Benefits due to single mothers. Social benefits for single mothers

Divorce rates are quite high today. The number of women raising children without paternal support is constantly growing. Today, about 30% of families are considered incomplete. In this position, single women are often interested in what benefits and allowances are due to mothers after divorce... If everything is clear with the children that the father is obliged to pay alimony to them until the age of majority, then the woman herself has to take care of her well-being.

Before you understand what benefits are for divorced mothers, you need to determine the social status of a woman. After all, a single mother has slightly different preferences than a woman who supports a child who has a father. Let's take a closer look at these concepts.

Single mother or incomplete family?

Mothers raising children on their own can be formally divided into two groups:

  1. , in official documents this status is interpreted as "the only parent." In the children's certificate, in the column "father" there is a pass, the dad does not take part in the child's life at all and does not help him financially.
  2. - the status that the family receives, where the father leaves the family. In reality, children have both parents. Divorce is a situation in which the former spouses are forced to live separately. Most often, the mother remains with the young children, it turns out that the children are actually brought up in an incomplete family without a father. At the same time, there is a dad, in principle, he has every right to communicate with a child and must help him financially.

Divorced women do not always understand why they are denied help as single mothers. They need to understand that the second group is a special status that requires documentary evidence. Remember that if mothers themselves raise their offspring after a divorce from their husband, then they can only refer themselves to the category of single-parent families.

Belonging to the group of single mothers in 2019

Let's take a look at the grounds that allow us to determine belonging to a particular status in 2019. So, from a legal point of view, a single mother is a status that is confirmed by the following signs:

  1. The offspring was not born in wedlock and paternity has not been established. In such a situation, in the child's certificate in the column "father" there may be two different entries:
  • a dash indicating that there is no information about the pope;
  • Full name, when information about the applicant is not confirmed. In this case, the registry office even issues a certificate stating that the record about the parent was made according to the mother's words.
  1. Note! A woman must submit Form No. 25 everywhere with a child certificate to prove her status as a single mother.
  2. The child was born when an official marriage was registered, but the applicant's paternity was disputed, and the other father's affiliation with a minor was not established.
  3. A minor citizen is brought up in a family of two people: a mother and a stepfather. If there is no information in the column for the father, and the woman's new husband does not adopt the baby, then she will still be considered a loner.
  4. The child was adopted by a single woman. Of course, such cases are rare in practice (preference for adoption is given to complete families), nevertheless, they are provided for by law.

Belonging to an incomplete family

An incomplete family is a social unit where, in the presence of both parents, the child remains in the upbringing of one of them, most often it is the mother. Applicants acquire the appropriate status in various life situations. Legal signs of an incomplete family:

  1. The minor was born in marriage, but:
    1. father and mother divorced and left the family;
    2. the son's dad died;
    3. the parent is missing and there is no news of him for a long period of time;
    4. the father is deprived of parental rights.
  1. The child was born not in wedlock, but later the fact of paternity was established and proved, while the parents do not live together.
  2. The child adopts the new husband of the mother, but after a while he leaves the family and ceases to participate in the life of the adopted person.

Important! The main difference between a single mother and a woman from an incomplete family is the entry made in the child's birth certificate in the column “father”.

Alimony for children from single-parent families in 2019

Anyone who has divorced knows that a parent who is actually raising children can receive help from a second spouse to support their common children. The basis for such a payment is an official divorce / non-participation of the applicant in the child's life.

Forms of collecting assistance:

  • voluntarily;
  • forcibly.

If the couple can come to an agreement on the upbringing and maintenance of common children, then the spouses can make a verbal agreement or sign an alimony agreement. In order to avoid further claims and misunderstandings, it is better, of course, to fix the agreement on paper. Such an agreement can provide for the form, size, frequency and frequency of the provision of material support.

Attention! An alimony agreement with a notary visa acquires the force of a writ of execution. The terms of such an agreement are binding on both parties.

In the case of enforced recovery of alimony by the court, the amount of assistance is determined taking into account certain circumstances, such as the number of children and dependents of the defendant, the level and frequency of cash receipts. One of the following forms of accrual can be selected:

  1. Percentage of total income. The following scheme is provided:
  • 25% - one offspring;
  • 33% - two children;
  • 50% - three or more children.

Note! Children, regardless of whether they are born into a legal family or out of wedlock, have the same rights to alimony. For example, one man has two children in the family and another one outside of it, so all three children have the right to equal shares of the paternal income.

  1. A firm sum of money. This is an agreed and fixed amount of funds that a parent is obliged to pay to children on a regular basis. This form of accrual is used in a situation when:
  • the payer has no permanent income;
  • his income comes in foreign currency;
  • the respondent's income level is minimal and the percentage of the amount does not cover all the needs of the child.
  1. Transfer of property for future alimony. An ex-husband can leave an apartment, a house or a car for the children at the expense of the assistance he has to pay on a monthly basis.

