Weekly plan on the theme of the gifts of autumn. Calendar planning of educational work (4th week of September) Group: Senior Topic of the week: “Gifts of autumn. Musical game "Fungus"



Morning gymnastics. Target: Contribute to strengthening the health of children and the awakening of the body for normal life; create a cheerful, cheerful mood.

Play art.liters. "A bag of apples" - to acquaint children with the work of V. G. Suteev. Continue to teach children to answer questions about the fairy tale, analyze the actions of the heroes, express their attitude towards the hero of the fairy tale.

Reading the work of N. Egorov "Radish, carrot, pumpkin ..."

Purpose: to cultivate a love for fiction

Questions: What is the name of the poem? Is it vegetables or fruits? Where do they grow? Why do we need vegetables?

Game exercise "Open the faucet, wash your nose." Purpose:

Learn to take care of your health, cultivate accuracy and cleanliness.

Didactic the game "From which tree the leaf." Purpose: Practice naming trees.

Situational conversation “Why mushrooms and berries in the forest? Who needs them?


Pay attention to the autumn flowers growing in the flower beds, find out which of the flowers are familiar to children.

Outdoor games with running for orientation in space. Game with a sunny bunny: "Catch a bunny!" (On command, the children try to catch him.), "Mice in the pantry."Goals: learn to run easily without bumping into each other, move in accordance with the text, quickly change direction

Individual work with Pasha on the development of basic movements: Walking exercises. Walking with the performance of adult tasks: with a stop, squatting.Goals: Develop basic movement skills.

Labor assignments . collection of stones on the site.Goals: instill in children the desire to help adults.


BSD "Health Lessons". Tasks:Continue to teach children to observe the rules of hygiene, to consolidate knowledge of the correct use of a handkerchief. Build skillshealth-saving behavior(use your handkerchief) . Clarify children's knowledge of the role of the nose as a sense organ(smell recognition) and respiratory organ. Teach children affordable self-massage of the nose and breathing exercises.

Play artistic literature. Reading the fairy tale "Under the fungus" - a conversation on the text of the fairy tale.

P / game "who is faster under the fungus" - to develop auditory attention, speed of reactions., Communication skills of children.

Didactic games of mathematical content. "Vegetable shop". Purpose: to teach children to find an object of a certain shape using geometric patterns, with the help of a teacher, to give justifications for their actions. Develop coherent speech, visual perception, form the ability to compare.

Role-playing game "Shop" .Purpose: .To teach children to verbally indicate the theme of the game, their role, the role of other children, the game actions performed. Develop the ability to use role-playing speech, establish role-playing relationships, conduct role-playing dialogue. Cultivate positive relationships among children.

Management techniques: distribution of roles, communication.


Watch the dogs being walked by their owners. Describe the appearance of the animal and its behavior. (The dog is very attached to a person, she guards his house, goes hunting with him.)

Outdoor games with running for orientation in space. "From bump to bump." , "Cars", "Sparrows and a car".Goals: to develop in children the ability to jump on two legs moving forward; to teach them to follow the rules of the road; to consolidate knowledge about buses.

Individual work on physical educationwith Misha, Sasha S.: throw the ball up to the sun and catch it.

Target : learn to toss and catch the ball.

Labor assignment sweeping the path leading to the site.Goals: to learn how to use brooms correctly, to cultivate diligence.

Larisa Rudenko
"Gifts of Autumn". Calendar plan in the senior group

Calendar plan in the senior group on the topic: « Gifts of autumn» . Completed by the educator MBDOU 119 Rudenko L.V.

Joint activities of the teacher with children in the process of sensitive moments. Organization of independent activities of children Interaction of the teacher with the family

Morning Dining room duty.

Learn to properly and accurately set the table as shown by the teacher.

Didactic game "Say the opposite". Learn

Children to choose words-antonyms.

Conversation on the topic: "Ah still life". Looking at reproductions of paintings "Vegetables" A. Lentulov and Moscow snow. Breads» I. Mashkov. To consolidate the idea of ​​​​a still life.

FEMP individual work. Fix with Misha and Alena an account within 5 (quantitative and ordinal, using counting material.

Organization of the exhibition « Gifts of autumn» .

Bring models of vegetables, bakery products for role-playing games.

Introduce color modules for outdoor games.

Prepare natural material for the productive activities of children. Place information in the parent corner about the theme of the week and the purpose of its holding.

Invite them to take an independent tour of the store or the market. Target: pay attention to the vegetable and bakery department, the work of sellers.

Direct educational activity. Cognition. "Bread is the head of everything"

Target: to introduce the journey of the grain from the field to the table (how bread is made).

Program content:

Cognition: -generalize and systematize children's knowledge about bread, the process of growing and making bread, about the variety of bakery products;

To bring children to an understanding of respect for nature and reasonable human intervention;

Work: - on the basis of expanding knowledge about the world around us, to educate children in respect for working people (grain growers, bakers, careful attitude to bread;

Forms of work: showing, explanation, conversation, posing problem situations, reading fiction.

preliminary work: guessing riddles about bread; memorizing poems and incantations about bread; explanation and memorization of proverbs and sayings about bread; reading stories by M. Glinskaya "Bread", M. Prishvina "Fox Bread"; comparison of spikelets of rye and wheat; comparison of wheat and rye bread in color, shape, taste.

