Rose petals - secrets and interesting uses in cosmetology. A beautiful rose is not only beautiful, but also healing: features of infusions from flower petals

Every woman loves flowers and mainly a rose. Although, in addition to beauty, this plant can bring us a lot of benefits. Moreover, this will apply not only to our health, but also to beauty. Therefore, below we will learn about how to prepare a tincture of rose petals for the face, its beneficial properties and other types of tonics, masks from this flower.

Few people know that rose has tonic, refreshing and anti-inflammatory properties. Not to mention the wonderful possibilities of speedy healing. Although the most frequent use, of course, is in cosmetology, and not in improving the body. You can use them for bathing, making various toners and face creams.

It is worth noting that only fresh rose petals should be used, and preferably not purchased ones, but from a home garden. Only then will there be a guarantee that the plants were not pollinated with various mixtures of chemistry for long flowering. It is best if you prepare a tonic, oil, or tincture on the rose. A face mask would be just as great though. Especially if you have problems caused by breakouts and acne.


We can talk about the magnificent properties of this plant forever, because rose petals have been used since ancient times. Previously, people who suffered from nervous disorders or respiratory diseases could be cured with rose tinctures or incense based on it. It is worth noting that even complex infections causing consumption or heart and kidney disease could be healed with rose petals. Women used to apply fresh flowers to their faces to maintain youth and moisturize the skin. You could cure severe inflammation and stomach upsets by inhaling rose oil or by using it internally.

Rose petals are composed of:

  • essential oils;
  • Sahara;
  • resins;
  • a large amount of vitamins B and C;
  • microelements;
  • carotene;
  • flavanoids.

For what and from what to use?

Therefore, it can be used as a regenerating, anti-inflammatory, soothing and pain relieving agent. The spectrum of diseases is as extensive as the composition, because you can use the petals even with angina, stomatitis, diseases of the gastric tract, purulent inflammation and problems with the skin of the face. Although it is worth remembering about an allergic reaction to some components of the plant. Therefore, before using such a tool, it is better to immediately check the reaction of your body and consult a doctor.

Cooking use

In addition to the fact that the rose is used in medicine and cosmetology, it has found its place in the kitchen of many chefs and simple housewives. I must say that it is very rare, but you can even find a recipe for jam from petals or honey. They resemble a pleasant syrup that tastes just as great as they smell.

More rare are: vinegar or alcoholic beverages based on rose tincture. Although if you try them at least once, you will no longer be able to live without it. True, many note that these are more feminine drinks, because they are much weaker and sweeter than ordinary wines or cocktails. In household terms, you can make tea with fresh petals. It is such a drink that will allow you to always remain calm and fall asleep quickly.

Cooking fragrant tinctures at home

You don't have to buy tea rose tincture from drugstores or beauty stores. After all, you can cook it at home. After that, you can use it internally, as a pleasant drink, and for the treatment of certain diseases, even mix it with other ingredients and make masks, tonics. You will not need so many components, the main of which, of course, is a tea rose, or rather its petals.


  • sugar 250 g;
  • water 150 ml;
  • if desired, vodka 1 liter;
  • rose petals 150 g.


To create a tincture from this plant, you will need to follow a simple recipe that includes the following steps:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar.
  2. Put on fire and simmer until syrup forms.
  3. Add tea rose petals and cook for another five minutes.
  4. Wait for the broth to cool.
  5. Add vodka and stir thoroughly.
  6. Pour the tincture into a jar, close the hole tightly, and leave in a dark place for two weeks.
  7. After that, open the container, pour the liquid into another container.


  • petals 150 g;
  • water 500 ml;
  • olive oil 2 tablespoons;
  • one ampoule of vitamin A.


From the ingredients listed above, you can easily prepare a wonderful nourishing face tincture, also called rose water. After all, it is used mainly for rubbing the skin as a tonic.

