Planning the sex of the unborn child: folk and scientific methods. Can you plan your baby's gender before conception? How to conceive a son and daughter

There are many superstitions in the world associated with pregnancy. For some, you can try to determine the sex of the unborn baby. Some women argue that in their case, the signs turned out to be more accurate than an ultrasound scan, others treat all kinds of beliefs with irony. offers entertainment for both categories of expectant mothers: a funny list of 14 ways to determine the sex of a child without resorting to the help of doctors.

1. Food preferences
If a woman prefers sweets during pregnancy, then there will be a girl. Mothers of boys, bearing them, prefer salty and spicy.

2. Toxicosis
Girls are often called the culprits of toxicosis. Boys don't scoff at moms like that.

3. Belly
The sex of the unborn child is also predicted by the position of the abdomen: if it is located low, there will be a boy; if a pregnant woman has a high belly, it is a girl.

4. Chinese calendar
This method of prediction is about 700 years old. According to Chinese beliefs, the sex of a child is related to the date of conception. If she is known for sure, you can check the calendar and find out who will be born. They also resort to the calendar at the stage of pregnancy planning, choosing the date of the intended conception depending on whether the family wants a boy or a girl.

5. Heart rate
During the examination, you need to ask your doctor what is the heart rate of the fetus. From 140 and above - a girl, below 140 - a boy.

6. Skin condition
They say girls steal beauty from their mothers, hence the sudden appearance of acne, blackheads and oily sheen. As in the case of toxicosis, boys are much more merciful.

7. Ring test
To carry out the test, you need to remove the wedding ring, hang it on a string and lift it over the stomach. If the ring dangles back and forth, there will be a girl. The movement of the ring in a circle promises a boy.

8. Grace
A beautiful and measured pregnancy is a sign that a girl will be born. Boys make moms awkward and sluggish.

9. Hands
If, when asked to show her hands, a woman stretches her limbs with her palms down, then she will have a boy. If the palms are facing up, there is a girl in the stomach.

10. Dreams
If a pregnant woman dreams that she will have a boy, then a girl should be expected. And vice versa.

11. Chest
When the left is larger than the right, there will be a boy. If the right seems larger than the left, there will be a girl.

12. Test with a child
If someone's child is interested in the belly of a pregnant woman, you can tell fortunes on it. If a boy approaches the belly, the birth of a girl is expected. The girl will show interest in the belly if there is a boy in it.

13. Garlic test
The woman should eat some garlic and wait a couple of hours. If a pregnant woman smells like garlic, she will have a boy. The lack of smell suggests that a girl will soon appear in the family.

14. Test with keys
Having dropped the keys to the floor, the woman must pick them up without looking. If she pulled on the rounded side of the key, there will be a boy, and if she took up the long part, a girl will be born.

Is it possible to plan the sex of the unborn child? Is it really possible to "order" a girl or a boy for yourself and there are special methods for this? We will tell you about your chances to calculate in advance the birth of a son or daughter, and what official medicine says about this.

People in vain will not say?

Even our ancestors did not rely too much on fate and tried to somehow influence the process of conceiving the "necessary" child.

For example, in the old days there was such a custom: young people put some items of traditionally male or female crafts near the matrimonial bed. They wanted a girl - they took a spindle, they wanted a boy - that means an ax.

The likelihood of having a boy increases if conception occurs at night, in dry weather, in a cool room, with your head to the north.

And under the pillow you need to put a typewriter or a toy gun.

The girl will succeed if you have sex in the evening, in a warm room of pink tones, smelling of perfume. The head looks towards the south, under the pillow is a pink ribbon.

How do you like the method of sexual abstinence? He is needed by those who want to get pregnant with a girl. To make a boy, on the other hand, requires active lovemaking.

According to statistics, this method is effective on average in 70% of cases. Those who want the girl were not very lucky - abstinence should last at least one and a half months.

The British view of conception is much simpler - if there are many representatives of the stronger sex in a man's family, he may well count on the birth of a boy.

According to popular beliefs, thin women often give birth to girls, and overweight women give birth to boys.

Many people trust the Chinese method - in order to plan the sex of the child, you need to focus on a special table.

It horizontally indicates the age of the expectant mother, and vertically - months. At the intersection of these two lines, you will see the gender of the baby. Choose the time suitable for conceiving a son or daughter - whoever you want more.

How to Schedule Your Baby's Gender Using Diet?

A diet that helps plan for a baby of the correct gender is called a French diet. It is believed that salty foods and foods high in potassium contribute to the conception of a boy.

Girls need magnesium and calcium. Both parents should eat according to the diet 2.5-3 months before the conception of the baby.

Products contributing to the conception of a boy: meat of all sorts, smoked meats, pickles, mushrooms, jacket potatoes, avocados, dates, apples, apricots, bananas, peaches, parsley.

Those who want a daughter need to eat: fish, dairy products, rice, peeled potatoes, asparagus, eggplant, beets, carrots, peppers, cucumbers, peas, beans, tomatoes.

It is necessary to reduce the amount of salt in food, exclude yeast baked goods.

Doctors believe that such diets are not balanced enough and can harm the health of the mother and the unborn child.

It is best to eat a healthy, balanced diet that includes all the essential micronutrients and vitamins. Moreover, the diet does not at all guarantee the birth of a child of the sex you need.

Gender prediction using blood renewal

The method is very popular, many people try to schedule the sex of the baby in this way.

It is considered: male blood is renewed every 4 years, and female - every 3. The gender of the unborn child depends on the parent: whose blood is younger, he will pass on his gender to the baby.

The number of full years of women is divisible by 3, and men - by 4. Whose remainder is greater, even more young blood.

For example, the wife is 24 years old, we divide by 3, we get the number 8. The husband is 30 years old, dividing by 4, we get 7.5. This means that the younger blood of the mother and the couple should have a girl.

But if a woman has a negative Rh factor, then the parent's blood with a smaller residue will be younger.

It is also necessary to take into account the large blood loss during operations, donation, and then the countdown should be carried out from this date, and not from birth.

But the fact is that the constituents of blood - plasma and corpuscles (erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets) - are constantly updated, so this technique seems completely useless to doctors. But harmless.

