What week are girls born. We calculate the date of birth, what week it is time to go to the hospital. Obstetric and true term

Water is a special habitat and the principles of operation of an underwater gun are completely different here, so gunpowder and shots are not suitable. Every hunter needs to know how to load a speargun, because many, having taken a weapon in their hands for the first time, do not yet know about all the features of its loading.

Loading the crossbow

Crossbows have some features when loading. For proper charging, follow these steps:

  • first you will learn how to load a speargun, this is a mandatory process before loading a crossbow. You insert and fix the harpoon, then you need to put the gun on the fuse, straighten the harpoon line and lay it on the thrower and straighten the rods. Now look around and choose the safest direction to load your weapon;
  • lay down on the surface of the water. Try to keep the gun and your body horizontal. Take hold of the pull in front of the bridle attachment with one hand. With the palm of your other hand, rest against the handle of the gun or against the butt plate, if the gun has one;
  • press the handle or the butt plate and, holding the pull, bring the crossbow straight in front of you. The palm of the hand on the butt plate should move, as it were, under the elbow of the other hand, and the thrust will stretch by almost a third. Next, move the weapon perpendicular to the body. Insert and rest the butt plate against the sternum, this will be in the center of the special lining on the suit. If everything is done correctly, then this stage of charging ends with a stable position in which you can safely swim and even relax. This part of charging is considered the most difficult;
  • pull the rod with your hand so that it can be grabbed with the other hand. Get a fairly stable position. After the cravings have been leveled, you can relax and unwind;
  • tighten the line vigorously and slip the bridle over the hook on the harpoon. Make sure that the bridle lies well, and then bring your hands out from under the rubber forward and then to the sides. Then tighten all other traction.

Loading a pneumatic speargun

A pneumatic type speargun charger is compressed air. Such weapons are charged with air in specially designed places. Airguns are under high pressure and you should keep both ends of the gun pointed away from yourself and other people while using them in case unexpected pressure from the gun will squeeze out and release those parts that can cause serious injury.

After charging the gun with air in the initial position, the piston will be at the beginning of the barrel resting on the shock absorber of the muzzle. Insert a harpoon into the muzzle and create a force that is aimed at overcoming the resistance of compressed air by placing a charging handle on the tip. Move the harpoon into the barrel-receiver until it engages with the sear. After that, instantly put the trigger on the safety lock and quickly remove the charging handle. The same method is used to load spring and hydropneumatic guns. During loading, you must strictly observe safety measures, because an underwater weapon is not a toy.


You have bought one of the finest airguns in the world today. As the end result of 25 years of "evolution", the Mares CYRANO pneumatic speargun uses processes and materials that are the result of many hours of research. This technique is further enhanced by the fact that every detail of your CYRANO Mares air gun is made in our factory in Rapallo, Italy. This means reliability, thanks to which each Mares product meets the highest requirements.



Positive buoyancy in the absence of a harpoon (exception - CYRANO 550).
- Comfortable handle combined with soft material.
- Power control system.
- Side line ejector (patented).
- Front sight with luminescent insert.
- New fuse (patented).
- Technopolymer impact-absorbing piston and bushing.
- Convenient charging handle stored in the gun handle (patented).
- Trunk with large drainage outlet.
- Thin steel harpoon with a diameter of 7mm (also available in the Tahiti model) .


CYRANO Mares pneumatic spearguns are inflated with compressed air at the factory. Air originally pumped into the gun , expands with each shot, but does not dissipate when the harpoon is released. The amount of compressed air contained in the gun depends on the amount of air pumped into the gun, see (Fig. 1). The air contained in the receiver (3) is pumped through the inlet valve (7) by means of a pump.

When loading the harpoon (1), the piston (5) moves inward along the barrel (4), further increasing the air pressure until it catches on the hook (6). When the trigger is pressed, the piston is released from the grip hook. The expanding compressed air pushes the piston up the length of the barrel, pushing the spear out. The piston stops at the barrel head, ready to be reloaded.

Mares has taken the next step in air speargun development with the CYRANO series. Years of research and testing (with the Institute of Mechanical Technology of the University of Genoa, Italy) led to the creation of the exceptional CYRANO speargun. The inner diameter and compression ratios have been so optimized that CYRANO spearguns now outperform traditional spearguns by more than 15% (Mares patent).

