Designing according to conditions in the middle group. How to organize and conduct a design lesson in the middle group of a kindergarten

Author: Shchukina Natalya Yurievna, nursery / kindergarten teacher # 22 of the sanatorium type for TB-infected children, Pavlodar
Description of the material: I offer you a summary of a paper design lesson in the middle group on the topic "Tumbler". This material will be useful for teachers of the middle group. This lesson outline is aimed at fostering interest in designing from paper strips and developing creative imagination in preschoolers.
Abstract of a design lesson in the middle group "Tumbler" (from paper strips)

Target: Form the ability to transform strips of different sizes into rings.
Tasks: Learn to carefully glue the details (head, arms) to the main shape (body). Strengthen paper design skills. To form the ability to independently draw a face on a circle with felt-tip pens. To activate the speech of children. Develop creative imagination. To educate accuracy in work.
Preliminary work: Games with dolls, didactic game "Assemble a portrait", drawing a person's face (eyes, nose, mouth).
Material for the lesson: Toy "Tumbler", toys for the game "Find where you hid", teacher sample, tape recorder.
Handout: Colored stripes (different in size), white circles (for the face), felt-tip pens, cardboard rectangles (craft stand), glue, brushes, napkins, oilcloths.
Vocabulary work: tumblers, cuties, stripes.
Course of the lesson:
Part I.Surprise moment
The teacher makes a riddle:
“She came to visit us, friends,
The doll is unusual.
Does not sit, does not lie,
Just know yourself, it's worth it.
They know Sashka and Natashka,
These dolls ... (tumblers).
Children guess the riddle, the teacher shows the Tumbler. The guys greet Tumbler.
Part II. The teacher demonstrates the doll, bends it to the table.
Question: Why was it called that? Children explain, express their opinion. The teacher offers to consider what the tumbler consists of.
- And I have one more tumbler. Where is she? Let's find her.
Conducts the game "Find where you hid?"
The teacher hides the Tumbler behind different toys, the children guess and name it (Tumbler hid behind the bear, Tumbler hid behind the pyramid, Tumbler hid behind the doll). The teacher activates the speech of children.
After the game, he asks questions:
- Why is Tumbler sad? (because she is alone, she has no girlfriends ...)
- How can you help her? (they offer to make her girlfriends).
- What is it made of? (from paper, from strips of paper, from rings).
- What are the rings in size? (different; large, medium and two small).
The teacher offers to make girlfriends for the Tumbler. Explains how to do the job:
1.Glue the longest strip - this is the body, glue the large ring on the stand so that it does not roll away.
2.Glue the second strip - this is the head, glue it to the body.
3.Glue two short strips - these are hands, glue one ring to the left, the other to the right, at the same distance.
4. Draw a face with felt-tip pens on a white circle, glue the face on the head, and we get a tumbler.
The teacher shows how to glue the strips correctly to make rings from them. Reminds you of how to draw a face on a circle. Draws the attention of children to the need to plan their activities in advance.
Children work independently.
Conducts a physical training session "Tumbler"
-We are cuties, tumbler dolls (hands on the belt, tilts left and right)
Tumbler dolls - bright shirts (make a spring with a turn).
During the work, the educator provides practical assistance.
Part III. The teacher analyzes the work of children on behalf of Tumbler, sums up. Reads a poem:
Well done, kids,
The tumblers are good.
Your tumblers-
Adorable cuties.
The teacher offers to dance with them to the children's song "Tumbler". Children dance and sing along.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 72

Abstract of a design lesson Middle group

Stupnikova Victoria Vladimirovna,
educator of the highest category
MBDOU: d / s No. 72 "


Abstract of a lesson on design number 1
Topic: Construction from paper. Making snowflakes from colored stripes.
- to teach children how to create and transform objects;
- to practice skills and abilities in working with paper strips;
- development of creative thinking;
-to learn to follow safety rules when working with scissors;
- foster a culture of behavior during the lesson; when meeting guests;
- to teach to the correct organization of the workplace.

Methods and techniques: demonstration, explanation, surprise moment, solving riddles, artistic word.

Preliminary work: a targeted walk through the territory of the kindergarten with the aim of: examining the variety of shapes and fanciful patterns of snowflakes. Modeling and drawing snowflakes with the aim of: developing creative thinking, the absence of stereotypes, the development of fine motor skills of the hands. Examining patterns on the window. Memorizing physical minutes, poems, finger gymnastics about snowflakes for the purpose of: the development of speech, memory, fine motor skills of hands, coordination of movements.
Equipment: strips of blue paper, scissors, glue. Illustrations depicting a winter landscape, children's winter fun: ice skating, skiing, sledging, playing snowballs. 2-3 ready-made snowflakes. Scissor safety poster. Doll in the outfit "Zimushki-winters"
Enrichment of the dictionary: patterns, blizzard, strokes, plus, ballerinas.
Course of the lesson:
Educator: I want to start our lesson with a riddle:
Snow in the fields
Ice on the rivers
Blizzard walks-
When does this happen?
(in winter)
That's right, in winter.
Guys, please look out the window and answer the question: what time of year is it now? Why do you think so?
Children: Winter. There is snow outside, the trees are bare, it is very cold, people are dressed in warm clothes.
The teacher for each answer of the children shows the corresponding illustrations, focuses on the signs of winter.
Educator: What kind of children's winter fun do you know?

Children: Sledding, skiing, ice skating. Downhill skiing, playing snowballs.
The teacher shows the corresponding illustrations.
Suddenly there is a knock at the door.
Educator: Guys, someone came to visit us. Let's open the door and see who it is.

The teacher takes a pre-prepared doll.

Zimushka - winter: Hello guys! My name is Zimushka - winter. I heard that you are talking about me and decided to visit you.

Children: Hello, Zimushka - winter. We are very glad to see you, come in and see how we are doing.

Zimushka - winter: But I did not come empty-handed. I brought riddles with me. Can you solve them?

Children: yes, we do.

Winter - winter: Then I will make riddles about winter and winter fun, and you try to guess them.
They stood all summer
Winters were expected.
Waited for the pores
We rushed off the mountain.
It's not easy sometimes
Climb up there
But easy and pleasant
Take a ride back.
(snow Hill)
Under my feet
Wooden friends.
I fly at them with an arrow,
But not in summer, but in winter.