Planning by ovulation date

To schedule the sex of your baby, you can use the ovulation method.

Sperm with a Y chromosome are responsible for the birth of boys, and sperm X for girls.

Which of them will be the first to reach the egg, that will determine the sex of the baby. X chromosomes are less mobile, but live longer and are able to survive in an acidic environment.

Therefore, parents who want to conceive a daughter should have sex 3-4 days before the onset of ovulation (release of the egg).

Y-chromosomes are more active and nimble, but less tenacious in an acidic environment.

In order to conceive a son, you need to plan sexual intercourse on the day of ovulation, if earlier, then the male chromosomes simply will not survive until the egg is released.

The effectiveness of this method has already been noted by many couples, but doctors do not consider it completely effective.

You can calculate the day of ovulation using special tests that are sold in pharmacies, or by measuring the basal temperature.

How to guarantee the gender of your baby?

Modern medicine allows you to choose the gender of the unborn child. This is done using the IVF (in vitro fertilization) program.

Conception takes place in a test tube outside the body of the expectant mother. A ready-made embryo is implanted into the uterus. During the IVF procedure, there are usually several embryos, you can select the embryo of the desired sex.

The effectiveness of the technique is high, but it is not available to many due to its impressive cost.

MicroSort technology

With a high degree of probability, it is possible to plan the sex of the child using the modern MicroSort technology.

Its essence is in the separation of spermatozoa with an X chromosome from spermatozoa with a Y chromosome (they have different sizes).

After sorting, sperm with the desired chromosome will prevail in the semen, which will help increase the chances of conceiving a girl or a boy.

The probability of success if parents are planning a daughter is more - over 90%, and with a smaller son - about 80-85%.

Today, many people are concerned about the ethical aspects of choosing the sex of an unborn child with the help of medicine. This can lead to an imbalance in the natural sex ratio.

There are cases when gender selection is necessary for medical reasons, when some diseases (especially genetic ones) are transmitted precisely through the female or male line.

It is possible to understand those families where there are already several children of the same sex, and a dad who has daughters simply needs an heir.

In other cases, it is somehow unethical to interfere with the natural process. After all, you will still love your daughter, although you have been waiting for your son, and vice versa. Because a child of any gender is a real gift of fate.

Many couples who have only girls are trying to find out how to schedule the gender of the baby - boy and is this possible today? It turns out that there are scientific and folk methods that allow us to hope for a different outcome of the case. True, they do not give a 100% guarantee. A person cannot yet completely subordinate complex natural processes to himself. But you can try, we will tell you how.

Anatomy and physiology

We learn about how this complex mechanism works at school in general terms. From the course of anatomy, we remember that a kind of spirals of nucleic acid - chromosomes containing basic hereditary information - "live" in cells. They are the ones who decide what the floor will be.

But to understand how this happens, you need to plunge deeper into this topic. A healthy person has 46 chromosomes, divided into 23 pairs. With the same set of them: 22 (XX), and the 23rd in men is different, it has XY combination.

The egg cell always has the same composition - X, the sperm - XY. If, during conception, the female reproductive cell connects to the male X chromosome, we are waiting for a girl, if with Y, a boy. Who gets to the destination first depends on the moment at which the sperm enter the vagina.

Carriers of Y-chromosomes are more active, reach the goal faster, but they are less viable, so they cannot wait for ovulation. X chromosomes are slow, but their survival rate is greater, they remain active for several days after entering the female reproductive system.

In this video, Dr. Mikhail Ilyashev will tell you how you can calculate the sex of a child, plan it in advance:

Additional factors

In addition, long-term observations made it possible to identify other factors affecting the sex of the baby:

  1. Age of future parents. It has been noticed that in cases where a woman is much older than her partner, girls are more often born, exactly the opposite, boys appear. But this only works when the first child is conceived;
  2. It also matters what eats young woman. Some foods affect the sex of the baby;
  3. Social services keep their statistics. They showed that in prosperous families, financially secure and morally prepared, men are more often born;

Is this really so, science has not been proven. Observations are being made, all the features of the life of the parents are recorded, and possible data are collected. This is done so that in the future, large families in which only boys appear can be sure that this time they will give birth to a girl. After all for many years people have dreamed of learning how to plan the sex of the future heir.

What week will the sex of the child be found out?

You can find out the gender only with the help of an ultrasound scan. It is carried out for the first time at 12 weeks to determine obvious malformations, and also determine the predisposition to syndromes:

  • Down;
  • Edwards;
  • Smith-Opitz.

At this moment, if the baby is lying in a comfortable position in which you can see the genitals, the doctor will tell you what he sees. Much depends on the experience of the specialist. You will be told more precisely at the next ultrasound procedure.

It also happens that the gender is indicated one throughout the entire period and with 100% certainty, but in fact it turns out differently.

How to plan a boy's gender?

Couples who wish to have a boy, for example, if they already have 2 or 3 girls, should take note:

  • A very expensive, but most effective method of medical sorting of chromosomes into "boys" and "girls". Then, with the help of IVF, the necessary chromosomes are connected to the egg;
  • Since the “gamers” are more active, with frequent intercourse, they have a better chance of hitting the target while the female chromosomes linger;
  • It has been noticed that gender is determined by the parent whose blood is newer (efficiency 3%). In women and men, it is updated in different ways. For women, once every three years, for men - at 4 years. Count from birth when this happens to your partner. Do not forget, if the spouse has recently undergone surgery or is a donor, the effectiveness of the method drops dramatically;
  • There is a high probability of getting a son - to conceive on the day of ovulation (85% efficiency).

100% guarantee to you not a single doctor will give... Love your children no matter what - this is the most important guarantee.

Diet for gender planning

In the 18th century, French biologists conducted tests on frogs. Their goal was to identify the relationship between the diet of the parents and the sex of the offspring. The data obtained gave a reason to carry it out in humans.

It turned out that certain products act on the vaginal secretions, which affects the survival of a certain type of sperm.

