Why do you have prophetic dreams: reasons, how to interpret, interesting facts. Who has prophetic dreams

Nowadays, there are a large number of dream books from different interpreters and manufacturers, but how to determine which dreams are actually prophetic, and which ones you should not pay attention to at all? To begin with, let's try to define what sleep is and what role it plays in our lives.

What is sleep

Dreams are directly connected with the work of the brain, with the thoughts and experiences of a person. They dream of absolutely everyone, regardless of age. It is believed that even unborn babies in the womb are already dreaming.

The absence of dreams in some time periods of life may indicate overwork. Fatigue takes its toll, and the body spends time exclusively on rest. However, it is impossible to say with certainty that a person did not dream anything - it also happens that dreams are simply not recorded by memory.

Recurring dreams and nightmares

Most people consider dreams recurring with obsession to be prophetic, and they also attach great importance to nightmares. This is natural, because if a dream did not make any impression on a person, he will soon be forgotten. Of course, scary dreams do not just happen, but in this case, you should pay attention not to the dream symbols, but to your own psychological state. If a person in real life is seriously depressed by something, or fearfully awaits the inevitable changes, his brain will remain tense even during a night's rest.

If for some time you have the same dream, the meaning of which is unclear to you, this indicates a desire to change your life for the better. From the point of view of psychology, recurring dreams are seen by people with obsessions and dreams far from reality. In this case, you should pay attention to the signs of the subconscious, because it is these tips that can help you avoid possible troubles. If such a dream does not cause negative emotions and there are no disturbing symbols in it, then you should not be afraid of it.

When prophetic dreams

It is believed that only a night's sleep can be prophetic. Dreams dreamed in the morning and in the daytime are not customary to interpret. Of particular importance is attached to dreams on the night of Thursday to Friday or during major religious holidays, but the most fateful dreams occur during Christmas time. Each person also has their own dates when a memorable and unusual dream can be considered a sign of fate - this is a birthday and an angel's day.

A prophetic dream can also occur on the most ordinary day, shortly before important changes in a person’s life. It can have both literal and symbolic meaning, and the best adviser in this situation is your own intuition.

Classification of dreams by day of the week

Each day of the week is ruled by a specific planet. Depending on its astrological characteristics, a lot can be understood about the dream that occurred at that time.

Monday. This day is under the auspices of the Moon, which governs emotions and feelings, is responsible for intuition, but at the same time is considered deceptive and fickle. Dreams that occurred on Monday night should not be taken seriously. On this day, it is generally not customary to engage in predictions and long-term forecasts.

Tuesday. This day of the week is influenced by Mars, which is a symbol of courage and fortitude. Such dreams can serve as clues in making strong-willed decisions that can change fate.

Wednesday. The third day of the week is ruled by Mercury, the planet of peace and tranquility. Anxious dreams these days call for control over emotions, and calm ones emphasize the correctness of actions.

Thursday. This day is under the auspices of Jupiter, responsible for business activity. Any dreams you see on Thursday night can be associated with your professional activities, and look for clues in them on how best to proceed in a controversial issue.

Friday. The fifth day of the week is influenced by Venus, the planet of love and sensuality. The dreams that occurred that night are directly related to a person’s romantic experiences, but they are not so much a guide to action as they reflect a person’s state of mind. If they are unfavorable, then the person does not see happiness in his love affair, even if she looks prosperous.

Saturday. On this day, Saturn is especially active, associated with fatal twists of fate and trials. Saturday dreams can warn what kind of changes in life should be expected in the near future.

Sunday. Sunday dreams are considered to be the most favorable, since this day is under the influence of the Sun. This star gives us the energy of light, joy and strength. If the dream turned out to be disturbing, it is worth taking this as a warning against undesirable actions with which a person can harm himself.

Do I need a dream book

People who are fond of the meaning of dreams must have a dream book in their house, and perhaps not even one. Having seen an interesting dream, they begin to compare its meaning according to dream books from different authors, the interpretations of which do not always converge, but are completely contradictory. How to be in such a situation?

