The girl you love is getting married to someone else. “How to get out of my head a loved one who married another? Beloved girl betrayed and is getting married

Psychotherapist, psychologist Svetlana Druzhinina and family psychologist, sexologist Andrey Burdin answer questions from readers (you can ask a question)


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I am almost thirty, I look good, I have a good job, and I am an interesting conversationalist. In general, according to many, successful in everything. But I don't have much luck with dating. They say I'm too prominent, and men are shy to get acquainted with me. Only ardent womanizers are not shy. And every time it comes up, I already get the same rake on my forehead. Well, how can you not be disappointed? Where is the way out of this circle? It doesn't make it any easier to convince myself that I'm not the only one. And whatever one may say, I want to finally have someone in my life for whom you are waiting for the end of the working day. Andrey Burdin:

From the letter you appear as a socially successful, sociable person, but inside you are very lonely. Ardent womanizers often strive for such a bright lady on the outside, and relationships with them bring only emptiness. And if the circles of disappointment are repeated, then you really should not reassure yourself. If you attract a certain contingent of men from the outside, with whom everything is a foregone conclusion, then it seems that you have an internal conflict, where, on the one hand, you present yourself in such a way as to attract these men, and on the other, you want completely different relationships. Perhaps you are afraid of something more serious? Start by trying to understand what kind of relationship you want and what kind of men you are really attracted to. To get out of the circle, you first need to find it. "I CAN'T FORGET MY EXS"

Three years ago I met a girl. After a year of our relationship with her, which was either broken or recreated again, we parted completely. But a few months later, I tried again to get back in touch. She has already started dating someone else. It broke me. I went into depression, in which I met with other girls, with old acquaintances, with new ones. And everything is not right and wrong ... As far as I know, she has already married. And even after that, I can't leave her in the past. Even worse, after her I dated another girl, whom I also fell in love with very much, but she just left me one day, with almost no explanation. I can’t get her out of my head either ... But the biggest problem is that I just can’t get to know someone normally anymore ... I don’t even understand what exactly is happening to me. Why can't I, as before, talk to a stranger? Svetlana Druzhinina:

Hello Ali! Relationships that didn't work out should be left in the past. Because if such difficulties arise at the stage of dating and relationships, then imagine what problems can arise in marriage. Do not panic if some relationship does not work out. Most likely, you are worried about wounded pride due to the fact that the girl not only left you, but also married another. But understand, there was no positive beginning in this relationship and there was no future. You should have stopped them yourself as soon as you realized that something was wrong. Perhaps you need some period of time so that you can understand what kind of girl you really need. Then you can meet her, fall in love and create a family with her. There is nothing wrong with the fact that a certain blockage has appeared when you are afraid to talk to an unfamiliar girl. It is actually a matter of self-esteem, which is reflected in previous relationships. You are afraid that the girl you meet, just like the previous ones, will leave you. But when you find yours, this fear will disappear. And an abundance of acquaintances will not lead to anything good. "MY BOY RAISES HAND AT ME"

I do not know what to do. Stuck in one place. My boyfriend and I have been together for five years. But the relationship initially did not work out: quarrels, scandals, lies. Recently, he completely stopped hearing me, does what he wants. I even started raising my hand... I don't know what to do in this situation. We have already scattered, and more than once - it was very painful. I even sat on antidepressants. But I need to somehow move forward. I want children, understanding, affection and love, but I clearly see that with this person I will be constantly on my nerves, with a tearful expression on my face. I'm very tired. Can you tell me how to get away from this? How to save yourself without falling into the hole again? Please, help! Svetlana Druzhinina:

Alena, the answer is unequivocal: you need to leave this person. But it is very important to understand why it hurts when you break up. What exactly do you get in these relationships? Why do you keep coming back into relationships where they even raise a hand against you. There is something in this person that you take from him and which is very important for you. This is some kind of internal resource that you should have in yourself, and not continue to take from this person. Perhaps the problem here lies in your relationship with your parents. In any case, you need to break off such relations. Because the hand that was raised once will be raised a second and a third time. If you want to develop and move forward, then this is definitely not the person you need. You have the whole world in front of you, and there are enough men in it who have a lot of virtues. But first of all, you need to love yourself. “GUEST MARRIAGE IS THE NORM?”

