Abstract of the lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in the middle group. Abstract of the lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical representations. middle group

Synopsis of GCD on FEMP in the middle group "We play and count"


    exercise in the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes, circle, square, triangle, rectangle;

    to reveal with concrete examples the meaning of the concepts: big, small, shorter, longer.

Lesson material: a letter from Umnyashka, a doll, geometric shapes for each child (circle, square, triangle, rectangle) and modules of geometric shapes, hoops, cards with a task for the short-term, colored pencils, counting cards, number cards, projector, slide presentation "Entertaining puzzles", gifts - "coloring"

Lesson progress:

Organizing time.

We'll build an even circle

Friend on the right and friend on the left.

Let's hold hands together

And smile at each other!

Is everyone in a good mood?

Are all sorrows forgotten?

I ask you to tell me:

Guys, today the postman brought me a letter. Do you want to know what's there?

"Hello guys! My name is Clever Doll. I live in the magical land of Iglandia! And I invite you to visit me! I heard that you are very obedient, smart and quick-witted guys, and I really want to get to know you! »

Do you want to meet Umnyashka? And how do we go to the magical land? (children's guesses)

And I suggest you go on foot. We have a long way to go.

Let's go friends! You can't fall behind!

(children walk on pebbles, on sand, on leaves)

1 task "Geometric shapes".

Oh, look, guys, where are we? And I know. We are on the lawn. And who lives on this lawn, we will find out if we solve riddles.

The wheel rolled

After all, it looks like

Like a visual nature

Only for a round figure.

Got it, dear friend?

Well, of course it is… (circle)

look at the figure

And in the album draw

Three corners. three sides

Connect with each other.

It turned out not a square,

And beautiful ... (triangle)

I am a figure - no matter where,

Always very smooth

All angles in me are equal

And four sides.

Cube is my favorite brother

Because I…. (square)

We stretched the square

And presented at a glance

Who did he look like

Or something very similar?

Not a brick, not a triangle -

It became a square ... (rectangle).

Guess who lives on this lawn? (geometric figures)

Guys, if you want, I'll tell you a fairy tale about a rectangle and a square. Sit comfortably. So, listen to the story.

“In the kingdom - the state of geometric figures lived - there were Rectangle and Square. “I'm so clumsy,” said Rectangle. “If I stand up to my full height, I become tall and narrow. Like this.

And if I lie on my side, I become short and fat. Like this.

And you always remain the same, - he said, turning to Square, - standing, sitting, and lying down. "Yes," Square answered proudly. “All sides are equal for me.” And he turned from side to side, but his height and width did not change from this.

But one day this happened. One girl was walking in the forest and got lost. She did not know which way to go, where her house was. And suddenly she met a Square and a Rectangle. Since Square had a very important look, the girl turned to him: “Can I climb on you and see where my house is? “She climbed from the beginning to one side of it, but didn’t see anything because of the trees, then she asked the Square to turn over, but this time she didn’t see anything either, since all sides of the square are equal. “Maybe I can help you? asked the humble Rectangle. He stood up to his full height, the girl climbed on him and was higher than the trees. She saw her house and knew where to go. "Come on, we'll see you through," suggested Kvadrat. Suddenly there was a river in their path. “Mr. Square, help me cross the river! "- asked the girl. The square approached the river and wanted to reach the other side, but. Flop and fell into the water. Good Rectangle helped his friend to get out of the water. And then he lay down on his side and became a bridge. The girl ran across the Rectangle and ended up at home. “Thank you,” the girl said to the geometric figures, “you did not leave me in the forest and helped me find my way home. Now I know, - the girl turned to the Rectangle, - that you are a very useful figure. “Well, what are you,” Rectangle replied modestly, “just my sides are of different lengths: two are long and two are short.”

Guys, did you like the story? What are the sides of the rectangle? (two long and two short)

And now geometric shapes offer you to play the game "Find your house".

Lived-were in their houses geometric shapes. What are their names? Circle, square, triangle and rectangle (shows and lays out large figures in hoops). Then he distributes to all children one geometric figure.

I play math

I turn you into figures!

One, two, three, triangle, run into the house! (triangle children run into their hoop).

Well done boys! Did it!

Task 2 "Counting to 5"

Look, guys, we ended up in the kingdom of the counting fairy, but she is now away on business. And so the Fairy Counting Girl left, and the numbers 1,2,3,4 and 5 decided while she was gone, to play pranks a little and got mixed up so that they forgot their ordinal places. Therefore, even the sun hid in the kingdom. Let's help them clean up!