If you dreamed of a clear symbol, you feel that this dream is important, but the dream book did not give a clear answer to the question, try to remember what you saw with all the details. Your actions and feelings play a special role in a dream. If the dream was pleasant and light, it cannot portend anything bad. But if the symbol is favorable in all dream books, but you felt constrained in a dream, tried to escape and panicked, the usual interpretation of this dream is hardly appropriate. For example, you dreamed of symbols foreshadowing an imminent wedding, but the dream was terrible. This may mean that marrying a certain person will not bring you joy, or an inevitable event will occur that will overshadow married life.

In choosing a dream book, you should be guided by your own worldview. Religious beliefs play an important role, which means that an Orthodox or Catholic can get confused in the symbols of a dream if they use a Muslim dream book. For people who are looking for a material explanation for everything and do not believe in mysticism, a psychological dream book is ideal. For those who are fond of signs and beliefs, it is better to opt for a folk dream book or Vanga's dream book. In any case, pay attention to the author, because, given the popularity of this topic, there are a lot of people who just want to make money by selling their own publications.

In a prophetic dream, you see the future through a dream, which is why many people wonder why prophetic dreams occur and whether they can be controlled somehow. It is difficult to determine whether his prediction has not yet come true, because most dreams, alas, pass without any consequences and are not prophetic. Thus, prophetic dreams are often interpreted as a mere coincidence, which is far from always true.

Prophetic dreams from the point of view of science

In the scientific world, it is believed that psychic powers do not exist. Scientists constantly rationalize and come to the conclusion that dreams that seem real can actually be a suggestion or guide for the dreamer, forcing him to make this or that decision, as a result of which the illusion of a "prophetic dream" is created. Another scientific rationale is the theory that some people may have a tendency to self-edit their own dream memories to make them appear prophetic. Since dreams are very easy to forget, your memory of them may not be accurate. Another theory is that your sleeping mind can pick up pieces of information faster than your conscious mind. Your mind is able to see what is going to happen based on the information it has already gathered. This partly explains why prophetic dreams are often seen by people with a humanitarian mindset.

Prophetic dreams from the point of view of the Bible

In the Bible, many prophetic dreams occur multiple times and are experienced by completely different characters, including prophets (Daniel 7:1), wicked kings (Daniel 2), and common people (Genesis 31:24). Sometimes dreams needed interpretation, as in the case of Nebuchadnezzar's dream in Daniel 2. At other times, interpretation was not needed because God spoke clearly to the dreamer, as in the story of Abimelech and Abraham's wife (Genesis 20:1-6). The definition of a prophetic dream can be something like this: a supernatural night vision that contains foresight. Daniel tried to give praise to God, who alone gives wisdom to interpret this kind of dream (Daniel 2:20-23).

It would be impossible to definitively say whether God really gives prophetic dreams to modern people. This is a matter of personal faith. There are many reports of people who for some reason often have prophetic dreams, especially in areas where access to the Bible and the Gospel is limited. God can sometimes use dreams to guide people to places where they can hear the gospel and be saved. A wide variety of spiritual or prophetic dreams are reported by many Christians in many countries. But none of them can pass sufficient test to unequivocally state: “Yes, God definitely still gives prophetic dreams to people.”

If you think that you had a prophetic dream or you heard first-hand the story from another person who had it, then the first question to ask from a Christian point of view is “Is it from God?”. Compare the content of the dream and its connection with Scripture. If you are a believer and at the same time something in your dream contradicts the words of God or His nature, it is reasonable to ignore the dream - even if the dream happens. God will never go against His Word. The Bible is the Christian standard for truth and revelation given by God. Righteous Christians can always ask God for wisdom (James 1:5) when studying dreams.

History reference

Prophetic dreams are often associated with major disasters, wars, murders, accidents, lottery numbers, or even winning a horse race. Such dreams helped solve crimes. Abraham Lincoln was said to have dreamed of his own body lying in a coffin two weeks before his assassination. British engineer John Dunn had a dream about a volcanic eruption in France, which eventually came true. Carl Gustav Jung, shortly before the First World War, had a dream about Europe drowning in an ocean of blood. Similar dreams were visited by his mentor Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis. Speaking of the last two scientists, both have serious works on the interpretation of dreams, which can be safely advised to people who want to know why prophetic dreams often occur - the reasons for this phenomenon can be both self-evident and very confusing.