Artistic creativity. Modeling from dough "Buns".

Target: continue to develop in children an interest in modeling from dough, the ability to create relief figures;

To achieve the realization of an expressive, bright design of the product, complementing the work with decorative elements;

Forms of work:


Show tutor

Independent activity of children

Playing crafts.

Walk. Watching plants: maple in september. Target: fix the names of the parts of the tree, pay attention to the beauty of its leaves, choose the most accurate designations of colors and shades as possible.

Forms of work: display, examination, conversation, reading fiction.

Labor assignments: cleaning the garden.

Target: to educate children industriousness, the desire to achieve results.

Recall with the children the necessary conditions for growing vegetables. determine the ripeness of vegetables.

Forms of work: conversation, joint work.

Sport game "Towns".

Target: to introduce children to the folk game and the history of its occurrence.

Develop dexterity in children.

Teach children to negotiate with each other during the game.

Forms of work: conversation, explanation, joint activity. Enter attributes for organizing outdoor games (sports, soccer ball, scooters).

Involve Nikita and Semyon in joint games with children.

Game enrichment experience:

Excursion to the post office.

Invite parents and children to make crafts from natural materials or draw a still life.

Calendar-thematic planning of educational work (for the week from 1 to 5 October)

Group: preparatory "B" Theme of the week: "Generous gifts of autumn"

Target: Expand children's knowledge of autumn. Continue to introduce agricultural professions. Expand knowledge of mushrooms, vegetables and fruits. Expand ideas about the rules of safe behavior in nature. Cultivate respect for nature. Form elementary environmental ideas.

Final event : Exhibition of crafts "Miracles from the usual garden"

Monday - 01.10.


F., P., R., S-K.

Morning gymnastics. Acupressure.

Conversation "Gifts of Autumn" to systematize and deepen knowledge about vegetables and fruits.

Didactic game "What grows in the garden and what on the branch"

Purpose: to fix the place of growth of different vegetables; develop attention, memory.

Finger game "Harvest"

Didactic game "The Fourth Extra" - classification of vegetables and fruits Zina, Polina, Seryozha P.

Observation and work in a corner of nature. Remind that plants, like vegetables, need moisture to grow, develop, determine the plant's need for watering.

Replenishment of the book corner with books about vegetables and fruits.

Selection of attributes for the role-playing game "Vegetable shop"

Invite parents to take part in the exhibition of crafts "Miracles from the usual garden."


P., R., S-K., X-E.

1. Communicative activity (speech development)

"Mysteries in the Garden"

Tasks: to consolidate the ability to fully and accurately answer questions, building sentences of 4-6 words, to activate the dictionary, to exercise in word formation, to coordinate nouns with adjectives, to consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound “r”, to cultivate a careful attitude to the gifts of nature.

2. Motor activity

Tasks: exercise in alternating walking and running at the signal of the teacher; in crawling on the gymnastic bench on the palms and knees; in balance when walking on a gymnastic bench with the performance of tasks; repeat jumping over cords.

3. Circle


F., P., R.,

S-K., X-E.

Observation of the work of adults (cleaning vegetables from the garden)

Remind the rules of working with a shovel

Relay "Take the vegetables to the cellar" - develop dexterity, speed of movement.

Labor: help in harvesting vegetables.


DI. "Be attentive" to develop auditory attention, speech hearing, increase vocabulary.

P.I. "Flies does not fly"

With Nikita S, Nikita G, Polina running "snake" between the trees (repeat safety precautions when running)

With Alina and Kirill M. repeat the signs of autumn.

Situational conversation "What is prepared from vegetables"

Fix the sequence of dressing and undressing

Independent activity on a walk.

Role-playing game "Motorists" "Garage"


F., P., R., S-K., X-E.

Exercise after sleep.

Playing small plots with attributes for the games "Family", "Shop"

Reading the fairy tale "The Man and the Bear", a conversation on the content.

Stencil vegetables and shade them - develop fine motor skills with Polina B, Ksyusha V

A moment of safety "Why you can not eat unwashed vegetables and fruits."

Role-playing game "Family".

Consolidation of knowledge about the processing of vegetables for the winter.

Board and printed games "Gifts of Summer", "Lotto"

Tuesday - 02.10.


F., P., R., S-K., H-E

Conversation on the topic "What are the benefits of vegetables and fruits" (to consolidate knowledge about fruits, vegetables)

Didactic game "Guess by description" - development of the ability to describe and recognize vegetables and fruits by description

“Say kindly” - learn to form diminutive words with Vadim, Vanya, Cyril D.