(Children put the numbers in order).

Well done, you did everything right!

And the Counting Machine left us some task. Let's see?

(each child has a card with a task: count the drawn objects and connect the resulting answers with numbers)

While we were doing the task of the fairy, the sun came out.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Ray, mischievous ray, play, you are with me (blink eyes)

Come on, ray, turn around, show yourself to my eyes. (circular eye movements)

I will look to the left, I will find a ray of sunshine (look to the left)

Now I'll look to the right, again I'll find a ray (look to the right)

Guys, look, here are some pictures too.

(we look at pictures depicting various objects that hang on the board. Then the children perform movements corresponding to the text)

How many apples do we have

So many times we jump. (1)

How many leaves do we have

So many times we will swear. (2)

How many red fly agarics

Let's make so many bends. (3)

How many jars do we have

We clap so many times with you. (4)

How many funny clowns

We stomp so many times with you (5).

Well done! We coped with all the tasks of the counting fairy! We can move on!

3 task "Solve the problem"

Oh, where are we going again? And we ended up in the kingdom of Prince Zadachkin, here we also need to complete several tasks. You are ready?

Then let's solve with you entertaining puzzles that the prince has prepared for us. Just listen to them very carefully!

Prick up your ears and listen to: Presentation.

The task "Visiting a bee."

A magpie flew through the forest and said that the bees would treat the animals with honey. The first to run to the hive was a bear with a barrel. Behind him galloped a squirrel with a mug. The third came a hare with a bowl. Then a fox came with a jug, and the wolf hobbled last.

- List everyone who ran to the hive. How many are there?

- How did the hare rush to the hive? And the squirrel?

- In what order did the wolf hobble?

- Who had the smallest dishes?

- Who had the biggest dishes?

Problem "Wolf and fox on a fishing trip"

The fox and the wolf went fishing. The fox took a small fishing rod with a short line, and the greedy wolf thought: “I’ll take the biggest fishing rod with a long, long line - I’ll catch more fish.” Sat down to fish. The fox only manages to pull the fish out: either crucian, then bream, then catfish, then pike. And the wolf caught one crucian, began to pull it from the river, and got tangled in a long fishing line. While untangled, it's already time to go home.

How many fish did the fox catch in total? Wolf?

How much did they catch together?

- Who caught more fish, why?

The task "At the moose"

I bought an elk TV, invited the animals to watch the cartoon. Guests came to the moose, and he only had two benches: one large, the other small. An elk and a bear sat on a large bench. And on a small one - a hedgehog, a squirrel, a hare, a gopher and a mouse.

How many animals fit on the big bench?

- How many animals fit on a small bench?

Which bench has more animals? Why?

Well done boys!

Well, finally, we have reached the country of Igland! (children are greeted by the Umnyashka doll)

Hello Smarty!

Hello guys! How did you get to me? Was it difficult? What good fellows you are! Do you want to play with me? And I'll see how smart and quick-witted you are!

We start again:

Solve, guess, dare!

Wish you good luck-

To work, have a good time!

Children play with Umnyashka.

The game is called: "What is longer."

The doll throws the ball to one of the children and says: “The match, which is longer? »

The child catches the ball and answers: “Pencil, which is longer? "- and throws the ball to the next player (the girl's braid, ribbon, stick, rope, rails, road) The ball is thrown until the fantasy runs out and there is nothing to compare with.

Game "When does it happen?"

We have breakfast in the morning and dinner ... (in the evening)

We sleep at night, and do exercises ... (in the morning)

In the afternoon we have lunch and breakfast ... (in the morning)

The sun shines during the day, and the moon ... (at night)

We have dinner in the evening, and lunch ... (in the afternoon)

We go to the kindergarten in the morning, and from the kindergarten .... (in the evening)

After the games, the Umnyashka doll sums up the lesson together with the children.

And he offers to take with him the game-task "Coloring"

(a worksheet for each child)

1. Color only round objects.

2. Color only rectangular objects.

3. Color in objects that move fast.

Guys, it's time to go back to kindergarten. I am very glad that you came to visit me! Goodbye! Come again!

Subject: "Visiting the Bunny"

Target: Consolidation and generalization of the material covered.

Tasks : Consolidate children's knowledge of geometric shapes; improve children's knowledge of color and shape; consolidate the concepts of many, one, none; understand the question “How much?

To fix the concept of size (big - small).

Develop speech, observation, mental activity.

To cultivate interest in mathematical studies, independence, friendly attitude towards each other.

