Apple face masks. Rejuvenating apple face mask with olive oil. Apple and honey mask for acne

Apples are a favorite fruit of many people. Whatever they make of them: compotes, preserves, jellies, jams. What is especially pleasing, apples are available to us all year round. Therefore, you can enjoy their delicate taste and aroma all the time. Have you ever tried to make yourself a mask from this vitamin fruit? After all, as you know, such care products act as a gentle peeling. This is due to the high content of acids in these fruits. An apple face mask will remove dead cells, smoothen the skin, and prevent it. Preparing these remedies at home will not be difficult. After all, all the ingredients you need are in your closet or refrigerator.

Mask for very dry skin

An apple renews the skin, filling it with vital energy, and honey regenerates it well. This is why these two ingredients are often used to create masks for dehydrated dry skin. To prepare it, grate a medium-sized apple on a fine grater, and then add one teaspoon of Hercules flakes (preferably ground) and the same amount of liquid honey to the mass. Mix all components well, heat a little in a water bath or in a microwave oven and apply on the face for 25 minutes. After the time has elapsed, remove the product with a damp cotton swab and apply a light moisturizer to the skin. An apple face mask, if used regularly 2 or 3 times a week, will relieve you of the irritation and redness that so often appear on dry skin.

Anti-wrinkle apple mask

If you take care of your facial skin, you will be able to keep it in excellent condition for many years. And what about those women who already have the first wrinkles? A rejuvenating face mask will help solve this problem. and wheat germ oil are all its ingredients. In what proportions to take them? Applesauce and honey are needed as much as for the above mask. And we take 1 teaspoon of wheat germ oil. Mix all the components in a bowl and apply on the face for half an hour. After that, wash it off with warm boiled water.

Remove greasy shine

With dry skin sorted out. And will an apple help solve problems? After all, as you know, it also needs care. An apple and lemon juice face mask helps to reduce irritation and eliminate oily sheen. It is prepared as follows: squeeze juice from a medium-sized apple, add a tablespoon of lemon and chicken egg white whipped into a strong foam beforehand. All are mixed and applied to the face for about 20 minutes, leaving only the area around the eyes uncovered. Then they are washed off with simply cool water.

Fight acne and blackheads

One of the most unpleasant problems of oily skin is the appearance of blackheads and, as a result, clogged pores, acne. What to do? An apple face mask with sugar can help us fight for clear skin. We do this: rub the half on a fine grater, add 1 beaten chicken egg, 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar and 1 tablespoon of warm milk. Beat everything with a blender. Apply on face for 15 minutes. Wash off the product with warm water.

These are just a few of the options for making apple face masks. In fact, there are a great many of them. Most importantly, we found out that an apple face mask can help not only dry but also oily skin.

The idea of ​​finding a magical way to rejuvenate has worried humanity since ancient times, especially its fair half. Perfect facial skin, beautiful body, luxurious hair ... how many legends have been written about eternal youth! And - not in the last place are rejuvenating apples. So let's use the magic gifts of nature not only as a tasty, healing delicacy, but also for personal care.
Apple masks for skin are deservedly called the best, and not without reason.

Vitamins C, P, E, B1, B2; carotene, iron, manganese, potassium, calcium, sugars, pectins, organic acids - this is not a complete list of components that, to one degree or another, work to maintain health, youth and beauty.

There are many recipes for apple masks. Ingredients are available, so it's easy to do the procedure at home. Let's get started!

1. Apple mask for oily skin

Oily sheen is an unpleasant phenomenon, especially when, under a layer of cosmetics, the skin of the face begins to sweat and secrete several times more sebum. The following masks are recommended to avoid these problems and reduce the likelihood of shine on the face.