Research activity: looking at and comparing vegetables (by shape, size, length, taste)

Role-playing game "At Grandma's Village"

Laying out the contour of vegetables and fruits from cereals (development of fine motor skills of the hands)


R., P.,

X-E., S-K.

1. Cognitive activity (FEMP)

"Signs =,><

"Kolesnikova, p. 20)

Tasks: to consolidate the ability to understand the relationship between numbers, write these relationships using signs, be able to establish a correspondence between the number of objects and the number.

2. Visual activity (sculpting)

"Tasty gifts of a generous autumn"

Objectives: to arouse interest in sculpting berries, to encourage the transfer of the shape, structure, characteristic details of known fruit forms is understandable to others using a stack.

3.Musical activity.

(according to the plan of the music director)


F., P., R.,

S-K., X-E.

Walk around the territory of the kindergarten. Learn to distinguish trees by the shape of the leaves and their color. .Note which trees have fruits, which trees have fallen more leaves, are there any trees with green foliage. Which ones?

Didactic game "Say the opposite" (teaches you to select bright epithets - adjectives to describe autumn trees)

Labor: sweep the paths

The mobile game "Bird Flight" (learn to run in all directions, act on a signal)

With Danya V, Nikita P, Igor S, exercise in length from a place (to develop agility, endurance)

Research activity: determine which tree the leaves are from, conclude that the largest trees have the largest leaves

Role-playing game "Taxi" (to form the ability to act as the organizer of the game)

Drawing with sticks in the sand.


F., P., R., S-K., X-E.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Turnip"

A conversation about the read fairy tales, an assessment of the actions of the characters.

Independent inventing a fairy tale according to models.

Mobile game "At the bear in the forest"

With Alina A, Semyon B, Ksyusha V to consolidate the studied modeling techniques

Didactic game "What is in the bag?" develop tactile perception

Independent activity of children in activity centers

Experience: "The need of plants for water"

Wednesday - 03.10.


F., P., R., S-K., H-E

Morning gymnastics. Acupressure. Walking on a ribbed board.

A conversation on the topic "Mushrooms" arouse interest in the world around us, form a realistic idea of ​​\u200b\u200bnature, consolidate the general concept of "mushrooms"

Examining the painting "Fairytale Forest"Expand children's ideas about the signs of autumn

Board games.

With Polina, Marina, Anya, practice in a clear pronunciation of sounds in words.

Talking with children about the culture of behavior during meals.

Independent games for children.

D.. the game "Where is the left, where is the right?"

Exercises "Movement according to a given instruction"

In the forest for mushrooms - the assimilation of concepts: the left and right parts of the body, the left and right sides.

Folder-movement "Live vitamins"


R., P.,

X-E., S-K.

    Communication activities (literacy)

"Suggestion, graphic skills"

Tasks: to encourage independent reading of sentences; learn to complete the missing word; promote the development of sound-letter analysis; continue to introduce sentences, learn to name the first, second, third word in sentences4 to consolidate the ability to come up with a sentence in a picture and write it down schematically.

2. Visual activity (drawing)

"In the forest kingdom, the forest state"

Tasks: to consolidate the ability to draw mushrooms, develop compositional skills, develop aesthetic and artistic perception, creative thinking, cultivate accuracy.

3. Motor activity (physical culture on the street)

Tasks - repeat walking and running in alternation at the signal of the teacher, exercises with the ball, an outdoor game Flight of birds.

4. Circle (music)


F., P., R.,

S-K., X-E.

Observation of clouds - to form an idea of ​​​​how the wind forms clouds; develop creative imagination, arouse the desire to fantasize.

Work on the site: work in the flower garden

E. the game "How many objects" to teach subject counting; develop quantitative representations, the ability to understand and name numerals.

P. game "Freeze", "Ball up"

To form the ability and skills in catching and tossing the ball with Eva N, Zina, Alina.

Remind children to help each other, to ask and give thanks.

Story games for the choice of children.

Labor assignments.

Experimenting with sand (shaping0


F., P., R., S-K., X-E.

“Edible-inedible mushrooms” introduce mushrooms, teach them to distinguish them by their appearance, design a fly agaric from plasticine and paper., Cultivate respect for the gifts of nature.

Repeat the rules of behavior in the forest.

Individual work to consolidate the composition of the number 5 of the two smaller ones.

Didactic game: "What is superfluous here?" to develop operations of generalization, classification, to activate the vocabulary on the topic, to develop attention.

Independent activity in the corner of traffic rules,

Ball games.

Vegetables and fruits coloring pages.

Thursday - 04.10.


F., P., R., S-K., H-E

Morning gymnastics. Acupressure. Walking on a ribbed board.

Conversation on the topic: "Spikelet visiting the guys"

Examination of samples of grains and spikelets of various crops and their comparison.

Consider a reproduction of the painting by I. Shishkin "Rye"

Reading Yu. Zhdanovskaya "Niva" conversation on content.