Mother's alimony

A single woman can count on help from her ex-spouse in the form of alimony for her own maintenance. Such assistance can be assigned to her in the conditions of need and the presence of certain grounds, such as:

  • pregnancy with a common child;
  • caring for a child up to three years old;
  • unsatisfactory state of their own health, need for help from a spouse.

What are the benefits for mothers raising children on their own after divorce?

In 2019, and in previous years, the state does not establish any benefits and preferences for single-parent families. Only if you have an additional status, for example, "low income" or "large families" can you get certain benefits and indulgences.

Standard child benefits

These are the types of material support that each family receives, regardless of their status:

  1. Maternity allowance.
  2. One-time assistance at the birth of a child.
  3. Regular monthly allowance until the child is one and a half years old.
  4. Monthly compensation payment until the child reaches three years of age.
  5. A cash benefit that is paid to children under 16 (18) years old in certain regions and subject to certain conditions.

Note! To clarify information on a specific type of allowance and the conditions for its registration, the applicant must contact the social protection authorities or at the place of work (maternity allowance).

Single Mothers Benefits 2019

The situation is quite different with benefits for women with the official status of single mothers; the state guarantees them a number of benefits and indulgences, including:

  • free sets of things for the baby;
  • free dairy products for children of the first and second years of life;
  • medicines that are required for a child under three years old, on a free basis;
  • not taking into account when calculating utility bills of persons under one and a half years;
  • priority when enrolling young people in preschool institutions;
  • a discount of 30% or 50% when paying for the cost of kindergarten, sports or music school services;
  • free meals, twice a day, in schools;
  • vouchers to children's camps and other health institutions.

Single mothers are also entitled to labor and other benefits provided by law. In particular, they are protected from being recruited to work on night shifts. Unfortunately, such preferences are not granted to divorced women with no special status.

The Russian Federation is a socially oriented state. Caring for citizens is a priority task for the authorities. An extremely relevant topic today is the issuance of benefits to single women with children. What are the benefits of a single mother in Russia? This article will provide a detailed answer to this question.

Single mother: who is this according to the law?

The number of divorces in the Russian Federation only grows over time. You can guess and argue for a long time what is the reason. This may be an economically unstable situation in the state, or, possibly, an ordinary change of morals. Most torn families have children. As a rule, the court leaves the children with the mother. Today, a single mother is far from uncommon. At the same time, according to the law, not all divorced women with a child have such a status. Why does this happen?

According to current legislation, divorce from a spouse does not automatically make a woman a “single mother”. Only those women who gave birth to a Single Mother in Russia have such a status - this is a person to whom the following factors can be attributed:

  • there is no joint statement from both parents;
  • in the same statement in the column about paternity there is a dash;
  • the woman gave birth to a child earlier than 300 days after the divorce (but in this case, a confession is required from the woman that her ex-husband is not the father of the baby);
  • a woman adopted a child without being married.

It should also be borne in mind that a woman is not capable of possessing, to whom the following criteria apply:

  • her husband was deprived of parental rights;
  • her husband is dead;
  • the baby's father has been identified, and his details have been entered in the documents; however, he himself is not the spouse of the woman who gave birth to the child;
  • for one reason or another, the mother does not receive alimony from the child's father.

Thus, not all single women with a child are able to have the legal status of "single mothers".

Single mothers' rights

Women with the legal status of “single mothers” have a number of rights that should be outlined below. Russian law states the following:

  • The state monthly allowance for single mothers should be paid in a timely manner and in full, without delays or other problems. A woman should find out about the amount of money received at the department for social protection located at the place of her registration.
  • In addition to the full state allowance, a single woman with a child has the right to receive payments of a regional nature. Such subsidies for single mothers should be paid on a regular basis.
  • A woman with the status in question has the right to place a child in some preschool institutions out of turn (but not in all!). Here it is worth noting the benefits for paying for the maintenance of a child in a kindergarten.
  • Benefits, subsidies and various payments remain with the woman even after she gets married. Eligibility for the benefits presented will only be lost when the new spouse adopts the child.
  • If a single mother is officially employed, then she has the right to leave at any time convenient for her.
  • A single woman with a child cannot be brought into overtime work without her own consent.
  • School meals and a set of textbooks for a single mother will be free of charge.
  • A single mother is eligible for certain benefits when purchasing certain medicines for her child; the child has the right to a free visit to the massage room at the local clinic.

These are far from all the rights that an unmarried woman with a child legally possesses. In addition to all of the above, what are single mothers entitled to? This will be discussed further.

