Munich functional diagnosis of the child's development. Munich functional diagnosis of development Preface to the second Russian-language publication Munich functional diagnosis of the development of an early age child

Elena Hiltunien, Montessori-teacher. Text lecture published in the journal "Montessori Club" No. 5, 2009

Montessori-pedagogy is sometimes called "media", emphasizing that Maria Montessori is paramount importance attached to the interaction of the child with the objects of human culture that constitutes his environment. A specially prepared environment meant a set of cultural objects and providing the child to act freely to act with them with the help of psychological and pedagogical analysis. Perhaps, if we do in the texts of M. Montessori and imagine how it folded the image of such a medium for the children of your child's house, we will become understandable and fundamental basis for our own work in this direction.

Montessori writes in the book "The House of the Child. The method of scientific pedagogy ", which is a huge impact on its ideas about which items are indeed necessary for the development of children in a particular age, Jean Itara was provided. ITAR for the first time in almost a century to M. Montessori applied the principle of the dyedactization of tools (guns) of psychological diagnostics for regular exercises with them of a savage from averon. He found that ordinary toys do not produce any impression on his student.

This is what writes J. ITAR: "I provided Victor a variety of children's toys, and tried to teach it to use them. But I noticed to my chagrity that they often bring him out of themselves, and he hides them in different places, although it does not break. I wished them only sometimes when was in anger. " A similar attitude to toys that any adult and in our time considers it an integral affiliation of a children's subculture, tells us that, perhaps we are mistaken, still filling preschool children's groups and our home children's rooms with plush teddy bear and doll taste. Toys and substituent items, apparently do not have such an explicit developing action to the child's development as objects of everyday human life.

At the same time, Jean Itar observed how often repeated exercises with diagnostic materials actually acts on his student. He, for example, put in his room with silver cups, turned them in front of Victor's eyes and offered to find a nut under one of them. It was a regular test that determines the presentation of the child on the relationship in the surrounding world. "Over time, I replaced edible products to simple items. His interest in this game is not ugas, he learned to quickly find a hidden object. " (Jean Itar. "Report on the first successes of Victor from Auteron. 1801"). Just below, ITAR describes the exercises of his student with the selection of pictures to the appropriate subjects, as well as the imposition of the letters cut from metal on their prints on the cardboard. Exercising with this material, Victor showed the wonders of his capabilities.

All of these descriptions of Itara served for Mary Montessori the most important principle in the organization of the prepared medium and the main method of its pedagogy, so far producing a revolution in the generally accepted views on the education of children. She was told that the didactic materials that she put on the shelves instead of toys do not represent anything new - ordinary items to measure sensitivity. She answered: "My method is that I carry out an experiment with some kind of didactic material and waiting for the direct, spontaneous reaction of the child. This method, indeed, in all respects is similar to the techniques of experimental psychology .... But between those devices and my didactic material - a huge difference. Esteziometers make it possible to measure; My materials, on the contrary, are adapted to exercise a child in his own development. To achieve this pedagogical goal, you need not to tire, but take a child. That is why it is so difficult to choose a suitable didactic material. "

So, it becomes clear to us the main grounds for which a prepared objective environment is created in any children's group working on the principles of Mary Montessori pedagogy - we take psychological tools to diagnose children of one or another age, and do not do it, we turn into a developing didactic material. Then we carry out an experiment, offering it for the free work of children, and choose from all those proposed only those subjects that give positive trend in child development. It is from these subjects, in the end, the optimal version of a specially prepared environment for children of one or another age will take place.

In this case, we are interested in the prepared environment for kids from 1 year to 3 years. The fact is that Maria Montessori, as you know, did not leave a clear description of the situation of such a children's group. There are only separate fragments of records of her ideas about this. The most accurate studies in this direction were conducted and are conducted by American scientists and practitioners. But no one forbids us to join such a job. It seems that any recommendations emanating from the lips of authoritative people in our formation can, and should be subjected to a serious experimental verification and scientific analysis of recorded observations, before being transferred to educational practice and replicate.

From what existing psychological diagnostics today, we can pursue the most accurately choose a standard minimum items, which will fill in a specially prepared environment of the group "Together with Mom" \u200b\u200bfor children from 1 to three years? In Europe, such diagnostics consider Munich functional diagnostics developed by German specialists under the direction of Professor Theodore Helbrüggge. In the children's center, which has been managing this scientist for many years, the method of working with children developed by M. Montessori is widely used. Munich functional diagnosticsit is quite a surround work, but we are now interested in only a small part of it, which refers to children from 1 year to 3 years. In addition, in this case, only those diagnostic parameters are important, which can be determined with the participation of some psychological tools, and not directly observing the behavior of children.

Munich functional diagnosis covers 6 substantive areas of the development of kids: movement, grabbing, perception of relationships, uniting the development of visual and hearing indicative reactions; Understanding speech and active speech, independence and socialization. We are interested in the reaction of the child to interact with those or other items that we set in the space room for classes. The results of the diagnosis show a normal reaction from 50 to 90% of children. Including diagnostic items on a room environment for regular kids, and didactizing them, we assume that this percentage will increase significantly.

Development of common movements (walking)

There are a few steps side along the furniture, keeping with both hands. 9.5 m. - 1 g. 0.5 m.

Climbing one step up (height 12-18 cm). 10.5 m. - 1 year 1.5 m.
Climbing three steps with an appropriate step and keeps with both hands. 1 3.5 m. - 1 g. 8 m.
Going down on three steps down with an appropriate step and keeps with both hands. 1 year 4.5 m. - 1 year 9 m.
It goes down on three steps with an appropriate step and keeps one hand. 1 year 6 m. - 1 g. 11 m.
Rises into two steps with an adult step, keeps one hand. 2 g. 1 m. - 2 g. 8 m.
Locked three steps with an adult step, keeps one hand. 2 G. 5 m. - 3 g. 1 m.
Descends with an adult step to three steps down, without holding. 2, 11 m. - 3 g. 9 m.

It goes and carries the ball with both hands. 1 year 1 m. - 1 g. 5 m.
Beats the ball in the standing position, without holding. 1 g. 5 m. 1 year 10 m.
I catches the ball with a diameter of 15-20 cm from a distance of 2 m. 2 g. 7 m. - 3 g. 4 m.
Cracked on the sofa and from the sofa. 1 year 2 m. - 1 year 6 m.
Locks on a chair and from a chair with an armrest 1 g. 3 m. - 1 g. 7.5 m.

Jumps through the tape (width 10 cm), not hurt. 2, 3 m. - 2 g. 11 m.

Jumps over a sheet of paper width 20 cm, not hurt it. 2 g. 9 m. - 3 g. 7 m.
Rides on a three-wheeled bike and presses the pedals. 2 g. 4 m. - 3 g

Separately, in Munich functional diagnosis, independent actions of the kid associated with the development of the movements of the hand were allocated. As is known, during the infancy, the so-called, myelination of nerve fibers occurs - the process of forming a special substance layer, myelin, around the nerve trunks, which provides more accurate transmission of the impulse, for example, to the hand of a child immediately performing a response effect. This most important process is significantly affected by the development of the child's thinking.

All diagnostic actions included in Munich functional diagnostics require the participation of a special toolkit, that is, a set of objects that helps the child perform this or that action. Some of them are objects of everyday life (for example, pencil and paper), but others should be specially prepared to monitor the actions with them. These are these items and can be dyedactized and delivered to individual shelves or tables in specially trained room for children.

Development of Moves Brush Hands

Throws two balls in the jar. 11 m. 1, 2.5 m.
Draws points or short strokes on paper. 1 year 1, 3.5 m.

Turns the rotating lid of the bottle in different directions. 1 g. 0.5 m. 1 g. 4 m.
Twisted two rings on the pyramid. 1 year 1 m. 1 g. 5 m.
Draws a stroke in all directions. 1, 1.5 m. 1, 5.5 m.
The child holds in every hand on the cube and takes the third with both hands, not dropping the first two (the length of the rib 3 cm). 1 year 2 m. 1 g. 6 m.
Inserts two piles into the holes with a diameter of 20 mm. 1 year 2.5 m 1 g. 4 m.
Inserts a nylon cord with a tip into the ball hole (diameter 27 mm, internal 7 mm). 1 year 3.5 m. 1 g. 8 m.
Draws a stroke with rounded ends in all directions. 1 year 4 m. 1 year 9 m.

Puts two matches in the box, turning them at the same time on 90 ", so that the ends do not protrude. 1 G. 5 m. 1, 10 m.

Two seconds hold two cubes in each hand, the length of the edge is 3 cm. 1 year 6 m. 1 g. 11 m.
Draws a flat spiral with one intersection. 1 7.5 m. 2 g. 1 m.
Spins or unscrew the bottle cover with the lid inserting, keeping the bottle. 1 year 9 m. 2 3 m.

Spin the handle of the music box. 1 year 10 m. 2, 4 m.

