Places where you can meet. In one of the social network groups. At the event you have at home

Probably, in the depths of the soul, every woman dreams about to easily get acquainted with the guys.

However, for many women it is quite difficult to take the first step towards a stranger man.

If you are tired of loneliness, and you dream to find, if not a life satellite, then at least a good friend, then this article is for you.

The life of the average woman is limited to the framework: a house - study or work - the store is a house, so the chance to have a successful acquaintance is not at all great. First of all, you need to expand your living space, that is, there is more there, where many men.

If every day, you will be at least a dozen men, then the chances of starting a successful acquaintance will grow significantly.

Try to go more often where many representatives of the strong half of humanity are. If you need a man, show the initiative.

Visit places where there are many men, but clubs and bars, not the most suitable place to dating. Although if you are satisfied with only an acquaintance for one night, you can get acquainted in the club. If you need a husband, do not look for easy ways.

Many men do not consider girls at night in nightclubs as potential wives.

Where can I get acquainted with a guy

Acquaintance at work

Meet all men at work and through work, including suppliers, business partners, visitors, representatives of supervisory organizations.

You can get acquainted with guys:

  • in the gym
  • in the evening courses
  • in driving school
  • different sections.

But choose only those courses where men are usually more than women. Craces and sewing courses, yoga and ballroom dancing are not suitable for dating. Courses will be more promising:

  • web design
  • section Aikido
  • autocurses.

Take up skiing, then sports and wealthy men will be in your surroundings.

Acquaintance on school

At the university you can get acquainted with a young boy and a man aged:

  • student
  • graduate student
  • teacher
  • or laborants

All these men can make you a couple.

Meet the bookstore

If you want to find a man with high intelligence, then feel free to go to the bookstore or library.

Do not be shy and ask a potential partner to recommend you some book.

In the library you can easily identify the interests of a man who are interested in you.

Meet holidays

Bus station, train stations, waiting rooms can be a place to get acquainted with a man. It is easy to meet with the man you like in a tourist trip, especially at the sea, where the resort novel is very easy.

Although it is unlikely that the resort novel continue on arrival home.

Internet - place for dating a guy

The Internet is from the most accessible ways to find a soul mate.

But in online dating, there are certain risks, as not any person talks about itself real information, and not everyone is looking for a partner for living together.

Reason for dating

To directly get to know the guy you like, let the joke so that the conversation faces:

In fact, it means a lot of ways to get acquainted with the guys, show the smelling and do not be afraid to experiment, then all your efforts will not be in vain, and you will finally meet a man of your dreams.

Aug 27, 2013 Littletoxa.

Women who believe that it is extremely difficult to get acquainted with a man. There are no difficulties in the search for a man or in acquaintance with him. But, does everyone know every serious relationship? Of course no. Therefore, a free woman should know where to find a worthy ally in creating family happiness, and how to carry out a dating process.

When will I meet my man?

It is not necessary to think that there are certain age ranges, being in which, it is necessary to work urgently to seek a second half. It all depends on your perception of the situation.

If your loneliness in love does not give you special inconvenience, but familiar argue that at your age you need to urgently solve this problem, do not give in to provocation. It will be better if you enjoy freedom and mentally prepare the relationship.

In the case when you are really tired of loneliness, and you have more than thirty years old, you should look for dating options. Do not forget to configure yourself to find exactly a worthy candidate. Despite the fact that thirty and more than a few more difficult to get acquainted with the opposite sex, there are a lot of chances, and you do not need to desperately rush to any available option.

How to get acquainted for a serious relationship?

Before indulging in desperate search, decide on the right place.

Today, such places for dating, like restaurants, clubs and bars are popular. In fact, the question of being acquainted there for a serious relationship or not, controversial. Especially, it concerns the nightclub. Most men believed that in clubs are primarily familiar with the ladies. Therefore, even if you behave extraordinary and modestly, a man can still regard you as easy prey, because the stereotype of club dating is strong.