It immediately became clear that the subjects who ate food rich in potassium, gave birth mainly to boys, calcium - girls. Based on these results, diets began to appear:

  • For those who want a boy, it is necessary to eat, drink more:
  1. Mineral water, natural juices;
  2. Rice, semolina;
  3. Apricots, cherries, bananas;
  4. Dates, prunes;

Avoid fermented milk products, eggs, baked goods, nuts.

  • For those who want a girl, fit:
  1. Cocoa;
  2. Any meat;
  3. A fish;
  4. Eggs;
  5. Potatoes, eggplants, carrots, cucumbers, green peas, tomatoes, onions;
  6. Oranges, bananas;
  7. Any nuts;
  8. Honey, jams, spices.

It is necessary to give up salty food, smoked fish, ice cream, sweets, soda, sausages and ham, margarine.

Before starting the diet, talk to your gynecologist and nutritionist, therapist. They will make all the necessary appointments and give consent to the diet or recommend to refuse, as sometimes it is harmful.

Folk planning methods

They are not substantiated in any way, and they hold on to a kind word. But still there are folk methods, sometimes all methods are good:

  • To give birth to a girl, it is better to have light sex, in which shallow penetration occurs. In this case, the supposedly weak "games" will die in the acidic environment of the vagina, and viable girls will get to their destination;
  • Boys are more likely to be born to those couples where a man experiences an orgasm earlier than his partner and vice versa;
  • If the last pregnancy ended in abortion, the next time a girl will be born.

Recently, new scientific versions have appeared that refute the classical theory according to which the father is responsible for gender. American researchers conclude that the female body still possesses these properties. This breaks our perceptions and calls into question everything that was written above. But so far little information has been received on this score and its reliability has not been proven.

So, we have considered the question of concern to many parents: how to plan the gender of a child - a boy? All the described theories that answer it are only assumptions, except for the IVF procedure. Therefore, do not be discouraged if it turned out differently, the main thing is that the baby is healthy and pleases you with a good mood.

Video: how is the sex of the unborn child planned?

In this video, geneticist Dmitry Romanov will tell you whether it is possible, given the current level of development of medicine, to plan in advance the sex of the child before conception:

Are you expecting a baby? Or are you just planning it
conception? Anyway, if you're wondering how
determine the gender of the child during or before
pregnancy, this article is for you! We have collected
the most popular methods, tables by which you can
see when you have the intended
the ability to conceive a child of a certain gender!
Also to your attention are folk signs and folk
ways to determine gender. Of course, man proposes, but God disposes ...
But it’s so interesting!

We plan to conceive a child of a certain gender

How to conceive a child of a certain gender?

At the beginning of this article, I would like to say to all expectant mothers and fathers:
there is NO ONE method of planning the sex of a child that would be
scientifically proven. We hope that you couples planning a baby
or those who want to know the gender of the baby already in the tummy,
do not set a goal for yourself - to give birth to an heir and period, or vice versa,
- we only need a girl-princess! The most important thing is that the baby
was born healthy. Therefore, if you are preparing to become parents, then
take care first to conceive a child in good health,
full of strength and energy. For a kid, boy or girl, to start his
long journey, long life, in a healthy and loving mother's body, with so
absolutely healthy and eager for the appearance of a baby dad. All methods,
described by us, gathered in the vastness of our great homeland,
millions of moms, and some of them really believe that some methods
definitely effective. Let the desire to conceive a child of a certain gender
will be a pleasant bonus for an even more pleasant desire - to have a child.
Whoever was born with you, believe me, will settle in your heart once and for all.
Good luck to you!

In any case, trying to determine the sex of the child is pleasant.
when you two approach this question:

  • it strengthens your relationship;
  • you are trying something new, you have one common interest;
  • you have more sex, try to make it different;
  • you discuss it all together, you are in a state
    anxious expectation.

The method of sex determination is very popular among parents (future and present)
the unborn child by the blood types of mom and dad. But this method calls a lot
questions: for example, it turns out that most of the second children - the weather
turn out to be girls. The statistics of the sites about the weather do not confirm this.
The number of girls and boys born with a small difference after
older brothers and sisters are about the same.
I consider the ovulation method the real and most scientifically reliable way:
since boy sperm are more mobile, but less tenacious, and
girly, on the contrary, are more tenacious, but slow, then the method of ovulation says,
what you need to conceive a boy: have sex right on the day
ovulation (plus minus days). But to conceive a girl you need to do
having sex a few days before ovulation.

How to conceive a boy

Compared to the Chinese and Japanese calendars, keeping track of the timing of ovulation
rests on a more scientific basis. Will lead to the birth of a boy
sexual intercourse either at the time of ovulation, or 2 to 24 hours before it.
The scientific basis for this method is the fact that Y-sperm
are more mobile and reach the ovum faster than sperm with
X chromosome. However, Y-sperm do not live as long as
X-sperm, which, according to scientific evidence, can wait
an egg cell for several days, being in a woman's body,
while Y-spermatozoa die without waiting
ovum. However, despite the scientific basis, the data of scientific
centers show that during artificial insemination
on the day of ovulation, the number of boys and girls was almost the same.

First you need to find out exactly the day of your ovulation and then
Nothing prevents you from using this method. You just have to
have sex on the day of ovulation. You buy an ovulation test and
as soon as you see two stripes - go ahead.

But besides this, there are a number of additional conditions that one way or another
affect the sex of the unborn child. One of them is the onset of orgasm in a woman.
during intercourse, especially if it occurs earlier than that of a man.
At this point, the environment in the vagina becomes more alkaline, which makes
conceiving a boy is more likely. Abstinence is of particular importance.
before sexual intercourse aimed at the birth of a boy, as in
this period, lasting 4-7 days, the concentration of Y-spermatozoa increases
and, as a result, the likelihood of conceiving a boy increases. Increased
the temperature adversely affects mainly the smaller ones,
less hardy Y-sperm giving boys, therefore the lower
a man's clothing should be wide, not tight. Also follows
exclude work in hot workshops for the period of preparation for the conception of a boy,
work as a chauffeur, etc. In his works, B. Shettles recommends for conception
the boy also take a pose from behind during intercourse, since in this case
semen is poured out near the cervix.