The wind blew and frost
They brought us snow from the north.
Only since then
On my glass ...
He flies from the sky in winter
Don't go barefoot now
Every person knows
Always cold ...
Everyone is afraid of him in winter -
It hurts if he bites.
Hide your ears, cheeks, nose,
After all, on the street ...

Winter is winter: what smart kids. Well done, we solved my riddles. I would also like to visit you and see what else you can do.

The teacher sits down the doll, and he continues the lesson.

Educator: Winter brings us not only frost, cold, snow, but also a lot of interesting things. All boys love to play snowballs in winter. And what do they make snowballs from?

Children: Out of the snow.
Educator: And what does the snow consist of?
Children: From snowflakes.
Educator: Remember, we looked at snowflakes on a walk. What are they?

Children: Snowflakes are very small. They consist of rays. But the pattern is different for all snowflakes. It is impossible to meet two identical snowflakes.

Educator: Let's imagine that it snowed and we are trying to catch snowflakes and examine them.

Children perform finger gymnastics.
(finger gymnastics)

Snowflake, snowflake
She flew across the sky.
In my palm
Accidentally sat down.
I clenched my fist
And the snowflake is gone
Probably to girlfriends
She ran away with hers.

Clench the jaws firmly.
Open jaws.

Educator: guys, do you want to learn how to make snowflakes yourself?

Children: yes
Snowflake making instruction
Educator: we will make a snowflake from colored stripes.
To make snowflakes, you will need four strips of paper. Notice the black stroke in the middle of each strip. It is needed to make the snowflake even and beautiful.
First, you take two strips. Grease one of them with glue in place of the black stroke. Then glue the second strip on top to make a "plus" ("cross"). In this case, the stroke must be aligned. Then do the same with the other two strips. Now connect the two "plus signs" diagonally and our snowflake is ready.
A phased scheme for making a snowflake appears on the board.

Winter is winter: guys, I know magic words, they will help you turn paper strips into snowflakes.

In chorus: One, two, three, four, five-
Let's start transforming!

Children make a snowflake, the teacher helps them.

Educator: guys, let's raise our snowflakes up and show Zimushka-winter what we have done.
The guys show their snowflakes, winter-winter draws attention to the most accurately and correctly done work, finding praise for those guys who did not work out very well and beautifully.

Zimushka - winter: Guys, you did such a good job that I wanted to teach you an interesting round dance game.
Children leave the tables, stand in a circle. Zimushka - winter says words and shows movements, children repeat after her.

We are snowflakes, we are fluff
We are not averse to spinning.
We are snowflakes ballerinas
We dance day and night.
We stand together in a circle -
It turns out a snowball.
We whitewashed the trees
The roofs were covered with fluff.
The earth was covered with velvet
And saved from the cold.

Children beautifully and smoothly wave their hands, depicting snowflakes.
Circling around themselves.
Dance movements are performed first with hands, then with feet.
They join hands.
They depict with their hands how the snow falls.
They show with their hands how the snow covers houses, trees, and the ground.

After a physical minute, the children sit down at the tables.

Zimushka - winter: Guys, I can make different snowflakes. Why did you make all the snowflakes the same?

Children: We forgot to decorate them.

Educator: Quite right. We need to decorate the snowflakes, then they will become different from each other.

Snowflake decoration instruction

You still have stripes in your glasses. You can use scissors to cut pieces of different lengths from the strip and stick to your snowflake, creating a unique pattern.
I got the following snowflakes: the teacher shows 2-3 samples of ready-made snowflakes, then removes them so as not to interfere with the creativity of the children and as a result of work to get as many different snowflakes as possible.
The teacher shows how you can twist the paper with scissors to make curls. Since the age of children is 4-5 years old, the teacher himself helps those children who want to use curls to decorate their snowflakes.

But before we get started, let's remember the safety rules when handling scissors.
The teacher shows the poster, the children repeat the safety rules.

Then the children complete the task of decorating the snowflakes.

Winter is winter: guys, you have wonderful snowflakes. Let's decorate the meadow with them.

Children lay snowflakes on the carpet.

Winter is winter: guys, I still have one more mystery for you:
Falling from the sky in winter
And circling above the ground
Soft fluffy
Sparkling white

Children: Snowflakes. And we can also tell you about the snowflake.

Children admire their work and do finger gymnastics about a snowflake

(finger gymnastics)

Snowflake, snowflake
She flew across the sky.
In my palm
Accidentally sat down.
I clenched my fist
And the snowflake is gone
Probably to girlfriends
She ran away with hers.

Children gently swing their arms, depicting the flight of snowflakes.

Open your palms and imagine that a snowflake has fallen on your palm.
Clench the jaws firmly.
Open jaws.
Draw the flight of snowflakes with your hands.

Zimushka - winter: Thank you guys for such a wonderful lesson. I really liked how you worked, how you played, how you made. But it's time for me to go home to the forest. Goodbye.
Children: goodbye, Zimushka - winter. Come to us again.

Zimushka - winter is leaving.

Educator: Well done, guys, you did a good job and turned out to be hospitable hosts. And now we will decorate our reception room with snowflakes so that your parents can also admire your work.
A teacher with children arranges an exhibition of children's works in the reception room.

Photos are posted with the consent of the parents of the children.

Attached files

Irina Yankevich
Construction games file (middle group)

1 Games by designing

(average preschool age )

Target: Develop the ability of children, build a house. Learn to carry out the construction in the desired sequence. Promote cooperative play


The course of the game. - Look, it is raining, and our puppy Bimka is wet, he sits under a tree and shivers. He needs to build a warm house - a booth. The teacher proposes to build a house for the dog. Children themselves choose the material, they themselves come up with a house.

"Animal enclosure"

Target: Learn to build from vertically placed bricks. To foster a careful handling of the building. Activate dictionary: brick, enclosure

Material: bricks.

The course of the game. The teacher brings a set of plastic pets and offers to build a pen for them so that they do not run away, so that they are not eaten by wolves. It is necessary to build from bricks placed vertically.