Hands on the cord of the ball bead. 1 year 11 m. 2, 6 m.

Spellly draws a round spiral with three twists. 2 2 g. 7 m.

Spins and unscrew the bottle, and takes two crystalline sugar (there is no more). 2 g. 1 m. 2, 8 m.

Builds a tower of eight identical cubes (rib 3 cm), from three attempts. 2 2 m. 2, 10 m.
Makes with scissors two 2 cm wide scissors (paper holds adult paper). 2 g. 4 m. 3 g

Bares the paper by the movement of hands in the opposite sides (to yourself - from ourselves). 2, 5 m. 3 g. 2 m.

Mimics writing movements. 2 g. 6 m. 3 g. 3 m.
Forms a plasticine roller (from the ball). 2 7 m. 3 g. 4 m.
Selects a horizontal line when srinking. 2, 8 m. 3 g. 6 m.
Draws a closed circle. 2 g. 9 m. 3 g. 7 m.

Perception of interconnection

Shows something with a finger. 11.5 m. 1 g. 4 m.
Inserts the smallest cup in the middle (of three). 1 g. 1 g. 5 m.
Places a large circle on the template board (diameter 10 cm). 1 year 1 m. 1 g. 6 m.
Finding an object under one of two cups. 1 year 2 m. 1 g. 7 m.

Turns the bottle to get the subject. 1 year 3 m. 1 g. 8 m.
Inserts all three cups one to one. 1 g. 5 m. 1 g. 11 m.

Pulls the pin and opens constipation on the shutter for the mounted castle. 1 year 6 m. 2

Places a large and small circle on template boards (diameter 10 and 6 cm). 1 year 7 m. 2, 1 m.
Places a square, triangle and a large circle on the template boards. 1 year 9 m. 2 3 m.

Builds a row of five cubes (rib length 3 cm). 1 year 10 m. 2, 4 m.
Inserts 3 of 4 forms into a template box. 1 year 11 m. 2 g. 5 m.
Sorts mug in size (12 circles of three different sizes - 5.5 cm, 8 cm, 11 cm). 2 2 g. 7 m.
Sorts three of four cubes in color. 2 g. 1 m. 2, 8 m.

It places three of the four circles by the correct drawing on the template board. 2 g. 2 m. 2 g. 9 m.
Builds "Bridge" of three cubes according to the sample. 2 g. 4 m. 2, 11 m.
Folds a square of four cubes. 2 6 m. 3 g. 2 m.

We reviewed only the first part of the possible substantive filling of the specially trained environment of the children's group "Together with Mom", working on the principles of Pedagogy M. Montessori. Munich functional diagnostics that we put in the foundation of our constructions include several more extremely important sections. This is an understanding of speech, and its development, and the social behavior of the child, and the degree of independence from the adult.

Munich functional diagnosis of children's development was established at the University of Munich and the Institute of Social Pediatrics, it is used to assess the general psychomotor development of young children.

Development of common movements (walking)
Pulls up in the standing position, relying on the subject, and about

there is a few seconds.

11.5 m.
There are a few steps side along the furniture, keeping with both hands.

1 g. 0.5 m.
It goes when they hold for both hands and takes the body weight.

1 g. 1 m.
Climbing one step up (height 12-18 cm).

1 year 1.5 m.
Going holder.

1 year 2 m.
At least 2 seconds standing freely.

1 year 3 m.
Freely makes 3 steps.

1 year 4 m.
It goes and carries the ball with both hands.

1 g. 5 m.
Bends and something

nimatuet without support for anything.

1 year 5.5 m.
Cracked on the sofa and from the sofa.

1 year 6 m.
Makes three steps back

1 year 7 m.
Climbs on the chair and from the chair with the armrest

1 year 7.5 m.
Rises three steps

and with an appropriate step and keeps with both hands.

1 year 8 m.
Going down on three steps down with an appropriate step and keeps with both hands.

1 year 9 m.
Beats the ball in the standing position, without holding.

1 year 10 m.
Descends for three st

hemps with an appropriate step and keeps one hand.

1 year 11 m.
There are three steps on the socks, without holding.

2 g
It costs three seconds on one leg and keeps one hand.

2 g. 2 m.
There are five steps on the socks, without holding.

2 g. 3 m.
Jumps once in place, not falling.

2 g. 4 m.
Jumps forward, not falling.

2 g. 6 m.
It stands on one leg two seconds, without holding.

2 g. 7 m.
Rises into two steps with an adult step, keeps one hand.

2 g. 8 m.
Jumps through the tape (width 10 cm), not hurt.

2 g. 11 m.
Rides on a three-wheeled bike and presses the pedals.

3 g
Locked three steps with an adult step, keeps one hand.

3 g. 1 m.
Catching the ball with a diameter of 15-20 cm from a distance of 2 m.

3 g. 4 m.
Jumps over a sheet of paper width 20 cm, not hurt it.

3 g. 7 m.
Descends with an adult step to three steps down, without holding.

3 g. 9 m.
Development of Moves Brush Hands
Removes bracelet with hands.

10.5 m.
Horizontally hits the cubes one about the other (the length of the edge is 3 cm).

11 m.
There is enough small subject (crumbs of cookies) elongated index finger and thumb.

11.5 m.
Grabs a little pre

met bent index finger and thumb.

11.5 m.
Rats the machine on the wheels there and here.

1 g. 1 m.
Turns the pages in the book with pictures.

1 year 1.5 m.
Throws two balls in the jar.

1 year 2.5 m.
Draws Points

or short strokes on paper.

1 year 3.5 m.
Turns the rotating lid of the bottle in different directions.

1 year 4 m.
Twisted two rings on the pyramid.

1 g. 5 m.
Draws a stroke in all directions.

1 year 5.5 m.
Child D.

ruses in each hand on the cube and takes the third with both hands without dropping the first first (the length of the edge is 3 cm).

1 year 6 m.
Inserts two piles into the holes with a diameter of 20 mm.

1 year 4 m.
Inserts a nylon cord with a tip in a ball hole

(diameter 27 mm, internal 7 mm).

1 year 8 m.
Draws a stroke with rounded ends in all directions.

1 year 9 m.
Puts two matches in the box, turning them at the same time on 90 ', so that the ends do not protrude.

1 year 10 m.
Two se

und holds two cubes in each hand, the length of the edge is 3 cm.

1 year 11 m.
Draws a flat spiral with one intersection.

2 g. 1 m.
Spins or unscrew the bottle cover with the lid inserting, keeping the bottle.

2 g. 3 m.

watch the handle of the music box.

2 g. 4 m.
Hands on the cord of the ball bead.

2 g. 6 m.
Spellly draws a round spiral with three twists.

2 g. 7 m.
Spins and unscrew the bottle, and takes two crystals of sugar (no more there

2 g. 8 m.
Builds a tower of eight identical cubes (rib 3 cm), from three attempts.

2, 10 m.
Makes with scissors two 2 cm wide scissors (paper holds adult paper).

3 g
Breaks the paper movement in n

overall sides (to themselves - from themselves).

3 g. 2 m.
Mimics writing movements.

3 g. 3 m.
Forms a plasticine roller (from the ball).

3 g. 4 m.
Selects a horizontal line when srinking.

3 g. 6 m.

closed circle.

3 g. 7 m.
Perception of interconnection
Finding an object under a cup.

11 m.
Shows the index finger to the specified direction.

1 g.
Tighters the toy for the cord.

1 g. 1 m.
Puts the lid on the jar.

1 year 2 m.
Inserts the smallest cup in the largest (of three).

1 year 2.5 m.
Tries to draw a pencil.

1 year 3 m.
Shows something with a finger.

1 year 4 m.
Inserts the smallest cup in the middle (of three)

1 g. 5 m.
Places a large circle on the template board (diameter 10 cm).

1 year 6 m.
Finding an object under one of two cups.

1 year 7 m.
Turns the bottle to get the subject.

1 year 8 m.
Inserts all three with

akanchik one in one.

1 year 11 m.
Pulls the pin and opens constipation on the shutter for the mounted castle.

2 g
Places a large and small circle on template boards (diameter 10 and 6 cm).

2 g. 1 m.
Places on template boards to

adrat, triangle and big circle.

2 g. 3 m.
Builds a row of five cubes (rib length 3 cm).

2 g. 4 m.
Inserts 3 of 4 forms into a template box.

2 g. 5 m.
Sorts mug in magnitude (12 circles of three different pieces

oV - 5.5 cm, 8 cm, 11 cm).

2 g. 7 m.
Sorts three of four cubes in color.

2 g. 8 m.
It places three of the four circles by the correct drawing on the template board.

2 g. 9 m.
Builds "Bridge" of three cubes according to the sample.

2 g. 11 m.
Folds a square of four cubes.

3 g. 2 m.
Copies sounds, such as vibration with lips, clicking.

11 m.
Says double syllables, for example, Ma-Ma, give, let's do without meaning.

1 g.
Says Double

or single syllables with a value.

