Determination of the alleged mass of the fetus by the formula. The rules for measuring the circumference of the abdomen and the standing height of the uterus. How do the weight of the child in the clinic

Every future mother, being in a joyful anticipation of a meeting with the long-awaited kid, must necessarily worry about how her crumb is growing and developing. Woman wondering what will be the eyes, nose, ears, crumb sticks. Especially future mothers are interested in how much their future kid weighs. However, the determination of the weight of the crumbs in various methods is important not only for mom, but also for doctors. We highlight the main reasons why you need to determine the weight of the kid during pregnancy, and let us dwell on how to do it.

The weight of the future kid - why it is determined during pregnancy
  1. Acquisition of the crumbling. The weight and growth of the future crumbs is very important when choosing a future baby clothes. Krochi parents need to decide what size to pick up a newborn-ledged - 50 or 56 size of children's clothing.
  2. Solving the issue of cesarean section. The fruit is large, the weight of which at the time of 38-40 weeks of pregnancy women exceeds 4000g. In such a situation, most likely, doctors make a decision to hold cesarean sections. However, it is possible that the definition of weight is erroneous. There are cases when a woman was diagnosed with "big fruit" and even "giant fruit" (if the weight of the crumbs exceeds 5 kg), but the baby was born with absolutely normal weight. The decision on the resolution of childbirth with the help of cesarean section is hosting a leading doctor based on observation throughout the pregnancy. Influence on the weight of the future crumb can be one of the following factors:
    • heredity, if someone has already born in the family of a pregnant woman;
    • if a woman is redirected pregnancy;
    • in case the future crumbs have a tall and strong father;
    • in a pregnant woman - overweight;
    • the presence of diabetes mellitus in the future mother;
    • repeated pregnancy.
  3. Psychological tranquility of the future mother. Any future mother wants to know that with her baby is all right. Many indicators that are important for doctors are not always understandable to a woman (for example, the thickness of the collar space, etc.). However, every mom is nice to know how to gain her crumb in the weight. Weight indicator gives a woman the condition of comfort and absolute unity with her baby. The future mother knows how much the crumble added it, and it gives her internal forces and confidence, and kilograms are gaining "not in vain."
Methods for determining the weight of the fetus
There are two main ways to determine the weight of the fetus. First hardware - using ultrasound data. The second is calculated.
  1. Hardware method for determining the weight of the fetus. Ultrasound - mandatory procedure for future mothers all over pregnancy. Recently, mommies can admire their future toddler on the monitor screen. The ultrasound function is a timely diagnosis that allows you to accurately diagnose ectopic pregnancy, malformations of the fetus and evaluate its general condition, as well as produce fetometry, with which the size of the fetus is determined.
    For the whole pregnancy, a woman must pass three mandatory ultrasound scrinting. Based on the ultrasound examination, a protocol is issued a protocol with all the most important parameters for the development of its baby, including the weight of the crumbs. The program built into the ultrasound device allows you to calculate the weight of the fetus on the basis of statistical and experimental data. However, if the program apparatus does not give you the weight of the baby, on the basis of data from the ultrasound-protocol you can independently calculate the weight of the crumbs. Using numerous calculators on the Internet.
  2. Estimated definition method using outdoor measurements. Gynecological obstetricists use 4 major formulas that allows doctors to easily determine the weight of the fetus in late pregnancy (starting from 32 weeks). It is worth noting that in such calculations may be errors, therefore it is not necessary to fully rely on the result.
    • Formula construction.

      X \u003d (MB: K + OH ∙ VMM) / 2

      where x - the mass of the fetus;
      MB - body weight of a pregnant woman, kg;

      VDM - the height of the bottom of the uterus;

      The constant is determined based on the mass body mass. This use the following table data.

      Body mass of pregnant (MB; in kg)

      Constant (K)

      82 or more

      Based on research conducted by scientist A.V. Lancut, to determine the body mass of the fetus, the following data were obtained: the weight was correctly defined in 45.7% of newborns; with a significant error ((± 500-1000 g)) - in 16.7% of newborns; With a gross mistake (more than 1000 g) - in 1.5% of newborns.

      Example. The weight of a pregnant woman at 33 week is 61 kg. Women's abdomen circle is 90 cm, and the height of the uterus bottom is 33 cm. We calculate the mass of the fetus:
      X \u003d (61: 18 + 90 ∙ 33) / 2 \u003d 1486.69 g

    • The formula is Yakubova. The weight of the fetus is calculated by the formula:

      X \u003d (coolant + VSM) / 4 ∙ 100

      where x - the mass of the fetus;
      OH - Women's abdomen circumference;
      VDM - the height of the bottom of the uterus.

