Lipstick for pale skin. Lipstick shades for fair-haired girls

In makeup, women pay most of their attention to the lips, but at the same time they do not always understand how to choose the right lipstick color, its texture and density. What rules do professionals recommend to follow and are the statements about the universality of red true?

Basic selection rules

How to choose the right lipstick color? The most important parameter that makeup artists advise to focus on is the color type. However, forget about the words "summer", "autumn", etc., because in its pure form only 1 girl out of 20 can correspond to this definition. It is much more important to correctly set your temperature, contrast and depth of natural colors. There are a few more general rules that adjust the basic one:

  • Age. It is better for a teenage girl to choose the most natural shades, to match her own lips or 1-2 tones darker. A mature woman is recommended a calm gamut, deep colors.
  • Skin condition. The brighter the makeup, the more it will emphasize all inflammation and redness, therefore, if they are available, it is better to select light, discreet shades.
  • Lip condition. It is also an important parameter, because any bright or matte lipstick will expose dry, bitten, flaky ones in a bad light, so they need to either be brought to perfect condition, or covered with a light translucent shade.
  • Facial features. The main role is played by the lower part of the face: a small narrow chin and the same small lips require you to abandon dark tones. It is advisable not to emphasize the volume with pearlescent textures - leave them to thin lips.
  • Relevance. Makeup is an expression of self, but it is limited by etiquette and social norms. In an office with a strict dress code and in an educational institution, only bodily, natural shades are allowed. For a walk with friends or for a celebration, you can "walk" bright lipstick.
  • Matching color and texture: the darker the shade, the less gloss. Bright glossy lipstick is good for the evening, but undesirable in the morning - it is better to wear a matte lipstick. Light (peach, flesh-colored) look more attractive at least with a satin finish.

How to choose lipstick

As for the main rule for choosing the ideal color and texture, it is based on the study of your color type. It includes 3 parameters, of which the hair color is considered the central one, as the most obvious color spot in the image. How to choose a lipstick color for red or brown hair? What can burning brunettes and delicate blondes do? To answer these questions, first of all, you need to "measure" the temperature.


It is easiest for girls with rich black hair: they are often cold, because black implies the absence of other pigments. In addition, this automatically adds a dark spot to the appearance, so brunettes can pick up any shades of fuchsia, purple, wine, cherry, plum. Their perfect lipstick has a rich color and a blue base: rubbing the product over your hand produces raspberry pigment.


Owners of light hair are often distinguished by low contrast and overall lightness of other areas: eyebrows, eyelashes, skin, eyes. Lipstick for blondes, if it is selected for daily use, also should not be bright: peach, marshmallow pink, flesh tones are recommended. For an evening out, on the contrary, it is worth choosing a pure color: red will ideally play in contrast with blond hair.


The rarest color, if we take into account only natural, and causing the most questions when creating makeup. How to find the perfect lipstick color for red hair? Start from the saturation of their shade, but always take a warm one: red, orange, terracotta, caramel. Cold pink tones must be completely abandoned - they will make the appearance painful.


Such girls have a low-contrast appearance, their hair looks gray or may have a slight golden hue. The selection of the lipstick color will depend on the light brown undertone: with gold and reddish - any warm elements of the palette, with ash - any cold ones. For an evening out, you can take light berry (as if diluted with milk), raspberry, burgundy. It is better if it is translucent rather than thick lipstick. Peach and strawberry shades are suitable for everyday use.

How to choose a lipstick

Hair color is one of the main, but not the only factor in choosing a lipstick, especially since it only determines its possible shade, but does not say anything about the texture. There are a few other details that need to be taken into account to complete the picture: skin tone, eye color, and lower facial features. How not to get confused and make the right choice?

By skin tone

First, temperature plays an important role here. Take a look at the wrist: veins running into purple / lilac are a sign of a cold skin tone, and a sign of green is warm. Secondly, the lighter the skin, the lighter the lipstick shade, and vice versa. There is an exception: on pale, perfectly clear skin, saturated bright colors look amazing: red, orange.

How to match a natural lipstick color? This effect is achieved by the product of a shade not of the lightest foundation, but of the native pigment. All milky and flesh colors look good and don't look like "putty" only on Celtic / Nordic skin types. Owners of a tan, albeit a very minimal one, need brighter tones, for example, beige and pink.

