What souvenirs to bring from another country. Traditional gifts around the world The most unusual souvenirs from around the world

Almost everyone loves to receive gifts. It so happened that in different countries of the world, traditional presentations are very different. One thing unites everyone - the expectation of the holiday.

Children and adults, everyone is looking forward to the next celebration to receive the coveted present.

The most anticipated holiday is the New Year, today we will talk about traditional presentations in different parts of our planet.


In England, New Year is celebrated quite modestly, with family and close friends. They buy small gifts, most likely of a souvenir nature. Children are given a lot of sweets.

But Christmas is not so modest, this day is celebrated very noisy, and the choice of presents is taken very seriously.

It is customary to present something unusual and memorable. All the presents are delivered by kind Santa, who especially pampers those children who were obedient last year.

Italy and Spain

As in other Catholic countries, in Italy, the main celebration is not New Year, but Christmas. Instead of Santa, here is Babbo Natale, he goes from door to door and delivers gifts to everyone. Often, children are given toys and books, adults receive useful things in everyday life.

But, do not think that New Year is not celebrated here at all, Italians drink wine and have fun.

The most unusual tradition associated with this celebration is throwing old things out of windows. Thus, Italians are "renewing" and preparing for a brighter future.

In, too, Christmas dominates, it is celebrated from December 24 to 25, and is called "a good night".

Everything is everywhere lit and sparkling with decorations, many fairs and interesting performances are held on the streets. They buy a lot of gifts and are quite expensive. It is customary to celebrate this holiday on a grand scale.


The New Year is considered one of the brightest and most cheerful holidays. Preparation for a significant event takes almost the entire month preceding it.

Much attention is paid to the decoration of the house. Wishes and lucky charms are hung at the entrance. There is a tradition of bathing Buddha. The statues are washed to a shine, and the inhabitants of the country themselves pour water over each other and shout New Year's wishes.

There are many different offerings depending on your mood and financial situation, but, be that as it may, sending out greeting cards to all your friends and family is considered an unspoken rule.

Also, in China, great attention is paid to what can be presented and what not. The number of surprises also matters (everything must have a couple).


In Russia, New Year is celebrated very noisily. This is one of the biggest holidays, Russians have been celebrating it since 1700 by order of Peter I. The main heroes of the celebration are Santa Claus and his granddaughter Snegurochka.

Gifts are given absolutely any, there are no certain canons dictating the type or price of the present. In principle, the same as for other solemn events.

Gifts with a Russian soul

The scope of the offering may vary depending on the importance of the celebration itself. For example, it is customary to give expensive gifts, but less on or on March 8.

Flowers are a traditional addition to any surprise. This is one of the most popular offerings given for all significant events.

On this day in Russia it is customary to rejoice and have fun, only we celebrate the New Year for more than 3 days, sometimes even several weeks.

If you prefer to relax abroad, or even meet all the holidays there, then the problem of choosing a gift disappears by itself. In any country, you can buy interesting souvenirs as a gift.


It is imperative to bring a small pyramid from the "land of pyramids". They are sold there in large quantities, in all sizes and materials, from plastics to alabaster. Such a gift will appeal to everyone, but especially to people who are fond of esotericism: according to modern experts in bioenergy, the pyramidal shape emits positive energy.

Hibiscus or Sudanese rose tea will be a very useful and pleasant souvenir for housewives. It is commonly called the "Tea of ​​the Pharaohs". Hibiscus tea is not only exotic, but also very useful: in addition to its tonic quality, it also has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antibacterial, choleretic effect. In addition - a very valuable quality - it reduces the effects of hangover syndrome and reduces the degree of absorption of alcohol into the blood!

Hookah can be an interesting gift for men. There are also quite a lot of hookahs sold in Turkey, the so-called "nargile", but "shisha" is considered to be the classic one - the one sold in Egypt. Hookah is much safer to smoke than cigarettes, as its smoke is cooled by passing through the water, and cooling is accompanied by filtration. In metropolitan restaurants, you will have to pay more for the pleasure of smoking than for the entire hookah in Egypt. Coal and specialty tobacco with various additives can be bought quite simply at home in tobacco shops.