5 Games by designing

(average preschool age )

Target: Reinforce the ability to firmly lay bricks flat against each other with the narrow, short side (road)... Stably and evenly place the cube on the second brick (a car).

Material: cubes and bricks.

The course of the game. The teacher brings in traffic light group, children remember what they know about traffic lights. Let's build a road and a car with you, show you how to build, play with buildings.

"Gate for the Aibolit car"

Target: Learn to build a gate from two vertically standing bricks, on which one more brick is placed .. Material: bricks

The course of the game. Attention in the zoo the tiger got sick. Kind doctor Aibolit is driving a car to cure a patient. The car enters the park, trees prevent us from going further. We urgently need to build a gate for the car. Children offer their buildings.

9 Games by designing

(average preschool age )

"The doll has a housewarming"

Target: To consolidate the skills and abilities of working with building materials, to teach how to play with buildings, to enrich the experience of children. Construction of furniture, rooms in various ways.

Material: cubes and bricks. prisms, plates. cylinders.

The course of the game. The teacher invites children to become builders and build whole rooms with furniture for dolls. Pick up the building material yourself. Friends for work, and put the dolls in a new home.

"Town for dolls"

Target: Continue creating buildings according to the general storyline. Form skill design at will, cultivate the desire and ability to build peacefully together

Material: cubes and bricks of a prism, plates. cylinders.

The course of the game. - Look, our dolls were very upset, they had a fire, all the houses in the city burned down. Therefore, they need help, build new houses. Let us help our toys., Create our own houses., Come up with our own buildings.

13 Games by designing

(average preschool age )

"Putting the shapes together"

Target viewsconstructive activity Material

Remove inserts, such as circles, and have your child collect them on the table and then place them in the appropriate windows. Then collect triangles and squares in the same way.

15 Games by designing

(average preschool age )

"Coming up with figures"

Target: To develop logical thinking, attention, memory, speech, the development of fine motor skills, preparation of the hand for writing, the development of imagination, creative activity.

Material: a set of planar geometric shapes in basic colors, frames, cut shapes.

The child can come up with and put together shapes from various elements, give them names.

"Trace the path"

Target: Acquaintance with the concepts of shape, color, size, creation of initial mathematical views: acquaintance with geometric shapes, their main features, learning to count, understanding the relationship between the whole and the part, constructive activity: folding an object from parts, the development of logical thinking, attention, memory, speech, the development of fine motor skills, preparation of the hand for writing, the development of imagination, creative activity. Material:

The set contains frames. If a child loves to draw and paint, then he can quite easily draw a figure himself, tracing the frame from the inside with a pencil. Then this drawing can be shaded or painted over; cut

3 Games by designing

(average preschool age )

"Ladder for a turtle"

Target: Continue to teach children to create buildings, superimpose parts on top of each other and put them side by side; recognize and name building material and buildings.

Material: bricks and plates.

The course of the game. V group children find a family of turtles. The teacher builds in advance in group pond and invites the children to build a ladder so that the turtles get to the pond. Bricks must be stacked on top of each other.

"A narrow bench for the Bunny - Long Eye, a wide bench for Mishutka"

Target: Learn to build a narrow bench from two bricks and a plate and a wide one from four bricks and two plates.

Material: bricks and plates.

The course of the game. Funny toys come to visit the children, which tell the children that there are not even benches in the forest. The teacher offers the children to build a narrow bench for the bunny, and a wide bench for the bear. Children choose the material for the construction themselves.

7 Games by designing

(average preschool age )

"Collect circles"

Target: To consolidate the ability of children to navigate in homogeneous objects (more, less, even less, small, picking them up in a certain sequence; to teach to enrich sensory experience when acting with a certain form and of different sizes, learning their physical properties.

Material: planar circles of different sizes and colors.

The course of the game. Let's create a fabulous room with you and arrange the circles by size, color, according to your mood.

"Bridge for pedestrians"

Target: Continue to learn two ladders and make an overlap (put a plate on top, play with the building. Dictionary: ladder, height, top, bridge, beside, plate.

Material: cubes and bricks, plate

The course of the game. Here we have a wide river. And you and I need to translate the toys. - What should we do? Build a bridge, of course. (The educator builds a sample)

Invites children to build their own bridge and transport toys.

11 Games by designing

(average preschool age )

"Different cars"

Target: Reinforce in children the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe color and name of building parts, ways designing... Teach children to compare buildings, notice their differences.

Material: cubes and bricks, plates.

The course of the game. We have already built a road and a car. and now you will invent your own cars and build a whole garage of various cars. Children compare buildings. Name their cars.

Target: To reinforce the ability of children to stick bricks tightly to each other, placing them on the long narrow side, depicting a boat or steamer. Distinguish the details of the bow, stern.

Material: cubes and bricks, plates.

The course of the game. Our toys love to travel, but to sail on the sea you need to build a ship. Let's help our toys and build a ship and name it "Friendship."

14 Games by designing

(average preschool age )

Target: Acquaintance with the concepts of shape, color, size, creation of initial mathematical views: acquaintance with geometric shapes, their main features, learning to count, understanding the relationship between the whole and the part, constructive activity: folding an object from parts, the development of logical thinking, attention, memory, speech, the development of fine motor skills, preparation of the hand for writing, the development of imagination, creative activity.

Material: a set of planar geometric shapes in basic colors, frames, cut shapes.

Scatter the game and ask the child to find triangles, circles, rectangles. Ask to list geometric shapes, count their number, compare by the main features

17 Games by designing

(average preschool age )

"Make an ornament"

Target: Acquaintance with the concepts of shape, color, size, creation of initial mathematical views: acquaintance with geometric shapes, their main features, learning to count, understanding the relationship between the whole and the part, constructive activity: folding an object from parts, the development of logical thinking, attention, memory, speech, the development of fine motor skills, preparation of the hand for writing, the development of imagination, creative activity.

Material: a set of planar geometric shapes in basic colors, frames, cut shapes.

