Beautiful inscription with anniversary native. Pictures with inscriptions "Happy Birthday"

Here, the main thing is to determine the thematic stylistics of the performance of work, as well as the method of execution.

For example, if this is a man, then the inscription may be more brutal - large volumetric letters, which can then be photographed and attached to the main gift. It will be a creative postcard, and congratulations can be written from behind, not pressed much.

If this is a child, then draw "Happy Birthday" standing in the bright colors of the same watercolor. For this, first:

  • take Watman,
  • some simple pencils,
  • eraser,
  • watercolor, brushes, water in a cup,
  • bright markers,
  • markers with a golden tint or sparkle can.

First, we need to sketch beautifully all words, for example:

Then we remove the extra lines, we drag the curves, teeting everything more neatly and beautifully and after that we will supply everything again. It is best to do so that when painting the line was clearer.

As for shades, you need to choose the most bright with smooth transitions. For example, the palette: red + purple + orange + pink + purple + white (it turns out everything in one color warm gamma, which will gradually move from one color to another, and in some places it will be lowered).

Second option: blue + Salad + Yellow + Violet + Green + Lime. (This is a bright green mix - which will rush into the eyes, the main thing with dark green does not overdo it, but Lyme can and more).

As soon as you finish these two stages, you can proceed to the third - drying! Why wait for tomorrow, when everything can be done today! Gently, at a distance of 30 centimeters by drying the surface of the paper, literally after 10 minutes everything will be ready!

Then we take bright markers and on the principle of rainbow begin to paint the letters. Let you do not confuse that it is on top of the paints - watercolor is not so strong in this regard - everything is easy to paint!

Many species of special garlands are sold in stores, but to make this day really unique, we suggest making decorations yourself.

Here we have collected interesting ideas and master classes that will help make girlands happy birthday with paper, fabric or felt!

And also ready templates and layouts for printing!

Girlands with the letters "Happy Birthday" Lettering can meet in 15 minutes, or half an hour, if not hurry.

Download and print template

Of course, if you wish, you can sit and invent patterns, and then draw them yourself. But in order to make you a little easy to make this task and speed up the process, we collected interesting and original garlands of templates "Happy Birthday" templates, they can just download and printAnd then use to create festive garlands.

Template №1.

Fully finished garlands pattern. You just need to download (Click on the Red Button). Print. And collect according to the instructions below.

Template number 2.

Letters in two colors: in gentle green and pink. Letters The fullness of the entire alphabet - print and collect the necessary words. How to mount on a thread or a bow - described below

Template number 3.

Checkboxes and bright rectangles. Choose favorite. Print on the color printer and Letters you can enter a marker of any color!

How to collect Garland

Just imagine how many wonderful inscriptions can be done using these templates! They come to the birthday and to any other holiday, or even to make an unexpected surprise near a person.

  1. The bottom line is that there are stencils of all the letters of the alphabet, which You can print and fold into the desired inscription.
  2. And it is not necessary to print the entire alphabet, select only individual, desired letters.
  3. If desired, letters can be in stencils add some adorning elements.
  4. In order to save paint, letters are designed in a textured style, you can also use the printer settings to control the ink consumption.

Tip: which will save from an excess paper flow: Type one letter, turn the leaf and on the other hand print another one.

How and what to bore the letters of the garland

To make the garland by the birthday of birth, it is not enough to print stencils, you need to somehow bore them and hang them. Let's look at the options for how it can be done.

Fresh letters on one long thread

To do this, you will need:

  • ready letters templates,
  • thick thread or ribbon,
  • hole punch, scissors.


  • Make a hole package in each letter from above 2 holesAnd then you need to ride the letters on the rope or ribbon.
  • If a thread thin, fold it several times, Sometimes it looks more interesting.
  • It is important to rivest letters in the correct order, so that you do not redo it, so it is better to decompose the letters as you need and take one.

ATTENTION! On each letter you need to tie the nodules so that they do not move from their place and did not get into a bunch.

Tip: not strongly pulling the rope and it will savor to the middle, if the rope will be stretched - this is an extra spending of time.