... from apples and raw potatoes

  • half a medium potato
  • half a medium green apple
  • 20 ml. aloe juice (you can buy at the pharmacy, or you can squeeze juice from a fresh leaf if you have this healing healer at home)

Grate the potatoes and apple on a fine grater (do not peel the peel from the apple! - there is a storehouse of vitamins in it). Add aloe juice. Apply the mixture to cheesecloth, folded in 2-4 layers with cutouts for the eyes and nose, as if you do not use the cheesecloth, it will drain. Relax, sit back and lie down for half an hour. Then wash off with warm water and apply your favorite moisturizer to your face.

This apple skin mask promotes effective facial rejuvenation in a very short time.

... from apple and protein

  • protein of one chicken egg or two quail
  • half a medium-sized green apple
  • 2-3 drops of lemon essential oil.

Grate half of the apple on a fine grater and stir with pre-beaten egg white. Add and mix thoroughly again. Keep it on the skin for 15-20 minutes, rinse.

2. Apple mask for problem skin

Girls, whose facial skin is prone to inflammation, are forced to constantly maintain it in a healthy state, making various masks and washing with specialized products. copes very well with a wide variety of problems on the face, but you need to choose the right ingredients.

... apple, honey, oatmeal

  • a quarter of a large ripe apple, finely grated with the peel
  • 10 ml of liquid honey (lime is well suited for problem skin)
  • 15 g oatmeal, finely ground in a coffee grinder
  • 2-3 drops of tea tree essential oil
  • ½ teaspoon of calendula alcohol tincture

Mix everything well and leave on the skin for 15-20 minutes, avoiding the area. Rinse off and apply cream. If you make an apple mask for the skin in the morning or in the afternoon - then a moisturizing daytime, if before going to bed and you no longer need to go out "on people", then apply a night cream.

... apple, cottage cheese, shea butter

  • 15-20 grams of mashed apples
  • 7-10 grams of cottage cheese
  • 10 ml cosmetic shea butter

Mix cottage cheese with apple until smooth, add shea butter, distribute on the face, neck and décolleté; hold for half an hour, rinse.

3. Apple mask for dry skin

Dry skin of the face brings a lot of inconvenience to its owner. To make life easier, here are some great mask recipes for skin prone to dryness.

... from apple and almond oil

  • a quarter of a large sour apple (it is better to take green varieties)
  • 5-6 drops of almond oil (can be replaced with shea or amaranth)
  • 2-3 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
  • 20 ml freshly squeezed carrot juice
  • potato starch - so much that the mixture turns out like thick sour cream.

Grate the apple and add the rest of the ingredients to it, stir well and apply on the skin, spreading in an even layer. After about half an hour has passed, wash off the mixture with warm water.

... sour cream, apple and boric acid

  • 20 grams of fat sour cream
  • half grated apple
  • ½ teaspoon boric acid

All ingredients are mixed until smooth and spread over the skin with massage movements. Then everything is as usual.

4. Apple mask for normal skin

Girls who are normal are incredibly lucky. Nevertheless, you should always monitor your skin, even if your skin is super-perfect 🙂 Here are a couple of the best recipes that have passed the test control of cosmetologists from PhotoElf magazine “ Skin care».

... cucumber-apple-lemon

  • grated small cucumber (fresh of course)
  • grated apple quarter
  • 10 ml fresh lemon juice
  • 2-3 drops of lemon essential oil

Mix cucumber with apple in equal proportions, add lemon juice and ether, apply on the face, neck and décolleté for 10-15 minutes (no longer needed), rinse and use a moisturizer.

This wonderful apple skin mask helps to brighten the skin, the effect is noticeable after 5-6 treatments. If you have freckles, age spots, they will gradually become lighter.

... olive oil, apple and more

  • olive oil
  • half red apple puree
  • 5 grams dry yeast
  • 10 ml cosmetic apricot or peach oil

Boil the apple over high heat for five to seven minutes. Cool, remove seeds and peels, make mashed potatoes. Add butter and yeast to the puree, mix and leave until the yeast is completely dissolved, stir occasionally. Apply to skin, neck and décolleté for 20-25 minutes, rinse.