By eye color

It is only important for determining the temperature as the last decisive factor if it is impossible to establish it on the hair and skin. Greens and amber brown are warm, blues, blues, grays and dark brown are cold. At the same time, the green and blue in contrast will be enhanced by fuchsia lipstick, the depth of brown eyes will be set off by burgundy, plum. Red is versatile and works with everything, so red lipstick for brunettes with brown eyes or for blondes with blue will always be a win-win solution.

Lip shape

Choosing the right lipstick means taking into account the structure of the face. Glossy textures and light shades, gradients from the periphery to the center contribute to the visual increase and softening of thin, small lips with sharp lines. You can emphasize a beautiful shape with any bright color. Plump lips will not be very conspicuous if you put a matte texture or dark color on them.

Choosing a lipstick shade

Even if you understand what shade you need, how bright your ideal lipstick should be, what texture is better to choose, there are still many questions. One of the main ones - who is the red lipstick for? After all, almost nothing was said about this shade, but it attracts the most attention to itself, it is considered a classic. Below are the main elements of the lipstick palette with key characteristics and professional advice:

  • Pink is present in almost all shades, as it is the closest to the natural pigment of every girl's lips. Delicate, lightweight, fits best on blondes and fair-skinned girls with gray or blue eyes.
  • Peach - the same natural, but for the owners of a warm appearance with golden or red highlights in their hair, yellow skin tone. Refreshes, eliminates fatigue on the face, recommended for women of elegant age, but always in a glossy or pearlescent texture.
  • Coral is a mixture of previous shades, so it adapts well to any temperature. Ideal lipstick for the summer, for dark skin, because it is in harmony with tanning.
  • Red suits absolutely everyone. This pigment is present in every color: from carrot orange to burgundy, but it does not dominate everywhere. Shades of red lipstick are selected simply: crimson red - for a cold appearance, coral red - for a warm one. The darker the hair and skin color, the stronger the red can go into burgundy or plum. The only thing that must not be forgotten is that this is the most demanding color and any flaw in appearance will immediately intensify several times.
  • Beige is also one of the natural shades, neutral, versatile, if matched exactly to the color of your lips. It is better to prefer a satin or glossy texture, so as not to emphasize the texture of the skin. Cold shades of beige are dangerous because they accentuate fatigue and circles under the eyes. Warm ones can increase the yellowness of the tooth enamel.
  • Brown - very controversial, suitable for a few. Recommended for brown-eyed girls with dark skin and dark hair, it is absolutely forbidden for pale skin, as it will make it salty gray.

Video: how to choose the right lipstick

The question of how to choose the right lipstick color for lips worries every girl. When choosing a lipstick, you need to rely on three factors: hair color, eye color and skin tone. Of course, you can quickly find out the suitable shade by passing an online test, but such applications do not guarantee 100% accurate results. Therefore, it is better to focus on your appearance and personal preferences.

How to choose lipstick to match your hair color?

The color of the curls is a decisive factor in choosing a lipstick. On the photo swatches, you can see that shades that are ideal for brunettes look pretentious and vulgar in blondes.

Lipsticks differ not only in tones, but also in textures. There are glossy, matte, satin and shimmery products. Satin finishes are ideal for daily use, as they look discreet but remain vibrant.

For brunettes

Examples of makeup for brunettes

The ideal color for a brunette is dark and rich. Such women are suitable for brown, burgundy, plum and classic red lipstick. Brunettes can safely wear a wine color. Dark makeup will blend in with black, chocolate brown hair.

There are limitations for brunettes: doll-like pink and orange colors are absolutely not suitable for them. But for black-haired girls with pale skin, lilac, almost purple lipstick suits the face.

For blondes

Examples of makeup for brondinas

A delicate coral nude is suitable for any blonde. Blond hair is also perfectly complemented by pink makeup. For daily makeup, blondes are better off choosing muted tones. The main focus should be on the eyes, especially if they are sky blue. Raspberry, peach and pinkish-lilac lipstick is suitable for fair-haired people.


Redhead makeup examples

Red-haired girls are well suited to cherry lipstick. They can also use terracotta or salmon for their makeup. Contrary to popular belief, not all redheads are carrot. It looks beautiful on women with blonde curls. Dark red women should give preference to a rich red product.

It's pretty easy to test a product before buying. It should be applied to the fingertips and left for 10-15 minutes. If the product flows into folds or smears, then it is unstable. It is worth noting that the texture of the pads of the fingers and lips is almost identical.

For fair-haired

Examples of makeup for fair-haired

Light-haired to face non-standard orange cosmetics, which are now at the peak of popularity. Ash-haired girls can also afford caramel and warm pinks. True, too bright or dark lipstick shade "fuchsia" on fair-haired people will look ugly. For daily use, fair-haired girls should choose soft, restrained colors. If a woman has ashy curls, then cold red lipstick is perfect for her.