The ornament is based on the arrangement of repeating elements on a plane. Ornaments can be made from the same or from different shapes by placing them along a line, fan, flower or partially overlapping each other



Irina Yankevich
Construction games file (middle group)

1 Games by designing

(average preschool age)

"Building a house for a cat, dog and goat"

Target : Develop the ability of children, build a house. Learn to carry out the construction in the desired sequence. Promote cooperative play


The course of the game. - Look, it is raining, and our puppy Bimka is wet, he sits under a tree and shivers. He needs to build a warm house - a booth. The teacher proposes to build a house for the dog. Children themselves choose the material, they themselves come up with a house.

"Animal enclosure"

Target : Learn to build from vertically placed bricks. To foster a careful handling of the building. Activate dictionary : brick, enclosure

Material: bricks.

The course of the game. The teacher brings a set of plastic pets and offers to build a pen for them so that they do not run away, so that they are not eaten by wolves. It is necessary to build from bricks placed vertically.

5 Games by designing

(average preschool age)

"Construction of a truck, roads"

Target : Reinforce the ability to firmly lay bricks flat against each other with the narrow, short side(road) ... Stably and evenly place the cube on the second brick(a car) .

Material : cubes and bricks.

The course of the game. The teacher brings in traffic light group , children remember what they know about traffic lights. Let's build a road and a car with you, show you how to build, play with buildings.

"Gate for the Aibolit car"

Target : Learn to build a gate from two vertically standing bricks, on which one more brick is placed .. Material: bricks

The course of the game. Attention in the zoo the tiger got sick. Kind doctor Aibolit is driving a car to cure a patient. The car enters the park, trees prevent us from going further. We urgently need to build a gate for the car. Children offer their buildings.

9 Games by designing

(average preschool age)

"The doll has a housewarming"

Target : To consolidate the skills and abilities of working with building materials, to teach how to play with buildings, to enrich the experience of children. Construction of furniture, rooms in various ways.

Material : cubes and bricks. prisms, plates. cylinders.

The course of the game. The teacher invites children to become builders and build whole rooms with furniture for dolls. Pick up the building material yourself. Friends for work, and put the dolls in a new home.

"Town for dolls"

Target : Continue creating buildings according to the general storyline. Form skilldesign at will, cultivate the desire and ability to build peacefully together

Material : cubes and bricks of a prism, plates. cylinders.

The course of the game. - Look, our dolls were very upset, they had a fire, all the houses in the city burned down. Therefore, they need help, build new houses. Let us help our toys., Create our own houses., Come up with our own buildings.

13 Games by designing

(average preschool age)

"Putting the shapes together"

The purpose of the views constructive activity Material


Remove inserts, such as circles, and have your child collect them on the table and then place them in the appropriate windows. Then collect triangles and squares in the same way.

15 Games by designing

(average preschool age)

"Coming up with figures"

Target : To develop logical thinking, attention, memory, speech, the development of fine motor skills, preparation of the hand for writing, the development of imagination, creative activity.

Material : a set of planar geometric shapes in basic colors, frames, cut shapes.


The child can come up with and put together shapes from various elements, give them names.

"Trace the path"

Target : Acquaintance with the concepts of shape, color, size, creation of initial mathematical views : acquaintance with geometric shapes, their main features, learning to count, understanding the relationship between the whole and the part,constructive activity: folding an object from parts, the development of logical thinking, attention, memory, speech, the development of fine motor skills, preparation of the hand for writing, the development of imagination, creative activity. Material:


The set contains frames. If a child loves to draw and paint, then he can quite easily draw a figure himself, tracing the frame from the inside with a pencil. Then this drawing can be shaded or painted over; cut

3 Games by designing

(average preschool age)

"Ladder for a turtle"

Target : Continue to teach children to create buildings, superimpose parts on top of each other and put them side by side; recognize and name building material and buildings.

Material : bricks and plates.

The course of the game. In a group children find a family of turtles. The teacher builds in advance in group pond and invites the children to build a ladder so that the turtles get to the pond. Bricks must be stacked on top of each other.

"A narrow bench for the Bunny - Long Eye, a wide bench for Mishutka"

Target : Learn to build a narrow bench from two bricks and a plate and a wide one from four bricks and two plates.

Material : bricks and plates.

The course of the game. Funny toys come to visit the children, which tell the children that there are not even benches in the forest. The teacher offers the children to build a narrow bench for the bunny, and a wide bench for the bear. Children choose the material for the construction themselves.

7 Games by designing

(average preschool age)

"Collect circles"

Target : To consolidate the ability of children to navigate in homogeneous objects (more, less, even less, small, picking them up in a certain sequence; to teach to enrich sensory experience when acting with a certain form and of different sizes, learning their physical properties.

Material : planar circles of different sizes and colors.

The course of the game. Let's create a fabulous room with you and arrange the circles by size, color, according to your mood.

"Bridge for pedestrians"

Target : Continue to learn two ladders and make an overlap (put a plate on top, play with the building. Dictionary : ladder, height, top, bridge, beside, plate.

Material : cubes and bricks, plate

The course of the game. Here we have a wide river. And you and I need to translate the toys. - What should we do? Build a bridge, of course.(The educator builds a sample)

Invites children to build their own bridge and transport toys.

11 Games by designing

(average preschool age)

"Different cars"

Target : Reinforce in children the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe color and name of building parts, waysdesigning... Teach children to compare buildings, notice their differences.

Material : cubes and bricks, plates.

The course of the game. We have already built a road and a car. and now you will invent your own cars and build a whole garage of various cars. Children compare buildings. Name their cars.

“Construction of a steamship, boat. The doll's trip to visit "

Target : To reinforce the ability of children to stick bricks tightly to each other, placing them on the long narrow side, depicting a boat or steamer. Distinguish the details of the bow, stern.

Material : cubes and bricks, plates.

The course of the game. Our toys love to travel, but to sail on the sea you need to build a ship. Let's help our toys and build a ship and name it"Friendship."

14 Games by designing

(average preschool age)

"Finding geometric shapes"

Target : Acquaintance with the concepts of shape, color, size, creation of initial mathematical views : acquaintance with geometric shapes, their main features, learning to count, understanding the relationship between the whole and the part,constructive activity: folding an object from parts, the development of logical thinking, attention, memory, speech, the development of fine motor skills, preparation of the hand for writing, the development of imagination, creative activity.

Material : a set of planar geometric shapes in basic colors, frames, cut shapes.