The famous graphics and writing of Ancient Egypt were made on papyrus - special paper made from papyrus stems. However, today's souvenirs are not actually made from papyrus, but from rice paper, and they are mostly made in China. Real papyrus can be purchased, perhaps, only at the Papyrus Factory. Many souvenirs are made from "papyrus" in Egypt: bookmarks with a hieroglyphic alphabet are perhaps the most universal - you can buy a lot of them and give them to everyone who loves to read.

Many talismans are also sold here, quite similar to their ancient prototypes: the ankh crosses of life (which are so popular with lovers of gothic music), scarab beetles symbolizing the rising sun, ujat or the eye of Horus, etc. The talismans were very popular in Ancient Egypt.


For coffee lovers from Turkey, you can bring real Turkish "kahve". A Turk and small coffee cups can serve as a good addition to such a gift. As for tea lovers, for them in Turkey there is the so-called "Apple Tea", which is drunk both hot and cold. The Turks willingly offer this tea to all customers when selling, for example, leather goods in shops, or excursions in local travel agencies, in Internet cafes and even in banks when exchanging currency. Nice little glasses made of glass (in Turkish "mess"), from which the Turks drink their tea, can also be a good gift.

Men will be more pleased with the 45-degree Turkish vodka "Rakia", which is made from anise and is very well cleaned. Turks use it diluted in half - in this state, it becomes whitish and a little cloudy. Rakia is also produced in Bulgaria and Greece, where it is called Ouzo.

Turks, like many eastern peoples, are very superstitious, therefore in this country you can see blue flat eyes made of glass everywhere in this country - "nazar" - the Turkish talisman "from the evil eye". There are no fewer such eyes in Turkey than images of their famous reformer ruler Mustafa Ataturk. The eyes are hung around the neck, as a pendant, they decorate with beads and bracelets, and large discs are even hung on the walls of houses above the entrance, and of course, they are sold. By the way, they are also in Greece, but nevertheless "eyes from the evil eye" are precisely the Turkish talisman.

Hamam baths are one of the basic concepts of Turkish service in Turkey. Therefore, a Turkish souvenir is also washing accessories: sponges (natural, that is, dried sea plants), which are very good for peeling and olive soap. In souvenir shops, special bath sets are sold, which, in addition to these items, also include a small basin and aromatic herbs. You can also add aromatic oils for massage as a gift.


The Czech Republic is famous for its delicious alcoholic drinks. First of all, of course, excellent Czech beer. Famous varieties Staropramen, Budwiser, Krusovise, Plzner Urquel, Velkopopovichny Kozel, Kelt and others are exported, you can buy them at home. But the wonderful beer Gambrinus or, for example, dark Velvet, lovers will have to bring directly from the Czech Republic.

A good addition to such a gift would be a beer mug. They are sold in large quantities: there are very simple ceramic, and beautiful tall wooden or metal mugs with lids - from which beer was drunk back in the Middle Ages. Mugs in the Czech Republic are decorated with coats of arms, images of various sights, such as Charles Bridge, St. Vitus Cathedral, St. Mary's Church on Tyn, and simply inscriptions with the beer brand.

Bohemian glass and crystal are famous all over the world. However, in Prague it is quite expensive; at the same prices you can buy it in your home capital. But such a variety of products made of Bohemian glass is definitely not to be found here. These are all kinds of figurines, and vases, and chandeliers, and exquisite glasses for champagne, and glasses, and simple dishes, etc. By the way, in the Czech Republic there is a good selection of mugs for beer from Bohemian glass, so it is quite possible to combine these two souvenirs ...

If the person to whom you are going to make a gift prefers more serious drinks, then buy him "Slivovica" or "Becherovka". "Slivovitsa" - plum vodka, which is produced in the southern part of the Czech Republic - Zlín, and is very successfully exported. "Becherovka" is a 38-degree liqueur with a pleasant cinnamon flavor. By the way, "Becherovka" is added to "Czech coffee".