Didactic visual material:

1. Demonstration material: toys - hare, bears (large, small); balloons (big, small); geometric shapes (circles, squares, triangles); musical accompaniment, steering wheel.

2. Handout: cards - plates of 4 pcs. per child, cards - carrots, 4 pcs. on a child.

Lesson progress:

Children stand in a semicircle.

Educator: Guys, today we were invited to a birthday party. And to whom you will learn by guessing the riddle.

"A ball of fluff, a long ear,

Jumps deftly, loves carrots "

Who is this?

Children: Bunny.

Educator: Right. The bunny has a birthday today, he is waiting for guests - bunnies and bears.

We will visit by bus. What do we need to take the bus?

Children: Tickets.

Educator: Take tickets from the table. What unusual tickets do you have. These are geometric shapes of different colors and shapes. Please tell us what color and shape your ticket is.

Children: my ticket is green, square;

My ticket is yellow, round;

My ticket is blue, square;

My ticket is yellow, triangular in shape;

My ticket is red, round.

Educator: Let the guys take their seats on the bus, according to your tickets. Seats on the bus are marked with geometric shapes of different colors and shapes. Attach your ticket and see if it fits or not. If so, take your seat.

The music sounds "We are sitting on the bus."

Look, guys, who meets us.

Children: Bunny.

Educator: Let's say hello to the bunny.

Children: Hello bunny.

Bunny: Hello guys.

Educator: The bunny has a birthday today, let the guys congratulate him.

Children: Happy Birthday.

Educator: Guys, the bunny asks you to help him set the table. Let's help the bunny set the table.

Children sit at tables. Cards are laid out on the table: plates of 4 pcs. per child, 4 carrots per child.

Educator: What do bunnies like to eat?

Children: Carrot.

Educator: Let's put the treat on plates. How many plates do we have on the table?

Children: A lot.

Educator: What are the plates?

Children: Empty.

Educator: Take one carrot, put it on a plate, lay it out from left to right. We take one carrot and put it on a plate.

Educator: How many carrots are on the plate?

Children: One carrot.

Educator: We take another carrot, put it on another plate, etc.

Educator: How many carrots are on the plates?

Children: Many

Educator: How many empty plates are left?

Children: None.

Educator: Well done.

Physical education minute"Here are the bunnies"

Paws up, paws down

Bow down slowly

One two three four five,

The hare began to jump.

Educator: Children, look, guests friends came to the bunny. Who came to visit the bunny?

Children: Bears.

Educator: Are they the same or different?

Children: Different (big - small).

Educator: Look, the bears brought presents to the bunny - balls. How are they the same or different?

Children: Different in color and size.

Educator: Let's see what ball the big bear brought.

Children: Big red balloon.

Educator: Let's see what ball the little bear brought.

Children: A small green ball.

Teacher: That's right guys. Well done, they did a good job, helped the bunny, met the bunny's friends. Now it's time to go back to kindergarten.

Educator: Let's say goodbye to the bunny and bears.

Children: Goodbye bears. Goodbye bunny. Thank you for inviting us to your birthday party.

Bunny: Goodbye guys. Thank you for helping me set the table.

Educator: We will go to kindergarten by bus. Take tickets from the table.

Let the guys take seats on the bus, according to your tickets. Attach your ticket and see if it fits or not. If so, take your seat.

Did everyone take their seats? Go.

Teacher: We've arrived. We get off the bus and leave the tickets on the table.

Summary of the lesson

Educator: Guys, who did we visit today?

Children: To a bunny for a birthday.

Teacher: What did we do there?

Children: We laid out the carrots on plates.

Educator: How many plates were there?

Children: Many

Teacher: How many carrots were there?

Children: Many

Educator: Who else came to visit the bunny?

Children: Bears (big, small).

Educator: What did the bears give the bunny?

Children: Balloons.

Teacher: Were they the same or different?

Children: Different (big red balloon and small green balloon).

Educator: Did you like our trip?

Children: Yes

Educator: Well done!

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 8 "Golden Fish"

urban district of Strezhevoy, Tomsk region

Synopsis of GCD

by FEMP on the topic "Teremok"

(middle group)

Compiled by:

Stepanova Alina Alexandrovna,


Target: development in children interest to self-determination

cognitive and creative tasks.

Tasks :


create a positive attitude, desire to interact with each other

education of responsiveness, mutual assistance;


fix the score to 5;

exercise in comparing objects in length;

fix the name of geometric shapes;

learn to navigate on a sheet of paper;

develop visual memory, attention, thinking,


develop the speech activity of children;

learn to answer questions.

