What smells of spirits like men on girls. Perfume with pheromones of famous brands. Why men love smells

A man chooses a partner at the subconscious level: not so much appearance as the smell. Therefore, the perfume lies the most important task - to attract a representative of a strong sex. The main thing for the lady is to find a suitable flavor. Do not make a mistake with the choice of our advice and the rating of the sexiest compositions.

How to choose a pleasant and seductive fragrance?

Answer the question of what female spirits like men are not easy. After all, every person is individual and has its own taste. However, there are general rules that will help choose an attractive perfume:

  1. Naturality. Men attract natural and fresh notes: fruit, floral, citrus, spicy, culinary. Attraction and desire cause natural agents-aphrodisiacs composed of: sandalwood, vanilla, cinnamon, chocolate, watermelon, ylang-ylang, patchouli, neroli, tubosis. A similar action possesses musk and amber.
  2. Ease. Men appreciate the simplicity of smells. The best effect is unobtrusive composition with a slight train. It is worth avoiding the multicomponent composition, repulsive or sharp odors, explicit gelatinity. Such aromas are annoyed, and not attract.
  3. Resistance. Pick the perfume that weakly dishes. Such perfumes will be disturbed by the consciousness of the partner until the end of the date, and will not destroy at the most inopportune moment.
  4. Nobility. Preferred expensive and high-quality flavors. It is unlikely that a man will lead to consumer goods or a cheap fake.
  5. Tastes partner. Try unobtrusively to find out what flaws prefers favorite. Perhaps these are mamines perfume or smell comfort, for example, vanilla. Correct your choice.

Top 12 most attractive and sexy spirits

The perfume market is expanding annually. However, some brands are in constant demand. The rating of female spirits who like men are headed by 12 compositions:

This is a frank sexuality and durning passion. Such effect contributes to patchouli, amber, raspberry, peach and pink pepper.


The persistent composition, which enhanced by its sensuality and luxury. Men love "golden" composition of melon, peach, citruses, plums, tubers, freesia and cedar.

This conservatism in preferences concerns and female fragrances. Men, as a rule, like lightweight sweet-spicy smells, and not all sorts of trend fusion combinations. Want to conquer the men's heart? Choose one of these perfumes!

Lanvin Eclat Darpege.

ECLAT D'Arpege Eau de Parfum from Lanvin was released in 2002 to the 75th anniversary of the classic Arpege. According to the creator of the aroma of Karin Dubrel, the new perfume was created, under the influence of all love and tenderness, which is capable of a woman. Her feelings, like a flower bouquet, shimmer notes and shades. Lanvin glorifies a woman, her world, her femininity. "

Lilacs, leaf of Sicilian lemon, peach flowers, wisteria, Chinese orthantus, green tea, red peony, white Lebanese cedar, sweet musk and amber amber.
Men speakthat this fragrance is at the same time fresh and sexy, and smells like a "seductive freshly made female body."

520 UAH.

Guerlain Shalimar Parfum Initial L "Eau

Parfum Shalimar Parfum Initial L "Eau from Guerlain is relatively recently released, in 2012. It became the continuation of the eastern line of Shalimar fragrances. It inspired the story of the" 1000 and one night ", this fragrance symbolizes the image of an air and delicate eastern girl.

In the composition of the perfume: Orange, Gorky Grapefruit, Bargamot, Neroli, Freesia, Vivieta, Lily of Lily, Damaska \u200b\u200bRosa, Hiacint, Jasmine, Spicy Vanilla, Beans Think, Iris.
Men speakIt is a smell of femininity in pure form - gentle, floral, and at the same time with a spicy sensuality notice.

Approximate price for 40 ml - 1010 UAH.

Nina Ricci L`elixir.

Nina L 'ELIXIR EAU DE PARFUM from Nina Ricci was released in 2010 as a more rich version of the popular female Aroma Nina (2006). The fragrance was conceived by Parfumum Olivier Kespem for young girls to emphasize their purity and innocence. But his sweet notes were loved by women of different ages, and perfume became a classic.

His composition consists of: Calabrian lemon, Lyme Kaiperia. Red apple, forest berries, jasmine, wood-born chord, cotton musk.
Men speakthat this fragrance on a woman gives her confidence and perseverance, he is simultaneously strict and relaxing. "It smells very tasty, it is delicious," this is a quote.