Scatter the game and ask the child to find triangles, circles, rectangles. Ask to list geometric shapes, count their number, compare by the main features(angle, sides, their number)

17 Games by designing

(average preschool age)

"Make an ornament"

Target : Acquaintance with the concepts of shape, color, size, creation of initial mathematical views : acquaintance with geometric shapes, their main features, learning to count, understanding the relationship between the whole and the part,constructive activity: folding an object from parts, the development of logical thinking, attention, memory, speech, the development of fine motor skills, preparation of the hand for writing, the development of imagination, creative activity.

Material : a set of planar geometric shapes in basic colors, frames, cut shapes.


The ornament is based on the arrangement of repeating elements on a plane. Ornaments can be made from the same or from different shapes by placing them along a line, fan, flower or partially overlapping each other

Construction is the process of arranging objects or parts in a specific order to obtain an object that is necessary to ensure life. In the process of the development of society, children's design emerged from this area of ​​human activity. The child's actions are easier, the constructions are simpler. But children's construction can also have a practical application - the child uses the resulting objects in play activities. You can design with various materials: the actual designer, natural or waste material, paper and cardboard. At the same time, the creation of structures from paper (possibly with the involvement of additional materials) is the most difficult; preschoolers get acquainted with it in the middle group of the kindergarten.

Designing from paper in the middle group of kindergarten

The child gets acquainted with paper in the first year of life. In the younger groups of the kindergarten, he learns to make paper appliqués, decorates cardboard postcards, and is engaged in modeling on a paper basis. Children 3-4 years old master the concept of form, develop the skill of paper cutting. Younger preschoolers accumulate knowledge and skills for future work with paper. The teacher should not rush, he should be attentive to the age characteristics of each group. Any activity should bring joy and satisfaction to the child, and the child is most pleased when he succeeds in completing the task. At the age of 4–5, preschoolers have an idea of ​​the basics of design in lessons with cubes, a plastic constructor, they put houses from plasticine logs and attached a roof made of sticks to them - that's it, constructive activity. Designing from paper material (sheets of paper, cardboard, boxes, matchboxes, cardboard rollers, etc.) begins to be engaged in the middle group.


The purpose of the paper design classes in the middle group: to encourage children to design activities using paper materials.


  • to acquaint pupils with the properties of paper, which are used in canning;
  • teach children the basic techniques of designing from paper (creasing, tearing, rolling, twisting);
  • education of perseverance, accuracy, polite communication;
  • developing interest in collective activities.

Types of activities

  1. Full show and sample (used in the first paper design lessons, later - when creating complex designs);
  2. According to the model (in this case, the teacher gives oral instructions and explanations for the creation of the object).

When preparing for a design lesson, it must be remembered that the goal of a child's visual activity is not to create crafts, but to develop aesthetic taste, imagination, constructive thinking and the upbringing of moral qualities.

Types of construction in the middle group

Materials for construction

  • Writing and colored A4 paper.
  • Colored cardboard.
  • Velvet colored paper.
  • Wallpaper scraps.
  • Junk paper material: matchboxes, tubes of paper rolls, paper plates and cups, etc.
  • Sheets of paper for scrapbooking - sheets of thick paper with a thematic print. Expensive material for children's crafts.

Materials for construction from paper in the photo

Basic material for constructing from paper Basic material for constructing from paper Great option for simulating various surfaces of objects of the surrounding world
Beautiful and original, but expensive material Example of designing from paper plates Example of designing using cardboard sleeves Example of designing from matchboxes Example of designing from velvet paper Example of origami with an addition from wrapping paper Example of designing with disposable cups

Combining paper construction with other fine art techniques

To create objects from paper, you should use such fine art techniques as drawing, coloring, applique, modeling. Preschoolers 4-5 years old master the basic techniques of these techniques and are happy to supplement them with paper models. When creating images of animals and people, pupils can add parts of the face or body / muzzle or paws. Applique techniques can be used to simulate the plumage of birds, the crown of a tree, grass on the lawn, etc. Plasticine parts are also often used to complement and / or decorate paper crafts. Coloring should be used in works made of thick cardboard or waste material, paper work is deformed when paint is applied.

Examples of synthesis of various techniques in paper design work

Details from paper plates are painted Mandatory task - to decorate the finished work with a piece of plasticine To decorate the work, the technique of direct application was used. The muzzles of animals are made using the technique of simple drawing

Multilevel assignments in paper design classes

The teacher must always remember about the individual approach to teaching each child. When completing a design assignment, the student will lose interest in the creative process if the assignment turns out to be simple for him. Therefore, when developing each lesson, the educator must prepare additional tasks for those pupils who have mastered the skills of simple design better. For example, in a lesson on creating a cup with a handle, suggest decorating the finished work with paper applique. For design work on a plane, it is a good idea to draw the details on the canvas as a background image. Initially, it is incorrect to give tasks of different difficulty levels, the division of the team may look like the selection of those who are successful and those who are lagging behind. In such a situation, pupils who have received a simple task may feel anxiety or even aggression towards those who have been given a difficult task, but with a more interesting or beautiful result.

Using motivational material in the classroom

At the preparatory stage of each lesson, it is necessary to involve motivating material. This is necessary to activate the imagination of pupils, expand their horizons, increase interest in creative activity, and develop aesthetic taste. The material should be varied:

  • Visual material (cards depicting objects or objects on the topic, posters, distribution material).
  • Audio accompaniment (listening to songs on the topic of the lesson or the background sounding of melodies during the game or physical education).
  • Reading poems, nursery rhymes, proverbs and sayings.
  • Riddles.
  • Creation of a game situation (using toys or related objects).
  • Show slides or presentations on the topic of the lesson.