Finger gymnastics "Loaf"

P. game "Mousetrap"

With Sergey P, Nikita G, practice counting spikelets (fix the ordinal account)

In a corner of nature, water the flowers, wipe the dust from the leaves (instill love and care for indoor flowers)

Prepare ears and grains of wheat, rye, oats.

Audio recording of Y. Frenkel's song "Russian Field".


R., P.,

X-E., S-K.

1. Cognitive activity (FEMP)

"The composition of the number six from two smaller ones"

Tasks: to consolidate knowledge about the composition of the number six of the two smaller numbers and geometric shapes: triangle, trapezoid; continue to solve logical problems to establish and patterns.

2. Visual activity (drawing)

"Still life"

Tasks: to develop a sense of composition, an eye, to cultivate purposefulness, to continue to acquaint with still life, to form the ability to draw various vegetables and fruits from nature, to convey their shape, color, and characteristic features.

3. Musical activity.

(according to the plan of the musical worker.)


F., P., R.,

S-K., X-E.

Sparrow watching in autumn

Labor: feed the birds that have flown to the feeder.

The mobile game "Flight of birds" (teaches you to perform actions on a signal)

With Sophia, Eva, Nastya, the exercise “Don’t knock down the flag” (learn how to snake between objects without knocking them down)

Situational conversation "How to help birds in winter?"

Didactic game "Tell me differently" to fix synonyms, antonyms, homonyms.

Mobile game "Stop" to fix the rules of the game.


F., P., R., S-K., H-E

Wellness exercises after sleep. Walking along the massage paths.

Sowing Wheat Seeds A talk about the assimilation of growth.

Role-playing game In the bakery "(to teach children to play a familiar plot, to evoke a positive emotional state in children from playing with peers)

Outdoor game "One, two, three run to the spikelet ..." (to develop the ability to act on a signal, moving in a certain direction)

With Cyril M, Polina, Alina, repeat parts of the day (morning, afternoon, evening)

Situational conversation "How to behave in kindergarten."

Role-playing game "Shop".

Stencils for drawing fruits, vegetables.

Friday - 05.10.


F., P., R., S-K., H-E

Morning gymnastics. Acupressure. Walking on a ribbed board.

"About those who grow bread" The teacher's story about

people working in the field.

Consider a reproduction of G. Myasoedov's painting "Harvest".

D. game "Name the profession and actions

Finger gymnastics "Baker"

P. yoke "Who will transport the grain to the elevator faster"

With Anya B, Polina, Alina drawing up proposals for the picture.

Memorizing the tongue twister "Baker, baker baked pies in the oven"

Illustrations with professions of people working in the field.

Design for the parents of the sliding folder “Here it is fragrant bread!”


R., P.,

X-E., S-K.

1. Motor activity (physical culture)

Tasks: Exercise in alternating walking and running at the signal of the educator: crawling on the gymnastic bench on the palms and knees: in balance when walking on the gymnastic bench with tasks: repeat jumping over the cords

2. Cognitive activity

"Spikelet's Journey"

The tasks are to introduce cereal crops, to develop the ability to distinguish a plant by characteristic features, to introduce modern technologies for making bread and compare how it was made before, to develop memory, thinking, to cultivate a caring attitude to bread, curiosity.

3. Circle.


F., P., R.,

S-K., X-E.

Rain observation (expand ideas about objects and natural phenomena, develop cognitive interests, develop observation)

Rain Riddles

Mobile game "Sun and rain"

With Karina, Ksyusha, Artem X, practice jumping, develop coordination of movements.

Remind children to help each other, how to make a request

Independent activity at the choice of children.

Outdoor games "Cabbage", Cat and Mice"


F., P., R., S-K., H-E

Topic: "From grain to loaf"

Reading the Ukrainian fairy tale "Spikelet", a conversation on the content of the fairy tale.

Modeling bakery products from salt dough for role-playing games.

D. game "Be careful"

P. game "A grain fell into the ground"

With Igor, Zhenya, Semyon, compare objects in height.

Learn the counting rhyme “Rain, pour rain, there will be a harvest of bread. There will be rolls, there will be drying, there will be delicious cheesecakes”

Constructive games "Build what you want" Role-playing games at the request of children.

Day of the week


Group, subgroup



Morning gymnastics.

Conversation on the topic: "Golden


Recall with children about the change of seasons, highlight the signs of autumn. Repeat autumn months.

Repeat the sequence of seasons, months of the year and days of the week. The game "What's what?"

(Kostya, Kolya, Diana)

Continue to reinforce proper posture while eating.

Examination of photo illustrations about autumn, about trees.

Suggest to parents :

Collect leaves for the work "Autumn Bouquet";

Bring plant seeds and fruit seeds.

    Physical training.

    Acquaintance with the subject and social environment.

Theme: "What autumn has brought us."

Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about the characteristic signs of autumn and autumn phenomena.



Wind observation.

Pay attention

children to the wind, teach

see changes in

kind in windy weather.

Exercise Sonya, Dasha, Eve in hitting the ball with one hand in motion.