About a single mother's work schedule

Regardless of where an unmarried woman with a child works, the management of enterprises must adhere to the requirements of the Labor Code. What exactly does this document say about single mothers? If we are talking about a work schedule, then it is worth highlighting the following points:

  • An unmarried woman with a child under 5 years old is able to work at night (from 22 to 6 in the morning) only if she herself agrees, and if she has no contraindications for health. The employer does not have the right to force a single mother to night shifts (unless the work itself involves night service - for example, the profession of a night watchman).
  • If a woman has a child who has not reached the age of three, then her involvement in business trips and overtime work is possible only with written consent.
  • A single mother with a child under 14 or a disabled child under 18 is eligible for a part-time job.
  • A woman with a disabled child can qualify for four additional days off per month.
  • A woman raising a child under 14 years of age may be granted two weeks of unpaid leave at any convenient time under a collective agreement.

The salary of a single mother (if we are not talking about benefits) cannot be increased just like that. A woman cannot legally qualify for a special salary or higher hourly wages just because she has a child.

Separately, it is worth talking about the dismissal procedure. A woman raising a child under 14 or a disabled child under 18 cannot be laid off. The only exceptions are the following cases:

  • the organization is completely liquidated;
  • a woman periodically does not fulfill, or performs poorly her labor duties;
  • a woman has committed a major immoral act;
  • the employee violated her duties (came drunk, committed theft, violated labor protection, divulged professional secrets, etc.);
  • the woman got a job on fictitious documents.

In case of illegal dismissal, a woman can be reinstated in her workplace or seek compensation through the courts.

Tax deduction

What is a tax deduction? Experts give the following formulation - this is the established amount of income of workers, from which personal income tax is not charged. Thanks to the tax deduction, the amount of wages issued increases.

Tax deductions are due to certain categories of citizens, including single mothers. The deduction is always standard and independent of the person's welfare. So, as of 2017, the following figures are worth highlighting:

  • 2 800 rubles for the first two children;
  • 6 thousand rubles for the third and any next child;
  • 24 thousand rubles for a child with a disability.

At the same time, personal income tax will begin to be levied in the event that a particular citizen receives more than 350 thousand per year (about 30 thousand per month). Affects this rule and such a person's status as a "single mother". Unfortunately, the second child will not play any role here. Depending on how much a single mother gets, and the state of the tax deduction will depend.

Separately, it is worth talking about how exactly you can get. All documents must be submitted at the place of work. An application is written, which will be provided by the employer; the following documents are attached to it:

  • a certificate from the housing office about residence;
  • a document from the registry office about the absence of the father;
  • mother's passport;
  • if necessary, a certificate of the child's disability or a certificate from an educational institution.

All deductions will be provided by the employer.

About hospital care

What is required for single mothers to receive sick leave? Oddly enough, nothing special. It should be noted right away that there are no special benefits when receiving sick leave for single mothers. In this case, everything is exactly the same as in the case of married women; talk about any priorities and "no queues" will be nothing more than rumors. And nevertheless, it is worth paying attention to this topic.

The Federal Law "On Compulsory Social Insurance", namely its sixth article, enshrines the following rules for obtaining sick leave:

  • if the child is not 7 years old, then the entire treatment period should be no more than 60 days a year (for one specific child). If the disease is especially serious, then the sick leave can be up to 90 days.
  • If the child is from 7 to 15 years old, then the period of sick leave for the mother cannot be more than 15 days a year.
  • If the child is between 15 and 18 years old, the mother can take sick leave for a period of no more than 3 days (it can last up to one week).

Are single mothers eligible for hospital subsidies? The law mentions payments for outpatient care. So, single mothers in this case can be:

  • 100% of earnings with more than eight years of work experience;
  • 80% of the average salary with work experience from five to eight years;
  • 60% of average earnings with less than five years of experience.

Thus, the question of what is expected of single mothers when taking sick leave can be considered closed. The answer is simple: practically nothing; here all the same rules apply as for other persons.

Admission to kindergarten: what are the benefits of a single mother?

As you know, the activities of kindergartens in the Russian Federation are regulated at the municipal level. This means only one thing: the conditions and peculiarities of admitting children to such institutions can vary greatly depending on the region.

What are the benefits for a single mother when registering her child in kindergarten? Until 2008, there was a legal recommendation in the country to admit children of single mothers without waiting in line. Later this provision was removed. For some reason, some citizens, even after ten years, are sure that there are still uniform benefits. This is certainly not the case. As of 2017, unfortunately, there are no indulgences for single mothers in this area. Of course, some kindergartens can still accept groups of people without waiting in line. This is done, as a rule, for the purpose of self-promotion or increasing the rating.

In which cities do kindergartens accept children from single-parent families out of turn? Of course, data is subject to change; but for 2017 it is Moscow (according to order No. 1310), Yekaterinburg, Angarsk, Irkutsk region and some other regions.

What conclusion can be drawn here? Kindergartens today do not operate according to uniform rules. Even a “poor single mother with disabilities” will not be able to qualify for any benefits if they are not established in the region. Single mothers are also not entitled to compensation for kindergarten - all this has long been a thing of the past. There can be only one way out here: to find out whether there are benefits for admission in a particular locality, in a particular kindergarten.

