Will the military pension be increased c. Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces

This is not an idle question, since the indexation of military pensions has been "frozen" in recent years. And although the former military after the recent reform receive not so little, many of them are worried about the issue of promotion.

Recall that at the end of 2015, State Duma deputies considered a bill on the abolition of indexation of pensions for servicemen until 2017. The reason for this decision, according to experts, was the economic situation - the country's budget for the current year simply would not have "pulled" the planned indexation of military pensions by 2%, as provided by federal legislation.

However, on February 1, 2016, military pensioners still waited for indexation - their pensions increased by 4%. Is this a lot and a little? According to official data, inflation in the country in the first three months of this 2016 was 2.1%. The actual inflation, as a rule, turns out to be several times higher (at least 2 or 3) than that which officials and statistics cheerfully announce on the pages of the media.

Thus, the economic crisis hit pensioners anyway, and it is not surprising that they have a question whether there will be an increase in military pensions in 2017.

By the way, it is worth noting that it was originally planned to increase military pensions by 7% every year. As we can see, in modern economic conditions, this turned out to be completely impossible, because this forecast was made at high oil prices, long before the sanctions and the time when not only the Russian, but also the entire world economy was "stormy".

But there is also optimistic news. At least, the government has recently been cautiously hinting that the country has already passed the very "bottom" of the crisis. According to financiers, some stabilization in the economic sector is expected in 2017. And it would be logical from the outside to first of all return to acute social problems, including the issue of raising the pensions of military pensioners.

True, even with a favorable development of the situation, there is a risk that military pensioners will lose some benefits. Rumor has it that an increase in pensions for servicemen in 2017 in Russia is planned to be achieved by reducing or completely canceling free travel, preferential vouchers to sanatoriums and compensation for land tax, which are now used by military pensioners. Let's hope that the government still won't agree to such drastic measures, although at the moment this prospect seems quite real.

Another persistent rumor, which may well turn into reality, is that next year it is planned to index the pensions of servicemen not twice, as has always been the case, but only once - in January or October. While such a possibility is only being considered by officials of different levels, the final decision has not yet been made. The final version will depend on what the country will come to in the new, 2017th year, what economic indicators will be achieved and whether the economy will grow or will continue to stagnate.

The total number of military pensioners in Russia is quite large and continues to grow. According to the most conservative assumptions, it is planned to send more than 3 trillion rubles only to increase pensions for military pensioners in 2017. The latest news reports that 3.23 trillion will be spent on the indexation of pensions in 2016, and 3.36 trillion the next year.

As you know, a military pension requires only 20 years of service (that is, the minimum service life). Thus, most of the military have the right to a well-deserved rest in their early 40s. Naturally, a healthy man at this age is unlikely to sit at home and watch TV - military pensioners, as a rule, very quickly find another job and earn "civilian experience" and a second pension. It would seem that everything is fair and beneficial for the country, because it does not lose its labor force. But to some officials, having two pensions for the military seems to be an unjustified luxury in a crisis. It is paradoxical, but true - from time to time the question of leaving the military with only one type of pension, by choice, comes up. Will this be done in 2017? It is impossible to say for sure, although there is such a possibility. Or there is an option that "civilian" pensions for the military will be frozen and temporarily deprived of indexation. How the authorities will ultimately decide is anyone's guess.

By the way, there is another unpleasant rumor. Recently, the government has seriously thought about increasing the retirement age. Already this year, officials will begin to retire later; in the near future, the authorities will work out schemes for increasing the retirement age for other categories of citizens. It is possible that this will also affect the military.

It is assumed that in the future, in order to calculate the military pension, it will be necessary to serve not 20, but at least 5 years more. Given that the military receives a well-deserved pension earlier than ordinary people, this is a seemingly insignificant increase. And without a doubt, one should not frivolously forget that serving in the ranks of the Russian army is not always "dust-free" office work, otherwise the length of service would not have come so early. This is both great responsibility, and constant combat readiness, frequent travel, readiness to carry out any order, and sometimes the need to participate in various kinds of hostilities (although they have recently preferred to call them "peacekeeping operations", but the very essence of these "measures" is not changes). The more benefits the military has and the earlier the pension, the more risks and less health. Let's hope that officials will not be able to ignore this fact, thinking over new laws on military pensions and benefits ... or on their abolition and "freezing"

However, even if the retirement age for the military is raised, it will happen gradually and not in 2017. In the next couple of years, neither future nor established military pensioners should worry and worry about this.

Let's summarize

After analyzing the latest news about the indexation of military pensions in 2017, we can say with confidence that it will definitely be there. However, the question of how much actually (in rubles and percent) it is planned to increase the "military" pension payments is still open. It is also not yet known whether the indexation will take place in two stages or there will be only one increase.

Military pensions from January 1, 2017 in Russia are expected to be raised by at least 2%. The final amount will become known closer to December of this year.