Research activities:

“We study leaves, bark, trunk, fruits and seeds”;

P / and "Fox in the chicken coop" - learn to jump off gently, bending your knees, run without hitting each other.

Work before bed

Reading your favorite book M. Sadovsky "Autumn".


Improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along the massage paths. Adding plant care equipment to a natural corner.



Approximate scheduling of educational activities

Topic: "What autumn brought us as a gift."

Final event: Exhibition of children's works "Patterns of Nature".

Day of the week


Joint activities of adults and children

Independent activity of children

Interaction with the families of pupils in the implementation of the main educational program

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments


Morning gymnastics.

Conversation:"Autumn. What do you know about her? Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature.

With Artem, Matvey, Seryozha, fix the names of the autumn months.

situational conversation"On the benefits of air, trees for humans"

Exhibition of books about nature, children's encyclopedias.

Suggest to parents:

Make an application of autumn leaves "Clown" with the children

Organized educational activities

    Introduction to the natural world.

Topic: "In the garden, in the garden"

Purpose: to expand children's ideas about the diversity of the plant world; about vegetables, fruits, berries. Learn

Recognize them and correctly name vegetables, fruits and berries. Expand your understanding of care

For horticultural plants. Create a desire to share experiences.


Theme: "Autumn Harvest"

Purpose: to consolidate figurative ideas about the gifts of autumn. Continue to form the ability to draw mushrooms,

Vegetables and fruits, conveying their shape, characteristic features.


Theme: "Basket with mushrooms"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to sculpt objects or their parts of a round, oval, disc-shaped shape, using

Movement of the whole hand and fingers.


Sun watching

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the sun, its influence on the state of nature.

Individual work on fixing the lateral canter with a change of direction.

Remind children to take care of their appearance, cleanliness of clothes.

Self. De children on the site. p/i

"Jump, jump"

Garbage clearing.

Work before bed

Remind the children to fold the covers neatly.

Reading V.A. Sukhomlinsky "Swallows say goodbye to their native land."


Exercise after sleep. hardening procedures. Independent activity of children in activity centers.


Observations of clouds (shape, color, how they move, why?)

Independent play activities of children on the site, games of choice.

Approximate scheduling of educational activities

Topic: "What autumn brought us as a gift."

Final event: Exhibition of children's works "Patterns of nature"

Day of the week


Joint activities of adults and children

Independent activity of children

Interaction with the families of pupils in the implementation of the main educational program

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments


Morning gymnastics.

Conversation: "Why there should be order in the group"

The development of fine motor skills. (Seryozha, Bogdan, Diana)

Continue to consolidate the ability to use a napkin.

Enrichment with the material of role-playing games store "Seeds".

Together with the child, compare people's clothes in early and late autumn;

draw his attention to how the weather has changed.

Organized educational activities


Topic: "Consolidating the counting skill within 5"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to form the number 5 based on a comparison of two groups of objects expressed

Neighboring numbers 4 and 5. Clarify ideas about the sequence of parts of the day (morning, afternoon, evening, night)

    The development of speech.

Topic: "We are pupils of the senior group"

Purpose: to give children the opportunity to experience the pride that they are now older preschoolers.

    Physical training.


Observation of the work of adults in kindergarten

(to instill a desire to help adults - a teacher, a janitor)

Labor activity: caring for indoor plants, cleaning dry leaves

D / I "Find a tree by seeds." Examine the leaves under a magnifying glass. Games with portable material.

Work before bed

Finger game "Cabbage"


Gymnastics after sleep, tempering procedures. Reading "Tops and Roots", board games at the request of children. Didactic games: "Say the opposite" “Whose branch are the children from?”; C / I shop "Seeds"


Independent activity of children. P / I "Jump and get it", work on the site - we will sweep the veranda.

Approximate scheduling of educational activities

Topic: "What autumn brought us as a gift"

Final event: Exhibition of children's works "Patterns of nature"

Day of the week


Joint activities of adults and children

Independent activity of children

Interaction with the families of pupils in the implementation of the main educational program

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments


Morning gymnastics.

Conversation on the topic: "What day of the week, month, date, season is today"

Invite Lera and Sonya to help the teacher prepare the tables for the lesson.

Continue to reinforce the rules of behavior in the group.

Add images of Khokhloma and Gorodets painting to the drawing center.

Organized educational activities


Topic: "Gifts of nature (mushrooms, berries, nuts)"

(according to the plan of the artistic director)



Precipitation monitoring. The nature of precipitation in September is rain and fog. Children find differences between long and short rains.

Continue to improve the skills of various types of walking, running, jumping. (Zhenya, Kirill, Uliana)

Conversation: "About the work of adults in the fall"

Children's games with portable material. Enter attributes for p / and "Catch a leaf"

Work before bed


Gymnastics after sleep, tempering procedures. Examination of illustrations in the book and subject pictures on the theme "Autumn".

Reading : S. Prokofiev "A Tale About a Little Oak".


