Cupboy costume make your own hands and at home. Carnival cowboy costume boy and girl do-it-yourself cowboy costume with her hands patterns

Ensure the Son of Cowboy for the New Year is a matter of though simple, but still requires the costs of time and effort from parents. The main elements of the costume can be taken from the wardrobe of the son. Some toys will be useful. But all this will require some masking.

Classic cowboy suit consists of the following things:

As already mentioned, the base of the cowboy costume is ready-made pants and a shirt out of a boy's wardrobe. For sewing additional elements - linings on trousers, vests, fringe, hats - need to be stockpiles in the following objects:

  • tools for sewing;
  • segments of artificial leather or suede (to choose);
  • slices of suede (for fringe);
  • cardboard (brown or white, gold or yellow).

We start making the missing suites.

Lining on trousers

We take the selected fabric (artificial skin or suede) and fold it 4 times. The length and width must match the sizes of the pants of the trousers, which will serve as the basis of the costume. We apply on top to the cloth and supply it as a pattern, not forgetting to leave 2-3 cm on the seams.

At the bottom of the lining must be rounded. We make a mark on the start of the belt and the inner seam of trousers. We draw up future loops on which the lining will be held. Now you need to spend a line from the beginning of the loop to the lower point of the inner seam.

Council. Using loops, the lining will be held on the belt. You need to have it in mind not to make the loop too narrow. Measure the width of the belt in advance to be used on trousers.

I will postpone these details for a while and make a fringe. Bacroma make over all the external length of the lining. To do this, we take a strip of tissue with a width of about 6-7 cm and cut through the entire length. Now the fringe is deposited between two parts of one lining on the outer part and spend them. The loops also connect along the start of the belt. Pads on pants are ready!


For sewing vests, it is necessary to make a pattern. To do this, you can use a children's shirt. We apply it to folded half the cut of the fabric. Wrap my shoulders, side side and fix the length. We refine the pattern "on the eye" and cut out the contour along the fabric.

It is necessary to make two identical details. One of the details must be cut in half and make the neck. Next, we fold both parts by the front side to each other and spend on the shoulder line and on the sides.

Council. The vest can also be decorated with fringe on the sides or on the chest. For scenery, you can use the star on the chest or on the back.


Cowboy hat can be made of cardboard according to the scheme. If the hat is made of white cardboard, then in the future the workpiece should either enclose the cloth or paint. Hats color preferably brown or black. An decoration for a hat will be a star from the cardboard of golden color.

The image of the wild west cowboy leads to the delight of boys of any age. Feel yourself with a real cowboy in the New Year will help fashionable to small suit.

Ideas of New Year's costumes for the boy: video

Often there is a problem associated with the choice of a costume for the carnival in which the child will be. It is especially difficult to find a suit for the boy, as in the case of the girls it is obvious - a red hat, snowflake, Cinderella, etc.

One of the options for the guy can serve as a cowboy. It is not so difficult to make it alone, so it doesn't have to make special efforts. The main thing is to comply with the accuracy in patterns and managing the instructions in which everything is painted on trifles. Even at a beginner master it does not take too much time.

So, how can I create a New Year's costume cowboy? Simply and easily. This will require pants, shirt and vest. In order to create trousers, you should take a thick velvet fabric of dark color. May come and jeans. Then you should move patterns on the fabric from the other side that will be invalid. Do not forget about the seams that should be approximately one and a half centimeters. After the pattern is applied, it should be trimmed strictly along the lines and folded future pants in such a way that the facial side is directed inside. You should then sew pants, which will later enter the cowboy costume. In this process, you first need to stop, make stepper seams, and then wash the edges. After that, the middle seam is made and, again, the edges are cooled.

Then you should do the belt. In order to do it, you should neatly overcome the upper part of the pants in such a way that it turns out a peculiar sceress, the width of which will be about three centimeters. After that it must be used. Do not forget that a special gum should be inserted into the belt.

As elements of decor to trousers should be seen a special fringe. Make it is necessary in the area of \u200b\u200bthe seams and at all of their length. You can also sew a fringe only from your knees to Niza. Pants that must have a cowboy costume are ready. You should move to the creation of a shirt.