Dispensingmaterial: strips of different lengths, countable material (

carrots, beets, apples, strawberries, geometric shapes.

Demomaterial: animals, presentation.

moveclasses :

    Organizing time

Educator: Guys, come to me. Let's greet each other:

Let's stand side by side, in a circle,

Let's say "Hello!" each other.

We are not too lazy to say hello:

Hi all!" and "Good afternoon!";

If everyone smiles

Good morning will begin.


Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales? (Yes) .

Today we will go on a journey and meet our old

familiar heroes of a famous fairy tale. And what do you know if the riddle


    Main part

On a forest glade

There was a painted house,

I could hide all the animals,

What kind of house? (Teremok )

Guys, attention to the board, the fairy tale begins!


In the open field teremok He's not low, he's not high.

A gray mouse, norushka, went out into the field for a walk,

The mouse sees teremok alone in the open field.

The mouse was very surprised, approached, stopped.

Who is there in tereme lives ? Maybe he will invite you.

The mouse sees the ad :

“He will enter the house whoever finds the path to the house” .

1. Task - A to teremu 2 paths lead , one is long and the other is short.

The mouse is confused, which path should she take to get to tower: by

long track or short track:

Lera, what do you think? What color is she? (child's answer)

Well done! Yes, guys, that's right, it's faster for the mouse to run to the house along the short path. Let's go to the mouse, it is waiting for us, how can we find out which strip is long and which is short? (children's answers)

Well done guys, you correctly indicated the short path, here is the mouse

got to teremka, and began to live there, to live, and to sing songs.

How many fat animals live in the house? (1)


The frog jumps in the swamp.

IN teremka she wants to live

Who, who in Teremochka lives ? Who, who lives in the low?

And the mouse answered her : To open my door, you need to solve the problem.

While the frog was jumping, she lost her beads. The poor woman is crying

"Trouble! Help, kids!

Well, guys, help the frog? (Yes).

Let's go to the tables. Look, you have geometric shapes on your trays, name them? (circle, rectangle, triangle, square)

Here we will lay out the beads for the frog from them. You listen carefully ,

what figure I will call, such a figure you lay out on your

(Children lay out the beads, then compare with the sample.)

- Guys, spread from left to right.

Matvey, what number did you put the circle on? (3)

Polina, what score did you put in the triangle? (2)

Ksyusha, what number did you put the square? (1)

What is the third figure? (circle)

What is the name of the fifth figure (rectangle)

Well, you coped with this task, well done, the frog is very happy with how beautiful the beads turned out.

Now the happy frog galloped straight to teremka and began to live there

along with the mouse.

How many animals are in the house now. (2)


What the terem - teremok . Smoke comes from the chimney

Hey, open the bunny and let it in!

We would be happy to accept you, the task must be completed.

Guys, the hare has harvested, but cannot put it on the shelves. Can we help the bunny? Listen carefully where to put harvest.

a) Put the carrots on the top shelf.

b) Beets on the bottom shelf.

d) Apples on the left shelf.

e) Strawberries on the right shelf.

Sonya, how many carrots do you have? (5)


Dasha, on which shelf do you have apples? (left)

Semyon, how many strawberries? Where did you put it? (1. To the right shelf)

Well done guys, and the bunny loves to play, let's play with him? (Yes)

3. Physical education minute.

"It's cold for a bunny to sit,

You need to warm up your paws.

Paws up, paws down, pull up on your toes.

We put the paws on the side, on the toes, hop-hop-hop.

Bunny ran to teremka and let him in and they began to live together.

How many animals live in teremka ? (3)


Hush, hush, don't make noise, someone is coming to us here. Well, fox, of course.

She asked, also teremok and let her in . The fox decided to decorate

teremok flags .

(sets flags, children remember which flags are set,

what colour)

Night fell, everyone closed their eyes. (Remove 1 checkbox.)

In the morning everyone woke up, opened their eyes and saw that one flag was missing.

enough. What? (the game is repeated several times) .

SLIDE 13-16.

SLIDE 17. And they began to live in 4 teremka .

A bear is walking through the forest. Suddenly I saw teremok - how to roar :

"You let me in teremok!" The animals were scared.

Will the bear get in teremok(No)

Why (the bear is very big)

What to do? After all, it will be bad for the bear to live on the street!

(children decide to build a new house, large, so that there is enough space for everyone).