What is the most versatile shade? A beautiful, muted and noble tone - a dusty rose. This lipstick is gray, purple and pink at the same time.

Brown-haired women

Examples of makeup for brown-haired women

For brown-haired women with dark skin, golden-beige and bronze-colored products are suitable. All other dark-haired girls are encouraged to try beige, almost nude lip makeup. Brown-haired women can safely use bright and non-standard colors. They are matched with rich red, as well as hot pink (with a scarlet undertone).

Choosing a lipstick to match your eye color

  • Sky blue, gray blue, light blue. Pink goes especially well with blue eyes. It can be pale coral or fuchsia.
  • Green, brown-green. Girls with green eyes should choose warm red foods. Orange and ruby ​​cosmetics are also suitable for green-eyed ladies.
  • Dark brown, light brown. All bright shades are combined with brown eyes. They create contrast and attract the attention of others. Brown-eyed women should take a closer look at burgundy, bright crimson, purple funds.
  • Black. Black-eyed beauties should choose rich, but not vulgar colors. Ideally, the lipstick tone should be cold. You can try brown, red, and raspberry foods.

Makeup should look harmonious anyway, so you shouldn't combine bright blush with red, deep pink lip products and black arrows.

Lipstick tone to match skin color

How to choose lip cosmetics to match your skin tone? You need to focus on the following recommendations:

  1. Pale or just light skin works best with nude tones. Beige or light coral is ideal. Bright cosmetics can be used in make-up, but only if the skin is in perfect condition. Highly pigmented products highlight all blemishes, including wrinkles, age spots and acne.
  2. It is not recommended to use beige lip cosmetics if the skin is dark or very tanned. The bodily product will simply "wipe" the lips off the face. The mulatto can use coral, peach tones. Brighter shades will look especially beautiful: red, burgundy, plum. They will create an interesting contrast to darker skin.
  3. Medium beige skin allows all lipsticks to be worn except orange and nude. If you have a grayish undertone, you should choose cold shades. The pink undertones of the skin are conducive to the use of soft coral products.

Who goes green, yellow, blue lipstick? Such products are created for various experiments and photo shoots. In everyday life, girls with non-standard colored hair can wear them. In this case, the product is matched to the tone of the curls.

The combination of lipstick color and lip shape

Not every girl knows that the texture and color of lipstick can change the shape of the lips. There are several useful facts related to this topic:

  • dark means strongly emphasize the contour;
  • matte cosmetics can reduce lips if applied directly along the contour;
  • for thin and narrow lips, it is better to use nude products that allow to go beyond the contour;
  • pearlescent lipstick visually enlarges lips due to shimmery gloss.

Pinks and coral tones work best with a bow doll shape. Daring reds and burgundy shades are ideally combined with plump "moody" lips. Beige, peach colors are versatile.

What is a pencil for? This tool does not allow the product to spread and clog into small folds. With a pencil, you can also create the effect of plump and large lips. To do this, draw a contour slightly above the natural one (no more than 1 mm). The cream pencil should not differ from the main lip product by more than half a tone.

Features of the choice of shades of red lipstick: who suits?

Red lipstick suits everyone, the main thing is to find your own shade. In this matter, it is best to focus on the color type. That is, it is important to consider skin and hair tone.

There are 2 main types of appearance: cold and warm. The cold color type is characterized by a pale, almost white complexion, dark or ashy hair. The warm appearance has a beige or pink skin tone. Curls can have any shade: from light blond to caramel.

Cold tones of red products go to burgundy, lilac, and warm tones to orange or pink. It is on this rule that you need to be guided when choosing a lip product. Do not be afraid to wear such a bright tone. If you choose it correctly, then it will fit into any makeup.

Choosing the perfect lip product should be based on personal preference. As a rule, women wear the shades in which they feel comfortable. General guidelines and rules will help you understand the basics of lip makeup, but you don't need to blindly follow all the tips.

The time has passed when, in order to be in trend, it was enough only to acquire a fashionable lipstick color. Modern makeup is a real art with its own rules and laws. One of the directions is lip make up, which teaches how to determine the tone of lipstick in accordance with age, color type of skin, eyes, hair, shade of tooth enamel, lip shape, light, time of day and the situation when you need to be ideally beautiful.

How do you determine the right tone?

