Beautiful hairstyle with curls for medium hair. Hairstyles with curls for medium hair: the secrets of professional stylists and a photo selection. How to quickly make beautiful curls on medium hair

578 10/09/2019 5 min.

Hairstyles with curls look very impressive and solemn. They favorably emphasize any image: from casual to strict and elegant. This styling has not lost its relevance for a long time. How the hair is styled affects the whole image as a whole. Owners of natural curls are lucky. They don't have to spend time curling, unlike girls with straight hair. In this article we will tell you how to curl curls beautifully, what hairstyles can be done on medium length curls.

Who suits such hairstyles

If the hair is naturally straight, but you want curls, then you have to curl them on curlers, curling irons or do a salon perm.

Hairstyles with curls are not for everyone. Before you make your own styling, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the restrictions.

Curls are not suitable for short girls. They visually reduce growth, which in this case is completely useless. With low growth, it is recommended to refuse, it is better to do this on curls of medium length. Fat women do not paint such hairstyles either.

Curly hair will not emphasize the merits of round or square faces, but will make them even wider. Curly hair perfectly emphasizes elongated and triangular faces.

It should be remembered that the shape and size of curls must be properly selected, and styling should emphasize the beauty of the face.

Curly styling options

There are many ways. Depending on the desired shape and size of curls, a curling tool is chosen. It can be:

  • forceps;
  • iron;
  • curling iron;
  • different types of curlers;
  • perm;
  • accessories (elastic bands, paper, and so on).

In order for a beautiful hairstyle to last as long as possible, it is recommended to use a styling gel or cream, foam or fixation varnish.

Fixing hair with varnish

Useful tips for creating curls on medium length hair:

  1. Before you start drying, you should apply styling gel to your hair.
  2. To make your hair look voluminous when drying, you can use a hairdryer with a diffuser. This nozzle will help create the desired shape of curls.
  3. It is better to dry your hair in separate strands.
  4. To create the effect of a wet curl, it is better to dry the curls naturally.
  5. Curls look very beautiful if you squeeze the strands from the tips to the roots when drying.

So that the curls do not lose their shape, you should not comb them with a comb. Better to do it with your fingers. Large curls can be obtained using an iron or curling iron with a diameter of four centimeters or more. A small diameter will create tighter curls that will retain their shape for a long time.


It is a bouffant with loose curls. It goes well with long or doll dresses and is combined with delicate makeup. This is a great styling for a festive event, which is very popular among brides.

There are many varieties of Malvina. It can be supplemented with weaving, braids and decorated with various accessories.

Girls who have curls by nature can not waste time creating a pile. Strands from the temples can simply be collected and stabbed at the back of the head, and the bouffant will appear on its own.

Laying Malvina with weaving

Those whom nature has not rewarded with curls will have to start by winding curls. Next, the hair in the parietal region is combed in separate strands and stacked. To smooth the surface of the fleece, you can go over it with a comb with a large number of teeth. The combed area is fixed with invisibility. Next, hair is fixed from the temples and the back of the head.

Hollywood curls

Wavy loose curls look very natural, but at the same time sophisticated and beautiful. Not only Hollywood stars, but even ordinary girls can afford such styling. Making it at home is easy and simple.

Hairdryer with diffuser

To create, you need a diffuser nozzle. She will help you create a hairstyle in just ten minutes. On clean, not completely dried hair, apply styling foam and beat them with your hands. Then the strands are dried with a hairdryer with a diffuser, and the hairstyle is ready.

Instead of a diffuser, you can use an iron. To do this, clean hair is combed and treated with a heat protectant and fixing gel. Next, separate strands about two centimeters wide are taken and wound with an iron: the strand is clamped between heated plates, the device rotates one hundred and eighty degrees to the tips.

Do not pinch your hair too hard. To avoid creases, the iron should move smoothly along the strand. Curling is carried out first in the temporal region, then in the parietal and occipital.

Curls to one side

Creating such a styling is very simple and fast. It is very suitable for owners of bangs. In this case, the bangs can be laid, or you can leave it as it is. To create a hairstyle with curls on one side, you need to wind large strands along the entire length. After that, the hair is laid on its side and, if necessary, fixed with invisibility. For curling, you can use a curling iron or an iron. Before that, do not forget to treat them with thermal protection. A headband or a large hairpin with shiny elements or flowers will give the styling a festive look.