And how much animals will live in it? (5)

Guys, let's help build a house. And it turned out to be better than before. (squares from large to small, in a big bear and up to a small one)



Guys who came first to teremka ?

Who is the last?

Who came third?

Who came before the hare?

Who came after the mouse?

Guys, who helped the animals get into teremok? Of course, you and your knowledge.

Which animal do you enjoy helping?

Guys, you were today attentive , active, listened, answered correctly. Well done!

Abstract of an open lesson
according to FEMP for the middle group
Topic: "Visiting a fairy tale"
Software content.
improving the skills of comparing and equalizing sets, quantitative and
ordinal account;
consolidate the skills of quantitative counting within 5;
fixing quantitative numbers in speech, answering the question “How many
fix the name and color of geometric shapes;
develop constructive skills and creative imagination;
attention, memory, thinking through teaching counting operations and didactic
coherent speech through complete answers to questions.
Demo material:
interactive presentation "In the land of fairy tales".
in plates - geometric shapes for modeling a fox.
Technical training aids:
screen projector,
record player.
Dictionary. How much more, less, it was, it became, subtract, equally, the first,
last, prepositions (for, before, between).
Methodical methods. Warm-up riddles, imitation, physical minutes, comparison,
game, sample display, conversations, interactive games.
Preliminary work. Reading fairy tales, learning physical minutes.
To the music, the children enter the group and stand in a circle.
All the children gathered in a circle:
You are my friend and I am your doug.
Let's hold hands together
And we smile at each other.
Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales? (Children answer.) Do you know many fairy tales?
(The melody "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds). Today we will visit a fairy tale.
To do this, close your eyes. One, two, three, four, five, the tale can begin.
Magic music and voice (fairy tale, fairy tale…..)

On the table are multi-colored envelopes with numbers from 1 to 5.
Guys look what is this? (points to envelopes)
Let's see what's in them. Which one do we start with? Let's find an envelope with
number 1.
Envelope 1.
Guys this is a bit of a mystery.
Grandfather planted it in the spring,
Yes, I watered it all summer.
She grew up to glory, strong,
In this garden…
Children: Turnip. (The teacher clicks the mouse.)
Teacher: Guys, look, there is a task here. It is necessary to arrange the heroes of the fairy tale in
correct order. (Children complete the task on the interactive whiteboard, after which
The teacher asks the children questions, and achieves a complete answer.)
Who pulls the turnip first?
Who pulls the turnip last?
Who is behind the grandmother?
Who is in front of the cat?
Can we say that the mouse is the strongest?
(Children take turns answering questions.)
The heroes of the fairy tale are very friendly with each other, so they were able to pull out the turnip. IN
people say:
Where friendship is strong, things go well.
Well done! Let's find the next envelope. What colour is he?
Envelope 2.
Guys, it also has some kind of task.
He left his grandmother
He left his grandfather
Rolled along the path
And he did not return home.
Children: Kolobok.
Teacher: Yes, now we will go to the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man".
Guys, there are some figures here. What do you think of them can be collected?
Children's answers. I think this is one of the characters in this story. Let's try it

The teacher invites the children to assemble a fox from geometric shapes. If the children are not
cope with the task, the teacher opens a sample, which shows the assembly diagram
Pictures. Well, if the guys cope with the task on their own, the teacher
opens a slide and shows a picture after completing the task. Rates
children's work, praises.
Envelope 3.
Someone has been in the house
The little chair is broken
Crumbled the crib
And fell asleep there sweetly.
Children: Three bears.
Let's play a game about three bears.
Three bears lived in a fairy tale, Hands raised above their heads, tips
They walked around. They go from side to side
The little girl ran up to them, Running on the spot.
I went into the house and saw: Hands raised above the head, tips
fingers touch each other.
A huge table by the window, The right hand is clenched into a fist, the left
the palm rests on the fist.
Three chairs - wow. Left palm upright, right fist
pressed horizontally to the palm.
Three cups, and three spoons, Squat, one hand on the belt, then
stand up, hands up.
Three beds: look. Hands in front of the chest, bent at the elbows and
lie on top of each other.
Masha ate and drank, Depict how they hold a spoon and
bring it to your mouth.
I lay down on the bed. Hands in front of the chest, bent at the elbows and
lie on top of each other.
And fell asleep sweetly. Hands folded, head bowed and

