Magic for health from diseases. Old Slavic conspiracies for recovery. Types and examples of conspiracies

Lord, You see my illness, You know how sinful I am, and how weak I am, help me endure and thank Your goodness. Lord, create this disease to be, in the cleansing of many of my sins. Master Lord, I am in Your hands, have mercy on me according to Your will, and if it is useful for me, heal me soon. I will accept what is worthy according to my deeds, remember me, Lord, in Your Kingdom! Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Thank God for everything! Amen. A conspiracy for good health can be performed independently or asked by someone. It is desirable that the conspiracy is read by a woman. If the ceremony is performed on a child, then after the ceremony, his face should be wiped with the hem of his shirt three times clockwise to remove fear. Since ancient times, many conspiracies have come down to our time that help in the treatment of various diseases. Combining them with traditional treatment, you can get rid of the existing problem in a short period of time. In order for the conspiracy to heal to work, it is recommended to read it at dawn, on the street or standing at the east window. It is best to eat nothing before the ritual. It is important to pronounce the words clearly without hesitation and with full confidence in a positive result.

God's dough (for healing)

With the help of God's test, you can heal a seriously ill person and remove deadly damage. You can use this method only once in your life, so I advise you to resort to it only as a last resort. At sunset, knead the dough from rye flour and holy water, taken on the same day from three churches. Add three eggs from one chicken to the dough, salt left over from Maundy Thursday, sugar bought at the Annunciation. Moreover, the dough, which is prepared for a woman, is kneaded on women's days, that is, on Wednesday, Friday.
For men, the dough is prepared on men's days - Tuesday, Thursday.
If the child needs God's dough, then they put it on Sunday.
Yeast is added to the dough as usual. When the dough has risen, knead it three times and each time you mix it, say this, God help, God bless! God's hour, God's voice, God's word, God's work, God's place, God's dough. The Lord helps, blesses the dough, sends angels to help: one angel, got up, the second. The angel took the dough, the third one raised it, the fourth one, kneaded God’s dough, the fifth angel said: “Whoever takes this dough in his mouth will never die early, he will not burn in fire, he will not drown in water, a fierce beast, his will not touch, from the service, the master will not drive away, evil, the court will not condemn him, there will be no trouble, and hardship. God's dough, grow, rise, grow together with God's word, mix. What I said, and did not say, - Jesus Christ Himself will come to the end, will finish my work. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

From damage to the human body

If a person has suffered from a fire or other disaster and is in bandages and plaster, you can speed up recovery by inviting a blind person. From his hands the patient should drink water. And you should say Christ reigns, Christ commands, Christ saves, Christ heals. Amen.

From an unknown and contagious disease

Speak on a towel and wipe the patient from head to toe with it.
How King David drove the daughters. Herod’s in the mountain of stone, so I wipe, drive and drive out from the servant of God (name) seventy ailments, named and sent, and those who are unknown. How true it is that a person eats through his mouth, and through w ... food will leave him, it is also true that this ailment from this day, time, hour, will leave the servant of God and will not come back to him. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

From weakness and impotence

If a person is weak and powerless, there is a breakdown, 40 days in a row should be read: God the Great, Praiseful and. Incomprehensible, having created, man, by hand. Yours, the finger of all from the earth and in Your image honoring him, appeared on Your servant (name). Give him sleep and rest, health and salvation of life, strength of mind and body. The Tsar, the Lover of Man himself, stand. By the influx of Your Holy Spirit, visit the servant. Your (name). Grant him health, strength and blessings with Your goodness. Every gift from You is goodness, and every gift is perfect. You are the doctor of our souls. We swear with thanksgiving
Your Father without beginning and Your Most Holy Life-Giving Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

If there is no strength

Take the leaves of elecampane, lie down on them, close your eyes and read "Our Father", "Theotokos" and a conspiracy for strength in the body.
Frequent, stars, light, dews, loud, thunders, sharp, braids. Mow you, scythes, grass, not bodies, O white servant of God (name). Amen. Nine forces to me, gravity to the damp earth.

From every sickness of the body

On Strastnaya, on Wednesday, you need to draw a new mug of water from a well, from a barrel on the street, from a river, etc. Crossing yourself three times, cover the mug with a clean or new towel, and at two in the morning, crossing yourself again three times, pour this water over leaving some part in the circle. On a wet body, without wiping, put on clothes, and pour the water that remains in the mug until three in the morning on a bush or flowers.

