Soapy massage: beneficial for the body and pleasure for the soul. How to make foam massage and peeling kesa in the hammam. Soap for hammam and foam massage, Erotic massage in hammam, massage technique at hammam


Based on the rules of Islam, a person must look neat and beautiful. Therefore, the visit is very popular. And while staying there, it is impossible to deny yourself the experience of unique sensations from massage. Because a massage in a Turkish bath is a real ritual.

What is a Turkish bath

In the classic version, the Turkish bath is a room with a warm floor, a domed ceiling, heated stone loungers used for washing and soaring.

In the bath, leisurely conversations are conducted, washing the body. Such a distraction from everyday worries helps to relax, gain fresh strength and enjoy both mental and physical.

The bathhouse consists of three rooms: a dressing room and a steam room. In the locker room - put on a bandage on the thigh, take a copper cup, natural soap from Turkey, consisting of olive oil and go in the direction of the shower. Then, having washed off everyday chores, they go to the steam room, where the skin is cleansed and a preliminary massage is carried out.

Heat, penetrating into the tissues of the body, causes intense sweating. The masseur removes the dead layer of the epidermis with soft circular movements, using a mitten woven from goat hair. Such a massage in a Turkish bath is carried out without soap.

After the end of the preliminary massage, the cleansing procedure is completed using soap. To do this, a bar of soap is placed in a mesh bag and shaken until a thick foam begins to stand out from the holes in the fabric. This soapy foam is wiped, massaged, and then doused with water. The procedure ends with a swim in the pool.

In ancient times, Turkish baths had several pools with different water temperatures: from cold, cool to warm. In the current Turkish baths - one pool and, as a rule, with water at room temperature. Further, at the request of the visitor, various types of massage are applied.

History of Turkish massage

Turkish massage, which conquered the East, is gaining more and more popularity in European spas.

A brilliant physician and humanist, Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna), who became widely known in Europe, made a huge contribution to the development of massage. With the help of massage, he was engaged in the treatment of many diseases.

He was the first to work on the classification of methods and techniques of massage methods, and also singled out the following types: weak, strong, moderate, long, preparatory, restorative (calming). Avicenna was convinced that:

  • gentle massage relaxes, soothes and relieves tension;
  • strong - invigorates, strengthens, activates the body;
  • moderate - harmonizes and brings the body back to normal;
  • long - warms up, helps to get rid of excess weight, relieves many diseases;
  • preparatory - warms up, sets up for active physical activity;
  • restoring (soothing) - relieves pain and is necessary after intense physical exercise.

Massage in a Turkish bath is a useful and pleasant procedure that has healing properties and has absorbed the best Western and Eastern techniques.

Varieties of Turkish massage techniques

This type of massage appeared directly in Turkey. It is held in national Turkish baths (hammams) and in SPA centers. Designed to relax, improve skin texture, figure modeling. It is especially popular with women. The duration of the session lasts 50 minutes, it is held in Turkish national baths, using massage oils and accompanied by enchanting Turkish melodies.

This procedure combines massage and deep cleansing. It is carried out in the conditions of SPA centers and in hammams. For the massage, a special heated table (or marble slab) is used.

The session lasts about an hour and includes several procedures. First, the client is sent to the steam room (sikalik) for 5-10 minutes, so that the body warms up well and the pores open. Then they will douse with warm water, then they will begin to rub with a special massage mitten made of goat hair or silk. Experienced attendants will not miss a single centimeter, not even leaving a zone between the fingers.

Peeling massage is carried out with a hard glove (kise) or a washcloth, in circular motions. Next, a massage with thick soapy foam is carried out, enveloping the body in a huge fluffy cloud. Olive soap is used to make foam.

The deep cleaning procedure stimulates blood circulation, opens pores, removes toxins, and removes dead particles of the epithelium. In addition to the cosmetic effect, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of patients with myalgia, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis and rheumatism.

Having finished with the body, the masseurs will take over your head, wash off the excess, lubricate with fragrant oil and send you to the relaxation room, where you can enjoy a cup of hot fragrant tea.