As for the rest of the places, that is, cafes and restaurants, the chances of serious dating are increasing here, but only if the object of your attention is not drunk. If his body and mind are oversaturated with alcohol, the chances of effective acquaintance are reduced to zero.

It is possible to successfully meet with the help of familiar and friends. Surely, there are unmarried men in their surroundings. And if your friends are very sympathetic to you, maybe they communicate with similar men who will be pretty you. Be more likely to meet with your friends and ask them for help, if you are prisoners in their surroundings of who loved you.

Dating on the Internet Do not lose relevance. But you need to be very careful, looking for a couple of such sites. They are visited not only of decent people, but also those that can hurt you in any way. Try to get acquainted with those who have many photos in the profile and a linked personal page in social networks. And, do not forget to warn familiar if you are going to meet with a person from a dating site, especially if the meeting happens in the evening.

Dating at work It is not always good, because the working process often makes people annoyed and not too friendly. Therefore, if you really liked a colleague, come to him only when it is in a very good mood.

How to start a conversation with a man

Suppose you saw a pretty person. Your task is to make a conversation with him. The best way to start it is to approach help or with any question. For example, you can rearrange the numbers pointing time on the phone, and ask about the exact time of the man. Or you can ask about the location of any object and ask to accompany you to it.

If a man turned out to be quite friendly and glad to help you, you can continue the conversation without constraining.

If the situation is reverse, it is not worth it. Do not forget to smile naturally and watch man in the eyes. But do not overdo it. Do not sit down and do not interrupt, do not start to flirt and flirt immediately, be polite.

Behavior at first

And so, the acquaintance took place and turned out to be quite successful. It is necessary to continue to act, and the actions should be very competent. There are several tabs in behavior at the first days of dating. Note that what not to donot to destroy the prospect of a serious relationship:

  • frankly hint of consent to enter into an intimate relationship;
  • To talk about yourself very personal details;
  • Take conversations about the wedding, about relationships;
  • Trying to introduce a man with parents;
  • to try on new, unusual images for you (concerns clothing and behavior);
  • Delive to a man into your personal affairs.

Helpful information:

But options for behavior that are maximally allowed:

  • behave friendly, but not intrusive;
  • listen more and talk less;
  • to be not too affordable in all respects so that you seemed a woman-mystery;
  • behave naturally;
  • save a positive attitude.

The stories of girls showing the initiative when meeting

I met Vadim in a cafe in a cinema building. There was a premiere of the film, all the tables were busy. Of course, I had an embarrassment to lonely girls, but I wanted romantic adventures. Vadim turned out to be very sociable and even invited me to walk along the alleka in the nearest park. We meet with him for almost a year, and I did not regret me at all that I myself started acquaintance. Taintyan, 34 years

With my future husband, my friend helped me to get acquainted. At that time, I was with her in a quarrel. And somehow I saw her in the company with her husband and a pretty guy. I really liked him, and I realized that I would have to make it with her to get a man of my dreams. As a result, I came down with her and asked to tell about a person who walked with her. It turned out that this is a business partner of her husband. She arranged a meeting in a cafe, where we realized that the fate was not in vain. A few months later we got married. Natalia, 28 years

I sat in a cafe with girlfriends and paid attention to a cute lonely man at the next table. When the waiter brought him an order for a tray, stumbled upon, turned on all the contents of the plates. To be honest, I felt sorry for both, and I ran to them to offer my help. I gave this cute man wet wipes and helped save his documents lying on the table, from the sutured soup. He appreciated my help and appreciates until now, because we have been meeting for a long time! Alexandra, 30 years old

How to meet on the street - Video

Sep 22, 2015 I am myself

It's no secret that there is much more on the planet the earth as men, but real men, even less. The female sex suffers from such injustice and is constantly wondering - where to get acquainted with a decent man and how to conquer it? In the article we will reveal some "secret" sites for the collection of such "knights" and tell me how a woman should behave when he finds the man in order not to miss it.

He repeatedly heard that all normal men had already disassembled, the rest were abnormal or unconventional orientation. However, this is just a non-indemnified stereotype.

