Leather sole for shoes. Elite shoes with leather soles. What to do to protect the leather sole from quick damage

Leather sole: advantages and disadvantages in everyday life

Stylish leather shoes will decorate any feet, complement the wardrobe and will not create any inconvenience when worn. The shoe industry is in a hurry to please its customers with a variety of assortment for each new season. The collections offer shoes that reflect both the most fashionable trends and classic traditions.

Typically, models are equipped with practical soles made of rubber, polyurethane or other synthetic materials characterized by increased wear resistance. But, despite all the advantages of modern achievements of chemists, a leather sole is considered a special chic.

What captivates the leather sole

The sole, made of natural bovine leather, has a number of advantages. And this is always noted by devoted fans of leather shoes.

  • Ease. Shoes with leather soles are lightweight compared to other materials. Feet in such shoes practically do not get tired, even if you wear them all day long.
  • Comfort. The leather sole is breathable. Feet practically do not sweat, moisture evaporates in a timely manner. In such shoes, conditions are not created for the development of microorganisms, and, as a result, an unpleasant odor does not appear.
  • Elegance. Shoes with leather soles look stylish, expensive, fashionable and elegant. It is always appropriate at social events and special occasions.
  • Prestige. Graceful shoes with leather soles are another confirmation of the status and financial viability of their owner.

But, despite the above advantages, the leather sole still has its own characteristics in wearing and care and requires special attention.

Disadvantages of leather soles

Despite the convenience and prestige, leather-soled shoes have their drawbacks. These include:

  • high degree of wear. The sole made of leather wears out quickly even if it is only worn indoors. And contact with rough asphalt or concrete pavement speeds up this process several times. Some manufacturers offer the replacement of a worn out sole with a new one as an element of service;
  • deformation and loss of quality in conditions of high humidity. Keeping a regular eye on the weather forecast is no guarantee that you will not be caught in a sudden heavy rain. The skin quickly absorbs moisture. This deforms the sole and leads to a decrease in its service life.

All these risks can be significantly reduced if you take preventive measures in time and follow the conditions for caring for leather shoes.

How to keep shoes with leather soles longer

  1. A pair of shoes with genuine leather soles should not be worn every day. It requires rest, drying between socks.
  2. To strengthen the sole, it is recommended to install prevention (rollups) from elastomeric materials. This is an inexpensive procedure and does not take much time. The overlay glued on the sole does not exceed 0.8 mm in thickness, is selected according to color and does not spoil the appearance of the shoe.
  3. The areas of the sole that are not covered by the sticker should be treated with a moisture-repellent shoe polish.
  4. On the toe of the sole, if necessary, you can install metal pads.
  5. Shoes should be dried on cedar blocks at room temperature away from direct sunlight and heat sources.

Compliance with these conditions will prolong the joy of owning high-quality shoes.

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Gentleman's shoes

Shoe care

Stand with both feet on two sheets of paper. Holding the pencil vertically, draw a line around the leg...

How to maintain a leather sole?

Classic boots and Loakes are usually made from calfskin.— completely, including the sole. And now, having received a pair of such shoes on our hands (or rather, on our feet), we first become delighted with the fact that we have joined the British traditions, and then we think about how to behave with leather soles. How will it behave in our weather and road conditions and how to protect it from wear and tear?

House shoes?

Indeed, shoes with leather soles, like the various variations of Loake Aldwych, will not be happy to be worn constantly on the street. And then you will not be happy either: worn and deformed places, curvature, fraying ...

Some people claim that these shoes can only be worn indoors, and nothing else. And certainly no Russian asphalt! Others say that in dry summer weather they walk only on leather soles, and everything is fine. Although, of course, the scale of walking is different for everyone, and the weather sometimes changes as if by magic.

What happens to leather soles? At the slightest contact with water, it softens, and when it absorbs moisture, it is immediately erased. The sole dries for a very long time, and in a dry state it is easily wiped.

If you are worried about the condition of your shoes and at the same time want to be able to wear them everywhere and everywhere, and not just indoors, there is an excellent solution - to put the so-called prevention on the sole.

For prevention

Prevention or rolling on shoes- this is such a special dense sticker that is attached to the sole of the shoe and protects it from abrasion. It is made of ordinary, microporous and dense rubber. They install rolls in all shoe shops, very quickly and inexpensively - about 300-400 rubles.