Age plays a decisive role in this:

  • girls light colors with mother-of-pearl or gloss are recommended;
  • women over 30- saturated bright colors of lipsticks with satin texture, matte and dense gloss (taking into account the time of day);
  • mature (elderly) women- dark inconspicuous tones (cherry, plum). Gloss and pearlescent lipsticks are not recommended. It is best to use pastel colors, as bright and shiny ones can accentuate wrinkles.

How to choose the right tone for your face?

  • Light skinned more suitable natural gentle shades of cold tones from light pink to plum.
  • For dark skin bright, rich samples of warm peach or brown shades are recommended.
  • Owners of neutral(neither light, but not dark-skinned) it is advised to use red and golden tones. Warm skin tone is harmonious with warm lipstick shade, cold skin tone, respectively, is ideal with cold shades.

How to choose by hair?

Hair color is also important when choosing a lipstick.

  • For red hair, deep tones of dark pink, brown, plum, brick and coral are recommended. Bright colors, orange and pink are not recommended for redheads. Evening make-up allows the use of dark burgundy.
  • Blondes should use light shades of pink, plum or coral.
  • Brown-haired women are ideal with makeup in dark pink, plum and light brown tones.
  • For dark-eyed brunettes, it is best to use plum, chocolate, orange and dark red tones.
  • Saturated dark tones are suitable for dark-skinned women with dark hair.

What shade suits the eyes?

When choosing a decorative agent for the color of the eyes, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • for owners of gray eyes, natural plum, beige, nude shades are suitable;
  • those with blue, blue eyes - beige, pink, wine cherry, scarlet;
  • brown-eyed - saturated bright red, pale pink; the brown color is in perfect harmony with all shades of brown;
  • green-eyed - terracotta, pink tone; shades of red are ideal for green eyes.

Selection by color type

Each girl, woman is individual, but all can be attributed to one or another color type: spring, summer, autumn or winter. Lipstick is also selected in accordance with the color type.

  1. Spring- time for freshness, flowering. So the color type includes a pink-peach skin tone, blond, light brown or light brown hair with a soft warm glow. Eyes of heavenly color in various tones, bright and light shades of green, gray. Owners of the spring color type are suitable shades: in combination with a pink undertone (coral, peach, salmon, carmine), warm light, just pink, French rose; vanilla, carrot, tomato, tomato-carrot, ruby ​​red, begonia, sangria, burgundy, bronze, scarlet, warm-bodied, golden beige.
  2. Summer everything plays in the tints of the sun. And girls belonging to this color type are also sunny. Mostly these are fair-skinned girls (ivory skin) with hair from the lightest blond to dark blond with shine (brown-haired women and brunettes with hair with a cold tint are possible). Blue-eyed, green-eyed (no brown shade). Shades are suitable for "summer" girls: in combination with a pink undertone (pale, royal, lavender, bright, quartz, neon), cold shades (chestnut, beige, light red), light cherry, madder, earthy, cutters, fuchsia, lilac, strawberry, raspberry, cherry , plum, amaranth.
  3. Autumn- the time of the year, which is characterized by brightness and saturation. Such features and in this color type. There are practically no owners of light hair in it. Most often these are red-haired girls (from red to dark copper), brown-haired women and brunettes with a warm shade of hair. The presence of freckles is a clear sign of this color type. Most often these are green eyes with a brown tint, or simply brown-eyed, sometimes blue-eyed. The skin is pinkish or very light, almost pale. Girls of the "autumn" color type are suitable tint colors of vanilla, peach, strawberry, cherry, warm plum, ruby, burgundy, burgundy rose, ocher, carrot, tomato, golden beige, coral pink, carmine pink, bright red, wine red, terracotta, begonia, sangria,
  4. Winter- the time of the year, full of contrasts: the fluffy snow-white cover of the earth and dark bare tree trunks peeping out from under it. So in this color type: contrast is the main indicator. Black hair, dark eyes combined with snow-white or dark skin. Sometimes there are owners of light hair and eyes, but with the obligatory cold tint. The central thing in this color type is the eyes. "Winter" girls will suit shades with a pink undertone (pale, lavender, steel, deep, neon), burgundy rose, scarlet, bright red, wine red, brown-raspberry, ruby, burgundy, deep wine, madder, raspberry, mountain ash, cherry, sangria, fuchsia.


If you are not ready to choose the lipsticks that suit you, you can test them to make the right choice. The fan (stick) method is especially popular. Be sure to pay attention to the lighting under which you will be testing, preferably during the day. Do not paint before going to the store. Take a small mirror with you (it is possible that there will be insufficient lighting in the store).

