Manual for future mothers. Childbirth: benefits for future mothers

Almost every future mother wonders: « What payments I. maternity benefits I learn » ? Unfortunately, it is sometimes very difficult to find such information and understand it. This publication was decided by the authors finally correct this situation and accessible to tell what benefits and payments and where you can get.

Pregnancy benefits

BUT) "One-time benefit":

Women who put into account in early pregnancy dates (up to 12 weeks) are entitled to receive a "lump-sum benefit", which from January 1, 2012 is 465 rubles 20 kopecks. Please note that only employed women, as well as students or passing service can receive "one-time allowance". The manual is paid simultaneously with the maternity benefit and childbirth, if the certificate of registration is submitted simultaneously with the documents necessary for obtaining maternity benefits; either for ten days after submission of a certificate of registration in early pregnancy, if the specified reference is presented later. "One-time allowance" is issued at the place of work, training, service.

B) "Maternity allowance":

Women are provided with "maternity benefits". This allowance is paid in total for vacation duration of 140 calendar days (70 days before delivery and 70 after). The time of leave increases to 156 days (70 and 86) in the case of complicated clans and up to 194 (84 and 110) in the case of 2 or more children.

From January 1, 2011, the size of this manual for women to be mandatory social insurance is established in the amount of average earnings over the past 2 years, that is, 730 calendar days, not counting the month of maternity leave. The amount of benefits is calculated as follows - the sum of all charges that are subject to FSS contributions over the past 2 years, then this amount is divided by 730 calendar days (2 years). The final amount to payment is determined by multiplying the result by the number of days of maternity leave. However, there is a limitation - if the overall earnings for the year is more than 415,000 rubles, the calculation will still be made on the basis of the amount of 415,000 rubles. Thus, if a woman has income per month over the past 2 years, an average is 30000 rubles. per month, the size of "maternity benefits" will be (on vacation in 140 days): 30000 * 24 (month) / 730 * 140 (days) \u003d 138 082 rub., Or 29589 rub. per month.

In accordance with Federal Law 21-ФЗ dated 25.02.2011, if you receive the right to the maternity allowance from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2012 (inclusive), you can choose how you will charge the benefits. You can choose the accrual of benefits on the old scheme - based on the cumulative income per year before the year, when you received the right to allowance for pregnancy and childbirth and taking into account (subtraction) periods when you were on the hospital, did not work, etc. Also You can receive a guide in a new scheme - based on the total income for 2 calendar (precisely calendar!) Of the year preceding the year of receipt of the right to maternity benefits and childbirth for 730 (the number of days for 2 years).

If your average monthly income is greater, the employer may pay you at your own request. If a woman has an insurance experience of less than 6 months, then the size of this manual is equal to 1 minimum ones (the minimum wage amount as of June 1, 2011 is 4611 rubles). If a woman works in several employers, payments for pregnancy benefits and childbirth are produced at each job, but not more than 2 employers.

For the appointment of "maternity benefits", a hospital leaf must be introduced to an employed woman.

Not employed women receive this manual in the amount of 412 rubles 8 kopecks per month (data as of January 1, 2011). Payment is made by the territorial body of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation appointed a guide. To assign the benefits, it is necessary to submit: a hospital leaf, a labor book, a certificate from the employment service and recognition of the unemployed.

Manuals by rhodas

BUT) "One-time benefit at the birth of a child":

A one-time allowance at the birth of a child from January 1, 2012 is 12405 rubles 32 kopecks. If at least one of the parents is employed, the manual is issued at the place of work. To obtain it, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bthe child's birth certificate, a certificate of the registry office, a certificate from the place of work on the non-receipt of the benefit of another parent (or a certificate from the employment service, if another parent is not employed).

If both parents are not employed, then the manual is paid in Rossen when submitting documents: Certificates of the birth of a child, certificates of the registry office, labor books of both parents with records on dismissal, diplomas or certificates (for previously worked).

B) Maternal capital:

The right of maternal capital is confirmed by the registered state certificate for maternal (family) capital. From January 1, 2011, maternity capital is 387640 rubles 30 kopecks. The maternity capital is provided for the birth (adoption) of the second child and the following children since January 1, 2007, if earlier the maternity capital was not provided, that is, the maternity capital can be obtained only once! Disposal means of maternal capital will be possible only after reaching the child of three years; However, due to the amendments made to the law, maternity capital can be sent to repay loans to buy housing, regardless of the term that has expired from the date of birth of the second or subsequent children.

Those who wish to obtain maternity capital should be applying to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for obtaining a state certificate for maternal (family) capital, by submitting an appropriate application with all the necessary documents (the necessary list of documents can be clarified in the territorial body of the Russian Pension Fund).

Maternal capital cannot be obtained in direct monetary form, they can only be disposed of in the following areas:

  • Improvements in housing conditions;
  • Obtaining education by a child (children);
  • Formation of the accumulative part of the labor pension for mothers.
  • Payment of kindergarten (including private) or school for a child (this opportunity appeared in 2012).

At the same time, the maternity capital is not necessary to spend entirely on one of the above objectives, it can be consuling in part and in different needs.

IN) Additional urban payments in Moscow:

Moscow is additionally paid:

"One-time compensation payment".
In the case of the birth of the first child, it is 5,500 rubles, the 2nd and subsequent 14,500 rubles. In the case of the simultaneous birth of 3 and more children, the family is provided with 50,000 rubles. To obtain a "one-time compensation payment", it is necessary to contact no later than 6 months from the moment of children in Rossen, where the following documents must be submitted: the child's birth certificate, a certificate from the registry office, a housing of the housing authority on the registration of the child at the place of residence together with the parent ( If the second parent is not a Muscovite).

"An additional one-time allowance at the birth of a child to young families."
Additionally, the Government of Moscow provides for young parents (if both have not reached the age of 30 years) to young families: one child is five-time, on the 2nd seven-time, on the 3rd and subsequent ten-year subsistence minimum, established by the Government of Moscow on average per capita At the date of birth of a child.

"An additional one-time allowance at the birth of a child with young families" can be obtained by contacting Rosn, where it is necessary to provide the following documents: the child's birth certificate, the direction from the registry office, the help of the housing authority on the registration of the child at the place of residence together with the parent (if the second parent is not Muscovite).

D) Additional payments in the regions of the Russian Federation:

In different regions and cities of the Russian Federation, their additional pregnancy payments are provided, information about which you can get to Rossen.


  1. Federal Law of 25.10.2007 N 233-FZ
  2. Federal Law No. 81-FZ "On state benefits to citizens who have children"
  3. Federal Law of the Russian Federation № 216-FZ "On the budget of the Social Insurance Fund for the Russian Federation for 2009 and on the planning period 2010 and 2011" of November 25, 2008
  4. Federal Law No. 204-FZ "On the federal budget for 2009 and on the planning period of 2010 and 2011" of November 24, 2008)
  5. Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ "On the provision of benefits for temporary disability, for pregnancy and childbirth of citizens subject to compulsory social insurance"
  6. Resolution of the Government of Moscow dated January 24, 2006 No. 37-PP "On approval of the Regulation on the procedure for appointing and providing cash payments to families with children in the city of Moscow"
  7. Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 04.04.2004 №1 99-PP "On the procedure for appointing and paying an additional one-time benefit in connection with the birth of a child to young families"
  8. Federal Law No. 308-FZ "On the Federal Budget for 2010 and for the planning period of 2011 and 2012" dated December 2, 2009
  9. Federal Law of 08.12.2010 No. 343-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On Compulsory Social Insurance in case of temporary disability and due to maternity ""
  10. Federal Law 21-FZ of 02/25/2011

I advise you to visit this site. There are so many useful information about the birth and raising a child!