The main types of prophetic dreams

Most of the prophetic dreams that people dream of can be divided into several categories.

  • Apparitions of the Dead: These dreams are associated with the dead. The dead appear in dreams to deliver an important message.
  • Mysterious Voices: These dreams are associated with hearing voices or sounds that are extremely distinct and clear. Voices come from outside. Sometimes you don't know the source of a voice or sound. It is important to pay attention to the content of the message.
  • Clairvoyant dreams: These dreams are so specific that they don't need to be interpreted because you literally see events in them that eventually happen.
  • Empathic Dreams: You are deeply involved in the events in your dream, but you don't know why. You experience clear and sympathetic feelings and sensations, perhaps even seeing the world through your own eyes or through the eyes of one of the dreamers. This type of dream usually occurs among families, couples, or very close friends.
  • Shared dreams: when you and someone close to you have the same dream on the same night. Such dreams arise, as a rule, due to the extremely close connection of people with each other.
  • Telepathic Dreams: These dreams are associated with a message that is delivered through dreams. You can tap into other people's thoughts through these types of dreams. But usually it is only about the person with whom you are close, as in the previous case.
  • Warning Dreams: As the name suggests, these dreams warn you that something bad will happen to you in the future. Such dreams give you the opportunity to change the outcome.

Laura Harris Smith classification

Millions are learning and striving to hear God's voice during the day, but they don't realize that they can hear it through their dreams at night. The American psychologist and theologian Laura Harris Smith's book "Vision of the Voice of God" describes the 10 main types of dreams (including the five most common types of dreams). The book also includes a dream dictionary with over 1000 characters and their biblical relevances. It is useful to psychotherapists who study the process of sleep, helps anxious clients suffering from insomnia. The five following headings will be devoted to a more detailed description of the types of dreams described in Smith's book.

believable dream

Awareness of a dream occurs only when you wake up, and your first impression of it, as a rule, leaves much to be desired. From the point of view of Christianity, the purpose of God in such a dream is to show you that some things remain with you even after waking up. We all know that it is possible to dream at night and not remember, but it is almost impossible to forget about a realistic dream in which you seem to be living a real life. Most of the prophetic dreams just belong to this type, and in them you can find the answer to the question of why prophetic dreams often dream and come true.

“Then Pharaoh woke up, it was a dream. In the morning his mind was confused...” - Genesis 41:7-8.

warning dreams

Warning dreams warn of impending danger caused by a person, evil, or a wrong decision we are about to make. Sometimes we need to save ourselves from the enemy, and sometimes from ourselves. Warning dreams are not "fate", but only one of the possible options for the development of your life. It's like a computer game with an alternate ending.

“And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they returned to their own country by a different path” - Matthew 2:12.

Dreams of decision

A decision dream is a dream in which you are asked a question or given given options, and then you provide an answer or make a choice of your own. The religious and mystical interpretation of this dream intersects with the ancient teaching about the soul, spirit and body as three components of a person. While the dreamer's mind, corresponding to the soul or psyche, is turned off at night along with the body, only the inner will of the person, corresponding to the spirit, can make a decision. Pay close attention to the choices you make in your dreams, because, firstly, they speak about your spiritual (or volitional) qualities, and secondly, they are often prophetic (especially during the week of prophetic dreams).

“In Gibeon, the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream at night, and said: “Ask what I will give you?” - 1 Samuel 3:5.

"Incubation Dreams"

"Incubation" or expectant dreams have the status "to be continued...". Not because there will be a continuation in the form of the second part of the dream, as with recurring dreams, but because such dreams do not come true momentarily. Genesis 37:2-5 says that Joseph was a youth of seventeen when he described his very first dream. Genesis 41:46 shows that he was thirty when he finally entered Pharaoh's service. That's thirteen years of waiting. We see how he goes from a boy who could not interpret his dreams and save himself, to an adult and serious man who deciphered two dreams for the king and saved the whole people.