5. Apple mask for combination skin

We will not describe the problems of this type of skin, but immediately get down to business. PhotoElf magazine has selected for you the most effective masks for combination skin, which will remove excess shine and relieve the epidermis from dryness and flaking.

…with milk

  • half a green apple
  • 150 milliliters of full-fat milk (preferably homemade)
  • 1/2 aspirin, crushed

Boil the milk without removing from the heat, add half of the peeled apple and let it boil, five minutes is enough. Remove from heat, mash, cool slightly, add aspirin. Apply a thick layer on the front cover, let the skin soak in the mixture well; 30 minutes is enough; wash off with warm water.

IMPORTANT! After the procedure, it is very good to do contrasting washing for 2-3 minutes: first with hot water, then with cold water.

... with carrots and mumiyo

  • half a medium carrot
  • apple quarter
  • 1 crushed mumiyo tablet

Boil the carrots and apple together, cool, crush with a fork into a gruel, add the powdery mass of mumiyo and stir well until smooth. Apply, as usual for half an hour, wash.

Several important rules!

Apple mask for skin triggers the natural processes of epidermal rejuvenation, but due to the very strong components in the composition, it can be very aggressive. To get a positive and lasting effect without unpleasant complications, follow simple rules.

  1. The ingredients for the preparation of the formulations must be fresh and natural.
  2. Each time before applying the mass to the surface of the face, it is necessary to test the tolerance of the product, even if it has been regularly used for several weeks in a row.
  3. It is not recommended to change the mask type too often. It is best to choose the best option that gives a stable and pronounced result, and stick to it for several months.
  4. It is recommended to change the recipe only if the effectiveness of the usual composition decreases.
  5. Masks for oily skin can only be applied to previously steamed skin. This will allow the active ingredients to penetrate deeper.
  6. As a finishing step, you can carry out a contrasting wash or treat your face with an ice cube (this will narrow the cleaned pores).
  7. It is recommended to fix the resulting effect with a light moisturizer or nourishing cream.

Journal " Skin care»Will not paint the gorgeous rejuvenating effect of apple masks. You will see the effect yourself, literally after the third or fourth procedure. The beauty is there!

And we are not saying goodbye to you, but we are preparing new, interesting materials for which your skin will say “thank you very much!”. Just do not forget to test new products for the skin on the wrist, if you are allergic to any of the components of the composition.

Interested? Check out this helpful video, there is something to note here 🙂

An apple face mask will help you take care of your skin using available tools at home. There are many recipes for various masks and mixtures, which include fruits and vegetables, which help to care for the skin of the face, nourish and rejuvenate it.

The most favorite and common fruit are apples. Each summer resident has at least one apple tree in the garden or in the garden. Harvesting occurs in autumn, and if you keep the fruit in a cool, dry place, then they retain their freshness until spring.

Apples have an incredible property that makes your skin look much younger. All thanks to the complex of vitamins and useful elements that are part of the fetus. Apple face masks are nutritious apple blends that can help moisturize dry skin and deal with excessive oiliness.

Healthy fruit secrets

One of the most affordable components in home cosmetics - an apple - contains a range of useful vitamins (A, C, K, B1, B2, B6), as well as various acids and elements, for example, phosphorus, magnesium, iron. The apple face mask contributes to a positive effect on the epidermis already at the cellular level. The main substances that make up the fruit:

  1. Due to the available iron, a sufficient amount of oxygen enters the skin cells. This helps to give a healthy complexion to the face. At the same time, blood circulation also improves.
  2. Potassium is responsible for moisturizing the skin.
  3. Fruit acid and tannins are responsible for the manifestation of inflammatory processes on the skin, make it more elastic and elastic, thereby smoothing out wrinkles.
  4. Vitamins A and C are natural antioxidants that soothe and rejuvenate cells. In addition, thanks to them, the formation of subcutaneous fat is prevented.
  5. Vitamins K and B9 provide skin protection and whitening.

An apple face mask can help get rid of all kinds of spots and pronounced freckles.

It is a great natural bleach.