Curly styling on the side

Greek hairstyle

- This is the standard of sophistication and romance. It is suitable for both a special occasion and an ordinary walk. There are several options for creating such a hairstyle:

  • Greek knot. This is the simplest setting. The hair is parted, curled and gathered at the back of the head or at neck level into a trapezoid bun. You can fix the knot with hairpins, stealth or ribbons;
  • Bow of Apollo. Side curled strands are lowered to the forehead and fastened in the occipital region with the remaining curls. You can decorate your hair with a hairpin with a flower;
  • Hetera. This is a very interesting styling option. The hair just below the back of the head is collected and placed in a mesh bag. In the temporal region, you can leave a couple of strands;
  • Greek tail. Curls are collected in a ponytail at the crown and the hair is pulled with various ribbons, beads or other decorative elements along their entire length.

creative tail

An unusual hairstyle with a creative tail with curls can be created in two minutes. To begin with, hair curled into curls is collected with a thin, inconspicuous elastic band in a ponytail at the back of the head. You can comb the strands. This will give them volume.

Curls in the tail

A beautiful hairpin or bow is attached to the base of the tail. To keep the styling longer, it is recommended to spray it with varnish.

In more solemn occasions, the hairstyle is complemented with braids or flagella.


For a good example of creating a beautiful styling with curls, see the video


They look very feminine and elegant. It is very easy to make an interesting festive or everyday hairstyle with curls. And how to do this, you have already learned from our article. Almost every girl has all the necessary tools (hair curlers, curling irons, hair dryer, iron, and so on). Remember that any hairstyle should emphasize the advantages, not the disadvantages. Therefore, it must be selected based on the characteristics of the face and figure.

Hairstyles with curls - the current option for all time. Beautifully collected curled curls, even with a short length, give the image of femininity and attract men's looks. For naturally curly hair, this is also a way to “pacify” a naughty mop, and girls with straight strands, twisting and styling them, will get a beautiful one.

Hairstyles with curls for short hair

It is wrong to assume that short haircuts do not provide for a variety of styling. This is far from true. In fact, any owner of short playful curls that give a perky look can easily create a hairstyle in a strict business or sophisticated romantic style at home, as well as unusually style the strands for a gala evening.

Even just by changing the direction of the parting, the look of the hairstyle for short curly hair is significantly refreshed. So, you can experiment with zigzag, side, oblique partings. A great option for different occasions is a wave hairstyle, and with a hair length of more than 15 cm, there is already an opportunity to try the trendy hun hairstyle, in which the upper part of the hair is collected in a small bun.

Hairstyles for short wavy hair are created using various styling products: gel, mousse, modeling spray, varnish, etc. If a hair dryer is used for drying, it is better to attach a diffuser nozzle that will help make volume styling. To give clarity to individual curls, in addition to styling products, you can use. Do not forget about accessories for hairstyles with curls, because even short hair allows you to use most stylish and elegant jewelry: headbands, headbands, clips, hairpins with flowers, etc.

Hairstyles with curls for medium hair

Haircuts for curly medium hair do not require much time and effort when styling and leave the widest field for experimentation. Even without professional skills, you can surprise others with new images every day, and catch enthusiastic glances at the same events. The key to an attractive hairstyle for curly hair of medium length will be a freshly washed head and properly selected styling products.

If the hair is naturally curly or permed by chemical or biowave, be sure to take care of proper drying before styling. This is necessary so that the curls do not lose their shape and elasticity. The best option for drying is a hairdryer with a diffuser, with which you can also do styling. But do not use it every time, you should alternate blow drying with natural drying under a soft towel.

Hairstyles for medium curly hair depend on the original haircut, but with such a length there are many universal variations: tails, buns, braids, Greek-style styling, wet hair styling, etc. All these hairstyles allow you to focus on the elegance of curls and in different interpretations can be performed both in everyday life and in combination with evening dresses. Among other things, before creating the styling, you can adjust the diameter of your curls with the help of curlers.

Hairstyles with curls for long hair

Well-groomed long curly hair is a real luxury, and if it is also given by nature, then the main thing is to emphasize the beauty of the hair in every possible way. In most cases, the most successful for such strands is a layered or graduated haircut, in which loose hair looks as impressive as possible. In addition, the right haircut will “pacify” stubborn curls and facilitate the styling process.

Hairstyles for long wavy hair cause a lot of trouble, and walking with loose hair is constantly boring and not always convenient, but do not despair. When creating any hairstyle with curls, unless we are talking about a formal event with a strict dress code, elements of negligence in the form of strands that have escaped from the general mop are allowed. This only adds charm and naturalness to the image. For those who do not accept collected hair, a fashionable hun hairstyle will come to the rescue, with which it is easy to lead an active lifestyle.

Hairstyles for curly hair for every day

Daily hairstyles should be easy to perform, not take a lot of time and be sustainable for a long time. We list popular simple hairstyles with curls that can be built in a few minutes:

  • lateral tail;
  • "Malvinka";
  • beam;
  • free braid;
  • braid to one side;
  • boho hairstyle;
  • shell.