First, the factory coating is removed from the sole, because glue does not fall on it. Then heated glue is applied to the rolls and to the sole, the sticker on the boot is carefully leveled and glued. For reliability, they pass along the sole with a hammer, and carefully cut off the excess rubber. The whole process takes ten to fifteen minutes. When the glue has cooled, you can put on your boots - they are ready.

Previously, the rolls were quite thick and spoiled the appearance of the shoes, but now you should not worry about this - stickers are available from 0.8 mm in thickness. They are made in different colors, most often black, white, brown or beige.

There is an opinion that it is better to put prevention on shoes after they have been vilified several times - they say, the sole wears out a little. And in general, sticking something on a fresh leather sole of new shoes is blasphemy. But the masters advise to prevent the “disease”, and not to treat its consequences, and install roll-ups on new shoes immediately. However, after the third or fourth wear, they are installed just as easily, so it's up to you to choose.

From time to time there are opinions that the rolls prevent the leg from breathing in shoes - but still such complaints are few and purely individual. Moreover, you can order roll-ups only on certain sections of the sole, and not in a continuous canvas. A thin rubber sticker will help preserve the sole and significantly extend the life of your shoes, and at the same time reduce the risk of slipping.

In the 19th century, all shoes were made with leather soles, unlike modern products (the exception is classic shoes with leather soles produced by well-known shoe factories). The leather sole looks more elegant than rubber or polyurethane, but it has serious drawbacks: it does not tolerate moisture and slush and wears out rather quickly.

You can extend the life of products with leather soles if you follow the basic rules of care. It is advisable not to wear such shoes in wet weather. Although it will not fall apart instantly in the rain, a wet sole made of leather is erased on the asphalt twice as fast as a dry one. If you want to wear expensive shoes at any time of the year, you should get galoshes. Leather outsoles, like leather uppers, require special care.

Leather soles must be periodically treated with special fat, various protective agents and impregnation with a water-repellent effect. This procedure is important to perform in wet weather.

It is not recommended to wear such products for 2 days in a row, since the skin that has absorbed sweat and water must necessarily dry out in natural conditions. The hot air from dryers can ruin shoes. After walking in shoes with leather soles, it is advisable to insert blocks made of birch or cedar. Wooden pads, long known in absorbing excess moisture, will not allow the shoes to dry out.

Additional ways to protect shoes with leather soles

To protect the soles made of leather from wear and moisture, prevention is put - a thin rubber pad glued to the outsole. It can be put on even when the sole is partially worn. Prevention is recommended when absolutely necessary, for example, for people with a special gait, in which the outsole wears unevenly.

Prevention is almost imperceptible, but some believe that it worsens the appearance of the product. The next claim is that a product with prevention breathes worse. What about rubber soles?

Prevention can be put only on the most worn out part of the shoe, for example, on the heel. Even at the factory, rubber heels are installed on leather heels, protecting them from abrasion and softening the load on the legs when moving. Heels are replaced as they wear out (lifetime depends on weight, wearer's gait and frequency of wear).

In some people, due to the nature of the gait, the outsole in the toe area wears out faster, where you can also install special pads that will protect the sole from abrasion.

Leather sole protectors are professional products that prevent cracking and damage to leather shoes due to constant contact with moisture and various chemicals. You can buy these products from well-known manufacturers on the Gutalin Magic website.

What do we offer?

On sale are tonics based on special resins that impregnate the material and make it stronger, as well as prevent moisture from affecting the product. You can purchase compact sticks based on synthetic wax. Such products create a strong protective film on the sole that prevents deformation and damage to the material.

The store also has standard impregnations in cans (Ouraline SAPHIR), which are also suitable for sports and hiking shoes. The composition of this impregnation includes animal fats and vegetable oil, which soften the skin and reliably protect it from moisture.

Why us?

Why is it recommended to purchase means for protecting leather soles on shoes in the Magic Gutalina store? Here are some reasons:

  • The sale presents high-quality and certified products that are guaranteed to extend the life of leather shoes.
  • You can purchase these funds at an affordable cost.
  • We have products in various forms of release.
  • Fast and inexpensive delivery is another advantage of our online store.