Is it possible to dye my hair before botox. Procedure "Botox for hair" step by step, pros and cons, for how long the effect will last, the brand of the manufacturer matters. Is it possible to carry out the procedure at home. What is the real price. Hair botox

The modern beauty industry has prepared several effective methods in the fight for silky hair, flowing with a healthy shine. Botox is considered one of the most demanded procedures. "Beauty cocktail" is applied to the hair or injected into the scalp and begins to actively act. But the main question remains how to maintain the achieved result longer, what kind of hair care will be required after Botox.

Condition of curls after botox

The Botox procedure is one of the professional methods of hair care. She guarantees an improvement in the appearance and condition of curls filling the hair shaft with moisture and nutrients.

The preparation used in the procedure contains amino acids, hyaluronic acid, keratin, natural oils and plant extracts. but the main active ingredient is botulinum toxin. This ingredient penetrates deep into the hair shaft and creates an elastic and strong skeleton there. In addition, botulinum toxin transports nutrients to problem areas.

Important! The complex action of botulinum toxin and vitamin supplements, keratin and amino acids provides instant hydration and improvement of hair condition. The drug acts from the inside of the hair, penetrates to its roots, therefore the effect is strong and persistent.

At the same time, you should understand that ordinary shampoos, high temperature exposure to heat-ironing and the chemical compositions of styling products, with each use, reduce the protective film created by the preparation around the hair shaft, respectively, and the effect is lost. Therefore, hairdressing professionals offer their own version of how to care for hair after botox.

The nuances of daily care

Care after performing the botox procedure slightly different from the usual. This approach allows you to extend the effect of the technique, give time to curls to fully restore strength and energy. What does this special care involve?

  • Protect hair from prolonged exposure to moisture - this applies to rainy or foggy weather, rooms with high humidity. Professionals recommend minimizing contact with water particles. To do this, after each shampooing, be sure to use a hairdryer, and in rainy or snowy weather, wear a hat.
  • Wash your hair after botox, it is better to use a gentle, sulfate-free shampoo- laureate sodium sulfate, which is part of a regular shampoo, quickly destroys the expensive coating of the hair shaft, so the effect will not last long. Before buying a shampoo, carefully study the composition, avoid products with aggressive ingredients. This is the only way you can delay the effect on the hair as long as possible.
  • Drying with a hairdryer is a must- the choice of which is better to dry the curls with a cold or hot air stream is yours. However, you must remember that you need to dry the strands after each shampooing.
  • Styling cosmetics, curling irons, heat-irons and chemical paints are detrimental to Botox, so it is better not to use them at all - the chemical compositions of cosmetics for styling and dyeing hair destroy the achieved smoothness and shine of curls, harm their health, so their use will have to be reduced or completely eliminated. Is it possible to dye your hair is a controversial issue, and how much you are ready to sacrifice the money spent on Botox, as well as the health of your own hair, is up to you.
  • Recommended additionally moisturize and nourish the curls with vegetable oils and natural masks, made from homemade ingredients - the easiest way is to use vegetable oils. Spread a few drops of your favorite elixir on a wooden comb and comb your hair with it. Repeat such actions 1-2 times a week... For lovers of homemade masks, use recipes with the addition of kefir, yolk, herbal decoctions and compositions of oil extracts.

Choosing the right cosmetics for shampooing

In order not to wash off the entire effect from the hair, hairdressers recommend using gentle, soft sulfate-free shampoos... Choose a product without sulfates in the composition. It is desirable that they target for normal and healthy curls. Do not miss the opportunity to supplement the care with nourishing masks, balms from the same series, whenever possible.

Decent and budget options will be sulfate-free shampoos of the brand "Recipes of Granny Agafia", "Belita" or Natura Siberica.

There are several clarifications for shampooing:

  • Wash your hair after a previous salon procedure better for 3-4 days. Allow time for the active ingredients to be thoroughly absorbed into the strands and scalp.
  • You don't need to wash your hair every day, just as it gets dirty.
  • Lather your hair along its entire length twice: the first time you wash off the grease particles, and the second time you remove dirt and dust.
  • It is recommended to wash the curls. cool, pre-boiled water.
  • It is better not to comb wet strands, this can injure and stretch them. First dry with a hairdryer, and then start brushing.
  • Start combing your hair after washing in the direction "from the ends to the roots."