In fact, a woman will really find it difficult to meet a worthy and real man if she:

  • sits at home and does not go anywhere
  • do not follow your appearance
  • umborous
  • looking for men exclusively in nightclubs
  • rushed at all in a row

No one claims that you will not be able to meet the love of your life in the club or just on the street, today we will talk about the theory of probability, about what places there is a high probability to meet that every woman dreams of.

In order to calculate, in what places there are those or other men, it is necessary to analyze them:

  • occupation
  • hobbies
  • hobby
  1. Nemelle ash and lazy men spend time in:
  • beerushki
  • computer or TV at home
  • in the garage
  • in the country
  1. Men who want to develop and strive for something more will prefer:
  • seminars
  • various kinds of trainings
  • conference
  1. Already consisted of men attend:
  • industrial and automotive exhibitions
  • auctions
  1. Business men can be found in:
  • airport
  • plane
  • near big business centers

The principle of finding men, we hope is clear.

A woman always draws an ideal picture in his head, in which she is next to a rich, beautiful, successful and loving man. No one can ban dreaming, but women also learn to look at things more real.

First of all, the woman should understand:

  • at what level it is herself
  • is it worthy of a successful and rich man
  • can she attract the attention of this
  • what to do in order for decent men to handle their eyes in her direction

The place, as you already understood where you can meet a successful man, it is not so difficult to find - it is harder to fit into this "picture", look natural and feel in the "plastic".

Women who are not very confident and are modest girls, may try happiness on dating sites. Immediately, I would like to warn that too rich and promising personalities are unlikely to visit such sites.

Before looking for a place where to get acquainted with a successful man, it is easy to appreciate your chances and know well in the "Rules of Game", because a successful man will not build relationships with simple, "gray" and too naive girl.

Where to meet a rich man?

This question was relevant at all times and for all women, even if they did not utter it out loud. Everyone is chasing for wealth, just not everyone succeeds to achieve their goal, but many, even if they do not work, do not stop, and all their lives are in search of a rich and solid man.

Immediately I would like to note in order to get acquainted with a solid man with big money, you need to spend a lot of time surrounded by wealthy people:

  • dear clubs
  • restaurants
  • closed parties
  • exhibitions
  • casino, etc.

Even if you get into one of these places, it is not a fact that you will not want to meet with you, so you come there, where many rich men do not mean that the woman will go dry with one of them.

No one is trying to say this that the meeting and serious relationship with a rich man for ordinary woman is unreal, it is simply necessary to help you evaluate your chances of winning.

Rich are resting on expensive resorts, and this is another place where you can meet a wealthy man. By the way, it is easier to get acquainted on vacation and attract the attention of such a man, because it is on vacation all:

  • maximum relaxes
  • don't think about work
  • want something romantic and intimate

Another detail - women should understand that young and rich are not so much, because their condition, according to statistics, men can earn at middle age, so that finding a rich twenty-year millionaire is much more complicated than a solid uncle, which is so for 55 years .

Where and how to get acquainted with a man for a serious relationship?

To get acquainted with a rich man - this is one thing, but to build a serious relationship with him is completely different. Even if a rich man paid attention to you, it does not mean that he considers you, as a woman for a serious relationship, so every girl must remember what to get acquainted and start relationships is not the same thing.

So, some sensitive advice on the search and conquest of a rich man:

  1. In order to find a promising and wealthy man in partners, it is not enough to be beautiful and young, here the woman will need possession of important data on how and where to "hunt" on rich individuals.
  2. If you have a girlfriend, which successfully married or is in a serious relationship with a rich man, it is necessary to arrange a thorough interrogation of:
  • where she met him
  • under what circumstances
  • how did leve
  1. Decide with the place where representative men go. It is stupid to think that you can find them in the park or in the bar, here the level is higher:
  • thematic exhibitions
  • restaurants
  • privat clubs
  • charitable evenings, in general, where the local bond is going
  1. If your friends have a solid man or a promising guy, it will play your hand. Ask him about where he likes to spend evenings, and if possible, to attend to visit him some private reception or an interesting modern exhibition. If a friend agrees you to introduce you to interesting and solid people - it will be the perfect alignment.