Independent activity of children, p / and "Catch a leaf"

Approximate scheduling of educational activities

Topic: "What autumn brought us as a gift"

Final event: Exhibition of children's works "Patterns of nature"

Day of the week


Joint activities of adults and children

Independent activity of children

Interaction with the families of pupils in the implementation of the main educational program

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments


Morning gymnastics.

looking at pictures

I. Levitan "Golden Autumn".Learning physical education minutes "Leaves are falling"

FEMP exercises with leaves "Ordinal Count"

(Alice, Seryozha, Ksyusha)

Remind children to keep books and toys in order.

Independent activity of children in activity centers.

Invite parents to bring photos on the theme "Autumn in our city."

Organized educational activities

    The development of speech.

Topic: "Memorizing the poem Autumn"

Purpose: To help children memorize and expressively read a poem.

    Manual labor.

Theme: "Patterns of nature"

Purpose: to consolidate the skills of manual labor in the manufacture of crafts from natural materials.

Exhibition of children's works "Patterns of nature"


Wind observation. Children independently characterize the wind: strong, gusty, weak, short-term, hurricane. Determine where and where the wind is blowing.

Throwing at the target with the left and right hand. (Ilya, Artem)

Situational conversation about the fact that paper is made from wood. What types of paper do children know?

Games with remote material, p / and "Catch up with your pair"

Work before bed

Free activity of children in activity centers. Reading L. Tolstoy "Oak and Hazel".


Gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths. Application at the request of children "Images from leaves" board-printed games "Learn letters", "Lotto"


Children's games with portable material. Labor on site. Role-playing games at the choice of children. Weather observations, compare morning and evening weather. P / and "Catch up with your couple"

EXAMPLE PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL WORK (for a week) in the senior group on the topic: Generous gifts of nature. (Harvest festival)

Target. Formation of valuable ideas about native nature and its gifts. Education of respect for nature.

Final event: exhibition of applications, crafts on the theme of the week. Harvest festival.




Group: Senior Topic: Generous gifts of nature. (harvest festival)

Target . Formation of valuable ideas about native nature and its gifts. Education of respect for nature.

Final event:exhibition of applications, crafts on the theme of the week. Harvest festival.Day of the final event: Friday.

Responsible for the final event: caregivers

Day of the week, theme of the day.








Monday. "Leaves and Seeds, Berries and Mushrooms"


physical culture




labor, knowledge


reading x/l

artistic creative


Morning exercises. No. 5

Examination of the book “Leaf Fall on the Palm”, which depicts what can be made from dry leaves, etc. Talk about what you see.

Di. "Whose children."

D. / i. "Call it by the right word."

Repeat memorized verses for the harvest festival with the children who came earlier. Work on intonation and expression.

A conversation about magical water. The benefits of water, how it should be used, what it is for, etc.

Duty in a corner of nature (removing dry leaves, watering plants, marking the weather on the calendar), in the dining room: (laying out cutlery correctly).

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.

Assignment: to make a craft or applique from natural materials together with a child for an exhibition.


educational activities



Muses. activity: music. rhythm. movements, singing, listening to music, learning dance and songs for the Harvest holiday.

Artistic creative


Artistic creativity. (Drawing) "Beauty rowan."Continue to teach how to draw a tree, introduce a new technique for drawing berries (a bunch of mountain ash) - by poking;instill a love for nature.













Reading x/l,

Artistic creation,


Examining trees and shrubs. Mark which ones still have leaves, seeds or fruits. Use poem. S. Ostrovsky "There are few leaves on the trees ...", I. Savitsky "Who carries the seeds."

P. / i. "One, two, three - run to the tree."

Work on the site: collecting fallen leaves.

Individual. work with children to consolidate counting up to 10 and counting skills within 10 (with autumn leaves or tree seeds).

Remind them of the importance of leaving the group clean and tidy before going out for a walk. Learn to tidy up play areas.

D. / i. "Find out whose sheet."

Role-playing games at the request of children.

Work before bed

Talk about the duties of the attendants; explain why and how to be on duty.


Reading informative information about leaves from the book “Once upon a time there was a leaf”.

Di. "Logic chains"

By z.k.r. exercise in the pronunciation of tongue twisters and tongue twisters for the sounds “s”, “c”, “sh”, “u” at a different pace and power of voice with Vadim, Azat, Elina.

Conversation "What do we know about mushrooms."

Role-playing game "Shop", "Family"


Weather observation. Labor on site. P. / i. "Traps". Independent play activity.

Day of the week, theme of the day.





Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners (theatres, sports, art schools,

educational institutions).




Educational activities in regime moments

Tuesday. "Fruits and Grains"


physical culture




labor, knowledge


reading x/l

artistic creative


Morning exercises. No. 5

Examination of the herbarium "Cereal crops".

Work on the book "In the world of plants" - developing tasks.

Di. "In the garden, in the field, in the garden."

Work on compiling a story based on pictures from the folder “Native Nature” with 2-3 children who came earlier.

Conversation on the topic: "Let's be clean!" Accustom

children should always be clean, tidy, brush their teeth, etc. (A. Barto “The Dirty Girl”).