On the site you will find electronic versions of brochures for pregnant women and young parents, printed versions of which are distributed free of charge in women's consultations, maternity hospitals and children's clinics of our country. These allowances were published as part of the social and educational program "University of Motherhood"; The program was created specifically for future and young mothers and aimed at informing and supporting the audience on issues such as health and lifestyle of pregnant, food, breastfeeding, care for the child of the first year of life, the health of the mother and many other aspects of motherhood and childhood.

(Designed to present in women's consultations in the Moscow region)

In order to save the magazine, Shape-Mama decided to find out what kind of support of the state you can count on.

If you are working
If you have long expect a baby, the news about his soon appearance is able to raise you on the seventh sky from happiness. But if his future father is not the owner of the oil tower, and your dad is not the head of a large corporation, sooner or later you will have to go down to the ground and think about what all these cute sprawers, diapers and other motherhood satellites will be poured.

This option is the highest paid. After all, the state and your employer will be provided to you and your employer. According to the Law of the Russian Federation, the future mothers have paid maternity leave, child care allowance and other lump-sum payments. At the same time, from January 1, 2010, payments increased markedly, and now even those mothers who have not had such right can count on them.
Payments at work. You will be provided 140 calendar days of vacation (70 days before delivery and 70 after). The period of rest will increase to 156 days, if the childhood passed with complication or a cesarean section was conducted, 194 days - if you are waiting for two or more children. A maternity leave will be paid 100% of the average earnings for each month. Middle earnings develop from all the official sums that you received at work in the last 12 months. In addition to the usual wages, this includes awards, the 13th salary, quarterly-all, whereby the contributions to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation. But it is not worth counting than 34,583 rubles: according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, this is the maximum monthly amount of maternity benefits. Your guide is optional can, but not obliged to increase it. If you work in several employers - the allowance is paid at each site.
Where and when to get? For a period of 30 weeks in the women's consultation, you will be given a sheet of disability for pregnancy and childbirth. It must be provided at the place of work. Do it no later than six months from the date of completion of pregnancy and childbirth. Otherwise, you will have to prove the importance of the reason (the judicial order is not excluded), according to which Mom has not yet issued a benefit.
Schedule payments Money will calculate immediately for the entire period of vacation and pay at the next day of salary. All these guarantees are valid if you have worked for an employment contract for no less than 6 months. Otherwise, the payment will be no more minimum wages (minimum wage) - 4,330 rubles for each month of vacation.
Payments for accounting in women's consultation in early pregnancy terms This allowance in the amount of 412 rubles 08 kopecks is appointed at the same time if you are working and registered in a fence consultation for a period of up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. If you are unemployed - the manual is not paid.
Where and how to get? First you need to get a certificate from the female consultation that you have taken taking into account until 12 weeks. Then you need to provide this paper at the place of work.
Dates of payout The manual will be paid at the place of work at the same time as a benefit on maternity and childbirth.
Manual for the period of childcare leave up to 1.5 years It is paid in the event that at the end of maternity leave and childbirth, you decided not to return to work, but to devote yourself to the upbringing of the baby. Pope, relatives or guardians who have previously worked, and now they decided to devote themselves to care for a crumb, while you go to work. In the first 1.5 years of the child's life, you (or the father of the kid, if he decided to take care of leave) a monthly relies 40% of the average earnings over the past year. But you should not count more than 13,833 rubles 33 kopecks - this value is constant for the whole territory of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the lower limit of payments is 2 060 rubles. 41 cop., Although if the baby is a second child - it is doubled. If you gave birth to twins, the manual is also multiplied by two (minimum is 4,120 rubles). Although there are limitations here - it cannot be more than 100% of your average earnings. Plus 50 rubles is paid in compensation every month from the birth of a child and up to 3 years.
Where and how to get? After the end of maternity leave and childbirth should be written a statement about child care leave and a statement about the appointment of benefits. At the same time, you should have a certificate
About the birth of a baby and his copy, the birth certificate of the previous child and his copy, a certificate from the place of work of the second parent that he does not receive such a guide.
Dates of payoutThe manual is accrued no later than 10 days after treatment and is paid on the day of payroll.
From January 1, 2010, the size of this cash benefit is 10,988 rubles 85 kopecks. You can get it at the place of work. Unlike pregnancy benefits and childbirth is paid after the birth of crumbs.
Where and how to get?At work, you are waiting for a certificate of birth of a child and a certificate from the registry office. If the dad crumbs work, it will require a certificate from his work that such a manual was not paid to him, if the second parent is unemployed - a certificate from the employment service.
Dates of payoutThe manual is paid no later than 10 days from the date of providing all the necessary documents. If you have worked on an urgent employment contract, then to obtain a child care benefit up to 1.5 years old, you must register in the employment service and have the status of the unemployed, where you will be given the relevant document. From unemployment benefits in this case, you will also have to refuse.

If you do not work
In this case, all payments of the future mother will be carried out only by the state.
One-time birth payment It remains unchanged and amounts to 10,988 rubles 85 kopecks.
Where and how to get? If dad works, the application can be submitted at the place of work of the husband. If you both do not work, you need to contact the social protection authorities, where the benefits are charged. To do this, you will need the following documents: Certificate of the child's birth, certificates from the registry office, labor books of both parents with entry records, diplomas and certificates (if parents have not previously worked). Also need a certificate from the employment center that you do not receive unemployment benefits.
dates of payoutThe manual is obliged to pay no later than 10 days from the date of providing all the documents necessary for this.
It is charged, based on the minimum sizes. For the first baby - 2 060 rubles. 41 cop., For the second and subsequent children, the state will pay 4 120 rubles. 80 cop. per month.
Where and how to get?To begin with, you should register at the Employment Center, and then contact social protection authorities with a statement about the appointment of benefits, a certificate of the birth of a child (or both children) and its copy. There will be a certificate from the social protection of the population at the place of residence of the Father, to confirm that he does not receive a child care allowance, as well as a copy of the workbook and a person certifying the personality. In addition, you will need a document confirming the preservation of a baby with one of the parents in the Russian Federation. If you want to receive child care payments, you will have to abandon unemployment benefits.

Maternal capital

If you are in the happy anticipation of the second baby (or the second child is planning to adopt), then after his birth / adoption you have the right to receive maternal capital. From January 1, 2010, its size is 343 378 rubles. 80 cop. You can only get this payment once. At the same time, the very concept of "get" relatively - no one will give all the money in the hands, and they will not manage them on their dysmotia. From the total amount at the same time, immediately after the birth of crumbs, you can get only 12,000 rubles and spend them on the daily needs of the family. Otherwise, for which, when and how much, the legislator can be paid to the payment determined clearly: the purchase or construction of housing, the education of children, an increase in the future mother's pension. At the same time, it is not necessary to spend capital exclusively on one expense article, you can dispose of it in different ways.
In any proportions.
when you can use maternity capital
By law, as soon as the child is 3 years old. But apply for an order
We can safely - at the age of 2.5 years. But from the rule there is an exception. Without waiting for this period, the capital can still be used, in particular, pay off loans and loans taken to buy or building housing, concluded until December 31, 2010.
How to issue maternity capitalA statement to the local branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with documents should be applied:
- application for issuing a certificate,
- Personality document (passport or registration at the place of residence),
- a document confirming the citizenship of the Russian Federation of the child,
- Certificate of compulsory pension insurance.