Housing for a single mother

Are single mothers eligible for cheap or free housing? Unfortunately, it will not be possible to answer unequivocally here. It's worth starting with the most important thing: there are no special benefits and rules for obtaining housing for single mothers in Russia. There is an opportunity to queue up for an apartment, to participate in state subsidy programs - but no more. The entire procedure for obtaining housing will be carried out in the same way as with ordinary, full families.

At the moment, the country has a program "Young Family", according to which from 2015 to 2020 the state will pay citizens with children about 35% of the total cost of purchased housing. Program details will, as usual, vary by region.

What are single mothers entitled to according to the presented program? Everything is the same as for ordinary families. To obtain a dwelling under the terms of the "Young Family" you must:

  • have Russian citizenship;
  • prove the absence of other housing;
  • contact the district administration at the place of residence;
  • get into the general housing queue.

If a family needs to improve their living conditions, then the state will take into account the following factors:

  • the area of ​​this living space is below regional standards;
  • living in a dwelling does not comply with sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • the family lives in a communal apartment;
  • there is a sick person in the family, living next to whom can be dangerous to health.

The woman's income should also be taken into account. So, depending on how much a single mother gets, the state program will be calculated.

Additional payments

Decree of the Moscow Government No. 816-PP provides for the regular payment of benefits to single mothers from the city budget. Thus, a single woman with a child is entitled to the following subsidies:

  • 300 rubles per month for children under 16;
  • 675 rubles a month is due to mothers, as well as to parents whose former spouses do not pay alimony for children under three years of age;
  • 6 thousand rubles every month is due to a single mother or father whose child has not reached the age of 18 and is disabled of the 1st or 2nd group. If such a child is employed, payments stop.

Separately, it is worth talking about payments to women whose income is below the subsistence level. The law reads as follows:

  • the amount of the allowance for a single mother with a child under 16 years old should be 750 rubles per month;
  • 2,500 rubles are due to single mothers whose children have not reached the age of 1.5 years, or whose age ranges from 3 to 18 years;
  • 4,500 rubles are paid to single mothers whose children are between 1.5 and 3 years old.

In order for each of the presented payments to arrive in a timely manner and in full, every three months you will have to submit a certificate of income to the social protection authorities. The optimal period for filing such an application will be the one in which maternity payments do not fall into the total income.

Required Documentation

How can you prove your status as a single mother? What documents should be collected for this? It should be noted right away that different types of documentation will be needed for different kinds of situations. It all depends on what kind of subsidies and benefits a single woman with a child wants to receive.

The first and most important thing that a single mother should have is a birth certificate of a child with a dash in the column about the father. Only with the help of this document will a woman be able to confirm her status as a single mother. If the certificate still contains information about the biological father, but according to the mother, then you will have to get a special form number 25. They usually apply for it at the registry office. It will also need to be filled in there. Having received a certificate of conferring the status of "single mother", the woman takes it to the district department of the city social protection.

What documents does a mother need to collect in order to receive monthly child support? The law in this case regulates the following types of documentation:

  • mother's passport;
  • single mother status statement;
  • birth certificate of a child;
  • a stamp in the mother's passport about the child's citizenship;
  • a certificate from the housing office about the composition of the family (it is necessary to confirm that the mother really lives with the child);
  • if necessary - form No. 25 from the registry office;
  • a statement about the mother's income (paper from the employment service, or an ordinary work book).

Naturally, each of the submitted documents must be photocopied and attached to the main package.


It is worth summarizing all of the above, having briefly illustrated all the main types of benefits for single mothers. If we are talking about social benefits, then it is worth mentioning:

  • baby dowry kits for a newborn child;
  • compensation for the price of children's food products (if the child is under three years old);
  • benefits in kind for a child under three years old;
  • the ability not to pay the housing office for garbage collection and cleaning if the mother has a child under one and a half years old;
  • free medications for a child under three years old.

If we are talking about labor benefits, then it is worth highlighting here:

  • the inability to fire a single mother with layoffs;
  • benefits of a single mother upon liquidation of an organization;
  • full sick pay if the employee's child is not seven years old;
  • the right to small additional holidays;
  • the right to establish a part-time working day (if the child is under 14);
  • the inability to refuse a single mother when applying for a job (otherwise, the reason for the refusal must be described in detail and proven).

There are, of course, other benefits as well. However, they all depend on the region and the type of enterprise (educational, preschool, cultural, etc.).

In our time, it is not uncommon for mothers to raise their children alone. But according to the norms of labor and family law (taking into account the changes that are relevant for 2018), the status of a single mother is not applied in all of these cases. Why does this happen? The answer must be sought in the different interpretations of the very concept: "single mother." Very often in a conversation, any divorced woman who has children is already supposedly considered a single mother. This is not true. It should be understood that the letter of the law is one thing, and the turn of speech is another thing. Sometimes there are even such curiosities - despite a living husband, a married woman calls herself a single mother. Anecdotal situation for any lawyer, but, unfortunately, rather sad for a mother and her children, in the first place.