  • avoid intercourse for 3-4 days before the calculated ovulation date. This will help increase your sperm count;
  • give up hot baths and insulated underwear for men at least a week before conception;
  • remember that conception should happen only once during ovulation, it is recommended to use a condom for the next few days;
  • remember that ideally a woman should reach orgasm before a man;
  • enjoy foreplay longer for maximum sperm production;
  • choose the position when the man enters the woman from behind ("like a dog");
  • remember that during orgasm, the man must enter the woman as deeply as possible;
  • a man should have a cup of coffee or a glass of caffeinated soda two hours before conception, which will help increase sperm count.
  • keep in mind that after intercourse, the duration of sperm fixation is 20 minutes, if the woman lies quietly;
  • try to avoid using artificial lubricants.

How to conceive a girl

With girls it is more difficult - the process can take several months, since it is advised to start having an active sex life only until the 5th day of the cycle, in case of failure, that is, read - no pregnancy, in the next cycle, stop your attempts and start using contraception at 6 the th day of the cycle, and so on up to 2 days before the expected ovulation. Thus, the process of conceiving a daughter can take a year, or even one and a half or two.

For the conception of a girl, it is recommended that spouses have sexual intercourse well in advance of ovulation, that is, 4, 2 days before it. In this case, more hardy and viable X-spermatozoa, which eventually give girls, will be able to wait for the eggs in the falopian tube. Also, to increase the likelihood of conceiving a girl, you need to engage in sexual intercourse immediately after the end of the menstrual cycle and preferably every day, up to "borderline" days 4-2 days before the expected ovulation, in order to reduce the number of sperm in the sperm. Moreover, 4-2 days before ovulation and three days after ovulation - there should be no sexual intercourse. The usual conception position is recommended, that is, face to face, man on top. In this position, the sperm is poured further from the cervix and does not go directly to its mouth, and the sperm have to move longer inside the vagina, where the relatively acidic environment is favorable for the X-spermatozoa giving the girl. It is also recommended for the woman to avoid orgasm.

Also, for the birth of a girl, the future dad is recommended a long flight on an airplane - according to statistics, pilots and astronauts are much more likely to have girls - overloads during flights leave only X-spermatozoa a chance of survival. There is evidence that if the dad is a vegetarian, then the chances of having a daughter in this family are also much higher than in a family where dad loves meat. British researchers from the University of Nottingham examined 6,000 pregnant women. The same applies to women: among mothers who are vegetarian, the ratio is significantly different - there are 85 boys per 100 girls. Therefore, scientists advise, if you dream of a girl, stop eating meat and fish in advance. My personal experience does not support either the first or the second assumption.

Also, there is doubtful information about an increase in the likelihood of conceiving a daughter if dad drinks beer and smokes - it is logical, since the not very positive effect of smoking and alcohol on the male body has long been known, I would still not recommend using this method - the child's health is more expensive ...

And a little more about the lifestyle of future dads: English scientists conducted a survey of 119 men jogging during the period when their wives were trying to get pregnant. 60% of those who ran 8-16 kilometers daily had daughters. Among the theses that they ran less than 8 kilometers a day, only 37% had daughters. So, if you want a daughter - kick your husband out every morning for a 20-kilometer run!


  • have intercourse frequently from day 5 to day 8 of your cycle. In this case, sperm will predominate in the semen - X;
  • on the 9th, 10th and 11th day, have sexual intercourse once a day, following the advice given below;
  • keep in mind that the best position in this case is "face to face";
  • keep foreplay and arousal to a minimum;
  • remember that during orgasm, a man should lean back and enter a woman not very deeply;
  • during conception, do not use artificial lubricants;
  • give up sex on the 12th, 13th and 14th days, as well as at least two more days after ovulation, otherwise be sure to use condoms.

The age difference between the parents and the gender of the child

A couple of years ago, the English journal Nature published the results of a study conducted by British scientists who concluded that in a marriage where the husband is older than his wife, the birth of a first-born boy is much more likely, and in a family where the wife is older than her husband, the situation is the opposite - the first girl is more likely to be born. It is curious that this pattern applies only to the firstborn.

Indeed, statistical studies have shown that in 57 families where the husband is older than his wife (5-17 years), the ratio between first-borns - boys and girls, was 37 to 20, respectively. While 43 couples in which the wife is older (the difference ranged from 1 to 9 years), gave birth to 14 sons and 29 daughters (again, we are talking about the first-born).

The researchers looked at the histories of many families in England and Wales from 1911 to 1952. and found the same relationship between the age difference of spouses and the sex of the first-born.

So, according to British doctors, men who passionately want to have a son should choose a young wife for themselves, and women who dream of a daughter should look for a father for their child among younger men.

Attempts to explain this phenomenon from a biological point of view are still unsatisfactory. Perhaps this or that difference in age leads to a higher frequency of early miscarriages of embryos of the corresponding sex.

Possibility to choose the gender of the child

American scientists have developed a method for separating spermatozoa containing the X chromosome (when an egg is fertilized with such a sperm, a female embryo is formed) from spermatozoa containing the Y chromosome (giving, respectively, a boy).

The method is based on determining the amount of genetic material contained in cells. Sperm with the Y chromosome contain about 2.8% less DNA than sperm with the X chromosome.


  • DNA staining;
  • sorting sperm by the amount of DNA;
  • separation of sperm with X chromosomes from sperm with Y chromosomes. The whole process is quite time consuming: it takes a whole day to process one semen sample.

However, even this method cannot be called reliable. Moreover, it is interesting that the spermatozoa responsible for the conception of girls turned out to be "more obedient": at the end of the described procedure, 85% of the sperm contained the X chromosome in the experimental sperm sample. Boys, as usual, are more stubborn: the maximum content of male germ cells with Y-chromosomes was only 65%.

The developed method is intended to help couples for whom the risk of having a child with a genetic disease that selectively affects only people of a certain sex (only men or only women) has been established.

Determine the sex of the unborn child using the Budyansky Method

The gender of the child, contrary to popular belief, does not depend on the father, but only on the mother! - says Anatoly Timofeevich. - We have compiled a calendar based on the duration of a woman's menstrual cycle and with its help proved it! You can read more about the Budyansky method in the article

How to determine the sex of a baby during pregnancy?