If you are learning
Modern female students can count practically on all the benefits, that's just the size of them will be less. Since 2010, it is possible to get them in local social protection bodies of the population (sobes).
Maternity benefit It will be equivalent to scholarship size. In order to get it, you must first take an academic vacation,
And then provide a hospital list from the female consultation to the organs of social protection. However, in the event that you are trained in a non-state educational institution or in a state institution, but on a paid basis, the benefit on pregnancy and childbirth is not supposed to you.
One-time child birth allowanceStandard size - 10 988 rubles. At the same time, it does not matter in which university and on which separation you are studying. In order to get it, you need the following documents: a statement on the appointment of benefits, a child's birth certificate, a child's birth certificate certificate issued by the registry office, a certificate from the place of study or the work of another parent that this allowance is not paid to him. You will receive money within 10 days after handling.
Child care allowance up to 1.5 years You have the right to receive it in the minimum state established by the state - 2,060 rubles 41 kopeck. Moreover, if you continue to study in the usual mode, refusing academic leave, the manual is not canceled. You will need the same documents that are needed when receiving a lump-sum of the birth allowance. Receive benefits you should no later than
5 numbers of each month. The right to receive such benefits have women who studied at the full-time department and officially issued a child care vacation. That is why you may require a copy of the order from the educational institution.

Who additives?
Do not forget that you can count on additional benefits. They are prescribed and paid in each region of Russia in different sizes and by different rules. Here are some of them who are paid in Moscow:
"One-time compensation payment".
If a firstborn appeared in the family, you can get 5,500 rubles, if the second kid and the next - 14 500 rubles. And when Trina is born, the power of the capital pay 50,000 rubles. In order to obtain these amounts, it is necessary to contact Rossen (district management of social protection of the population) no later than 6 months from the date of the birth of children, where it is necessary to provide the following documents: Certificate of birth of a child, certificate from the registry office, certificate of the housing authority on registration The child at the place of residence of one of the parents (if the second parent is not a Muscovite).
"An additional one-time allowance at the birth of a child to young families."
If both parents are under 30 years old, then one child will be paid five-time, on the 2nd - seven-time, on the 3rd and subsequent ten-fold magnitude of the subsistence minimum established by the Government of Moscow at the date of birth of crumbs.

If you are a young mother with a child up to 3 years
Good services

Few people know that in addition to cash benefits to future mothers and kids, there are a lot of free services, procedures, drugs and even products.
Medications for pregnant women If you were already at the doctor's reception, then you probably discharged a lot of drugs, starting with vitamins and ending with drugs containing iron, iodine potassium, calcium and ... sent to the pharmacy. However, since January 2007 - as soon as the concept of a generic certificate has emerged in the Russian Federation, all pregnant women have the opportunity to receive a number of drugs in women's consultation absolutely free. What do I need to do? First, to register in the women's consultation. Secondly, remind you of relying medicines to your doctor - he is obliged to write you the drugs that are listed as part of the list of vital and most important drugs approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation. Today it includes: folic acid, potassium yod, polyvitamins, multiminerals, iron preparations, vitamin E, calcium carbonate. In the first visit to the gynecologist, do not forget to recall your rights, because often in district women's consultations do not report such an important and useful for the future milk service. "We are not obliged to inform everyone about it!" - Usually report doctors. So do not be afraid to defend your rights.
Drugs kids up to 3 years It is no secret that it is during this period a cold and flu, as well as a variety of children's sores liput to the kids as if they have no immunity at all. As a rule, precinct doctors once again prescribed a lot of drugs, prescribing them not in the form of a recipe, but on the usual sheet for records. It turns out that this violation of the law! After all, almost all drugs with an outpatient treatment of kids up to 3 years old and children from large families up to 6 years, prescribed by a doctor's prescription are released for free. Preparations from the budget of the Russian Federation are paid. If suddenly, for some reason, free medicines are refused to write out in the clinic, feel free to refer to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 1994 N 890.
Get the medicine is quite simple - with the prescription discharged to the State Polyclinic. If there is no drug, it should be delivered from the neighboring area for 10 days. The doctor has the right to write up to four recipes for a child, if more is required - the question is solved by the Medical Commission.
VaccinationsYou and your baby have the full right to free vaccination if you want to make vaccination, which is marked in the "national calendar of preventive vaccinations" (it can be required in a polyclinic from a district doctor). Free vaccinations are made only by domestic vaccines, and imported, registered in the Russian Federation, on a fee basis. If the doctor in the State District Polyclinic refuses to be vaccinated for free within the framework of the calendar, he grossly violates the law. Also, he should not force you to use the imported vaccine: "Domestic is not available yet, so there is no other option ..." Your consent to the use of a paid vaccine should be voluntary! If the doctor in the district polyclinic refuses to make information about the vaccination, which the baby was made in a private clinic, is also illegal. For legal terms, the vaccine introduced in a commercial institution is equivalent to vaccination based on state clinic. In this case, require refusal in writing and contact the public health committee or the area to restore justice.
Massage in the first year of life Your baby has the right to one year of free massage, and if he has orthopedic or neuralgic violations, there may be several such courses. The direction of the preventive massage discharges the precinct pediatrician to massage according to the testimony - an orthopedist surgeon or neurologist. At the same time, if your crumble is required for health status, the massage therapist will quickly find time for you in my schedule. If it is appointed for prevention, it will have to wait long enough - sometimes up to 2-3 months.
Milk KitchenWho, in what order and how many dairy products have the right to receive, local authorities determine, therefore, in each subject of the Russian Federation, the situation is different. For example, in Moscow, genuine assistance is laid:
- Children from birth to two years old,
- Pregnant women from the moment of registration, but not earlier than the period of pregnancy in 12 weeks,
- Nursing mothers for 6 months from the date of birth, subject to the child's baby on breastfeeding.
What do they give?Although the norm is different everywhere, the dairy assortment is usually standard. It is dry and sour milking mixes, kefir, cottage cheese and milk. How many products you get depends on the age of the baby or your status - the future or nursing mom. In any case, the resulting nutrition must be inserted into the diet carefully. It will not be superfluous to ask the doctor - what side reactions may arise for dairy assistance.
Mugs and sections As soon as your crumb will grow up, you will probably want to give it to developing classes. There are plenty of circles and sections today, but only some of them are free. You can find them in the local palaces of culture and sports, artistic and music schools, state district centers of creativity and ordinary general educational schools. Clarify their full list in the management of education. The obvious plus of such institutions is a significant savings of the family budget. Moreover, "free" does not always mean poor quality. For teachers of such circles, pedagogical education, experience with children and methodological developments are required. The only minus of free circles is not too flexible schedule of classes.
Whom they take The free circle is obliged to take children, regardless of where they are spelled out and learn, what is the average income of their parents, whether they are engaged in some free sections or not. The restriction may be by age. So, a three-year-old baby will not take into the school of young motorists or a circle of aircraft modeling.

How to get
Regulations that establish how many free circles should be in each district, no, so there is no one next to your house, and there are no one in the neighboring area. As a rule, special documents are not needed, but in some sports sections they may ask for a certificate that the child has no contraindications to physical exertion.

Are you planning to replenish the family? Do not forget about the support that the state should have. How not to get confused in a variety of benefits, payments and benefits that rely on future parents? What kind of references and documents should be collected? Where to get the funds relying to you?

First of all, we will deal with the terminology.