Sulfate-free botox shampoo for hair is the main secret to gentle shampooing. It will wash away particles of dirt, grease and will not disturb the achieved effect after the procedure.

Is it possible to paint after botox

Hair botox cannot become an obstacle to further dyeing. You can dye your hair after such procedures but how practical it is. Chemical compounds destroy the structure of the hair shaft, therefore they will be merciless for the "beauty cocktail". We have prepared for you an overview of keratin hair dyes.

In most cases professionals recommend applying the nutrient composition to already colored or streaked curls. This will smooth out the damage caused by chemistry, return healthy shine and shine to the strands. Please note, however, that the color after Botox may partially fade.

The peculiarity of Botox is that it does not cause a color change after staining. Rather, on the contrary, blond hair loses its unpleasant yellow tint after such a restoration.

With proper care, the effect of an innovative drug in 3-4 months will pass and you can safely paint. So, you will justify the investment, and the paint will fall on the curls evenly.

Advice. For those who cannot do without staining, professionals will recommend restorative procedures with a staining effect from Japanese Label manufacturers.

To enhance the effectiveness of botulinum toxin, especially with the method of introducing the drug into the integument of the head, hairdressers advise additionally drink a complex of vitamins. This will be useful not only for hair after exposure, but also for the body's immunity as a whole.

In the first week after botox was applied to the hair, it is not necessary to additionally moisturize them with masks and balms.

Do not expose curls to sunlight, high or low temperatures... To do this, wear a hat in summer and winter, cover your head in rainy weather and fog.

Botox is a proven method for professional hair care and improvement. The high cost of the procedure fully justifies itself. Sulfate-free shampoos and proper care can preserve the splendor and luxury of curls for up to 5 months.

Useful videos

Important tips for hair care.

Hair botox: before and after.

More and more often those who want to preserve their youth and beauty for a longer time are resorting to botulinum toxin injections. Beauty injections are now available literally at every step - they are done not only in specialized clinics, but also in beauty salons or even at home. Not every patient knows what can and cannot be done after injections, and not every specialist, unfortunately, gives recommendations after Botox. Let's figure out what is prohibited after botulinum therapy.

Although botulinum toxin injections are much safer than surgical intervention, they have a number of contraindications, ignoring which can lead to unpredictable consequences that are very unpleasant. All contraindications for Botox injections.

In order not to be horrified, looking in the mirror after the procedure, you should not do it in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • menses;
  • infectious diseases in the acute phase;
  • blood diseases;
  • oncology;
  • mental disorders and alcoholism;
  • the use of antibiotics.

The main thing is to prevent penetration into adjacent tissues.

Since the effect of Botox injections is temporary, the procedure must be repeated after a certain period of time.

Immediately after the injection, it is worth staying at the clinic under the supervision of a specialist who, in the event of complications, can quickly neutralize them. In the first 60 minutes, the doctor will tell you to grimace - to frown, squint, etc. This is necessary so that the injected drug is evenly distributed over the facial muscles.

In order to prevent the spread of botulinum toxin throughout the body, do not touch the injection site and allow the pulse to increase.

The spread of botulinum toxin into adjacent tissues can lead to disorders:

  • facial expressions,
  • speech,
  • swallowing.

An increase in heart rate will lead to the fact that the drug can spread not only to the muscle that forms wrinkles, but also to neighboring ones, because botox is able to penetrate the muscular membrane.

There are a number of symptoms that can help you understand that something went wrong:

  • increased body temperature,
  • nausea,
  • change in the rhythm of the heartbeat,
  • weakness.

If none of these signs are present, then the procedure was successful and you need not spoil its result.

The first six hours are not allowed:

  • go to bed;
  • tilt your head forward and to one side;
  • in no case should you touch the injection site.

On the first day after botulinum therapy, it is impossible to expose the injection site to heating, that is, you cannot:

  • wash your hair with hot water;
  • take a hot shower and bath;
  • visit the sauna;
  • dry your hair with a hairdryer;
  • is in the sun;
  • use the services of a solarium.

Under the influence of high temperatures, the vessels dilate, which allows the drug to move along with the blood throughout the face.

For the same reason, under the ban:

  • alcohol,
  • hair dyeing,
  • yoga classes,
  • cooking by the hot stove.