In 2017, the government predicts an improvement in the economic environment. The financial crisis must subside, which will inevitably have a beneficial effect on the entire social system. Therefore, it is likely that the indexation of military pensions will cover the percentage of annual inflation.

There are also some unpleasant moments:

  • the possibility of reducing or canceling some of the benefits that retired military personnel and members of their families now enjoy (free travel, rest in the sanatoriums of the Ministry of Defense, etc.)
  • second, "civil" pensions for former military personnel can "freeze" and stop indexing
  • there is a possibility of increasing the service life for calculating the military pension (by 5 years)

Military retirees are a fairly privileged part of Russian society. However, they were also affected by the government's desire to save money on everything that is possible to do this. Of course, like everyone else, they are interested in their own fate and what the military pensions will be in 2017 and what the latest news is on this score.

What happens to military pensions

At the end of 2015, the State Duma seriously considered, among other saving measures, the "freezing" of pensions for military pensioners at least until 2017. Naturally, the reason for this was the saving of budget money. But, fortunately, for the retired military personnel, their "freeze" still did not affect them, and in February 2016 they already received a 4% increase in their pension. Of course, the increase is not so large, and it hardly allows military pensions to catch up with inflation - rather, only to compensate for part of the lag. In addition, this is not at all the promised 7% of the annual increase in military pensions, which was announced several years ago. But it seems that this promise was made generally in another country, which thrived carelessly on oil money, did not really quarrel with the outside world and was optimistic about its future development ...

The latest news about pensions for military pensioners in 2017

There is reason for cautious optimism about military pensions in 2017. It is connected with the fact that both official and unofficial forecasts of experts and analysts generally agree that the Russian economy has reached a certain equilibrium, and in 2017 there will be no noticeable recession (as well as an upswing). In 2018, a small increase should be expected at all, so the authorities will be able to more confidently plan something and calculate budget items.

So far, it is impossible to say for certain whether there will be indexation in 2017 twice a year or only once. If at the end of 2016 the government sums up the results of the outgoing year and decides that it was relatively successful, then military pensions can be raised on January 1 and October 1. If there is no money for this - only on one of these dates (or on some other). Although, most likely, from January 1, 2017, pensions for military pensioners will indeed be raised by 2%.

Pensions for military pensioners: the latest news from the State Duma

As for the latest news about military pensions, which comes from the lobby of the country's legislative branch, so far these are mostly rumors, and rumors are not very pleasant.

  • First, the government is seriously encroaching on benefits for military pensioners. Money to increase their pensions can be found by depriving them of the right to free travel, to compensate for the land tax, and so on.
  • Secondly, the number of military pensioners in the country is very large, and it is likely that the increase in this number will be slightly reduced by raising the retirement age for military personnel. The fact is that now to retire a soldier needs to serve 20 years in the armed forces, that is, a situation is quite common when a soldier who has barely passed 40 years becomes a pensioner. It is very tempting for officials to find a way and increase the required length of service to at least 25.
  • Thirdly, due to the fact that the military retire quite early, they often find themselves in civilian work, where in the end they also manage to earn another pension. With sufficient frequency, there are conversations about leaving such people only one of the two pensions, their choice. There is no particular reason to believe that this will not be done in 2017. Although no specific intentions have yet been expressed. There is also an idea to simply “freeze” the recipients of two pensions their “civil” pension, this will happen for sure, because all pensioners from the “citizen” will definitely not wait for an increase in 2017, only a kind of five-thousandth “handout” in January has been prepared for them.

Summing up, we can say that military pensioners in 2017 will not have much better, but definitely not worse than the rest of the country's population. The situation is such that the economy is frankly feeling unimportant, it is “finished off” by military adventures of the authorities around the world, the ineffectiveness of the economic model and oligarchs who want to live in the old way close to the supreme power, who are pumping the latter out of the country. Of course, no one likes the deterioration of their situation, but, in fairness, the position of military pensioners in any case remains privileged, even if it will be a little more difficult for them to live than it was yesterday.

Material support of the former military and employees of other law enforcement agencies is carried out on the basis of (revised 01.07.17). According to the standard, the recalculation of payments to such citizens occurs at the time of an increase in the official salary or an increase in the correction coefficient.

Increasing the salary of active military personnel automatically leads to an increase in pensions for former military personnel. The amount of the change depends on the amount of the monthly salary paid according to the military rank and position held.

As a general rule, the time of such an increase is. Since 2015, the ubiquitous increase the specified payments to all categories of military personnel not produced... The promotion was carried out periodically for employees of different ranks.

According to information received from unofficial sources 2017 year can be increased due to the expected increase in salaries by position and rank. If this happens, the pension authorities of the Ministry of Defense will automatically recalculate the pensions paid, and from October their recipients will begin to receive benefits with an increase.