Evening hairstyles with curls

Styling for special occasions, going out "in the light" - more refined, bright and bold. They should be in harmony with other elements of the image and correspond to the theme of the festive event. Consider what beautiful hairstyles with curls you can do with your own hands:

  • waterfall;
  • a basket of curls;
  • laying in Greek;
  • Hollywood waves;
  • pigtail-rim;
  • styling curls to one side;
  • low bundle of bundles;
  • high retro styling;
  • braided tail.

How to make a hairstyle for curly hair?

To create a spectacular hairstyle for curly hair, it is not necessary to visit the salon, curls can be styled at home, following the advice of the masters. In this case, you need to adhere to some points:

  • hairstyles should be created only on clean dry hair;
  • for combing it is better to use a comb with rare teeth made of natural material;
  • the styling products used should refer to special rulers for curly curls.

Side curl hairstyle

When choosing light hairstyles with curls, you should pay attention to styling with curls thrown to one side, which can be performed with different lengths of hair. This is a great option for formal occasions. Follow the instructions below to make this hairstyle:

  1. If the hair is not curly, you should first twist it.
  2. Make a side parting.
  3. Having separated a strand about one and a half centimeters wide at the temple, take it back and fix it on the back of the head from below with two invisible ones crosswise.
  4. Spray the strand with varnish and hide the invisibility under the main mop of hair.
  5. In the parietal zone, make a light pile.

waterfall hairstyle with curls

A chic hairstyle for wavy hair is a waterfall, in which the laid wavy curls really resemble falling jets of water. The technique of creating such a hairstyle with long curls does not require much effort. Here are the main steps to create it:

  1. Part your hair into an even center parting.
  2. At the temple, on one side, separate a wide strand and begin to weave an ordinary braid from it to ear level.
  3. Then continue weaving with the release of the strand, with each binding letting the lower strand hang freely, and instead taking a new strand from the bottom of the hair and weaving it into the braid.
  4. Weave according to this pattern around the entire circumference of the head or to the middle.
  5. At the end, leave one curl free, and fix the end of the braid.

Bun for curly hair

If it becomes necessary to collect a naughty mop, then this hairstyle for medium wavy hair, like a bun, will be a good solution. This simple hairstyle suits almost everyone. We propose to consider how one of the variations of the beam is made using a special accessory - a donut:

  1. After lightly combing the hair with a comb or fingers, collect it in a high ponytail (tighten it loosely) with an elastic band.
  2. Put on a bagel over the gum.
  3. Hide the ends of the strands under the donut, distributing them around the entire circumference.
  4. Fix the result with hairpins or stealth.

Hairstyle with braid and curls

On curly hair, any weaving looks especially elegant and attractive. A braid of curls will harmoniously complement almost any evening outfit and will be appropriate in the daytime. One of the simple techniques is the French braid. We offer the following version of it, which allows you to remove hair from your face and at the same time demonstrate beautiful curled curls:

  1. Comb your hair back.
  2. Select a small strand near the forehead in the center, divide it in two, tie it with an elastic band, drag the end of the strand into the hole at the base of its fastening.
  3. Picking up the same bundle of hair to each side strand and, fixing it with an elastic band, pull its end, like in the previous strand.
  4. Finish weaving in the lower occipital region.
  5. Secure with an elastic band and a beautiful hairpin.
  6. Structure the curls in the remaining tail with a styling product.

Hairstyle big curls

Suitable for all hairstyles for wavy hair of medium length - large loose curls. This elegant styling never loses relevance, does not require a lot of work and time. To create large curls, you can use different devices and devices, one of which is an iron. It should have rounded edges, be thin, and heat up on the outside. Instructions for creating curls with an iron:

  1. Spray the strands with a heat protection spray and comb through.
  2. Grab the first strand with an iron, keeping it parallel to the floor at the level from which you plan to start curling.
  3. Wrap the strand around the iron, turn the appliance upside down and pull down.
  4. After a few seconds, release the curl.
  5. Repeat the same with the rest of the strands.
  6. Comb the curls with your hands, treat with varnish.

What makes a woman especially beautiful and seductive, how to cause a stunning effect in the opposite sex? The perfect look can be created with cute curls on your head. Medium strands are considered universal hair length. So, it’s worth figuring out how to make curls on medium hair at home with a lasting effect. Modern innovations in the field of hairdressing help to carry out various experiments with curls. Well, go ahead!

The positives of medium length curls

Medium curls are the most optimal and convenient option, since their styling does not take much time and effort. They are suitable for creating unusual images and various hairstyles. Elegant curls are gentle and feminine. Hairstyles with curls for medium hair are suitable even for a daily setting. There are several positive aspects of this styling:

  • a universal solution suitable for meeting with a loved one, a holiday with friends, going out;
  • medium hair is suitable for large and small curls, broken styling and light curls;
  • small curls can retain their shape and volume for a long time;
  • the average length of the curls masks various imperfections of the scalp and face;
  • beautiful curls are modern and fashionable.