Who is a single mother?

A single mother a woman who has given birth to a child out of wedlock is recognized in the event that there is no joint statement by the parents of the child on the establishment of paternity, and in column on birth certificatethere is a dash, or the information is written from the mother's words(information on form 25). If a woman gave birth to a child in marriage or earlier than 300 days after the divorce, in order to recognize a woman as a single mother, you need to have a court decision that the spouse (former spouse) is not the father of the baby.

Another way of recognizing a woman as a single mother is through her unmarried adoption of a child.

Very often, the status of a single mother is attributed to women who are in various life situations, which, according to the law, are not the basis for determining a single mother.

For example:

Types and amounts of benefits for single mothers

A woman who is a single mother is entitled to some very specific benefits and payments. They are supposed to all federal and regional payments without exception for pregnancy and childbirth, which are paid to young mothers.

Single mother benefits


  • Free sets of baby dowry for newborns;
  • Compensation for the difference in the price of food for a child under three years old;
  • In-kind assistance and benefits if the child has not reached the age of three;
  • Free dairy products for children under the age of two;
  • Exclusion of children under one and a half years old from living in an apartment when calculating fees for cleaning and removal of solid food waste;
  • Free medicines for children under three years old.


  • When reducing the number of staff at the enterprise, a single mother with a child under 14 years old does not have the right to be fired - even in the following cases: if she does not correspond to the position held, when the management changes or the admission to state secrets is terminated. True, in case of repeated serious misconduct or liquidation of an enterprise, single mothers still have the right to fire;
  • When an enterprise is liquidated, a single mother has benefits: she must be provided with another place of work, and the current head of the single mother is responsible for employment;
  • If a single mother is forced to care for a sick child, she must be provided with benefits. In case of inpatient treatment, the amount of this allowance for a single mother depends on her length of service. In outpatient treatment, the single mother's allowance is usually paid in full for the first 10 days of sick leave, and then in the amount of 50% of the salary, regardless of the mother's length of service;
  • If the child is not yet 7 years old, it is paid in full. If the child is already over 7 years old, only 15 days of sick leave is paid, if, according to the medical opinion, the period of treatment does not need to be extended;
  • The right to additional unpaid leave of at least 14 days, which such a benefit allows single mothers to take at any convenient time;
  • Single mothers with a child under 5 years old are not allowed to be recruited to work at night, overtime work or work on weekends and holidays without their consent;
  • Single mothers with children under the age of 14 have the right to establish part-time work at their own request;
  • Single mothers have employment benefits - a potential employer has no right to refuse her because she has children. Refusal to hire must be accompanied by a detailed description of the reason for the refusal.

Other benefits

  • Children of single mothers can use the massage room free of charge if there is one in the children's clinic;
  • Children of single mothers attending school are entitled to free two meals a day in the school cafeteria;
  • Single mothers have benefits when paying for the education of their children under 18 years of age in art schools subordinated to the Ministry of Culture (a 30% discount on tuition fees);
  • A single mother has housing benefits if she has 1 or more children and is 35 or younger. In this case, the single mother participates in the target program "Housing" for 2015-2020;
  • Children of single mothers have the right to priority admission to preschool educational institutions, as well as a 50% discount on their maintenance in preschool institutions;
  • Single mothers have an incentive to receive vouchers for their children to a children's sanatorium at least once a year.

Raising a child in an incomplete family has always been difficult, even today, surrounded by progress, kindergartens, developmental courses for children and the possibility of third-party earnings. Anyway, any penny will not hurt.

In addition, if a mother is left alone without a husband, breadwinner, support and head of the family, it is doubly difficult for her. First, it's hard mentally. Secondly, over time it becomes tight, caring for the child completely and entirely falls on the shoulders of the mother. Thirdly, the financial side of providing for the family. Everything is much more complicated here. It is good if there are grandparents and other relatives. Then you can entrust the care of the child to them, and some time after giving birth, go to work to earn a living.

Another thing is a completely lonely mother, deprived of all kinds of help. In such a situation, besides oneself, one can only hope for the state and wait. Material assistance can significantly facilitate the life of a mother with a baby in her arms. True, in our country such benefits are, unfortunately, negligible. In fact, everything depends on the region of residence of the woman, but if you compare the standard of living in each of them, then it will work out. It is unlikely that anyone will refuse monthly assistance as a one-time aid, so single mothers agree to this.

Legislative aspect of the issue

If a mother decides to raise her child on her own, she acquires a legal one, according to which she is entitled to special rights in society, as well as various and some. In 2019, single mothers have the right to count on material assistance, taking into account indexation.

Confusion often arises when determining single mother status in everyday life. Women who are not fully versed in the law require the assignment of this category to them. However, not every mother raising a child without a husband and father will be legally recognized as single.