Will there be an indexation of pensions in October

In 2017, the topic of military pensions did not leave the paper and virtual pages of the news outlets. Against the background of the economic crisis, interest in this issue is understandable and does not lose its relevance. Let's figure out what promises the state made to former military personnel and how much it fulfills them.

Reference. The number of military pensioners in the Russian Federation has reached 2.6 million.

New in the pension rights of former military personnel

Citizens who have served in the RF Armed Forces are provided with the following types of pension provision:

  • for the length of service;
  • on disability.

For family members of the former defender of the Motherland, a payment has been established on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner.

You can find out in detail to whom, on what conditions these payments are established, from Law No. 4468-1 of 12.II.93. We will dwell only on certain points that affect the increase in pensions for military pensioners from 2017.

In 2017, in the procedure for assigning pensions to military pensioners, significant changes took place regarding citizens who were mistakenly assigned a seniority payment.

According to amendments No. 63-FZ of 3.IV.17, the elimination of a counting or factual error should not lead to the deprivation of the pensioner's right to payment, if the inaccuracy was not made through his fault.

Such citizens will continue to receive security from the state in the accrued amount until one of the following events occurs:

  • the emergence of the right to a military pension;
  • the emergence of the right to an insurance pension.

The accrued amount, like the "correct" pension, is subject to annual indexation.

The reason for these changes was the decision of the Constitutional Court, which considered the complaint of a former military man, deprived of the right to state maintenance, established by mistake, and pointed out the inconsistency of this norm with the basic law.

Indexation of pensions for military pensioners in 2017

Reference. According to official data, since 2011 the size of military pensions has increased 1.9 times.

The state has undertaken an obligation to increase payments for state security in two cases:

  • simultaneously with the increase in monetary allowances for military personnel;
  • annually, from January 1, by increasing the share of monetary allowances taken into account when calculating the pension.

In the first case, the amount increases simultaneously with the increase in the army allowance, the amount of the increase depends on the new "salaries" of the security forces. The salary was raised - the pension was increased. Plans to increase the salaries of soldiers were discussed for a long time, but they were never implemented.

Reference. The last time the increase in the content in the army took place six years ago.

In the second case, the indexation should take place regardless of the growth in the income of active servicemen. Five years ago, at the end of 2012, the share of monetary allowances taken into account in calculating the state benefit was set at 54%.

It was planned to increase it annually, by at least 2%. At this rate, no later than 2035, the pension should have been assigned at the rate of 100% of the amount of monetary allowance. True, not all former military men will live to see these happy times.

Everything was going well, the coefficient was increased annually by almost the amount of inflation. The last time in this way the military pension was indexed at the end of 2016, bringing the value of the reduction coefficient to 72.23%, while simultaneously introducing a moratorium on its increase until 01.01.2018.

Thus, pensions for military pensioners in 2017 were indexed only once, by changing the reduction coefficient by 2.78%. In his decrees, the head of state gave instructions not only to increase the size taking into account the general increase in the general price level, but to ensure that it exceeds the inflation rate by 2%. Unfortunately, this instruction is not being followed.

In practice, such a policy has led to the fact that payments are not "indexed" in order to ensure a decent standard of living for the old military, but are "pulled up" to the level of inflation. It seems to have been indexed, but life has not become easier.

Reference. Over six years (2012-2018), the reduction coefficient increased by 18%, while the inflation rate increased by 42.68%.

So far, nothing is known about plans to further increase the share of income of the personnel of the Armed Forces, which affects the size of the pension. The draft general budget of the country for the next year does not contain relevant instructions, although it has already passed the approval procedure in the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. It was this document that previously established the value of the coefficient.

Increase of pensions for military pensioners in 2017

The outgoing year was full of rumors about the planned changes. The deputies made proposals to increase pensions. Experts talked about the budget deficit. Initiatives have been put forward to increase the length of service required for the appointment of a pension. The heads of the ministries reported - there is money. Will there be an increase or not?

Will. From the beginning of the new year, it is planned to increase the salaries of servicemen and employees of other power structures. Consequently, according to the principle "raised the salary - increased the pension", the payment to pensioners will increase.

They plan to raise salaries by only 4%. The military pension will change by about the same amount. As a result, 14% of the country's annual budget will be spent on payments to the military.


The economic crisis does not allow the state to fully fulfill its obligations to pensioners. The budget deficit, on the one hand, and the upcoming elections, on the other, make officials look for a middle ground. If until 2017 military pensions grew only due to an increase in the reduction coefficient, then in 2018 it was decided to support not only former, but also active military personnel, increasing the pay of the latter.

There is no money to increase the calculated coefficient in the new budget. Its size will remain the same (72.23%), and the moratorium on the application of Article 43 of Law No. 4468-1 will be extended until 01.01.2019. The corresponding draft law has already been sent to the President for signature.

We can only hope that the country will finally come out of the crisis and will be able to fully fulfill its obligations to the people who honestly and conscientiously performed hard military work.