1 g. 1 m.
Expresses the desires with certain sounds, saying, for example: "er!"

1 year 1.5 m.
Uses "Dad" or "Mom" for people.

1 year 2.5 m.
Says two meaningful words.

1 year 3 m.

iT three meaningful words.

1 year 4.5 m.
Sens together with someone or children's songs.

1 year 6 m.
Says a meaningful word with two different vowel sounds, for example: "Kisa".

1 year 7 m.
Calls a familiar subject in response to question

1 year 9 m.
Expresses wishes with words, such as: "Give", "AM-AM".

1 year 9 m.
Repeats a familiar word.

1 year 11 m.
It can verbally reject requests.

2 g. 1 m.
Says the first offers from two words for children

comban, for example: "dad machine".

2 g. 2 m.
Calls eight of the twelve objects on test pictures "A".

2 g. 4 m.
Uses your name when talks about yourself.

2 g. 7 m.
Says the first offers from three words on

uTK, for example: "dad machine to go."

2 g. 8 m.
Calls all items on 12 test pictures "A".

2 g. 9 m.
Speaks about herself in "I" -form.

2, 10 m.
Says the first sentence out of four words in child language.

3 g
Uses the numerical two to indicate several items.

3 g. 2 m.
Uses the word "me" or "to you."

3 g. 3 m.
Calls the items on one of the test pictures "C" in the plural.

3 g. 5 m.

rita is the first meaningful sentence of five words in kinderglass (not replay).

3 g. 6 m.
Uses the question: "Why?" (The answer is not always needed).

3 g. 8 m.
At the request of an adult repeats one of the proposals consisting of five words.

3 g. 9 m.
He says the first meaningful sentence from six words in kinderglass (not replay).

4 g
Two adjectives find the words opposite by value (in context).

4 g. 3 m.
Understanding speech
Looking for a father or mother if they ask "Dad" or "Mom".

11 m.
Turns when parents call his name.

11.5 m.
Reacts to praise or prohibitions.

1 g. 0.5 m.
Performs requests "Come here" or "give me".

1 year 2 m.
If you ask, looking for

sMM with whom just played.

1 year 3 m.
In response to the question of looking for food, your bottle or a cup.

1 year 4 m.
Properly shows or sends a view of a part of the body.

1 g. 5 m.
Understands the word "open" and opens the bank.

1 year 6 m.
Properly shows or sends a look into two of the four test pictures "A"

1 year 7 m.
Properly shows or sends a look at your stomach (the stomach of another person, the stomach dolls).

1 year 8 m.
Performs request

"Raise a doll, and put it on the table."

1 year 9 m.
Rightly shows or directs a view of any of the eight test pictures "A".

1 year 11 m.
Properly shows or sends a view of three parts of the body.

2 g

bLO shows or sends a look at eight out of 12 test pictures "A" (three pictures are presented simultaneously with the subsequent replacement of one).

2 g. 1 m.
Understands the word "cold", indicates cold items or calls them.

2 g. 3 m.
Understands the word "big", in response to a request takes a big ball (of two).

2 g. 4 m.
Shows or looks at her hand.

2 g. 5 m.
Understands the word "heavy", shows a heavy item.

2 g. 7 m.

two types of movement on test pictures "A" (Bird, fish - flies, floats).

2 g. 8 m.
He understands two of the four prepositions, the adverbs (on, under, nearby, for / behind).

2 g. 9 m.
Understands two questions: "What are you doing with a spoon? (comb, with chashko

2 g. 11 m.
Understands the word "light", takes a light item.

3 g
Understands two questions out of three: "What are you doing when you're tired? (hungry, dirty). "

3 g. 1 m.
In response to the question, shows its chin.

3 g. 3 m.
Knows boy he or girl.

3 g. 7 m.
Shows twice correctly on the longest of three lines.

3 g. 9 m.
Social development
May reject the request of the protest.

11 m.
In response to a request gives the mother subject

1 g. 0.5 m.
Mimics one gesture, for example: Flawing in your hands or does "yet".

1 year 1.5 m.
Caresses a doll or a soft toy.

1 year 2.5 m.
Katits the ball with an adult.

1 year 3.5 m.
Imites the types of home activity, for example

p, wiping or sweeping.

1 year 4.5 m.
Helps to remove toys.

1 g. 5 m.
Sometimes comes with a book with pictures to show it to him.

1 year 7 m.
Performs simple orders around the house.

1 year 8 m.

for a short period of time, familiar (15 minutes).

1 year 9 m.
Himself throws garbage in the trash can.

1 year 11 m.
Watchingly plays with peers in the catchy.

2 g
Spontaneously rises a doll or a soft toy (feed, uk

adjusts, etc.).

2 g. 2 m.
Tries to console if someone is sad.

2 g. 3 m.
Verbually expresses feelings.

2 g. 7 m.
Expresses a desire to "I" -form.

2, 10 m.
Adheres the rules of the game: "Once" I ", once

3 g
Tightens the hat from the head.

10.5 m.
Takes pieces of bread and eats them.

11 m.
Drinking from a glass, not shedding if the glass is kept.

1 g.
Dressing tries to help their own movements.

1 year 1.5 m.
He himself removes unbuttoned shoes.

1 year 3 m.
Himself holds a glass when drinking.

1 year 4.5 m.
Compensates a filled spoon to mouth (it is allowed to get dirty).

1 year 6 m.
Sometimes eats fork.

1 year 7 m.

beth from a cup.

1 year 8 m.
Trete hands under the jet of water.

1 year 9 m.
A spoon eats part of the contents of the plate (can be swapped).

1 year 10 m.
Mixes a teaspoon in a third cup filled with a third, does not shed liquid

fly through the edge.

1 year 11 m.
Surface wipes with a towel.

2 g. 1 m.
Removes unbuttoned jacket.

2 g. 2 m.
Interested in adult secretion.

2 g. 3 m.
Eats the contents of the plate with a spoon, stained with

all a little bit.

2 g. 4 m.
Removes lower shirt, sleeveless.

2 g. 6 m.
Putting boots or shoes.

2 g. 7 m.
It puts on lower shirt, sleeveless.

2 g. 7 m.
My hands with soap and wipes them with a towel.

2 g. 7 m.
He himself unbuilds big buttons.

2 g. 11 m.
Sometimes it remains dry during the day.

3 g. 1 m.
It remains dry during dinner sleep.

3 g. 2 m.
During the day, as a rule, dry and clean.

3 g. 5 m.

m clothes pants.

3 g. 6 m.
As a rule, dry at night.

3 g. 9 m.
Fully dressed under the guidance.

Found on one site. Very interesting diagnosis. Many letters.

It is used to evaluate the total psychomotor development of young children.

Development of common movements (walking)

Tightened in the standing position, relying on the subject, and remains for a few seconds. 9 months - 11.5 m.

There are a few steps side along the furniture, keeping with both hands. 9.5 m. - 1 g. 0.5 m.

It goes when they hold for both hands and takes the body weight. 10 m. - 1 g. 1 m.

Climbing one step up (height 12-18 cm). 10.5 m. - 1 year 1.5 m.

Going holder. 11 m. - 1 g. 2 m.

At least 2 seconds standing freely. 11.5 m. - 1 g. 3 m.

Freely makes 3 steps. 1 G. 0.5 m. - 1 g. 4 m.

It goes and carries the ball with both hands. 1 year 1 m. - 1 g. 5 m.

Bends and something raises without support for anything. 1, 1.5 m. - 1 g. 5.5 m.

Cracked on the sofa and from the sofa. 1 year 2 m. - 1 year 6 m.

Makes three steps with back 1, 2.5 m. - 1 g. 7 m.

Locks on a chair and from a chair with an armrest 1 g. 3 m. - 1 g. 7.5 m.

Climbing three steps with an appropriate step and keeps with both hands. 1 3.5 m. - 1 g. 8 m.

Going down on three steps down with an appropriate step and keeps with both hands. 1, 4.5 m. -1 g. 9 m.

Beats the ball in the standing position, without holding. 1 g. 5 m. - 1 year 10 m.

It goes down on three steps with an appropriate step and keeps one hand. 1 year 6 m. - 1 g. 11 m.

There are three steps on the socks, without holding. 1 year 7 m. - 2 g

It costs three seconds on one leg and keeps one hand. 1 year 8 m. - 2 g. 2 m.

There are five steps on the socks, without holding. 1 year 9 m. - 2 g. 3 m.

Jumps once in place, not falling. 1 year 10 m. - 2 g. 4 m.

Jumps forward, not falling. 1 year 11 m. - 2 g. 6 m.

It stands on one leg two seconds, without holding. 2 g. - 2 g. 7 m.

Rises into two steps with an adult step, keeps one hand. 2 g. 1 m. - 2 g. 8 m.

Jumps through the tape (width 10 cm), not hurt. 2, 3 m. - 2 g. 11 m.