When a child has an officially recognized father, registered in, there can be no talk of conferring single status on his mother. Moreover, this is regardless of the fact of their cohabitation, their participation in the upbringing of the child, etc. According to the law, a woman can from such a spouse, even if they are not officially divorced, or the father can be forcibly involved in raising a child. Although this is her personal right, it is not necessary to use it.

According to Article 48 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the man who is recorded in the marriage certificate with a woman as her husband will always be officially recognized as a father. Moreover, this fact will not be affected by his biological paternity, the registry office will automatically register the newborn in his name. This record can only be challenged through a court by the child, after he reaches the age of majority, by the father, mother or biological father. The procedure for implementing this process is described in Article 52 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

Even a married woman can be a single mother, if there is a dash in the child's birth certificate, or his name and surname are written down from her words. In this case, the status of a single mother will remain with her, even if she marries. However, with the child as a legal spouse, the status will cease its legal effect. By the way, it confirms the special position of women. special certificate No. 25.

Female will be recognized as a single mother, if:

Single mother status is not given a woman if:

  • she divorced her husband and does not receive child support from him;
  • the court officially recognized paternity, but they are not registered and do not live together;
  • the father is declared dead either;
  • a child is born within 300 days of the divorce or annulment of the marriage.

Types of financial assistance from the state

Cash payments regulated by single mothers from a federal source of funding in 2019 will be:

  • hospital compensation for pregnancy and childbirth - 100% of income for the last 24 months;
  • additional payments upon registration at the labor exchange when extending sick leave - additional, paid in full, 16 days;
  • one-time postpartum allowance - 17,479.73 rubles;
  • monthly charges until the baby reaches 1.5 years. Compensation from the employer, equivalent to 40% of the average monthly wage income of a woman before the decree, but not less than 4,512 rubles for a working mother, plus additional payments from the Employment Center.
  • one-time payment for early registration at an antenatal clinic - 655.49 rubles.

Registration procedure

A woman will confirm her status as a single mother with the help of a special certificate issued by the registry office in form No. 25.

To obtain it, you need to apply with a randomly completed application.

In 2019, a single mother must provide such benefits for her eligible benefits. the documents:

For a more detailed list of papers and required benefits, it is better to find out at your local department of social protection.

Regional features

At the level of regional assistance to this category of citizens, the following types of financial charges are laid:

  • compensation for rising prices for vital goods - no more than 765 rubles;
  • meal allowance - payable monthly. On average, this amount is about 660 rubles;
  • provided that the wages are less than the officially established in a particular region of residence, the minimum, the mother is entitled to an allowance in the amount of 15,000 rubles for a child under 3 years old and 6,000 rubles - up to 16 years, respectively. These funds are paid by the social protection authority upon the provision of a certificate of the mother's income;
  • 30% compensation for the cost of training a child in additional educational specialized institutions.

You can specify the amount of payments, by contacting your local social welfare authorities and providing a document confirming the special status of a citizen.

In addition, the a range of social measures supporting single mothers in the process of raising a child. Their list is determined individually and depends on the fullness of the regional budgets of the subjects of the federation.

For information on the state aid for single mothers in Russia, see the following video:

To our great regret, the problems of single mothers acquire more and more insoluble issues in our time. A woman who independently "raises" a child to her feet is a very common phenomenon not only in our country.

A significant number of the fairer sex raise their children on their own, and there are many reasons for this, including the refusal of the child's father to provide assistance, the birth of a child out of wedlock, adoption and much more. However, no matter what the reasons for the appearance of a large number of single mothers, they still need help and protection along with their children.

The state policy regarding this category of citizens is unambiguous - women who independently, without the participation of the father, raise a child, should receive material support from the state. Financial assistance is manifested in special allowances for children and additional payments, benefits in the labor and tax spheres of life, extraordinary placement of a child in a kindergarten, etc. Let's try to consider what benefits single mothers enjoy.

The legal status of single mothers

The legislation guarantees the legitimate protection of the interests of those citizens who are raising a child on their own.

It is legally prescribed that this status is received by those women whose children in their birth certificates do not have any mention of the father.

It seems that the wording is quite clear, but it is not always able to explain and take into account all the nuances and peculiarities.

After all, we are talking about an actual infringement of the rights of the child, both morally and socially from the second parent, who, as a biological unit, may be available, but as an assistant responsible for financial support and upbringing, is absent. As a result, the responsibility for meeting the needs of the child falls on the state. And all this despite the fact that the benefits of a single mother in Russia are a very painful topic.

Who is recognized as a single mother?