Examples of using motivational start to class

Lesson topic Motivating start
"Tumbler" At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher tells the children a riddle:
She came to visit us, friends,
The doll is unusual.
Does not sit, does not lie,
Just know yourself, it's worth it.
They know Sashka and Natashka,
These dolls ... (tumblers).
The pupils are shown a tumbler, which hastened to visit them. The teacher talks with the children, asks questions: "Why do you think this doll is called a tumbler?", "How to play with a tumbler?" etc.
The game "Find where you hid" is being held:
The teacher says that another tumbler came to visit the children, but she is shy and hid behind one of the toys in the room. Children are encouraged to find the doll by verbal assumptions (they say in turn): "The tumbler hid behind the typewriter", "The tumbler is behind the ball", "The tumbler is behind the Katya doll", etc., until the tumbler is found.
At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher shows the children pictures of wild animals. The guys call them, the teacher hangs the pictures on the board. Then the teacher says that wild animals are dangerous and their behavior can be unpredictable, and suggests turning animals from pictures into toys (a play element). To do this, the pupils must close their eyes and simultaneously clap their hands loudly three times. At this time, the teacher puts animal toys on the table, the images of which will be designed by the children.
"Beauty Snowflake" The teacher creates a surprise moment:
There is a mailbox on the table, the teacher informs the children that the postman brought it to their group, reads out the address (the real address of the kindergarten is written - city, street, house, kindergarten number, group). A letter is found in the box, the contents of which the teacher reads out loud: animals from distant Africa turn to the children, they tell about the climate in their native place and are sad that they have never seen snow, but they have heard a lot about what an amazing and beautiful phenomenon it is ... The teacher asks how to show the inhabitants of Africa snow and, by means of guiding and hints, leads them to the idea that they can make snowflakes out of paper and send them by mail to Africa.
The guys are given a riddle:
We are green like grass
Our song: "Kva-kva" (frogs / frogs).
The teacher conducts a conversation with the children: what color are the frogs, where they usually live, what they eat. Shows the pupils a picture / poster showing a frog in a swamp. The teacher says that the frog is sad, invites the children to cheer him up by showing the performance of movements in the "Frog" exercise minute:
There are two girlfriends, two green frogs in the swamp.
Early in the morning they washed themselves, rubbed themselves with a towel,
They stomped their feet, clapped their hands,
They leaned to the right and left and returned back.
(Perform appropriate movements).
But the teacher notices that the frog is still sad, because he is all alone in the swamp, and leads the children to the idea that they can make frogs out of paper and place them on a poster.

Examples of work on the specified topics of classes

Construction from paper strips Construction from paper strips Construction from paper strips on a plane Construction from paper using origami technique

Drawing up a lesson summary for the middle group on paper design

For each lesson, the teacher needs to draw up a detailed summary of the lesson. Goals and objectives should be consistent with the age and individual characteristics of children. The use of visual and technical materials by the educator, as well as those materials and tools that children will use is recorded. Then you should describe the course of the lesson. All this is necessary in order to conduct an analysis after the lesson: what moments were successful, what did not work out, what pedagogical techniques were effective, what aroused the interest of the children, what was their emotional state at each stage of the lesson.

Time plan of the lesson

The duration of the construction class in the middle group is 15–20 minutes.

  1. Organizational moment 1 minute.
  2. Motivating step 3-5 minutes.
  3. The teacher's demonstration of work methods is 2-3 minutes.
  4. Independent work of pupils 6-8 minutes.
  5. Demonstration of works, discussion for 2 minutes.
  6. Summing up 1 minute.

Setting goals and objectives

The goals and objectives should be specific, they are set by the educator in accordance with the skills learned in the lesson that are necessary when working with certain patterns and execution techniques. Consider options for goals and objectives using examples with specific methods of work:

Lesson topic Target Tasks Technique for performing the task
"Bridges" Craft making using geometric shapes from paper. - training in the analysis of the object;
- development of the ability to create a building using ready-made forms;
- development of spatial thinking and design skills.
Construction of buildings using cardboard figures (cube, "brick", "bar", cylinder).
"Spring miracles" Making flowers from strips of paper. - development of spatial and design thinking;
- development of the ability to combine;
- development of aesthetic taste.
Gluing strips of paper to create "petals", connecting them to a flower using the middle.

Synopsis of the lesson "Our spring stream".
Authors: Petrukhina A.V. educator, Tatarkina Yu. V. educator MADOU №96 "Umnichka", Naberezhnye Chelny

Activities Playful, productive, cognitive and research.
Goals Strengthening the skills of working with paper, developing attention, responsiveness, instilling a culture of communication in a team.
The intended result Ability to design a paper boat, positive and active interaction with all participants in the creative process.
Materials used Whatman paper with a picture of a brook, sheets of paper, glue with brushes, oilcloths and rags for cleaning the workplace.
Course of the lesson The teacher conducts a conversation with the children: what time of year it is (spring), name the spring months, what month it is, what is the weather outside today.
Use of visual material: the teacher hangs a Whatman paper with a picture of a stream on the board, asks to imagine what they would do on a walk if they saw such a stream. Offers to decorate the picture with paper boats.
The teacher conducts a direct demonstration of the implementation of actions to create a boat.
The guys independently repeat the demonstrated actions.

Physical education:
The bear got out of the den,
Looked around at the doorstep, (turns left to right)
He stretched out of sleep. (hands are stretched up)
Spring has come to us again. (Head rotation)
To quickly gain strength,
The bear's head twisted.
Leaned back and forth, (bends back and forth)
Here he is walking through the woods. (bends with your right hand to touch
left foot and vice versa)
Looking for a bear roots
And rotten stumps.
Finally the bear is full
And he sat down on a log. The children sit down.

The teacher thanks the children for the work done and invites everyone to decorate the stream with their boat.

Summary of the lesson "Booth for a dog."
Create a paper craft using a new design method - folding paper in half. Tasks - training in the analysis of paper crafts (highlighting parts of the craft, their location on the plane and relative to each other);
- training in the reception of folding a sheet of paper;
- learning to create an oval by rounding the corners of a square;
- education of accuracy. Materials (edit) A sheet of white paper, a strip of brown paper, a square sheet of black paper, glue, a brush, scissors, dog figures, oilcloth, cloth. Course of the lesson Ball game "Who lives in which house":
Children stand in a circle, the teacher is in the center. The teacher throws the ball to one of the pupils, naming an animal or bird, the child's task is to tell where this animal lives. Then the child throws the ball to the next pupil, naming another animal, etc.

The teacher shows the children a ready-made paper booth, teaches them to analyze a paper structure with the help of leading questions.
Live display of actions to create a paper booth.