We associate a bustard letter

This method of fastening is suitable if you cut the letters not by their contours, and leaving an even place in the reserve, otherwise the bows can partially overlap the letters (there you need to look at the situation if the letters are very large, then everything will be fine).

You will need:

  • ready letters templates,
  • thick thread or ribbon,
  • punch and scissors.

As you can see, all the same materials as in the previous method. Only here we will communicate neighboring letters with separate threads.


  1. Make 2 hole holes in each template And spread them in the order in which you will take.
  2. Take the first I. second letters and tie their bows. In order for the process to be more ordered, you can immediately cut into the desired number of ribbons the same length.
  3. When the first two letters are connected, do the same with the second and third and so on to the end. Your garland is ready.

Fresh garland clothespins

This type of attachment has recently been often seen on various photo dryers, that is, exhibitions of photographs. The method is convenient and fast, and also does not require a hole punch, which is an important advantage for those who have it.

Progress:Attach the letters in turns on a long rope. Everything!

How to mount: In all these methods, the last step is the fastening of the finished garland to the wall. Of course, no one will punch nails for the sake of the garland, so the ends of the rope can be stretched and tied to any protruding subjects (cornice, cabinet handle, pipe, etc.).

Mounting on the tape for the wall

Another option is to attach a scotch (if the surface does not deteriorate from this), and in this case it is better not only at the edges, and in several places so that the garland does not fall. On wallpapers, you can neat the pins and hook the rope for them.

Garlands from Fetra "Happy Birthday"

Here you will have to work more, but the result will show how much care is invested in creating such a garland. We have prepared two master classes that will not leave you indifferent.

You will need:

  • Color felt or felt fabric (quantity it depends on the inscription)
  • Self-adhesive paper (or freezer, if you find such in our stores)
  • Stencils of letters
  • Scissor or stationery knife
  • Rope, ribbon or fat thread (which will be attached to letters)
  • White thread (for stitching layers of fabric)
  • Sewing machine (with the absence you can do everything manually)
  • Clothespins


Step 1:

  • On self-adhesive paper type stencil letters needed for the inscription. Choose the size of the letters yourself, depending on whether you want to see the inscription and how many places on it on the wall.
  • Cut rectangles with lettersAnd then to each of them the same size empty rectangle paper and fabric.
  • Fold the rectangles described in the previous paragraph so that the fabric is between paper, the lines of the letters should be top.
  • When working With self-adhesive paper you just need to glue it on both sides of the fabricIf the freezing paper was found - it's from both sides of the iron, it creates layers.

Cut letters on the contour. Carefully drop the paper from both sides. We received such beautiful letters:

Step 2:

  • Now we will make letters thicker so that they have the best kind and not so twisted on the rope. To do this, put letters from the fabric to another layer of felt or felt and irrigate.
  • We deploy a machine or manual line in contours of letters At a distance of about 1-2 mm from the edge. We advise white thread, as it looks good on all colors of the fabric, otherwise you will have to pick a separate thread on each letter, and this is just an additional time of time and money.
  • Cut each letter along the contour. They are ready, it remains only to attach.
  • Wash a long rope, fastening her ends to the wall. Clutches cling to her every letter in the desired alternateness so that the selected inscription turned out.

Now Garland is ready to please the birthday and amazing guests!

Happy Birthday Poster on Fabric

Probably, each of you at least once in life, at least once at school, painted a congratulatory poster. The method of manufacturing proposed in this master class displays this art to a completely new level. Patchwork blankets have long been happy for a long time with their warmth and comfort and they will no longer surprise, but the patchwork poster, I am sure it will be a complete surprise and the original novelty.