The figure shows the ratio of the kinetic energy E and the potential energy (Ei) accumulated in the loading phase with the same loading force. CYRANO is 20% more effective than STEN


1. IMPORTANT: do not start by charging the harpoon.

2. LIN. The line connecting the harpoon to the gun is packed independently, separately from the elastic stretchable ring. Assemble as follows:

2.1. Tie one end of the line to the line stop on the harpoon (Fig. 10).

2.2. Insert the harpoon into the barrel of the gun until , until it touches the piston. Important: do not load the gun now.

2.3. Pass the line at least twice from the line ejector on the handle to the line stop on the nose cone of the speargun (see fig. 2)

2.4. Approximately 30 cm from the line stop on the nose cone, tie an elastic stretch ring to the line, leaving approximately 10 cm of line slack in the center of the ring (Fig. 8).

2.5. Pass the remaining end of the line through the line stop on the nose cone. Pull the free end of the line until the elastic ring is stretched about 2-3 cm. Tie the shooting line to the nose cone, maintaining this tension (Fig. 9).

2.6. Attach the harpoon head by screwing it in (except for the Tahitian harpoon) .


1. Before charging, check the spear and line thrower to make sure they are working properly.

2. Make sure your spearhead is securely fastened.

3. Before entering the water, wind the line around the line release on the handle, then around the stopper on the nose cone until the slack to be used is taken up. Attach the spear by placing the back of the spear into the trigger opening, then snap the front end of the spear into the spear holder on the nose cone (Fig. 4).

4. Before charging, move the safety lever to the "safe" position by turning it down towards the trigger. Only when you are ready to fire should the safety be moved to the "fire" position by turning it up away from the trigger. The CYRANO shotgun has a patented safety system which, in "safe" mode, mechanically locks the trigger and prevents finger access to it. To be sure, check the operation of the fuse periodically. With the gun unloaded, set the safety to the "safe" position. In this mode the trigger cannot be released. The trigger can only be released when the safety is in the "fire" position. Do not load or use the shotgun if there is any sign of malfunction (see Fig. 3).

5. When the tide comes in, load the gun when you are out of the swirl zone. When a boat approaches, load your gun only if you are out of the turbulence zone and away from all divers and the boat.

7. Remove the charging handle from the gun handle. Hold the handle of the gun against your hip or foot depending on the length of the gun (see Fig. 11). Grab the gun by the nose cone (see Fig. 6) and insert the spear into the gun, making sure that the spear is in the center of the barrel. Do not insert the harpoon at an angle, as this can lead to breakage of the gun. Place the charging handle over the tip of the spear and push down on it so that the spear goes down the barrel of the gun until it clicks into place.

8. If your spear is bent, replace it. Do not try to force the spear into the gun, as this may cause internal damage.

9. After loading the gun, you must immediately roll up the line. Take the line at the end of the harpoon, wind it around the line release at the handle, then around the line stop on the nose cone of the gun, and so on until the line runs out. On the last winding, the elastic ring should stretch to provide the necessary tension to hold the line in place (see Fig. 2) .


The Cyrano speargun is equipped with a power adjustment lever that allows the diver to select the minimum or maximum power of the speargun. This lever is located on the left side of the handle and can be moved from minimum to maximum at any time during a dive.

When the power adjustment lever is set to the forward - down position, the minimum power of the gun is selected.

When the power adjustment lever is set to the up-back position, the maximum power of the gun is selected (see Fig. 7). The choice of minimum or maximum power of the gun is determined by the distance and size of the fish that will be hunted.


While under water, carefully inspect your surroundings and, making sure that no one is within sight, set the safety to the "fire" position and with the barrel parallel to the surface of the water above your head, unload the gun by pulling the trigger.


The MARES CYRANO pneumatic gun is an exceptionally powerful and accurate weapon. By following the recommended care and maintenance procedures for your shotgun, you can ensure many years of trouble-free use of your shotgun.

1. Rinse your speargun and spear thoroughly with fresh water after each use, especially around the barrel and power lever. Keep the piston and barrel free of sand that could scratch the barrel of the gun and cause air to leak.

2. Check the integrity of the charging handle and, if necessary, replace it.

3. If your spear is bent, replace it.

4. Your gun should be stored in a dark, cool place.

5. Make sure that the power adjustment lever is in the maximum power position when storing the gun.

6. ALL AIR GUN SHOULD BE STORE BARREL DOWN, HANDLE UP. This will allow the oil in the barrel to keep the piston lubricated when not in use. It is possible that a small amount of oil will appear at the end of the barrel.