Payments and benefits are divided into federal (relying to all citizens of Russia, regardless of their place of residence) and regional (obtained, in addition to the federal, only residents of certain subjects of the Russian Federation).

Payments and benefits are one-time (once) and monthly (paid every month, before reaching a child of a certain age). So, what can the future mother count on?

1. In the first half of pregnancy

The very first allowance that is relying to you immediately, after confirmation of the fact of pregnancy - One-time allowance for women in the early term of pregnancy.

To get this payment, it is necessary to register in the women's consultation for up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. The basis for obtaining a benefit is a certificate confirming the registration in the early periods of pregnancy, which is also issued by a medical organization that has given you. The benefit amount in 2014 was 515 rubles. 33 cop. According to the project of the Federal Law on the budget for 2015, the size of this manual in 2015 may amount to 543 rubles. 67 kopecks. The term of appeal to a one-time payment is limited - starting from the 12th week of pregnancy and no later than six months from the date of birth of the baby. This payment is leaning as working women, and then it is paid at the place of work, students (if you are trained in full-time education in educational institutions) at the place of study in the form of scholarships, as well as women dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the enterprise - in the social protection service Population at the place of registration.

Also, do not forget about such an important benefit as Free medicines and vitamins for pregnant women.A list of pharmaceutical preparations that you can get for free or with a 50% discount is great and accurately will help you save a family budget.

2. In the second half of pregnancy

Benefits and benefits issued from the 30th week of pregnancy:

Maternity benefit (so-called) is paid to the woman in total for the entire period of maternity leave, which continues 70 (in the case of multiple pregnancy - 84) calendar days before delivery and 70 (in the case of complicated delivery - 86, at the birth of two or more children - 110) calendar days after childbirth.

At the 30th week of pregnancy (or on the 28th week, a medical organization is issued a sheet of disability on pregnancy and childbirth. Upon presentation of it at the place of work, maternity allowance is appointed 100% of the average earnings.

Payment is charged within ten days from the date of submission of documents and is issued per day set for the payment of the nearest wage.

Generic certificate.

Together with a sheet of disability on pregnancy and childbirth, a generic certificate is issued. It consists of three coupons:

Cone number 1 (in 2014, worth 3,000 rubles) is used as payment of services rendered to the woman during pregnancy, remains in women's consultation.
Coupon number 2 (in 2014, worth 6,000 rubles) is used as payment for services rendered to the woman in the maternity hospital.
Coupon number 3 (in 2014, worth 1000 rubles) is used as payment for the services rendered by the child in the first year of life. Transferred to the Children's Clinic.

Regional (local) benefits at the birth of a child.

In many constituent entities of the Russian Federation, there are additional local pregnancy payments and childbirth. So, in Moscow in 2014, for example, it is an additional 600 rubles, for those who have been taken into account in the female consultation within 20 weeks of pregnancy.

3. After the birth of a child

One-time (one-time) allowance at the birth of a child (or transfer it to education in the family) in 2014 is 13,741 rubles. 99 kopecks. According to the project of the Federal Law on the budget for 2015, the size of this manual in 2015 may amount to 14,497 rubles. 80 cop.

Monthly child care allowance until they reach the age of one and a half years.The manual is paid in the amount of 40% of the average earnings calculated in two calendar years preceding the year of the occurrence of leave to care for the child before reaching them the age of one and a half years. And it can be paid not only to mom, but to any person actually caring for a child and being on leave to care for a child (for example, the father or grandmother of the baby). There are limitations. So, the minimum monthly care allowance for the first child in 2014 is 2,576 rubles. 33 cop. (The size of this manual in 2015 may amount to 2,718 rubles. 34 kopecks), for the second and subsequent - 5,153 rubles. 24 cop. (In 2015 - 5,436 rubles. 67 kopecks.) The maximum amount of the benefit in 2014 is set in the amount of 17,990 rubles. 11 cop. In 2015, the amount of the benefit may be 18,979 rubles. 56 kopecks.

To obtain a monthly child care allowance, you must provide:

  • application for the appointment of benefits;
  • certificate of the birth of a child and his copy;
  • certificate of the birth of the previous child and his copy;
  • help with the place of work of the Father that he does not use child care leave and does not receive a monthly child care allowance (and in case there is a dad or grandmother on vacation, a certificate from the work of mom or both parents).

A monthly child care allowance is paid within 10 calendar days from the date of reference to obtaining it with the necessary documents. The payment of benefits is carried out in the day the day set to pay payments.

Take a message!Perhaps, in the future, a monthly child care allowance will be paid to a child achievement of a three-year-old age.

The relevant project is submitted for consideration in 2011 and provides for the gradual introduction of this measure, first in separate regions - in the republics of Tyva, Buryatia, Altai, Udmurtia, Mari El, Adygea, Kalmykia, Karachay-Cherkessia, Karelia, Sakha (Yakutia) .A Also Kamchatsky, Krasnoyarsk, Zabaykalsky, Primorsky, Krasnodar and Stavropol Territory and Tverskaya, Smolensk, Sverdlovskaya, Samara, Pskov, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Kurskaya, Kostroma, Kemerovo, Ivanovo, Voronezh, Astrakhan, Volgograd, Irkutsk, Kaliningrad and Tomsk regions. In 2014, they were planned to attach the republics of Kabardino-Balkaria, Komi, Mordovia, Tatarstan, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Chechnya, North Ossetia, Perm and Khabarovsk Territory, as well as Belgorod, Bryanskaya, Vladimirskaya, Kaluga, Kirovskaya, Leningrad, Magadan, Murmansk, Novgorod, Orenburg, Penza, Rostov, Ryazan, Saratov, Tula, Tyumen and Chelyabinsk regions. In 2015, Moscow was planned to attach Moscow and St. Petersburg. However, this bill is currently not implemented.

Providing children up to three years free medicines

Children of the first three years of life are provided free of charge drugs.

In addition, there are a number of benefits and payments for large families and special manual benefits of military personnelpassing urgent call service.

4. Maternal capital

The certificate for maternity capital is issued at the birth of the second and subsequent child, as well as at the birth of twins. Its size in 2015 is 453,026 rubles. However, according to the forecasts of the Ministry of Labor, due to the increased load on the federal budget in the next two years (2016th and 2017th), the growth rates of the Matkapali will slow down, and the amount of payments will exceed 500,000 rubles. Not earlier than 2018. Taking into account this, as experts predict, the real purchasing power of maternal capital after 2015 will decline, therefore, to schedule the order provided by the funds provided by the funds of the state-owned sample certificate more than the end of 2015.

5. Tax deductions for children

Standard tax deductions for children.This benefit can take advantage of both parents. The meaning of this deduction in the following - from the part of wages (in the amount of 1,400 rubles at the first and second child, 3000 on the third) is no longer held by 13% of the income tax. At the same time, the tax deduction is valid until a month, in which the income of the parent, calculated by the growing result since the beginning of the year exceeded 280,000 rubles.

Social tax deductions. From the amount paid by the parents for the training of their children, every year you can return a social tax deduction in the amount of 13%, but not more than 50,000 rubles for each child. And this is the total amount for the use of deduction by both parents.

Compensation for kindergarten. Parents have the right to compensate for the child's maintenance fee in kindergarten. Compensation dimensions are established by the regulatory regions, but can not be less than 20% on the first child, less than 50 on the second and less than 70% on the third and subsequent.

The procedure for calculating maternity leave, for registration in the early periods of pregnancy and one-time benefit at the birth of a child.