The advantages of such masks are undeniable: they are suitable for any type of skin, give instant results, and are responsible for a healthy metabolism. Apple blends have a cleansing effect on the skin and help get rid of dead cells, toning and softening.

Pros and cons of using

Having studied all the positive and negative aspects of the effects of an apple mask, as well as paying attention to individual skin problems, it is worth noting that such a remedy should be used if you have:

  1. There are signs of skin aging and micro-cracks.
  2. Increased dryness or oily skin.
  3. Avitaminosis.
  4. Excessive pigmentation.
  5. Problem skin.

Observing the last two points, it is worth wiping the skin with a piece of apple every day. This will allow her to cleanse herself of dirt, dust and other adverse environmental influences, and use the apple mask directly twice a week. On average, it is kept on the face for no more than 20 minutes.

As a contraindication, there is a high concentration of vitamin C and fruit acids. For those with a sensitive type or damaged skin, this can adversely affect the condition of the face as a whole. Therefore, we advise you to do a small test anywhere on your body before applying any mixture to your face. This will avoid allergic reactions, redness and similar inflammation.

Best homemade recipes

  1. For girls with normal to oily skin, a mask made from sour apples is suitable, and for those with dry skin, a mask made from sweet ones.
  2. The apple mass is soon oxidized, therefore, it must be cooked immediately before use. Otherwise, the consistency immediately darkens and in less than half an hour it loses its useful properties.
  3. It is better not to use fruits that were brought from other countries for cosmetic purposes. Their composition may differ from the fruits we are accustomed to and may have additional chemical processing.
  4. In order to prevent the loss of nutrients, you should not peel the apples. Remember to wash and dry the fruit thoroughly before use.
  5. The mask should be made from raw fruits, because at elevated temperatures, many nutritional components lose their properties.

The simplest remedy for toning and cleansing the skin is a regular grated apple. Just apply it evenly on your face and leave it on for 10 minutes. For adolescents with any skin type and people suffering from excessive acne on the face, the following masks are suitable:

  1. Healing apple mixture. This requires one medium-sized apple and milk. After peeling the fruit and cutting into cubes, mix it with milk and put on fire. Having received a thick gruel, it must be cooled and applied to the face. 15-20 minutes will be enough for moisturizing.
  2. The combination of grated apple and carrot fights rashes on the face, especially on the chin. Simply mix these ingredients and apply to your neck and face, leave on for 10 minutes and rinse off with warm water. The finer the components are rubbed, the better the effect will be.
  3. Grate the baked apple and add the beaten egg. Use a mixer to mix these ingredients together and apply to the entire face. It can be washed off after 10-15 minutes, but only using cool water.
  4. For a rejuvenating mask, you will need honey, olive oil and our healing fruit. Three baked apple on a grater and mix with honey and butter. Apply the entire consistency to the face and rinse off after 10 minutes. This will not only get rid of acne, but also make the skin look younger, provided that the procedure is performed regularly.
  5. A mask made from apples, olive oil and cream has a similar effect to the previous recipe. Chop the fruit and mix with other ingredients. We keep the mixture on the face and neck for no more than 20 minutes, then rinse.
  6. Mix the same amount of grated apple and cucumber, adding sour cream. This mask must be kept on the face for at least 20 minutes, then rinse off with water.
  7. The simplest and most nutritious tonic can be made from a squeezed grated apple. We dip the napkin in the juice obtained from the fruit and wipe it on the face or apply it to the inflammation. Wash off after 15 minutes.
  8. Mix the grated apple with fat-free cottage cheese. Keep the mixture on your face for no more than 10 minutes and wash off with water.

Such recipes for masks are very good in the warm season, especially in summer and autumn, when apple trees bear fruit and there is more than enough fruit. It is not difficult to prepare such masks and will not take much time. The size of the fruit plays a major role in cooking. They should be either small or medium. This is due to the fact that they contain more nutrients and vitamins than large fruits.

Frequent use will not harm your face, on the contrary, it will speed up the process of its recovery and rejuvenation. Also, do not forget about the correct diet and healthy sleep.