The choice of devices and devices for curling

You can model curly strands with different devices. In order for hairstyles with curls on medium hair to last longer, you should use a hairspray or styling foam. You can twist curls with a curling iron, curlers, hair dryer, ironing, instyler. Features of hairstyles and hair, their length, the degree of complexity of curls will affect the choice of a particular device. For example, damaged or thin strands should not be hot-treated using protective agents.

big waves

A very fashionable trend today in hairdressing is beautiful large curls in the form of waves. This hairstyle is worn by all Hollywood stars. How to make curls on medium hair with this effect? The best way to achieve this is with the help of the latest invention - an installer or a styler-curling iron. This is an innovative automatic device that allows you to create luxurious curls in a few seconds without much difficulty. The styler is able to make very light natural waves, voluminous curls or tight curls that last for several days. The store today has a very large selection of stylers, from expensive to more affordable.

Positive aspects of installers:

  • the device has a tourmaline ceramic coating, which contributes to a uniform distribution of heat;
  • on the working part there is a limiter that does not allow you to get burned;
  • you can curl curls to the right or left;
  • temperature regimes are selected depending on the type of hair;
  • the timer has several settings for different types of curls;
  • strands do not tangle after using it.

Everyone can handle this device at home. To perform a hairstyle, you should insert a strand of hair into the styler, press the button, hold it and get amazing waves. This innovative development is a personal stylist to create an attractive look for girls with medium hair. This will be a very useful purchase for any beauty who follows fashion trends.

What if suddenly a fashionable styler has not yet been purchased? With what else can you achieve large fashionable waves on your head? For many, the ideal of beauty is natural curls for medium hair. Photos of many famous beauties prove this. Beautiful curls and wavy strands were valued in ancient Greece. It was from the Greek women that the fashion went to wear the famous bandages, tiaras and hoops that support loose large curls. In Greece, curling irons appeared.

Today, many stars wear hairstyles with large curls for both long and medium hair. Large waves can be observed among the favorites of the masses, pop singers - Vera Brezhneva and Anna Sedakova. Curls combed to one side are often demonstrated by Jessica Alba. This hairstyle gives a slightly mysterious and alluring look. Curly strands are often worn by pop singer Larisa Chernikova. The non-standard singer Yolka very often hides her brutality under cute, feminine curls.

Many people think that a hair straightener can only straighten them. In fact, they can model wavy strands. The hairstyle will immediately acquire a wonderful volume. To do this, you just need to divide the washed hair into strands, clamp each one in turn with an iron and wind them onto the device. The main thing - do not comb the curls before they cool down. It's best to just pry them apart with your fingers.

Curls in the form of a corkscrew

Medium-sized curls sometimes look corkscrew. Many girls combine this styling with cocktail dresses, puffy skirts or sundresses. A beauty with such corkscrew curls resembles a Barbie doll. How to make such curls on medium hair? The photo of the article demonstrates the romanticism of such styling.

The most famous way to create corkscrew curls are curlers. They are able to give every girl a sunny image of a fairy princess. Curlers are the safest and most gentle way to create seductive curls. They are plastic, foam rubber, sticky, velvet, boomerang, in the form of bobbins, spirals.

Thermal rollers, which are heated in boiling water, greatly reduce the curling time. Today, models for heating in the microwave are produced. Curling on thermal curlers is ideal for medium length hair. First, the hair is combed, smeared with mousse and divided into thin strands. A separate strand is wound on curlers and covered with a special cap. To make the curl look like a corkscrew, the curlers must be placed vertically. Thermal curlers should be kept on the hair for about 20 minutes. Then they are removed, the hairstyle is fixed with varnish. To give expressiveness to the tips, they are moistened with mousse and straightened with your hands.

Creating Spirals

Bobbins in the form of spirals will help to create clear and graphic curls. The classic version of such spirals is wooden sticks with a carved spiral pattern. Such a stick is applied to the roots and a strand is wound around it in a spiral. The result of such actions is a persistent and lush hairstyle. The diameter of the spirals can be different, the size of the curls will depend on this.

There are a lot of modern options for spiral curlers. There is a model with a hook, in the form of a roll, made of plastic. Many people put soft coils on wet hair and leave it overnight.

How to use the hair dryer

Your favorite hair dryer and styling products can also create gentle curls. Washed hair is divided into strands and styling products are applied to them. Each strand is wound on a round brush and dried with a hairdryer. So all the hair is treated curl by curl. The average length of the strands is most suitable for curling with a hairdryer.