At the manufacturing plant, the gun is pre-inflated to 15 - 23 atm, depending on the length. Under normal conditions and normal use, your CYRANO shotgun will remain fully loaded, regardless of the number of shots fired. However, with extraordinary use of the gun, a slight decrease in pressure may occur.

1. If any of the following conditions exist, check gun pressure as additional air pressure may be required.

1.1. If the harpoon is very easy to charge.

1.2. If the speed of the harpoon and the range of the battle are less than usual.

1.3. Install a pump on the gun and make a few strokes. If the pressure rises during the entire stroke of the pump, then your gun needs to be re-pumped. If the pump does not work, or only increases pressure in the gun at the end of the pump stroke, then your gun is fully loaded.

2. There are two ways to check the pressure in your gun.

2.1. Use a Mares airgun pressure gauge. (Not supplied with gun)

2.2. Bleed the gun completely and re-inflate it, using the table to determine the number of pump strokes required to create the required working pressure.


1. Use only a hand pump to add pressure and do not exceed the maximum working pressure.

2. If you don't have a Mares pressure gauge and need to depressurize your shotgun, perform the following procedure.

2.1. Position your unloaded shotgun barrel down to allow oil to drain from the intake valve.

2.2. Unscrew the valve cap located on the back of the handle. If you feel resistance when unscrewing the cap, stop unscrewing, screw the cap back on, and contact your dealer's service center.

2.3. Lightly press down on the inlet valve ball using a blunt object and allow the air to escape slowly. Do not use sharp objects, you may damage the inlet valve. Hold the gun so that the escaping air containing oil does not hit your face. To protect against oil splashes, it is possible to use a cloth covering the back of the gun with it.

3. Follow the procedure below to reload your shotgun with compressed air.

3.1. Screw the threaded end of the pump into the valve of the gun to the end.

3.2. Inflate the gun with a pump, making the required number of pumpings. The number of inflations is indicated for each model and the required pressure in the table attached to your gun.

3.3. When the required pressure is reached, unscrew the pump and close the valve with a cap.

4. In order to adapt the gun to hunting conditions in tight spaces, you can depressurize the gun a little to reduce the force of the fight, and later reload the gun using the above method.

If your gun requires constant re-pressurization, this may be the result of a malfunction and it is recommended to contact a technical service center.

Shotgun model Pressure (atm)
10 15 20 25 30
Approximate number of pumpings
Cyrano 550 125 185 250 330 410
Cyrano 700 150 230 310 390 480
Cyrano 850 210 330 450 580 710
Cyrano 970 260 395 575 775 925
Cyrano 1100 320 510 700 870 1055

The number of pumpings given in the pressure table refers to TO A COMPLETELY EMPTY GUN TANK.

If it is not possible to determine the pressure existing in the gun, then all the pressure from the gun must be released before reloading with air, if the pressure existing in the gun is known and it is necessary to increase it, then just add this difference between the existing pressure and the required one. For example, to increase the pressure in Cyrano 700 from 20 to 30 atm, only 170 pump strokes are required, and not 480, as indicated in the table.



ANNUAL MAINTENANCE- Your speargun must be inspected every year to ensure that its performance remains at its best. Extraordinary use of the gun may require more frequent technical inspections.

Hunting under water brings much more thrill than sitting with a fishing rod on the shore. Here you can hide, lying in wait for a predator, and then see it in all its glory and defeat it with a well-aimed shot. In order for this activity to bring joy, and not grief, you need not only, but also learn how to use it correctly. To avoid hurting yourself or those around you. And then there were all sorts of cases.

There are two types of weapons for hitting game underwater. These are compressed air pneumatics and crossbows with rubber traction. They are charged with a harpoon, but this happens in different ways. Let's start with the simplest construction.

How to properly load a crossbow

Carefully insert and secure the harpoon well. Then do not forget to put the device on the fuse. Now we lay the straightened line of the harpoon along the ejector and straighten the rubber rods, at the same time looking out in which direction to point the weapon so as not to accidentally hit people.

The next operation must be done lying on the water (in no case standing). And it should also be in a horizontal position. One hand lies on the traction to the place where the bridle is attached. The palm of the second hand rests on the butt plate of the crossbow (if any) or on its handle.