      Example. The weight of a pregnant woman for 31 weeks is equal to 58 kg. Women's abroad circumference is 86 cm, and the height of the bottom of the uterus is 31 cm. We calculate the mass of the fetus:
      X \u003d (86 + 31) / 4 ∙ 100 \u003d 2 925g.

    • Formula Rudakova. According to Rudakov, it is necessary to the length and width of the half-breeding of the palpable fetus. The specified values \u200b\u200band the resulting conditional index is substituted into the table. The magnitude of the index corresponds to a certain value of the mass of the fetus. Also, the table determines a large, dead and premature fruit for labor.

      H - Fruit Fruit
      M - premature fruit
      B - big fruit

      Week's term

      Full volume index

      Mass of the fetus, g

    • Calculation of the mass of the fetus according to R. W. Johnson and S. E. Toshach. According to scientists, to calculate the intended mass of the fetus, it is necessary to measure the height of the bottom of the uterus above the Lona. If, with a pressed fruit head, it is 34 cm, then the middle mass of the fetus is 3400 g. With the height of the bottom of the uterus, 35 cm. The mass of the fetus is 3556 g, etc. By adding 156 g per each centimeter of fetal growth.
The determination of the mass of the fetus is very important for the successful course of pregnancy. It is possible to determine this indicator using the Uzi apparatus, or the calculated method using the formula. However, it is worth remembering that in each way there is a variable error.

From the size of the baby largely depends on how childbirth will be held, so it is possible to calculate the weight of the fetus for many future moms becomes almost a priority. Gynecological obstetricists use several formulas that allow you to calculate the estimated. It is worth noting that the data of such calculations relatives are relative because they depend on the set of features, among which the anatomical structure of the mother, the number of accumulating waters, the position of the fetus in the uterus and so on.

Weight Formulas:

  1. Co.

    In this formula, the main values \u200b\u200bare the abdominal circle and the height of the uterus bottom. For example, if the abdominal circle is 84 cm at 32, and the second indicator is 32 cm, the approximate weight of the fetus - 2688 is to repeat once again that the results of such calculations are relative, and the error may be up to 200-300.

  2. (Co. + VSM) / 4 x 100

    This formula also allows you to calculate the weight of the fetus during pregnancy. For this, the two indicators (the circumference of the abdomen and the standing height of the uterus) must be folded, divided into four and multiply to a hundred. So, with the specified parameters, the weight of the fetus will be 2900 g.

  3. (VDM - 12 or 11) x 155

    The third formula shows how to calculate the approximate weight of the fetus, given the characteristics of the physique of a woman. According to the Solovyov formula, a certain index is deducted from the base height of the bottom of the uterus. Gram, depending on the structure of the body of the future mother.

Determination of the weight of the fetus by ultrasound

The most accurate data can be obtained if you calculate the weight of the fetus on the ultrasound. The ultrasound examination allows you to determine not only the weight of the baby, but the correspondence of its size of its pregnancy. In order to calculate, there is a special calculator. If you enter all the ultrasound examination data, you can get the result, the most approximate to reality.

After counting on different formulas and take into account the results of the ultrasound, you can calculate the most accurate weight of the fetus at birth. It is worth remembering that every organism is individual, therefore, if the results obtained above or below the norm, fall into panic even early. As a rule, the norms can be strictly apply only to the first half of pregnancy, when the fruit is still very small, whereas in the third trimester an error can reach 500 g.

Table of contents of the topic "Determining the term of childbirth and the alleged body mass of the fetus. Research of blood flow of the fetus.":
1. Physiological sample with breathing delay on inhalation and exhalation. DopplerMetical testing of blood flow in the mother-placental-fruit system. Study of the blood flow of the fetus.
2. Biophysical fetal profile. The concept of a biophysical profile. Criteria for estimating biophysical parameters of the fetus.
3. Motor activity of the fetus. Amnioscopy. Determination of the volume of amniotic fluid.
4. Determination of the term of childbirth and the estimated body mass of the fetus.
5. The estimated lifetime. How do the estimated lifetime determines?
6. Formulas for determining the term of pregnancy. Formula Jordania. Sculian formula.
7. Ultrasonic scanning when determining the term of pregnancy. Fetometry. Biparial head size. Computer fetometry.
8. Determination of the alleged mass of the fetus. Fetal hypotrophy. Close-up.
9. Determination of the alleged mass of the fetus according to the Formula of Jordania. Formula Jordania. Lancut Formula. Formula Johnson.
10. Determination of the alleged mass of the fetus in construction worker. The formula is Yakubova. Formula Rudakova. Formula R. W. Johnson (Johnson) and S. E. Toshach (Toshacha).