The family awaiting the appearance of the baby is usually wondering what benefits should a pregnant woman get in the workplace and how maternity leave is made. Today we will try to answer questions that future parents most often ask a lawyer.

How much does pregnancy and childbirth leave continue?

In accordance with Art. 255 TK RF, maternity leave and childbirth consists of two parts - prenatal and postpartum. The duration of the first - 70 calendar days (with multiple pregnancy - 84); The duration of the second - 70 calendar days (with complicated childbirth - 86, at the birth of two or more children at the same time - 110).

For some categories of women, the duration of pregnancy and childbirth is enlarged. Women permanently residing (working) in the area of \u200b\u200bliving area with the right to squeeze, a prenatal leave is a duration of 90 calendar days. The total duration of maternity leave for such women is 160 days (90 to childbirth and 70 after delivery), and with multiple pregnancy - 200 days (90 to childbirth and 110 after childbirth).

A prenatal vacation duration of 90 calendar days is provided to women living in settlements undergoing radioactive pollution due to accidents and disasters.

A woman who adopted a newborn baby, maternity leave is provided for 70 calendar days, and with the simultaneous adoption of two or more children - 110 calendar days from their birth. Pregnancy and childbirth can be provided at the request of a woman instead of vacation provided for by Art. 257 TK RF.

Since the duration of maternity leave is calculated in calendar days, not only workers, but also weekends and holidays are counted on the score of this vacation. Postpartum vacation is calculated from the date of childbirth, including the day of childbirth.

What is the procedure for calculating maternity leave and childbirth?

Pregnancy and childbirth is the right of a woman, so it is provided according to her statement and in accordance with medical conclusion.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not require a written form of a statement on granting maternity leave. So, the intention of a woman to take advantage of the right to leave can be expressed and submitted to the employer's leaflet of temporary disability, which indicates the time of the beginning and the intended end (in the absence of complications during childbirth).

Currently, the procedure for granting maternity leave has been operating, which provides for the provision of leave in accordance with the number of calendar days specified in a temporary disability sheet. If the childbirth will occur earlier or later of the alleged period, the total duration of the leave will not change.

How to calculate the amount of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth leave?

During the period of pregnancy and childbirth, a female social insurance allowance is paid. The amount of benefits and the procedure for its payment is established by law, as well as the Regulations on the procedure for the appointment and payment of public benefits to citizens having children.

According to the law, maternity allowance is paid for a period of maternity leave and childbirth, that is, for the duration of this vacation, which is indicated in a sheet of disability.

The maximum amount of maternity benefits and childbirth to women to be mandatory social insurance established by law for the full calendar month cannot exceed 15,000 rubles.

In areas and locations in which district wage coefficients are used in the prescribed manner, the maximum amount of pregnancy benefits and childbirth is determined taking into account these coefficients.

Example 1.

An employer is a hospital list confirming maternity leave from March 14 to July 31, 2006 (140 calendar days). For pregnancy and childbirth accounts for 97 business days.

12 months preceding pregnancy and maternity leave (from March 1, 2005 to February 28, 2006), the employee worked completely. In the estimated period of work schedule - 249 business days. The actual salary accrued during this period is 200,000 rubles.

We define the average daily earnings and, accordingly, the size of the day benefit:

200 000 rubles. : 249 slave. days \u003d 803,21 rubles / day.

Now the amount of the average daily earnings must be compared with the maximum size of the average daily benefit.

Since maternity leave has begun in an incomplete month, this month it is necessary to determine the maximum amount of the average daily benefit. For this, the sum of the maximum monthly allowance is divided by the number of working days in March: 15,000 rubles. : 22 slave. day \u003d 681,82 rubles / day.

In March, the amount of the benefit will be: 681.82 rubles / day. x 14 slave. days \u003d 9545.48 rub.

However, the amounts obtained in this way cannot exceed 15,000 rubles.

So, in April the amount of the benefit calculated on the basis of the average daily allowance is: 681.82 rubles / day. x 20 days \u003d 13 636.4 rubles.

It is less than 15,000 rubles, therefore the amount of the award for April will be paid completely.

In May, June and July, the amount of benefits will be at $ 14,318,22 rubles., Which is also less than 15,000 rubles, so these amounts will also be paid completely.

Thus, the total amount of maternity benefits, which should be paid by the employee will be: 9545.48 rubles. + 13,636.4 rubles. + (14 318,22 rubles. X 3 months) \u003d 66 136,54 rub.

The insured woman, which for the last 12 calendar months before the occurrence of pregnancy and childbirth worked in virtually less than three months, the manual is paid in the amount not exceeding the full calendar month of the minimum wage established by the Federal Law, and in areas and localities, which the regional coefficients for wages are applied in the prescribed manner, minimal wages based on these coefficients. If the insured person in the last 12 calendar months before the occurrence of pregnancy and childbirth, it worked in several employers, in determining the period of actual work, the period (s) of its work in the previous (their) employer (s) is also taken into account.

Example 2.

Suppose, an employee under the conditions of Example 1 worked in the estimated period of less than 3 months (taking into account its work in the previous (their) employer (s) over the last 12 calendar months before the occurrence of maternity leave) - January and February 2006 then The amount of maternity benefits and childbirth will be calculated as follows: (1100 rubles. x 4) + (1100 rubles: 22 x 14) \u003d 5100 rubles., where 4 - the number of full months in the period of maternity leave, 22 - total The number of working days in March, 14 - the number of working days in March, which is coming for a period of vacation.

When you enter the work before the end of maternity leave and childbirth, it is necessary to recalculate the paid pregnancy benefits and childbirth for the days of vacation that did not use.

If a woman quit his job during a pregnancy vacation period during which she received a manual, a one-time allowance is issued on the general basis.

  • 300 rubles per month - dismissed in connection with the liquidation of enterprises, institutions and organizations, within the 12 months preceding the reclose of them in the prescribed manner the unemployed. In this case, the manual is paid by the social protection authorities at the place of residence of a woman on the basis of an application for the appointment of benefits, a sheet of temporary disability, discharge from the workbook on the last place of work, certified in the prescribed manner, and certificates from the state employment employment authorities on the recognition of its unemployed ;
  • scholarships - studying with a separation from production in educational institutions of primary professional, secondary vocational and higher professional education and institutions of postgraduate vocational education. Allowance to such categories of women are appointed and paid at the place of study;
  • money allowance - undergoing military service under the contract, service as persons of the ordinary and superior composition in the internal affairs bodies, in the State Fire Service, in the institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, in the controls of drug trafficking and psychotropic substances, in customs organs. The manual to such categories of women is assigned and paid at the place of service.

The maternity allowance is appointed and paid at the last job (service) also in cases where pregnancy leave came over a month after dismissal from work (services) in case:

  • translation of a husband to work into another locality, moving to the place of residence of her husband;
  • diseases that impede the continuation of work or accommodation in this area (in accordance with the medical conclusion issued in the prescribed manner);
  • the need to care for sick family members (in the presence of a medical conclusion) or disabled I group.

Women dismissed in connection with the liquidation of enterprises, institutions and other organizations, within the 12 months preceding the reclose of them in the prescribed manner the unemployed, as well as studying with a separation from production in educational institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education, in postgraduate professional institutions Education, maternity allowance is appointed and paid for all calendar days per month for pregnancy and childbirth.

What allowance is charged to women who put into records in medical institutions in early pregnancy?

The right to a one-time allowance additionally, women who are registered with medical institutions in the early course of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks) have the right to one-time allowance. The amount of benefits is 300 rubles.

