Mod on family Comes Alive for Minecraft. Call for a resident with the necessary parameters

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Before us is the unique one that has such a name as Minecraft Comes Alive. This mod helps to change the villagers. We all know from the original assembly of the game that the villagers did not shine with the mind, they are generally not turning to be called reasonable creatures, so this is this model now everything will change. Much will turn out to look different and you will notice it yourself. Everyone finally realizes what real modes are for Minecrafta. People will now begin to interact with the inhabitants, because this mod made them much more wisely than they were before that day.

Now you can build any relationship with them. Now it will not be beyond reality, and everything will be in the game and you will be able to realize it. Everyone understands what and how to do further. We are sure that everyone will like what we do. Developers are constantly trying to do something that is interested in any player. When it turns out to do it, and when not. But we guarantee that this mod will interest very many players throughout the universe.

Files from the Minecraft Comes Alive folder Move to MODS

When creating cards for minecraft, many people have the desire to create quests, that is, tasks for players - like "kill 5 zombies", "Alive 3 Almond", etc. Previously, the players simply created tasks for players, and the player himself had to be considered how much he killed how many collected, in general, it should be controlled by the execution of quests, and any task can be skipped and proceed to the next one, you will agree that it was completely incorrect. But times are changing, command blocks appeared in the game and very useful, now in minecraft you can make almost anything, but when knowledge of programming and desire to study the game teams that are not so often written. I will write about one of the opportunities in this article, namely how to designate the goods that sells and buys villager.

If you choose what a rustic resident should change, then you can create tasks like "bring me something, and I will give you that." In addition, thus you can organize trade on servers.

We will use the team to encourage the resident with the goods we need. Commands will be prompted long enough, so they will not all get into the chat, in this case we use the command block.

Call of a resident with the necessary goods

/ Summon Villager ~ ~ ~ (Offers: (Recipes: [Maxuses: 3, Buy: (ID: 265, COUNT: 8), SELL: (ID: 266, COUNT: 1))]))

Maximum changes 3 times, buy 8 iron bars (ID: 265) for 1 gold ingot (ID: 266).

Call with a Command Block

1. Get a Command Block:

/ Give @P Minecraft: Command_Block

2. Install the Command Block to the Earth, clicking on it with the right mouse button, we enter our command.

3. Next to the command block, we put the lever, and "twitch" it, a resident called for, remove the block and lever.

Other features

1. Call for a resident of one of the 6th professions:

/ Summon Villager ~ ~ ~ (Profession: #)

Instead of # - insert from 0 to 5

2. Giving a resident:

/ Summon Villager ~ ~ ~ (CustomName: Name, CustomNameVisible: 1)

Instead of "name" - any name, better in English, there will be fewer conflicts, although in Russian you can.

3. A resident asks for two goods

/ Summon Villager ~ ~ ~ (Offers: (Recipes: [(Maxuses: #, Buy: (ID: #, Count: #, Damage: #), BuyB: (ID: #, Count: #, Damage: #), SELL: (ID: #, Count: #, Damage: #))]))

maxuses - how many times can you exchange
ID - Product ID
COUNT - Number
Damage - (for example, at boards, wool, glass) or the damage of the item, you can delete or put 0

4. Multiple trade

/ Summon Villager ~ ~ ~ (OFFERS: #, Buy: (ID: #), Sell: (ID: #)), (Maxuses: 1, Buy: (ID: 118, TAG :( Display: (Name: No More Trades))), SELL: (ID: 118, TAG: (Display: (Name: No More Trades))))]))

First, the merchant sells something "Maxuses" times, then begins to sell something else.

5. Combination of all properties

/ Summon Villager ~ ~ ~ (CustomName: Name, Profession: #, Offers: (Recipes: (Maxuses: #, Buy: (ID: #, Count: #, Damage: #), Sell: (ID: #, Count : #, Damage: #)), (Maxuses: 1, Buy: (ID: 118, TAG: (Display: Name: No More Trades))), SELL: (ID: 118, TAG: (Display: (Name : No more trades))))]))

Here the main thing is not to be mistaken and fill it all right, otherwise the game will "stall" and fly out.

Worldwide Minecraft scattered villages in which residents live. I already wrote.

These settlers can trade you. The list of their goods is quite extensive, but they also have inquiries. Sometimes there are residents selling rare goods at an attractive price. Of course, you want to have such a merchant somewhere nearby. In this case, the instruction below will help you.

Let's start with the introduction.

Residents live in homes, they are hiding from Zombies every night.

And zombies, in turn, try to knock the door and attack them.

Sometimes residents turn into zombies, and can attack both other residents and you.

We tame a resident of the village

If in the village where residents live, disassemble all the houses, then they will look for a place in which you can hide. And here you can help them. It is only necessary to build a house for them within the village, and they will be collected in it. Then you can plunder them different corners and disappear blocks. So they will not get out and not run away, and you can trade with them at any time. And you will not need to look for the resident you need. They will all be in one place!

There are also zombies inhabitants. They can be interpreted as an ordinary mob, and may appear after the zombie kill the resident. They can be cured, but for this you will need an explosive potion of 1 level weakness and a gold apple. You need to throw in a zombie potion and feed it with apple. If everything works out, he will start trembling and red particles will come from it.

After successful treatment A resident receives any profession, and you can trade with him. Minus such a way that you need to cook the potion and kravel an apple of gold and ordinary apple, and it is quite considerable. And besides, you will not know what a resident will sell you. But but, such a zombie is easier to transport! He just fade by you, and you can bring it where you need.

If you want to transfer a resident or a zombie resident closer to his home and lock it there, then you will help you portal Gun. Guns that can create portals and move blocks and livestock to you will help you. But alas, this mod is suitable only for versions of Minecraft 1.5.x and 1.6.x.