In the fight against certain skin imperfections, the following recipes will help you:

  1. Oily skin needs to be dried and tightened from time to time. Therefore, use a mixture of egg yolk and grated apple. Apply evenly and rinse off after 15 minutes. This will help get rid of even microcracks.
  2. For the same skin type. You need to mix apple, cucumber and lemon juice (one tablespoon each) with egg white. We put all this on the face and keep it for about 15 minutes. Wash off with cool water.
  3. The combination of grated potatoes and apples will heal problem skin. Mix the pure ingredients in a one-to-one ratio, apply on face and hold for about 20 minutes. Then rinse off.
  4. On dry skin, regular application of grated apple and oil (vegetable or olive) will have a positive effect. Keep the mixture on your face for about 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. This will moisturize the skin and give it a fresh look.
  5. Combine a teaspoon of cereal, honey and grated apple. Mix well and apply on face for 20 minutes. Rinse off with water.

An apple face mask is a surefire way to combat an unhealthy complexion, fine lines and clogged pores. Having picked up the desired recipe, you should use it until the desired result is achieved.

Apple Is not only a delicious fruit, but also a fairly useful product for the skin of the face.

It is used in various face masks.

This fruit is available at any time of the year at a low price, so masks can be made with it. all year round.

Apple face masks are especially loved and popular for women of all ages seeking to look beautiful and irresistible.

Such masks perfectly tone the skin, tighten and moisturize it, give it freshness and firmness.

The advantages of apple masks are the low cost of the main ingredient and high efficiency.

Apple improves skin condition by nutrients included in its composition. Apples contain:

  • vitamin A- it has an anti-inflammatory, soothing effect. In addition, it fights dryness, flaking and excessive sebum production;
  • vitamin B9- protector of the skin from negative environmental influences;
  • vitamin K- removes swelling and whitens the skin;
  • vitamin C- has a rejuvenating effect;
  • potassium- active humidifier;
  • iron- improves complexion, supplies cells with oxygen;
  • fruit acids- smooth out wrinkles, make the skin more elastic.

Apple masks act on the skin in a complex way, solving several problems at once - they rejuvenate, cleanse, brighten, tone the skin. Homemade mask quick and easy, while apples are inexpensive and available at any time of the year. That is why, in order to eliminate imperfections on the skin of the face, it is worth preparing and trying this remedy.

Indications and contraindications

Apples face masks are useful with the following problems:

  • the first signs of aging;
  • problem skin;
  • avitaminosis;
  • oily skin;
  • to remove freckles and age spots;
  • if there are microcracks on the skin of the face;
  • to tighten pores on oily skin;
  • in the treatment of skin inflammation;
  • to moisturize dry skin;
  • to maintain tone;
  • with pallor and wilting of the skin - to nourish and saturate the skin with vitamins.

Attention! Apple face masks are contraindicated for owners of sensitive skin. In addition, you should not use an apple mask with damaged skin.

Rules for the preparation of masks

In order for the mask to be as effective as possible, recommended purchase apples grown in the region of residence or nearby areas.

These fruits are not pretreated with chemicals and contain the largest amount of nutrients unlike those brought from afar.

The variety of apple from which the mask will be prepared is not of fundamental importance, but remember: acidic apples act better on oily skin, and sweet apples on dry skin.

For a mask, it is desirable use fresh apples, since after heat treatment, the overwhelming majority of nutrients are lost in them. Before you start preparing the mask, wash the fruit thoroughly enough and wipe it dry.

There are a lot of nutrients in apples right under the skin, therefore preferably the fruit is not clean... It is necessary to make a mask immediately before use - after processing, the mass darkens extremely quickly and loses many useful properties within half an hour.

Advice! If there is no time to apply the apple mask, then it is enough to cut off a piece from the fruit and rub it on a clean face for 3-10 minutes. Such a procedure will help to improve the color and appearance of the face in the shortest possible time.