Determination of the alleged mass of the fetus in the construction worker. The formula is Yakubova. Formula Rudakova. Formula R. W. Johnson (Johnson) and S. E. Toshach (Toshacha).

Determination of the alleged mass of the fetus in construction:

where X is the estimated mass of the fetus, r; MB - body weight of pregnant, kg; Abdominal circle, cm; VDM - the height of the bottom of the uterus over the Lone, see; K is a constant (Table 10).

Table 10. The magnitude of the constant depending on the mass body mass

According to A.V. Lannkovitsa (1961), calculation of the alleged mass of the fetus according to the formula Stroykova The following results have given: it is defined almost correctly (± 200 g) in 45.7% of newborns, with a significant error (± 500-1000 g) - in 16.7% of newborns. A gross error (more than 1000 g) had 1.5% of newborns.

Determination of the alleged mass of the fetus for Yakuboy:

where X is the estimated mass of the fetus, r; Co. - abdominal circumference, see; VDM - the height of the bottom of the uterus over the Lone, see; 4 and 100-core coefficients.

Determination of the alleged mass of the fetus according to Rudakov. Measure the length (a) and width (c) of the semicircle of the palpable fetus (but not the uterus or the belly of pregnant!). Then the specified values \u200b\u200bare multiplied and the conditional index is obtained. The magnitude of the index corresponds to a certain value of the mass of the fetus, which is determined separately for childbirth docking (H), premature (m) and large fruit (b).

Data is presented in Table 11.

Table 11. The magnitude of the index of the volume of the fetus by A.V. Rudakova

Determination of the alleged mass of the fetus according to R. W. Johnson and S. E. Toshach. Measure the height of the day of the uterus over the lan. With its value, equal to 34 cm (head pressed), the average mass of the fetus is 3400 g. With a standing height of the uterus, more or less than 34 cm add or subtracted 156 g per centimeter. The amendment (subtraction) is done with the fetus head located above the pelvic entrance, or when obesity has a mother (body weight of more than 90 kg). When using the method in 50.5% of cases, the intended mass of the fetus fluctuated in the limits of ± 340 g relative to the true mass (Johnson R.W. and Toshach C.E., 1954).

For determining the mass of the fruit The period of pregnancy, the course of pregnancy, the hereditary factor, the growth and mass of the body of a pregnant and spouse, the increase in body weight during pregnancy, obesity, the presence of diabetes, etc.

These figures cannot be accurate, everyone knows that children can be born and 2500 weighing and 4500, and are only approximate.

The energy rate of the fetus is almost the same in all women in the early stages, but with an increase in the period of pregnancy, an individual difference becomes more and more. However, before childbirth, everyone really wants to know exactly whether the child is large, it depends on how childbirth will pass.

Determination of the weight of the fetus using outdoor measurements

The obstetric-gynecologists have special calculation formulas that allow us to estimate the weight and size of the fetus at the later gestation. You can independently with simple calculations, calculate the weight of the fetus in 32 weeks and later using them. They are not very accurate, for this reason are not particularly relying on the result.

Basic fetal weight formula:

Abdomen's circumference multiply to the height of the bottom of the uterus (in centimeters). For example, the weight of the fetus of 33 weeks in a woman with a stomach circumference is 86 cm and the standing height of the uterine 33 cm will be on this formula of 2838 grams, +/- 200 grams. However, these calculations can affect, for example, the physique, the number of accumulating waters, the position of the child in the uterus.

To clarify the result, the fetal weight is calculated on two additional formulas:

Co. + VDM x 100
The sum of the abdomen and standing height of the bottom of the uterus should be divided into 4 and multiply by 100, in the previous example, it turns out, (86 + 33) / 4 * 100 \u003d 2950 grams.

The third formula takes into account the physique of the woman, the so-called Solovyov index is used, the wrist circle. If it is more than 16 cm, 12 cm is subtracted, if less than 16 cm, 11 cm is subtracted.

(VDM - 12 or 11) x 155
The height of the bottom of the uterus, from it it is necessary to subtract the coefficient (11 or 12) and multiply by 155, we obtain the weight in the previous version of the calculation of 3255 or 3410 grams, depending on the Solovyov index.

All results obtained in three formulas must be folded and divided into three. It is clear that the accuracy of such calculations leaves much to be desired.

The weight of the fetus on ultrasound

You can calculate the most accurate use of the fetus by ultrasound, measurements that are carried out using an ultrasound, allow you to calculate weight with great accuracy, while simultaneously you can learn the compliance of individual parameters for pregnancy.