Let's start the test:

  • choose the shades you like (up to 10 - by the number of fingers);
  • apply one color to each finger;
  • we go to a brightly lit mirror or with our own mirror we go to the window or to the street (in the daytime);
  • make a big smile, look in the mirror;
  • we apply one finger at a time to the lips (with the painted side to the mirror);
  • pay attention to the combination with the skin tone, eye color, whether the teeth turn yellow against the background of the selected shade.

Thus, we decide on the choice.

When choosing a product in an online store, it is recommended to print a photo of shades on a printer and apply pictures to your lips. You should know: the ink of the printer does not always match 100% with the real color. Please note that when choosing a color, it is worth considering the structure of the lipstick: gloss will add more volume, matte dark ones will reduce the size of the lips. Correction is carried out with a pencil.

It is likely that comparing your appearance with the appearance of some famous, popular pop diva, on whose image whole groups of stylists and make-up artists are working on, will help speed up the choice of a suitable lipstick. If your appearance matches in color of eyes, hair, skin and age, and you like the makeup of this woman, then try to "try on" the colors of her lipstick. Of course, you should not blindly purchase cosmetics of her color palette, just with fan (stick) testing, you can start trying on exactly the colors that this woman uses.

Who is carrot lipstick suitable for?

One of the most capricious flowers is carrot, it is not suitable for everyone. Ideal for girls with a warm color type (spring-autumn). Carrot lipstick is a salvation for girls who have circles under the eyes: the expressiveness of the lipstick color distracts attention from this lack. To create a harmonious image, you need to choose the appropriate wardrobe, take into account the rest of the makeup features. Using lipstick in carrot color, focusing on the lips, you should make up your eyes with neutral beige, gray, brown, coffee colors. Excessive variegation of the wardrobe when making up with such lipstick is unacceptable. Discreet sets with the addition of color accents are preferred when using accessories (for example, a shawl, headscarf or scarf, a headband, a hoop, jewelry, in the drawing of which there is an orange color, a small elegant envelope bag (clutch) with details of the same color as pomade).

Who is red lipstick for?

Red symbolizes passion and confidence. It is almost universal and suitable for any girl, while there is a "but". But it is necessary to decide on the correct choice of a shade of red: with the slightest mistake, the luxury of an image can turn into elementary vulgarity. There are about 20 shades of red, while their number is constantly growing.

The rest of the makeup and clothing should match the red lipstick. Avoid the brightness of shadows, blush, slightly shading the cheekbones and making arrows in front of the eyes. The emphasis is on the lips. Lip liner is matched to the natural color of the lips, outlining the contour, sketching the entire surface, applying lipstick over the pencil. Adjust the size with a pencil or concealer. Red lipstick can be used only with perfectly healthy skin, as it will accentuate existing defects (cracks, chapped, peeling). It should be remembered about nails, the selection of appropriate accessories.

Many blondes feel insecure when choosing a red lipstick, believing that it can make the image obscenely bright. Here we should remember the blonde star, sex symbol No. 1, the brilliant Merlin Monroe. Red lipstick, blond hair gave her look absolute perfection. Blondes are best suited to muted tones: coral or pink.

Red lipstick gives passionate charm to dark-haired beauties who can use any rich shades without restriction. It should not be forgotten that in the daytime it is recommended to use a lighter lipstick. It is recommended to use light-skinned wine, berry and golden tones; dark pink, coral, brown shades - dark-skinned; bright juicy tones - burning brunettes. When purchasing a red lipstick, take a close look at your skin in good light:

  • with pinkish skin - use lipstick of a pure red color or cold tones that have a bluish or pink tint;
  • the darker the complexion, the brighter the lipstick should be, peach and orange shades are not suitable;
  • for a yellowish face, use orange, peach shades, without bluish;
  • with a dark complexion, a bright and rich natural red lipstick is ideal, burgundy and brown shades are possible

How to use red lipstick correctly - in the video below.

Who is cherry lipstick for?

Cherry is one of the varieties of red lipstick. This color makes the image sophisticated and elegant. There is an opinion that purposeful, domineering, self-sufficient women use cherry-colored lipsticks. Cherry color does not suit all types of appearance.

  • Ideal for dark hair and eyes.
  • Can be used by blue-eyed blondes.
  • The advantage of this lipstick: it does not create a visual yellowness of the tooth enamel, but on the contrary sets off their whiteness.

Feature: it makes lips thin, slightly ages the face, therefore, it is not recommended to use cherry color for elderly women. A rich cherry lipstick is not combined with a dark lip contour, as this will significantly age the face and make the makeup look heavy. Suitable for both daytime and evening celebrations.

With daytime makeup, the emphasis should be on the lips; in eye makeup, light shades, black mascara in a small amount, thin liners are used. Evening makeup is complemented with rich shimmering blush (pink, brown, peach), golden powder, eyebrow pencil that matches the hair color, and black eyeliner is made.

How to choose a bright lipstick?

Bright lipstick- an indispensable attribute of social events, star parties, solemn exits to the red carpet. It is worth trying it in your makeup too.

Makeup artists have developed 9 tips on how to choose and apply bright lipstick:

  1. If you do not dare to do it right away, then you need to start gradually, at first limiting yourself to lip gloss, gradually adding lipstick, giving the lip color more and more saturation.
  2. Bright lipstick requires careful lip care.
  3. It is recommended to have a silicone primer to increase the lipstick's durability.
  4. Universal contour pencil for bright lipstick - transparent-colorless. But it is better to use color, drawing them completely the entire surface of the lips, this will give additional saturation and durability.
  5. Matte textures require special care, as they visually reduce the volume. If you want to increase the volume of your lips, you should give preference to berry tones, choosing lighter shades and the most creamy textures. For those with narrow lips, it is better to use gloss, as it visually enlarges the lips.
  6. When choosing a shade, you must take into account your color type, skin and hair shade.
  7. The contour of the lips should follow the contour of the eyebrows: the smooth lines of the lips correspond to the soft-smooth lines of the eyebrows, the same definition of the lips is required for clear geometric eyebrows.
  8. You need to be very careful when choosing orange lipstick: it does not suit everyone.
  9. Be sure to remember about the ideal tooth enamel. Bright lipstick attracts attention, respectively, teeth are at the epicenter. Cold shades visually make teeth whiter, while orange and warm reds accentuate the yellow color of the enamel.

Over time, fashion changes not only for clothing items, but also for makeup. Changes in trends are especially noticeable in the tone of the lipstick. Look at the photo of your mom's youth - only bright, mostly red shades. Saturation was all the rage just a couple of years ago. But now more and more models appear on the covers of gloss, who have lipstick of a nude shade - the color of the lips. And like any other, you also need to choose the right one.

Nude lip makeup - natural in brief

From English, the word "nude" is translated as "naked", "bodily". For a make-up artist, it means cosmetic products, the color of which is as close to natural as possible. They are usually non-distinguishable, light, delicate.

If you choose and apply them correctly, you can very successfully mask all the shortcomings and emphasize the advantages. The advantage of a natural make-up is that you can have the most effective look, while using a minimum of cosmetics.

The main thing in natural makeup is nude lipstick. In common people it is called "beige" because of its natural color.

Girls fell in love with such funds for the fact that they fit well on the lips, increase their volume and allow them not to look vulgar at work.

In addition, light colors visually create the effect of tanned skin, while rich colors make it very pale.

Young ladies who do makeup every day, and not from time to time, know that it is much easier to make a mistake with nude shades than with bright ones.

The main rule for choosing such products is that lipstick should be one tone darker or lighter than the complexion.

This trick will highlight the lips and will not allow them to "get lost."

The color of the lipstick for women with blonde hair depends on various factors. One is the shade of the hair, the other is the tone of the skin, the natural color of the lips and eyes plays an important role. Image, clothing, mood are also important. Not all blondes know what colors suit them, how to emphasize their appearance.

Which one is right?

First, you need to decide what does not suit blondes. These are various shades of purple, plum, red-brown. These shades, firstly, are really difficult to use in real life, and secondly, they can shade the hair color in an unpleasant way and make the face look more tired.


A vibrant red / true red for all eyes, hair and skin tones. It is especially suitable for blondes with light skin tone, hair and eyes. It is with this shade that Taylor Swift is often painted, and it is her makeup that you can take as an example. Remember - using such a bright lipstick, you should not dye your eyes as richly. A classic arrow or ink will suffice.

Dark red "merlot"... Merlot is perfect for those with perfect skin. This is the only dark red shade that blondes can use at all. However, it requires a perfectly even skin tone and a well-defined contour. It cannot be used on thin lips, as it will make them look even smaller. This is the perfect lip color for the cold season.

Marsala... A shade on the verge of red and brown, similar to cherry, but with more pronounced notes. In another way, it can be called dark burgundy or wine, the color of a good wine of the same name. Quite a capricious shade, it is difficult to wear it in everyday life. Perhaps it will not suit girls of spring and winter color types at all, but "summer" (all shades of blond, especially ashy) and "autumn" (hair with a redhead) can try to "tame" it. As in the case of merlot, Marsala cannot be used on thin lips and with highlighted eyes - arrows, pastel shades of shadows are ideal.