Mask application rules


You should not apply apple masks on your face every day, it is enough to apply them 2-3 times a week... Before applying the mixture, the skin must be prepared:

  • a special makeup remover;
  • wash your face;
  • additionally, you can cleanse your face with a mild scrub and steam the skin over a steam bath to open up the pores and get the most out of your skin.

For a cosmetic procedure, choose ripe fruits that do not have even the slightest traces of rot or deterioration, after which:

  • The seeds are removed from the fruit. The apple is grated and, if provided by the recipe, mixed with the rest of the ingredients. Do not use at the same time, metal containers, otherwise the mass will oxidize faster.
  • Ready mix in an even layer thick in 2-4 mm applied to the face and neck, but avoiding the area around the eyes and lips, and on the neck - near the thyroid gland.
  • Cotton swabs dipped in tea are placed on the eyes (this action has a double effect - the mask will not fall on the eye area and the eyes will look rested).
  • After the mask is applied, it is advisable to lie down, since this position helps to relax the facial muscles as much as possible and the skin will be able to get the most out of the procedure.
  • You can leave a mask on your face for 15-25 minutes, after which it is necessary to wash it off.
  • Remove the mask warm liquid- milk, herbal infusions, filtered or mineral non-carbonated water.

Special tools for applying the mask not required, it is enough to prepare the dishes where the ingredients will be mixed, cotton swabs, and also warm up the liquid with which the mixture will be removed from the face.
Such cosmetic procedures have incredible efficiency- their positive effect on the skin is felt immediately after the procedure.

Advice! If you need to give the skin additional nutrition or moisturize it, give preference to red or yellow apples when preparing masks, and green fruits are suitable to get rid of inflammation.

Apple face masks - useful and effective procedure, which, if carried out regularly and correctly, will improve the condition of the skin, relieve it of minor imperfections, make it younger and more beautiful.

Apple face mask recipes

Apple face mask for normal to dry skin. A small apple needs to be peeled, grated on a fine grater. Mix it with a tablespoon.

After that, water is added to the mixture until it acquires a mushy state. The mask is applied to the face for 15 minutes... You can use it once a week.

Recipe 2. Apple puree is mixed with and warmed up honey (tablespoon each).

Apple face mask for acne. Peel and core the apple, rub it on a fine grater. Grind 15 g and add to the apple. Beat the yolk a little and stir into the resulting mixture. At the very end, add 3 drops. The mask is applied to the face for 15 minutes... You can use it once a week.

Refreshing apple mask for the face. Peel the apple, grate on a fine grater. Pour in 30 g of warm medium-fat cream. Let the mixture stand for an hour. Then apply the mask to your face for 15 minutes... Apply it once a week.

One of the actively used products in cosmetology is an apple face mask. With their help, they solve various skin problems, rejuvenate the skin of the face and décolleté. These masks are not dangerous and not harmful even for allergy sufferers - in case of allergies, you just need to use masks with a green apple, as it is hypoallergenic. If you have an individual intolerance, you should not use a red apple to prepare the mask.

Indications for use and the benefits of apple masks

  • Cosmetological studies have confirmed the beneficial properties of apple for facial skin, which can:
  • Refresh, nourish, moisturize and tone the skin;
  • Unclog pores;
  • Smooth expression and deep wrinkles;
  • Get rid of acne, inflammation, oily sheen.

Masks with an apple are especially useful in the summer, when the skin is very dry. And if there is no time to apply the mask, then you can rub the skin with an apple (do this in the morning and in the evening). Apple juice works well as a light mask and should be applied for 5-10 minutes. The only contraindication to the use of the product is open wounds on the skin.

Masks for oily skin

One of these masks will cope with problems:

  1. Recipe 1. If you need to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and eliminate the oily sheen of the skin, boil one apple in milk, cool it and mash it with a fork until a mushy mass is obtained. Add fresh beaten yolk and a tablespoon of olive oil to it. Apply the mask for 20 minutes. This recipe is also suitable for aging skin that requires nutrition.
  2. Recipe 2. This mask allows you not only to degrease the skin, but also to even out its color. Combine one grated apple and cucumber, beaten egg yolk and chopped rolled oats. You should have a homogeneous mass, which should then be applied for a quarter of an hour.