lies on the palms.
What happened next? Hands slightly spread to the side.
Then the bears returned, They go, waddling from side to side.
When they saw Masha, they got angry. Hands on the waist, make an angry face.
Masha was very frightened. They portray a frightened face.
And she rushed home. Hands raised above the head, tips
fingers touch each other.
Envelope 4.
Well, now let's open the next envelope.
Masha walked through the forest
Lost, lost
I wandered into the house to the bear,
She lived with Mishenka.
Children: Masha and the bear.
Teacher: And who remembers how Masha returned home?
Children: She baked pies, climbed into the box herself and asked the bear to take
pies for grandma and grandpa.
(The task is performed on the interactive whiteboard)
Teacher: Well done, right. Let's count how many pies Masha baked.
Patties with cabbage are triangular in shape, and pies with potatoes are oval.
Put cabbage pies on the top strip, and potatoes on the bottom strip.
How many pies?
Children: Five pies with cabbage.
Children: With potatoes 4 pies.
Teacher: What pies are more?
And how many pies with cabbage more than potatoes?
How to make Masha so that the pies are equally divided?
How many cabbage pies were there?
How many pies did you take away?
How many pies are left?
Now what pies more?
(The teacher praises the children.)
Envelope 5.
Well guys, we have one more envelope left. Let's see what's in there, shall we?
(The teacher takes out gifts and distributes to children, praises)
Educator: Well done! And now: - it's time for us to finish the fairy tale. Sounds like
music "Visiting a fairy tale".

Ekaterina Potemkina
Abstract of the lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical representations. middle group

Target: Continue to develop mathematical representations in children of the middle group.



form ability to equalize groups in two ways, adding to the smaller group one(missing) item or removing from a larger group one(extra) item.

Continue learning to compare two groups of objects, different in form, defining their equality or inequality based on pair matching. Improve the ability to compare two object by length, width

To consolidate the ability to distinguish and name flat geometric figures: circle, square, triangle.


Develop attention, logical thinking, eye, fine motor skills of hands


Cultivate a positive attitude towards animals.

Cultivate interest in occupation responsiveness, willingness to help others, ability to work independently

caregiver: Guys, today we will go to the zoo.

The boys go to the zoo

Schoolchildren and preschoolers

Want to see the animals

All the animals are in cages.

And bring them a treat:

Who is a banana and who is a cookie,

1. Game situation "Road to the Zoo"

Guys, getting to our zoo is not so easy. Look at the paths in front of the zoo.

Let's compare them with you. Are the tracks the same?

To get to the zoo, we need to choose the longest and widest road. look carefully and choose which we need.

Children: red.

caregiver: Well done. Here we are at the zoo

2. "Hang up handkerchiefs"- equalization groups of objects in 2 ways

caregiver: Who meets us first? Pay attention to the raccoon that dries handkerchiefs on a rope. How many handkerchiefs are dried on a rope?

Children: A lot of.

caregiver: What color are they?

Children: Red, yellow

caregiver: Are the handkerchiefs the same form?

Children: Round, triangular.

caregiver: What can be said about the number of round and triangular handkerchiefs: are they equal? How can you find out?

And to find out, we put as many round handkerchiefs on the top strip as a raccoon. How many round handkerchiefs? Let's count. (5)

Now lay out triangular handkerchiefs on the bottom strip. How many handkerchiefs does a raccoon have? (4)

caregiver: What handkerchiefs more: round or square forms?

Children: Handkerchief round shapes more.

caregiver: What handkerchiefs less: round or square forms?

Children: square handkerchief shape less.

caregiver: How to make handkerchiefs round and square forms are equal?

(Together with the children we discuss ways to equalize groups of objects).

3. Physical Minute.

monkey suggested play a ball game "Say the opposite"

low - high,

long short,

Day Night,

narrow - wide

light heavy,

Left - right

Far close;

Above - below

One is many

Morning evening,

thick - thin

4. "extra figure"

caregiver: Let's see who else is waiting for us at the zoo? (parrot). He brought us the task of playing. Here are the figures on the card. Need to attentively look at the card and find the extra piece. This figure will need to be laid out from counting sticks. And then we'll see if you found the extra figure correctly.

caregiver: What good fellows we are!

5. "Unravel the Paths"

caregiver: But the zoo is already closing and it's time for us to return to group. But what do all the tracks get messed up and to go back to group you need to decompose the tracks from the longest to the shortest. Take your tracks and lay them out on the table from the longest track to the shortest track. And now let's check whether we have laid out the tracks correctly.

Here we are in group.

Where have we been today?

What animals met us at the zoo?

What did we do with the raccoon?

What game was played with the monkey?

What task did the parrot prepare for us?

That's what good fellows we are!

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