Curling iron - a universal styling tool

Curly curls for medium hair - a classic and traditional way. The curling iron is also called tongs. This appliance is in the house of every housewife. Many still use the old models, and most prefer modern types of tongs. Ploek configurations can be cylindrical, conical, double-barreled, triple-barreled, spiral. Tourmaline or ceramic coated tongs are most valued.

How to create The procedure is as follows:

  • A strand of hair at the crown is separated and fixed with a crab.
  • The lower hair is also divided into strands no thicker than 2 cm.
  • With the help of the blades, the curling iron grabs the tip of the strand and twists closer to the root.
  • In this position, the device is held for about 25 seconds.
  • In the same way wind the lower strands.
  • After winding all the curls, the hair is fixed with varnish.

Small curls for medium hair

Slightly wavy strands are obtained in one painstaking way - weaving small braids. To do this, wash your hair, let them dry. Next, miniature braids are braided and fixed with elastic bands. The size of the finished waves will depend on the number of braids. This weaving is best done at night. In the morning, the pigtails are untwisted and laid.

Small curls can also be made using bone curlers or wooden bobbins. First, the washed hair is dried a little, a styling agent is applied to them. From the back of the head, curl after curl begins. Curlers are left on the head for 2-3 hours.

Ease and carelessness

One of the latest fashion trends is a slight carelessness of the hairstyle. In reality, it looks as if the curls were disheveled by the wind. To create such an effect will require a little effort, skills and abilities. The twisted curls are combed and a styling agent is applied to them. A diffuser is placed on the hair dryer and the hair is dried, lifting it up. Lacquer in this case, you do not need to use. They should look slightly disheveled.

Curls for medium hair with bangs

Laying with bangs and curls looks flawless and stylish. After the curl is done, the hair is carefully distributed so that it does not fall apart. These curls will look spectacular if they are collected on one side. Now you need to harmoniously lay the bangs. To do this, you can use a hair dryer and mousse. The bangs can be left perfectly flat, fixed to the side. A very feminine option would be curls gathered in a tail with oblique bangs.

Some girls love voluminous bangs, for this they perform a small pile. Torn bangs are suitable for creating the effect of slight negligence. With the help of a round comb and a hair dryer, you can make a neat oval bang. If the bangs are long, then it can also be laid with curls. The oblique and asymmetrical version will emphasize the eyes, cheeks and nose.

Curly hair is beautiful on its own. Modern women use elastic bands, hairpins, ribbons, belts, headbands to complete the image. It is good to fix medium wavy strands with a belt or a sports elastic band. Get a kind of Greek styling.

A curly airy hairstyle can advantageously be decorated with touching flowers. With the help of a sophisticated diadem, you can achieve the effect of grandeur and luxury. The individuality of the hostess of the curls can be emphasized by the original scarf. A variety of hairpins will help to show imagination. Sometimes such a small detail can completely change the image with curls.

Today on sale there are hoops of various shapes and designs. With their help, you can profitably increase the volume of curls. From curly hair of medium length, you can make a lot of interesting hairstyles. For a special exit, a lush French braid of curls is perfect. Flowers or beads are sometimes used as decorations. The pigtail braided over the curls in the form of a hoop will look original. A decorative bun of curly strands will also be very attractive. Many modern fashionistas prefer simply loose curls without decorations. This look looks fresh, romantic and feminine!

Modern girls often experiment with hair and try to keep up with fashion. So now hairstyles for medium hair have become especially relevant, because with the help of them you can stand out and emphasize your individuality.

The average length of hair is considered the most common and comfortable; for this length, you can choose many different interesting and trendy hairstyles. What is considered medium length hair? As we know, everything in the world is relative, someone thinks that long hair should be below the waist, others say that long hair should reach the shoulder blades. Therefore, it is impossible to determine a clear border of medium-length hair. Most often, hair is called medium when it reaches the shoulders, but does not fall below the middle of the back. In any case, in this article, everyone will choose the right hairstyle for themselves :)

Hairstyle for medium hair

Owners of medium length hair can afford different ones, they can be located on the crown or on the back of the head, you can also collect hair in a bun on the side. The “character” of the bun depends on the occasion for which you are making it, for example, a loose, slightly disheveled bun is suitable for every day, a smooth bun is best done for going out, as this is the most elegant type of bun. A slightly careless bun with curly hair can be done even for a holiday.

Volume bun for medium hair

Step 1. Comb your hair and wind it on the curling iron to the middle. This is necessary to make the beam look more voluminous.
Step 2 and 3. Gather your hair into a high ponytail and secure with a thin elastic band. Before you thread your hair through the elastic for the last time, do not pull it all the way out, leave a small loop of hair and a free tip.
Step 4 Straighten the "loop" from one end to the other.
Step 5 and 6. Twist the loose end of your hair into a loose braid and wind it around the bun.
Step 7 and 8. Secure with bobby pins or bobby pins and secure with hairspray.