Approximate price for 50 ml - 740 UAH.

Carolina Herrera 212 for Women

Paperfum Carolina Herrera 212 was released in 1997, he opened the line of fragrances in New York style. Perfume was created for cheerful girls, full of freedom and femininity. This fragrance personifies such qualities of the younger generation as courage, energy and curiosity. He was conceived for active, young residents of the big city.

In the composition of the perfume: Citrus accents of Bergamot, Mandarin and Orange Color, Camellia's floral notes, Gardenia and lilies, and warm shades of white musk and sandalwood.
Men call The aroma is fresh, summer, air. They say that "this smell is thickening on women's skin and raises a desire to touch her lips."

Approximate price for 60 ml - 800 UAH.

L`Eau Par Kenzo Eau Indigo Pour Femme

Perfume L`eau par Eau Indigo Pour Femme from Kenzo was released in 2009 in the continuation of the line of fresh fragrances L`Eau Par Kenzo. This is a calm fragrance, it symbolizes the harmony of the internal and external state of the woman.

Perfume composition consists of: Bergamot and Mandarin, Jasmine and Ylang-Ilanga, Plums, Beans Think and Ambra.
Men speakThat this fragrance is suitable for smart and sensual girls, such modern intellectuals with tomik kafki under the arm.

Approximate price for 50 ml - 745 UAH.

A small secret: Some men really like when the girl wears his perfume. On the female body, the fragrance is revealed differently and smells very seductively. If you do not want to smell at all like a man, buy. It is perfect for sharing with your loved one.

People were mistaken for a long time, believing that the choice of a partner depends more on how he looks, and not from what it smells. Nevertheless, odors are analyzed by the subconscious much better than other information entering us through the eyes and ears. And the Women's JustLady magazine fully agrees with this, and will try to convince you.

We will not go far for example and take our "smaller brothers". It is only worth the cats or dogs to feel the smelling smell of a sexual partner, how they immediately break away from the place, forgetting about devotion to the owners, and rush to where the fragrance comes from, who promises the continuation of the kind. By the way, dogs and cats unmistakably feel attracting their smells for several hundred meters, which is why on one cat in your yard in the spring accounts for from 10 to 20 cats that escaped from all over the county.

Interestingly, the males of the butterflies-Saturnian and at all find their partners only by smell, and they are able to teach this smell for several kilometers. What about women? How do they attract men? Also smells!

As for human sense of smell, it, of course, is much lower than smelling insects and animals, however, as a rule, it is on the smell that a subconscious choice of a partner is based on the smell.

It is not worth neglecting this, because the smell depends a lot more than we used to count. Special chemicals, or rather their microscopic particles - pheromones are able to awaken feelings, affecting a person through the smell. Often, the so-called "love at first sight" arises at the expense of them. The lack of these most pheromones can cause sexual failures.

You can believe in this or not, but scientists neurogenetics have long found out that there is a certain hormone, which is responsible for the reproduction of pheromones molecules. In other words: people, like animals "sniff out" of their partner, although they claim to love him for the kindness of the soul!

Russian scientists of the RAMS Institute found that there is a structure called a pectorist organ in the nose. He perceives and reacts exclusively for sexy odors and ignores outsiders, even a very strong kind of mint or. So what are these sexy smells and how do they smell?

"The best women are her natural smell" - so said one sage from ancient Rome. Partly this is true. Take, for example, American tribes living in primitive build. When choosing a partner, they only focus on the sense of smell and as a result unmistakably choose the partner, with whom they happily live to death. But we are not African aborigines and with us, as statistics show, the number of couples wishing, is growing from year to year. All wines are numerous deodorants and other perfume products. With the help of natural and artificial substances, you can create absolutely any fragrance. Accordingly, each man finds its fragrance, such that will attract him, awaken the desire ... But, before running on perfume salons, in search of the desired fragrance advises to understand: what fragrances attract men.

For thousands of years, women are trying to find a smell for seduction of men. A lot of books and dissertations are written on this topic, despite the achievements of modern perfumers, inventing new and new sexual smells, the mystery remains undisclosed. Even with a frank conversation on intimate themes, no man admits, what smell coming from a woman he likes the most. But it does not stop women and they continue the search for the fragrance, before any representative of the strong half of humanity will not stand.