Rides on a three-wheeled bike and presses the pedals. 2 g. 4 m. - 3 g

Locked three steps with an adult step, keeps one hand. 2 G. 5 m. - 3 g. 1 m.

I catches the ball with a diameter of 15-20 cm from a distance of 2 m. 2 g. 7 m. - 3 g. 4 m.

Jumps over a sheet of paper width 20 cm, not hurt it. 2 g. 9 m. - 3 g. 7 m.

Descends with an adult step to three steps down, without holding. 2, 11 m. - 3 g. 9 m.

Development of Moves Brush Hands

Removes bracelet with hands. 8 m. - 10.5 m.

Horizontally hits the cubes one about the other (the length of the edge is 3 cm). 8.5 m. - 11 m.

There is enough small subject (crumbs of cookies) elongated index finger and thumb. 9 m. - 11.5 m.

There is enough small item bent index finger and thumb. 9.5 m. - 11.5 m.

Rats the machine on the wheels there and here. 10 m. - 1 g. 1 m.

Turns the pages in the book with pictures. 10.5 m. - 1 year 1.5 m.

Throws two balls in the jar. 11 m. - 1 year 2.5 m.

Draws points or short strokes on paper. 1 G. -1. 3.5 m.

Turns the rotating lid of the bottle in different directions. 1 G. 0.5 m. - 1 g. 4 m.

Twisted two rings on the pyramid. 1 year 1 m. - 1 g. 5 m.

Draws a stroke in all directions. 1, 1.5 m. - 1 g. 5.5 m.

The child holds in every hand on the cube and takes the third with both hands, not dropping the first two (the length of the rib 3 cm). 1 year 2 m. - 1 year 6 m.

Inserts two piles into the holes with a diameter of 20 mm. 1 2.5 m - 1 g. 4 m.

Inserts a nylon cord with a tip into the ball hole (diameter 27 mm, internal 7 mm). 1 3.5 m. - 1 g. 8 m.

Draws a stroke with rounded ends in all directions. 1 year 4 m. - 1 year 9 m.

Puts two matches in the box, turning them at the same time on 90 ', so that the ends do not protrude. 1 g. 5 m. - 1 year 10 m.

Two seconds hold two cubes in each hand, the length of the edge is 3 cm. 1 g. 6 m. - 1 g. 11 m.

Draws a flat spiral with one intersection. 1 7.5 m. - 2 g. 1 m.

Spins or unscrew the bottle cover with the lid inserting, keeping the bottle. 1 year 9 m. - 2 g. 3 m.

Spin the handle of the music box. 1 year 10 m. - 2 g. 4 m.

Hands on the cord of the ball bead. 1 year 11 m. - 2 g. 6 m.

Spellly draws a round spiral with three twists. 2 g. - 2 g. 7 m.

Spins and unscrew the bottle, and takes two crystalline sugar (there is no more). 2 g. 1 m. - 2 g. 8 m.

Builds a tower of eight identical cubes (rib 3 cm), from three attempts. 2 2 m. - 2 g. 10 m.

Makes with scissors two 2 cm wide scissors (paper holds adult paper). 2 g. 4 m. - 3 g

Bares the paper by the movement of hands in the opposite sides (to yourself - from ourselves). 2 g. 5 m. - 3 g. 2 m.

Mimics writing movements. 2 G. 6 m. - 3 g. 3 m.

Forms a plasticine roller (from the ball). 2, 7 m. - 3 g. 4 m.

Selects a horizontal line when srinking. 2 G. 8 m. - 3 g. 6 m.

Draws a closed circle. 2 g. 9 m. - 3 g. 7 m.

Perception of interconnection

Finding an object under a cup. 8 m. - 11 m.

Shows the index finger to the specified direction. 9 m. - 1 g.

Tighters the toy for the cord. 9.5 m. -1 g. 1 m.

Puts the lid on the jar. 10 m. - 1 g. 2 m.

Inserts the smallest cup in the largest (of three). 10.5 m. - 1 year 2.5 m.

Tries to draw a pencil. 11 m. - 1 g. 3 m.

Shows something with a finger. 11.5 m. -1 g. 4 m.

Inserts the smallest cup in the middle (of three). 1 year - 1 g. 5 m.

Places a large circle on the template board (diameter 10 cm). 1 year 1 m. - 1 year 6 m.

Finding an object under one of two cups. 1 year 2 m. - 1 g. 7 m.

Turns the bottle to get the subject. 1 year 3 m. - 1 g. 8 m.

Inserts all three cups one to one. 1 g. 5 m. -1 G. 11 m.

Pulls the pin and opens constipation on the shutter for the mounted castle. 1 year 6 m - 2 g

Places a large and small circle on template boards (diameter 10 and 6 cm). 1 year 7 m. - 2 g. 1 m.

Places a square, triangle and a large circle on the template boards. 1 year 9 m. - 2 g. 3 m.

Builds a row of five cubes (rib length 3 cm). 1 year 10 m. - 2 g. 4 m.

Inserts 3 of 4 forms into a template box. 1 year 11 m. - 2 g. 5 m.

Sorts mug in size (12 circles of three different sizes - 5.5 cm, 8 cm, 11 cm). 2 g. - 2 g. 7 m.

Sorts three of four cubes in color. 2 g. 1 m. -2 G. 8 m.

It places three of the four circles by the correct drawing on the template board. 2 g. 2 m. - 2 g. 9 m.

Builds "Bridge" of three cubes according to the sample. 2, 4 m. - 2 g. 11 m.

Folds a square of four cubes. 2 G. 6 m. - 3 g. 2 m.


Copies sounds, such as vibration with lips, clicking. 8 m. 11 m.

Says double syllables, for example, Ma-Ma, give, let's do without meaning. 8.5 m. - 1 g.

Speaks dual or single syllables with meaning. 9.5 m. - 1 g. 1 m.

Expresses the desires with certain sounds, saying, for example: "er!" 10 m. - 1 year 1.5 m.

Uses "Dad" or "Mom" for people. 10.5 m. - 1 year 2.5 m.

Says two meaningful words. 11 m. - 1 g. 3 m.

Says three meaningful words. 1 G. - 1, 4.5 m.

Sens together with someone or children's songs. 1 year 1 m. - 1 year 6 m.

Says a meaningful word with two different vowel sounds, for example: "Kisa". 1 year 2 m. -1 G. 7 m.

Call a familiar subject in response to the question. 1 year 3 m. - 1 year 9 m.

Expresses wishes with words, such as: "Give", "AM-AM". 1 year 4 m. - 1 year 9 m.

Repeats a familiar word. 1 G. 5 m. - 1 g. 11 m.

It can verbally reject requests. 1 year 6 m. - 2 g. 1 m.

Says the first offers from two words in kindergage, for example: "dad car". 1 year 7 m. - 2 g. 2 m.

Calls eight of the twelve objects on test pictures "A". 1 year 8 m. - 2 g. 4 m.

Uses your name when talks about yourself. 1 year 10 m. - 2 g. 7 m.

Says the first offers from three words in kindergarten, for example: "dad car ride." 1 year 11 m. - 2 g. 8 m.

Calls all items on 12 test pictures "A". 2 - 2 g. 9 m.

Speaks about herself in "I" -form. 2 g. 1 m. - 2 g. 10 m.

Says the first sentence out of four words in child language. 2 2 m. - 3 g

Uses the numerical two to indicate several items. 2 g. 3 m. - 3 g. 2 m.

Uses the word "me" or "to you." 2, 4 m. - 3 g. 3 m.

Calls the items on one of the test pictures "C" in the plural. 2 g. 5 m. - 3 g. 5 m.

Says the first meaningful sentence out of five words in child language (not replay). 2 6 m. - 3 g. 6 m.

Uses the question: "Why?" (The answer is not always needed). 2 G. 7 m. - 3 g. 8 m.

At the request of an adult repeats one of the proposals consisting of five words. 2 g. 8 m. - 3 g. 9 m.

He says the first meaningful sentence from six words in kinderglass (not replay). 2, 10 m. - 4 g.

Two adjectives find the words opposite by value (in context). 3 g. - 4 g. 3 m.

Understanding speech

Looking for a father or mother if they ask "Dad" or "Mom". 8 m. - 11 m.

Turns when parents call his name. 8.5 m. - 11.5 m.

Reacts to praise or prohibitions. 9.5 g. - 1 g. 0.5 m.

Performs requests "Come here" or "give me". 10.5 m. - 1 g. 2 m.

If you ask, looking for the item with whom just played. 11 m. - 1 g. 3 m.

In response to the question of looking for food, your bottle or a cup. 1 g. - 1 year 4 m.

Properly shows or sends a view of a part of the body. 1 year 1 m. - 1 g. 5 m.

Understands the word "open" and opens the bank. 1, 1.5 m. - 1 year 6 m.

Properly shows or sends a look into two of the four test pictures "A" 1 G. 2 m. - 1 g. 7 m.