Tables Ultrasound, in which the energy rate is indicated by weeks when ultrasound, are very voluminous, we reduced them to a service that will allow you to learn the weight of the child and its growth, simply by entering data from the ultrasonic survey protocol.

In order to get the result, you need at least, have this protocol on your hands.

You will need:

To know your term of pregnancy in the weeks of BPR, this is a biparic size of the head, you can also use the LZR, the frontal-occipital size of the head or the child's head circumference (og).
- Coolant - child abdomen
- DLB, thigh child length
- DGRK - the diameter of the baby's chest

To calculate, all fields should be filled if you in the protocol does not indicate the abdominal circle or the diameter of the chest, instead you can substitute the diameter of the chest or the abdomen circle, respectively.

Determination of the weight of the fetus on ultrasound does not depend on the number of accumulating waters, the position of the fetus in the uterus and even the amount of fruits. Calculation of the weight of the fetus on the ultrasound closest to the real weight of the child at birth.

How to interpret the results obtained? So, you calculated the weight of the fetus, or looked at the table, or found out with the help of an ultrasound. And you see that it does not match the expected.

The rate of weight of the fetus for weeks may not fit your calculations, both in the greater and in a smaller side, and, and the more the term of pregnancy, the more this difference may be.

In the early pregnancy, the approximate weight of the fetus may be less or more estimated only in cases where you are mistaken with a gestation. In the future, the fetal weight gain depends on the heredity, the state of the placenta, and other factors. Before childbirth, the normal weight of the fetus varies widely, and 2500, and 4500 may be the norm.

Why depends the weight of the fetus?

From heredity
- on the nature of the nutrition, the state of health and the presence of bad habits from the mother
- from the peculiarities of the course of this pregnancy
- on the amount of fruits.

With double, the lag of the fetus begins approximately 20 weeks, and this trend is preserved up to delivery. The weight of twins at birth is always less than the norm about 1-2 weeks, in relation to the indicators that give the fetus weight table for weeks. Now you know how to determine the weight of the fetus during pregnancy, you can constantly use the fetal weight formula, and you can use our fetal weight calculator by ultrasound.

Frup Weight Calculator

1. A week 40)) (Alert ("5
2. 400)) (Alert ("5 mm.
3. DLB (thigh length) 400)) (Alert ("4 mm.
4. 400)) (Alert ("13 mm.
5. OK (abdominal diameter)

Perhaps there is not a single future mother in the world, which in a state of pregnancy did not want to know how much her child would be wearing. Of course, pregnancy time is quite complex from a physiological point of view, but from a psychological point of view, this is a very pleasant and joyful state. The article will consider how to calculate the weight of the fetus.

Formula Stroykova

Let's start with the fact that there are different formulas for calculating the weight of the fetus. These formulas were developed by different scientists.

So according to the method of the construction formula for the calculation of the weight of the fetus will be like this:

X \u003d (MB: k + coolant * VMM) / 2

In the formula X, it means the estimated weight of the fetus, the MB is a reduction - the mass of the body of the pregnant woman, the coolant is a circumference of the abdomen, VMM is a reduction from the height of the bottom of the uterus above the Lona, and K is a constant.

The value x is measured in grams, MB is measured in kilograms, and the coolant and VDM are measured in centimeters. The value K depends on the body weight of the mother. If the mother has a mass of up to 51 kg, then to equal to 15; If the body weight is 51-53 kg, then 1. 16; If MB is in the range of 54 - 56 kg, then K \u003d 17; If the mass of the mother's body ranges from 57 to 62 kg, then K is 18; If the weight of pregnant in 63-65 kg, then it will be equal to 19; If MB \u003d 66-73 kg, then K \u003d 20; If MB \u003d 74-81 kg, then K \u003d 21 and if MB is more than 82 kg, then it will be equal to 22. If you calculate the weight of the fetus according to this formula, then there is an error within two hundred grams.

Formula Yakubova

Now about how to determine the weight of the fetus according to the formula of Yakuboy. Here, the height of the uterus is added to the abdomen of the abdomen, then the indicator is divided into four and multiplied by 100.

Formula Rudakov

Rudakov offers such an approach to determining the mass of the fetus: it is necessary to measure the width of the width and the length of the palpable fetus, after which multiply them. As a result, the resulting indicator is substituted into a table developed by scientists, and determine the mass of the fetus. It should be said that there are three columns in the table where you can substitute this index. These columns are values \u200b\u200bfor genera, premature and docking fruit.

In addition, there are fetal weight norms. But it should be said that every fruit has its own norm and grows by, so to speak, by its rules. Typically, many different tables offer indicators reflecting some averance.