  1. Rich people spend most of the time at work, especially men in particular, so women need to conquer various business centers and skyscrapers.
  2. In order to fit a solid man, a woman should be educated, smart and cunning. Hiking for various trainings on personal growth, as well as business trainings, will help a woman to develop, and will also increase chances to meet a solid and enviable groom.
  3. Today, the correct lifestyle is relevant and popular. Serious businessmen are trying to keep up with fashion, and therefore women should visit the stores of proper nutrition, where they can meet a decent man who tries to lead a healthy lifestyle.
  1. Do not forget about sports sections and fitness rooms that are so fashionable today to visit regularly. Be sure that it is there that there is a high probability to meet a rich chosen one, and among other things - also to bring your body in order. It is not necessary to regret money on this occupation, because it is useful for your health, and for your personal life.

  1. Never be obsessive, because even if a man "will behave" to it, your relationship will be very long-term and can fit on one night, so do what a smart and calculating woman.

Whatever, rich men are a picky people, so you need to meet their requirements, so that you pay attention and even more you need to try to build a serious relationship with you.

It is worth noting that rich men may look different, and they can not always recognize them among the crowd. Everything else, there are two types of rich men, and it is from this that they will depend on them. So:

  1. Men who became rich and received the status of solid, without making any effort. This may be the receipt of the inheritance, or the son of a rich father robbed someone, or was engaged in fraud. It is such rich men from the skin with a climb and try to show how rich they are:
  • ride on the most expensive and exclusive machines
  • attend nightclubs, various parties
  • constantly surrounded by many women
  • all in gold and other jewelry

  1. Men who in their lives of all achieved independently, without any help, who passed the way from the average person to the rich (and this path was not from the lungs). Such men categorically differ from the first type of men:
  • the machine for them is just a means of movement (so they choose a quality car, not fashionable)
  • they dress stylish and without any excesses
  • they are constantly at work
  • attend business exhibitions, charitable evenings, etc.
  • looking like ordinary men

What type of men you would like to conquer, and with whom to build a serious relationship - to solve you exclusively, but in this case it is not so difficult, how to embody your plan to conquer a rich man in reality.

If you do not have the opportunity to attend too expensive institutions and secular rounds, then you can try your happiness in car salons where everyone is allowed, and supermarkets, where all mortals buy themselves products (if it is not about any unreal oligarch).

Where can I get acquainted with a man in adulthood?

Do not think that women want to see with them an exceptionally young man. In fact, many women dream of a mature partner, they are attracted:

  • severity
  • solidity
  • life experience
  • review

It should also be noted that rich grooms attend different places, depending on their age. Let's deal with this in more detail.

Where to get acquainted with a serious man after 30?

For a man, 30 years is quite a bit. After the third ten men, they only begin to "ripe" and move into the rank of real men. At this age, they are trying to look solid and representative, but at the same time remain very young. Therefore, there are many places that they visit, and - these are a variety of places:

  • night clubs and exhibitions
  • charitable events and casinos
  • restaurants and bars

A rich man of 35 years old can be found everywhere - both in a secular round and in a youth party.

Where to get acquainted with a serious man after 40?

Those rich men who "exceeded" for 40 are no longer building serious people from themselves, because they are already them. Of course, some and after 40 can attend some parties, but most often, the rich men of 45 years can be found:

  • at auctions and bidding
  • in operations, theaters and museums
  • on various kinds of events

Such men most often have already arrived in the future and now enjoy a mature life. At this age, the rich men meet is not so simple at that age, because, in most cases, they find elected to such age to themselves, because they are already quite ripe for family life and think about the offspring. So those who want to see the millionaire for years so 43-45, hurry until the mesh disassembled.

Where to get acquainted with a man after 50?