This manual is appointed and paid at the destination and payment of maternity benefits (in most cases - at the place of work).

For the purpose and payment of this manual, it is necessary to submit to the employer a certificate from the female consultation or another medical institution that has put the woman to record in the early periods of pregnancy.

The benefit of the pregnancy in medical institutions in the early periods of pregnancy is prescribed and paid:

  • simultaneously with the maternity benefit, if the certificate of registration is submitted simultaneously with the documents necessary for the appointment and payment of maternity benefits and childbirth (they mentioned above);
  • within 10 days after presenting a certificate of registration in early pregnancy, if the specified reference is presented later.

How to get a one-time allowance at the birth of a child?

The right to a one-time allowance at birth (adoption at the age of 3 months) a child has one of the parents or a person replacing it.

This is what the order says "about the procedure for issuing medical institutions of disability leaves"

50. With complicated childbirth, a sheet of disability on pregnancy and childbirth is issued additionally for 16 calendar days by a medical organization where childbirth occurred.

51. In childbirth, occurring from 28 to 30 weeks of pregnancy, a sheet of disability on pregnancy and childbirth is issued by a medical organization where childbirth occurred, for a period of 156 calendar days.

52. When interrupted pregnancy under a period of up to 27 full weeks of pregnancy, the birth of a dead fetus or a living fetus, not surviving the first 6 full days (168 hours), a disability sheet is issued in accordance with the Head of II of this Procedure for the entire period of disability, but for a period not less than three days. In case the newborn survived the first 6 full days (168 hours), a sheet of disability for pregnancy and childbirth is issued for a period of 156 calendar days.

Payments. Section: Adoption (payment of the reception family in the Moscow region for children 3 payments. 12,650 rubles for the education of one child under the age of 3 years, referred to I- II ...


Tomorrow we will eat with my husband to make a birth certificate, there you will learn not far away what and as with payments. I wonder if the husband works but unofficially, then they will count my income or what ??? And they will consider decading too ???

we were issued on the second child a one-time payment + governorsk-ie + mat. Baptital, well, a monthly allowance + to 1.5 years.

Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, caesarean section, giving. I remember some kind of birth payments I got everything through salads, not all at work.


And if I'm in account in the LC Mosk. Areas, and registered in Moscow. I have to give this certificate to MO or is it just to those who are in Moscow in the LCD? The certificate has already been given, and about the certificate is silent ...

You were given a certificate that you got taking into account until 20 weeks, it should be 600 rubles for it.
I went with this certificate a month ago with this certificate. There are no turns, a very careful attitude to pregnant women. To get the money, you need to make a social card. An employee who charges these 600 rubles took me by the hand and looked into the office, where the cards are drawn up. I spent 15 minutes in sobes. Another 4 weeks is drawn up this card. I took the card yesterday, also without a queue.
Then the other enumerations will be conducted on this card. And all statements on enumerations can make relatives other than the design of your card. Therefore, I advise this card to arrange before childbirth.

The depletion of the body after several labor. For the purpose of maternity payments and childbirth, how much will be composed of a one-limit allowance for the second ...


no, this week, this week was discussed by a new law with ch. Buchetter Socar Fear, according to the law, it turns out in Bol.Lista very well -This, the ceiling of 34 thousand, a lot of questions, she will be recognized, in December, I will go to her again.
and 40% is a guide to care for reb. Up to 1.5 years-on the new law of these 40% is not, it turns out all 100, but all until December, in this sociality is very meticulous chichal.
140days on bl.list

Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, caesarean section, giving. Section: How to be? (if an employee was born a child in another country, receiving a benefit).


I also found, maybe someone will come in handy:
"Salary", 2008, N 2

Question: The employee adopted an eight-month-old child. Should we pay her maternity allowance for her? At what time you need to assign a child care allowance and in what size? What documents a worker is obliged to submit to the accounting department?
Sophia Pashtawn, Accountant of a construction company, Nizhny Novgorod

Answer: Let's turn to paragraph 2 of Art. 10 of the law N 255-FZ. It says that the insured person has the right to be for maternity benefits, if the child adopts a child under three months. Payment is made from the date of adoption of the baby and until the expiration of 70 calendar days from the day of birth.
In your case, the child has already been eight months old, so the employee cannot claim for maternity benefits and childbirth.
However, the worker has the right to go on leave to care for a child up to one and a half years and receive the appropriate benefit. This follows from Part 2 of Art. 256 Labor Code, Art. 13 of the Federal Law of 19.05.1995 N 81-FZ "On State Guidelines for Citizens with Children" and paragraph 35 of the Regulations on the appointment and payment of public benefits to citizens who have children approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2006 N 865 (hereinafter referred to N 865). The manual will be appointed from the day the child's leave to the day of execution of the child and a half years (PP. "A" p. 42 of the decree N 865).
According to paragraph 44 of the Resolution No. 865, the employee will receive a manual in the amount of 40% of average earnings at the place of work over the past 12 calendar months preceding the month of the occurrence of childcare leave. At the same time, the minimum amount of the benefit is 1500 rubles. per month during the period of leave for the care of the first child and 3000 rubles. - For the second and subsequent children. The maximum amount of child care benefits cannot exceed 6000 rubles for the full calendar month.
To get a benefit at the place of work, the employee must submit documents into accounting in accordance with paragraph 50 of the Resolution No. 865, namely:
- application for the appointment of benefits (in arbitrary form);
- a copy of the certificate of adoption of the child, for which care is carried out;
- a copy of the birth certificate (adoption, death) of the previous child (children), if the mother has an adopted child is not the first;
- Help from the work of the husband's husband employees (if he is also a adopter) that he does not use child care leave and does not receive the relevant benefit.

Department head
applications of legislation
in the mandatory area
social insurance
Signed in print

With the adoption of the child under the age of 3 months, including a certificate of disability from the day is issued from the surrogate mother
adoptions for a period of up to 70 calendar days while simultaneously
adoption of two or more children - for 110 calendar days) from the birth date of the child. Disability sheet is issued to a woman,
adopted child.

Postpartum payments for 2 children. Benefits, benefits, laws. Other children. I do not know exactly how these payments are called. If I do not work, I do not shine anything, or 4500r ...


On the second child, it is definitely "shines" at least 3000 rubles to 1.5 years, even if you do not work.

From January 1, 2007, the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ "On state benefits to citizens, having children", acts in a new edition.
Now mother or other relatives who are actually with the child should receive at least 1,500 rubles on the first child and at least 3,000 rubles on the second and subsequent children. The maximum amount is 6000 rubles. It is calculated as: the average salary of x 40% x count in the month.
For the purpose and payment of a monthly child care allowance, the employee must submit:
· Application for the appointment of benefits;
· A copy of the birth certificate (adoption) of the child, for which care is carried out;
· A copy of the birth certificate of the previous child (children);
· Help from the place of work (study, service) of the mother of the child (Father, both parents) that she (he, they) does not use the specified vacation and does not receive benefits. And if the mother's mother (father, both parents) does not work (not learning, does not serve), a certificate is needed from the social protection bodies at the place of residence of the mother, the child's father about the non-treatment of a monthly child care allowance.
Previously, they gave advice on benefits Employees of the Main FSS of the Russian Federation, which is located on the Eagle Lane D.3, by phone of the hotline 797-92-77

I get 3000 p on the second, it is paid to everyone who does not work up to 1.5 years.

manual 3000 rub. Work, legal issues. Pregnancy and childbirth. I heard that the allowance of 3000 rubles is paid to 3 years working mothers for the second child.