You will need:

  1. Grind the tea rose in a blender or with a knife.
  2. Pour it into a thermos and pour boiling water into it.
  3. Leave until liquid has cooled.
  4. Add oil and vitamin.
  5. Transfer to another container and store in a cool, dark place.

It is important that you are sure of the tolerance of your skin and body as a whole to all the ingredients that you will use to prepare infusions and creams according to various recipes. Otherwise, the condition may not improve, but only worsen it. And then only a doctor can help you. Everyone needs to protect and appreciate the gifts of nature, which allow us to remain as beautiful and young after years. Only the rational use of plants and the fulfillment of the prescriptions will make it possible to achieve the desired result.

Video "How to make rose water for the face"

In the video below, you will learn about the method of making rose tincture, or as it is called in another way "pink tonic", which is used to wipe the face.

Now every woman can, without any special problems, choose cosmetics for the care of the skin of the face and the whole body, for hair and nails. But, despite the wide range of such products, more and more women prefer to prepare creams, lotions and tonics on their own - using improvised means and independently purchased ingredients. The resulting product has a lot of advantages: it meets the needs of a particular user and is prepared exclusively from proven ingredients. Today we will talk about what can be made from rose petals for the face, albeit from dry petals, but nevertheless ...

Yes, yes, do not rush to throw away dry rose petals. Usually, recipes are about fresh petals, but there is a lot that can be done with dry cakes. They can be excellent raw materials for the preparation of a wide variety of cosmetics. Since they can be used for the face, and the skin of the whole body.

So what to make from rose petals for face?

Rose oil

Have you seen rose oil on sale? But you can make it from rose petals with your own hands! To make rose oil at home, prepare a glass of dried rose petals. Put them in an enamel bowl and cover with a glass of olive oil. That's almost all! Send this mixture to a water bath and incubate for two hours. Strain the finished oil.

The resulting product remarkably cleanses the skin of the face, adds tone to it and has a wonderful nourishing effect. Rose oil should be used when caring for dry and normal skin.

Petal face mask

For a wonderful nourishing mask for normal to oily skin, prepare four to five dry rose petals. Rotate them in a coffee grinder for pink powder. Mix a teaspoon of this powder with a teaspoon of heavy cream and a teaspoon of egg white. Stir well and leave to infuse for five to ten minutes.

Further, it is advisable to make a steam bath for the face, or use another method of cleaning it. The resulting mixture should be applied to the previously cleansed skin of the face and neck. Leave the mask on for twenty to thirty minutes and then wash off with cool water.

Sensitive skin mask

This mask perfectly softens and nourishes sensitive skin, helping to get rid of small wrinkles. Brew a couple of tablespoons of dry rose petals with a glass of boiled water. Cover the container with a lid and leave for half an hour to infuse. Strain the resulting infusion and dissolve the starch in it so as to obtain the consistency of a thick jelly. Apply the mask to your face and leave it on for a quarter of an hour to twenty minutes. Then wash with warm water.

Complexion enhancement mask

To make such a mask out of dry petals, collect them from two rosebuds. Fill them with half a glass of pure alcohol and leave to infuse in a dark and cool place. After a couple of days, strain the finished product and mix fifty milliliters of tincture with a tablespoon of liquid honey and beaten egg yolk. Apply the prepared mask to the surface of the skin of the face in an even layer. Leave it on for a quarter of an hour to twenty minutes, then wash with ordinary warm water.

Multi-component herbal mask

Why not make something more complicated out of roses. Such a fragrant mask will help restore elasticity to the skin of the face and décolleté, as well as help smooth out wrinkles. To prepare it, you should combine equal proportions of rose petals, mint herbs, chamomile flowers, dill greens, as well as linden flowers and sage herbs. Grind and mix all the ingredients. Brew a tablespoon of this mixture with a glass of boiling water. Wrap it up well and leave for half an hour to infuse. After that, blot a cloth napkin in the finished broth and apply it to cleansed skin of the face and décolleté. After half an hour, remove the lotion, let the skin dry naturally, then apply a nourishing cream on it.