Bordeaux... Burgundy lipstick has the same moodiness as other dark red shades. She needs full lips, a perfect white smile and an even skin tone, as she is able to highlight any yellowness and redness. It is in the form of lipstick that this shade is better suited for festive evening events, while in the afternoon it is better to use gloss. This color will look good both on pale-skinned blondes and on dark-skinned women, but for simplicity, when choosing, you can focus on the formula "the darker the skin tone, the darker the lipstick shade should be." However, it is better to refuse warm burgundy red for completely fair-skinned girls - it is suitable only for dark-skinned women or ladies with a light tan.


Pink, of course, is divided into several shades - from light and delicate to almost crimson. Fortunately, almost everyone suits blondes.

Puppet pink. It is in this color that the wardrobe of one of the most popular blondes in the world, Barbie, is compiled, and it is with this shade of lipstick that her lips are painted by default. This color is especially popular in spring and summer.

Crimson and fuchsia ideal in combination with brown eyes. It is this combination that will make the appearance as expressive as possible (especially with purple shadows and well-shaded pink blush). Cherry, on the contrary, suits gray-eyed and blue-eyed, because it is able to emphasize such an appearance.

The most fashionable shades

Very popular lately brown-pink nude or dusty pink, and this is due to the tendency "your lips, only better." Ideal if you want to accentuate your eyes, but also your lips. The color is pale enough for fair-skinned ladies and can visually make them more tired, therefore, it is suitable only for tanned blondes or girls with peach skin. Will look good both in spring and in winter.

Peach coral will refresh any summer make-up in the best way. You can use it both without decorated eyes or as a complement to the brightest smokey in your life. A very soft and warm shade, a truly summer trend of the season. It is coral or peach that can make lips visually plump. These colors are great for fair-skinned women.

Beige lipstick should be darker than the natural color of the lips by half a tone - in golden or caramel tones. This will make the skin visually darker. Such cosmetics are versatile and suitable both for an evening event with an emphasis on the eyes and for a morning meeting. It will suit ladies of any age and at any time of the year.

Popular enough lately Baby pink doll pink, however, with this shade it is very important not to overdo it, so as not to create a childish atmosphere around you.

Bright carrot now also trending, but you have to be careful with it so as not to overdo it with contrast. You can choose peach or coral shades, with a departure to orange.

Scarlet lipstick has long become a classic.

How to choose the right one?

Just picking up and buying lipstick is not all, you need to learn how to use such cosmetics correctly. And we are talking not only about the method of application (although this is, of course, very important), but also about the correct makeup, a carefully selected image. After all, even the most risky blonde will not wear merlot or marsala with sports T-shirts in everyday life.

Yes, the right look is essential. For example, it is better not to use lipstick with sportswear at all, but with sportswear (made in a similar style, but not intended for training, more feminine and sophisticated) it is better to use muted peach or coral tones. You can choose both bright and nude tones for going out, but beware of puppet ones. They will make you look frivolous.

Cold shades of lipsticks are suitable for pastel images, warmer shades for bright ones. Remember: the darker the lipstick, the more it will shrink your lips, so it is better not to use it for thin lips.

Remember that a lot depends on the quality and type of lipstick. Of course, it will be embarrassing if the lipstick gets imprinted on it after the first glass of water, disappears after a bun for breakfast, or if your hair sticks to it due to a strong wind (and okay, if yours).

If you want a super matte finish, check out Liquid Matte Lipsticks. They are capricious in application, require a clear contour, but they will definitely last all day. Such lipsticks, as a rule, are waterproof and can survive several snacks (remember that no lipstick can stand a full meal), do not get imprinted on the glasses and lips of your beloved man. They can slightly disappear from the mucous membrane after eating, and low-quality ones can crumble, so in any case, walk around the store for twenty or thirty minutes, smearing the probe on your hand, and see how the cosmetic behaves.

Matte lipsticks, liquid or in sticks, are universal - they are suitable both for going out to the cinema and for an evening meeting. As the name suggests, they have no sheen.

Remember that the blonde shade also plays a role. If you have bleached or actually bleached hair, go with coppery pinks, peaches and coral shades, and you can pay attention to pale reds. The ash shade of the hair is ideally emphasized by bright dark colors - merlot or marsala, as well as muted, almost natural. Apricot, peach and coral are also suitable for golden hair.