In order to make a shirt, you can take genuine cotton matter painted in bright colors or monophonic. It depends on taste preferences. The beginning in the manufacture of the shirt is exactly the same as in the case of pants. First of all, it is necessary to apply contours using the pattern, cut the desired details. Sticking from the wrong side of the half of the back, it is necessary to spend all the seams and well smooth them with the iron. Then the same procedure is done with the shelves on the side and shoulder seams.

From the same matter, it is necessary to make a slaughter on the neck, folded it with the front side of the fan and stop. Afterverting the resulting product inside out, you should try it with an iron and spend all the edges. Side seams on the sleeves should be searched separately, after which it is necessary to sew them to the main product.

On this shirt, which has all the costumes of the cowboy, is ready.

Making a vest is nothing but the absence of sleeves does not differ from the process of creating a shirt. Also, the seams should be sewn. It is used as an additional element of the costume.

On this cowboy suit for the boy is ready!

    If we are talking about a new year's suit, then make a cowboy costume for him is not difficult. First you need to decide how our cowboy will look like. Surely he will have a real cowboy hat, a vest and pants with a fringe. The hat is best acquired in the store, as the manufacturer will take it many times. Everything else can be done by himself. For suit, dense velvet or denim fabric is most suitable. We fold the fabric in half, lay a children's shirt on it, folded in half and supply it with chalk or soap, do not forget about the stamps on the seams.

    We sew all parts of the vest. You can cut out of the fabric to a darling star and sew it to a vest.

    Pants do not difficult. To do this, we use children's jeans, which will also argue, do not forget about the allowances on the seams.

    We do not forget that for real cowboy pants we need to make a fringe that is cut on the strip, 7 cm wide.

    The fringe will subsequently need to be addicted to the pants.

    A bright neck scarf can be tied as a supplement on the neck of the child.

    It is possible to put skin inserts with unfamiliated edges to the usual shirt, with pants or trousers, the same thing, but the skin or substitute will need a lot. Although it is not a problem that you can knit is not a problem - you can simply replace the skin on knitted inserts. This will certainly create a less spectacular look, but in general will preserve the image, but of course a hat - you can choose a similar one, but you can also tie.

    In order to make a suit Cowboy We will need to find in your wardrobe with your own hands.

New Year is a holiday that creates a special atmosphere of fabulous and fun. Special magic he has for children. Little gentlemen and princesses are looking forward to Got Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, prepare performances and carnival costumes. Many festive outfits for boys can be made independently. Such a costume will be a good alternative to expensive products, as well as stand out among others special comfort and originality.

Before designing suits should be carefully prepared for work. Then the process will pass more and much faster.

Necessary materials and tools

You will need:

  • wool;
  • colored paper;
  • paper glue;
  • fleece fabric;
  • any fabric material of the red shade;
  • scissors;
  • needle and threads;
  • english pins;
  • sewing meter;
  • sintepon;
  • sewing machine.

Sewing supplies are needed in case of sewing suits with their own hands. You can also use unnecessary wardrobe items to create the original New Year'snth.

Attention! As an additional jewelry, you can use tinsel or chiller rain.

Suit Snowman

Cheerful snowmen belong to one of the main symbols of winter and New Year. The boy in such an outfit will be the main hero of the festive meeting.

For the manufacture of all components, you can use old wardrobe items. It can be pajamas, sweatshirt and pants. The main thing is necessarily white.

For buttons from red cloth, cut out 3 small circles, stitching around the edges. Put them with syntheps and sewing completely. Finished buttons are sewn to blouse. The outfit is almost ready.

Main detail of any snowman - nose. By tradition, the nose use carrots. It can also be cut from the fabric of the redhead. Measure the small cone, carefully cut out. We sew along the edge from the wrong side and turn. On the sides we plan two points for gum. We make small holes, sew a gum to the nose. Hole for wool We sew a small circle.

You can add a cup of colored paper as decorations, and tie a small strip of tinsel on the neck.

If there is a desire, the costume can be sewn alone. Such a process also does not take much time. As a pattern for blouse and pants it is possible to use everyday items.

Tip!Blouses can be made longer and volumetric at the bottom.

All components we flash on the typewriter. Bottles sweep and skip seam, not reaching the end. Put with cotton or syntheps. It turns out a rounded tummy. Fully sew the product. For decorations, use butt, nose carrot, and a cap from the method described above.

Pirates and marine robbers love many boys. You can go to the celebration in the outfit of the legendary and all your favorite captain Jack Sparrow.