Rinse off the masks with warm water.

Masks for moisturizing, nourishing and toning the skin

These effective apple face masks can help address multiple skin problems at once.

  1. Moisturizing. If you have dry skin, it is prone to premature aging and needs deep hydration, then it is better to use an apple in combination with carrots - they will return a healthy look to your skin, keep it youthful and eliminate the feeling of tightness. Mix one grated apple and one carrot and apply the mixture on your face for 20 minutes.
  2. Food. This mask nourishes, rejuvenates and restores radiance to the skin. In addition, it will relieve irritation and speed up the skin regeneration process if it has minor damage. For cooking, you need to mix half of the finely grated and peeled apple with one raw yolk and one tablespoon of fresh honey, and after mixing, add a teaspoon of linseed oil there and mix everything again. Leave the finished homogeneous composition on the skin for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water, then wash with cold.
  3. Toning. The apple oatmeal face mask refreshes, tones and cleanses the skin of impurities. Mix and mix thoroughly one grated apple and a tablespoon of rolled oats. It is recommended to apply this mask not only on the face, but also on the neck, and after 25 minutes it can be washed off with cold running water.

Depending on the kind of help your skin needs, choose one of these recipes and repeat the mask regularly.

Apple face mask for wrinkles

In the fight against it, not raw, but a baked apple is very effective, which has a rejuvenating and tonic effect on cells, restores firmness and elasticity to the skin.

First, bake one apple, wait for it to cool, peel and mash it. Then add the raw yolk of one egg and a teaspoon of cream. The mask should be uniform. Apply it on your face in a thin layer and wait 15 minutes.

Apple and dairy masks

  1. For moisturizing, removing oily sheen and refreshing the skin, it is recommended to use a product with apple and milk. If you apply this mask on a regular basis, your skin will be perfect soon. Cut the peeled fruit into small pieces and boil in milk (choose a product with normal fat content) until you get a slurry similar to sour cream. Apply the mixture warm to the skin, walk with it for 20 minutes and remove with cold water.
  2. Does your skin need deep cleansing? Then prepare an apple and sour cream face mask. It will make the skin radiant, restore its youthfulness and allow it to "breathe" normally. Combine the pulp of one finely chopped apple (peel it) with a teaspoon of sour cream, then add a tablespoon of starch to the composition, while stirring the mixture vigorously. Apply everything on skin for 30 minutes and rinse off with warm water. Use sour cream only with medium fat content.

Whitening mask recipe

To get rid of unwanted freckles and those that appear on the skin with age, prepare a homemade apple and lemon mask. Take one medium-sized apple, peel and peel and grate (use the finest grater). After that, mix the apple with two tablespoons of kefir and add a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and flour. After mixing, apply the composition for just 10 minutes and rinse from the skin with boiled cold water.

Apple face mask for problem skin

When enlarged pores on the face are also worried, the same apple masks will come to the rescue.

  1. For acne. This mask recipe is good because it not only effectively fights acne and inflammation, but is also able to restore the natural defenses of the skin, so that acne does not appear in the future. Wash one small apple, remove the skin and grate it finely. Then add a tablespoon of olive oil to it, stir everything and apply on the skin for a quarter of an hour. After the specified time, rinse with water at room temperature. The recipe is suitable for both normal and dry or oily skin.
  2. For narrowing the pores. If your skin is oily, with enlarged pores, you will need a tightening mask. Grate an apple and mix it with one beaten egg white, then add two tablespoons of starch and half a teaspoon of glycerin to this mass. Mix and apply the composition to the skin, and after 20 minutes rinse with warm tap water.

Homemade face masks with apple and other additional ingredients are very useful and will restore the skin to beauty, health, and a wonderful appearance.