However, there is an even stronger Czech souvenir that can be a great gift - the famous 70-degree absinthe. The green drink is a real "green serpent" of the creative Parisian bohemia of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. Remarque, Van Gogh, Picasso and many others adored this bitter wormwood drink until it was banned in France and replaced by "pernod". As you know, absinthe has long become aniseed. And only one Czech Republic keeps the traditions of the past and produces real absinthe based on wormwood with the addition of anise.


Many souvenirs that are sold in different countries, even those bearing a national flavor, are made in China. Therefore, do not be surprised when a souvenir helmet of a British policeman or a toy double-decker English bus reads "made in China". What, in terms of souvenirs, can China itself offer?

China, as you know, is the birthplace of tea. The Chinese prefer green tea, it is not customary for them to drink black. But there is a great variety of green varieties: jasmine, white, powder, etc. You can buy it on the market, or buy an expensive collection in the salon along with a whisk for whipping powdered tea or other no less distinctive tea devices.

China is also the birthplace of porcelain. A porcelain teapot or tea set is a good addition to green tea. In addition, huge jugs and small vases, cups, mugs, figurines, plates and much more are made from porcelain. And all this is covered with Chinese pictures (mostly dragons) and gilded ornaments.

Silk also appeared in China. So a good gift can be silk Chinese robes woven with dragons, as well as all kinds of ties, shirts, blouses, underwear.

A great souvenir is silk or paper fans of various sizes. Small fans in ancient China were worn not only by women, but also by most noble men, including the emperor of the Celestial Empire. And huge (more like fans), painted with whole landscapes, can be hung on the wall.

You can donate bamboo products. It can be a cane, curtain, flute or a specific bell in the form of pipes - the so-called "wind chime", which, according to Chinese beliefs, drives away evil spirits.

A very interesting souvenir is Chinese rice vodka sold in a bamboo bottle. However, many people do not like its taste - such connoisseurs of beauty should be presented with ginseng tincture, which is sold in abundance in China. Ginseng, especially in combination with alcohol, has a tonic and anti-inflammatory effect. And it is inexpensive and tastes good.


If you are lucky enough to get to the country of Hemingway, Fidel Castro and sultry Cubans, be sure to get Havana cigars there. Fortunately, prices in the capital of Cuba are still quite socialist, and the selection of cigars is the richest. Just be sure to learn how to smoke them - these are not just cigarettes, so there is a whole ritual for smoking them. By the way, according to experts, about 80% of the Havana cigars that we sell are fake.

Of course, you should buy the famous Cuban rum with Havana cigars. For example, the "white" rum Havana Club Carta Blanca, or even better the "dark" Matusalem Anejo Superior, which has been produced since 1872 in Santiago de Cuba, the historical homeland of Cuban rum. After drinking rum, and even dragging on a cigar, any man will feel like a real macho.

Another purely masculine souvenir can be a machete. Local craftsmen make very intimidating knives from excellent steel with wooden handles. However, too large a machete is considered a melee weapon, so hide it in the depths of your luggage, and in no case carry it in your carry-on baggage.

The easiest way to find out the character of the country is by the national music, religious traditions and ... cuisine! In addition, overseas delicacies seem doubly tasty due to their rarity, and therefore it is common to bring authentic snacks from abroad.

From Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and other countries of Southeast Asia, it is customary to bring fresh or dried fruits, as well as aromatic spices. From Spain to Russian tables usually come different varieties of jamon - dry-cured pork meat. The Czech Republic is famous for its delicious Oblatka waffles. From Greece, you should definitely grab a bottle of high-quality cold-pressed olive oil, and from Montenegro, tourists like to bring prshut - smoked and dried in the wind and sun meat as a present.

Alcoholic drinks from different countries

This is another popular type of tourist souvenir. Czech liquor "Slivovice" or liqueur "Bekhterevka", Greek "Metaxa", Brazilian cocktail Caipirinha or a bottle of champagne from France - all these intoxicating gifts are universal and always desirable. These are appropriate presentations for friends and acquaintances, colleagues, bosses and even business partners.