If we can say that men after 40 are quite calm, balanced and logical in their actions, then about 50-year-olds to say it is quite difficult. At this age, all men, especially the rich, begins "second youth" (as they consider).

Have you noticed that many famous and rich personalities are bred with their spouses at this age?

After 50 years old, you want to live a full life and enjoy it, and for this they often choose young beauty to their companions (so here youth and beauty is the chief trump card of a woman). Say sure that an elderly rich man marries a modest and beautiful girl - it is impossible, but the fact that he will spend some time with her is for sure.

Whether you want such a relationship, or count on long-term - to solve you, but that a rich man wants to have something serious with you, you need to be perfect everywhere and in everything, especially when your chosen one is far from 40.

As for the places of their fees, the story is repeated here as with 30-year-olds - they can be found everywhere:

  • they continue to visit places with accumulation of business and important people, but after such meetings are going to nightclubs and casinos to relax from this bustle;
  • we spend a lot of time at work, but at the same time, do not forget to pay attention to the entertainment and other pleasant things, so you can find a solid man of 50 years old, both in the office and in a casino, in society with beautiful young ladies.

These are just statistics, and do not think that finding and good, and a rich man unrealistic. Everyone in the hands of a woman, and only depends on it, with which man it will be.

Do not forget about the principles:

  • one seeking worthy
  • other - rich
  • someone seeks to be near the beloved
  • someone - with successful

In the article, we told about where you can get acquainted with rich men and what women do they like every woman deserving happiness, but only for each happiness includes different concepts. Will you be near a rich man or not - the question of time. Will you be happy with him - this is the question personally to you.

Video: "Where does a woman get acquainted with a man?"

Being a lonely man - it means to be free, independent, attractive for women. Freedom and independence of a lonely woman often go close to the feeling of lost, the desire to find their love, their second half. Loneliness becomes an invisible enemy, which so want to win.

Why is it happening: on the one hand, a woman is looking for a serious relationship, and on the other - the tired of constant search and is one? What traps does she get, what can not be easily and free to get out of his status of loners? I propose to understand these difficult issues.

Trap first - overestimated expectations

"I need exclusively prince on a white horse"

I want to be a smart, and attentive, and caring, and romantic, and economic at the same time. These are just a few points, and for a man's dreams there may be more than 100. I really want a fairy tale to become a thing that lovers lived for a long time and happily, etc.

It would seem that here is the catch? Does anyone want to live with an indifferent, stupid, stupid man, yes essay and lazy in addition? Of course not. Just falling into a trap of overwhelmed expectations, we mix illusions and reality. Most often, this is manifested in the fact that from the same person a woman is waiting for mutually exclusive or unsuitable qualities. A simple example: Rarely which man can simultaneously be an exemplary family man, responsible, economic, and romantic hero. In any case, something in a man will be more: either he will sing a serenade under the window, cook bath with rose petals, but to sit without work and not know how to change the outlet. Either you will feel like a stone wall, without thinking about the life and household, but your man will express love for its own business - making money, helping the house, and all sorts of romantic surprises and flowers of colors without reason will be a waste of money and Stupidity.

Therefore, not to look for the Prince's life, you need to understand: what is most important, and what are you ready to close your eyes. What of the entire list of requirements is vital? It is desirable that these items are no more than five.

The second trap is an overestimated self-esteem

"I am only worthy of the best man. A man must fit me"

The second position is close to the first, but in this case the woman exalts its own advantages to such an extent that men simply fear to approach such "and beauties and smarts." Now everywhere they say that you need to believe in yourself, you can love themselves as it is - and then fans will appear.

In this case, love is brought to a certain absurdity: a woman is most realized in the profession, visits trainings and courses, at the same time applies a lot of effort to maintain physical appeal. She really becomes a girl from the cover - not to do something. But even near to be somehow I do not want ... a man needs to be on a horse all the time, proving your compliance with the impeccable appearance of the companion, or immediately admit that it is not ideal: not so ambitious, earns less, and the figure does not follow So carefully.

