships.
  • Extraordinary physiotherapy, including massage, in children's medical institutions.
  • Providing reduced price meals in preschool educational institutions (preschool educational institutions) and schools.
  • Priority admission of the baby to the preschool educational institution.
  • Benefits when paying for the services of kindergartens, music, sports clubs.
  • Affordable trips of the child to the sanatorium-resort dispensary, other institutions for the restoration of health, prevention of diseases.

Labor benefits

The norms of the Labor Code protect a single mother from illegal actions of the management of companies. Familyless ladies with kids enjoy the following preferences:

  • With the ongoing reductions in the number of workers, a woman raising children on her own cannot be fired until the youngest of the offspring is 14 years old.
  • The argument of the management of the enterprise about the inappropriateness of the worker for the position held, if she belongs to single mothers, is recognized as illegal. Forced deprivation of work can occur if there is documentary evidence of a regular malicious violation of the routine of the enterprise, the commission of administrative violations.
  • When the organization ceases to exist, management must find a new job for a woman raising a child alone.
  • A single mother can take two weeks of unpaid leave at any time of the year.
  • Until the youngest offspring is 5 years old, the management is not allowed to force the employee to work overtime.
  • When calculating a sick leave issued to an employee for a sick child, the accounting department makes additional additional charges, depending on the period of employment of the lady. Until the baby turns 7 years old, all days are paid according to the sick leave, then - 15 days with inpatient, but not outpatient treatment.

How much does a single mother receive to support a child in Moscow in 2018

Social subsidies for single mothers, subject to budget deficits, are frozen in many regions. The Moscow government has decided to increase benefits to vulnerable categories of Muscovites from 2018, which includes single mothers. They are entitled to the following types of assistance:

  1. The amount of child allowance for low-income families. Issued to citizens whose income is less than the PM in the capital. For babies up to 36 months in 2018, the amount of the subsidy varied in the range of 2,500-5,000 rubles, in 2018 it will increase to 15,000 rubles. For dependents 3-18 years old, the amount of subsidy in 2018 was 2,400-3,000 rubles, in 2018 - 6,000 rubles.
  2. Monthly compensation for the increase in the cost of living. A fixed subsidy is provided to large families with 3-10 children. For 2018, the allowance was 600-750 rubles, from 2018 it will increase to 1200-1500 rubles.
  3. Monthly compensation payment to compensate for the increase in the cost of food. When earning above the PM in Moscow, single-family Russian women burdened with descendants are paid 300 rubles, with an income not exceeding the PM - 600 rubles.
  4. Allowance for caring for a disabled child of I or II group up to 18 years of age. A capable parent caring for a disabled child under 23 years old was owed 6,000 rubles in 2018. The increase in 2018 provides for an increase in benefits to 12,000 rubles. The same amount will be paid for caring for dependents if the mother is disabled in group I or II.
  5. The amount of the allowance for the adoption of a child was 16 350 rubles for 2018 (124 930 rubles if a disabled child or several children who were relatives of each other were adopted). For 2018, an increase in assistance is provided to 16,874 rubles (128,928 rubles for the adoption of a disabled baby or several brothers or sisters).

Payments to single mothers up to the subsistence level

If familyless women raising descendants have less income per household than the established subsistence minimum, then the city authorities make payments to single mothers in 2018, the amount of which varies depending on the age of the dependents:

  • Subsidies for maintaining the living standards of children 0-18 years old - 750 rubles.
  • Allowance for children 0-1.5 years old, 3-18 years old - 2,500 rubles.
  • Subsidy for babies 1.5-3 years old - 4,500 rubles.

How to apply for a benefit

To receive the due cash co-payments, you must proceed in the following sequence:

  1. Apply for single mom status. To do this, correctly fill out the baby's birth certificate by putting a dash in the "father" paragraph, certificate f-25, get the documents.
  2. Apply with a written application for the title of single mother along with a request for additional payments due, attach the required documentation package.
  3. Wait for the deadline of 10 days allotted for consideration of the application.
  4. Get the money you owe.
  5. After 1-2 years, you will have to update the data to confirm that you still belong to the beneficiaries, the marital status has not changed.

Where to contact

Depending on what documents are being drawn up, a visit to such instances is required:

  • Registry Office - for obtaining a certificate of a familyless single mother.
  • MFC, branches of social security departments - when applying for benefits if a single mother was unemployed. It is required to draw up documentation at the place of registration of a citizen, and not by actual residence. If it is not possible to get there in person, then you need to send a package of papers by mail, having stipulated a notice of receipt and paid for the registered mail.
  • To the company, to the accounting department or the personnel department, if there is an official job.