Any striped T-shirt is suitable. The bottom of T-shirts and sleeves can be trimmed with a zigzag for a larger style. A mandatory element of Sparrow was a vest. Here you can also use an unnecessary attribute from the closet. Purchased edges should be trimmed by making them more rounded. As a pants, you can take advantage of unnecessary trousers, jeans or sports trico (red, black or blue).

The main element of the pirate costume is a tri-car hat. The basis can be printed and cut, it will be needed for the stencil. By the workpiece, we cut the tricon on the phlizelin. For greater stability from the wrong side, the cardboard can be glued.

For a larger effect, add several accessories. From white fliesline, you can cut the coat of arms of pirates (skull with crossed bones) and stick on a hat. Do not forget about the dressing on the eye and the pirate knife - the right satellites. With such an outfit, any mischievous will become a small copy of Captain Jack Sparrow.

Small chubby gnomes often accompany Santa Claus and his granddaughter. Therefore, such a suit on the New Year celebration will be very relevant.

Reference! The process is easily easily, since it is suitable for the costume that there is in any closet. You can wear a white t-shirt to the top, and in addition - a bright hue vest. Bottom - shorts. It is desirable that shorts and vests are one color gamut.

Mandatory attributes of any gnome - shortened pants, striped golf and cap. The cap is not necessary to buy or sew yourself. It can be cut out of colored paper, or sew from the fabric. The top of the cap can be decorated with pompon. Breeches will turn out of any pants, you just need to shorten them and collect the bottom of the stanner on the gum.

In addition to the costume, a thick patch beard is also added. Cute gnome ready.

Wild West Heroes were loved by many boys. On New Year's Eve, you can implement the dream of a small defender, making the outfit of a bold and strong cowboy.

For tailoring, trousers and vest need a suede brown fabric. Remove the measurements for the grids using other products. It should be remembered that the cowboys preferred painted pants that do not make movement. We impose the measure, retreating several centimeters from the main product, cut out. We rock english pins from the wrong side and skip the line on the sewing machine.

Do not forget about the fringe: Cowboys preferred to decorate their costumes with additional fittings. On the segment of the fabric, we measure the segments of 1 centimeter, cut out. The fringe can be seeded to step pants from the seam, on the vest or sleeves of the shirt.

Supplement will serve holster for a pistol on the waist, black hat and a thin bandana on the neck.

Tip!Instead of suede trousers, you can use old jeans.

Many boys are fond of the era of the Middle Ages, inspired by histories from cartoons and fairy tales. For the celebration of the New Year, the image of a bold and brave knight will be suitable.

Clothes of the real knight served heavy and reliable mail. To create a festive dress, silver or gray fabric will suit. Cut from it a kind of vest to about the middle of the thigh, we make a cut for the head and sleeves. The bottom of the product must be additionally developed: make peculiar cuts or cut turrets.

The chest is decorated with a family coat of arms. To do this, you can print your favorite drawing, transfer it to the fabric. The stencil of the coat of arms is also useful when making a shield. We carry pictures on a bright fabric, cut out all the components. Send to cape. Under the bottom will suit any sweatshirt or pool carrier.

The shield is found in the box with toys from any warrior. With the help of a stencil, decorate the shield family coat of shield.

It remains to add the last strokes - sword and helmet. The costume of the faithful and bold knight is ready.

Tip!Shield and sword can be replaced with an arbulence and a bag with arrows.


The celebration of the New Year for each child creates a special feeling of fairy tales and a miracle. Carnival costumes of different heroes will help each mischievous boy to remember the holiday, as a special and important event.

New Year's holiday for kids is associated with a fairy tale. And on this day, children want and can be fabulous heroes. In this article, I want to tell about how a cowboy costume may be for a boy.

Component elements

It is worth saying that this outfit can be completely different. So, if the budget is very limited, the child can simply wear denim pants, a checkered shirt, boots and a hat. Well, if it is also possible to choose a vest to the color of pants. As an accessory, you can tie a cowboat on the neck. But still a good cowboy costume should consist of the following details:

  1. Leather pants and leather vest. Alternative: leather vest, jeans and lining on leather pants.
  2. Plaid shirt.
  3. Hat with fields.
  4. Cervical scarf.
  5. Boots.
  6. Accessories: Pistol, holster, belt.