On October 25, the State Duma deputies adopted in the second main reading amendment to the law "On state benefits to citizens, having children", which increase the size of monthly benefits for a child under one and a half years.

For non-working mothers, "children's" will amount to 1,500 rubles on the first child and 3000 for each subsequent. For working the amount of benefits will be equal to 40% of the average earnings for 12 months preceding maternity leave, but not more than 6,000 rubles and below 1500 and 3000 for the first and next child, respectively. In areas with severe living conditions, the coefficient will be able to change these numbers.
When making a child for family education, one of the adopters will receive 8,000 rubles.
All this - since 2007.

Result: Legislative acts are not yet accepted, so no one knows exactly. There are projects that are most likely implemented. In them, the minimum allowance for working and non-working will be equalized: 1500 for the first and 3000 for the second. Working can get more. Most likely, it will not depend on the birth date of the child. Manual up to 1.5 years.

Dear moms!

Welcome to the support group of breastfeeding, organized at the initiative of the management of the CPS.

Who are such GW consultants and when will their help be relevant?

Consultant for breastfeeding provides psychological support, information and practical assistance in any situations relating to breastfeeding, nutrition and lifestyle of a nursing mother, the introduction of dust, excommunication, and soss.

Helps mom take an optimal solution with regard to its life circumstances and wishes.

If you need advice on breastfeeding, care for newborn, ways to calm restless babies (or restless moms?). If you want to just say that you are listening to, I understand, accepted and supported - Call the phone numbers below!

Facts about breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a natural process that is replaced by pregnancy and childbirth. The newborn and his mother equally need breastfeeding.

    Breastfeeding fully satisfies all the basic needs of the child.

    Breast milk contains the optimal ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, more than 15 hormones, lactobacillia, growth and development factors.

    Mother's milk is rich in antibodies that protect the baby from infections.

    Breast milk changes the composition depending on the needs of the child at the moment.

    Breastfeeding helps a woman to recover faster after childbirth.

    Breastfeeding is prevention of depression and strengthens maternal instinct.

    The size and shape of the chest do not affect the amount of milk and the duration of breastfeeding.

    Flat or drawn nipples are not an obstacle to successful breastfeeding.

    Any woman is able to give your child so much milk as he needs and can continue breastfeeding arbitrarily for a long time.

    Breastfeeding does not require financial costs and saves from 36 to 120 and more than thousand rubles per year.

Principles of successful breastfeeding

WHO / UNICEF leads a list of factors on which successful breastfeeding is built. What, in turn, favorably affects the health status of children and their mothers.

    Early applying to the chest For the first hour after birth.

    Lack of a newborn admission Before the mother attracts him to his chest.

    Mother and Child Joint Stay after birth.

    Proper baby applying to chest Effective sucking and mother's comfort.

    Feeding for first-demand. Apply the baby to the chest for any reason. Let him suck the chest when he wants and how much he wants. Then he will be fed and calm.

    Feeding time adjusts the child. Feeding will end when the kid himself will leave the nipple.

    Joint sleep (at the request of parents). With such a sleep organization, parents can better sleep, as it is not necessary to constantly get up to the child, and most children sleep better in close proximity to mom or dad.

    Very important night feedings from the chest For good milk generation. For the child, they are most full.

    The baby on an exceptionally breastfeeding does not need to be dragging with water. If a child wants to drink, it follows more often to his chest. Breast milk by 87-90% consists of water.

    Chest does not require frequent washing. This leads to the removal of the protective bactericidal layer of fats from the arolam and the nipple, which may be the cause of abrasion, irritation and cracks. It is enough to rinse the chest 1-2 times a day during a shared shower and better without soap.

    Frequent weighing of the child do not give objective information about the usefulness of nutrition The baby is nervous to the mother, lead to a decrease in lactation and unreasonable introduction of the doctor. Enough to weigh once a week.

    Additional complaints are not needed.With the right organization of milk feeding, it is produced exactly as much as the child needs. Chairing is necessary when problems: the forced separation of the mother with the child, the yield of mom to work, etc.

    Only breastfeeding up to 6 months. The child does not need additional nutrition and supplies to 6 months. It may be up to 1 year old on predominantly breastfeeding without prejudice to his health (according to individual research).

    Preserving breastfeeding up to 1.5 - 2 years (or longer at the request of the mother and child). Feeding up to 1 year is not a physiological period of stopping lactation, so if you need to complete breastfeeding, consult with experts to take a weighted, informed solution.

    It is undesirable to use bottles and pacifiers. They can provoke the following problems: Milk Milk, Nipple Injury and Breast Anxiety. If disclaimers are needed, it should be given only from non-auctive items (cups, spoons, cups, pipettes or a syringe without a needle).

Applying to the chest and pose for feeding

You can feed the child in any position that will ensure comfort you and the baby. During breastfeeding, Mom appears to relax, so try to sit up so as not to feel tension and discomfort.

In a comfortable position for the mother and child:

    Mom relaxed, it is comfortable and not hurt

    Baby body is located close to the body of mom

    The child faces face to the chest and he does not need to turn his head

    The baby is located in the chest so that the nipple is directed to his spout and he has to slow down a slightly

    The child breathes freely

    Baby Sober

Within a month after childbirth, the heightened sensitivity of nipples can be felt. If the unpleasant sensations are saved more than 10-15 seconds after the start of feeding - it is recommended to pay attention to the correctness of applying.

Pies for feeding

Check out several of the most common pies for feeding.

1. Cradle

The most common position for feeding. Mom sits down and takes the baby so that his head is on the elbow bend. Turns it to his tummy and gives the chest. Palmon the other hand Mom supports the ass and the back of the child.

For the correct proper seizure of the breast, it is important that the head is located at one height with the nipple. For this, the first time, you will have to highlight the elbow (you can put the pillow under your arm to avoid tension or discomfort).

Please note that the baby's head is a little tracked back. This ensures the most effective sucking, in which the child sucks the greatest amount of milk.

2. Reverse cradle

Such a kind of position "Cradle" will help the child to grab the chest in the first days after birth. It is especially convenient for such a position in the case of premature and low-fat kids.

Mom supports the head of the child is not elbow, but palm of his hand. It provides more reliable support, and also makes it possible, if necessary, manage the head of the child. For support, a hand opposite to the nursing breast is used. Mom's palm is located under the back and shoulder, and the baby's head is between large and index fingers. The second hand of the mother supports the chest from the bottom when the kid took the chest well - the hand can be removed.

In order for the support hand not tired, you can put a pillow under it. Or, making sure that the child took the chest well, change his hands in some places and feed further in the position of the "traditional cradle."

3. Lying on the side

Most often, this provision is used during night feedings, if the baby sleeps along with mom, as well as after the cesarean section or episiotomy, when mom is experiencing pain and limited in movements.

Mom and baby lie on the side and addressed to each other. In the first days after delivery, such a position may be inconvenient due to the difference in the height of the nipple and the mouth of the baby.

4. Relaxed position

This position will help mom, and the baby to relax as much as possible and relax during feeding. Mom is located half a walk, with a slightly raised head and shoulders, surrounding yourself with a comfortable support from the pillows and ensuring full comfort. The child lies on his mother who helps him find the chest and make it. In addition, the mother itself is relaxed, the kid himself is perfectly calmed in this position: it is especially good for restless children, which are masses with handles and legs and twist.