The most popular souvenirs from the Dominican Republic are rum, cigars, jewelry with a rare local larimar stone or local coffee.

However, travelers should be aware of the customs regulations of different countries, which can limit the export of alcoholic beverages in many ways. So, only people who have reached the age of 20 can export alcohol from Finland.

Authentic decorations, national attributes and interior details

The selection of souvenirs from this category in various countries is really huge. After all, the traditions, customs, styles of artisans differ even in different regions of the same state.

From different countries, in addition to delicacies, alcohol and handicrafts, it is customary to bring products of local cosmetic brands as gifts and souvenirs.

For example, among the souvenirs in the Czech Republic there are garnet decorations, Bohemian crystal, and simply live roses preserved in the thermal springs of the Karlovy Vary resort.

From Australia, you can grab national artwork or typical household items of local aborigines: boomerangs, spears, paintings on fabric, etc.

It is customary to bring elephant figurines, silver jewelry, pearls, high quality coconut oil, etc. from Thailand and neighboring countries of Southeast Asia.

Coming back from a trip and choosing souvenirs, people tend to buy something special and unique, but in fact they bring the most typical souvenirs that have become a kind of tourist brands.

1. Mount Rushmore Oil Lamp, South Dakota

South Dakota is not on the list of tourist hotspots in the United States, but this location has a landmark that is famous around the world - Mount Rushmore. Therefore, when visiting South Dakota, it is worth purchasing something related to Mount Rushmore - for example, such an oil lamp.

2. Sumo wrestler, Japan

Japan has a lot of tourist brands, but souvenirs related to sumo wrestling are the most popular among tourists.

3. Cup with Dracula, Romania

At the word "Romania", the first thing that can come to most people is Dracula or Vlad Tepes. Not surprisingly, all the local gift shops are literally crammed with a variety of Dracula-themed souvenirs, such as this scary vampire cup.

4. Thermometer with the Great Wall of China

It is easy to kill two birds with one stone after visiting China. You can buy such a nice thermometer with a picture of the Great Wall of China. At any time, it will be possible to check the temperature in the room at home, and at the same time remember about the trip to the Middle Kingdom.

5. Bottle opener with the Pope, Vatican

Everyone knows that the Vatican is the seat of His Holiness, and no doubt a visit to this tiny independent state will be remembered for a lifetime. The Pope's portraits are everywhere. Even on the most common items such as a bottle opener.

6. Pharaoh figurine, Egypt

Pyramids, sphinx, camels and ... pharaohs. It is simply impossible to leave Egypt without one of these figurines.

7. Statuette of Christ, Brazil

Towering over Rio de Janeiro, the giant 30-meter statue of Christ the Redeemer is the most iconic landmark in the city and possibly the entire country. Unsurprisingly, Christ figurines of all sizes and shapes are sold in gift shops throughout Rio.

8. Golem statuette, Czech Republic

The statuette, which is somewhat similar to the Czech version of a sumo wrestler, is actually a depiction of the Golem, a mythical anthropomorphic creature that is said to have been created by a Prague rabbi in the 16th century. These figurines are among the most popular Czech souvenirs.

9. Keychain in the form of the Eiffel Tower, France

Parisian classic - Eiffel Tower keychain. If you hang this small metal object on a bunch of keys, everyone will know that their owner has been to Paris.

10. Canned Mist, California

In San Francisco, California, there are two iconic things everyone should see - the famous Golden Gate Bridge and the fog. And tourists who want to take away a piece of California with them are sold canned fog.

11. Model of a double-decker bus, England

In addition to world famous tourist attractions such as Tower Bridge, London Eye (Ferris wheel) and Buckingham Palace, there is another thing in the capital of Great Britain that all tourists invariably photograph - red double-decker buses. After visiting London, it is worth buying a small model of the bus as a souvenir.

12. Souvenir bells, Switzerland

Although Switzerland is a small country, it has many things that it is famous for. Swiss army knives, Swiss chocolate, Swiss watches - all these things are famous all over the world. But as for souvenirs, there is an even more popular thing - small decorative bells.