The definition of the legal status of a single mother is quite clearly spelled out in Russian law. It is according to him that benefits are determined for the children of single mothers. Today, the aforementioned status can be claimed by:

  • women who gave birth to children outside the legal bonds of marriage, if paternity is not established in the manner required by law: there is no joint application from both parents to the registry office to establish paternity or there is no corresponding court decision on the fact of establishing paternity;
  • a woman who, without being officially married, has taken part in the government's adoption program and has legally acquired the legal status of a single mother. Benefits and benefits will be provided to her in accordance with the requirements of the law;
  • a woman who adopted a child while being married, provided that her official husband did not recognize the child and did not adopt him;
  • a woman who gave birth to a child, being in a marriage relationship, provided that paternal rights were challenged in court, and the court decided that her legal spouse is not the biological parent of the newborn;
  • a woman who gave birth within 300 days after the divorce proceedings, and whose ex-spouse proved through the court that he is not really the father of the child.

If all the conditions are met, then social services employees can give an answer to the burning question of whether there are benefits for single mothers, and what exactly are they entitled to by law.

Who is not entitled to claim legal status as a single mother?

Based on the provisions of family law in the Russian Federation, the following categories of citizens do not apply for the official title of a single mother:

  • women who have given birth and are raising a child in an incomplete family, with an official father who, for one reason or another, does not provide his child with any financial and moral support;
  • women who are not officially married, but according to the child's birth certificate, the father still exists, even if he does not live with him;
  • widows, in this case, financial support from the state for the child will be provided on other grounds;
  • mothers of children whose husbands have been deprived of their paternal rights in full compliance with legal requirements;
  • those women who gave birth to a baby within 300 days after the official end of the divorce proceedings, provided that their former spouses did not appeal their paternity in court. In this case, according to article 48, part 2 of the RF IC, the registry office employees recognize paternity, even if the man is not, in fact, the biological parent of the child.

What government agencies confirm the status of single mothers?

After giving birth, the mother is obliged to submit an application for registering the child to the registry office at the place of residence (registration). At the same time, it is legally required that it be signed by both parents. If there is no second parent, then the mother needs to prepare a package of documents certifying that the father of her child is absent or has renounced paternal rights (including the need to obtain appropriate confirmation from the courts).

Only after that, the registry office employees will accept the application for registration of the newborn, and a dash will be put in his certificate. When issuing a birth certificate, the mother of the child will be additionally given a certificate according to form No. 25 that she is a single mother. Such a document will be useful in order to find out in more detail what benefits and payments to single mothers are issued and how to properly issue them. Thus, the confirmation of the title of single mother is carried out in the registry office.

Benefits and financial payments to single mothers in 2014

Single parents receive the same benefits that are guaranteed for all women, including those from full families. However, it should be noted that the amount of benefits for single mothers has been enlarged. Currently, a single woman will receive the following benefits:

  • maternity capital, if a woman has given birth to a second child;
  • a one-time payment to all women who timely registered with medical institutions before the 12th week of pregnancy. Legislatively in 2014, the amount of the aforementioned allowance is set at 515 rubles. 33 kopecks;
  • a one-time payment at the birth of a child. In Russia, it is charged in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 81-F3 "On State Benefits for Citizens with Children" dated May 19, 1995. The official amount of this financial support in 2014 was 13,742 rubles;
  • monthly financial payments for caring for a child under 1.5 years of age. From the beginning of 2013, the amount of this benefit depends on the official earnings of the insured woman for the previous 2 years worked. In the analyzed year, the minimum monthly payment was 2,576 rubles after the first birth and 5,153 rubles for the birth of the second child and subsequent ones;
  • pregnancy benefit. The amount of this allowance varies according to the amendments made (01.01.2013) to the Law No. 21-F3 dated 25.02.2011. Now, when calculating this benefit, some periods in determining the average earnings for 1 working day will not be taken into account.

Other financial assistance to single mothers

In addition to basic government payments, a single parent has an absolute right to additional financial incentives. Consider what additional benefits a single mother has:

  • state monthly payment for a child until he reaches 1.5 years of age and, accordingly, from 1.5 to 3 years;
  • so-called children's money for a child who has not reached the age of majority, this benefit is permanent and is paid every calendar month;
  • monetary compensation due to the gradual rise in the cost of living;
  • monetary compensation in connection with the increase in food prices;
  • state aid in kind (a set of clothes for a child, a dairy kitchen for newborns, etc.);
  • monthly financial support from the state for the maintenance of a disabled child.

It is worth noting that the size of all the above benefits varies depending on the region of the country, its financial capabilities and municipal social programs. It is also worth noting that a single mother with many children will receive somewhat different, higher benefits in financing.

What documents do I need to present to apply for and receive benefits for single mothers in 2014?

In 2014, no changes were made to the standard documentary package, which is required for registration of benefits and additional payments. The main list remained the same as in 2013. For registration, the following documents will be required:

  1. a certificate from the housing office, indicating that the child lives with the mother;
  2. documentary confirmation of the relationship between the child and the mother (birth certificate);
  3. copy of passport and mother's identification number;
  4. work book of the mother, confirmed by the management and certified by notary officers;
  5. current account number in a state bank or savings book.

In addition to official cash benefits from the state, single mothers are also entitled to certain additional benefits related to both the social sphere and taxation.