What documents are required

In order to receive the financial payments due, a single mother must collect the necessary package of papers. Among them must be the following documents:

  • single mother certificate;
  • passport;
  • original or certified copy of the offspring's birth certificate with a stamp of Russian citizenship;
  • help f-25;
  • information on the number of households living in the same territory as the applicant;
  • certificate 2 of personal income tax on wages in the presence of employment;
  • certificate of the Federal Law Service about the absence of employment.


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Raising a child in a family is not always involved in both parents. Sometimes all responsibilities fall solely on the mother. This happens for various reasons. About who, what benefits and allowances are due to single mothers, in our article.

Who is a single mother

If a woman gives birth out of wedlock, when issuing a birth certificate, lawyers advise not to indicate the last name, first name and patronymic of the father, but simply leave the field blank. If the dad is included in the document, then in some cases, for example, when leaving Russia, a woman will have to take his permission to take the child out. The same situation will arise when a son or daughter is registered at the mother's residence address - the father must give his official consent. However, there is a downside to the medal: if the column "paternity" is left blank in the certificate, then in the future the child cannot become an heir and claim the property due to him.

The definition of the very concept of "single mother" by law and in the everyday life of the layman are two different things. Many divorced women who have children describe themselves as single mothers. However, this is not at all the case, because a strict letter of the law is one thing, and a simple turn of speech is quite another. Therefore, let's once again dwell in more detail on the cases in which a woman who has given birth and is raising a child on her own can legitimize her status.

It is given to a woman:

  • Who gave birth out of wedlock (without marriage at all) or later than 300 calendar days from the date of its official dissolution.
  • Has not established legally (that is, voluntarily or in court) the paternity of the child.
  • Unmarried, but officially formalized for adoption or adoption.
  • Who gave birth in marriage (or for a period of up to 300 calendar days from the date of divorce), but received a court decision that the man (former or even current spouse), recorded by the child's father, successfully challenged his paternity.

Of course, the legal interpretation of this status has its drawbacks. So, if a woman's husband died, she will not receive the rights of a single mother and the help following them. Officially, she will be considered a widow and will not be able to enjoy a number of benefits, although she was left without a breadwinner (or at least without a person who contributes a significant part of the money to the family budget) and is forced to raise her daughter or son on her own.

To receive these benefits, a single mother must apply to the social security authorities. It is most convenient to do this just 3 months before the expected receipt of sick leave payments (or 3 months after). The explanation is simple: all benefits are considered income. And if, together with them and with the salary, the mother "picks up" the living wage, she simply will not be paid compensation. Another feature is that a woman can receive benefits even if she gets married. But at the same time, it is necessary that her new spouse does not adopt (does not adopt) a child, because only in this case his income will not be taken into account when calculating the subsistence level for each family member.

Additional benefits can be granted to single mothers even when the average per capita income exceeds the established subsistence level. It's just that in this case, the size of payments will be smaller. The costs of raising the standard of living are reimbursed on a monthly basis. However, compensation for rising food prices remains unchanged.

Separately, we note that a single mother recognized as a disabled person of group I or II and who does not work anywhere is assigned an additional monthly allowance. It is paid until the child living with the woman reaches the age of 18. If the mother is able to work, but her son or daughter is disabled, the same allowance is issued until he or she turns 23.

What are the main benefits laid down

First of all, these are the benefits that all mothers receive:

  • One-time, issued when a pregnant woman is registered with a medical institution (for a period of up to 94 days, that is, up to 12 weeks).
  • Maternity.
  • One-time, issued upon the birth of a child.
  • Monthly maternity.
  • Monthly, issued for the period of parental leave (if at the time of its payment the son or daughter is already 18 months old).

But benefits for single mothers are usually larger (when compared to benefits for regular mothers). Only the social security authorities, to which the single mother is assigned at the place of residence, can be aware of all the details of the payment of benefits. A woman needs to contact the appropriate authorities to clarify the details.

Benefit related to pregnancy and childbirth

This type of allowance is also only due to working, employee or student women and is paid in the total amount for the entire period of maternity leave, which is:

  • 140 calendar days for uncomplicated childbirth.
  • 156 calendar days for childbirth by cesarean section or with other features.
  • 194 calendar days for twins or more.