Nourishing mask

For a nourishing mask for dry skin types, grind dry rose petals in a coffee grinder. Mix them with the cream to get the consistency of a thick cream. Apply the resulting mixture to your skin like a mask and leave it on for a quarter of an hour. Then wash with cool water.

You can prepare from roses not only a mask, jam, a bath, but also a lotion.

Facial lotion

To prepare such a cosmetic product, it is worth preparing dry petals from several roses. Store them fairly tightly in a bowl or jar, but don't tamp them. Brew such raw materials with boiling water so that the water just covers it. Leave the petals for twenty minutes, then drain the infusion, and squeeze the petals themselves. Add a pinch of citric acid to the resulting infusion, and the lotion is ready.

Lotion to tighten pores

To prepare such a simple tool, take four glasses of dried petals from red roses. Pour half a liter of table vinegar over such raw materials, seal well and leave in a dark place for three weeks. Strain the finished infusion, and squeeze the petals well. Dilute the finished infusion with boiled water, keeping an equal ratio. This product is great for cleaning oily skin, it tones it up and helps get rid of blackheads and enlarged pores.

Simple pink infusion

To prepare such a cosmetic product, brew a tablespoon of chopped rose petals with one glass of only boiled water. Cover the mixture with a lid and leave for half an hour to infuse. Use it to make lotions on irritated skin, as well as under the eyes to eliminate puffiness.

Dried rose petals are an excellent herbal skin care product. On their basis, you can easily prepare many cosmetic products.

It is not for nothing that the rose is called the queen of flowers: its exquisite beauty attracts the eye, and its wonderful scent serves as a source of inspiration for perfumers. Even in ancient times, the healing properties of this beautiful plant were used in medicine and cosmetology: rose water was used to treat nervous disorders, infusions from petals were used for heart and kidney diseases, and they rubbed the face with rose oil to preserve youth. Rose petals contain many beneficial substances that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, which is why this product can often be found in cosmetics, among which homemade lotions are especially popular. Rose petal lotion has nourishing, moisturizing and toning properties, promotes tissue regeneration and smooths out fine wrinkles. Plus, this skin care product has a pleasant scent that can lift your spirits and help fight depression.

The benefits of rose petals

Rose petals contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals, including riboflavin, pantothenic and ascorbic acids, which have antioxidant properties and are involved in all types of metabolic processes. Essential oil has a stimulating effect on the immune and nervous systems, restores and rejuvenates epidermal cells, and also relieves inflammation of the skin and relieves irritation. In addition, fresh rose petals have a fairly high bactericidal activity, so they are often used to treat acne, eczema and other skin diseases.

Popular recipes

For making lotions at home, garden rose petals and rose hips are suitable, and you can even use flowers that have stood in the bouquet for several days. The main thing is that the roses are grown in the garden (those that are bought in a flower shop are not suitable for this purpose, since they are treated with chemicals). Homemade facial lotions can be made with acid, alcohol or alkali, and it is important to choose the correct concentration of the base solution for your skin type. For dry skin, no more than 20% alcohol is suitable, for combination skin - 30%, and for oily skin - 50%. It is advisable to use any lotion no more than twice a day.

Pink lotion for oily skin

This product removes oily sheen and helps fight acne.

  • half a glass of rose petals;
  • 50 ml of vodka;
  • spoon (teaspoon) lemon juice.


  • Place the petals in a glass container and fill with vodka mixed with lemon juice.
  • Infuse the lotion for a week (in the refrigerator), occasionally shaking the contents of the jar.
  • Strain the finished infusion and wipe your face with it twice a day.

Refreshing Rose Petal Lotion with Honey

This product perfectly nourishes and softens the skin, as well as smoothes wrinkles. Suitable for all skin types.

  • 30 g of liquid honey;
  • two tablespoons of dry petals;
  • 50 ml of alcohol;
  • 30 ml lemon juice.