Single parent tax breaks in 2014

According to the provisions of Art. 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a single mother who continues to work has an absolute right to a double deduction of income tax. In 2014, its amount for the first two children is 2,800 rubles, for the third and subsequent ones - 6,000 rubles.

The tax deduction from the mother's income for a disabled child of group 1 or 2 until he reaches the age of majority (in the case of inpatient higher education up to 23 years of age) will be 6,000 rubles. Thus, these benefits for single mothers can reduce costs and increase income, which will have a positive impact on the provision of the child.

Social assistance for single mothers

Social benefits for singles are calculated taking into account the federal budgets of different regions. Regarding their availability and receipt, you must inquire with the local social security authorities. Moreover, these benefits can be very diverse:

  • providing the child with a change of clothes 2 times a year;
  • the fare for single mothers in public transport is 50%. These benefits allow single mothers to save money on travel on trams, trolleybuses, electric trains and government shuttles;
  • registration and acceptance of a child in a municipal children's institution without observing the sequence, provided that the institution is state-owned. Until 2009, this benefit was guaranteed to every single mother, and then all responsibility was assigned to local and federal authorities. Now only the administration of the institution can say what benefits a single mother will receive. The kindergarten reserves the right to provide or refuse them;
  • treatment in health institutions and visits to recreation camps at the expense of the state.

This list is approximate, each region has its own benefits, and to find out about them, a single mother needs to contact the local authorities. So, for example, benefits for single mothers in Moscow will differ from the Far North, Khabarovsk or Krasnodar.

Labor benefits for a single mother

Russian legislation guarantees for working single mothers a number of guarantees, indulgences and benefits in working conditions. Thus, the area of ​​labor law recognizes the benefits and rights of single mothers, which they can claim according to their status.

  • A single mother who is raising a child under the age of 14 cannot be dismissed from her position. An exception in this case will be a systematic violation of the rules of the enterprise, negligence or failure to comply with official duties, theft or theft of material values, as well as the disclosure of commercial information.
  • If the state ceases to be the owner of the enterprise, then the new owner will not be able to fire the single mother. He is obliged to conclude an agreement with her on voluntary dismissal in exchange for monetary compensation.
  • Single parents are entitled to a short additional leave, which, however, will not be paid. In 2014 it will be 14 calendar days. In addition, it is worth considering that it can be used both in parts and in conjunction with the main vacation.
  • An employer who has refused a single mother's accommodation is obliged to explain to her the reasons for his refusal in writing. If this condition is not met, then the single parent can sue for violation of the rights.
  • Hospital payments are higher and may be extended.

Single Mothers Health Benefits

Medicine also provides benefits for single mothers and their babies. Moreover, they begin to act from the moment the child is born. If a child is disabled or has a serious illness, the state guarantees additional bonuses for him and his parent. Benefits for single mothers in the medical field are as follows:

  • if there is a massage room in the hospital to which the mother and child are assigned, then the child can visit it 2 times a week absolutely free of charge;
  • the maternity hospital has the right to provide the child with a set of bed linen, diapers and clothes at the mother's request;
  • the child has the right to receive vouchers for rest or health improvement from medical state institutions every year for free (in some regions with payment of 25% of the total cost);
  • if the hospital has a dairy kitchen, then its services for children under 3 years old are free;

Benefits for single mothers in educational institutions

For single mothers, a number of benefits are provided related to the presence of a child in preschool and secondary educational institutions:

  1. the compulsory right to receive good nutrition in the dining room of the institution at least 2 times a day;
  2. the right to provide the child with educational materials free of charge;
  3. receiving stationery kits and exercise books for a student (valid in some regions of Russia);
  4. a 30% discount on the child's attendance at sports clubs, a music school or theater and art circles;
  5. compensation for the cost of the monthly payment for a preschool institution at the expense of the state budget (not valid in all regions, in some constituent entities of the Federation compensation is 70%).

Sphere of housing and communal services: benefits and indulgences

Housing legislation in Russia provides single mothers with the least amount of benefits. This legal area practically does not affect the interests of single parents and their children. To a greater extent, benefits for housing and communal services are implemented with the help of regional social programs to protect the population in certain regions of Russia. The following housing benefits for single mothers are currently in force:

  • if there is a child under the age of 1.5 years, payment for garbage collection from an apartment building is not charged from a single mother;
  • if a single mother has not reached the age of 35, then in fact a woman has the right to participate in federal and regional programs for housing. These benefits for single mothers are provided if the woman does not have health problems that would affect her ability to work;
  • the state is obliged to improve the living conditions of the mother and her baby, if necessary;
  • single mothers in the queue for free public housing are listed at the top of the list.

Also, in some cases, single mothers may try to get a subsidy to pay for LCD services. To do this, you need to contact the social protection authorities of the population at the actual place of residence for more detailed consultations and calculations. Only employees of social institutions can say what benefits single mothers have when calculating utility bills.