For the calculation, the total earnings are taken for two calendar years before the due date of the decree. This amount is divided by the total number of days for these years. But now it is necessary to exclude periods of temporary disability and additional days off for caring for a disabled child.

This type of allowance is assigned to students based on the size of their scholarship. Women who have lost their jobs in connection with the liquidation of enterprises and are registered at the Employment Center can also count on maternity payments.

Maternal capital

This type of allowance is provided only once and only in case of the birth of a woman, including a single, second and subsequent children. Maternity capital is not issued in cash. It can be disposed of when the child is three years old. These funds can be used to:

  • Improving housing conditions, for example, to pay off a loan for an apartment or house.
  • Getting children education.
  • Accumulation of pension for mom.
  • Payment for kindergarten and school.

If a single mother, like a married woman, wants to receive maternity capital, then she needs to contact the local Pension Fund for the appropriate state certificate and provide the necessary documents for this.

Benefits of the subjects of the Russian Federation

It should be borne in mind that the subjects of the Russian Federation can pay additional benefits to a mother with the legal status of a loner. This is done for the purpose of social support for women raising a child on their own. The laws of most constituent entities of the Russian Federation stipulate the right of a single mother to receive the following additional benefits:

  • Monthly Compensation - Reimbursement of expenses related to the increased cost of living.
  • Assistance in kind, obtaining various benefits for children under 3 years of age.
  • Monthly compensation - reimbursement of expenses related to price increases for baby food.

Separately, it is necessary to note the tax deduction (for working mothers) for personal income tax: a woman receives it in double the amount of the standard, if paternity is not indicated in the child's documents. Any single parent (both biological and adoptive), as well as a guardian or guardian, can apply for this.

A single mother can count on compensation benefits if she and the child live in a non-privatized dwelling under a tenancy agreement. However, payments do not apply to those women who have entered into such an agreement with relatives, for example, with grandmothers, grandfathers, parents, sisters and brothers, and so on. The amount of this compensation benefit depends on how many children are being raised by a single mother.

If she is raising three or more children of a minor age, and one of them has not reached the age of three, then the compensation is one hundred percent of the payment paid for the dwelling. If a single mother is raising two minor children and one of them has not reached the age of three, then the cash allowance to compensate for housing costs is 70% of this amount.

And in the case when a single mother is in the care of one child who is under three years old, then the cash payment to cover the cost of renting housing is 50%.

Additional benefits issued in Moscow

The amount and conditions for issuing additional funds depend on the laws of a particular constituent entity of the Russian Federation. If we talk about what to expect for a single mother in Moscow, then at the expense of the capital's budget, “bonus” benefits are provided for her. But it must be borne in mind that they are related to the level of her earnings. So, if a woman raising a child on her own receives an income that does not exceed the subsistence minimum established in Moscow (in per capita terms), she is entitled to:

  • Increased monthly benefit.
  • A monthly compensation that reimburses costs associated with an increase in the cost of living. It is issued if the child is not yet 16 years old (and he is studying in a general education institution) or 18 years old (and he implements general education programs).
  • A monthly compensation that reimburses costs caused by an increase in the price of children's food.

Single mother benefits

Any single mother, whatever the standard of living and income, should receive premiums on top of her benefits. So, until her child is one and a half years old, the state is obliged to pay a certain additional amount on a monthly basis (its amount depends on the laws of a particular constituent entity of the Russian Federation).

Labor benefits

The administration of any enterprise, regardless of its organizational and legal form, cannot, on its own initiative, fire a single mother. Such a woman is supposed to keep her job until her son or daughter reaches the age of 14. The only exception is the liquidation of an enterprise. But even in this case, the management of the organization is obliged to find a new job for the single mother. Moreover, with the preservation of her specialty and position.

If the management of the company has hired a woman raising a child on her own under a contract, and its validity period has come to an end, it is obliged to employ its employee. While the search for a new job is going on, a single mother is supposed to pay an average salary. True, no longer than 3 months from the calendar day of the end of the contract.

When a single mother receives sick leave to care for her son (daughter) under the age of 14, it must be paid 100%. It must be issued for a longer period than in standard situations.

A single mother is entitled to an additional 14-day leave at her expense, and a woman can take it at any time convenient for herself, both by adding it to the main one, so using it separately. Naturally, she needs to warn the company's management that she needs these two weeks, and tell her when she needs them.