How to heal from a deadly disease

If a person is mortally ill, his disease is reduced to a dog. From a man to a male, from a woman to a bitch. Take the wool from the dog, burn it, read the slander on the ashes, bury the ashes under the aspen. Read for a flawed month: From under a black stone I call dark power, dark power, a sinful thing, longing, dryness, hearts, aching. Death, remove the twig from the servant of God (name), send it to the dog. Damn Satan, hooves, horns, help me, your servant, instead of (name) the servant of God, destroy the dog, bury the clock, turn your life back. Amen. Three days after that, nothing is given from home.

From a serious illness

Read early in the morning and after sunset: Servant, God's sick, at night, not sleeping, kneeled, asked for deliverance: “You, pain-pain, get away from my doorstep, away to the road. From whom the disease came, go to that. So that the guilty person could not, did not eat, did not drink, did not sleep. Let the guilty one suffer in the same way, the power of the word from now on and forever, to the servant of God (name) will lose. Amen".

If a person does not recover for a long time

The patient must be steamed, washed, and when you wipe, say:
Rev. Tikhon, Antip-vodopol, pacify and comfort in the servant of God all black infirmities, all his pains and ailments. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. If you are treating a woman, then say: “All her pains and ailments” and instead of the word “slave”, the word “slave”.

If a person dies from no one knows what

If doctors do not establish an accurate diagnosis, and the person is getting worse, you should help in this way. On Easter, Christ's Sunday, the sick person must collect in his house the husks from colored eggs, all the crumbs, leftovers, leftovers, and, having gone into the field (preferably in his garden), bury everything in the four corners Do not talk to anyone that evening, but lie down to rest. In the morning, changes for the better will be noticeable.

Conspiracy from black sickness

A bird flies over the seas, a beast runs over the forests, a tree into a tree, mother earth into its mother earth, iron into its mother ore. So the black sickness fled, into its own, tartarars, into the pitch darkness. And she ran and didn't come back. And the servant of God (name) would be alive and well. And you black sickness, submit to my speeches. Birds peck at you, tear at a hungry beast, ruffle you with the wind, but you can’t spoil a man. Amen.

From unknown weakness

They wash the patient with charmed water for three evenings in a row. The conspiracy is this: On the third day of Easter, Saint Marina walked, Saint Catherine walked with her, they carried the Holy Gifts. Whoever remembers these two names for three evenings will return health from the Holy Gifts. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

From an unknown disease

If you are sick and cannot be diagnosed, find an earthworm, take it in your left hand. Cross yourself with your right hand and immediately spit on this worm. Then say so One hundred worms, one head. Look for this worm, he is yours, the king, he is your sovereign. Crawl, search, crawl out of the earth, servants of God (name) from me, take away the illness, take it far, bury it deep. And if you don’t take my illness, if you don’t take it from me, I will kill your king, crush him, behead him. Go to the ground, king, crawl, crawl to the ground, sovereign, and take all your illness from me. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Or strengthen your strength to avoid all sorts of ailments. It can also be applied to another person close to you. Let's talk about how to read the plot correctly.

If you want the plot to work, follow these rules:

  1. Believe. Only faith in the miraculous power of a conspiracy is capable of performing miracles. If you are skeptical, no magic will help, because the Universe feels that you are insincerely addressing it.
  2. Speak the text of the conspiracy in the present tense. For example: not “I want to be healthy”, but “I am healthy”. Believe that the healing power of the conspiracy has already acted or begun to act at the moment when you perform a magical rite
  3. Speak the text of the conspiracy clearly, confidently. You must read it without hesitation, without breaking the sequence of words. Memorize the plot in advance so that you don’t forget anything at a crucial moment
  4. Do not rely only on the power of the conspiracy. It will definitely help, but if you are negligent about your health - have bad habits, refuse medicines and treatment prescribed by a doctor, no conspiracy will work
  5. On the day when you plan to read the plot, you must fast. You also need to refrain from negative thoughts, actions, conflicts and quarrels. You should be relaxed, rested and at peace

And it is especially important: any health conspiracy should be read either on the new moon or on the waning moon. A conspiracy uttered on the full moon or has no power.

Universal conspiracy for health

This rite is suitable for a person who has the opportunity to visit a forest, grove or park where many trees grow.

You need to go out at night, find a young tree. Then put both palms on its trunk, close your eyes and imagine that your hands are filled with warmth transmitted from the tree bark to your hands.

After you tune in, clearly and distinctly pronounce the text of the conspiracy:

“The disease is painful, prickly ailment stretches to the tree, it is transmitted from my body to the roots. Not the servant of God (the name of the sick person) will harass and torment, but the tree sharpens and withers. I give the illness of the sick servant of God (the name of the patient) to the tree, strength will come to him, he is healthy now. May it be so!"