From a long time, not the most, but wise women used smells to seduce men. These smells and to this day are popular in perfumery. Muskus mines produced by the Tsibetin cybet cat glare, the Castorum is better known as the "beaver jet", produced by the male Kabargy Muscus, as well as the Bar Cachelot - all these unusual smells attract menThey cause them a strong sexual attraction at the subconscious level.

It is known that most men like sexual flavors based on eastern notes with musky spicy loops and flower-wood chords. Light smells with an erotic tint also attract men. These are fragrances of lily or orchids, as well as perfumes based on citrus fruits with the presence of almond notes.

By the way, about citrus. In search men's smell, American scientist Allan Hirsch, conducting a study, found out: almost every man likes the smell of grapefruit. This smell acts on men especially. And a young guy, and a man's magnificent experience under the influence of grapefruit aroma relates goodwill to the woman. It is worth it to apply a perfume composition containing grapefruit notes, as it seems man and younger, and sexier. Moreover, inhaling such an aroma, your chosen one will become more sensitive and easily excited.

And yet, despite all the research, ideal men's Smelluntil found. Therefore, JustLady magazine advises: Experiment! And it is possible that you will find it!

Tatyana Osipova
Women's magazine JustLady

Perfume helps to make the image of a woman or a man more spectacular. He, like clothing or cosmetics, is selected individually.

The choice of fragrance depends not only on the personal preferences and features of your external image, but also from the direct destination of the purchased perfume.

Going on a date and planning to charm an object of sympathy, it is better to prepare in advance and find out what spirits like men.

After all, it is correctly selected aroma that is able to call them a subconscious sympathy for a woman.

It is impossible to definitely say what the smell is the best for attracting and seduction of a man - each of them has their own personal preferences. One likes freshness, others - tenderness, someone prefers spicy flavors at all.

Having decided to choose a perfume to attract male attention, it will be useful not only to study the top female spirits, but also to figure out why representatives of strong sex are so sensitive to smells.

Why are men susceptible to fragrances

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We all perceive and remember the world in their own way. Someone prefers to concentrate on the fact that they see eyes - such people are called visuals. Someone is more pleasant to listen to what to look - these are audies.

But if we are talking about the strength of the spirits in attracting male attention, it is worth paying attention to those men who do not think of life without overwhelming her aromas.

But do not worry, absolutely all men, even audies and visuals are sensitive to spirits. Just remember that with lovers of thin fragrances you will be luxurious.

When applied to the skin, the fragrance of spirits is mixed with the natural smell of the body and changes slightly. What catches the male smell is not perfume and not toilet water, but a mixture of perfume, body fragrance and pheromones.

It is this "cocktail" is responsible for the so-called chemical compatibility of people. If you first hear such a hear, briefly clarify its essence - so that the man liked the woman, his body's pheromones should come.

The best female flavors just contribute to such a savory target, containing the most attractive and inhabitants of men components.

What do men like?

Source: iStock

Female perfumes who like men are not always the most expensive and fashionable. It is better to pay attention to the popularity of fragrance. If you teach a man to the same smell, a persistent association is developed in his brain.

Having a couple of such associations, even a man-veritant in perfumes will be able to confidently determine what female fragrances he likes the most.

One of the most confident leaders has been freshly smelling with light tytrus notes. Sweet fragrances of flowers such as jasmine, acacia or rose, are also favorites of male polls. Many are associated with femininity and grace.

It is curious, but among representatives of a strong floor there is a lot of those who, to taste "Perchin" - spicy smells of sandals and wood with an admixture of ginger.

Perfume and character

Source: iStock

The image is the concept of the national team, all its elements must be combined with each other. The choice of fragrance should be correlated with the "onion" that you create, and with the situation in which you plan to stay a day, evening or night.

Aroma must necessarily comply with the character. Even the best perfumes with an incorrect selection can pose a man, and this is not necessary for this.

Delicate, romantic, prone to the dream of nature should pick up the same smells. Their is the best choice - floral or sweet.

Female perfumes with notes of freshness are considered one of the most popular. They are suitable for active, positively configured girls.

Spirits with spice flavors are good for spectacular ladies who adore shock. They are able to give them a bright image of the "highlight".

About Pheromon and Aphrodisia

Source: iStock

Aphrodisiacs are natural pathogens that are present in many products. If you doubt their effectiveness, which by the way is proved by science, we advise you to try to overcome doubts.