Properly shows or sends a look at your stomach (the stomach of another person, the stomach dolls). 1 year 3 m. - 1 g. 8 m.

Performs a request "raise a doll, and put it on the table." 1 year 3.5 m. 1 year 9 m.

Rightly shows or directs a view of any of the eight test pictures "A". 1 G. 5 m. - 1 g. 11 m.

Properly shows or sends a view of three parts of the body. 1 year 6 m - 2 g

Properly shows or guides a look at eight of the 12 test pictures "A" (presented the pictures simultaneously with the subsequent replacement of one). 1 year 7 m. - 2 g. 1 m.

Understands the word "cold", indicates cold items or calls them. 1 year 8 m. - 2 g. 3 m.

Understands the word "big", in response to a request takes a big ball (of two). 1 year 9 m. - 2 g. 4 m.

Shows or looks at her hand. 1 year 10 m. - 2 g. 5 m.

Understands the word "heavy", shows a heavy item. 1 year 11 m. - 2 g. 7 m.

Recognizes two types of movement on test pictures "A" (Bird, Fish - flies, floats). 2 - 2 g. 8 m.

He understands two of the four prepositions, the adverbs (on, under, nearby, for / behind). 2, 1 m. - 2 g. 9 m.

Understands two questions: "What are you doing with a spoon? (Commercial, with a cup) ". 2 2 m. - 2 g. 11 m.

Understands the word "light", takes a light item. 2 g. 3 m. - 3 g

Understands two questions out of three: "What are you doing when you're tired? (hungry, dirty). " 2 g. 4 m. - 3 g. 1 m.

In response to the question, shows its chin. 2 g. 5 m. - 3 g. 3 m.

Knows boy he or girl. 2, 8 m. - 3 g. 7 m.

Shows twice correctly on the longest of three lines. 2, 10 m. -3 g. 9 m.

Social development

May reject the request of the protest. 8 m. - 11 m.

In response to a request gives the mother subject. 9 m. - 1 g. 0.5 m.

Mimics one gesture, for example: Flawing in your hands or does "yet". 10 m. - 1 year 1.5 m.

Caresses a doll or a soft toy. 11 m. - 1 year 2.5 m.

Katits the ball with an adult. 11.5 m. - 1 year 3.5 m.

Imprints of domestic activities, such as wiping or sweeping. 1 0.5 m. -1 g. 4.5 m.

Helps to remove toys. 1 year 1 m. - 1 g. 5 m.

Sometimes comes with a book with pictures to show it to him. 1, 2.5 m. - 1 g. 7 m.

Performs simple orders around the house. 1 year 3 m. - 1 g. 8 m.

It remains for a short period of time at the acquaintances (15 minutes). 1 year 4 m. - 1 year 9 m.

Himself throws garbage in the trash can. 1 G. 5 m. - 1 g. 11 m.

Watchingly plays with peers in the catchy. 1 year 6 m - 2 g

Spontaneously rises a doll or a soft toy (feed, stacked, etc.). 1 year 7 m. - 2 g. 2 m.

Tries to console if someone is sad. 1 year 8 m. - 2 g. 3 m.

Verbually expresses feelings. 1 year 11 m. - 2 g. 7 m.

Expresses a desire to "I" -form. 2 g. 1 m. - 2 g. 10 m.

The rules of the game adheres to: "Once" I ", once" You "!". 2 g. 3 m. - 3 g


Tightens the header from the head of 7.5 m. - 10.5 m.

Takes pieces of bread and eats them 8.5 m - 11 m.

Drinking from a glass, not shedding if the glass holds 9 m. - 1 g.

Dressing tries to help their own movements 10 m. - 1 year 1.5 m.

Itself removes unbuttoned shoes 11 m. - 1 g. 3 m.

He himself holds a glass when drinking 1 year - 1 g. 4.5 m.

Compensates a filled spoon to mouth (it is allowed to get dirty) 1 g. 1 m. -1 G. 6 m.

Sometimes it eats for a fork 1 g. 2 m. - 1 g. 7 m.

Self drinks from the cup 1 year 2.5 m. - 1 g. 8 m.

Trete hands under the jet of water 1 g. 3 m. - 1 g. 9 m.

A spoon eats a part of the contents of the plate (dyeing may) 1 g. 4 m. - 1 year 10 m.

Stirms a teaspoon in a third cup filled with a third, while the liquid does not shed 1 g. 5 m. - 1 g. 11 m.

Superficially wipes his hands with a towel 1 g. 6 m. - 2 g. 1 m.

Removes an unbuttoned jacket 1 year 7 m. - 2 g. 2 m.

Interested in the secretion of adults 1 g. 8 m. - 2 g. 3 m.

Eats the contents of the plate with a spoon, staining quite a little bit of 1 g. 9 m. - 2 g. 4 m.

Removes lower shirt, sleeveless 1 year 10 m. - 2 g. 6 m.

It puts on boots or shoes 1 g. 11 m. - 2 g. 7 m.

It puts on lower shirt, sleeveless 2 G. -2 G. 7 m.

She washes her hands with soap and wipes them with a towel 2 g. - 2 g. 7 m.

He himself unbuilds large buttons 2 g. 2 m. - 2 g. 11 m.

Sometimes it remains dry during the day 2 g. 3 m. - 3 g. 1 m.

It remains dry during dinner sleep 2 g. 4 m. - 3 g. 2 m.

During the day, as a rule, dry and clean 2 g. 6 m. - 3 g. 5 m.

He himself dresses pants 2 g. 7 m. - 3 g. 6 m.

As a rule, dry at night 2 g. 9 m. - 3 g. 9 m.

Fully dressed under the direction of 3 g. - 4 g. 1 m.


DIAGNOSTICS / Diagnostic tools / Early children from risk group / Dynamic observation of children / Development Monitoring Diagnostics / Diagnostic Tool / Younger Children At Risk / DYNAMIC OBSERVATION OF CHILDREN / Monitoring Development.

annotation scientific article on health sciences, author of scientific work - Bondarkova Julia Alekseevna

The article is devoted to the problem of choosing adequate diagnostic tools To study the development of young children in risk. The article summarizes the existing material on the topic under study and shows the experience of approbation of one of the psychometric scales. Dynamic observation of children With perinatal defeat of the central nervous system, it allowed us to assess the features of their development through Munich functional diagnostics. The article describes the procedure for conducting diagnostics in two groups of children: from prosperous families and living with mothers in crisis centers. Based on the analysis of the data obtained, the profiles of the development of children were drawn, in which the variants of the combination of broken and saved functions are presented. The goal of the work is to show the possibilities of the Munich scale to study the dynamic changes in the development of children from birth to two years. The results indicate that such a diagnostic method will be interesting to specialists of the psychological and pedagogical and medical profile, working in clinics, ambulance, medical and psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation centers, early development centers. Munich functional diagnostics is a guide for the assignment of therapy and allows you to coordinate all rehabilitation activities, taking into account development, therefore is an effective tool for monitoring early child development.

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The article Is Devuted to the Choice of Proper Diagnostic Tool for the Investigation of Development of Young Children of AT-Risk Groups. The Article Generalizes The Existing Material On The Topic Under Study and Presents Experience of AppOs of One of the Psychometric Scales. Their dYNAMIC OBSERVATION OF CHILDREN With Perinatal Lesion of Central Nervous System Allows The Author to Estimate The Peculiarities of the Munich Functional Diagnostics by Means of the Munich Functional Diagnostics. The article Describes The Procedure of Diagnostics Implementation In 2 Groups of Children (One Group of Children From Non-Problematic Families, Another Group of Children Living with Mothers in Crisis Centers). On The Basis of Analysis Of the Received Data, The Author Draws Children Development Profiles Which Present Violants of Combinations of Violated and Intact Functions. The Objective of The Study Is to Demonstrate The Possibilities of the Munich Scale for Investigation of the Children Development Dynamic Changes from Their Birth Till The Age of Two Yearrs. The Results Show That This Diagnostic Method Could Be Interesting to Specialists Working In Psychology, Medicine, In Pedagogical Spheres, In Clinics, Dispensaries, In Psychological and Pedagogical Rehabilitation Centers, And Centers of Early Development. The Munich Functional Diagnostics IS A Guide Which Helps to Choose A Proper Therapy and Allows Coordinating All Rehabilitation Measures Taking Into Account Children Development; Therafore IT IS An Efficective Tool for Monitoring Early Cellhood Development.

Text of scientific work on the topic "The role of Munich diagnostics to assess dynamic changes in the development of young children"

UDC 61.6-07: 376.42: 376.37-053 "465.00 / .06"

BBK C455.091 + C457.091 + Y991.1 GSNTI 14.29.21 Code of WAK 19.00.10; 13.00.03 Yu. A. Bondarjova Y. A. Bondar "Kova Moscow, Russia Moscow, Russia

The role of Munich diagnostics to assess the dynamic changes in the development of young children

The Role of Munich Diagnostics for the Assessment of Developmental Changes of Young Children

Annotation. The article is devoted to the problem of choosing adequate diagnostic tools to study the development of young risk children. The article summarizes the existing material on the topic under study and shows the experience of approbation of one of the psychometric scales. Dynamic observation of children with perinatal defeat of the central nervous system allowed us to assess the features of their development through Munich functional diagnostics.