How to determine the sex of a child, scientific methods

Determining the sex of the child using ultrasound

The accuracy of determining the sex of a child depends primarily on the gestational age and, unfortunately, on the experience of a specialist. Until the 8th week of development, the genitals of the embryo are not differentiated. The process of their formation ends by 10-12 weeks of pregnancy. But do not torment the doctor with the standard question "Who will I have?" at the first ultrasound scan (at 12-13 weeks). According to most scientists, identification of the sex of the child is possible only from the 15th week of pregnancy. The definition of a boy is to find the scrotum and penis; girls - in visualizing the labia majora. One of the mistakes in identifying the sex of a child is the adoption of the umbilical cord loop or fetal fingers for the penis. Sometimes girls have intrauterine edema of the labia that passes over time, which is mistaken for the scrotum. There are times when the fetus “hides” male dignity behind tightly compressed legs and, due to its excessive modesty, “calls out” a girl.

The optimal time to answer the cherished question is 23-25 ​​weeks of pregnancy. The fetus is quite mobile and with the patient perseverance of the ultrasound doctor, most likely, it will show who he is. With a full-term pregnancy (from 37 weeks), determining the sex of the child can be difficult due to its large size and low mobility.

Doctors are often asked the question: is it possible to determine the sex of the child not visually, using ultrasound (as we have seen, this method can hardly be called infallible), but in some more reliable way. Answer: you can. In cases where the birth of a male or female child in the family is impossible for medical reasons, the sex of the child is determined early (7-10 weeks) using a chorionic biopsy. In this case, a microscopic amount of its contents is taken from the uterus with a thin needle to determine the chromosomal set of the fetus. In this case, the sex of the embryo is established with almost a 100% guarantee. However, it is unsafe to carry out this procedure only to establish the sex of the unborn baby: a miscarriage may occur!

Determining the sex of a child using a DNA test

Did you know that now you do not need to wait twenty weeks of pregnancy to determine the gender of the baby in the mother's womb? Thanks to modern medical advances, the sex of a child can be determined from the sixth week of pregnancy. In this case, a completely different mechanism for identifying the sex of the child operates than when determining the sex of the child using ultrasound (ultrasound).

The method of early determination of the sex of the child has almost one hundred percent probability of establishing the sex of the baby thanks to a completely new recognition principle. Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of pregnancy at the twentieth week determines parameters such as the external sexual characteristics of the child, heartbeat, blood flow and other physiological criteria, on the basis of which the sex of the child is determined. The method of early determination of the sex of the child from the mother's blood is based on the analysis of the composition of the mother's blood, which varies depending on whether the woman is carrying a boy or a girl.

The fetal DNA contains a different number of chromosomes depending on the sex of the unborn child. The blood of a pregnant woman contains a small amount of baby's DNA, DNA decoding is the answer to the question that worries all parents - what gender will your baby be born? If, when decoding a child's DNA molecule in the mother's blood, a Y chromosome is found, it will testify in favor of the fact that you are expecting a boy. The absence of the Y chromosome indicates the development of the girl. This is the principle of early determination of the sex of the unborn child. The method for determining the sex of the child becomes possible as early as the sixth week of pregnancy.

The technology of the early sex determination method was developed by the American company Consumer Genetics Inc in 2007. The method of early determination of the child's sex has been tested and confirmed its effectiveness in a huge sample of citizens. Now the method of early determination of the sex of a child is becoming available to Russians. The price of the procedure varies from 10 to 20 thousand rubles.

How to determine the sex of a child, folk signs

How to determine the sex of a child, method - "Wedding ring"

A thread (preferably white) is threaded through the bride's wedding ring; a pregnant woman must hold it suspended above her palm. If the ring starts spinning in a circle, there will be a girl. If it is transverse, then she is waiting for the boy.

How to determine the sex of a child using the "Key" method

If you are in a position and want to find out the sex of the unborn child using this method, then ask someone else to help you, let him, and not you, read this, do not read it yourself, otherwise nothing will come of it. So, you need a traditional-looking key, with a leg. Place the key on the table in front of the pregnant woman. And ask her to pick it up. If she takes hold of the round part of the key, there will be a girl, but if she lifts it by the "leg", then she is expecting a boy.

How to determine the sex of a child using the "Milk" method

This experiment will require pasteurized milk with a minimum shelf life. The outcome of the experiment depends on the quality and freshness of milk, therefore it is advised to approach this responsibly. Next, we take the urine of the expectant mother (her pregnancy should be more than 10 weeks) and mix it with milk, in a 1: 1 ratio. Bring it to a boil. If a girl lives in the tummy, the milk should curdle. If a boy settled there, then no. The method takes into account the different chemical composition of a pregnant woman's urine due to hormonal changes in the body. In expectant mothers expecting a girl, the level of the hormone hCG is, on average, higher than in those who are carrying a boy.

How to determine the gender of a child by the behavior of children of relatives and friends

For this method, you need a boy, about a year old. The bottom line is this: if a boy shows interest in a pregnant woman, then she is expecting a girl, but if he remains indifferent, then the expectant mother is expecting a boy.

Another method suitable for those who are expecting a second child. Remember the first word your firstborn said? "Dad"? it's to the boy. "Mama"? there will be a girl.

How to determine the gender of a child by the behavior of a pregnant woman

  • If the expectant mother gets up from the chair and leans on her left hand, she is waiting for the girl, if on the right, the boy;
  • if a pregnant woman eats bread crumbs - a boy will be born, prefers bread crumb - a girl;
  • if the pregnant woman is graceful in her movements - she is waiting for a girl, she has become more clumsy - for a boy;
  • frequent whims and irritability - towards the girl, calmer behavior - towards the boy;
  • if there is a preference to sleep on the left side, a girl will be born, and if on the right side, a boy will be born.

How to determine the gender of a child by the appearance of a pregnant woman

  • If the condition of the skin of the pregnant woman's face has worsened, pimples or redness appear, she is waiting for a girl. It is believed that the girl seems to "take away" her mother's beauty;
  • if the shape of the abdomen is sharper, the waist is preserved, then the pregnant woman is expecting a boy. Girls sit in rounder tummies;
  • the pigment line on the tummies in which the boys sit is brighter than on the tummies in which the girls are hiding;
  • if the growth of hair throughout the body of a pregnant woman has increased - expecting a boy, the absence of changes in hair growth - to a girl.

How to determine the gender of a child using the Chinese table for determining the sex of the child

The first method we want to bring up for your consideration is the most popular method of all time. This is the Chinese calendar. Scientists from the Middle Kingdom believe that the age of the unborn child directly depends on the age of the mother at the time of conception and the month in which this very conception took place. Study the spreadsheet and check if the data is actually so accurate?

How to plan the gender of the baby if you absolutely want a boy or girl to be born? This question interests those parents who need certain guarantees. How realistic it is to "order a stork" a baby of one sex or another, let's try to understand in more detail in our article.

Planning the gender of the baby: truth or myth?

Moms and dads always await with trepidation the appearance of a baby, and when this event occurs, the newly-made parents rejoice, regardless of who was born to them. But it also happens that planning the sex of the child becomes a priority for the couple. Sometimes this is due to the banal desire of one of the future parents, and sometimes it is about more serious factors, for example, health and heredity. After all, some diseases may depend on gender. Here, all sorts of folk signs, advice from nutritionists, and calculation tables begin to come into play. Often, experienced mothers try to determine the sex of the baby by the shape of the tummy: if the tummy is neat, it will probably be a girl, and if it is "spicy", resembling a cucumber, it will be a boy. At the same time, in the modern world, where there is an ultrasound scan and other possibilities for determining the sex of a baby, signs do not lose their relevance. Although expectant mothers should nevertheless be careful about the results of examinations, the more ultrasound allows you to find out about who will be born, even before the tummy takes on a pronounced shape.

Earlier planning is gaining unprecedented relevance today, because it allows you to plan the sex of the child even before conception. At the same time, you need to be realistic and understand that the desire to give birth to a boy or girl may not coincide with what nature has prepared for you, because little depends on future parents. At the same time, many scientific articles have been devoted to this issue, describing popular methods such as astrology, magic and other non-standard approaches. There is no solid evidence about the effectiveness and efficiency of the techniques yet, but it is not worth denying their feasibility, since some moms and dads get the desired result, or is it a coincidence?

Among the scientific methods that allow you to plan the sex of the child, you can call "targeted" conception. This method is associated with the separation of spermatozoa according to the expected sex of the unborn baby using ultracentrifugation. But this method does not give the possibility of conception in a natural way, in addition, not everyone can afford it due to its high cost. The decision, of course, remains with the parents-to-be.

Baby gender and determinants

One of the most pressing questions for those couples who decided to have a baby: what does the baby's gender depend on? The obvious answer is that the sex of the baby depends on which sperm with which chromosome fertilizes the egg. The female chromosome is X, it is also concentrated in the egg cell. In this case, the sperm can carry both the Y chromosome (male) and the X chromosome. Further, it all depends on which sperm will fertilize the egg. Therefore, you should not indulge yourself with illusions about planning a crumb, almost everything in this matter is determined by a coincidence. Is it possible to influence the process of "choosing" a chromosome? This is another story.

MicroSort - genetic planning system

The development of computer technology makes it possible to plan the sex of the child and carry out the "sorting" of sperm with female and male chromosomes. After the selection of same-sex spermatozoa, the likelihood of having a boy or a girl increases, depending on the wishes of the future mother and father. This technology has an increased level of complexity and it is rather difficult to apply it in practice.

The modern American MicroSort program allows you to plan the sex of the child. It is based on the analysis of the genetic material in the germ cells. Interestingly, the sperm from the male chromosome contains 3% less DNA than those containing the X chromosome. To separate the sperm, they are stained and then sorted. Then artificial insemination is performed using the desired sperm. Moreover, the effectiveness of the method is observed only when it is necessary to carry out the planning of the girl. And if you want to give birth to a little boy, this method gives an efficiency of 70%, which is also very good, but risky. The cost of this technique reaches several thousand dollars, which is very expensive in the absence of 100% guarantees. Therefore, future parents will have to look for other planning methods or combine several at once to improve performance.

The birth of the desired child

The egg, which is ready for fertilization, waits for its finest hour in the fallopian tube for no more than a day. If during this time conception did not happen, everything goes on as usual until the onset of menstruation. At the same time, sperm retain their viability for up to five days, so you can get pregnant if intercourse occurred a few days before ovulation.

The fertilization chain looks something like this:

  • The sperm cell enters the uterine cavity through the cervix.
  • Then it moves to the fallopian tubes, where it meets the egg.

The sperm needs a day to overcome the path. Travel speed - 2 mm per hour. For us, this seems like a very tiny distance, but on its way the sperm "fights" with many obstacles, as a result of which many die and never reach their destination. The strongest survive, and the fastest sperm fertilize.

The most "lazy" are sperm with X chromosomes, that is, sperm, which in the future may result from the birth of a girl. And male chromosomes are mobile and active, but their viability is at a lower level. If we talk about this in popular language, then a boy sperm will get to the destination faster, but if he does not meet an egg there, he will die. At the same time, a girl's sperm will enter the fallopian tubes a few days after the start, and this can be a happy moment of conceiving a baby.

Hence the next question: how is the planning of the boy going? It is best when intercourse takes place on the day of ovulation or 12 hours before its onset. This will prolong the life of the boy sperm.

If you want to give birth to a girl, then intimacy should take place a few days before ovulation. Then the sperm with the female origin will “come to the meeting” with the egg in a timely manner, and the “boy” spermatozoa will no longer be able to affect the fertilization process.

According to this scheme, everything seems to be simple and logical, but the effectiveness of the method has not been proven, moreover, according to some statistical calculations, the probability of conceiving a child of a certain gender in this way is 85%, but the remaining 15% is already a will of chance.

The difficulty also lies in the accuracy of calculating the day of ovulation, since this is not always possible. The expectant mother will have to carefully keep a calendar for at least six months before she decides to get pregnant.

Sexual Activity Method

You can also plan the sex of the child using the method of sexual abstinence. Experts say that giving birth to a boy is quite realistic for those who make a lot of love. That is, the more often this process occurs, the greater the chances. At the same time, those who prefer sexual abstinence or it happens due to life circumstances will succeed in conceiving a girl. This observation is explained by the fact that with prolonged abstinence, male chromosomes lose their activity, and female ones acquire.

Some statistics claim that the effectiveness of the method for calculating sexual activity is about 70%.

The period of abstinence from sex for a couple should last about one and a half months. Abstinence must be absolute, that is, even kissing is prohibited. Otherwise, future parents will not be able to plan the gender of the child.

Boy planning

This technique allows you to plan the sex of the child according to the method of Professor Shettles. Its essence lies in the fact that abstinence should last 4-7 days and this will allow you to conceive a boy. During this period, the concentration of boys' spermatozoa increases significantly. In this case, the conception of a girl becomes possible if you abstain from intercourse for a longer period, and have sexual intercourse a few days before ovulation. And before ovulation, there should be no lovemaking, otherwise all guarantees disappear.

Boys - dates, girls - nuts

One of the hypotheses for planning a baby speaks of the importance of diet. Nutrition really affects the quality of life, our health, and what needs to be eaten for a boy or girl to be born?

The diet for planning the sex of the child is called French. It must be adhered to strictly, otherwise the effectiveness of this technique is reduced to zero. So, the diet of future mothers and fathers who dream of having a boy should contain foods rich in potassium: cheese, potatoes, oranges, prunes, bananas, peas, mushrooms, as well as coffee and tea.

You can get pregnant with a girl if the couple wants to give birth to a daughter, then you should eat as many calcium-fortified foods as possible: dairy products (cottage cheese, milk), eggs, onions, eggplants, apples, nuts, honey, semolina, beets.

Eat the listed foods just before making love, and on the days before, the diet may consist of other foods.

Experiments that would confirm the 100% effectiveness of planning with the help of children have not yet been recorded, but this method has become widespread on the pages of glossy magazines.

Schedule the gender of the baby for blood renewal

This method is a European find in the direction of planning the sex of the child. It is worth noting that every four years the blood is renewed in men, and every three years this process occurs in women. If father's blood is "fresh" than mother's, then future parents will have a boy, and if on the contrary, a girl should be expected.

The calculations are very simple: men’s age is divided by four, and women’s age by three. Whoever has a lower numerical result determines the gender of the baby, because his blood is younger. If the preliminary result does not suit you, you can carry out calculations for several years ahead until the right time comes for the birth of a baby of exactly the sex you dream about.

According to the latest medical research, blood cells live no more than four months, so this method is effective in 51 cases out of 100 possible. That is, you can never say for sure who will be born: a boy or a girl. At the same time, there is an opinion that these predictions may be erroneous, since today there are frequent interventions in the processes of blood renewal from the outside. First of all, we are talking about operations with blood transfusion or donation. Therefore, the floor of the crumbs in such cases is calculated taking into account the last blood loss of more than one liter.

Planning your baby's gender in Chinese

This method is really quite interesting. Even in ancient times, Chinese sages knew how to understand who would be born to future mothers and fathers. It turns out that everything depends on the representative of the fair half. The basis of Chinese planning is the woman's age at the period of possible conception, as well as the month of the year, which is the second determining factor.

If a couple dreams of a boy, then one of the favorable periods can be called the age of 23 years and the autumn-winter season, conception in the remaining months marks the birth of a girl. At the age of 22, the situation is reversed: a girl will be born if conception occurred in the fall or winter, and a boy in the spring or summer.

The Chinese calendar is a table where age is placed horizontally, and months of conception are placed vertically, which is very similar to the Pythagorean table, because at the intersection the result is indicated - the sex of the unborn child.

It should be noted that the method does not lose its relevance today. At the same time, the regularity and effectiveness of the Chinese calendar of planning the sex of the child has not yet been deciphered. Perhaps no one has ever tried to do this, because whether this technique is trustworthy, everyone must decide for himself. But in most cases, this table makes it possible to accurately determine the gender of the unborn baby. Moreover, it is easy to check the table on yourself and your relatives. For this purpose, you must calculate the month of conception and know the age of the mother.

Chinese Child Gender Planning Chart

Planning the gender of the child: Japanese table

The Japanese claim that their planning methodology is no less ancient than that of the Chinese. The calculations of the Japanese are no less original and allow future parents to plan a girl or boy. To do this, in order to determine who will be born to a couple, it is necessary to take into account the woman's month of birth, the man's month of birth, and these data correlate with the month of conception. Japanese arithmetic for planning the sex of a child also consists of a table, which is supplemented by a graph. First, the table determines the figure located at the intersection of the months of birth of the future parents, and after that you can already consider the optimal period for conceiving a baby in the schedule built by the Japanese.

According to some reports, the reliability of Japanese forecasts ranges from 55 to 80%, which is a fairly good result. Although the remaining percentages are a signal to future parents that it is impossible to blindly trust charts and tables. Perhaps you should combine several planning techniques at the same time to get more guarantees and a positive result.

Japanese baby gender planning table

Planning your baby's gender the British way

Experts from the UK argue that planning for the sex of a child has its own laws. In the course of research, scientists were able to establish some of them. For example, if the family tree is rich in representatives of the stronger sex, then the prospects that a boy will be born are much greater than those of couples where women predominate among the closest relatives. The British experts made their conclusions after analyzing family trees in 900 families. At the same time, scientists took into account the ancestors who lived since 1600. Thus, 500,000 people were analyzed, which looks very convincing. The scientific explanation looked something like this: men from these families have more Y chromosomes, as they have inherent in nature. Remained a mystery only the reasons for this phenomenon. At the same time, such patterns were never found in women: it was not possible to build any connection with the number of men or women in the family.

The gender of the baby does not depend on the dad

American scientists decided to conduct their own research on the patterns of birth of children of one sex or another. The results of their work challenged earlier findings. Americans believe that the sex of the child depends entirely on the woman. In their opinion, the female body has unique properties, which are that the surrounding influencing factors are taken into account. An example can be given in nutrition: if the expectant mother feels a lack of nutrition, then most likely she will have a girl. This pattern was found in Chinese women. The Americans studied 300 thousand of the fair sex who gave birth to their children from 1929 to 1982. The smallest number of boys in China were born from 1958 to 1961, when the population suffered from hunger. This trend suggests that the body of women is able to adapt to the most difficult living conditions, while the male body has a weaker ability to survive.

Planning the sex of the child by the lunar phases

This method allows you to plan the sex of the child, taking into account the lunar phases. This method makes it possible to take into account the cycle, which is individual in nature. The cycle is given to a potential mother from her birth, and it affects a woman throughout her reproductive age. Therefore, if the question arises about the need for planning a baby, then this aspect should be taken into account.

What does the theory say about the lunar phases? The ability to conceive has the highest rates if the Moon is in the same phase as the woman at her birth. Naturally, the phase should coincide with the period of ovulation. Subsequently, the calculations are carried out as follows: the Moon moves along its path, meeting female and male zodiac signs every 2.5 days. If the optimal time for conception coincides with the female zodiac constellation, then the chances of having a baby are really high. If the Moon is in the male zodiac, then you will probably have a boy.

The expectant mother will have to make a lot of effort to keep track of the lunar phases, since this technique requires precision.

Pleasure level and the birth of a girl

This method of planning the sex of a child assumes that the expectant mother will get an orgasm during sex. If a woman, with intimacy, has received pleasure earlier than her partner, then the likelihood of giving birth to a daughter increases. But the fair sex, who are less likely to have an orgasm or it comes later than a man, are likely to give birth to a boy.

Another aspect is the sexual position. According to some statements, the birth of a girl is most likely when the couple has sex when the woman is on top. It is believed that it is the slow X chromosomes that easily overcome obstacles, heading up. At the same time, stimulation of orgasm in the expectant mother is of great importance, if she reaches it earlier than the partner, then this fact is another guarantee of the birth of a daughter.

Some argue that shallow cock penetration allows you to conceive a girl. This is due to the fact that the environment in the vagina is acidic, which negatively affects the vitality of sperm. At the same time, spermatozoa with the X chromosome (girl) are more resistant to unfavorable conditions, therefore it is easier for them to overcome the long way to the egg, while sperm-boys die already in the first day after ejaculation. This hypothesis raises many questions and controversies, since there is no scientific evidence for its reliability, and relying on single opinions or statements on forums on the Internet is rather stupid. Moreover, sperm that has entered the vagina does not always move effectively along the cervix, since due to active contractions of the uterus during orgasm, part of the semen, or even almost everything, can simply flow out of the vagina. This several times reduces the possibility of getting pregnant after intercourse, therefore, potential parents often need several attempts over a certain amount of time for pregnancy to become a fact.

We should also say about the technique: sperm have flagella, which enable them to move. When the sperm enter the vagina, the fastest can enter the uterus in just a minute. And in a day, the fastest sperm will meet with the egg and fertilization will take place. Do not forget that it is the boys chromosomes that are considered the fastest.

The birth of a boy is quite likely if you have sex with deep penetration of the penis. Poses, when the man is behind, provide this effect in the best possible way. Shorter distance contributes to better vitality of male sperm. At the same time, it is better for the expectant mother to remain in an inclined position for at least half an hour after intimacy in order to consolidate the result.

The planning method of Angelo Gagnacci

This technique from one Italian researcher allows you to determine the sex of the child before birth by the weight of the expectant mother. The scientist analyzed the weight indicators of 10,000 women in childbirth, in the course of his research it was found that women who weighed less than 54 kg before pregnancy mainly gave birth to daughters. But those who weighed more than 54 kg were more likely to give birth to boys.

The scientist explains this by the fact that it is more difficult for thinner women to bear boys, because nature takes care of expectant mothers.

Planning the sex of the child using folk methods

Folk methods are quite bizarre, but some couples who dream of a baby of a certain gender are listening to the "wisdom of generations." So, what did our grandparents do to give birth to a girl or a boy?

  1. To conceive a girl, you need to sleep with your head to the south, and for a boy to be born - to the north.
  2. Conception in dry weather involves the birth of a boy in the future, and in rainy weather - a girl.
  3. Spicy, bitter and spicy foods contribute to the conception of a boy.
  4. The boy's scheduling should be in odd months or odd years.
  5. The diet of a woman who dreams of a son should include meat and fish. These foods must be consumed within three weeks. Dishes should be salty enough, you can eat canned food.
  6. The girl is most likely to be conceived on the full moon. It is better to have sex in the evening.
  7. It is better for a woman to consume more dairy products if she dreams of a daughter.

Instead of conclusions

The question of planning a child does not have to turn into an obsession. First of all, parents-to-be should understand why they need it. For example, if two boys or three girls were born in a family, and the parents dream of “diluting” these companies with a baby of the opposite sex, then this is a well-founded desire. Also, the need to plan the sex of the child can be discussed in case of genetic health problems in representatives of one sex or another among the next of kin of future parents. But if planning the sex of the child turns into a kind of whim, then this reason may serve as an excuse for going to a family psychologist who will help analyze the current situation. If, at this stage, such moods are not eliminated, then as a result, when a baby of the wrong sex is born, this can result in mental abnormalities in the child. He will feel that he is not welcome, he will withdraw into himself, even worse - over time, childhood traumas can cause a change in orientation or conduct experiments on himself to change sex.

According to statistics, every woman has the same chance of conceiving a girl or a boy. At the same time, scientists noticed that slightly fewer girls are born than boys. They determined this by recording data: in the first years after birth, there are 947 girls per 1000 boys. Over time, the ratio evens out, and when these people reach the age of 50, there are more women. Researchers attribute such strange arithmetic to the wisdom of nature, which creates a balance of sex ratio for effective procreation.

What can you wish for couples who dream of a baby of a certain gender? So that their desire does not grow into a kind of fix idea, because the main thing is the birth of a healthy baby who will grow and please dad and mom.