We press with the palm of our hand, pulling the elastic band about a third, until the gun is very close, and then we change its position (perpendicular to our own body). We rest the butt plate on the chest (on a wetsuit in this place, for the convenience of loading, they usually make an overlay).

The final part is the hardest. We tighten the elastic to take it with both hands, and then pull it hard and put it on the hook on the harpoon. If everything is done normally, hands can be released, moving them first forward, then in different directions. The rest of the pull is not difficult to pull.

How to properly charge a pneumatic

When the gun is inflated with compressed air, the piston rests against the shock absorber of the muzzle. We insert the harpoon and move it into the barrel - it should catch on the sear. Now we put the trigger on the safety and remove the charging handle, doing it as quickly as possible.

With pneumats, it is very important that the harpoon goes straight into the barrel, without skew. To do this, hold on to the receiver with one hand, closer to the muzzle. And one more thing: both ends of the weapon should be directed away from you. And other people too, of course.

We provide comfort and safety

General rules: you need to charge only in water, not on land. And before starting this operation, try to hold your breath, inhaling deeply. And then you can get carried away, actively breathe, and begin to “drown”.

Now about the crossbow. You need to charge it only with gloves on! Otherwise, all fingers will be skinned. And even worse, something will happen - after all, most of the bridles that hold the traction are made of plastic, which can collapse over time. And if the bridle falls apart, then the fingers are in trouble.

And one more thing: if you hunt with a crossbow without a wetsuit, you can get bruised all over your chest. Therefore, you need to put something soft. For this purpose, special stops are sold, which are very convenient. By the way, there are those that are attached to the weight belt.

And in order to save your fingers when charging a pneumat, it would be nice to use safe metal T-shaped chargers - they are quite inexpensive. Some craftsmen, by the way, make them themselves - you can find a description on the Web. With such chargers, the hands remain intact, and the harpoon is guaranteed not to fall off (if the piston is not clearly fixed).

Statistics on which week they give birth says that the normal period is from 37 calendar divisions. At the same time, 70% give birth at 39-41. The menstrual cycle has a significant influence on this event. The norm is determined by the maturity of the fetus, so even when there is prematurity, the baby can be considered full-term.

To say exactly at how many weeks childbirth is considered normal, the gynecologist should say after examining the woman and taking into account individual characteristics. The doctor reports how many weeks the birth is by looking at the results of the ultrasound and comparing them with the individual length of the menstrual cycle. From the point of view of the obstetrician, how many weeks of childbirth are taken into account 40. However, only 7% give birth during this period, so which week they give birth depends on menstruation.

If you are interested in when childbirth is expected and how many weeks is the norm, the period after 37 and up to 42 is optimal. Depending on what week labor begins, the baby may be:

  • premature (up to 38);
  • childbirth at term (38-42);
  • post-term (after 42 weeks).

Therefore, in which week the birth occurs, it affects the normal term of delivery and how long the postpartum adaptation lasts.

In the beginning of childbirth, contractions can begin as early as 22 weeks, so there are special drugs that help prolong the pregnancy. The number of weeks at which birth occurs is divided into 22-27, 28-33 and 33-37. According to statistics, activities before the onset of labor are carried out in order to delay them by 38 weeks. After that, the birth will have to go according to plan.

If you ask the gynecologist what week the labor begins and what time the contractions begin, then to answer he needs to know the length of the cycle. It depends on its duration when the birth occurs. With different durations, for example, with a difference of 10 days, the development of labor activity will begin later and take almost a month more. Therefore, it is important to answer the question with what endurance it is possible to give birth to full-fledged children or a child, taking into account the biological characteristics of the mother.

Harbingers and causes of premature birth

Traditionally, it is easier to terminate a protracted pregnancy than to prevent childbirth. To stop the process, specialized obstetric care and a number of medications are required. In the practice of obstetricians, the period from 22 to 27 is considered the most dangerous time period. At this stage, the weight of the fetus is about 1 kilogram and it takes a long time to fight for the life of the baby.

The causes of premature contractions lie in the disease or excessive tension of the uterus for other reasons. This is caused by an abundance of amniotic fluid, a large baby's weight, multiple pregnancies, or a uterine defect. Diseases of the genital organs, such as infectious, venereal or in the placenta, are also harbingers of childbirth.