"Until his dreams were fulfilled, the Lord tested the character of Joseph." Psalm 105:19.

guiding dreams

Guiding dreams in the spirit of "sealing instruction" as in Job 33:16. The Bible is rich in such examples. In Genesis 46:2-3 God tells Jacob in a dream to go to Egypt. In Genesis 31:24, God instructs Laban in a dream to speak kindly to Jacob. In Matthew 1:20, God tells Joseph in a dream to take Mary as his wife. These kinds of dreams leave you shocked as you awaken to the detailed advice you have just received from unknown forces.

“Then He opens a man’s ear and seals his instruction to turn a man away from any enterprise and remove pride from him, to turn his soul from the abyss and his life from being cut by the sword” - Book of Job 33: 16-18.

The Bible, like any religious revelation, contains enough answers to the question of why prophetic dreams occur.

First of all, start a dream diary in which you will regularly write down dreams that seem prophetic to you, and use it as often as possible. This tool is very useful for tracking recurring patterns in dreams as well as for practicing lucid dreaming. By forcing yourself to write down your dreams, you can see any scenarios that develop in real life, have proof of your own prophecy, and develop your dream interpretation skills. Often prophetic dreams are not recognized until the fact that you write down helps you understand which dreams are predictions. A dream diary will help you release negative emotions so that you can continue with your daily activities without the weird unsettling feeling that is often a side effect of any strange dreams.

If in your dreams you see demons, devils, demons and other evil entities, you should think about it, as they may be signs of the following processes:

  • discord in the family or the breakdown of relationships;
  • a disease brewing in your body;
  • death of a loved one;
  • some undesirable event, after which it will not be easy for you to recover.

Such problems include the question of why prophetic dreams occur before pregnancy. Some believe that in this way the soul of a conceived child communicates with its mother, while for others it is the result of divine intervention designed to stop the mother from committing rash acts (such as drinking alcohol or having an abortion).

Weeks of prophetic dreams

Each day of the week has its own mystical meaning in the interpretation of dreams. If we talk about the weeks in which prophetic dreams occur most often, then we will have to turn to popular beliefs, according to which the greatest number of prophetic dreams are dreamed during the period between Christmas and the Epiphany of the Lord. It is believed that it is at this time that angels and the souls of the dead can descend to earth, wanting to whisper their advice to unsuspecting mortals.

Some believe that all the dreams that you see during the holy week are prophetic in their own way, while each night of the week starting after Christmas carries its own secret messages encrypted in prophetic dreams. This is useful to know for all people who are interested in why prophetic dreams dream and come true.

The night of January 7-8 can show you a dream about the intentions of competitors, enemies or rivals. On the night of January 10, you can see dreams that tell about your own family and the fate of loved ones. At the same time, the reasons why prophetic dreams often occur at this particular time are not completely clear. In the middle of the month, you may dream about the prospects for your current affairs, and at the end of the month you will see in dreams the difficulties that you are likely to face next year. The days when prophetic dreams are dreamed very often have not only religious, but also mystical (or even occult) significance.

When dreams come true and prophetic dreams come true. Dreams are an important part of our life. In a dream, people rest with their whole body, they dream of various incomprehensible things. Basically, these are ordinary dreams that do not carry important information. But sometimes such dreams come that may later come true. These are prophetic dreams showing what was or is still unknown.

Astrologers distinguish two types of prophetic dreams

Perfect prophetic dream

Such dreams are dreamed by people with special abilities, giftedness. The fact is that these individuals are very diligently doing the same thing for a long time. Thus, thoughts about important work do not leave them even in a dream. Therefore, while people are sleeping, they have a certain product in their head.

So, in a dream, Mendeleev saw the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements, and Paul McCartney, a member of the famous Beatles, heard in a dream the melody that formed the basis of his song “Yesterday”.

Sleep is a double

Such dreams are usually dreamed by people who are eating the same unresolved problem. They constantly think about it and try to find a certain way out of this situation. Often, if a person is very afraid of something, and in addition he has a dream that this is happening, then most likely this will happen in reality. .