You will need:

  • Loskutka felt or felt fabric (in this case 9 pieces)
  • Scissors or stationery knife
  • Stencils of letters
  • Adhesive gasket (for example, Dublerin or Flizelin)
  • Perevyutnik (or any x / b fabric)
  • Wooden stick
  • Fastening


  1. Spread the flashers of felt or felt fabric so that a rectangle formed. Take into account the combination of colors so that all together looked harmonious and holistically.
  2. Correct the loskutka so that they are approximately 1.5 cm overlap on each other.
  3. At the edges of the lower flaps, put the adhesive tape, its width is equal to the width of the laying of fabrics, that is, 1.5 cm.
  4. Carefully shifting the fabric. We advise you to use the passenger service, so that it does not spoil the surface of the tissue itself.
  5. You can imagine the poster shape, giving it the desired dimensions.
  6. It is necessary to process the top edge of the poster. To do this, wrap it on the wrong one by about 1.5-2 cm, it depends on the thickness of the stick, which you will then insert into the resulting hole. Secure the outclamp with a manual or machine line.
  7. From above the fabric poster, spread the printed and cut screen letters to get the desired congratulatory inscription.
  8. Longly circle the letters with a small or thin piece of soap, then they are easily erased. You can also with a pencil, but then you need to cut these lines.
  9. Cut letters.

The last thing to be done is to insert a wooden wand into the hole of the top of the poster and to tie a thick thread or a ribbon along its sides. Hang a poster and enjoy a festive mood!

Garlands: marker on the fabric

In this master class, too, there will be templates, but it is no longer necessary to cut letters. Such a garland looks very carefully and beautiful, and for sure can be able to please the birthday room.

And the most important advantage of fabric garlands - you can still store them!

You will need:

  • fabric, paint or marker,
  • letters templates
  • scissors, ruler,
  • thick thread, glue.


  • Find at home or buy a cloth, like the type-shown on the photo. Fabric is suitable like burlap. It should be a light tone with a nonsense pattern, which will complement the letters, and not draw attention to them.

  • Cut the fabric to smooth rectangles. In this case, it is 17x12 cm.
  • Choose the stencil of the letters you like and print. Then put every letter on a separate piece of fabric and circle.
  • Slide the letter of the paint And let it dry. The marker is also suitable.
  • The color should be contrasting and well stand out on the background of the fabric, do not merge so that you can even read the inscription.

Tip: As an alternative option, you can cut templates in thin plastic or film, attach to the fabric and immediately sketch

  • Now you need to attach letters on the thread, forming the garland. Determine at what distance from each other they should be and stick to thick thread. You can also attach every letter with two clothespins.

Ideas Garlyand "Happy Birthday"

Also look more options for the birthday garland: with glyter, with balloons! Inspire, and let this day be really special and unique for you!

Pictures for a birthday is a universal congratulation that is suitable for a friend, a friend, colleague or parents.

Birthday is considered an individual celebration. This is the day when everyone around you enjoy your presence, when everyone wants you to have a sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness, joy, success.

Congratulations on the birthday rave a hail, what is the active participation take beautiful pictures. To congratulate this wonderful day, you will not have to apply a lot of effort. All that is required is to choose a presentable postcard and send it to the birthday girl.

It does not matter who you congratulate, niece or aunt, a man, a guy or a boy, the main thing - to invest only positive emotions. In this section, you can pick up pictures with funny wishes and serious words for congratulations. Select an image with ready-made text or with a poem that will allow not to think about writing to congratulations. And send a romantic congratulation to your beloved husband or beloved wife.

We have funny pictures that will have to become a son or daughter. But parents, dad or mom, you should choose more solid options, you can choose, for example, a picture with flowers, with a variety of festive bouquets.

How to choose a picture?

When choosing a picture for a birthday, it is important to take into account, for whom it is picking an image. Woman or girl - flowers, beautiful statements and poems. The girl is an attractive hand drawn picture or an image of a cute animal: kittens or puppies. But a friend or friend can be chosen cool congratulations with a specific humor.

New section:

Why it is important to congratulate on the day of birth

Birthday emphasizes the meaning of each person, its importance for relatives and friends. The birthday boy does not just get congratulations and gifts, he will know that he really loves and appreciate. It is on this day that he managed to realize who exactly the heat refers to him. And pictures for congratulations on your birthday, which are offered in the section, will help show the feelings that you experience in relation to the birthday man. Remember that with the picture you can always write a few words from yourself, pass your warmth and love.

The advantages of this section:

Universality. Pictures are suitable and brother and sister, and dad and mom;

Wide selection;

The ability to choose romantic words, sincere confessions in feelings, when nothing comes to mind to congratulate the soul mate;

Availability, anyone can take advantage of the service.