Third trap - Fear of loneliness

"I'm so afraid to stay alone, and therefore clinging for any man"

Women are in this trap, for whom the very presence of relationships are more important than their quality. The case when the desire to marry is caused by the fear of its own loneliness. Most often, this behavior is due to the fact that the childhood of such women passed under strengthened control from parents, who were striving to be all the time next to their daughter, wanting to support, warning, to protect against errors. And in fact, when this girl has grown, she faced the fact that it doesn't know that he wants, does not trust his own opinion - it is much easier and safer to be slammer than to show the initiative in relationships. This trap is most dangerous in that women, experiencing anxiety about their own loneliness, the fact that they cannot independently make decisions, sometimes choose relationships in which suffering more than love. After all, if a woman lives on the principle of "How to say, Favorite", "I'm for everything ready for you," a man is very easy to manage, use its power.

Four trap - underlined independence

"Nobody needs me, or I am a cat that walks by itself"

This female position is now very common - women in many areas surpassed men, feeling themselves with them if not on an equal footing, then even slightly higher. In such a behavior model, a woman demonstrates its own independence, showing the surrounding, as it is good one, how cool belongs only to myself, to do what you want, to no one to report, to communicate freely with girlfriends, spend money - a whole bouquet of joy!

The need for freedom and independence is really very important for any person, regardless of its sex. In this case, she takes a leading position by masking distrust of the opposite sex, the fear of close relationships and at the same time desperate desire to become a weak woman, allow a man to provide reliable rear.

Fifth trap - children's position in a relationship with a man

"You are bad! I was offended!" (A woman either capricious, demanding that it was only as she wants, or "inflates the sponge")

The most important component of a long relationship is the ability to communicate, negotiate, hear and listen to each other. It often happens that the woman seems to be confident in herself, ready for a relationship, marriage, and as a result it turns out that she does not hear his partner, misunderstands his words and actions, reincarnating on his way - that is, in a relationship with a man, a woman leads Himself like a little girl, naively clapping eyes. Any kind of resentment, whims, manipulations, ultimatum and other female tricks belong exactly here.

Loneliness is perceived as an enemy, with whom it is necessary to fight, as its own drawback, from which you need to get rid of how soon as possible, which is necessary to solve. "If I am alone, then I don't need anyone," "I will never marry", "I will not have my family," I'm unhappy "- here are just some thoughts that pursue a lonely woman. And men feel it. Or rather, the fact that they are imposed on them are overwhelmed. Of course, they are pleased to hear the words "I feel very good with you", "I love you", "I want to be with you." On the other hand, an excessive demonstration of a woman of how it is bad without a loved one, often signals an emotional dependence, about the inability of a woman to be an adult next to a man.

How to avoid traps?

A lonely woman at the same time wants, and is afraid of strong affection. It is this contradiction that sometimes scares men who are looking for a long relationship. What to do a woman?

  1. First of all, it is important to change your own attitude to loneliness. As long as you fight him, it will be an enemy. Think why, why did this pause come in your life? Perhaps it is right now you need to learn more, implement some forgotten dreams and interests?
  2. Find the bonuses that you get from the status of a lonely woman. Try to answer the question: what do you allow yourself now, what could I not allow if you live with a man? It can be everyday little things ("less time spending on cooking and cleaning", "I come home when I want," I communicate with friends more "), but they can be very important.
  3. Review your expectations regarding men. Optionally evaluate each counter as a candidate for the role of the separation. Rehend to the surrounding men in human, because, no matter how trite it sounds, men are also people, with their problems, achievements, joy in life.
  4. Risk! Start get acquainted, flirting, showing a living interest in another person - instead of scanning, whether this man matches your 150 points. Learn to maintain relationships with men just like that, and not only with the prospect of creating a family!
  5. Start enjoying your freedom and independence! If you learn how to live easily and confidently on your territory, you will be much easier to respect your beloved personnel, and men are very much.