To avoid the appearance of hematomas during this period, you should not eat:

  • ginger,
  • garlic,
  • hot peppers.

During the first two weeks, the results of the procedure become noticeable. More precisely, after how many days Botox begins to work. This period after the introduction of botulinum toxin does not require special recommendations. Usually, a specialist prescribes a planned consultation in order to understand how the drug worked and, if necessary, make a correction.

You can not drink alcohol and drugs, as well as stay in the sun for a long time. If exposure to UV light cannot be avoided, it is important to use a sunscreen with a filter of at least 30.

Physical activity is still contraindicated. After Botox injections, you should return to sports after a month, gradually increasing the load.

The main strict restrictions after botulinum therapy are listed in this video:

Every patient receiving Botox for the face should remember the recommendations of the specialists. Their strict implementation is half the guarantee of a successful result of the procedure. All indications for the recovery period after beauty injections are simple, but they should not be ignored, then the consequences of the injections will only be pleasant, and the reflection in the mirror will delight you for several months.

You can find additional information on this topic in the section.

Since today Botox is one of the most effective salon treatments for curls, many people who want to restore the shine and well-groomed appearance of their hair, get rid of split ends, resort to it. At the same time, the question of whether it is possible to dye hair after Botox is of interest to almost everyone who dreams of shatusha, ombre, balayage and other fashionable types of dyeing. We offer you to understand how this procedure works, whether it is possible to dye your hair immediately after the procedure, or is it better to dye your hair after a certain period of time.

Hair Botox is a revitalizing treatment for hair strands. From the first application, it has a nourishing, moisturizing, rejuvenating and reconstructive effect on the hair structure.

The Botox hair treatment is useful not only for weakened and dry curls, but also for those who daily straighten them with irons.

The Botox procedure is especially beneficial for hair in case of:

According to experts, botox therapy should be entrusted to a specialist who is well acquainted with the characteristics of your hair.

Intra-silane - the basis of the medicinal composition

The botox composition has a high content of active ingredients. It is based on the protein molecule Intra-Cylane, which transports nutrients inside the hair. Penetrating into
in the middle, in the cortex layer it creates a framework of trace elements, vitamins and amino acids and other bioactive nutrients. And then smoothes the scales of the hair cuticle, as if soldering them inside the hair shaft. This makes the strands smooth, supple and strong.

The therapeutic effect of the hair is provided by the presence of the botox serum in the composition:

  • keratin-collagen complex;
  • amino acids;
  • nutritive oils;
  • vitamins A, E, group B;
  • herbal extracts with antioxidant effect - green tea, aloe vera.

Due to the saturation of nutrients at the cellular level, the structure of the hair shaft becomes smooth and dense, and the hair itself after this procedure is soft and strong, acquires volume and silky shine, and stops tangling.

Botox for colored hair

Like any formulation that penetrates deeply into the hair structure, Intra-Cylane, when applied immediately after dyeing, is capable of destroying the color pigment.

To avoid this, the Botox procedure should be carried out a week after applying the coloring formulations. The procedure itself includes:

  1. Hair washing using gentle shampoos, no sls / sles substances. Washing allows you to get rid of the hair from the remnants of styling products, silicone, various contaminants, preparing the strands for the application of the medicinal composition.
  2. Thorough application of the healing serum-activator along the entire length of the strands using a special syringe-dispenser, gently rubbing it into the hair.
  3. Treatment with a fixer according to the recommendations specified in the instructions for the preparation.
  4. Heating under climazol for half an hour, after putting on an insulating cap. This manipulation ensures that the nutrients are sealed inside the hair shaft. Irons are sometimes used for this purpose.
  5. Massage that stimulates the penetration of the composition into the hair.
  6. Rinse off the serum with cool water, dry your hair with a hairdryer.

Coloring after botox

If you want to change the shade of your hair after a botox procedure, you should use paints containing hydrogen peroxide. The presence of this component in the composition will provide pigment access to the hair. The procedure itself assumes:

Since coloring and botox have a mutually exclusive effect on hair, it is inappropriate to carry out these procedures at the same time.