Physical education.
Once - rise, stretch, (Stretch.)
Two - bend, unbend, (Bent backs, hands on the belt.)
Three - three claps in your hands, (Claps in your hands.)
Head three nods. (Head movements.)
Four - arms wider, (Hands to the sides.)
Five - wave your hands, (Wave your hands.)
Six - sit down again. (Sit down.)

Independent performance by pupils of actions to construct a booth out of paper.
Demonstration and discussion of finished works.
Time to play with paper crafts and dog figurines.

Summary of the lesson "Funny Snowmen".
Learn to design a craft from paper napkins. Tasks - consolidation of knowledge about winter and its phenomena, expansion of the vocabulary of pupils;
- training in orientation on a plane;
- consolidating the skill of using scissors and glue;
- development of constructive thinking;
- education of accuracy. Materials (edit) Frame with a picture of a Christmas tree. Pictures depicting Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowman, bullfinch and Snow Queen. "Ice cubes" made of paper. Images of snowmen in different poses with different facial expressions. Scissors and glue, glue brushes, paper blanks for cutting snowmen and their decorations. Course of the lesson At the beginning of the lesson, there are five pictures covered with ice on the board. The teacher invites the children to go on a visit to the snowy kingdom. There is a conversation about winter, the peculiarities of this time of the year.
The children get acquainted with the inhabitants of the snow kingdom (their images were hidden under the ice): Santa Claus, Snegurochka, Bullfinch, Snow Queen, Snowman. The teacher can pre-guess riddles about these characters.
Surprise moment: the Snow Woman comes into the room. She is sad and says that she had a big winter (shows the picture), but all the snowmen left at the beginning of the year when spring came. Educators and children decide to create snowmen for Snow Woman.
Physical training.
The teacher shows the actions to create a snowman from napkins.
Repeat by pupils.
After completing the work, leave the snowmen to dry.
Children at this time play with the Snow Baba the game "Collect a Snowman" (collect snowmen from separate parts).
The guys hand Snow Baba paper snowmen, say goodbye.

Origami circle program in the middle group

The origami circle program should have an artistic and aesthetic orientation. Its relevance lies in creating conditions for the all-round development of the personality of preschoolers, familiarizing with cultural values, creating motivation for cognitive and creative activity, implementing positive interaction between the teacher, pupils and their parents.

The creative process of creating origami "Ladybug"

Purpose of the program

Intellectual and aesthetic development of pupils by mastering the technique of designing from paper - origami.


  • familiarity with the basic concepts of geometry (circle, square, triangle, point, line, angle, side, vertex, etc.) and origami forms;
  • training in paper handling techniques;
  • learning to create a composition;
  • training in following oral instructions;
  • development of fine motor skills of hands and eyes;
  • activation of attention, constructive and spatial thinking;
  • memory development;
  • development of imagination and creativity;
  • education of accuracy, respect for the material, compliance with cleanliness and order in the workplace;
  • formation of a culture of work and communication in a team.

In the origami circle, pupils are taken in subgroups of 8-10 people. The lesson lasts 20-25 minutes and is held once a week. According to the results of the work of the circle, exhibitions of children's works are held.

Origami mug theme card index in the middle group

Lesson topic Mastering and / or consolidating paper design skills
"Sweetie" - bending the square diagonally,
- finding the middle,
- bending the corners of the square to the middle.
"Butterfly" - creating a triangle from a square,
- bending corners in different directions.
"Christmas tree decoration" - bending the circle in half,
- finding the middle,
- gluing parts of figures.
- folding paper in different directions,
- work with glue.
- folding the square in four,
- work with scissors.
"Rybka" - getting a triangle from a paper square,
- work with scissors.
- getting a triangle,
- bending and eversion of parts of the triangle.
"Bookmark" - folding of the basic shape "candy".
- folding the basic kite shape.

Origami schemes and examples of work in the photo

Memo Origami Flow Chart Origami Flow Chart Origami Flow Chart Origami Flow Chart Collective work Craft from two origami elements Examples of work Examples of work Folding the "kite" shape, connecting modules Collective work

Interesting ideas and design schemes in the middle group.

To enhance interest in visual activity, the teacher must bring an element of play into the classroom, involve non-traditional materials in the use, offer to create crafts that will have a practical purpose.

Work templates for classes

Template for cutting and gluing Origami diagram Design instructions Origami diagram Design instructions Design instructions Design instructions Instructions for constructing a house with a surprise Ideas for constructing doll furniture from matchboxes Design instructions Idea for creating a headdress for a doll Idea for creating a headdress for a doll Origami diagram Instruction Design Instruction Design Instruction Design Instruction Design Instruction

Examples of finished works

An example of paper construction using matchboxes. The craft can be used in the game or to create a road safety project. Example of designing from paper. Example of designing from paper. Example of designing using cardboard sleeves. Example of designing from paper. You can decorate a room, window, Christmas tree with pendants. Example of construction using a milk bag. Example of construction from paper. The work is designed in the form of a postcard for mom on March 8. Unusual craft in a closed form In an expanded version An example of design using a cardboard sleeve An example of design from paper. Teamwork. A garland of lanterns will decorate the room for the holiday An example of designing from paper. Birds can be hung on a window. Example of construction using a cardboard sleeve. Example of construction from paper. The basket can be filled with paper flowers Example of construction using a matchbox at the base Example of construction from junk material (matchboxes, ice cream sticks) Example of construction using a cardboard sleeve Example of construction from paper. Teamwork. A garland with flags is used to decorate a room or a Christmas tree for a New Year's party. An example of designing from paper. Crafts can be used to create teamwork or play with animal figures. Example of construction from matchboxes. The craft can be used in playing with dolls. Example of constructing from matchboxes. The craft can be used in playing with dolls. Example of paper construction. Example of paper construction. Example of paper construction. Crafts can be used to decorate a room for the Spring Festival.

Designing in the middle group is an activity in which children learn to work with scissors, paper, cardboard, glue, creating various crafts. It is also supposed to improve the acquired skills in other lessons, for example, in the development of speech, drawing, music, logic and the world around.

design classes

The teacher should set himself the task of not only teaching children to perform certain actions, but also to implement their personal projects of crafts, performing them from "junk material", simply put, from garbage and rubbish. It is design in the middle group that opens up a huge field of activity for imagination for young creators, teaches kids to achieve their goals, to cherish and value their own and others' work.