The patient will recover soon. It is very simple to check whether the conspiracy worked or not: after a couple of weeks, go to the charmed tree. If it dries up, the foliage turns yellow, then all the ailment is gone.

Conspiracy for severe pain

This version of the conspiracy is used to cure patients of acute pain that does not go away and does not give rest. It must be read directly over the sick person. Lay the person on the bed, stand over him and start saying the magic words:

“(Name of the part of the body that hurts) no longer suffers from pain, the patient, the servant of God (the name of the patient) begins to feel better. The body is filled with health, the disease goes away and will never return. As the moon wanes, so the disease goes away forever. May it be so"

Perhaps the conspiracy will not work right away. But as soon as the Moon from the waning phase goes to profit, the disease will leave the patient and will never return.

Conspiracy for water

Water has a very powerful energy. But it works best on women, so such a conspiracy is suitable for treating women specifically - in healing a man, the rite may be useless.

It is important to find a source of clean water. Well, if it is a spring or a mountain river, a lake. Holy water consecrated in the church is also suitable. Prepare water ahead of time.

Water must be poured into a silver bowl. Silver has very powerful magical properties - it retains and accumulates positive energy, and rejects negative energy.

On the new moon, stand over the bowl of water and say the following words:

“O healing water, you give strength to people, cleanse them of ailments and negativity. Help the servant of God (the name of the patient) to be cleansed of the disease, come to his senses and become healthy. Heal her body, deliver her from torment. May she be healthy and happy again. May it be so. Amen"

The plot must be pronounced three times. Then drink the patient with charmed water, and sprinkle her body with the rest. Recovery will come as soon as possible.

Conspiracy from an unclean disease

This conspiracy is suitable to heal a patient who feels unwell due to the fact that he was spoiled or jinxed. The rite will help eliminate the negative magical effects. As a result, the disease will go away forever.

Before the ceremony, the patient needs to visit the church and pray to the saints. It is necessary to collect holy water - it will be used for the ritual.

On the new moon or the night of the waning moon, you need to take a glass of holy water and say a conspiracy over the sick person:

“As the mother of the servant of God (the name of the patient) gave birth, how she protected from adversity and ailments, how she saved from evil looks, so now the power of the holy water will save the disease, remove the evil eye / damage. There is no more evil slander, dangerous slander on the servant of God (the name of the patient). Everything bad from him, as the water drains, health will return. May it be so. Amen"

After this, the patient must be drunk with holy water, and the remaining liquid should be poured into the ground. Gradually, he will improve.

Watch a video on how to make a conspiracy for health:

Important: the most suitable day of the week for reading conspiracies is Tuesday. Wednesday is fine too. But the beginning of the week or the end is a period in which it is undesirable to carry out healing rites, since they do not have sufficient strength to heal the patient.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

It is believed that many health problems are related to the internal state of a person. Sometimes the cause of ailments is not at all an infection, but that you are overcome by negative emotions or the influence of ill-wishers is to blame for everything. A health conspiracy in such cases is an excellent tool that will help solve internal problems and get rid of sores.

For the plot to work, you must adhere to some rules:

  1. Believe in the magical power of conspiracy. It is faith in the magical properties of spoken words that most influences recovery. Therefore, it is important not to doubt that the conspiracy will definitely work.
  2. Get rid of negative emotions. If you are overwhelmed by despondency, anger or resentment, try to throw out all the negativity and achieve a peaceful, calm state. This will help meditation, creativity, or even general cleaning in the apartment.
  3. Read the plot at the right time. Late evening and night are not suitable. Healing conspiracies are read in the early morning, when the first rays of the sun appear or during sunset, when the luminary has not yet gone beyond the horizon
  4. Let fresh air into the room or read a plot in nature. If it is not possible to go outside, open the windows and ventilate the apartment before performing a magical ritual.
  5. Do not eat before the ceremony. It is best to read the plot on an empty stomach. On the day of the ritual, you should eat only lean food, refrain from alcohol, cigarettes and other harmful substances.
  6. You need to stand while reading the conspiracy facing east
  7. Church candles will help to strengthen the effect of the conspiracy - they can be lit before the ceremony. The energy of fire has a beneficial effect on health
  8. The text of the conspiracy is read an odd number of times - from three or more

And a little advice: if you want to increase the effectiveness of the conspiracy, do not forget to read prayers, referring to the saints. A believer can go to church and light candles for the health of the patient.

Universal conspiracy for health

You need to go outside (preferably go to a park, forest or grove), find a young tree. Both hands must be placed on the trunk and say the following text:

You should feel the warmth from the wood being transferred to your hands. Imagine mentally how your body or the body of the person who needs to be cured.

Gradually, the patient will begin to recover, and the tree will dry up. After a few days or weeks, you can go up to him and check - if it dries out, then the conspiracy is working.

A simple spell for pain

This magical ritual will help in cases where a person suffers from constant pain, and no pills help.

To expel pain, you need to put your finger on the focus of pain and move it clockwise, while reading the words of the conspiracy:

You can repeat the conspiracy daily until the pain leaves the body. This magical ritual copes especially well with.

Conspiracy for water

After the ceremony is completed, the patient must be given water to drink. Then he should lie down for an hour or two. Such a conspiracy copes very well with a headache and with an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Evil eye conspiracy

If you suspect that a person has become ill due to the evil eye or damage, you can use the following plot option:

It is read over the flame of a church candle. Nearby it is necessary to put a glass of water, which the patient must drink at the end of the ceremony. The rest of the water should be sprinkled on the face. Also, wait until the candle burns out completely, and put the wax in a secluded place.

This is a very powerful conspiracy that must be read on the waning moon - during this period, lunar energy is most conducive to healing. The best day of the week is Tuesday. And on Saturday, it is better to refrain from performing a magical rite.

When the spell doesn't work

Like any other magical rite, a conspiracy is not entertainment. It can have serious consequences. In what cases a conspiracy not only does not work, but can also harm:

  1. If the patient is a non-believer. In this case, no sacred text will help him. You should seek help from those who use non-Christian methods for healing
  2. The conspiracy will not work if the patient is full of negative emotions - anger, envy, resentment, hatred drown out positive energy and prevent it from penetrating into the spiritual shell of a person
  3. A conspiracy will only harm if a sick person often harms others, brings anger into the world, and seeks to cause trouble to people. He should reconsider his attitude to life and start doing good - it is possible that the cause of illness lies precisely in his negative approach to everything

And, of course, do not forget about the help of official medicine. Not a single conspiracy will work if you ignore the treatment prescribed by the doctor. A magical rite can significantly speed up the healing process, but it is not a panacea.

In any case, even if recovery does not come instantly, if all the rules and recommendations are followed, you will not harm the patient, but will help bring his state of mind back to normal.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Even at that distant time, when the earth did not yet know about Christianity, people already resorted to the help of all kinds of rituals for health with might and main. Various magical conspiracies and rituals with candles were designed to improve health and cure diseases.

Today, almost all of them have “scattered” according to various teachings (Feng Shui and others), but have not lost their effectiveness and benefits from this. Let's talk about some of the most famous of them and, of course, try to improve your health with the help of these health rituals.

Ritual #1

Collect fresh maple leaves. On each of them, write down one of your diseases and put the leaves in a vase without water. Like this! Let all your ailments dry! After the dried bouquet, bury or burn.

Ritual #2

Well saves from health problems and such a ritual:

Brew any tea. Even herbal will do. You will need a piece of sugar. Concentrate on this piece and imagine that it represents your disease. Calling refined sugar your disease, put it in a glass with poured tea. While stirring the refined sugar with a spoon, say: As tea dissolves sugar, so does my health drive out the disease!

Rite and conspiracy from all diseases

Held once a year (December 27). On this day, water from the hole has healing properties and cures seventy-seven ailments.

It is necessary to collect water from the hole in the early morning. Wash at home in it, reading this conspiracy: “How clear the Dawn, morning woke up, as the sun rose above the earth, so I, the servant of God (name), woke up, dipped in the water cut, healing. As a blue river washes the banks, as Father Frost cools the river water, so all ailments are washed away from the servant of God (name), with God's help they turn into ice. Amen".

The tree will help

Many healers and magicians claim that it is possible to cope with many diseases and problems ... By turning to a tree for help! Just not to the first one that comes across, of course. The choice of a leafy “healer” must be approached thoughtfully, having secured useful knowledge, which we will discuss below.

So, before you run to hug this or that tree in the garden, think carefully about what you want to achieve. After all, there are trees with positive and negative energy.

The first - oak, pine, birch, chestnut, linden, maple, ash, willow - are able to perfectly give a person their healthy healing energy. The second - poplar, aspen, plane tree, spruce, alder, bird cherry - due to their negative charge, they take away “bad” energy from us, thus relieving pain and discomfort.

Also, do not forget that each tree has its own time of greatest energy activity, when "communication" with them will give you the best healing result.

Linden. Most of all, the soft energy of linden appears from 14.00 to 20.00. Next to it, one feels warmth and peace of mind: it is no coincidence that this tree in the east was called the “tree of oblivion”. A person forgets about his problems, his mental state normalizes, fears and anxieties go away.

Oak. The greatest activity is from 21.00 to 03.00 hours. The energy of the oak is powerful and strong, therefore, in any state, you will not approach the tree (it is better not to communicate with the tree in a nervous, excited state).

Poplar. Activity from 15.00 to 18.00 hours. The energy of this breed is clear, even and moderate. If you cannot decide on any action, the poplar energy will help you make the right choice and give you confidence in future actions. It is the best way to mobilize willpower and internal energy. Do not forget that this tree is an energy vampire, so it is not recommended to stay in poplar plantations for more than 30 minutes.

Pine. The activity of pine, like all conifers, is constancy. However, remember that the energy of this tree is extremely powerful, so you do not need to be near it for a long time for no apparent reason. Pine perfectly cures depression, reduces unnecessary psycho-emotional stress.

Birch. The most active energy of the birch is manifested from 05.00 to 09.00 hours. Her energy is subtle and gentle, soothing. If you feel hard and hurt in your soul, snuggle up to this tree, do not hold back your tears. Birch will soothe and feel better on the soul!

Thursday, March 10, 2011 4:27 pm ()

So that prosperity reigned in the house.

The ritual is carried out on the growing moon. Fill a crystal jug (vase) with a volume of at least two liters by three quarters with water, settled for at least three days in a cool, dark place. Add 13 drops of eucalyptus oil (available at the pharmacy), five pinches each of powdered dried lemon balm leaves, peppermint and thursday salt. From above, wrap the vessel with a piece of light-colored silk. For the night, leave it in the eastern corner of the apartment under the icon, read the following words on it three times:

“In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! As water-water rages on the sea-ocean, water rages, frolics, as rye ears in a clean field, as if a red girl preens, and in the forest and on the edge of the heroic trees they pull into the blue sky, their green fingers to the boundless cloud, so it would be in the house I, the servant of God (name), prayerful, baptized, would have peace and tranquility. No misfortunes, ailments and hardships of my hearth did not touch, they remained beyond the threshold for all eternity. Amen".

Then take a small sheet of thick cardboard, about 10/15 cm in size, and any bright felt-tip pen. Write the names of your family members on it and leave it with the container overnight. At dawn, sprinkle water from a jug on your clothes and things of loved ones, as well as bed linen, towels, tablecloths, curtains on the windows. Pour the rest into the sink. Then light a wax candle and burn cardboard over its flame, reading the Our Father prayer until the paper burns out. Wrap the remaining wax and ashes in a new, unused handkerchief, take it to the nearest crossroads and leave it there, while saying "Paid". Return home the other way.

“Guard for the family. Protection from fornication ”(can be done as a love spell).

1. Full length photo

2. Nails of the customer.

3. Spool of green thread.


The customer writes the prayer "Our Father" on two sheets. The size of the sheet corresponds to the size of the photo. Then the customer writes 13 wishes on the sheet neatly so that all wishes fit on the sheet. Witch, writes 13 wishes on behalf of (victim). For example: “I, Vasily, want to love my wife……”. Take a photo of the victim (or a family photo, a wedding photo, where both spouses are together) and on the front side of the photo attach a wish sheet written by the customer, and from the back of the photo we attach a wish sheet written by the sorceress (on behalf of the victim). Then overlay the photo on both sides with sheets of prayers "Our Father", the text of the prayer face out. Roll it all up into a tube. Fasten with threads, winding them clockwise, reading the spell. Tie 13 knots. Attach a wax seal (bottom) on one side. Throw your nails, salt. Pour a tube with a wax candle, continuing to cast the spell.

“I, the sorceress (name), put on slaves (names) protection from (what). For from this hour, from this minute, from this second, they will be inseparable and inseparable, their feelings will grow day by day, and multiply, and there will be no end and edge of their love. May luck, luck and happiness accompany them. May their happiness be cloudless and (the name of the victim) in everything listens only to (the name of the customer) and thinks only with her head. Let this be his ideal.

May it be so! God! Close and protect the slaves (names) from all evil and destruction! Father Voodoo! Beat and ruin, any sorcerer who encroaches on the happiness of slaves (names). May it be so! Forever and ever! I put protection for (a period of) year from this day. May she serve faithfully! May it be so! »

Bury under a tree.

CROSSROADS (secret knowledge)

All sorcerers know about the magical power of crossroads. On the full moon and new moon, the strength of the crossroads increases.

The first nearest intersection to your house involves the "reference" of the relevant items (money) to solve mainly family and domestic relations (during daylight hours).

The second - for rituals of a romantic orientation (love spells, lapels) in the period from sunset to the beginning of a new day.

The third one will help to positively resolve the financial side of the issue (in the morning).

Fourth - will assist in the return of money (any debt) by the debtor at the beginning of a new day.

The fifth one is intended to punish your offender (enemy, ill-wisher) at any time of the day.

The sixth is to bring luck to your side (directly at sunrise, all this period).


From generation to generation, healers passed on secret knowledge about the amazing power of water, about its truly life-giving effect on the patient. She was deified, she was worshiped, and not without reason. Water is the Divine element, it is alive, hears and understands human speech. Therefore, they turn to her affectionately, respectfully: “Water-voditsa, Mother Voditsa, rinse, rinse ...”, we say, knowing that she will hear us, and there will certainly be help. Its possibilities are enormous. Water taken on a holy holiday has great power, heals skin diseases. Evil eyes, convulsions, removes dizziness and other ailments. Washing away any misfortunes, it heals, calms the nervous system, brings peace to the soul. However, water has a special healing power not only on certain days, but also hours. Depends on the phase of the moon. When it is full, the water collected at the beginning of a new day before sunrise is used for creative purposes. If you have frequent headaches, soak a towel in it, say to it three times: “In the Name of the Most Holy Trinity, God the Father, headache, be quiet. Amen. Amen. Amen" and apply to the forehead. Lie down, relax, close your eyes, lie down for 15 minutes. Place the nominal icon of the Guardian Angel on the solar plexus. The headache will pass. After that, be sure to rinse the towel in running water, and you can use it for its intended purpose. On the water collected in the full moon, it is good to cook food, preserve, because. products receive energy, giving strength to those who eat them, helps to heal the patient, increases the body's resistance to various diseases, acts soothingly and relaxing. This water is useful for watering flowers and plants. Do not be too lazy to collect it in a container or just water the garden with a hose, because such a bright moon is shining in the sky that you can even read, and you will see how your plants have grown stronger, changing imperceptibly. Rejoice in their good growth and healthy appearance. Water collected on the new moon (at the same time of day) has a different effect. It is used to attract good luck in work, cleanse the home of negative energy, take revenge on the enemy and punish the offender.

Put water on the table, light a church candle, read the prayer 9 times: “Mother is water, wash away damage, evil eye, slander from my house, from my courtyard. Carry the unclean spirit into the fast river, into the ocean-sea. They shouldn't be here. Fence off the dark force, water - water, trouble from my household. Amen". Consecrate housing, outbuildings, the entire courtyard with this water - evil spirits, damage, the evil eye will leave your home. With the help of this water, you can also bring luck and good luck to the house. The use of this water also contributes to the development of success in commercial affairs.

The power of water collected on the full moon is enormous. Black magicians use it to punish the guilty or to induce damage. With its help, they bring damage to the deceiver when, due to unseemly actions, some business has been ruined by someone, or a family has broken up, etc. This water is poured into a transparent vessel, for example, into a 0.5 liter plastic bottle, and left for a day, where the victim lives and works. Then, having taken the water, they go to the crossroads, kneel down, put a container in front of them, put their left hand on it and read a special spell. Then this water is poured out where the victim lives, under the threshold of the house, on the gate, under the door. The guilty one loses his peace, he is tormented by incomprehensible anxieties, his soul trembles, as if anticipating inevitable misfortune. This damage is removed simply.

Do not forget that while collecting water, you should be in a good mood, you can not swear, curse anyone.


You will need three bay leaves, a piece of paper, and a red ink pen. On the new moon, write your wish on a piece of paper and say it out loud three times. Fold the leaf three times and put laurel leaves inside, say the desire again three times, then say 3 times:

“The gods have a laurel crown on their foreheads, laurel leaves are good luck to me. Plant of the gods, give strength - fulfill my command. Let the owners bless him, give him the incarnation.

Carry the bundle with you until your wish is granted.


The first month of life together is called honey, everyone knows this, but few people know that young people must have honey this month, but not simple, but charmed. The mother of one of the spouses should speak such honey. You need to buy fresh honey, not candied, flower. You need to read the plot in the early morning on the growing moon. Put a jar of honey in a place where there is natural sunlight, best of all on a window. Read a conspiracy over honey:

“A dove with a dove, a swan with a swan live together, in love and goodness they build their nest. So let the spouses (full names of the young) do not know grief in life, they welcome happiness and prosperity. Let goodness come to their house with every sip of honey.

This honey should be eaten in the first month after the wedding.

Energy cleaning of premises

Negative energy does not always come with witchcraft damage. For example, it can accumulate in rooms where scandals and conflicts often occur. Those rooms where people who are prone to negative emotions and vices live or work also need energy cleaning: discontent, envy, alcoholism, laziness, etc. Therefore, many rooms need not only periodic general cleaning with a vacuum cleaner and a wet rag, but and in general energy purification with the help of special conspiracies, candles, water and other magical tools.
A mass of astral dirt is brought into your home by negatively minded people who visit you, especially secret and overt envious people. There are several common ways by which they induce witchcraft damage to a home. Some of these methods are based on the practice of “lining” at the front door, that is, millet, small change, earth, water, etc. can be thrown to your doorstep.

Conspiracy for purification and protection from spoilage

On the waning moon, go around the dwelling around the perimeter counterclockwise, holding a church candle in your hand and reading the plot

Almighty, hear me, the one who calls to you and asks for help. Cleanse my dwelling from filth, deliver me from the dashing, from the evil one. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Imagine that astral dirt has accumulated in the corners of your apartment. Go around your home again counterclockwise and "collect" all this garbage with your right hand, burning it in a candle flame. After that, wash your hands with running water, turn your face to the east, imagine a blue energy circle around your house, stand for a little while, and then draw an equilateral cross with chalk over the front door and windows. Drive a nail into the cross, and hang a magnet on it. This will protect your home from invading evil forces.

(correct performance of the ceremony)

Guard before surgery.

Read the prayer "Our Father", and then pronounce the conspiracy words:

“My angel, follow me, the servant of God (name), you are in front and I am behind you. You, Mother of God, remove me from the pillar, as Jesus Christ was removed, from the Cross. You yourself are the Lord God, give the doctors skill, and give me patience. Amen".

Ritual for the fulfillment of desires with the help of icons.

(correct performance of the ceremony)

Take seven small icons:

"Savior", "The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God", "Nicholas the Wonderworker", the Virgin "Joy of All Who Sorrow", the icon of the saint whose name you bear, the icon of "All Saints" and "Seraphim of Sarov". Write your wish on sheets of paper the size of an icon. Attach sheets of wax to each icon on the reverse side. Cover the table with a white tablecloth and put the icons in a row. Before each of them, light a candle and say:

“Lord, the Most Holy Theotokos and all the holy miracle workers, hear my prayers and help me, the servant of God (name), fulfill my desire. I, the servant of God (name), want (desire)."

While the candles are burning, read the Our Father, and then ask the saints for help in your own words. When the candles burn out, put the icons for forty days in the Bible on different pages.

Conspiracy for universal sympathy.

(correct performance of the ceremony)

If you want others to treat you well and make a favorable impression on them, read this plot every morning for a week on the growing moon. Take a blue candle (each time a new one), light it and, looking at the flame, say the following words:

I will get up, God's servant (God's servant) (name), blessing and crossing myself in the morning. I’ll go out of the gate and from the yard in a clean priest, I’ll look at all four sides: on the east there is a golden-domed church. As this holy church is looked at and coveted, so it would be at me, the servant of God (servant of God) (name), old and young, fat and thin, small and big, red girls and good fellows looked and coveted. They would have looked - they hadn’t seen enough of me, a servant of God (servant of God) (name). Be, my words, strong and capacious, like underground keys. Amen.

If necessary, the ritual can be repeated, observing the above conditions.

Rite of correction of karma. Change of fate.

On this day, a very important rite is performed to correct karma. On paper, write down what worries you most in life, a failed marriage, a job you hate, difficult relationships with loved ones, etc.

Roll the leaf into a tube and cut into three equal parts. Prepare two protective circles of Thursday salt (incense) and holy water (approximately 30-40 cm apart). In the center of the circles formed by them, there should be 4 church candles that are lit before the start of the ceremony. Before the circle of salt (incense) reads "Our Father", then cross this circle, standing in front of the circle of holy water. You read the prayers “Our Lady of the Virgin, rejoice ...” and “Guardian Angel” and cross the water circle. Now read "Psalm 90" and burn the three parts of the sheet in turn. While they burn forty times say "Hallelujah"

All the mentioned prayers are available in any of the shortest prayer books that are sold in the church. The next day, you must definitely go to church, where you put 12 candles to any icons, and then a 3-day fast.


The rite has powerful power: it protects and removes the connection of dark entities that often attack your loved ones and relatives.

Place a vessel with holy water, seven church candles, an icon of Jesus Christ and an icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir, Thursday salt, two mirrors and matches on the table. If you don’t have Thursday salt, try asking the grandmothers in the church, some will probably have it. If you don't want to borrow, you can replace the salt with frankincense.

Put a photo of the child in front of you. Place mirrors on the right and left so that the photo is reflected in them. Between the reflections of the photograph are both icons. In front of them are four candles, closer to you, three candles. On the edge is a cup of holy water. Make a protection around the table and chair by first sprinkling clockwise in a circle with holy water, then a smaller circle with grains of Thursday salt or incense.

Now sit down on a chair and read the plot:

The mirror is dark, the heart is black, Lord, help, sanctify the soul. Light candles (with these words, light all seven candles) in a prayer I ask: put on the servant of God (name) the Prince of Darkness the seal of Hell, reflect the fire of Christ that black seal that was placed on the servant of God (name), evil people, protect, Jesus, unbearable protection. Lord, Jesus Christ, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, I lay three bows: for the first time (cross yourself) Do not turn away from the servant of God (name) for sins voluntary and involuntary. Amen. For the second time; (cross yourself) grant salvation to the soul of the servant of God (name), Lord. Amen. For the third time (cross) to the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, protect the servant of God (name) with an indestructible cover, indestructible protection. Amen. Time after time, cross after cross, close the servant of God (name), Gaspodi, with your finger. I lay three crosses with holy water, in the name of the Lord I close with a cross, in the name of Jesus Christ I close with a cross, in the name of the Holy Spirit, close! cross. Amen.

Make a cross three times on the patient's photograph, cross yourself and bow.

Candles should burn out to the end. The next day after the ceremony, go to church and put 12 candles: three for the icon of Jesus Christ, three for the icon of the Holy Trinity, three for the Mother of God, three for Panteleimon the Healer. The rite is so powerful that its results will appear very quickly. Your family will feel cheerful and healthy.



In the evening, on Thursday, on the growing moon, when the sun hides behind the horizon, light a green candle. Put it on a table covered with a red tablecloth. Place a square cut out of green fabric in front of the candle. Place a leaf of eucalyptus or laurel in the center of the table, and a metal ruble on top of it. Treat the coin with bergamot oil, then look at it and think about the amount of money you would like to receive in the near future. Fold the four corners of the fabric to the middle and say: "I gathered everything for myself, By the Great Names Agazakh, Yaratakh cursed luck." Fold the newly formed corners to the center and continue the spell: "I will get the money the way I want." For the third time, perform a similar action, saying: "True, not a lie! Big money, not a penny." Tie this amulet with a red ribbon and hide it in the place where you work.


This ritual is also performed on Thursday on the growing moon. To get a talisman to save money, do this. Use bergamot oil to depict this symbol on any banknote. Roll into a tube, wrap with a green thread, the ends of which are tied with a triple knot. Fill the inner void of the talisman with dry sage herb. Seal both ends of the tube with green candle wax. Hide the talisman in a secluded place at home (apartment) or where you conduct your business. As long as he is safe and sound, you have no need to fear ruin and loss of wealth.

This conspiracy for health read for the prevention of all kinds of diseases:

I will rise, the servant of God (servant of God) (name), praying and crossing myself. I will go out of the hut through the yards, go out into the open field and wash myself with clean dew. In the open field there is a golden staircase. From that ladder comes God's angel - Archangel Michael. I will bow, God's servant (God's servant) (name), to him with the words: "God's angel Michael the Archangel! Speak my white body, my little hands and feet, so that they are stronger than steel, stronger than damask steel, harder than lead and iron. Lock mine my body, my hands and feet are far away from all sorts of illnesses and diseases In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen Amen Amen.


If one of your loved ones is sick all the time, feels weak all over the body, eats and sleeps poorly, read this.

You will need red and green candles. On Sunday at noon, light them, seat the patient on a chair so that his face is turned to the east, and say:

Do not moan, do not get sick and do not suffer the servant of God (servant of God) (name). His body is blood with milk, his arms and legs are filled with strength. Any disease will be defeated by the power of fire. May the servant of God (servant of God) (name) be healthier hour by hour, day by day, year by year. My words are strong and sculpting. Amen.


If you want to protect yourself from diseases, it is necessary every morning, as soon as you wake up, to read these words:

I will get up in the morning, go out to the courtyard on the road that leads to the temple. There I will read a prayer to St. Panteleimon. He always helps, he removes fatigue and illness from the body and soul. He will help me, the servant of God (servant of God) (name), in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


For healing and rejuvenation, do the following ritual.

Pick nettles and dry them. Wait for the full moon. In the evening, at sunset, make yourself tea and add a few dried nettle leaves to the tea leaves, saying this conspiracy for health :

Holy Mother of God, help me, God's servant (God's servant) (name), in my work, punish this grass to become a source of great power. May I receive your blessing and healing, recovery and rejuvenation, as well as the ability to bear children with every sip. Amen.