Prophetic dreams or insight

In ancient times, prophetic dreams were not questioned, but today, with the development of world progress, such dreams have ceased to be believed. Our brain works all day long without stopping, and sometimes in a dream it can solve a problem that has not been solved during the day or find a way out of a situation. Such dreams are called insight. There are many such examples in history.

Are prophetic dreams real? Of course. There are many recorded phenomena and incidents associated with prophetic dreams.

Prophetic dream of Abraham Lincoln. He dreamed of him a few days before his death. In a dream, the president saw how people were burying the head of state in the White House. Unfortunately, the prophetic dream came true and the President of the United States passed away.

Dream of Joseph. Once he had a dream that Mary was carrying a child from the holy spirit, and it was necessary to take her to her home. After some time, the dream came true, and the little boy was subsequently named Jesus.

Dream of a shipwreck. A woman who was waiting for her daughter to return from Europe had a dream about a shipwreck. This was a harbinger of the death of the Titanic. In addition, dreams of this kind were collective, so about 20 passengers returned their tickets because of the premonition of people about the impending danger.

3 ways to induce a prophetic dream

Everyone from birth has a predisposition to such visions in a dream, to a greater or lesser extent. You can verify this by observing yourself.

There are several ways to induce a prophetic dream, and for each this option is individual.

1. First, try keeping a dream diary. This will help to find some patterns in dreams, as well as to identify individual prophetic meanings.

2. There is also another option. Professional lithotherapists recommend putting one of these stones under the pillow before going to bed:

  • emerald
  • rauchtopaz
  • belomorite
  • rhinestone

They will help drive away bad thoughts and develop intuition.

3. There is another way. In addition to the diary and stones, a clear formulation of the exciting question is also necessary. Repeat it several times before you fall asleep, and the answer to it will certainly come in the next few days. If, nevertheless, it was not possible to immediately see a prophetic dream, then you need to practice, and then everything will definitely work out.

By what signs can a prophetic dream be revealed

Very often, such dreams are immediately remembered for their unusual plot or incoherence of events. In general, dreams are riddles. The answers to them can be found in various dream books (a dream book as a gift at the end of the article). Usually, they write values ​​\u200b\u200bfor all people, but it is better to analyze your dreams yourself and identify individual portents.

It is especially important to correctly interpret dreams. Dream Interpretations, of course, will bring you significant benefits, but they can not always be trusted. Try to make your own personal dream book and write down certain signs there, depending on your environment, upcoming events.

What time do prophetic dreams come

Days when prophetic dreams are dreamed. Usually, prophetic dreams are determined by the lunar calendar. As a rule, prophetic dreams come on the 14th, 15th, 16th, 24th, 28th days, and ordinary dreams occur on the 2nd, 9th, 13th lunar day. In addition, it can be noted that such dreams often occur on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, but this information is not always accurate, since an important dream can occur on any day, regardless of the calendar.

Often, prophetic dreams are dreamed of in front of large ones. And also close people who have gone to another world come in dreams before the day of their commemoration, so that living people do not forget about them.

So, analyze your dreams, be attentive to the little things and correctly interpret certain visions. Thus, it will turn out to know in advance about some events, which will certainly help in life.

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Unique dream book. With its help, you will not only unravel the meaning of your dream, but you will also be able to work with it so that the meaning of a good dream intensifies, and a bad one decreases or does not come true at all.

Prophetic dreams - video

Scientists from different countries have been studying dreams for a long time: they are researching and studying them. However, dreams still remain mysterious and

incomprehensible area of ​​our life. Remains a mystery and such a phenomenon as "prophetic dreams". What do they mean, how to call them, what impact do they have on the future life and destiny of a person?

Expert opinion

Scientists confirm the fact that they really exist, but when they dream, it has not yet been established. Based on the results of ongoing research, it was proved that negative events (accidents, murders, illnesses) are predicted much more often than positive ones (holidays, weddings, the birth of a child). Their ratio is 80% to 20%. According to experts, during the day our subconscious mind captures all the information received and seen when consciousness is dormant. Dreams "configured" in this way are called prophetic. Quite often, they can be confused with those dreams that reflect your real desires.