Bundle with a donut or sock

Such a beam is suitable for every day, and 5 minutes is enough to make it.

1 way

Step 1. Comb your hair and make a tail in the place where the future bun will be located.
Step 2 Take a "donut" and thread your hair into it about half way.
Step 3 Start twisting the "donut" by winding your hair around it until you reach the base of the tail.
Step 4. If necessary, fix the hairstyle with varnish.

2 way

Step 1. As in the first case, make a high ponytail and secure with an elastic band.
Step 2 In this method, the “donut” or sock should be located at the base of the tail, so thread the hair through it completely.
Step 3 Spread the hair evenly over the "donut" so that it is not visible.
Step 4 Secure the hair in this position with a thin elastic band, leaving free hair.
Step 5 We divide the remaining hair into equal parts and weave pigtails out of them, then we wrap the bundle around and fix it with hairpins.
Step 6 If desired, decorate the hairstyle with accessories.

Elegant bun with braids

Step 1. Divide the hair into 3 parts, the side parts located near the face should be smaller than the main strand.
Step 2 Secure the main part of your hair with an elastic band.
Step 3 and 4. Comb the resulting tail and make a bun out of it.
Step 5-8. Now let's do the side strands. Of these, braids should be braided towards the beam. It is best to do reverse French braids and loosen them up a bit.
Step 9-13 We cross the resulting braids over the beam and wrap them around it. We fix with hairpins and our hairstyle is ready!

See our separate article.

Bun with curly hair

Step 1-2. Roll your hair into a small curling iron and separate the curls with your hands to get lush curls.
Step 3 Make a loose ponytail at the back of your head. The elastic should be thin and invisible.
Step 4 Form a tousled bun from your hair and secure with hairpins.
Step 5-6. We comb the remaining hair back and leave a couple of strands in front of the face.

Hairstyles for medium hair with curls

On medium hair, you can make a wide variety of curls. Small curls will make the hairstyle playful and light, and large curls will add romance to the image. For a special occasion, you can choose Hollywood curls on one side, such a hairstyle will definitely attract the eyes of others.

Hollywood waves - hairstyle for medium hair

Video tutorial hairstyles "Hollywood waves"

Funny curls with flagella

Divide slightly damp hair into several equal sections. The smaller the strands, the smaller the curls and vice versa. If you want to make more voluminous curls, you can divide your hair into 2-3 equal parts. Now take a strand and start twisting it into a bundle, then twist the strand into a small bun. It is best to do this hairstyle at night, as the hair needs to dry. And in the morning you straighten your curls and get a chic hairstyle for the whole day.

Curls with flagella - video Hairstyles for medium hair with braids

Not only owners of long hair can afford original braids, but also girls with medium-length hair.

Spit waterfall - do-it-yourself hairstyle for medium hair

Step 1. Curl your hair to make big curls.
Step 2 Separate a small part of the hair from the side from which the "waterfall" will begin and divide into 3 strands.
Step 3 Start French braiding. In order to get a waterfall braid, and not just a French braid, you need to do the following: when we grab the top strand and make an element of weaving, then we need to put it down and leave it like that, this will be a “trickle of a waterfall”, and to continue weaving we take a new strand under the scythe. Read more in the article “how to weave a waterfall braid”.
Step 4 Continue braiding in this way until you reach the opposite side and then secure the braid.

Video lesson of weaving braids "waterfall"

Easy braided hairstyles for medium hair

Step 1. Separate a small part of the hair from the face and braid it into a regular braid or pigtail “spikelet”. Do the same on the other side.
Step 2 Now we throw one braid from right to left, and the other vice versa, you should get a kind of framing of the remaining hair. Fasten the ends of the braids with hairpins and hide under the opposite braid. This hairstyle will take no more than 5 minutes.

Back braid with a bun

Step 1. Part your hair on the side and French braid the other way around. Secure the end of the braid with an elastic band.
Step 2 Collect the remaining hair in a ponytail at the bottom of the head.
Step 3 With the help of a "donut" or a sock, make a voluminous bundle.
Step 4 Now wrap our braid around the bun and secure with an invisibility.

Volumetric braid with loose hair

The hairstyle is very simple and does not require accuracy, slight negligence, on the contrary, will give lightness to the hairstyle. This hairstyle is suitable for voluminous and thick hair.

We begin to weave a French braid from one edge of the forehead, moving in the opposite direction to the back of the head. We grab the strands from the forehead itself so that there is no free hair left. At the same time, do not tighten the braid, it should be free. The braid can be braided to a certain point at the back of the head and secured with a hairpin, leaving the tail of the braid free, or you can braid the braid to the end.