My friend and I have been in a "guest marriage" for over 15 years. Anything happened ... They diverged for a maximum of three months. But then they got back together. As they say, together is bad, but apart is even worse. I'm about 45 years old. I understand that I can be alone in my old age. I would like, of course, a normal family. Or legal marriage has already become obsolete? Svetlana Druzhinina:

Legal marriage has not become obsolete, but you have chosen a guest marriage. And this is only a matter of your choice. If such a relationship has not led to anything for fifteen years, then it will not lead to anything. Look at other men who are ready to marry and want to start a family. And with old relationships, if they do not suit you and you are afraid to be alone, it's time to tie. But, on the other hand, the desire to get married so as not to be left alone is also a big illusion. You need to get married when you met a close soul mate and fell in love with a person. In your situation, a guest marriage is based mainly on the fact that he is a guest. If you married this person, you would most likely break up with him within a year. Because, judging by your letter, you are different people and do not fit each other. But there are many other men around you that you suit. And if you want to get married, reach your goal.

When you break up with your lover, no matter how long your relationship lasted, you experience pain and disappointment. It seems that the world has collapsed, and only failures and blunders await you ahead. It becomes doubly painful when your ex-partner after a certain period of time finds a replacement for you and looks happy. Doubts creep in: did she ever love you at all, or was it all a pretense and a good game? You can survive all this, and, most likely, you will even begin to forget your former beloved, but here again a new blow: from third parties you will find out that she is going to get married. And all this despite the fact that when you offered her marriage, she constantly refused you, referring to some external reasons.

say you will upset In that case, don't say anything. But still try to pull yourself together and calm down. Although at first it will not be easy to do this, you will be overcome by anger and rage, in the heat of the moment you will begin to insult her, remember all the most negative things from your communication. Perhaps alone with yourself, or maybe speaking out to a friend or acquaintance in a tête-à-tête conversation. After you get rid of negative emotions a little, you will suddenly have a wild desire to take revenge on your ex. And one of the best ways to do this will be her upcoming wedding. Of course, this is a good way to spoil the mood, and perhaps even the life of your once loved one, but the game is not worth the candle. Think about what you personally will get good after this incident? Absolutely nothing. Be a little selfish, do not try for others, because the situation can turn into a completely different side, not the way you imagined it. For example:

Guests can vice versa have fun what you do, taking it for a pre-rehearsed production, because not all those present will know you by sight and understand why you needed all this. Naturally, to a greater extent, it all depends on what exactly you are going to do and how you plan to upset the wedding. But, nevertheless, in any of your actions, guests can find something funny, of course, unless it is connected with some kind of crime. If so, then another point follows.

- You can be taken to the police station. Everything is even very fair: after all, you are violating public order, posing a threat to society at the celebration. The shameful removal of you in handcuffs will be remembered for a long time by the guests, and by you too. But it is unlikely that later you will be proud of yourself to remember this day.

If you still decide come to this wedding without an invitation, this, first of all, will give out your unquenched feelings. Everyone will understand that you still love your ex-girlfriend and that is why you invaded this holiday today and are trying to prevent her from building a new relationship. And what could be more humiliating than unrequited love? You will simply be taken for a weakling who could not survive this pain and behaves like a true fool, trying to return his former love, who had forgotten him a long time ago and is happy with another young man. Have self-respect - do not humiliate yourself like that in front of a girl and other people.

try find pluses in everything that happens, and they are here without a doubt.

- Remember all the negative qualities of his ex-girlfriend. Does she not know how to cook? Wonderful! Sympathize with her husband, who in the evening, having come with, will be forced to cook his own dinner. Is she unkempt, careless? Her future husband may not even know what he signed. But well, it's his choice.

- Remember all your quarrels, you will find a lot of negativity in them, which will help you get angry with her to such an extent that you want to spit on this relationship from a high bell tower, and thank life for taking you away from this person.

Unlikely your the girl was the most ideal of those who could potentially meet you on the way. All her flaws in appearance that did not suit you should give you an impetus to engage in a detailed search for a more perfect soulmate. If, nevertheless, it was the girl of your dreams, do not worry, there are probably at least a couple more of these in the world, moreover, tastes change over time, and it’s not a fact that in a year you will still consider her your ideal.