Rules for a successful combination of staining and botox

When planning to change the shade of the strands reanimated by botox and wanting to keep the effect of well-groomed curls longer, the following rules should be observed:

  1. The time interval between two procedures should be 1-3 weeks. Otherwise, the ends of the strands will take on a sloppy look, become split, and the paint itself will lie unevenly or will not reach the desired shade.
  2. For painting, it is better to use gentle paints that do not contain ammonia.
  3. To get the desired shade, you should choose a persistent paint one shade darker for painting.
  4. You should not use henna, basma or tinting agents when planning to stain strands that have undergone botox, as the effect can be unpredictable.
  5. It is possible to discolor, as well as to dye the hair after botox therapy only after 15-20 days.

Contraindications and possible negative consequences

Despite the absence of side effects, the botox procedure may be ineffective in cases of:

  • critical days;
  • upon detection of an individual atypical reaction to the components of the composition of the agent;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • in the presence of damage to the scalp;
  • in old age.

An atypical reaction (allergy) to Botox Serum can manifest as a rash, irritation and itching. Carrying out the procedure in a salon will make it as safe as possible.

The disadvantages of this caring procedure include a relatively short effect - up to 3 months and the rejection of hairstyles that involve collecting hair in tight bundles and tails, the need for more frequent shampooing.

Care for curls after botox

For those who dye a lot with persistent chemical paints, the use of safe Botox will be a real salvation for the hair. In this case, the procedure will become an additional measure that maintains the health and youth of the strands. Its effect will be prolonged if the following conditions are met:

  • the first wash after a botox session for the strands should take place no earlier than 3 days later, while it is recommended to use sulfate-free shampoos, conditioners and balms;
  • reduce the use of hair dryers and irons;
  • moisturize curls with oils.

How long botox lasts on dyed hair depends on the dyeing rules. These rules are not complicated, and their implementation guarantees permanent color and long-lasting effect of healthy hair.

The problem of hair rejuvenation has always been hotly discussed by cosmetologists and fashionistas. Spanish scientists in Barcelona (some attribute the innovation to scientists in the Middle East), conducting research, discovered a new use of botulinum toxin, in other words, botox.

The use of botox for hair allowed the property to block nerve connections and increase elasticity. A fundamentally new technology thoroughly smoothes strands, gives hair volume and smooth structure, which is so difficult to achieve for girls with damaged hair and mature ladies. Hair at the cellular level is nourished with trace elements and vitamins. Split ends are eliminated. The effect lasts 1-2 months, for prolongation the procedure should be repeated after 2 weeks.

Hair botox: what is it

Essence Shot L + B2 formulation developed by a Spanish brand KV-1 Hair Lifting, creates a kind of "dome" for the hair. The basis of the drug is the Intra-Silane molecule, which penetrates deep into the hair tissue and changes its configuration depending on the dry or wet state of the hair.

The medicinal product also includes:

  • vitamins A, C, B, E;
  • keratin, which compensates for the lack of protein;
  • amino acids that strengthen the hair shaft and normalize water balance;
  • collagen that stimulates hair growth;
  • the strongest antioxidant - green tea leaf extract, which restores natural metabolism;
  • aloe vera juice, which improves blood circulation and provides volume to the curls.

In addition to Essence Shot L + B2, cosmetologists use products from other brands - Tahe, L'Oreal, Cadiveu, the Japanese company Honma Tokyo and the Israeli Kashmir.

Procedure steps

Hair restoration with botox is carried out by rubbing the drug into the hair. After thoroughly washing the hair with a special shampoo (1-2 times) for better fixation of the preparation, the beautician places an ampoule of Botox in a container with hot water. After a minute, he draws 2-4 ml of the product into a syringe and mixes it with water. When a white foamy composition forms, the specialist evenly applies the Botox to the strands with a brush. Then, after sitting under the climazon for a while, you can wash your hair again and evaluate the result. The duration of the procedure is 45-60 minutes.

Indications for use, harmlessness

There are no specific indications. The tool is used by girls who are dissatisfied with their hair. Recommended for frequent dyeing or ironing. The botox procedure for hair, the reviews of which speak of the success of the innovation, demonstrates a special effect on hair damaged by chemistry. Stylists advise using Botox before dyeing to eliminate porosity in the hair. Suitable for lactating girls, allergy sufferers and pregnant women. It is undesirable to use on the days of menstruation.

Asking the question where Botox is done to save hair, cosmetologists will answer - only in reputable beauty salons. Importers trained beauticians at master classes and insisted that the product was little studied and that it was dangerous to use it outside the salons. But making botox injections for hair at home is quite possible.