Less often, early labor is caused by problems with the mother's internal organs - the kidneys, thyroid gland, pituitary gland or heart. In such a situation, the woman's body defends itself, rejecting the fetus as a threat to life, which is a kind of natural reaction to danger.

When there are signs of childbirth, you should be prepared for termination of pregnancy and premature delivery. Obstetricians will try to prevent such a situation, but further events develop according to an unpredictable scenario. It is also difficult to predict the viability of a newborn, since some of its organs are not fully formed. Modern medicine makes it possible to provide the necessary conditions outside the womb, but before that, an inferior body must overcome the birth canal and not suffer.

If the deadline has passed, but the birth has not begun

The issue of stimulation of pregnancy in the medical field is solved by examining the abdomen with ultrasound. Knowing which week they give birth, you can check the readiness of the fetus and provoke contractions. If you are interested in what week they give birth, this happens no later than 42. When answering which week you can give birth, you need to assess the condition, but the general value is 37 for girls and 39 for boys.

When the baby has formed and can breathe on his own, after how many weeks he will give birth. However, given what week of pregnancy you can give birth, sometimes it is necessary to prevent the child from being in the placenta for a long time. If we say which week they give birth more often - this is 39, at this stage it is time to resort to stimulation. Considering what week nulliparous give birth, the doctor recommends starting contractions in order to avoid hypoxia from a long stay in the waters.

If we consider what week the first child is born, then the first birth takes place 7-10 days later. The statistics of primiparous births by weeks suggests that it is better to give birth starting from 39. The term of childbirth, at which primiparas often give birth, is due to the unpreparedness of the birth canal to pass during labor.

Speaking about what week of pregnancy the birth begins, they give birth to girls at 39, and boys at 41. This indicates that the child is full-term and you can give birth to a full-term baby without worries and fears. A baby born after 37 lines of the calendar is normal. At this time, the process, in the absence of contraindications to natural extraction, is safe, even if the mother has suffered a protracted illness or stress.

A good phenomenon would be the coincidence of the birth with the last day of the menstrual cycle, but it is worth considering that the body of each woman is unique. In a pregnant woman, the uterus opens faster and easier if this has already happened less than 2-5 years before.

When the cervix does not open, the date of birth is postponed and the situation is expected to develop. The most important thing is that the baby is not exposed to hypoxia. As soon as the waters have broken, doctors perform a caesarean section. This situation, as well as other similar issues, are agreed in advance. Extraction through the abdomen of the fetus in modern practice is commonplace and safe for the baby. Only the recovery period is increased.

During childbirth

Depending on how many weeks they give birth and what the condition of the fetus is during ultrasound diagnostics, the method of acceptance is chosen. How many weeks primiparous give birth depends on menstruation and how many babies are in the stomach. When a woman gives birth to a second child along with the first, it is difficult to say how many weeks this will happen, but definitely earlier than planned.

At the same time, given the experience of obstetric practices, it is possible to give birth to a healthy child alone or in twins, since the couple in the uterus develops faster. It is believed that good pregnancies last longer, but the question of how many weeks is optimal for a baby to be in the womb before being born is strictly individual.

How many weeks to wait for childbirth usually depends on the readiness of the baby. A healthy mother feels the state of the baby and closer to the end of her body acutely feels the weight and behavior of the fetus. With repeated births, if the interval is 2-6 years, giving birth is relatively easier and simpler.

If childbirth is repeated, then what week to expect replenishment

When you become a mother again, then you should wait for born boys in multiparous women at 40 weeks, and girls a little earlier. The second and subsequent periods of gestation are shorter by 7-10 days due to the plasticity of the vaginal muscles and the smoothing of the cervix. The muscles of the small pelvis are more resistant to rupture, which also increases the likelihood of a natural delivery without complications.

But the time criterion is not a rule, and under certain values ​​of some factors (conception, menstruation and fetal development), the second time lasts longer than the first under general conditions. Doctors say that the second replenishment in the family is not on schedule. An experienced mother feels the baby's attempts to get out into this world in advance, regardless of the doctor's forecasts.

The timing of childbirth is set by nature

Considering how long primiparas give birth, we can say that this happens, starting 40 calendar marks after the start of pregnancy. It can be noted at what time girls are born in primiparas - almost always with a cycle of 24 days it is 39 weeks.