Owners of rose gold hair should pay attention to all shades of pink, but avoid doll-like looks. Purple blond can afford coral and peach shades, and blond on the verge of red (strawberry blond) - all nude and coral, light red lipstick tones.

Makeup examples

The first thing you should know is that the lips need to be prepared in advance, with a special scrub and moisturizing balm or fatty oil. It is better to do this an hour before applying makeup or in the evening before applying makeup. A lip scrub will help even out their relief, remove keratinized particles, make lips visually plump and juicy, and a moisturizing component (balm or oil) will help to retain moisture, fill in the gaps in the relief and negate the likelihood of tightness and a feeling of dryness. After that, it is recommended to use a lipstick primer - a thin layer of foundation or powder can replace it.

It must be remembered that an even complexion makes any makeup more beautiful, even if the emphasis is on the lips. Use foundation, concealer and powder without a twinge of conscience.

With blue eyes

Dark cherry lipsticks are perfect for this eye color. They set off almost transparent blue hues and make blues more expressive. However, they require the perfect complexion and are quite capricious, so you have to try:

  1. Get your skin first. Apply a moisturizer or mattifying cream / primer under your makeup, wait ten minutes and apply foundation or powder.
  2. Scrub and moisturize lips, apply primer.
  3. With the same dark as lipstick, soft pencil outline the contour of the lips, paying special attention to the corners. Apply concealer or another thin layer of foundation around it.
  4. Take a lipstick in your hands and gently, starting from the bottom, fill in the lips. Smack when you fill it completely so that some of the pigment remains on the upper lip. Paint over it too. Once again, carefully trace the outline with lipstick. If your lipstick is liquid, the smack should not be performed.
  5. If you want extra shine, more luscious lips, apply gloss to the cupid's hollow and the center of the lower lip.

Dark lipstick is emphasized by beautiful long eyelashes or shades of purple shades, the classic version with an arrow is also not forbidden - however, it can be made not black, but light blue or the same purple. Finally, the image will be "made" by the correct blush, matched to the skin color and simply necessary for dark lipstick, and a highlighter on the protruding parts of the face.

With green eyes

If you have a rare eye shade - green, you can emphasize it with an accent on the eyes. It can be olive or golden smokey, golden arrow or bright white pigment. Lips, in this case, should be restrained - brick, terracotta, beige or nude peach shades will do. Helpful hints:

  1. Scrub and moisturize your lips out of habit, use a primer. Since this is makeup with an accent on the eyes, the tone can be applied last, so that the eyeshadow or mascara does not fall on it.
  2. Use the shade you want - beige, brick, or peach. If they are liquid matte textures, be sure to use the balm as a backing, because they dry out.
  3. Paint over the outline. You can use a soft pencil of a suitable color, or you can not use it - here if you wish.
  4. Moving from the edges to the center, fill in the lips.
  5. When you're done with the lips, move on to the eyes. You can make smokey in suitable shades, "birdie" and combine this with arrows in interesting shades (you can just draw arrows). Eyes should be bright, so natural-looking false eyelashes are also welcome.
  6. It is after you have shaped your eyes that you can tackle foundation or powder and blush. Beige lipstick is great with caramel or apricot / peach intense blush.

With brown eyes

Brown-eyed ladies can try this year's popular ombre lip technique. The essence of the technique lies in the fact that the contour of the lips is painted with a darker shade, and the middle - with a light one. This creates a smooth transition. This makeup is ideal for an evening event, but for a daytime one can choose not too contrasting colors. Initially, this technique conquered hairdressers, and now it is used in visage. So, you will need two similar shades (one darker, the other lighter), a soft pencil in a natural shade, a lip balm and a brush. The technique is as follows:

  1. The first step is to scrub the lips - this is a must, since a double pigment will be applied to them, and it will fit better with perfect lips.
  2. The next step is moisturizing (with your favorite bold oil or lip balm).
  3. You should blot your lips from excess moisturizer and, if desired, apply a layer of foundation, powder or lip primer (to smooth the surface and smooth the relief).
  4. With concealer or the same foundation, paint the outer contour of the lips to highlight the borders and make them more expressive. Blend well with your fingers.
  5. Take a pencil and draw a contour with it, shading inward.
  6. Take a lighter shade of lipstick and start filling your lips with it completely. Next, take a dark one and (depending on what you want) draw with it only the corners or the entire outline.
  7. Use your fingers or a brush to gently blend the colors. Optionally add a sheer gloss to the center of your lower lip.