The article describes the procedure for conducting diagnostics in two groups of children: from prosperous families and living with mothers in crisis centers. Based on the analysis of the data obtained, the profiles of the development of children were drawn, in which the variants of the combination of broken and saved functions are presented. The purpose of the work is to show the possibilities of the Munich scale to study the dynamic changes in the development of children from birth to two years.

The results indicate that such a diagnostic method will be interesting to specialists of the psychological and pedagogical and medical profile, working in clinics, ambulance, medical and psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation centers, early development centers. Munich functional diagnostics is a guide for assigned

ABSTRACT. The article Is Devuted to the Choice of Proper Diagnostic Tool for the Investigation of Development of Young Children of AT-Risk Groups. The Article Generalizes The Existing Material On The Topic Under Study and Presents Experience of AppOs of One of the Psychometric Scales. The Dynamic Observation of Children with Perinatal Lesion of Central Nervous System Allows The Author to Estimate The Peculiarities of the Munich Functional Diagnostics.

The article Describes The Procedure of Diagnostics Implementation In 2 Groups of Children (One Group of Children From Non-Problematic Families, Another Group of Children Living with Mothers in Crisis Centers). On The Basis of Analysis Of the Received Data, The Author Draws Children Development Profiles Which Present Violants of Combinations of Violated and Intact Functions. The Objective of The Study Is to Demonstrate The Possibilities of the Munich Scale for Investigation of the Children Development Dynamic Changes from their Birth Till The Age of Two Years.

The Results Show That This Diagnostic Method Could Be Interesting to Specialists Working In Psychology, Medicine, In Pedagogical Spheres, In Clinics, Dispensaries, In Psychological and Pedagogical Rehabilitation Centers, And Centers of Early Development. The Munich Functional Diagnostics IS A Guide Which Helps to Choose A Proper Therapy and Allows Coordinating All Rehabil

therapy and allows coordinity-itation Measures Taking ITOCOUNT chil-to grow all rehabilitation measures; Therefore IT IS An EFFEC-Entertainment Taking into account the development, so the Tive Tool for Monitoring Early Childhood is an effective tool for MODVELOPMENT. Natureing early child development.

Keywords: diagnostics; Key Words: Diagnostics, Diagnostic Diagnostic tools; Children Tool, Young Children At Risk, Dynamic Ob early age from a risk group; Di- Servation of Children, Monitoring Developal Children's Surveillance; Monizent. Toring development.

Place of work: Moscow City Place of Employment: Moscow City Rosary Psychological Pedagogical Psychologyal-Pedagogical University. University.

Contact information: 127041, Moscow, ul. Sretenka, d. 29.

E-mail: [Email Protected]

Humanization of the relationship of society to persons with special health opportunities dates back to social changes in society, which have been possible due to the development of medicine, philosophy, psychology in Europe and America. In Russia at the end of the XIX century. Humanitarian ideas also contributed to the emergence of parental and professional public associations, popular periodicals on maternity and childhood issues, first books in early age. The further history of systematic observation records for its own children has prepared the soil for the emergence of the scientific stage in the psychology and pedagogy of early childhood.

Domestic science for the XX century. Spent many fundamental theories of development: issues of the syncreicity of psychomotor development at an early age (L. S. Vygotsky, © Bondarjova Yu, 2016

A. V. Zaporozhets, OE Smirnova, D. B. Elkonin), the role of activities in the development of the child and leading activities at an early age (L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev, M. I. Lisin, D. B . Elkonin), the roles and development of communication at an early age (M. I. Lisin and her students, D. B. El-Konin).

Given the experience of Western countries to create psychometric scales for the development of infants (Table of Development A. Gezella, 1925; Menantal Development Scale R. Griffiths, 1954; N. Bailey scale, 1969; Denver Screening Test, 1973; Munich Functional Diagnostics, 1975-1979) , Domestic psychodiagnostics also developed practical issues of diagnosis of psychomotor development of young children (G. V. Pan-Tuhin, K. L. Pechora, E. L. Frucht, L. T. Zhurba and E. M. Mastjukova, O. V. Bazhenova, G. V. Kozlovskaya, E. A. Strebelieva, E. O. Smirnova, M. L. Danaykin). In Russia, a number of scientific research was carried out in this direction, summarizing practical information (I. Yu. Levchenko, E. F. Arkhipov, O. G. Prikhodko, Yu. A. Venaskova, etc.).

Currently, early assistance is considered as one of the areas of the innovation direction in the field of education. The result of studying the experience of a number of budgetary educational organizations carrying out the maintenance of young children in the central cities and regions of Russia, the scientific activity of a number of centers and institutes is the project of the concept of early assistance to children with risk and disability to children, children, prepared in October 2015. with genetic disorders and accompanying families with such children. The first of the stated concept goals is the early detection of risks and developmental disorders in children from birth to 3 years.

recently, interest in the problems of early diagnosis of developmental disorders in children has strengthened, since this stage is a starting point for rehabilitation activities. Today, the diagnosis of early children's children as a way to study is applied in the scientific and practical purposes of doctors, specialists of the psychological and pedagogical profile in clinics, ambulatory, medical and psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation centers, early development centers.

The study of the practice of an early aid shows that often the specialists face the choice of adequate diagnostic tools for a certain contingent of children. Nowadays, children with perinatal pathology are a large proportion of children, the development of which from early age is characterized by an unfavorable current. In this case, they do not always have serious neuropsychiatric diseases or total deviations in development, often in development indicators, they occupy an intermediate position between the norm and pathology, demonstrate a development option close to normal or detained at the rate of formation of one or more functions. Part of children of this category with non-heightened effects of perinatal pathology can be attributed to the risk group. These children usually fall into those children, whose development is especially vulnerable due to the critical situation in which they are due to internal factors (biological) or external (social, different malicious circumstances), and represents a wide range of possible options - from Inva-Lidz to erased manifestations of developmental disorders. In some cases, in the presence of an unfinished picture of the disease, there is a risk of late provision of the family with the necessary assistance to specialists both medical and psychological and pedagogical profile.

Special education. 2016. No. 1.

In the study we held 52 families who raising children risk groups of the first-second year of life participated. In the clinic, we have observed 24 children living mainly (95%) in full families in satisfactory conditions. The age of mothers of this group ranges from 20 to 45 years, all mothers have higher education, two mothers-secondary. In crisis centers, the study included 28 children raising mothers who fell into a difficult life situation, among them the majority of minor mothers who do not have a certificate of full secondary education, several of them learn from college. All children - research participants have an early organic defeat of the central nervous system, which revealed during the analysis of medical records.

To assess the characteristics of the development of children, the observation method and the psychometric method - Munich functional diagnosis of development, which provides for a differentiated assessment of psychomotor development (IFTR).

This diagnosis was developed at the University of Munich, at the Institute of Social Pediatrics, a group of specialists under the direction of Professor, Doctor of Medicine T. Helbruggue as a result of many years of experience in observing babies, including in terms of deprivation.

The diagnosis was formed as part of a socio-pediatric concept as a result of cooperation between pediatricians and child psychologists in the interests of the child and implies a single terminological apparatus, practical interaction of specialists. There are many years of experience in applying diagnostics not only in the Munich Children's Center specializing in early diagnosis and therapy of violations and developmental delays, but also in the practice of other countries: there are subsidiary centers in Germany and around the world, including in Russia (Kazan) .

The diagnosis is based on the division into eight functional areas: crawling, seating, walking, grabbing, perception, speaking, understanding of speech and social behavior. The task of this diagnosis is not to determine the age of general development of the child, and to find out its development on specific functional areas, on the basis of which therapeutic conclusions can be made. It applies categorical estimation, i.e. drawing attention to whether the task was fulfilled or not. The result of the assessment is expressed in months.

Since the diagnosis proceeds from the lower limit indicators, it is necessary to pay attention to each deviation down from chronological age. Delay by more than 1 month in the first year of life is significant. Functional areas are diagnosed by the methods of observing

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or provocative reaction or provocation. If necessary, a mother or a close person is involved in the diagnostic procedure.

In Munich diagnostics, standardized conditions for the study (suitable lighting, temperature regime, interference exception) are proposed, test material is clearly stipulated, and standardized documentation is applied. For fixing results, a final sheet has been developed. The study begins with the tasks in the level of complexity for one month below the adjusted age. The study should be carried out until the experimental trials that the tasks of higher age-related steps can no longer be fulfilled.