However, you should not rely on the calendar when planning a visit to a medical facility or determining the length of stay in storage. More precisely in this regard, ultrasound can enlighten. In many ways, the body is guided by the readiness of the fetus.

The weight should be at least 2.5 kg, and the internal organs are sufficiently developed for a separate life outside the womb. For this reason, when there is more than one baby in the stomach, most pregnancies end earlier and the children appear somewhat premature - twins will weigh 2 kg each, and triplets - 1.6-1.8 kg. However, to determine the health of the newborn, there is the Apgar scale (assessment of lung maturity). The ability to breathe is a necessary condition for the absence of resuscitation.

What week are girls and boys more likely to give birth?

An interesting fact is that the weaker sex even comes into the world more tenaciously. Regardless of the period at which primiparous girls are born, their chances of surviving and being healthy are higher. Boys are born under normal conditions no earlier than 40, but girls - after 38 weeks. The period of maturation of boys is on average 10-15 days longer.

The approaching term of childbirth is a rather alarming period of time, filled with expectation and a very attentive attitude to one's condition. It is very scary to be outside the walls of the maternity hospital when contractions begin, so future mothers look for signs of an approaching birth, sleep poorly and count the days.

There are many beliefs among the people. For example, it is believed that boys are born earlier than girls, and in the first pregnancy, childbirth occurs later. What determines the term of childbirth, and what are the statistics?

What week do you usually give birth

The normal period is 37 seven days, but when more often depends on the menstrual cycle. Statistics show that childbirth most often occurs at 39-41. Approximately 70% of children are born during this period of time.

However, do not take these terms for yourself as true and binding for you. It doesn't matter when everyone else gives birth, your readiness for childbirth and the maturity of your baby are essential. For someone and 39 too early, the baby is born immature and has difficulties. And other children adapt perfectly, having been born after only 35 seven days. Your child will choose when it is best to give birth.

It is important to remember: the optimal period for childbirth is from 37 to 42. Before 37 seven days, the child is premature, and after 42 - post-term.

Obstetric gestational age is 40 times 7 days. However, only 4-5% of babies are born at the calculated time, why is this happening?

Main factors:

Menstrual cycle length

How long is your cycle? The time when you become a mother depends on its duration.

Two women had their last period on March 1st. Today is May 1st. What will be the obstetric gestational age, and what is the real age of the fetus? For both, the doctor will count the obstetric gestational age from March 1, and it will be 9 weeks and 4 days.

The first woman has a 24 day cycle. We count 14 days ago - ovulation was on March 10th. The actual age of the fetus is 7 weeks and 3 days. The second woman has a cycle of 35 days. We count 14 days ago - ovulation was on March 21. The actual age of the fetus is only 5 seven days and 6 days.

It turns out that with the same calculated gestational age, the life of the baby in two women differs by almost 14 days, and of course, for them, the difference in the term of birth by about the same will be completely normal. But according to classical calculations, they will consider the same date of birth.

By the way, our service, which allows, takes into account the length of the cycle - use it (you will find out when you need to go to the hospital, much more accurately than with an obstetrician-gynecologist in the office).


Genetic predisposition is another factor. Ask which of the female relatives when he became a mother. You are likely to repeat the fate of your mother or grandmother.

The course of pregnancy

The term of delivery depends on the characteristics of the pregnancy itself. During the Great Patriotic War, during the period of famine and devastation, children were in no hurry to be born. They seemed to know that they were not expecting a warm nursery and proper nutrition, and remained in utero for as long as possible. Several pregnancies have been described lasting 11 months instead of the normal 9.

If the baby is unwell in utero, for example, the placenta does not cope with its function, the likelihood of premature birth increases. This is also facilitated by overstretching of the uterus during, due to gestational diabetes in the mother, or multiple pregnancy. Despite the fact that babies can be born with a fairly serious difference in gestational age, they are born full-term and healthy. Therefore, the timing of normal births in obstetrics is not limited to a precisely calculated number.

From what week can you give birth

This is one of the main worries of any expectant mother. Throughout pregnancy, there is first a fear of a possible miscarriage, and then of the baby being born too early. However, even if your baby is in a hurry and was born before the 37th, do not despair! Once this period was only 28. Now children from 1 kg in weight are successfully nursed, but many survive and grow up healthy, having been born even earlier than 27-28. There are cases of successful nursing at 24-25, with the baby's weight slightly exceeding 500 grams.