Each lesson in kindergarten is like a journey into a fairy-tale world. And construction in the middle group is no exception in this regard. Therefore, the lesson should be started with a short introduction, a kind of mini-performance in which children should also take part, answering the questions of the teacher and the characters of the miniature characters. Thus, the speech skills and logical thinking of the children are involved. Construction in the middle group can draw on the skills learned in music lessons, where the toddlers are asked to sing a previously learned song.

Working with scissors, paper and glue

The simplest material for children's creativity is paper. Children almost from a year begin to create their first masterpieces from it. The middle group also creates with pleasure from this available material. Designing from paper is a separate section in planning manual labor classes.

Children are happy to create crafts as a gift to their families. You can invite them to make a funny frog toy by distributing part templates in advance. The teacher must show the kids how the bag-body of a cute frog sticks together, how paws, eyes, spots are attached. Before that, you can give one lesson to design in the middle group of the picture "Tree frog eating a fly."

In the course of work, you can tell the children a short story about the sad frog Kvaksha, who considered himself useless on earth.

"Who knows what benefits frogs bring?" - the teacher should ask. And, having shown a ready-made sample of crafts, thereby bring the children to the answer: they destroy insects - mosquitoes and flies - that pester people and animals.

Origami by hand

Another option for practicing with paper is folding various figures from sheets. In addition to the obligatory demonstration of all stages of the manufacture of the product, it implies the design of schemes in the middle group, which the teacher teaches to "read", that is, to understand. Each action in a step-by-step master class has its own serial number, one after the other. After the show, it is appropriate to offer the kids printouts of diagrams for performing crafts with a confused order of actions - let the children themselves indicate with arrows what to do for what.

Cylinder pencils from toilet rolls

It is good if planning for the construction in the middle group includes working with items that most people usually throw in the trash can. For example, from rolls of toilet paper, cardboard tubes remain, which can be easily turned into funny rabbits by pasting them with colored paper and attaching noses, ears, eyes and paws to them. Besides the fact that these little things look very cute, they are convenient for folding pencils and pens.

Small houses

After getting acquainted with the work of Nikolai Nosov about little people from, you can plan the construction of the "House". In the middle group, this activity can begin with the appearance of the Dunno glove doll. It is appropriate to pre-record the character's words on a dictaphone so that the teacher does not have to open his mouth during the baby's remarks.

“Guys, hello! - the short man must say sadly. - Did you recognize me? Yes, I'm Dunno from the Flower City. You probably remember that all the short ones do not live in separate houses, but several people in one room. It's not very comfortable. After all, Gusle needs to make music, and Tsvetik wants to write his poems at this time. Znayka loves to read her smart books in the evenings, and Avoska really wants to go to bed early - the light of the lamp interferes with him. The little guys all fell out over this! " And Dunno wipes his nose with a handkerchief, as if crying.

The teacher here should ask the children if they can help the short ones. And if the guys do not give the right answer, then it is appropriate for an adult to suggest himself: “Let's make separate houses for them! Here, I just have empty juice boxes, maybe they will be useful to us? "

Bird feeders

The guys really like helping someone in life, doing good deeds. Why not channel their irrepressible energy in the right direction and offer to do really useful things? With great pleasure, kids will start making from the same cardboard boxes from milk or juice.

Of course, you need to beat the beginning of the construction class. For example, it will be interesting to see a bird (dressed up artist or toy) with a huge letter in its beak at the lesson. After reading the message, children will learn that with the onset of cold weather, it became extremely difficult for birds to find food under the snow.

The teacher should in this place invite the children to remember the material of the lesson on the world around them. The following leading questions are pertinent:

  1. What birds fly to warm countries with the onset of cold weather?
  2. Which of the birds remains to spend the winter with us?
  3. When do bullfinches fly away and why?
  4. Why do you need to feed birds in winter?
  5. What should be offered as food to birds?

Design by design

It's good if children like to fantasize, offer their own ideas. Then you can offer to come up with your own crafts. It can be a complex work on a project of a new modern children's playground for short people. Let this construction be called "Kindergarten".

The middle group will happily take part in making tiny furniture for their pets. To create it, you can use boxes of different sizes or even plastic or cardboard disposable cups.

Construction from vegetables and scrap materials

This kind of creativity opens the way for imagination. How many interesting things can be made even from ordinary potatoes! Here stick matches into raw potatoes, make eyes out of grapes, and a nose out of currants - and please, in front of you is a funny hedgehog. And if you fix a circle of cheese or a slice of the same potato in front with a couple of matches, make ears and eyes - now you are a piggy, clumsy and dirty. Better yet, replace the matches with broken spaghetti pasta - don't let the guys touch the matches that they can take without asking until the adults are around.

Children are happy to make the characters from the fairy tale by Gianni Rodari "Cipollino" in manual labor with vegetables, embody the plots of other fairy tales. Worthy of admiration are the voluminous compositions based on the fairy tale "Cinderella", where the carriage is actually made of pumpkin, and the rat-horses are made of potatoes.

Master class for making a handbag from cardboard plates

Making a craft that you will not be ashamed of and presenting as a gift will help the design lesson. In the middle group, kids can be offered to make a wonderful handbag out of cardboard disposable plates in the shape of a rabbit's face. To make it, you will need three plates, two pieces of cotton wool, a button for a nose, a strap or a beautiful string, scissors and a felt-tip pen. You can fasten the parts with glue or a stapler.

Pasta turns into jewels

And how luxurious products from ordinary pasta look! Of course, for beads and pendants, the shells are best painted in advance and dried thoroughly. But a decorated craft in the form of an angel can be coated with golden or silver paint directly from the spray can.

But most of all, it gives children pleasure to design from pasta by gluing them together. This is very similar to working with a Lego constructor, however, in a ready-made set of parts, you can only connect in the way that was previously planned and provided by the engineer. When working with pasta, no one puts obstacles in the kid's imagination.

And wonderful fairy-tale houses and amazing vehicles, funny and kind aliens and charming meadows with outlandish flowers come out from under children's hands.