Enrichment subject-

developing environment in the "Shop" game group.

Duty roster.

Independent games for children.

Individual counseling on various problematic issues of parents.

The joint work of children and parents to clean the site from fallen leaves.


educational activities



Cognitive-speech development. (Russian language)


Artistic literature


Communicative activity: (preparation for literacy) The sound and the letter "M". Introduce the consonant sound "M" and its symbol - a blue square. Learn to read syllables. Develop the ability to find the place of sound in a word.

Phys. culture.


Motor activity: Physical education.










Reading x/l,

Artistic creation,


Observation of the wind, to consolidate the ability to determine its strength.

P. / i. "We are funny guys."

Labor on the site: cleaning the sandbox from fallen leaves and hawthorn fruits, which grows next to the sandbox; helping the janitor in cleaning the remaining leaves.

Teaching posko-kam Ilnur, Timur, Rausha-niyu, Airat.

According to physical education: throwing at a horizontal target (using pine or spruce cones).

Situational conversation "What will happen if ..."

Removal of material for free play activities of children.

Experimenting "It's a water sorceress."

Role-playing game "Shop" with the use of the gifts of nature.

Free play activity.

Work before bed

Reading the Ukrainian folk tale "Spikelet". To lead to an understanding of the meaning of the tale.


Wellness gymnastics after sleep. hardening.

Organize an evening of riddles about crops, fruits, etc.

S. / r. game "Shop" (autumn harvest). commented observation.

Work on the development of fine motor skills of hands with Elvina, Regina, Rinat.

Conversation, playing and discussion of the situation "How to console, pity the offended." Education of positive moral qualities.

Independent play activity in activity centers.

Adding plant care equipment to a natural corner.


Monitoring weather changes. Compare morning and evening weather. P. / i. "Bush urynly" (Empty place) - the development of speed of reaction, mobility.

Day of the week, theme of the day.





Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners (theatres, sports, art schools,

educational institutions).




Educational activities in regime moments

Wednesday. "Gifts of nature and wildlife"


physical culture




work, knowledge


reading x/l

artistic creative


Morning exercises No. 5

Reading the book "The ABC of Nature"

Word game "Call it the other way around" Exercise in the selection of antonyms.

Di. “Pick up the shape”

Work on teaching storytelling from pictures from the folder "Native Nature".

Conversation: "Bad qualities." To bring up a negative attitude towards bad qualities, like telling a lie, taking other people's things without asking, etc.

Enrichment of the subject-developing environment in the group

Independent activity of children in activity centers.

Duty in a corner of nature (touch the soil, find out if the plant needs watering, water if necessary, remove dry leaves, spray).

Conversation about personal hygiene items for children.

For the prevention of SARS and influenza, ask to bring onions and garlic and advise them to use them in the form of a salad in the diet at home.



Musical activity: music. rhythm. movement, listening to music, learning songs, music. didactic game.



Cognitive activity: (familiarization with the outside world) “How animals prepare for winter” Expand ideas about the lifestyle of forest animals and sedentary birds in the fall, their nutrition.

Artistic creative Cognition

Productive activity: (application)."Bear" (from used tea leaves)










Reading x/l,

Artistic creativity,


Watching a sparrow: appearance, habits, compare with a tit. To consolidate the concept of "wintering birds". Use poem. A. Kari “Chipchygym”.

Work on the site: sweep the path, collect fallen branches and cones.

Work on teaching movement from dance: side gallop. With Ramis, Alina, Ali, Adele.

Remind the children to help each other, how to politely ask and thank.

Carrying out the necessary toys for play activities on a walk.

The plot game "Journey through the city." Tour guide, tourists.

Free play activity, independent way out of conflict situations.

work before bed

Reading: Z. Gomаrova “Koyash Fir”. Reading conversation. Contribute to the understanding of the meaning of the work


Exercise after sleep. Walking along massage paths, health-improving running.

Preparation for the holiday: dramatization of the fairy tale "Spikelet", playing the song "Harvest".

Art work. activities with George, Airat, Vadim: drawing “Autumn Gifts of Nature”.

Conversation: "What is good and what is bad" (behavior in nature).

Discussion and play.

D. /i. "Keep alive."

Experience: "What is the water." To acquaint children with some properties of water.

Independent activity of children in activity centers.


Pay attention to the change in the length of the day and air temperature: the days become even shorter and colder, the sun heats less and sets earlier. P. / i. "Day and night".

Day of the week, theme of the day.





Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners (theatres, sports, art schools,

educational institutions).




Educational activities in regime moments

Thursday. "Gifts of nature and our skillful hands"


physical culture, health,


socialization, labor,



reading x./l.

artistic creativity


Morning exercises. No. 5

Examination of the colorful book "100 crafts from natural material."

Talk about what you see.

We train memory and attention - d./i. "Remember and repeat."

Round dance game "Tүgәrәktә".