When to expect a prophetic dream

There are many methods on how to find out when a prophetic dream occurs. For example, according to the lunar and solar calendar, according to the days of the week, according to the sign of the zodiac. On the influence of the moon on

Human energy has been known for a very long time. By its phases (full moon, new moon, and waning moon), you can determine when dreams are prophetic. So, it is believed that a high probability of such dreams falls on the 14th, 15th, 16th, 24th lunar day. But on the 2nd, 9th and 13th dreams are empty and mean nothing. Night visions on the new moon speak of problems and worries, thoughts about which a person devotes a lot of time; with a growing moon - inspiring dreams and talking about the imminent appearance of something new; on the full moon, we see the most extraordinary dreams, revealing the innermost secrets to us, about people and moments that concern us and evoke the most emotions; when the moon is waning, there are more dreams telling us about past events, if you see it during this period, you should expect trouble.

Dreams by day of the week

The dream book also predicts prophetic dreams regarding the days of the week: on Monday, those are possible, the fulfillment of which will be no earlier than a year later, provided that they are not realized in the next week; on Tuesday you can see your emotions in a dream. Execution wait from 7 to 10 days (most likely it will be Friday or
Saturday); midweek, Wednesday, can show you the next day's events; a dream on Thursday is considered empty and meaningless, and if it comes true, then in the next few days; visions from Thursday to Friday are traditionally considered prophetic, and they are fulfilled no later than 10 days; on Saturday there are everyday dreams that tell about the vanity and daily worries; Sunday dreams come true only before dinner.

Artificial prophetic dream

The question of when a prophetic dream is dreamed is rather controversial. Sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish whether it was he or just a double dream that imitates our desires and fears. There are supporters of artificial prophetic dreams, who believe that they can be called. To do this, you don’t need to eat a lot at night, you should take a relaxing bath in rosemary and lavender, smoke a room and say a conspiracy before going to bed: “Let me dream about what should come true. So I want!”. Remember all the details when you have a prophetic dream, and after waking up, write down everything you saw for a correct interpretation from the dream book.


Zarnitsa 1K

I also decided to answer your question. Despite the fact that there are already many answers. It's just that the topic intrigued me.

I think that the majority, at least once in their lives, had prophetic dreams. I think that prophetic dreams, to one degree or another, are dreamed by many people. It's just that not everyone remembers or pays attention to them. Basically, prophetic dreams are dreamed of before any serious and important events in a person's life. These dreams are like a sign, like a warning about something. It is important to be able to understand this in time. Sometimes prophetic dreams can be symbolic. If these symbols are correctly interpreted, a dream can open the future. But not always

Yes, I had prophetic dreams. Sometimes it just scared me when they came true

→ The last time, I had a dream that I had a tooth with blood. It was very painful and I cried a lot. I looked at the dream book and read that this could mean the loss of a blood relative. The next day, a person close to me was in intensive care, after which he died.

→Before my grandfather died, I had a dream about my great-grandfather. That we are sitting in the kitchen with him. Although I didn't get to see him. And I never saw. Then he takes out a picture of my grandfather, looks at it and says, "You're a good man, good. But it's time already" Nods his head. Then he looks at his watch, turns away and I wake up. About a week later, my grandfather died of a heart attack.

→One time, I had to travel to another city at the invitation of a distant relative. I've never been there. What was my surprise when everything that I saw in my dream at night began to come true. You may not believe it, but everything converged just incredible. Even the people I saw in my dream were the same. For example, a woman with whom I happened to be a neighbor in a compartment. She even dressed the same. Along the way, I came across the houses I saw. To be honest, I felt like I was literally going crazy. And it even seemed to me that I was sleeping again and seeing the same dream. But I knew that I was still in real life. The feeling was very unpleasant. I started to panic and did not understand what was happening. Luckily, this didn't happen again. And honestly, I don't want to.

→ As a child, I had a dream that I was looking into a black swamp, then I fell into it and drowned. After some time, I really drowned in the lake. It’s good that my mother came to her senses in time and she managed to pump water out of me. I didn't do well then.

I can go on, but there is not enough space. Mostly they dream of everyday subjects. Or before any major event. Sometimes I see people in my dreams, whom I later meet in real life. For example, at a stop. Sometimes some petty moments that then happen in real life.

But my mother (now all schoolchildren will envy) once dreamed of how she solved a problem that she could not solve for a long time. That she stands at the blackboard and solves this problem and gets five. She remembered the decision from the dream, and she was indeed called to the blackboard that day. The most interesting thing is that she solved the problem and indeed the solution turned out to be correct .. The solution to the problem came to her in a dream. And she remembered him. None of her class could solve the problem anymore.

So like this.

I am sure that prophetic dreams are dreamed not only by the elect. Each person has intuition and the ability to foresee any specific events. Some have it to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent, but everyone has it. According to this, prophetic dreams are dreamed by everyone. It's just that people don't always remember them or pay attention to them. Or they ignore them, internally afraid to find out the truth. And the vision of such dreams does not happen so often for the majority.

I wish you pleasant dreams♠

Can of Raccoons



(¯`" .¸(¯`Fairy ´¯)¸. "´¯) *

I have several times in my life, and that is vaguely similar to what should happen, but it's cool in my opinion! You will be a fortune teller.



Yes, quite recently - I remember very vividly ... it happened ... 3 days later ...
I even remember when it was the first time - I was 5 years old - I woke up from a terrible dream at night - I screamed and couldn’t fall asleep for a long time ... the next morning they brought a telegram - our relative died, but I didn’t see him and he me too .... the brother of my beloved grandmother .. he was 42 years old ..

Penelope Cruz

There were no prophetic dreams.
But there are elements of sleep that speak of trouble.
I try not to bother.
There are enough worries in real life.

Daughter of a CHECHEN *)

Natalia Khomenko

It happened a couple of times.


I dream quarterly and monthly.
but not often about me - more about children

Natasha Rostova

Very often lately. I have a very developed intuition.

✿ؓFlower Lillok✿

It was like a dream.

vfhbz kscbrjdf

Well if so then I wish you to have good dreams

Alice. M

At one time they often dreamed, now much less often, and it’s good, I’m also afraid of them

Elena Turchaninova

it happened a few times


from the brightly remembered ones: 10th grade before the exam in the morning \ dream that I can’t answer the question, wake up, look for a ticket, I repeat - I pull out this 13 ticket. That year I had three exams and three 13 tickets ....
The second - I still haven’t had a delay, I have a dream that someone tells me that I will now have a boy and then another one. There they crawl, both ... One is almost 6 years old, the second is about a year old.


infrequently, but dream.

I'm lazy

Of the brightly remembered: they were going to fly home from abroad the next day. And at night I dreamed that my bag was lost during the flight and a couple of bottles in beautiful packaging broke in the bag.
I was not too lazy in the morning and repacked everything and wrapped the bottles in rags.
And they really lost my bag and returned it only a week later. The packaging from the bottles was crumbled into dust, but the bottles themselves are intact :)


Sometimes yes, I remember how I even dreamed of whom I passed the exam and what grade!

valentin svidnitsky

yes, I dream, but I couldn’t understand them right away, then I learned to understand everything very simply, simply and that’s all

I always have prophetic dreams. Is it a gift or is it like this for everyone?



Disagree with previous comments. People often dream of real nonsense. For example, like me, if I make a lot of money or play too much.
However, there are those who dream only prophetic dreams, and when they don’t dream, they don’t dream anything. You are one of those. I agree with the interpretation - not many can explain what they dreamed about.

But now closer to the point. . Sleep is already a kind of gift. In a dream, we are transferred from the bodily shell to the astral world, and therefore prophetic dreams are what we see by chance or on purpose, running ahead a couple of life moments. I had a friend who saw the whole day in advance, and then no matter how hard he tried to change the course of sleep already in reality, nothing came of it)

You have not so much a gift as possible strong spiritual development, which opens up the opportunity for you to look into your near future. I have the same. . I sometimes see what will happen in a year or even two.)

[email protected]

For everyone. Some do not attach this importance. It comes to them after many years.

Warming up cars in Tomsk 94-22-66

everyone has prophetic things, but not everyone can interpret them.

Ildar Mahmudov

It's just that intuition is highly developed ....

Prophetic Olga

"incessantly crazy girl
screaming clearly see Troy fallen ashes"
(Vysotsky). .
and you probably warned the Japanese embassy about Fukushima ...

Man of the world

This is for those who are interested in the future and prospects, and not for those who are already well.


Many do.

Hermes of Alexandria

It’s always nonsense, and it has no value .. if something specific was yes .... otherwise, the sandbox girl’s nonsense .... don’t go crazy ... reality is better ..


it happens, I just don’t have dreams, but it’s like a vision flashes in my brain, and then everything comes true

Sonya Ivanova

I have never had this, but if this is true and you are telling the truth, then do not waste your gift on trifles :)

Ekaterina Aksenova

Nothing is given for free... apparently in past lives, you developed spiritually, and now you are "reaping" the consequences... after all, you have such opportunities to change something knowing in advance about future events... just replay bad events... mentally changing the dream to a good ending... without getting out of bed...

Vika Razumova

If the soul has reached a certain level when it begins to travel into the future, and fragments of these travels remain in memory for a short time, as usual after sleep. When you get, over time, to the places of arrival of the soul in the future, you get a surge of memory in the form of insight-déjà vu!

אֵ- Winged Lynx

a dream is a kind of clairvoyance, you receive information from subtle planes, that is, you can say clairvoyant

Naturally, this is not the case for everyone.

But once in a lifetime I think everyone sees a prophetic dream

There are dreams that come true during the year, that is, in one night you get a very large amount of information.
sometimes in such dreams you participate in the formation of reality, sometimes you just listen .. for example, fortunetellers (most likely in a dream they are spirits in the form of fortunetellers, I think so ..) they tell you what will happen and show something ...

There are dreams where the everyday future is dreamed of little things, such as a haircut (as you write)))

Sometimes in a dream you get information for other people. departed relatives can give it .. though when they dream, I don’t always remember what they say, but I remember the places they show ... for example, my grandmother dreamed and took me to another city in a dream, showed a certain place and said something for a relative zu .. I I didn’t attach importance, but it’s a pity I could save a person from trouble and tell her not to go there, because the next day in this very city and in this place that they showed me, an unpleasant story happened to her

You can write more, but I already rolled the sheets. By the way, write down your dreams, keep a diary

Why do I often have prophetic dreams? Why do people dream about them at all?



They dream in order to warn of upcoming events.

Marina R

a warning from above

#"Erika #

I agree with Marina, they are warning about an event that is about to happen ...
It's rare for me too, but...


Dreams are not considered prophetic revelations that may reveal the future or the unknown. Dreams (guess, intuition) are explained by the fact that during the dream the dreamer plays his role.
You are probably trying to approach your problems from the side that allows you to fulfill your individual desire and cope with the upcoming predicament.
Good luck to you!

I often have prophetic dreams, what does this mean?



I, too, have had prophetic dreams lately, that's how it should be in reality, then I see it in a dream, great .. :)


nothing. Just live with it, anticipate events. For example, sometimes it’s easier for me in life from the fact that I know what will happen, because psychologically I am already ready for this or that event.


my grandmother also sees dreams for a reason

Svetlana Petrushina

perhaps you have a gift. It all depends on how the dreams are, their symbolism and decoding. Or a dream. which is completely repeated in life... Watch, write down, develop!

Olya Barankina

I also sometimes have prophetic dreams about complete strangers. What that means, I don't understand.

prophetic dreams.) I constantly have prophetic dreams! what does this mean!?)


Alena Moshkina

This means that you are one of the unique people only and everything.


well don't think...

Tom Beckett

can mean a lot...
as in that saying that sometimes the interpretation of information often has nothing to do with information
if prophetic dreams, so to speak, in a particular case, then this may be a hint or a hint from conscience that something does not suit her, for example
but it is also possible that your opinion that a prophetic dream ... directs you by action or inaction to realize the possible development of the situation


Prophetic dreams should be treated with caution.


there is a connection with the other world!

What causes prophetic dreams?



You have abilities that should not be abandoned and that need to be developed. Dana is not just that.