So, create a cowboy costume with your own hands. Work should be started with the selection of material. So, ideally, if you can get the skin. Well, if it is brown, light brown or red-colored. Alternatively, you can take leathesum or suede. However, the costume can also be completely denim. In this case, the old denim pants of an adult are needed, from which you can make a vest and cowboy pants to a small hero.


We start sewing a cowboy costume. Work can start with the preparation of pants. So, they are reproduced as ordinary pants. We need two details, of which you will need to do four, cutting on the sides along the entire length. It is necessary in order to insert a fringe in the sides, which will decorate a child's suit. It is done very simple. You need to take a strip of about 7-8 cm wide from the corresponding tissue and a length equal to the length of the pants. The fringe is cut to the end, you need to leave the place to sew it in the sidewalls. When she is sewn, the details of the pants are stitched. The belt is sewn from above. More simply make the lining on ordinary denim pants. They will be put on the cowboy belt. They look these overlays like two separate pants, they are attached to the exterior sides to the belt. Just as in ordinary pants, it is pre-sewn along the Bokhroma side. The bottom of the pantian can be made rounded so that everything looks more beautiful.


Cowboy costume also consists of a shirt in a cage and vest. And if there will be no problems with the first element of clothing, it will not be difficult to buy such a shirt, then the vest will still have to sew alone. Make it easy. The easiest way, as a sample, you need to take a suitable vest to the size of the baby and on its basis to cut the fabric. It will consist of three main parts: the backrest (one part) and two front parts (they will be the same, but mirror-shown). If there is a desire, on the back of the vest, you can start the fringe: cut the part on the part and just sew it. You can also do with the front parts: the fringe is sewn at the level of chest pockets. As a decoration of a vest, you can sew a sheriff star (made of golden fabric).


Cowboy costume also assumes the presence of shoes. Here again there are many options. If the child is completely small, you can take ordinary black flames as shoes (kids costume should be as comfortable as possible). If the child is already extremely adult, you will need boots. Ideal if they are with sharp socks. If there is nothing suitable, you can wear black rubber boots, pre-decorating them with leather overlays. Creating a cowboy costume for the boy yourself, you can also make boots from old sneakers, which are comfortable in the sock for the child. So, for this it will be necessary to sew a boot, which is completely put on shoes. To do this, it is best to take suede. The boot itself will consist of two parts: the main (which covers most of the leg) and the front. Details are sewn from the middle of the foot to the lift line. The shoes can be decorated with special paints by drawing a sheriff star on them.


Preparing a cowboy costume with your own hands, be sure to take care and that the child has a cowboy hat, well, if black. It should be with the fields. It can be bought in the store and do it yourself from cardboard or papier-mache. Cap details:

  1. Fields.
  2. The main thing that is put on the baby's head (must be created strictly in the size of the child's head).

Create further a New Year Cupboy costume. A cap is glued at the place of the joint of two parts. The basis is ready. Next, the fabric passes on top. You can also decorate the cap using special paints, drawing there again the usual five-pointed star.


What could be a cowboy costume? Photo of kids in similar dresses are different. After all, there is a place for fantasy. So, special attention should be paid to the accessories of crumbs. It is thanks to them a suit may look original.

  1. Cervical scarf. It can be anyhow: monochromatic or painted, into a cage or strip. The main thing is to harmonize with the costume. It should also show that the scarf can and stand out on the background of the costume, being a bright detail that will attract attention to the child.
  2. New Year's Cupboy Suit also assumes the presence of a gun and a holster. If everything is clear with the toy weapon, it is easy to find and buy, then the holster is most likely to be sewed independently. So, for this you need to take black skin. Holster is simple pistol pistol, which may even have a bottom. It is necessary to sew fabric on the sides so that weapons are conveniently located in it. This detail is attached to the baby's belt specially made for this straps.
  3. It is also necessary to put the baby in the pants leather belt. It will be not only detail of clothes, but also an element of a suit decoration.


As already mentioned above, the cowboy costume can be most different (photos of children in such outfits - confirmation). However, if you need an outfit for New Year's holiday, you need to think about how to decorate it with a rain. So, it is worth saying that the costume is not to overload. To match the holiday, you can buy a thin golden rain and entertain them a vest. If the child does not have a belt, it can be rained. More decorating this New Year's suit of the boy is not worth it.