A lot of people have already managed to discover the World of Aphrodisiacs, increasing their libido or affecting the partner's bed capacity.

Often we are confusing such concepts as an aphrodisiac and pheromone, which are not at all synonyms. Pheromones are the fact that at the chemical level gives in love to feel sympathy and a special connection.

Today, Aphrodisiacs and Pheromones are actively used in the cosmetic industry. They contain many male and female perfumes, without losing popularity since the 90s.

It's funny that the strongest Pheromone is human - we have not yet learned to hide into the bottle with spirits.

But we are happy to use all the other achievements of perfume art, adding to female perfumes who like men, animals Pheromones and Aphrodisiacs of plant origin.

How to use spirits

Historical facts.

Of the historical data in the East and in the West, the attitude towards fragrances was different. For example, in European countries in the Middle Ages, people were very rare. In order to discourage unpleasant odors from ourselves, they were treated with fragile substances that were prepared from a variety of ingredients. At the same time, the smells of jasmine, sandalwood, roses were preferred in the east. Women in ancient Athens to attract men used palm oil and mint. In the Middle Ages, Alchemists already then made up various mixtures that like men. For example, a geranium tincture was mixed with a baby's urine, or patchouli flowers were mixed with unfinished toads. These smells were successful.

What odors like a strong floor.

Since then, a lot of time has passed, and a huge work has been done to create a wide variety of flavors in order to attract the attention of men. However, numerous studies have shown that much stronger than fragrances of perfumery men attract smells of natural origin. Woman herself can create such smells in his home. Most like Men smelling baking smells, aroma of coffee, fragrance of the beloved woman. For many men, the fragrance of fresh baking is associated with comfort and warmth, a calm atmosphere, at which you can relax and relax. Coffee flavor for many men is perceived as "charge of cheerfulness". This fragrance is associated with a good mood. And it does not matter if you are at work or at home. The smell of coffee helps a man to prepare subconsciously to various achievements. There is no such smell that would attract a man more than the smell of the desired and beloved woman. Men (in most cases) at a meeting with a woman attracts precisely her smell - the so-called love pheromones. They are not even aware of how important it is.

Let's try to figure out which species of smells are the greatest interest in men. If you are scheduled for a date in a cafe or restaurant, then you should not count on the fact that the smells of food will cause erotic desire. The exception is those establishments where various flavors of incense are present. These flavors create a sensual atmosphere.

When a date should go in your house, then the day should take a shower and take advantage of your favorite spirits. Over time, the fragrance will become light and gentle, what men like. They also like the smell of clean hair.

Exacels love feelings. Light smell of orange, grapefruit or lemon. Try to decompose into small bags a ground zest. Put these bags into invisible places.

On male potency positively affects nutmeg and ginger. Older men excite odors eucalyptus and basilica. You should not resort to the aroma of vanilla in the bedroom.

So that there is no mix of smells, use cosmetics of one cosmetic line.

Nowadays, various essential oils are sold in pharmacies. Several secrets to attract men. It should be applied to the body only a few drops of different mixtures of these oils. For example, mix together: 3 drops of Bergamot oil, 4 drops of patchouli, 3 drops of ginger oil and 2 cinnamon drops. A mixture of essential oils can be diverse, most importantly - all oils must complement each other.

Men are male fragrances geranium or mint. These smells help to relax. You can drip the oil to drop on the lamp, and the light fragrance "covers" the room. You can also drive a droplet on your hands.

The effect of smells.

Let's try to figure out how these or other smells on men act. For example, men like a jasmine fragrance. Any woman who resorts to this aroma can count on success. In male eyes can "reduce" the age of a woman smell vanilla. A man who loves sweet will dyate for such a woman like Carlson for jam.

It should be known that not all men prefer the same smells. One men like some other others. Before you start using one or another fragrance, you need to learn how the representative of the strong sex refers to it.

Men also like smells: cinnamon, freshly acted herbs, cedar, sea. As well as odors of citrus, sandalwood, musk.

Many women, when using perfume, cause them too much, which is not worth doing. Also, one should not take perfumers alone to others - it will cause mixing flavors and it will be "unknown." Apply flavors need to be on a clean body. And remember that every man does not like all smells in a row. You also need to know that there are flavors that you need to use the day and those that are suitable for an evening meeting.