Braid basket for medium hair

Step 1. Divide the hair into 5 parts, while the top of the hair must be divided into 2 parts, and the bottom into 3.
Step 2-4. We fix the upper strands and do not touch it yet, and weave an ordinary braid from each part from the bottom.
Step 5 We also form a basket of three braids and fix it with invisibility. Braids can be twisted, superimposed on each other, the main thing is to get a beautiful weave of braids.
Step 6-9. Now let's take care of the upper strands, of which it is also necessary to braid the braids, they should be more free. It is necessary to weave towards the back of the head. We also decorate the hairstyle with the finished braid. With the second upper strand, we perform the same manipulations.

We strengthen the finished hairstyle with invisibility, if desired, you can add accessories or flowers to the hairstyle.

Hairstyles with a pile on medium hair

In everyday life, we don’t do bouffant so often, many people think that such an element of a hairstyle is outdated and is only suitable for retro hairstyles, but there are a lot of bouffant hairstyles that look gentle, elegant and feminine, the main thing is to know when to stop.

Easy hairstyle with bouffant in 5 minutes

Separate a medium-thick strand at the back of the head, twist it into a bundle and make a bundle out of it, this will be the basis of our fleece.

Now take a strand closer to the forehead, and tease it. It should completely cover the beam. Lay it back and comb the top a little.

Select the strands at the temples and fasten them behind under the pile with the help of stealth. Spray the finished hairstyle with varnish and you can go for a walk.

Bouffant with a rim of braids

Make the hair as high as possible and fasten the hair at the back. We divide the remaining hair into two equal parts and weave not too tight pigtails.

We throw one pigtail to the other side and fix it behind the ear. We do the same with the second pigtail. Decorate with a flower if desired.

Elegant bouffant hairstyle

It will take a lot of time to create such a hairstyle, but the result is worth it. This hairstyle can be done for graduation or other celebration.

Step 1. Divide your hair into two sections at the back of your head. Temporarily fasten the upper part with a hairpin so that it does not interfere. And from the bottom make a tail.
Step 2 Comb the top of the tail and sprinkle with varnish.
Step 3 Twist your hair around the bouffant for an even bun.
Step 4 Wrap a small strand around the bun to hold it tight.
Step 5 Separate another small strand from the top of the hair and braid it into a braid.
Step 6 Now comb the hair that is left on top and gently style it to a bun.
Step 7 Pull out the braid and put it around the head, hide the tip under the top of the hair.
Step 8 Twist the rest of the hair into a bundle and wrap around the bun, secure with an invisibility.
Step 9 Fix the hairstyle with hairspray.

Hairy tail

The hairstyle is quite simple, but it looks spectacular, you can perform it like the previous hairstyles with a pile. Step by step instructions can be seen in the photo.

Hairstyles for medium hair with a bandage

Such hairstyles are also called in the Greek style. The headband hairstyle suits almost everyone and is perfect for medium length hair. Her popularity peaks in the summer, when it is already hot to walk with her hair down, but you want to look beautiful.

To perform this hairstyle, it is enough to take a bandage, put it on your head over your hair, and then twist the hair around the bandage.

We offer several photo lessons of similar hairstyles:

Hairstyle with bandage video

Hairstyles for medium hair in retro style

Retro hairstyles can spice up the look, but these hairstyles are unlikely to be suitable for every day. Usually such a retro hairstyle is suitable for a themed party or as an addition to an evening look. We twist the flagella We frame the hair with braids french braid

Now you can do do-it-yourself hairstyles for medium hair! A little experience and imagination, and over time, any hairstyle will submit to your skillful hands!

In order to make a hairstyle, you must first twist the hair and give it the desired texture. After that, you need to create volume at the roots in the crown zone by bouffanting or using a corrugated curling iron. On top of the bouffant, the hair is styled with a comb with sparse teeth and remove the hair from the face.

Advice!It is not recommended to use styling devices too often: you risk ruining the curls. Fortunately, there are much safer ways to curl. For example, you can use fabric papillots. Just wind the strands around the fabric strips and secure them with knots. With such homemade curlers, you can sleep peacefully at night: they do not cause the slightest discomfort. In the morning, you can enjoy the beautiful soft curls that you got without any additional "bonus" in the form of damage to your hair.

Beach chic: salt and wind

This hairstyle is simple and does not require much time. However, it looks very impressive. This idea is especially useful for girls with short curly hair. A simple hairstyle with curls for short hair for the summer will allow you to not spend a lot of time styling and look charming at the same time.

You will need a special sea salt spray, which can be found in any cosmetic store, as well as a hairdryer with a diffuser. On washed, not completely dry hair, apply a small amount of spray and simply dry with a hair dryer, slightly lifting the strands at the roots. You'll get structured curls and look like you've just been to the beach and dried your hair naturally. The hairstyle looks perfect in combination with a light tan and bright summer dresses.