I need your advice, what do you think I should do next? I'm confused, squeezed like a lemon. I lived with a girl for 1 year, we knew each other from the university, we had a big fight and broke up at the end of February of this year. I was very worried, but I tried to let go of everything, to live in the present. I continued to play sports, tried to spend more time with friends, more distractions, reading, books, walking, work. The guys once told me that they saw the girl with whom they were together with a new guy.

It was a little unpleasant, but I understand everything and try to accept reality. He continued to live. Difficulties began at work, the company began to suffer losses and my partner left, more duties and responsibilities appeared, I already began to feel that my head was bursting at the seams. I began to do less workload in training, devote more time to sleep, I never had problems with nutrition, this site is very important for a normal life.

But I decided to buy a complex of vitamins in order to slightly relieve the pressure from outside and not react to stress like that. All this time I have not communicated with my ex-girlfriend, since February. Yesterday she wrote, asked how I live, what's new with me, I didn't tell anything. She said that she was getting married next month, that she loved the guy very much, that she was happy with him.

Like, what we had was youth. All the best to you, goodbye. I reacted normally at first, but then everything started with a small flame and flared up into a problem. I felt like I was dipped in hot water and then immediately doused with ice. I began to worry about what is not there, because of what is no longer connected with my life. As a result, I was not even in the mood to cook food, I tried to calm myself down, but it didn’t work out. Went outside to get some air, returned home, could not fall asleep until the morning, I barely sat at work, filtered out a little thought. But I have a feeling that a little more site and I will explode, I feel depressed. I started thinking about suicide, I know that I will not do this, I have a mother and father, a brother, it will be difficult for them without me. But these thoughts are scary. I can't tell my comrades everything, I can't trust that.

I don't have a friend or girlfriend to tell everything. The diary does not help, I wrote down different moments from my life there to make it easier, or just like that. I want to get out of this state as soon as possible. Because I can’t live normally, work, these thoughts, incomprehensible anxiety haunt me. The train of thought became uncontrollable, some kind of apathy, it got to the point that I didn’t want to leave the apartment anywhere, to work, to buy groceries, just to walk. I tried to describe the whole situation in as much detail as possible, tell me, please, what needs to be done to get rid of this condition. I know that time is needed, but the forces have gone somewhere. I am 25.

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Hello Duman!

In principle, there are not so many options for how you should be in this situation. First you need to choose what you want:

1. You love your girlfriend, and no matter what, you are ready to forgive her and fight for your relationship.

2. You are disappointed in your relationship and are not ready to continue it, and you want to forget it and start a new life.

The choice is difficult, and there is no right answer. And I can’t even give you any hint, because there is too little information about you, about her and about your relationship.

But I can draw your attention to some points:

How could it happen that in parallel with you she developed a serious relationship, and you did not notice anything? Are you sure she's really marrying someone else? Sometimes girls bluff to provoke a man into some action...

Where did that other man come from and how long has the relationship been with him? Isn't that relationship just an emotional fleeting reaction? Sometimes a woman gets tired of poverty, of uncertainty, and in a fit of desperation grabs at a straw that passes by, and then she regrets and returns. Maybe your girlfriend is just tired and is waiting for you to make any decisions?

Analyze your relationship carefully. Were there any hints that she might be dishonest? not only in terms of betrayal, but in general in life. Usually a deceitful person and a traitor show their nature in small things. Can you say the same about your woman?

Jealousy for children from a previous marriage is a quality that people have inherited from nature. In nature, usually the cubs from a previous marriage are killed. And fear for their offspring lies in mothers deep in the unconscious, and manifests itself in almost every woman in one way or another. And this fear disappears as trust in a man grows, when a woman is convinced that she will receive enough attention and support from a man, despite the children from a previous marriage. If a woman's trust is not enough, then her instincts win, and she can leave. To build relationships with a woman, you should be clearly aware of this feature of women, and take it into account when building relationships. Do not be offended by women that nature has arranged them so. If it were otherwise, people would have died out on earth.

If you now have more questions than answers, then perhaps you should talk frankly with the girl and clarify all incomprehensible questions. Only in a conversation, in no case should you blame and reproach her, otherwise she will not open up to you about her inner motives, but, on the contrary, will begin to defend herself and attack you.

Take life into your own hands and take action!

There will be questions, sign up for a consultation. Let's figure it out together!

Strelkina Olga Viktorovna, psychologist, Sevastopol

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