The result is similar to hair lamination with one difference - Botox is safe. The use of Botox for hair, the reviews and consequences of which leave other cosmetics behind, is harmless. It does not contain formaldehyde or chemicals, does not weaken hair or cause hair loss, which keratin hair straightening cannot boast. Keratin supplies the hair shaft with too much protein, causing it to weaken and damage.

R damaged hair structure - does not color a woman. She brings psychological discomfort and self-doubt. That is why, the fair sex, often collect curls in ponytails, or now sloppy hair is in trend. Don't argue! It is practical, convenient, beautiful! But, loose, allow girls to show true natural beauty and naturalness. How can you achieve this and keep your hair healthy?

Hair botox

Positions itself as a care product. It restores the hair structure, removes split ends, gaining volume and uniformity in appearance. Its effect occurs at the cellular level on the scalp, which promotes the growth of healthy and silky curls.

Ways of carrying out this event.

There are two ways to use the active substance. They do not require preliminary preparation and take no more than an hour.

- Introducing it under the scalp. It is considered the most effective, the result lasts for two months or more.

- Rubbing into the hair structure. Gives a beautiful appearance, but weakly affects the curl from the inside. Therefore, the validity period is much shorter.

Before applying it is necessary:

- wash your hair thoroughly and dry with a towel;

- then proceed to the chosen method.


Botox, having a unique composition, has a beneficial effect on the hairline, nourishing with vitamins and giving “new life”.

What contributes to this?

- Keratin - helps to restore the structure from the inside, by filling empty spaces with protein.

- Infusion of aloe vera - based on useful minerals and amino acids that help moisturize the scalp, normalize blood circulation, restore volume.

- Infusion of green tea leaves - has a positive effect on internal metabolic processes, promotes growth.

- Amino acids - strengthen the core of the curl, stabilize the internal balance of water and protein.


The use of an active substance has a positive effect on the appearance, but it has disadvantages.

- Lovers of hairstyling, this method is unlikely to please. Curls will quickly become absurd and brittle.

- The beautiful effect will last no more than three months. Therefore, for lovers of long-lasting results - this method will not be to their liking.


Despite the fact that the drug has natural ingredients, there are a number of contraindications.

- Persons prone to allergic reactions should refrain. In order to resort to this method, you must consult your doctor.

- The presence of open wounds or infectious diseases of the scalp. You need to wait for your recovery, then start the event.

- Girls while waiting for a baby and breastfeeding. This drug is absorbed into the bloodstream and can adversely affect the healthy development of an infant.

- The active substance should not be used during menstruation.

Dyeing hair after botox

Dissatisfaction with their hair, fragility and soreness, forces the fair sex to resort to various methods and medications to achieve beauty.

Botox helps breathe new life. After the procedure, it creates a smoothing effect. So, a woman becomes the owner of strong and shiny hair. This method is especially recommended after staining. But what if you want to change the color after "lamination"?

Hair coloring after botox.

Coloring is the effect of chemical elements on the curls to give the desired shade. To retain and retain color for a long time, the colorant must contain hydrogen peroxide. It promotes the penetration of the coloring pigment into the curl.

The staining procedure is as follows:

- the paint is prepared according to the instructions and applied to the hair surface;

- the base of the hair, under its influence, reveals the scales, passing the coloring pigment;

- this is how the desired shade is achieved.

Thus, the principle of work of botox and hair dye is inversely opposite. One solders the flakes and makes them smooth, while the other, on the contrary, loosens the structure. That is why there must be a gap between these events. Otherwise, the result will not please. The achieved elegance will be refined with an uneven color and destroy the “lamination” effect.


- The gap between procedures should be at least 2 weeks. Or a chic and sleek hairstyle will lose its appearance and acquire slovenliness and cut-off.

- The Botox procedure creates a filmy surface that gives a graceful smoothness, but, over time, it rinses off. If you apply the paint ahead of time, then it may lie unevenly and not have the desired shade.

- You should stop at a gentle paint without ammonia.

- To obtain the desired shade, hair dyes should be taken a shade darker.

Important to remember!

- Full coloring or deep lightening, it is better to do it three weeks after the application of the active substance.

- Toning agents, when applied to curls, can behave unpredictable and give a result that is not expected.

- In no case should you use henna.