The choice of diagnostic scales for the study was dictated by the following advantages:

MFDR allows dynamic observation of the child's development from the Novorovo period, with periodicity fixing changes towards growth or regression;

MFDD allows you to focus on the formation of each of the selected mental functions in the natural sequence: from the appearance of simple skills before the formation of qualitatively new skills;

MFDD allows the use of material to explore children with

regulatory development and limited health capabilities;

Standardization of the procedure makes it possible to use MFDR in different cultural contexts.

Nored significant advantages do not cancel some of some drawbacks:

In IFTR, there are discrepancies with a domestic tradition in the allocation of regulatory terms for the formation of some mental reactions. The reason, according to researchers, in the specifics of the education of children in different countries of the world, in different scientific approaches to the determination of the age norm and the allocation of informative areas of infant development;

An essential disadvantage is, for example, later (from 10 months), the start of tracking such a function as "understanding of speech", as a result, the initial stage of development of the function is missing, which is closely connected with the other - "speech", which is a subtle indicator of development as a whole. In domestic diagnostics, the understanding of speech is monitored on average from 7 months.

Consider examples of observation protocols and profiles of children's development dynamics obtained using IFTR.

An example of profiles of the dynamics of the child's development A on the first and second year of the life obtained using IFTR is presented in Fig. 1 and fig. 2.

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Figure 1. Child development profiles and in the first year of life

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Figure 2. Child development profiles A in the second year of life

Example of a dynamic observation protocol. Child A.

The boy is born with the help of Eco with the third attempt (the first and second attempt - unsuccessful). A child from an incomplete family is observed in a Pediatrician clinic.

Figure 1 shows its profiles in the first year of life: at six, nine and in eleven

months. Figure 2 shows its profile of fourteen months. The first drawing discusses eight areas of development. The first year of living MFDR differs from the second year by the fact that it contains more detailed areas related to the motor function: crawling, seating, walking. In addition, the first year does not take into account the "age of independent

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sTI ", relevant to the development of the child only in the second year.

Dynamic observation through this technique makes it possible to note the features that the child's development proceeded in the first two years of life: at the expense of what indicators there was a decline in the development of the function, and what indicators were approached by normal or developed faster.

Delayed in the first two profiles Delay in the development of crawling and partly in the development of the seating was overcome and starting from 11 months there was a positive dynamics; The development of walking corresponds to the age norm in all charts.

It is interesting to trace the development of the function of grabbing: we observe oscillations from the option of the age norm (at 9 months) to a small decline (in 6 and 11 months), in 14 months, it was revealed that the child lags behind in the development of the brush dexterity.

In general, the tendency to reduce the rates of development of the motor sphere is obvious.

Analysis of the dynamics of the development of speech function shows that it stably lags behind the age norm on all profiles, while the understanding of speech always corresponds to the boundaries of the age norm.

We also note in the first profiles decline in the development of the social sphere, which was overcome in the second year of life, which is shown on the last profile (14 months).

This fact is confirmed by what it became known to communicate with the child's mother: all this time

the child lived with her together, and from 12 months (the beginning of the summer) moved to the cottage, where he lived with relatives in a large family, which led to the "jump up" in social development. This example confirms the perception of the child to the influence of external factors at an early age.

An example of the profiles of the dynamics of the development of the child B in the first year of life obtained using IFTR is presented in Fig. 3.

Example of a dynamic observation protocol. Baby B.

The girl was born a 17-year-old mother living with a child in the Moscow Crisis Center for Women and Children, where they receive comprehensive psychological and pedagogical assistance. Pregnancy of minor mom leaks against smoking. In the history of the child, perinatal damage to the central nervous system, muscular dystonia syndrome is noted. The received profiles give a detailed picture of the dynamics of development: in 2 months, in 4 months, at 6 months and 7.5 months.

On the second month, the profile corresponds to a low age rate with a lag in one month in the development of two functions: seats and speeches. Starting from four months, the development acquires an "asynchronous appearance" compared with the regulators of all motor functions, the development of perception, speech and social development.

At the last profile (7.5 months) the emerging trend is even more noticeable: Motor

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processes - crawling, seating, walking - formed with increasing dynamics, while speech and social development stand behind 2.5 months from the age norm. Note that even a minor lag in the child's development is significant and requires further observation and counseling.

An example of the profiles of the dynamics of the child's development in the second year of the life obtained using IFTR is presented in Fig. four.

Example of a dynamic observation protocol. Child V.

The boy came with a pregnant young mother in crisis

center at the age of 13 months in unbeated state. There is no data on birth and development. Conclusion of the neurologist of the Center: PPTSNS of Ischemic Genesis. Rickets. Muscular dystonia. Delay of the pace of PRR.

The first profile is obtained based on the results of the diagnosis conducted two months after the child's appearance in the center. By the time of diagnostics, the child has already adapted a little more to the new conditions, he could release her hand in the presence of her mother, to remove from her in one room, to interact in her presence with another adult, who became interested in the proposed material.

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Figure 4. Child development profiles in the second year of life

The results of the diagnosis showed the lag in all sectors of development, except for walking and perception (tactile, visual, auditory). The greatest delay was recorded in the field of independence and self-service. In this case, this is a consequence of those social conditions in which the early period of the development of the baby. It is known that the timely formation of behavior skills in the regime characterizes not only physiological

the child's maturity, but also the level of its socialization.

For a year and a half, the child was left by his mother and in connection with this translated into the children's office of the Center. The second profile was compiled in two years based on the results of the diagnosis spent after six months after separation from the mother. All this time, the boy was in the children's office, where he received both medical and psychological and pedagogical assistance (classes with educators).

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On the second profile it was shown that the development of a common motorcy is slightly lagging behind the age norm, the development of small motility lags behind two months, as with the previous examination.

The development of perception, as before, corresponds to the age norm. There were changes in the development of speech, the level of its development was halved, the lag in the understanding of speech was preserved. The social age of the child is lagging behind the same extent as the level of development of active speech. A significant dynamics of a child demonstrates at the age of independence: at 15 months he was below the norm on 4 months, at twenty-four months corresponds to the age norm. This fact is explained by the change in social conditions: the mother affection of which to the child can be characterized as anxious-ambitious, prevented the mastery of the child's simple self-service skills.

After separation from the mother, the process of mastering self-service skills was becoming vital for the boy, in training, also a major role played teachers of the department.

Based on the analysis of the presented examples, it can be concluded: if the diagnosis of the child's development is carried out on the same scale regularly and timely, then it is possible to obtain quite accurate data on the dynamics of its development, assess the level of development at each age stage and compare with previous data.

With non-systematic control, dynamic monitoring of the child's development is violated, cases of delay in development may be missed, which prevents the timely provision of psychological and pedagogical care.

Data on the development of the child, obtained by IFTR, are a reference point for the assignment of therapy and determining the content of psychological and pedagogical care. They are especially in demand in organizations carrying out an integrated approach to the development of the child.

We believe that the IFTR is one of the effective tools for monitoring early child development, fully justifies itself as one of the reliable psychometric methods that allow you to organize a collection of data on the development of an early child child and analyze the dynamics of its development in the process of growing up.


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Specnaya 06pa30bahne. 2016. No. 1.

It is obvious that the success of early detection, and, consequently, early correction of deviations in the development in children is largely determined by the presence of adequate methods of methods, their quality and reliability. Until the early 1990s, only techniques developed by famous domestic specialists were used to monitor the psychomotor development of children of the first year of life (E.L. Frucht et al.).

In recent years, due to the development of international relations, information technologies and telecommunications of Russian specialists, the flow of foreign diagnostic techniques, which are actively implemented into practice, competing with each other, and, sometimes, ousting the familiar domestic. In connection with this particularly acute and discussion, questions about the benefits of some methods for diagnosing psychomotor development of children of the first year of life before others, on the reasonableness of the use of techniques created as part of certain approaches to choosing children, as applied to the assessment of the development of children in other educational conditions, On the comparability of the results obtained using different scales of development, etc. Without pretending to be exhaustive and detailed discussion of the entire circle of stated questions, we will try to touch on some of them by conducting a comparative analysis of the four scales of development with which we had to work with, namely:

  • diagnostics of the neuropsychic development of the children of the first year of life, developed in 1973 at the Department of Physiology of the Development and Education of Children of Early RMAPO (E.L. Frukht);
  • indicators of the development of children of the first year of life created at the Department of Professor I.M. Vorontsova (St. Petersburg) and included in the experimental history of development (EF No. 112);
  • Denver development scale developed by University Specialist Group in Denver (USA);
  • Munich functional diagnosis of the development of children of the first year of life created and widely used at the University of Munich and the Institute of Social Pediatrics (G.I. Keler, H.D. Egelkrat).