The SPA Relax massage is basically a classic massage. Most often used for: harmonization of body and soul, relaxation, rest and meditation. The session lasts about an hour and is accompanied by relaxing music with subdued lights, warm massage oils and incense to help you relax and calm down.

Sultan massage got its name from the title of a Muslim secular ruler. Usually performed by two massage therapists. Depending on the wishes of the client, they can be two men or women.

Designed to relax and improve the structure of the skin. This massage session takes place in a pleasant, calm atmosphere, to the sounds of national Turkish music. Helps women to model a figure. The duration of the session is no more than 50 minutes.

Turkish classic foot massage

This type of massage is performed on the floor. Before the start of the massage session, the client will be given the opportunity to steam in the hammam, thereby allowing the body to prepare and become more receptive to massage. Then they will lay on a hard surface, cover with a sheet (or towel). It should be noted that in order to perform massage techniques, you will need a support. In order not to lose balance, a bamboo stick, bars or rings can be used as a support. Next, a half-hour powerful energy massage awaits you, which has a beneficial effect on the muscles of the back and spine. For each client, the massage therapist is selected individually, depending on the weight of the client. After a foot massage, the client needs to rest or take a nap. Session time is 20-30 minutes.

Cleopatra massage

This type of massage is performed in a Turkish bath (hammam) using algae containing many amino acids, vitamins, minerals, salts, phytohormones and other beneficial substances.

Being in a Turkish bath, a person sweats, the pores open, and the massage therapist begins to rub the algae into the client's skin. The use of massage soothes, makes the skin elastic, improving its natural structure. Helps to get rid of cellulite and edema, promotes the elimination of toxins. Suitable for all skin types.

Such massage is carried out in Turkish baths and massage spas. Suitable for all skin types. For massage, a honey mixture and Aloe Vera essence are used. The composition of the honey mixture includes vitamins and minerals that have anti-aging properties. Aloe Vera moisturizes the skin, eliminates fine wrinkles, and protects against sunburn.

Massage in a Turkish bath has a beneficial effect on a person's well-being: it rejuvenates and heals the skin, improves breathing, and heals from insomnia. Thus, using the services of Turkish baths, you will get a lot of positive emotions and strengthen your body.

Since ancient times, massage has been considered a cure for many diseases, as well as a means to relax and uplift the mood. There are many different massage techniques. Foam massage is considered to be one of the most useful and enjoyable.

You can read about the benefits of such a procedure and the rules for its implementation in the presented article.

General information about massage

When it comes to massage with foam, most often we mean Turkish foam massage, which is called hammam. The complex procedure includes several processes that have a rejuvenating and healing effect on the body. The temperature in the hammam is about 40 - 50 degrees Celsius. Due to the high level of humidity in the steam room, a feeling of a tropical climate is created, allowing a person to get maximum pleasure.

The second stage of the procedure is a full body peeling, which is performed with natural scrubs. The final part of the session is a body massage with a large amount of fragrant soap foam.

Benefits of foam massage

Each type of massage is aimed at preventing certain ailments and their prevention. Properly performed massage can improve the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and various organs and systems of the body. The main purpose of the foam massage "Hamam" is to eliminate problems with the skin. As a rule, one procedure lasts from 50 to 60 minutes.

First of all, such a massage helps to cleanse the skin of impurities that clog pores. After the procedure, the skin glows with purity and begins to breathe, slags and toxins are removed from the body.

During foam massage, muscles are saturated with oxygen, while their tone, elasticity and mobility increase. Especially pleasant is the massage procedure after intense physical exertion, as the body relaxes and lactic acid is removed from the muscles.

The benefits of Turkish foam massage for body shaping cannot be underestimated. A complex of several procedures helps to remove cellulite and makes the body more toned and sculpted.

Foam massage has a positive effect on human health and allows you to get rid of arthritis, rheumatism, migraine and arthrosis. The procedure strengthens the immune system and restores the nervous system, helping to eliminate stress.