13. Painted skulls, Mexico

Coming back from Mexico, it's worth getting one of these eerie yet cute painted skulls. This one of the most popular souvenirs in the country is associated with Day of the Dead, a traditional Mexican holiday that is celebrated in large numbers throughout the country.

14. Straw Hats, Thailand

In recent years, Thailand has become one of the most popular travel destinations in Asia, attracting millions of tourists from all over the world every year. What do they usually take with them as a keepsake of this country? Traditional straw hats.

15. Matryoshka, Russia

A wooden painted doll matryoshka, inside which there are dolls of a smaller size, and today is considered among foreign tourists the most popular souvenir from Russia.

16. Mozartkugel, Austria

Named after Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, one of the world's greatest composers, Mozartkugel is made from marzipan, nougat and dark chocolate. This sweet treat is the most popular souvenir that tourists buy in Austria, Mozart's homeland.

17. Painted figurine of an elephant, India

Collecting elephant figurines is popular, but it is an iconic souvenir in India. And there is a good reason for this - India is not only a country with the largest population of endangered Indian elephants in the world, there is a real cult of the elephant and many rituals are associated with it.

18. Stone Maltese Cross, Malta

The Maltese Cross is one of the most important national symbols of Malta. Local souvenir shops offer this symbol in all sorts of ways, but mostly it is made from white limestone, typical of a small Mediterranean country.

19. Viking horns, Sweden

Sweden is the birthplace of the Vikings. The cult of these fearsome medieval warriors and sailors is still present in this country. So it comes as no surprise that Viking horned helmets are one of the souvenirs that most tourists want to bring back from Sweden.

20. Dancing Dolls, Hawaii

Hawaii ... sunshine, crystal clear waters, amazing beaches and ... beautiful tanned hula dancers with wreaths! It is worth not forgetting to buy one of these dolls before returning to the gray gloom of everyday reality.

21. Replica of the Brandenburg Gate, Germany

The "Brandenburg Gate" triumphal arch built in the 18th century in the neoclassical style is one of the landmarks of Berlin and Germany. People often buy small copies of this architectural structure.

22. Maple Syrup, Canada

Canada is by far the world's largest producer of maple syrup, and the maple leaf is a recognized national symbol. Therefore, the most emblematic souvenir from Canada will be maple syrup poured into small bottles in the shape of a maple leaf.

23. Painted clogs, Netherlands

The Netherlands has a wide range of souvenirs typical of this country. Windmills, tulips, cheese - all these things are iconic symbols of the Netherlands. But there is one more thing - super trendy, but almost unwearable, painted clogs. Painted wooden clogs are some of the most coveted Dutch souvenirs.

24. Kangaroo Scrotum Lighter, Australia

Since the kangaroo is the most popular animal in Australia, it is not surprising that there are many kangaroo-themed souvenirs. One of the most popular souvenirs is a lighter made from ... a kangaroo scrotum.

25. Little Mermaid Figurine, Denmark

The statue of the Little Mermaid from a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen, which is installed in Copenhagen, has become the main attraction not only of the city, but of the entire country. It is the miniature model of the statue that most tourists visiting Denmark buy.

Hello dear forum users! I often travel and here I was puzzled that this could be brought to friends or just nice people?

What souvenirs do you like to bring from your trips? What's the best souvenir gift for you?

Found an interesting article about popular souvenirs from around the world.

Coming back from a trip and choosing souvenirs, people tend to buy something special and unique, but in fact they bring the most typical souvenirs that have become a kind of tourist brands.

1. Mount Rushmore Oil Lamp, South Dakota

South Dakota is not on the list of tourist hotspots in the United States, but this location has a landmark that is famous around the world - Mount Rushmore. Therefore, when visiting South Dakota, it is worth purchasing something related to Mount Rushmore - for example, such an oil lamp.

2. Sumo wrestler, Japan

Japan has a lot of tourist brands, but souvenirs related to sumo wrestling are the most popular among tourists.