Work with Aigulya, Regina, Timur on the book "Tests" from the series "Smart Books" for children 5-6 years old. Tasks for the development of thinking (pp. 34 - 37)

A conversation about the work of people in the fall.Organize knowledge.To teach to establish the reasons for the change of labor, to compare them with the labor of people in the summer, to draw conclusions about the direction and significance of labor.

Work with the calendar of nature: note the state of the weather, day of the week, part of the day, speak.

Duty roster.

Independent activity of children in activity centers.

Assignment: make feeders from scrap materials (boxes, large plastic bottles, etc.)

Direct educational activities



reading x/l

Cognitive-speech development. (Russian language)


Cognitive research activity: (FEMP) "Oval".

artistic creativity


Productive activity: construction from natural material "Housewarming at the sparrows". Learn to create crafts from natural material, plan stages, negotiate in collective activities, cultivate love for living things, care for birds.


Phys. culture,







Reading x/l,

Artistic creation,


Physical education on the street.

Determination of weather according to signs. Hanging feeders with feed.

Birdwatching at feeders.

P. / i. "The Cat and the Sparrows" or "The Birds in the Nests".

Continue to train children in dribbling the ball on the ground with one hand. Working with Elina


Conversation "Autumn weather".

Removal of equipment for free play activities

Work on the site: we collect large debris on the site.

Di. "It happens - it doesn't happen"

Independent play activity on a walk.

work before bed

Talking to children about the benefits of daytime naps. D./a. How to make a bed properly. Reading of the poem by R. Kharis “Yoky kerde kuzeme” (“Gölbakcha”, 76 bits)


Exercise after sleep.

Wellness run.

Preparation for the harvest festival: singing and playing the songs “Harvest”, “Dance of Autumn Leaves”, reading poems about autumn and gifts of autumn.

Speech development: compiling a short story on the topic

"Gifts of nature and me". Working with Alina, Rausha-nia, Airat, Ramis.

Workshop for making handicrafts from natural material "Skillful Hands" (cones, acorns, seeds).

Work with the calendar of nature: note changes in the weather conditions on the street, mark part of the day.

Independent activity of children in activity centers.


Sky observation. Independent play activities of children on the site, games of choice.

Day of the week, theme of the day.





Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners (theatres, sports, art schools,

educational institutions).




Educational activities in regime moments

Friday. "Harvest Festival"


physical training




work, knowledge


reading x/l

artistic creative


Morning exercises number 5.

Reading informative information from the book "Holiday all year round"

Word game "Tell me a word."

Phys. minute “Autumn” (“Koz”).

P. / and “Flies - does not fly”

Work on FEMP: "We draw by cells" - space. orientation. Hatching. With Ilnur, Rina-tom (or with 2-3 children who came earlier).

Conversation in ethicalkuyu theme “Courage” (“Kyulyk. Batyrlyk”). To teach to come to the rescue of someone who finds himself in a difficult situation, be it a person or any living creature, to be brave and responsive, to clean up the weak and small.

Duty in a corner of nature: loosening, spraying indoor plants. Note familiar flowers.

Free activity of children in activity centers.

Individual conversations about: "What to work on with a child."

Consultation - a reminder: "Compliance with the regime of the day on weekends (morning rise, exercise, variety of food, daytime sleep ...)".

Direct educational activities

Physical training


Motor activity: physical culture under musical accompaniment.

Hood. lit.


Reading fiction. For Russians “Tops and Roots”, for Tatars “Ayu Belan Babay” (Tatar halyk akiyate).

work, knowledge

artistic creative

productive activity. (Modeling.)"Autumn Tree"










Reading x/l,

Artistic creation,


Note the state of the weather. Use the words windy, sunny or overcast, cool. Pay attention to the first frosts and tell the children what frosts are.

Labor on the site: cleaning fallen leaves, branches, cones.

P. / i. "We are funny guys."

Continuation of learning the elements of the sports game of basketball: dribbling while walking. Work with George, Ali, Ilgiz.

Conversation "Danger around us in kindergarten and on a walk."

Drawing on asphalt on a free topic is to develop artistic creativity, the ability to convey the characteristic features of what you are drawing.

Di. "Similar - not similar."

Independent activity of children on a walk, games of choice.

work before bed

Reading a fairy tale, written in poetic form on Tat. lang. R. Valieva "Yalkau karga balasy" (Lazy little crow). Contribute to the understanding of the meaning of the work.


Gymnastics after sleep, hardening.

Harvest festival.

Exhibition of children's works.Household

labor: cleaning and washing toys, wiping shelves for toys with a damp cloth, putting things in order in ind. lockers.

Dictionary work with Alina, Azalea, Airat: "Think of a word."

Situational conversation about various situations in which

there are or may be children: "If I ...". Solving problems and ways out of various situations.

Work on caring for plants: watering (which ones need watering before the holidays. Remember which of the flowers loves abundant watering and which does not), wiping large-leaved plants.

Independent activity of children in the centers of creativity.


Pay attention to the change in air temperature, compare with daytime. P. / i. children's choice.