  • Fill the rose petals with alcohol and leave in a cool place for at least three days.
  • Strain the resulting infusion, add warm honey and lemon juice to it, mix thoroughly and use as directed.

Pink lotion for normal skin

To prepare this lotion, it is advisable to use fragrant roses of red or burgundy color. The finished infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than fourteen days. This product perfectly tones the skin and refreshes the complexion.

  • 2 cups dried rose petals
  • 250 ml vinegar (9%).


  • Place the petals in a dry glass jar and cover with vinegar.
  • Close the container tightly and store it in a cool place for three weeks.
  • Strain the prepared lotion and dilute with boiled water in equal proportions.

Pink Jasmine Lotion for Dry Skin

This product soothes the skin, eliminates dryness and irritation. Jasmine flowers can be replaced with 1 teaspoon of jasmine oil, only you will need to add it after the lotion is infused.

Rose petals as well as rose hips can be used in home cosmetics. The magical effect of cosmetic compositions with rose petals is manifested literally from the first moment of its application: the skin becomes smooth and fresh, filled with inner glow and impeccability of true beauty.

Rosehip has no equal in its medicinal and properties. In terms of vitamin C content, rose hips are superior to all other plants. In addition, it contains vitamins B1, B2, PP, K, E, organic acids, minerals and other elements. Rosehip extract is extremely rich in vitamin C and contains high levels of natural fatty acids that nourish the skin and help it fight the signs of aging. Masks made of rose petals and rose hips will add beauty to your skin, quickly restore freshness and youth.

Rose Cream & Lotion Recipes

1 You will need mineral water and rose petals. The bottom of a small saucepan is covered with flower petals in two to three layers, filled with mineral water so that it only covers the petals, and the mixture is brought to a boil. Make the smallest fire, cover and simmer until the petals are completely white. The time is from thirty minutes to an hour. Allow the broth to cool, filter and pour into a glass bottle.

Rose and Rosehip Lotion

Place the petals (both dry and freshly picked) tightly, but without tamping, in a bowl or small saucepan. Pour boiling water just enough to cover them with water. Strain after 20 minutes - rose water is ready. By adding a pinch of citric acid or 1 tablespoon of any sour juice to the infusion, you will get a lotion for wiping your face.

Pink water

From fresh leaves of a rose, you can prepare an infusion - rose water - for rubbing cyxo, sensitive and aging skin. Pour 2 tablespoons of finely chopped petals with a glass of boiling water, wrap with a towel, let it brew for 20-30 minutes, cool and strain. Cold infusion can be used to irrigate the face twice a day.

Rose petal lotion (to tighten pores and even out skin color)

4 cups dry red rose petals pour 0.5 liters of vinegar, place in a tightly closed container for 3 weeks. Then strain the infusion and dilute with an equal amount of boiled water. Well tones and cleanses oily skin, can be used for any skin.

Simple pink infusion

Pour a tablespoon of rose petals with a glass of boiling water, leave under the lid for half an hour, drain. Lotions from the infusion relieve swelling and skin irritation.

Rose petal mask for irritated skin

To do this, prepare an infusion, as described above, from rose petals, fill it with potato starch, apply it still warm on the face for 15 minutes, and then rinse.

Rose petal oil

Good for dry skin.
Take three cups of dry red rose petals, cover with peach or almond oil to cover the petals, place in a steam bath and heat until the petals are completely discolored. This oil can be used to rub dry face several times a day. And also this oil can be used to cleanse the face of cosmetics.

Rose petal mask for combination skin

2 tbsp. l. vodka, 60 g of rose petals, 50 g of herculean or rice flour, 250 g of mineral water. Pour rose petals with mineral water and vodka, leave for half an hour. Then strain the infusion and dilute the flour in it so that the mixture acquires the consistency of sour cream. Apply to face, neck, chest. After half an hour, wash off the mask with warm water and lubricate with a cream suitable for your skin.