Not a single employer has the right to refuse a woman to be hired, to remove her from her position, or to reduce her salary just because she is a single mother. If the head of the enterprise does not find a job for the mother who submitted the application, he is obliged to inform the reason for his decision, and in writing. Such an "explanatory" document is a complete document that can be submitted to the court for appeal.

The nuances of single mother labor benefits

There are a number of features of the labor code of the Russian Federation that many single mothers do not even know about. Meanwhile, you need to know them in order to make your life easier if you are raising a child on your own. Therefore, we want to introduce you to them, so that you can arm yourself with the knowledge of the TC of the Russian Federation.

So, every single mother needs to know that during inpatient treatment she is entitled to increased benefits. In the first 10 calendar days of stay in a medical institution, their size depends on how long the woman has worked. After, starting from the 11th day, 50% of the mother's salary is paid. Moreover, if the son or daughter is of preschool age, the woman receives benefits for the entire period of treatment. If the child is 7-15 years old, payments are made only in the first 15 days.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation protects a single mother by helping her keep her job. Please note that a woman raising a child on her own cannot be fired, not only because of staff reductions, inadequacy for the position held, or simply on the initiative of the management. It is protected even when the owner of the enterprise changes. She is not threatened with dismissal even if the director, chief accountant or other responsible person made a gross mistake, and this led to damage to the property of the company.

Single mothers can use their additional vacation of 14 days not only at any time of the year (by agreeing on this moment with the boss), but not completely, but in parts. As you can imagine, it is absolutely not necessary to add these "bonus" days to the main ones. But mothers cannot postpone their additional vacation to the next year (if the collective agreement stipulates a guarantee of its annual provision). If a woman is raising a disabled child alone, she will have 4 more days off every month, of course, paid.

Social benefits

A single mother applies for housing as a matter of priority.

A woman raising a minor son (daughter) on her own has the right to arrange him (her) in any child care institution (except for private ones). At the same time, the state is obliged to fully provide for the child.

If a single mother is raising a student, he can be provided with free meals in the cafeteria, he can receive free textbooks. We write “may” and not “should” because everything depends on the director of the educational institution: it is he who decides whether to provide such benefits or not.

A single mother has the right to purchase a group of drugs (which must be available in any city children's clinic) with a discount of up to 50%, depending on the drug. It is noteworthy that such a benefit applies not only to cheap, but also to quite expensive medicines.

If a public health clinic has a massage room, a single mother can use its services free of charge. Whereas an ordinary family can count on a 50% discount.

At least once every two years, a single mother's child is allowed a ticket to a health camp or sanatorium. Moreover, it should be provided free of charge or, at most, with insignificant additional payments - in the prefecture or in another territorial administration.

At fairs and other sales of children's clothing and other items, a single mom is entitled to significant discounts. And similar events should be regularly held in the same territorial departments.

What are the benefits of the Tax and Housing Codes

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation interprets the status of a single mother in its own way - this must be taken into account. If a mother gets married and her spouse makes an adoption, she will no longer be able to use this benefit. She will only have to count on the standard deduction.

Of course, the Tax Code needs to be finalized in terms of protecting women raising a child on their own, but it also takes into account the rights of singles more than the Housing Code. Actually, the latter does not provide practically any benefits. According to him, a single mother has almost the same rights as an ordinary full family. Yes, she is the first in line to receive housing, but only if she needs to improve her living conditions, and this still needs to be proved.

Documents for registration of benefits

To apply for a one-time allowance for a baby, a young single mother must submit the following list of basic documents to the social protection authorities:

  • a handwritten statement in the specified form;
  • original and copy of your passport;
  • certificate or certificate from the registry office about the birth of a child;
  • a document defining the fact of the transfer of the newborn to the adoptive mother and the court decision on the right to adoption (adoption), if the child is adopted;
  • a certificate from the registry office, which will indicate data about the father (his absence).

A single mother also provides the same package of documents for processing the allowance that is paid every month until the baby turns one and a half years old. So, in some cases, additional information and certificates may be required, about which it is better to consult with specialists from the social protection authorities.

Sick leave

As for payments to a working single mother on sick leave, in the case when her child is treated in a hospital, the calculation of the allowance is based on the length of service. If the son or daughter is at home, and the recovery process is monitored on an outpatient basis, then the amount of payments does not depend on the length of service. They can be calculated and issued in full for the first ten calendar days, and then they are charged in an amount equal to fifty percent of the salary.

If a child of preschool age falls ill, then the mother is entitled to hospital allowance for the entire period of the illness. And if the son or daughter is already seven years old, but not fifteen, then the mother is paid a two-week period, including weekends, provided that the medical opinion does not indicate the need to extend the treatment period.