3. Cup with Dracula, Romania

At the word "Romania", the first thing that can come to most people is Dracula or Vlad Tepes. Not surprisingly, all the local gift shops are literally crammed with a variety of Dracula-themed souvenirs, such as this scary vampire cup.

4. Thermometer with the Great Wall of China

It is easy to kill two birds with one stone after visiting China. You can buy such a nice thermometer with a picture of the Great Wall of China. At any time, it will be possible to check the temperature in the room at home, and at the same time remember about the trip to the Middle Kingdom.

5. Bottle opener with the Pope, Vatican

Everyone knows that the Vatican is the seat of His Holiness, and no doubt a visit to this tiny independent state will be remembered for a lifetime. The Pope's portraits are everywhere. Even on the most common items such as a bottle opener.

6. Pharaoh figurine, Egypt

Pyramids, sphinx, camels and ... pharaohs. It is simply impossible to leave Egypt without one of these figurines.

7. Statuette of Christ, Brazil

Towering over Rio de Janeiro, the giant 30-meter statue of Christ the Redeemer is the most iconic landmark in the city and possibly the entire country. Unsurprisingly, Christ figurines of all sizes and shapes are sold in gift shops throughout Rio.

8. Golem statuette, Czech Republic

The statuette, which is somewhat similar to the Czech version of a sumo wrestler, is actually a depiction of the Golem, a mythical anthropomorphic creature that is said to have been created by a Prague rabbi in the 16th century. These figurines are among the most popular Czech souvenirs.

9. Keychain in the form of the Eiffel Tower, France

Parisian classic - Eiffel Tower keychain. If you hang this small metal object on a bunch of keys, everyone will know that their owner has been to Paris.

10. Canned Mist, California

In San Francisco, California, there are two iconic things everyone should see - the famous Golden Gate Bridge and the fog. And tourists who want to take away a piece of California with them are sold canned fog.

11. Model of a double-decker bus, England

In addition to world famous tourist attractions such as Tower Bridge, London Eye (Ferris wheel) and Buckingham Palace, there is another thing in the capital of Great Britain that all tourists invariably photograph - red double-decker buses. After visiting London, it is worth buying a small model of the bus as a souvenir.

12. Souvenir bells, Switzerland

Although Switzerland is a small country, it has many things that it is famous for. Swiss army knives, Swiss chocolate, Swiss watches - all these things are famous all over the world. But as for souvenirs, there is an even more popular thing - small decorative bells.

13. Painted skulls, Mexico

Coming back from Mexico, it's worth getting one of these eerie yet cute painted skulls. This one of the most popular souvenirs in the country is associated with Day of the Dead, a traditional Mexican holiday that is celebrated in large numbers throughout the country.

14. Straw Hats, Thailand

In recent years, Thailand has become one of the most popular travel destinations in Asia, attracting millions of tourists from all over the world every year. What do they usually take with them as a keepsake of this country? Traditional straw hats.

15. Matryoshka, Russia

A wooden painted doll matryoshka, inside which there are dolls of a smaller size, and today is considered among foreign tourists the most popular souvenir from Russia.

16. Mozartkugel, Austria

Named after Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, one of the world's greatest composers, Mozartkugel is made from marzipan, nougat and dark chocolate. This sweet treat is the most popular souvenir that tourists buy in Austria, Mozart's homeland.

17. Painted figurine of an elephant, India

Collecting elephant figurines is popular, but it is an iconic souvenir in India. And there is a good reason for this - India is not only a country with the largest population of endangered Indian elephants in the world, there is a real cult of the elephant and many rituals are associated with it.

18. Stone Maltese Cross, Malta

The Maltese Cross is one of the most important national symbols of Malta. Local souvenir shops offer this symbol in all sorts of ways, but mostly it is made from white limestone, typical of a small Mediterranean country.

19. Viking horns, Sweden

Sweden is the birthplace of the Vikings. The cult of these fearsome medieval warriors and sailors is still present in this country. So it comes as no surprise that Viking horned helmets are one of the souvenirs that most tourists want to bring back from Sweden.

20. Dancing Dolls, Hawaii