And, of course, foam massage is an incredible pleasure and complete relaxation, which allows you to completely eliminate fatigue. During the procedure, a person forgets about all the problems and troubles and is saturated with vital energy.


There are several types of foam massage. The most effective and enjoyable is the “Sultan massage”, which is performed in 8 hands.

Sabunlam foam massage is very popular, this type of procedure is both a full body massage and gives a deep cleansing effect of the whole body.

Another type of foam massage in the hammam is foot massage: the master massages the client’s body not with his hands, but with his feet. Such a session contributes to the awakening of internal energy. The foot massage procedure is accompanied by pleasant relaxing melodies, while candles are burning in the room and the smell of Turkish incense is felt.

Regardless of the type, each foam massage procedure ends with a calm rest and relaxation with a cup of herbal tea.


The main accessory for massage in the hammam is a bag for whipping foam, which is called "Kopuk torbasi". With such a bag, using soap and water, you can get a large amount of thick soap suds. The bag itself is made of 100% cotton, due to which the foam is easily squeezed out through the fabric onto the client's body.

A mandatory accessory is soap for foam massage in the hammam, which must be made only from natural ingredients. Qualified masters recommend using Sabun olive soap, which is made specifically for use in massage baths.

To enhance the effect of foam massage, you can add a variety of fragrances, essential oils and herbal infusions to the soap foam. Recently, orange essential oil, as well as coconut milk, has gained great popularity.

How to do a massage in a hammam?

At the very beginning of the procedure, the human body is heated in the steam room for relaxation. At this time, the master is engaged in the preparatory stage of obtaining a large amount of foam, for this, several pieces of chopped soap are placed in the Kopuk Torbasi, after which the bag of soap is placed in hot water. The soap dissolves and after 5-10 minutes the bag is removed from the water, shaken intensively, which contributes to the appearance of a voluminous and light soap foam.

The foam is evenly squeezed out of the bag onto the client's body, after which the master starts the massage. It performs superficial and deep strokes. During the procedure, the client can feel the circular, transverse and longitudinal movements of the hands of the master. Then the specialist moves on to more intense and strong movements and vibrations. He pays special attention to the lymph nodes in the armpits. At the end of the procedure, the shoulder joint, forearm, palms and feet are worked out. While the massage of individual parts of the body is carried out, other unused areas should be covered with a terry blanket.

The massage procedure ends with blows of water jets on the body, which consolidates the effect of the procedure and models the figure. After the massage, a nourishing cream or essential oil is applied to the client's body.

Turkish foam massage should only be performed by qualified masseurs, whose level of training is so great that they do not allow even a drop of foam to get into the face of the client.

Complex of procedures

To achieve a visible result and improve the state of health, it is necessary to complete a course of 14 procedures. Each session should be at least 50 minutes long. It is recommended to attend foam massage procedures for a month every other day. A positive result will be noticeable after a few procedures.

Turkish foam massage in Moscow

The massage procedure with soap foam in the hammam can be done in the Beauty House & SPA beauty salon. For these purposes, a special stylized room is equipped here, where Turkish flavor is created. The procedure is carried out by certified specialists who have been trained in the technique of performing foam massage. The beauty salon is located at st. Astrakhan pereulok 1/15, Prospekt Mira metro station. In order to clarify the cost of the procedure and sign up for a session, you can call the beauty salon. It can be found on the official website of the complex.

According to customer reviews, one of the best foam massage procedures in Moscow can be obtained at the Cosmos SPA center. The calm atmosphere reigning in the salon allows you to enjoy communication with yourself.

The best specialists from Russia and other countries work in it. For the procedure, only natural natural products, oils and creams are used. The cost of Turkish foam massage in the SPA-center "Cosmos SPA" is 5,200 rubles per session. The salon is located at St. Prospekt Mira, 150, metro station VDNKh.

You can visit the hammam in Moscow with foam massage at the Semeynaya clinic near the Rechnoy Vokzal metro station at the address, st. Festivalnaya, 4. After consultation with the doctor, the client will be assigned a set of a certain number of procedures and given special recommendations that will need to be followed in order to achieve the fastest results.