Kindergarten and school

Every mother knows how difficult it is to get into a budget kindergarten. One gets the impression that it is necessary to queue up for a place in the nursery group when the child is just being planned. But if you are a single mother, then the law gives you the right to enroll in kindergarten without waiting in line. And this is true. After all, if the provision of the child lies entirely on the shoulders of a woman, then she needs to go to work much earlier in order to feed the baby.

Kindergarten fees for single mothers are also half the price. The same applies to children's clubs, music schools and other educational institutions. That is, the state gives maximum opportunities for a single mother to get on her feet. As for the monthly payments that the kindergarten collects from the parents, bypassing the letter of the law (here you will find common levies for repairs, a new playroom or a tape recorder for the music room), then the state is powerless. If the amount requested by the caregivers is large, try to challenge it orally.

There is one more feature of determining a child in kindergarten. The fact is that the number of single mothers has sharply increased in the country. Therefore, the right to an extraordinary placement in a kindergarten has to be divided. To this end, the so-called preferential queue has been introduced into use, in which only single mothers stand. The school provides social benefits to single women. In particular, free two meals a day for a child in the school canteen.

Being a single mother is a titanic work. The woman alone carries the baby, gives birth, and then brings up. Unfortunately, she has no one to expect moral support, but she can receive material assistance from the state. How much do single mothers get? What social guarantees and payments are possible for them and how to raise a baby if they are left all alone?

Who is a single mother?

It should be noted right away that Russian legislation does not regulate which woman can apply for this status and which cannot. But how do you get single mother status in this case?

Officially, single mothers are women who give birth and "raise" children alone, while the baby does not officially have a father. A woman should not be in formal union with a man when she was pregnant.

In addition, women raising foster children on their own can expect to receive this status. How to get the status of a single mother if the baby was taken from an orphanage? The same rules apply here, that is, the mother should not be married and the adopted child should not have an official father.

Roughly speaking, single mothers include all women whose children have a dash in the line "father" in the birth document. When registering a baby, a woman receives a special certificate that documents her status.

Does the state help

Despite the fact that government officials from time to time show interest in single mothers and do their best to help them financially, the state budget is strictly limited.

To the question of how much single mothers in Russia receive, it can be answered unequivocally that not much. Of course, women with this status have some privileges compared to mothers in complete families, but the income cannot be called great.

State guarantees for single mothers

Any woman, including a single mother who is officially employed, is eligible for maternity benefits. To do this, the expectant mother must register with the antenatal clinic before three months of pregnancy.

The lump sum is calculated based on the woman's average monetary income. What child allowance does a single mother receive for a lump sum payment? Last year, the amount of the allowance was 33,089.10 rubles.

It is also worth noting that not only working women, but also unemployed mothers are eligible to receive a one-time subsidy. Last year, the size of the payment did not reach 15,000 rubles, but every year its size increases (is indexed).

Also, single mothers, like women with complete families, until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years, can count on a monthly allowance, which is 40% of her average salary.

What else can mothers rely on without a job?

The state is trying to help not only working single mothers, but also unemployed women who are raising a baby on their own. How much can an unemployed single mother expect? Benefits are transferred only if the woman, against her will, was left without monthly earnings. In 2016, the amount of the payment was 2,718.34 rubles for 1 child and 5,436.67 for 2 babies.

Sometimes a non-working mother can receive 40% of her previous earnings. However, this is only possible if she was left without a job due to the liquidation of the enterprise.

After the baby's age has exceeded 1.5 years, any mother, including a single mother, will receive only 50 rubles per child until they reach the age of three.

Documents required for registration of status

Before figuring out how much single mothers get, a woman needs to formalize her status. To receive benefits and payments, you need to collect a certain package of documents. Here's a rough list:

  • a statement drawn up according to the sample;
  • passport;
  • documents that would confirm the fact of the birth of a baby;
  • a certificate confirming that the family consists of only two people;
  • certificate issued by the mother's registry office;
  • certificate confirming the fact of the baby's residence in this region;
  • documents to confirm the official income of the mother;
  • details for the transfer of funds.

After the documents are collected

After the single mother has collected the entire package of documents for receiving benefits and payments, she needs to transfer all the papers to the social service. It is desirable to transfer documents personally, but it is possible also through a representative. In the latter case, the representative must have in his hands a paper stating that the single mother entrusts him with the transfer of documents, certified by a notary.