However, for this, the baby must be born in a maternity hospital that can give him everything he needs to survive. In many cities, this is not yet possible. Therefore, remember the following “adapted for Russia” facts:

  • Births from 28 to 27 are premature, your baby will be premature, but he will have a good chance.
  • From 24 to 27 - children are born with extremely low body weight. The prognosis for them depends on the presence of other complications of pregnancy and childbirth, and on the conditions of nursing. The chances of health and survival are 50/50.
  • Before 24 - x - the baby has no chance to survive, at least in our country.
Fortunately, if the pregnancy is normal, the chance of preterm birth is only 2%.

What week do primiparas give birth

The first pregnancy and childbirth for the mother's body become a kind of "running", a test of childbearing function. For you, everything is for the first time, just as the genetic program for bearing a fetus is used for the first time. It is now that certain stereotypes and interactions in the body are taking shape, allowing you to safely endure and give birth to a child. If successful, all your subsequent pregnancies will fall on this tracing paper.

Unfortunately, the exact date of delivery cannot be predicted, but statistically nulliparous women give birth a little later than the rest. Approximately 6-9% of them prolong pregnancy for more than 42 weeks. For primiparas, late recognition of the signs of labor that has begun due to inexperience, and a slow development of labor activity are characteristic. The first birth lasts a long time, the cervix opens slowly. This is only an acquaintance with similar processes, it’s not worth worrying about the fact that you have a term of 39, and childbirth does not begin, be patient.

What week do multiparous children give birth

There is already a certain scheme according to which the body must act in order for the baby to be born. Events develop along the knurled rails, and this leads to an earlier onset of labor. In 95% of cases, the second birth begins earlier than the 39th seven days and proceeds much faster and easier.

If you are multi-pregnant, after 37 weeks, be ready to start contractions at any time. As a rule, the second, third time a pregnant woman easily recognizes the first signs of childbirth. The cervix dilates faster, the pushing is more effective, and the overall duration of labor is less than the first time. You may not even have training contractions, you are just going into labor.

What week are boys born?

Boys are born more than girls, about 107 boys are born for every 100 girls. However, if we talk about conception, then the statistics are even more interesting there, the ratio of “girls” zygotes and “boys” zygotes is about 1 to 1.5, for 100 girls there are 150 boys. But even at the very beginning, a significant number of pregnancies with a boy are spontaneously aborted. This happens before mothers find out that they were in a position.

A newborn girl, on average, weighs less than a boy, but by the month of life, the indicators change places. Boys are more likely to have malformations, they have a weaker immune system and they get sick more often. This is due to the biological role of girls, they will continue to give birth and give birth, so they are given great endurance and health. And the purpose of the boys is the progress of mankind and its development. Excessive depreciation resources of the body in this matter are not necessary, only physical strength and intelligence are important in the future. A boy needs more time to be born mature and ready for an independent life, so the gestation period is often longer.

What week girls are born

You can argue for a long time who is the stronger sex here, but the facts, they are such facts ... Girls are really born earlier. And if premature contractions occur, the survival rate among girls is much higher than among boys.

The earlier maturation and rapid development of girls persists throughout childhood. In the middle grades of school, the difference is especially striking, girls are already beginning to “bloom”, and boys remain children. The growth of the girl and her maturation ends at the age of 16, the boys grow until the age of 21.

Of course, the date of birth depends on the health of the mother, but in general, girls are given more vitality and abilities than boys, they are in a hurry to grow and get stronger, they are in a hurry to be born and physiologically develop faster.

What week are twins born?

Twins... Many dream of giving birth to two children at once, but nature provides for the birth of only one child. Multiple pregnancy is not the norm for a person, and one of the most common complications is the birth of twins too early. They increase the internal volume of the uterus 2 times faster, which reacts to overstretching with contractions. Childbirth with twins often begins at the 34-35th term. Despite the fact that many give birth to twins before, the chances of survival for twins are very high. They seem to be preparing to be born prematurely, and are often quite mature even at that age.

Week of pregnancy and childbirth, the main facts

You have only a 4-5% chance of giving birth at the calculated time. If this is your second birth, they will come earlier. If you're carrying a girl, your chances of giving birth earlier increase. If you are healthy and the pregnancy is normal, you have only a 2% chance of giving birth prematurely (up to 37).