Like any other procedure, Turkish in the hammam has a number of contraindications. These include elevated body temperature, a period of exacerbation of chronic diseases, infectious diseases and various inflammatory processes. People with the listed contraindications are advised to temporarily abandon foam massage so as not to cause serious harm to their health.

Many people love massage, but probably not everyone knows about the soap massage with a broom in the bath. A steam room with a broom is a massage in which it is absolutely not necessary to whip yourself with all your urine. During massage with a broom, movements are performed gently, one might even say: gently.

The bath prepares the body for massage without active physical activity.

Before starting the massage, the body must be thoroughly warmed up in the steam room. Now the body is ready for massage soap procedures that are performed in the washing department of the bath. In the steam room, this type of massage is not allowed, since soap in the steam room is 100% a headache.

After the body has perspired well, wash off the sweat with warm water. Then you should lie down on a warm bath bench or bench face down. To perform a soap massage, you definitely need an assistant, one cannot cope with this bath procedure alone.

Before starting the massage, the person being massaged should be doused with hot soapy water. The main massage tool - a broom - moisten in soapy water. The soap in the basin is pre-whipped into a thick foam. After that, the massage begins. The first method of massage with a broom is stroking.

This technique is performed as follows: a broom is placed on the heels, and then slowly slide it to the neck. It is recommended to perform three to four strokes before proceeding to the next technique.


This technique is similar to poultices and compresses, with the difference that the broom is not lifted up for a portion of hot air.

The soap broom is held in the left hand, and with the right they press it against the waist with force. Then the pressing is carried out higher, up to the very neck of the person being massaged.

Periodically, the broom should be moistened in soapy water. The next method of soap massage is kneading.


To perform this technique, a soap broom is placed on the back of the person being massaged. Press the broom to the body, capturing the muscles along with the foliage. Knead each part of the body should be 3-4 times.

Begin to perform this technique from the widest part of the back, going down to the lower back.

Useful kneading with a soap broom and the cervical spine. When this massage technique is performed, the massaged hands should be relaxed and lowered down.

After kneading, it is the turn of the last soapy massage: rubbing.


A broom dipped in soapy foam, press firmly to the lower back. Actions are carried out by him like a washcloth. With short intermittent movements move up to the neck.

In the area of ​​the lower back, shoulder blades and shoulders, circular rubbing with a broom is performed. It will not be superfluous to rub the spine well.

Soap massage can be interrupted at any time, doused with hot water and sit a little in the steam room, and then continue it again, but already lying on your back.

The massage techniques will be the same, only the massage begins with the chest, then the stomach, and ends with movements in the area of ​​​​the legs and feet.

Soapy water should be hot, so add boiling water more often and beat the foam. This will only benefit the massage movements.

It remains to be added that brooms for a steam room and for a soapy massage should be different! You can not bathe with a soap broom!

Soapy massage with a broom is a gentle procedure, it is useful for diseases of the joints, salt deposits and past injuries.

In general, soaring with a broom is a tough procedure, but very useful. Many are afraid, and many do not tolerate it very well. Therefore, soap massage is a godsend for people with poor health.

For hypertensive patients, people prone to fainting and dizziness, broom massage with soap will give real pleasure! Do not expose yourself to the intense heat of the steam room, which is unsafe for you.

Bath and massage have a beneficial effect on the body, activate the main systems, open blocked channels. Massage stimulates blood flow, increases muscle tone. It's hard to believe, but massage is much more effective than sleep in relieving fatigue after a hard day.

Do you do massage in the bath?

Have you heard of such an unusual concept as soap massage? Yes, there is such a thing. Soap massage (aka Sabunlam) is one of the types of Turkish massage. It is made using thick soapy foam - hence the name. In addition to massage, the procedure also has a peeling effect. Such a massage is good as a restorative after physical exertion and wellness for arthrosis, muscle pain, rheumatism, varicose veins and osteochondrosis. The soap procedure is also used for certain types of burns and other skin lesions. Such a massage is usually carried out in a bath (hammam). After the procedure, general fatigue is relieved, blood circulation of skin cells improves, fat deposits are absorbed, muscle and nervous tension is relieved, sleep is normalized, resulting in a general rejuvenation of the human body.