All the named diagnostic techniques provide a standardized survey procedure for monitoring and evaluating the course of developing the behavior of a child in everyday life by testing, observation and extra charge methods reported by the child's mother. They are characterized by a single age and meaningful orientation (control over the course of the mental development of infants); the overall constructing of diagnostic tools in accordance with the age differentiation and hierarchy of infant development steps; the generality of methods, quantitative indicators and the representativeness of the regulatory sample (all diagnostic techniques are created on the basis of Longitudinal studies of the normal development of infants in their countries, the norms for methods are set on samples from more than 1000 children distributed approximately equally in age groups); A common approach to evaluating the results of developmental diagnostics (the level of development of the child under the meaningful functional systems declared in the methods is established). The differences in listed techniques are detected when comparing allocated for development areas, development indicators, timing of inspections. Although in all four methods, control over the course of the psychic development of the child is monitored, in the days close to birth (+/- 2-3 days), but the dates of the first checks in domestic and foreign techniques do not coincide. In the Denver Scale of Development and Munich Functional Diagnostics, the first age check corresponds to the second month of life of the baby. Indicators of the development of newborn children (10 days, 20 days and 1 month) and the timing of their control are available only in two domestic techniques. Allocation of the earliest age terms and indicators of developing newborn children significantly distinguishes domestic methods for monitoring the progress of mental development of infants from similar foreign diagnostic methods, because Allows, on the one hand, to identify the lag in the development of children in the earliest stages, and on the other - to use them to diagnose the development of premature and physiologically immature children.

In domestic techniques, meaningful infant development lines are allocated: the development of visual indicative reactions, auditory-based reactions, emotions and social behavior prerequisites, the movements of common, movements and actions with objects, prerequisites for active speech and understanding of speech, skills in regime processes. In foreign methods, not a development line, but certain substantive development areas, characterized by the indicators of several development lines, comprehensively reflecting certain areas of development and infant behavior. Thus, in the Denver Development scale, 4 meaningful areas of development were allocated: socio-adaptive functions, including the development of emotions, hand moving, prerequisites for understanding speech, skills and first manifestations of the child's social behavior; Thin motor coordination that combines such lines of development as visual indicative reactions, visual and motor coordination and hand movement; Speech, including indicators of the development of hearing indicative reactions, emotions, prerequisites for the development of active speech and understanding of speech; Common coarse motorcycle, including indicators of consistent development of common kid movements.

Munich functional diagnosis of the development of children of the first year of life covers 6 informative areas for the development of the baby: movements; grabbing; perception that united the development of visual and hearing indicative reactions; understanding of speech; Active speech, considered as a combination of the development of emotions and prerequisites for active speech; Socialization, including indicators of the development of visual indicative reactions, emotions and prerequisites for understanding speech.

Thus, in all four diagnostic techniques, certain meaningful areas of the child's development, close by the title, but often different in content are allocated. For example, such a concept as the development of social behavior, different authors are revealed in different meaningful areas: in some - through the prism of the concepts of "socialization" or "socio-adaptive functions", others - this concept is interpreted as the prerequisites for the formation of relationships with close adults and children. The observed scatter in the substantive spheres, according to which it is proposed to evaluate the development of the child of the first year of life, can be attributed to the various scientific concepts and methodological approaches, which the authors relied when creating certain scales of development, which creates certain difficulties in the interpretation of the results of the child survey.

Considering the specific indicators characterizing this or that line or development area, we allocated a number of differences. A comparative analysis also showed a large variation in the timing of the formation of certain skills. In Munich functional diagnostics, for example, there are no significant indicators as "the first smile in response to the conversation of an adult" and "a complex of revitalization". In the Denver scale, they are present, however, there is a big scatter in the timing of the formation, and, therefore, in terms of checking these indicators compared to domestic diagnostic techniques. So, "a response smile to the adult conversation" and "a complex of revitalization" is checked in the age range from 2 to 5 months. The most detailed and consistent indicators characterizing the development of the emotional reactions of the infant are presented in the domestic diagnosis of the neuropsychic development of children (E.L. Frukht).

An analysis of some indicators of the development of common movements revealed even more differences in the scales compared. The indicators defined as "holds the head in a vertical position on the hands of an adult" and "foot stops in a vertical position", the development of which is the most important prerequisites for the formation of seating and walk, are available in domestic methods of development diagnostics. The lack of these indicators in foreign development scales, in our opinion, significantly makes it difficult to diagnose possible early violations in the development of movements, the closest development forecast and the timely correction of the motor sphere of the child. The development rate of common movements, characterized as "himself sits, sits, falls around", in foreign techniques compared to domestic (in the diagnosis of neuropsychic development of children of the first year of life, the age of checking about this indicator is attributed to 8 months of life of the infant) has a large age-raised : In the Denver Development Scale - from 8 months. Up to 11 months, in Munich functional diagnostics, the age of 10 months is indicated. Large discrepancies in the age standards of development are noted in such an important engine skill, as "independent walking (without support)." According to foreign techniques, children are mastered walking without support after 12 months, i.e. in the age range from 1 g.2 months. - 1 year 3 months, which in terms of the indicators adopted in Russia are considered a significant lag in the development of the general movements of the child.

Not enough reflected in foreign scales the sequence and hierarchy of such a development line as the prerequisites of understanding speech. In Russia, the diagnosis of the neuropsychic development of children of the first year of life in Russia, indicators of the development of speech understanding are first introduced into the content of test material at 7 months., And in the development of children of the first year of life (S.-Petersburg) - at 8 months, And further complicated and checked monthly. In Munich functional diagnostics, they were first introduced only at 10 months. In the Denver Scale of Development - from 9 to 12 months only one indicator is given - "In response to the request of an adult plays in the ladies" etc. An explanation of the regulatory limits for the formation of certain reactions, as well as a large variation of indicators in foreign techniques, obviously, it is necessary to look for, on the one hand, in the specifics of the education of children in various countries of the world, i.e. In various sociocultural conditions for their upbringing and development, and on the other hand, in different scientific approaches to the definition of the age norm, the allocation of informative areas of the infant development and building the hierarchy of indicators within each of the functional systems under consideration. Therefore, diagnostic scales of development, the validity of which is established relative to the criterion of age differentiation, require experimental verification and comparison with existing similar techniques, but created in this cultural environment. Since various cultures can stimulate the development of various behavioral characteristics, the diagnostic methods can be reliable and really indicating, "that the test measures and how well it does" (A. Anastasi, 1982), only for a certain cultural environment.

Experimental testing of the Munich functional diagnosis of the development of children of the first year of life and comparison of the results obtained by this methodology and the diagnosis of neuropsychic development of children of the first year of life (E.L. Fruults) during the examination of the same children, confirmed our concerns about limited use opportunities in as screening diagnosis of foreign methods.

Experimental data has shown that with a single section examination of infants using Munich functional diagnostics, only a group of children with obvious multiple deflection in development is allocated, which corresponds to 8 -10% of the whole group of children with early lagging in the development of specialists in the examination of the domestic Methods and really needing early psychological and pedagogical correction. With constant monthly monitoring of the development of the child, the results of the detection of early deviations in development come closer. Domestic scales of development, in our opinion, have greater reliability when identifying deviations in the development of children. As an example, we give the data obtained by the diagnosis of neuropsychic development for the period from 1988 to 1998. (EXPERIMENTAL MATERIALS E.L. Frucht and Yu.A. Razenova). The results of the diagnosis of children of the first year of life at the sample more than 1,500 children aged 10 days to 12 months, and more than 400 orphan children allowed us to say that only 32.1% of family children and 6% of children Orphans from the surveyed develop within the age norm, 67.9% and 94% - are respectively lagging behind in development. Of these, 19.8% of family children and 47.3% of orphans in the second half of life have revealed a lag for all development indicators more than 3-5 months.

So, even a quick analysis discovered a number of advantages of domestic techniques, in front of foreign as a toolkit adapted for the conditions for early detection of deviations in the development of children, which eliminates the definitely positive assessment of the replacement and displacement of the domestic diagnostic tools for foreign. To solve the issue of the possibility of a combination of some development scales with others, their mutual addition requires special research to compare, comparative analysis and testing of the toolkit available in the global diagnostic practice in order to create a diagnostic data bank, as well as the development of own reliable and valid methods, as screening diagnostics and differential medical and psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of early violations in the development of all categories of children. For many years, the scientific search in this direction has been conducted in the country's research centers: the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy RAO, the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, the Center for the Mental Health of Children and Adolescents (Moscow). The relevance in recent years increases even due to the fact that today, in the context of the design of the system of early detection and early correction as a new structural component of the special education of the XXI century, the problem of the adequacy of the quality and reliability of developmental diagnostics methods is performing.

In conclusion, it seems necessary to emphasize that, recognizing the attractiveness, progressiveness of modern trends to expand the range of diagnostic tools, the diversity of approaches to solving the tasks of assessing the level of development of a small child, the attractiveness of freedom in choosing the possibility of dating specialists with all known techniques, the possibility of expanding the arsenal of diagnostic techniques, we consider Unacceptable spontaneous development of these processes.

Vassenkova Yu.A. On the question of the use of domestic and foreign methods of diagnosis of psychomotor development as instruments for early detection of possible deviations in development. Discussion aspects of the problem // Almanac of the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy. 2015..12.2019)


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