Rejuvenates rose or peony petal mask

You can prepare a mask from peony or rose petals 1-2 tablespoons of finely chopped petals are poured with warm water until a thick mass is obtained, heated for 7-10 minutes in a water bath and applied to the face and neck for 20-25 minutes. This time you should lie on your back. The mask is removed with a cotton swab and the face is rinsed with warm water.

Attention! It is best to use scented roses and rose hips grown in your own garden. Since the roses bought in the store are treated with pesticides.

There is probably no woman in the world who would not love roses. These flowers are striking in their beauty, grandeur and aroma. No wonder they are considered a symbol of love.

In a bouquet, roses look great, only their age is not long. And what a pity to throw away the bouquet, which was presented with such love and care.

But do not be discouraged, because rose petals can serve you faithfully.

Few people know that the petals of a cultivated rose, like that of a wild rose, have healing properties. Masks and lotions prepared on their basis have miraculous anti-aging properties. With their regular use, the code becomes tender, refreshed and begins to shine with youth and beauty.

And today we will tell you about the most effective recipes that you can make yourself from rose petals for your face. These are masks, lotions and compresses.

I hope that now, you do not have to be upset after the bouquet, presented by your loved one, begins to fade.

Rose petals for the face: folk recipes

  • Rejuvenating Rose Petal Mask

Chop a few petals and mix with a teaspoon of olive oil, sour cream, honey. Let the resulting mass brew. The mask is ready in an hour. Before applying it, you should prepare your face: clean and steam it.

Apply the mask carefully and gently on the face and neck and hold for 20-25 minutes.

The mask is removed with running water at a temperature of 35 ° C. Wipe your face and neck with ice cubes made from linden blossom decoction.

  • Rose petal compress

Cover your washed, slightly damp face and neck with petals. On top, place a mask cut from cellophane or cling film, which should leave your eyes, mouth and nose open. Cover your face with a terry towel on top. Lie with this compress for 40-50 minutes.

Rose petals will help get rid of acne, inflammation, comedones, i.e. from all harmful bacteria on the surface of the face and neck, as they have strong bactericidal properties.

  • Rose petal mask for irritated skin

First, prepare the petal tincture. Fill a glass 1/3 full with petals, pour boiling water over it and leave for 1 hour.

Add potato starch to the strained tincture, you get jelly, which you apply on your face in layers. As soon as one layer dries, apply the second and so on up to 4 layers. Wait 17 minutes and wash off the mask from your face as usual.

  • Rose petal oil for dry skin

Collect 3 cups of dried petals and place in a dark glass container. Fill the petals with almond oil so that it covers them completely.

Start heating the composition in a water bath. We heat it until the petals are completely discolored. With the resulting oil, we cleanse the face of cosmetics and wipe it several times a day.

  • Rose Petal Herbal Face Mask

Mix, taken in equal proportions, rose petals, dill, lime blossom, chamomile and mint. Pour the mixture with a liter of boiling water and let it brew (no more than an hour).

In a warm form, apply a herbal mask on the face, cover it on top with a towel dipped in broth. After half an hour, remove the mask, apply a moisturizer on the face. The skin will regain firmness and freshness.

  • Pink lotion recipe

Cover the bottom of the saucepan with petals, 1 cm thick and fill with mineral water so that the water covers all the petals. Bring the mixture to a boil, cover with a lid, turn on low heat and simmer for an hour.

Cool the finished broth, strain and pour into a glass container. It is best to store in the refrigerator. Wipe your face with this at night. After a few days of application, the skin of the face becomes velvety and healthy.

  • Lotion honey - pink

Everyone knows that pink lotion is an excellent tonic for all skin types, but it refreshes a tired face better than others.

For cooking, take: 20 grams of honey, 20 grams of lemon juice, 50 milliliters of alcohol. Mix everything and store in the refrigerator in a glass container. Wipe your face with lotion before bed.