Contraindications are:

Poor health or fear from visiting the bath;
- drops in blood pressure;
- inflammatory processes on the skin;
- age over 60 years (with good health and the habit of taking a bath).

Soap massage technique

First, the massaged body is warmed up and washed, and then the massage itself is carried out directly. Well, if it is preceded by a fragrant bath with special fragrant solutions. Directly for the procedure, you need a special heated table. Turkish soap massage is performed with circular movements with a hard washcloth or soapy hands over a thick soapy suds, which is usually prepared using olive soap. In this case, techniques of stroking, rubbing (including with weights), shallow kneading, and sometimes shaking the muscles are used. They begin the massage with the distribution of soap foam on the back, then move on to the limbs (covering the entire space, not forgetting to walk between the fingers) and the head. Having well distributed the foam over the body of the person being massaged, the massage therapist can perform several special techniques using muscle shaking. In this case, water with a temperature of 38-41 ° C is used (poured into a basin), and cool water should always be at hand, which, if necessary, is poured over the head and chest of the client. The total duration of the soap massage should not exceed 20 minutes, but you can limit yourself to 5. Then the massaged body is washed again and lubricated with aromatic oils. After the end of the procedure, the massaged person is invited to relax on the couch and drink tea.

Soap massage can be done independently - 2-3 times a week, turning it into the category of self-massage. And you can do it mutually in a pair, transferring it to the category of erotic. That is why be careful when intending to visit a massage parlor in Thailand - there you can easily slip a whole range of sex services under the guise of a soap / foam massage.

This variety is considered the most popular in Turkish SPA centers. And it is not surprising, because this procedure can have a beneficial effect on both men and women. Soap massaging with the use of a special scrubbing washcloth can cleanse the skin of keratinized particles of the epithelium, which in turn rejuvenates it and makes it healthier. Assertive, but at the same time soft palm movements can cure arthrosis, sciatica and other diseases of the spine, it will also be useful for athletes whose activities are not without sprains and injuries. Turkish soap massage perfectly relaxes the whole body, frees the mind of a person from stress and anxiety. After the sessions, people feel a new surge of strength and positive emotions.

This massage is done in a bath, term, sauna or hammam, the main thing is that the air is warm and humid. The person should lie down on a flat table and try to relax completely. Meanwhile, the massage therapist applies moisturizing oils to the client's body, and then soap foam. At first, the movements are smooth, sliding. You can press with your palms, finger bones or special knuckles, it is important not to overdo it, otherwise hematomas are possible. These manipulations should be performed for at least 30-40 minutes. Then the massage therapist should take a hard washcloth for scrub and in a circular motion go around the whole body with it. At the end of the session, the client needs to take a warm or cool shower - depending on preferences.

Turkish massage for women

The difference between this option and the previous one is that a slightly different technique is used for massaging, which is aimed at revealing the true female energy and getting rid of diseases of the reproductive system. The beginning of the procedure does not differ from the classic version, but massaging movements in the lower abdomen are added to everything else. Manipulations must be performed either with the fingertips or the base of the palm. The total duration of the session should be at least one hour, after which the girl should rinse in warm or hot water. For healing from women's diseases, regular visits to a masseur for 1-2 months are necessary.

Both types of Turkish foam massage should be accompanied by relaxing music and aromatherapy. At the end of the session, it is very useful to drink ginger or mint tea. Myta will restore the nervous system, and ginger will give tone and new vitality.

As it has already become clear, Turkish soap massage is not only a pleasant and relaxing procedure, but also a healing one. The only contraindication is diseases of the cardiovascular system, which are extremely negatively affected by high humidity. We hope that our recommendations were not only interesting for you, but also useful.