A social worker must personally make sure that all papers are collected correctly and in full, and after that he sets a time frame within which it will be decided what payments are due to a single mother.

It is worth remembering that the term for consideration of securities cannot be more than 10 working days. You can also submit documents through multifunctional centers and electronically in your personal account on the State Services website.

On electronic services, everything is also detailed in detail, what benefits a single woman can count on and how much single mothers get.

Regional lump-sum guarantee

Not only the state helps single women, but also local self-government bodies (most often regional authorities). Most often at the regional level, a lump sum (single mothers can count on it if they collect the relevant documents).

For example, in Moscow, if a woman is under 30, she is entitled to a payment in the amount of five times the subsistence level for 1 child, seven times for two, and ten times for three or more babies.

To receive such a payment, a single mother must have a residence permit in the city of Moscow.

In the Krasnodar Territory, all large families receive a payment of 100,000 rubles. Also, in the cities of the Krasnodar Territory, it is provided for the issuance of land plots to parents with many children, although without the right of ownership and without the right to sell the plot.

Monthly allowance for single mothers at the regional level

Regional authorities have the right to establish their own monthly payments to single women.

For example, A single mother in Moscow can receive, in addition to maternity, another 2,500 rubles a month for a child until he reaches one and a half years of age and from the age of three until his majority. A payment of 4,500 rubles is due to single Muscovites who are raising children aged 1.5 to 3 years. Additionally, single mothers in Moscow can receive almost 1,500 rubles more for high food prices and low quality of life.

Similar payments exist in almost all Russian regions. At the same time, the woman retains the right to receive them even if she is married. But if a man decides to adopt a baby, then all benefits and allowances will automatically be removed from the mother.

Guarantees for single mothers from employers

It does not matter what benefits a single mother is entitled to and how much single mothers receive, in any case, such women are entitled to certain guarantees from employers.

  1. A single mother cannot be fired while she is raising a child under the age of 14 alone. And here the employer will not be able to violate this requirement. A single mother cannot lose her job even if she does not meet the requirements for the position.
  2. If the enterprise where a single woman works is liquidated, then the employer is obliged to provide her with another place of work with the preservation of earnings.
  3. If a woman is treated with a baby in a hospital, then the sick leave is calculated based on her experience, but if the mother is treated with the child at home, then the first 10 days the sick leave is paid in full, and after that half of the earnings are saved.
  4. If a child who has not reached school age falls ill, then sick leave is paid at the rate of 100% of the average earnings.
  5. A single mother can take 2 weeks off at any time that suits her.
  6. Single mothers have no right to refuse a job because of the presence of a baby. If the employer ignores this requirement, then the woman must demand a written refusal from him and report the violation to the appropriate authority.
  7. A single mother cannot be brought into overtime work.

Social guarantees

In addition to guarantees from the employer, there are also social guarantees that a single woman can count on.

  1. There has always been a long queue to kindergartens, but a single mother should not suffer from this. Kindergarten benefits apply to single-parent families.
  2. A woman raising a baby alone can count on his free food during his educational process.
  3. Also, single mothers are provided with compensation for pre-school fees.
  4. The mother can apply for a one-time allowance for the purchase of school supplies for the baby.
  5. Free provision of some medicines and 50% discount on the purchase of other medicines.
  6. Single mothers have a priority over full families for getting vouchers to sanatoriums and health centers for the baby.


So, in the end, it is worthwhile to once again disassemble who is considered a single mother and what payments are due to a single mother.

  1. A single mother can only be recognized as a woman who "raises" a child alone, in whose birth certificate there is a dash in the line "father".
  2. The status of a single mother is also assigned to that woman who can documentarily confirm the absence of a second parent in a baby.
  3. A mother raising a baby alone can count on increased social benefits.
  4. Some regional authorities establish special subsidies for single mothers, sometimes creating comfortable conditions for them to raise a baby.
  5. A single woman should apply to social authorities or multifunctional centers for registration of benefits and payments.
  6. Some benefits can be obtained directly from the employer or through the State Services portal.
  7. In order for social services to establish payments and benefits, a woman needs to collect a certain package of documents.
  8. The single mother also receives guarantees from the employer. She cannot be fired, she can choose the time of vacation on her own, she cannot be left to work overtime and sent on long business trips.
  9. A single mother can receive compensation for kindergarten fees, the right to free meals for a schoolchild and expect to receive free and discounted drugs.