Advice! Do you want curls to look more attractive and bright? Do highlighting or shatush. This will immediately make your hairstyle voluminous and light.

Greek goddess

Curls give a huge scope for creative experiments. For example, you can do the so-called Greek styling:

  • divide your hair into three sections. Behind make a tail;
  • lift the tail up, fix it in the back with invisibility and hairspray;
  • also lift the side strands and secure them with invisibility so that they reach the previously formed beam;
  • tie a ribbon or braid around your head.

The hairstyle is ready. You can decorate it with flower hairpins or replace the ribbon with a headband.

Advice! Greek hairstyle looks great in combination with large chandelier earrings. This will be a great option for a wedding hairstyle: curls, put away in a bun, emphasize the fragility of the shoulders and neck, and also look great in combination with a veil.

Loose braid: styling for those who love ease

This hairstyle is perfect for girls who want to keep their hair away from their face.

Comb your hair in front to one side. Now just braid from the part of the hair that is near the face, a light french braid. The weave should be fairly loose: do not pull your hair or try to braid it tightly. Secure the end of the braid with an elastic band or hide it under your hair.

There is another version of this hairstyle: you can part your hair in the middle and braid it in two braids. Hairspray will help fix the result.

Advice! This option is useful for girls who are trying to grow unsuccessfully trimmed bangs. The hair of the bangs is masked by a scythe and is completely invisible.

Wedding hairstyles for curls: the best ideas for a beautiful bride

Curls are considered a classic styling for brides. But if you want to make the hairstyle look more interesting, use the following ideas:

  • do Hollywood styling: comb large curls on one side of the face;

  • curly hair looks great in the form of a slightly disheveled careless bun. By the way, girls who follow the latest fashion trends should like this option: careful, neat wedding styling has long lost its relevance. Making such a bun is very simple: make a tail and wrap the curls around its base. It remains to fix the hairstyle with varnish and invisible hairpins or hairpins with small pearls or rhinestones;
  • make a low or high ponytail. Mask its base with a strand of hair. The hairstyle is ready. You can loosen a few strands on the sides of your face for a more casual and charming look.

Advice! Want to achieve the effect of tight curls, but you don't have a curling iron? Use the usual stealth! Divide the mass of hair into small strands, wind each one around a pencil or straw. Press the curl to the head and fix with the help of invisibility. In a few hours, your hairstyle will resemble the legendary styling of the world sex symbol Marilyn Monroe!

beautiful rebel

This hairstyle is perfect for girls who like to stand out from the crowd and wear an asymmetrical haircut. If your strands are elongated on one side of the head, and cut short enough on the other, you can curl your hair with a curling iron or hairpins, make a little bouffant and fix the result with varnish. This styling will look especially advantageous if you have contrasting strands of unusual colors, for example, blue or red.

Advice! If you are hesitant to make an asymmetrical haircut, but want to look unusual, just braid your hair on one side of your head in several French braids. On the other hand, just curl your hair on a large curling iron. To emphasize individual strands, you can use special colored hair crayons. So you can try on an extravagant look without changing your style. This is a great hairstyle with curls for medium hair!

waterfall hairstyle

Curls can be beautifully styled with a hairstyle called "Waterfall" Weaving Curls can be beautifully styled with a hairstyle called "Waterfall"

You can weave braids from two temples and fix them at the back of the head. Thanks to this technique, curly curls will look attractive and structured.

You can decorate your hair with a headband or ribbons.

Advice! Before you start creating a waterfall hairstyle, you can make a small bouffant on the parietal part of the head. This will make the styling more voluminous.

fashion bans

Curls will never go out of fashion. They look very feminine and help to soften the rough features of the face. However, there are some fashion prohibitions to keep in mind before starting to create styling:

  • do not curl the entire mass of hair, leaving straight bangs. This hairstyle was in vogue in the 80s, when the craze for the style of the beautiful heroines of the film "The Three Musketeers" swept the country. Now only women who do not follow fashion trends wear such styling: the “curls with straight bangs” hairstyle adds age and does not look very natural;
  • do not curl heavily damaged porous hair with a curling iron. This will damage the strands even more. Curls look beautiful only if they are made on shiny healthy hair.

Advice!You can quickly create curls with an iron using the following recommendation. Divide your hair into strands, twist each into a bundle. Run the curling iron along the tourniquet from the roots to the tips. In this case, you should move slowly, trying to thoroughly warm your hair. As a result, you will get light curls that you can fix with mousse or varnish. It is important to pre-treat the hair with a heat protectant.

Bundle of two braids. step by step

Curly curls give a huge scope for imagination: you can do a variety of styling, and your hair will look lush and voluminous. Don't be afraid to experiment and find your own style!