Women are habitable to perceive loneliness as weakness, personal failure and wait for the appearance of a man's dreams their life will change dramatically, will play with bright colors. And what if these paints are already now? If loneliness is the time of the accumulation of forces, that pause that will allow you to reveal your femininity, your ability to give and get love. Try to trust your freedom, and then a meeting with you will imperceptibly help you meet a man. Not perfect, but the present - and it is your close and relatives.

The question that does not lose the relevance over the centuries. Let's try to figure out how to do this today, in the conditions of total employment and weakening social connections.

First you need to decide for yourself, whether you really want to meet a man, what are ready to go for that.

I have a friend who has been many years old, progging in the kitchen of lonely evenings, complains that he cannot find "Uhager", because "all men are goats." At the same time, she misses the fact that for dating you need at least, to put yourself in order and get out of the house. In addition, deciding to find a potential groom or at least a friend need to clearly realize: a man is also a person. Dear ladies, remember: all men are different and, although the "goats" are also found, it is not worth rowing them under one comb.

If you felt ready to change your behavior, go to the second stage.

You need to correctly define a place where you can find a good, noble, decent man. Those. Before looking for an answer to the question of how to get acquainted with a man, you will have to decide where to do it.

Remember, not all men are suitable for the role of her husband. It is not worthwhile to get acquainted with guys configured against all women at all (these are also found). Bachelers for forty, "Marriages", gentlemen who do not have a permanent source of income, denunaans are excluded immediately. We need a lonely, decent, stable acquaintance.

Where to find such a partner? How to get acquainted with a man who meets such criteria? Start smile. Please note how many women walk through the streets either frowning, or completely leaving themselves. Start looking around, smile like men you like, even if it's just a companion on the bus. By the way, my other friend with her husband met this way: asked to help her endure heavy bag from the bus. They have been together for many years.

Start attending those you can meet lonely, but decent taverns. It can be friendly parties or weddings of friends (an ideal place to meet), trips to nature. At such events, it was guaranteed that all those present will be decent (others are usually not invited to the company), and a friendly situation will facilitate acquaintance.

Ask girlfriends to introduce you to just keep in mind: you should not count that the new acquaintance immediately marries you. Everything is your time, and friendly relationships, passing in courtship, and only then in the wedding are usually the most strong. Even if you just stay in a friendly relationship, life will become brighter, the number of hours spent alone will reduce.

How to get acquainted with a man in public places? There is an opinion that it is good to do in cafes, clubs, gyms. But older people who require joint action.

There is another way of dating, very modern from my point of view. If you, expensive ladies, read this article, then do not know what they want to be in clubs and cafes rarely, most often with their "halves". And in the gym athletes of both sexes, firstly, do every day at different times, and, secondly, their workouts are not required to communicate, but, on the contrary, focus on their actions. Therefore, deciding to acquaintance in the hall, focus on those types of sports Internet. Some scare acquaintances with a man on the Internet. But believe me, the chances of meeting the passing in the "Real" no less. I myself met my husband in the network. Moreover, it was not even a dating site. In my blog, I posted a rather controversial information for me. The future husband was among those who commented on my opinion. Communication began. Gradually, we passed the entire chain: the correspondence on the network - "ICQ" - Skype - telephone communication is a real meeting. During communication, we learned about the interests of each other, characteristics of character. At the time of dating in the network we lived in opposite ends of Russia, and now we have been living together for four years.

Attend forums, read and comment on blogs, wander on social networks. If you choose the right forum and the way to communicate, you will add friends. And then ... who knows. Just do not confuse the virtual flirt with a real desire to purchase friends.

There is a proven way to dating online: dating sites. Here, too, have its own features. Unfortunately, I know several sites, which are ordered by rewriters. Therefore, before you leave information about yourself on the site, check its decency and reliability. Read messages on the forums, try to contact those who used the services of this service. Bott messages from actual communication is easy to distinguish.

How to get acquainted with a man? Act. Do not sit at home, not complain about loneliness, to be active and cheerful.

Act and let luck smile to you.