We have led several of the most common positions for feeding, which will help you navigate at first after the birth of the baby. In fact, the variety of positions for feeding is limited only by the comfort of mom and baby, as well as the surrounding circumstances and the presence of auxiliary means (pillows, sling, etc.).

Signs of proper applied

    the child's mouth is wide open, the lower lip is turned out

    chin kid pressed to chest

    sometimes you can see the language of the child over the bottom lip

    ri sucking the baby makes first brief quick movements, then changes the rhythm to a more permanent deep sucking. During feeding, the child makes pauses that are becoming longer as saturation.

    child cheeks are rounded, sometimes the ears can move at sucking

    the kid does not publish foreign sounds (not smoking, not a chavitt - only breathing and swallowing)

Nutrition newborn baby

From the moment of birth and about 3-5 days after childbirth, the child will receive a colostrum, which in terms of quantity and composition fully corresponds to the food needs of the baby.

During the first days of life, most children lose up to 10% by weight at birth. This is due to the physiological loss of fluid due to the change in environmental conditions and deliverance from the original fellow (Mekonia).

With the arrival of "mature milk", children usually restore the weight, which was at birth within 5-10 days. However, some children for this can be enough for 3 days, and others will need 3 weeks.

Is there enough milk baby?

After discharge from the maternity hospital, moms may doubt - is there enough milk to the child? There are only two objective criteria for which you can define enough a child gets milk:

    Weight set (at least 500 grams per month or 125 grams per week) *

    The number of urination (at least 10-12 times a day, urine bright, transparent, without sharp smell)

* After the baby restores the physiological weight loss after birth. If physiological loss is more than 10% or weight recovery is delayed by more than 3 weeks - consult a doctor.

Fullness of the chest, the "sensation of the tide", tingling or their absence and other subjective sensations of the mother are not an indicator of the amount of milk.

Medical treatment of mother

Many drugs are compatible with breastfeeding (including antibiotics). In most cases, it is much more harmful to stop breastfeeding than to continue it against the background of the mother's medicinal therapy.

Consultant for breastfeeding will help you check the appointed compatibility treatment with GW. If necessary, it will provide information on the presence of analogous for the child, the possibility of using which you can discuss with your doctor.

It is worth noting separately that any local anesthesia does not require temporary cessation of breastfeeding or additional complaints after the procedure.


Chairing is the procedure for the withdrawal of breast milk, which is carried out according to specific indications. So like:

    Unpleasant or painful sensations in the chest caused by the excess of milk, stagnation, mastitis, etc. - It is necessary to empty the chest effectively.

    It is necessary to increase the amount of milk

    The kid is not able to take the chest or refuses her

    Mom needs to be rented and leave the child breast milk

    Mom is undergoing treatment with drugs not compatible with breastfeeding

    The child and mom is separated. Chairing is necessary to maintain lactation.

You can decrease with milk with hands or breastsos, but manual plumbing is usually more efficient.

In the absence of above listed difficulties, it is not necessary to decrease after feeding. This can provoke hyperlactation (excess milk), which forces mom to regularly induce, because a child with such a milk is not cope. Such a state takes a lot of time and forces from the mother and increases the risk of stagnation of milk and mastitis.

Contact your breastfeeding consultant to find out whether it is necessary to draw specifically in your case.

How to grind milk?

During induction, please contact your breasts. Breast fabrics are very sensitive to any physical exposure.

When plotting it is impossible to compress, mive, put pressure on the chest, as well as the hands of "split" seal and lumps. It can be dangerous for your health!

The process of plugging milk consists of two stages:

  1. Breast massage. It is done to "warm up" the chest and promote milk a little forward.

    If you need to write the right chest, then put the right hand with a boat and lift it the chest. Put the left hand from above so that your fingers hug an axillary stake too. Right hand goes up, left down - clockwise. You carefully stroke the chest. Enough to make 3-4 movements.
  2. Stirring.

    If you have a pretty big breast, it is better to lift it and keep your palm. Put the pads of a large and index finger on the Areol, about 3 centimeters from the nipple. Press these fingers a little chest to yourself, then connect your fingers together, thereby squeezing the nipple. It should not be hurt. If you feel pain, it means you put your fingers too far from the nipple, and exciting the ferrous fabric. Slide them a little closer to the nipple.

    If you are all done correctly, then after a few such movements from the chest, milk quit or even pies - then just continue. You can try to put your fingers a little further or closer and you will find the most comfortable position.

Fitting does not cause painful sensations. If you painfully hurt you - then you don't do something wrong and, perhaps, it is better to seek advice from a specialist in lactation.

Storage and use of enclosed milk

The main way of storing the enclosed milk is its cooling or freezing.

You can only give a child with a child for several hours, leaving it at room temperature. During storage, milk can be separated on the main mass and the upstream cream rising. If you are sure that the kid will eat all the portion - gently mix the milk, and if it often does not eat portion of the whole - then it is better, on the contrary, not to mix so that the child is guaranteed to receive a valuable fatty part of the breast milk.

If you are going to use milk over the next week, then do not freeze it, but store on the shelf of the refrigerator: all this time it remains fresh and does not lose many immune properties, which is still to some extent occurs during freezing. If you decide to freeze milk, then before placing it in the freezer - cool in the overall chamber of the refrigerator. Be sure to mark the titling date!

When defrosting, milk portion moves from the freezer first into a common refrigerator chamber, and then it is heated under the jet of warm water from the tap. Milk is heated only to the body temperature - approximately 36.6 ° C. Higher temperatures destroy enzymes and reduce the immune properties of breast milk. The temperature of milk is usually checked on the wrist - the drop should be felt cold and not hot.

On the stove or in the microwave oven milk warmat should notSince it is very easy to overheat, and most valuable anti-infectious factors are also destroyed in the microwave oven. In addition, the so-called urban zones are created in the microwave furnace, which can remain in milk even after stirring.

Frozen milk often has a few soap smell and sometimes changes the color. This is perfectly normal, so exhibit yourself when freezing some fatty acids of breast milk. Most children do not respond to change in the smell.

If, after storage, the milk appeared a pronounced acidic smell - it deteriorated and it is impossible to be chosen to the child.

Nutrition and Lifestyle Nursing Mom

The nutrition of a nursing mother should be full and fit its food habits and preferences.

  • WHO recommends sticking to the usual diet, according to which you have fed before and during pregnancy. Use those products that you like, provided that they do not cause negative reactions from you or in a child.
  • If in the first line of kinship (you, your husband, grandmother or grandparents) is allergic or intolerance to any food product - you can first exclude it from your diet.
  • If you have noticed an allergic reaction to some product - exclude it from the diet for several weeks, then try entering again. Start with small portions and follow the child's reaction.

Good mother well-being is very important for her both for the kid, so use any opportunity to relax:

    sleep along with the child during day sleep

    feel free to ask for help of loved ones, friends or take advantage of housekeeper services

    walk outdoors and communicate with friends and loved ones

If the circumstances add up so that you do not have helpers with the Economy - do not forget that you can use a sling, ergo-backpack, cocoon, chaise lounge and other devices that allow the mother to "free hands" and do household goods. At the same time, the child will always be with you and safe.

Remember about the exchange of experience - Communication with women, feeding their children from 1 year and longer will help you to find confidence in your abilities and get practical advice to help establish breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding is the first lessons of love and trustbetween mom and baby.
It is simple and natural.

If you need advice on breastfeeding, care for newborn, ways to calm restless babies (or restless moms?). If you want to simply say that you are listening to, I understood, accepted and supported - email us on email support for breastfeeding into the CPSIR: