Congratulations for 60 years from grandchildren. Best wishes for grandfather's anniversary in poetry and prose. Who does hello fly from?

I want to wish my grandfather

Today is the anniversary,

So that you do not think to lose heart,

And many guests

May toast with your honor now

Hurry up to say

I wish you happiness every hour

Good luck!

It is not so easy to live it.

With your family, with your friends

We wish you to meet 90!

Live, our dear, for a long, long time

And don't count your years.

May the joy of happiness and health

You are always accompanied.

How many beautiful dates there are

For those who are in love with life!

It's not autumn sixty yet,

And the velvet season!

60 years old you are today

Here is your anniversary!

entrusted to present Nikolai Vladimirovich with a diploma stating that

that he really is a pensioner.

This diploma was issued to Nikolai Vladimirovich in that

that in his 60 years of life he completed a course on the topic

"Know and be able" and discovered the following knowledge:

Literature (Conversation with an angry wife) - 4

Mathematics (Recalculating the wife's wages into his

favor) - 4

Geography (Where it doesn’t bring, but everything will come home) - 5

Music (Playing on the nerves) - 3

Chemistry (Moonshine) - 4

Diligence (On the right side) - 5

Diligence (On the left side) - 4

Based on the foregoing, a gift to notify a comrade (fa-

milia, initials of the hero of the day) fit for long-distance

your life path.

Coursework: "If you want to live, be able to twirl" - protect

puppy by 5.

By the decision of the state examination commission

from (date of celebration of the anniversary) 200 ... to assign to a friend

(surname, initials of the hero of the day) title "Free young pen-

Host: But don't get too upset. I offered-

I tell the friends of the birthday boy to go up on stage and congratulate him.

(Several people go out and recite poetry.)

They say that at 60, every birthday person is happy

Exchange your years for twenty, twenty-five.

No, friends, not at all, who thinks so is an eccentric.

At twenty, holes are everywhere

No wife and no apartment

At sixty you have a garden

And, of course, three guys.

At twenty-five, only in a club

I had a chance to drink vodka.

At sixty you are all in smoke

You can drink vodka.

At twenty-five - the egg-box is empty,

At twenty-five - sheer hell

At sixty - a savings account in rubles,

At sixty, there is cronyism everywhere.

At twenty you plow at work,

Like a horse or an ox

At sixty you will tell your colleagues

You work hard, I went.

No friends, he is very happy

That he was all sixty.

Every year he grows smarter

Years fly by like birds

He will not regret in a hundred,

That today is sixty.

Presenter: I would like to give advice to the newly minted penalties

Keep your family as strict as possible

Come, go and get out

One look, one word

And for them it is already the law.

And on holidays of the country

In the morning, read the moral to them,

For dinner, read the severity,

And in the evening sit down for tea.

So let's lift our spell

Each took his wine,

And for his friendly family.

May life be rich in joys.

And happiness will not leave your doorstep.

We wish you as little trouble as possible,

But they still cannot be avoided,

So let there be strength to win.

So, today these forces are our guests. Yes, yes, not surprising

Leave it, this is not a fairy tale. So, our guests are inner strength,

i.e. the Ministry of the Interior. (Some of the invitees

puts on a police uniform, road traffic

Policeman: I, on behalf of the GIDD and the Department of Internal

affairs of Yekaterinburg I present memorable gifts. Because

there is constant movement in the apartment and you can forget and get lost

we decided to help with this.

Extracts signs with TV, glasses, plug, pipe, bu-

back with a glass and a light bulb:

"Do not forget to turn off the TV" - the sign is attached to

TV screen.

"Be careful, wipe your glasses" - the sign is attached

in the bathroom.

"Caution, sharp objects" - the sign can be hung on

in the kitchen and in the room where the needle and thread is.

"Caution, children may appear here" - a sign of attach-

leans towards the sofa.

"Caution, do not overdo it" - the sign is attached

on the kitchen.

"Caution, gas and electrical appliances" - the sign is attached

over gas and electrical appliances.

Be careful in your movements and God forbid you are wrong

attach or mix up signs correctly. All the best.

Scenario of the 60th anniversary of grandfather - April 29, 2013 - scenario for everyone


Every person has the right to a holiday, and such a date as the 60th anniversary of the catfish is a celebration. At this age, a woman simply deserves it, because she is not just a woman, she is a good mother and already a caring grandmother.


"Older years is not a problem, 60 is the date of happiness is full." The script should fully reveal the life of a pensioner, prove that even at this age she is undoubtedly beautiful as a woman and just a standard to follow for her grandchildren. We decorate the room colorfully: balloons, fresh flowers, Anniversary greeting garlands.

The evening will be charming

The holiday will be entertaining

And I am so glad to you, guests,

I shout: "Hurray!", I loudly to you,

Thank you for coming here,

They brought smiles with them,

There is a reason for this,

And this is such a message

(name, patronymic) - 60,

And may the years praise her

After all, her soul is young

And looks are just as good

Why am I going to talk here,

It's time for us to call her!

One-two-three (name, patronymic) - come out!

(the guests call the Anniversary in chorus, she comes out to applause)

I give you a medal with a smile,

And congratulations on the anniversary,

And I also give a letter,

Because you live your life!

(medal and diploma can be purchased in a specialized gift shop)

Before I say a toast

I'll give each guest one word,

I ask you to say compliments in a circle,

And praise our dear hero of the day!

(guests in a circle say compliments to the Anniversary)

Well, now we open the champagne,

We pour it into glasses,

We lift them up,

And for happiness and health (name, patronymic) - we drink!

(musical break, meal)

I declare grandmother open,

And I call all knitters here!

The competition is called "Knitted Thread". Everyone is welcome to participate. Each participant is given knitting needles and a ball of thread. At the command of the presenter, to cheerful music, everyone should tie a thread 10 cm long in two rows. Who will make everyone forward. The one and the winner. Prize: a nice ball of woolen thread.

To keep your soul warm

So that (name, patronymic) is still largely lucky,

I order everyone to raise their glasses,

And drink wine for her!

(musical break, meal)

You can't do without ditties on such a day,

Who wants to sing, well, answer me?

The competition is called: "The best chastushka". 4 people are allowed to participate. Each is given the words of a ditty and the image of the hero is described, on whose behalf they will be performed.

Baba Yaga (broom);

Text: On a chicken hut, I galloped here to sing you a ditty: Happy birthday to you!

Doctor Aibolit (medical gown);

Text: I watch your health, and I'll tell you what, congratulations on the Jubilee. I always wish to drink balm!

Alla Pugacheva (red wig);

Text: That's how Alla Pugacheva, I congratulate you, 60 is not a lot, you can't tell me, huh ?!

Luntik (pink ears)

Text: My grandchildren asked me to congratulate you, they teased me with Luntik, because I am eared!

Everyone is given a prize - a box of chocolates, and the best one, according to the Anniversary, is also given a bottle of cognac.

The glory competition was clearly a success,

Everyone sitting would admit to this,

Let's pour the wine for this

And we will drink this whole holiday together!

(musical break, meal)

60 - not a little, and not a lot,

60 - wonderful years,

Confirm the guests over and over again,

Congratulations to the Anniversary, say the words!

(guests alternately congratulate the Anniversary and give gifts)

For these gifts and congratulations,

Please pour wine without delay

For happiness (name, patronymic) - we drink.

And congratulations on her 60th birthday!

(musical break, meal)

Entertainment is needed

Entertainment is important

And even more so when it is for everyone,

That will surely be a success here!

The competition is called: "We are treated together." Anyone can take part, we are divided into two teams. The meaning of the competition is to show how our dear grandmothers treat, and they always treat deliciously, not with medicines, but with folk methods. A chair is placed in front of each team, at a distance of 5-6 meters, with a headband, a jar of jam, a spoon, a jug of fruit drink and a glass hanging on it. Task: everyone, one by one, runs up to a chair, puts on a bandage, eats a spoonful of jam and drinks a glass of fruit drink, then returns to his team and passes the baton to the next participant. The team that runs out of medicine the fastest, and that recovers, wins. Prize: each jar of jam.

You need to drink for this,

Now we know how to heal

We can always ask grandmothers!

(musical break, meal)

Grandmothers cook everything very tasty,

Grandmothers will definitely not hide this,

Here is (name, patronymic), baked pies,

And looking for someone who wants to eat them in two chews!

The competition is called: "Inconvenient pie". Four people take part. Each is given a plate containing the most common pie. At the command of the leader, the participants should start eating their pies, but only without using their hands. Whoever eats first gets a prize - a big cheesecake.

And now I will say my words, and so as to correspond to this celebration:

Six dozen flew at a time,

And you won't understand right away

Did everything turn out the way it wanted

Was it true or false

Only this, perhaps, does not matter,

After all, half of life is still ahead

Only these years would go on for a long time,

So that they can be longer,

And so that this is exactly how it was,

I wish good from my heart

So that happiness is spinning everywhere

So that you (name, patronymic) are in love with everything,

To raise their grandchildren,

So that they can babysit their great-grandchildren,

So that everything that you dreamed of come true,

To have everything for the soul!

Happy 60th anniversary! Happy anniversary!

(good rhythmic music sounds)

(the holiday continues, but without a presenter)

You have an anniversary today
You invited your friends to visit.
I sincerely congratulate you
And, of course, I wish you joy!

You are only sixty
You turn everyone on with jokes
There is no better grandfather in the world.
So you live for many years!


Sixty today to grandfather,
Congratulations, my dear.
You are the best, grandfather,
You will not get bored with you.

In the same spirit, I wish
For you, my grandfather, to continue,
Be active, positive,
Do not lower your hands.

Good health to you
Many long, glorious years.
For me, you are a friend, helper,
My main authority.


Dear grandfather, I congratulate you on your 60th birthday. I wish you to remain a strong, strong, healthy and cheerful man, kind, cheerful, active and happy person. May, after the 60th kilometer of life, your every day, Grandfather, be successful, successful and prosperous.


Our beloved, the best,
Congratulations on your anniversary!
Listen to wishes
You are from grandchildren and children:
Let the ardor never leave
And the spirit will be healthy
And a spark shines in my eyes
And ailments - to dust and fluff,
Many years and a lot of happiness
Money crunches in bundles
Passion will not leave the heart
Happy 60th anniversary!


Grandpa has a round date
His wonderful anniversary,
He is sixty and today
He is surrounded by family and friends!

We congratulate him now,
We wish you health and strength,
Good luck, patience, luck,
That he was beautiful and sweet.

Poems for the anniversary of 60 years old grandfather


You, grandfather, we want
Congratulate on your anniversary,
You are sixty today
But you are not more cheerful
You are active, cheerful, strong,
Stay that way
With longing, sadness and boredom
Quickly say goodbye!


Happy anniversary,
Beloved grandfather.
I wish you happiness, joy
Always be happy.

Be healthy, successful, glorious,
You are our idol!
"There is no better grandfather in the world!" -
Let's shout to the whole world.


Grandpa, in these sixty
I wish you vigor and strength
So that you are rich in health
And he only lived happily ever after!

May dreams come true
And the mood will be bright
To smile more often you
Not knowing the tension in life!


Grandfather's birthday,
Celebrating your anniversary.
60 you today,
Be strong and not hurt.

Find, like once the time
To talk to me.
You and I are always comfortable
Talk and be silent.


Beloved grandfather
Now 60!
The much needed
For their grandchildren.

Happy anniversary, grandfather!
Hello to you
A lot of money
Joy in fate!

Happy birthday to grandfather for 60 years from granddaughter and grandson


My grandfather, dear, beloved,
Today you are sixty
Live under a happy star
Let the years fly by with ease.

May happiness with a playful smile
Will open your door more than once
You will catch a magic fish
You just hope and believe!


Grandpa my dear
My beloved and dear,
Happy anniversary,
I wish you 60 more years.

For them to pass
In peace and joy,
So they don't know you
Grief and nasty things.

So that the strength does not decrease,
Health has increased
And to faithful friends,
I really liked being around.

So that happiness settles in the house,
To sing there and have fun
And so that they always live there,
Love and tenderness and spring.


Happy anniversary, grandfather!
We wish you
To make you live happy
Sadness without knowing.

And we also wish
Good health,
Have a business, do not get bored,
Visit the sea.


Congratulations on your anniversary!
You are sixty today.
We wish you a birthday
To rush away adversity!

And, of course, health,
Strength, luck and patience.
And live another hundred years
Our beloved wise grandfather!


What is for a man
Date means 60?
That there is also strength,
And the eyes are burning with fire.

Congratulations, beloved grandfather,
I admire you.
Wise, kind and beautiful,
Be healthy, my dear.


You are sixty today
My dear, beloved grandfather!
Let your eyes burn with fire
I wish you happiness, long years,
And also peace, kindness,
Let your life be bright!
To make dreams come true easily
Smile on your birthday!


Grandpa is sixty today.
This is an important date
It's not for nothing that people say
You have been rich in experience for a long time!

Be healthy, grandfather, do not hurt,
Do not Old, but go in for sports.
Come out to play football soon
And do not succumb to sores!

Hikes await us, fishing awaits,
Campfire songs and conversations
And the second youth will come
And love will give very soon!


Grandfather was born and opening the holiday,
We want to wish you today
So that there is no end to fun and no edge,
And everyone tried to please you.

We wish you a lot of good health,
And the hustle and bustle of pleasant necessary things,
And children's fun and with love,
That everyone around you wanted to do.

So that you have enough strength to make efforts,
In any business, and even if they are heavy,
There would be enough power for education,
Their grandchildren and the rest are relatives.


You are 60 today,
Congratulations to my dear grandfather.
How to express your happiness
I don't know my love at all.

I wish you a long life
Age does not spoil the mood.
Wave your hand at all the problems
And drive away the gloomy sadness!


Dear grandfather! Today you are 60, which means there are many reasons for joy! Ahead is a new stage of life - a well-deserved rest. Children have matured, grandchildren are growing up, which means that you will not be bored. We wish you good health, good spirits and just human happiness. May every day be a lot of joy. We love you very much and will always be there!


Grandpa, have you turned
Full sixty years already
You are with us, not only by fate,
You are in our soul.

Congratulations on your anniversary, dear,
Let's have fun, smile
After all, celebrate your holiday
You need to smile for a long time.


My dear grandfather, I congratulate you on your 60th birthday. Accept wishes for a good mood and great opportunities. May only honest people surround you, may your heart be filled with love and goodness, may a new day bring you happiness and joy, may there be a holiday in your soul, may everything that you dream of will certainly come true.


Happy 60th birthday, I congratulate my grandfather,
Anniversary - another
Victory is in your destiny.
You look wonderful,
You conquer the ladies
And in this for you, grandfather,
Don't catch up with us.
Let the law be age
Called retirement
Energy you have
There is still a huge supply.
I wish you speed
Do not reduce the pressure
And to new anniversaries
Walk confidently.


60 today to grandfather,
Congratulations, my dear.
You are a faithful and reliable friend
And you are a world man.

I want to wish you health
So that you do not be sad.
So that at the weddings of your grandchildren
He danced still vividly.

There is still so much ahead
So I wish you strength.
May it always be a support
Your friendly family.


Visitors and neighbors see
The color of venerable gray hair:
Grandpa knows a lot of fairy tales
And the legends of antiquity.

Children, boys and girls -
Congratulations to everyone around:
How we love you, grandfather,
Our great mutual friend!

The candles are sixty burning,
All - both adults and children
We say with love:
Happy anniversary to you, grandfather!

Dear grandfather
Today is 60!
Let the weight be obtained
For many years in a row!

Our beloved grandfather,
You are an example for us!
In this life you do
Many good deeds.

Let everything work out
Always be healthy!
Let dreams come true,
Believe in happiness and love!

Happy Birthday to You,
Dear grandfather,
I sincerely wish
On your bright holiday,

To keep you healthy
I believed in miracles!
So that he appreciates his family
Let your eyes shine!

At 60, success awaits
This is just the beginning!
Let the joys come
There is a lot of the best!

Well, grandpa, have fun
And come off today.
After all, only your anniversary today,
You light it up, come on soon.
Sixty, so much to come
Only chores are left behind.
It's time for yourself to live
And accumulate emotions.


On your anniversary, on your 60 years!
I wish you good health!

I am sure that life is still in full swing!

Grandpa has a round date
His wonderful anniversary,
He is sixty and today
He is surrounded by family and friends!
We congratulate him now,
We wish you health and strength,
Good luck, patience, luck,
So that he was beautiful and sweet.

Dear grandfather! Today you are 60, which means there are many reasons for joy! A new stage of life is ahead - a well-deserved rest. Children have matured, grandchildren are growing up, which means that you will not be bored. We wish you good health, good spirits and just human happiness. May every day be a lot of joy. We love you very much and will always be there!

Accept, grandfather, congratulations today,
The sixtieth is your birthday.
Pay homage
For wise advice and patience.
Be healthy, strong and happy,
As kind and beautiful
Let luck always accompany
Let love in the soul never fade away.
Grandpa, you are the best in the world
You are responsible for all your actions
You are honest, decent and fair
Loved, dear and most beautiful.
60 you today, congratulations,
I wish you a long and beautiful life
May everything be fine with you
Always be young and cheerful.
I wish grandfather
On a wonderful anniversary
Your dreams and plans
Implement soon,
Interesting activities,
Health at sixty,
Well and me, of course,
Pamper more often!

Happy 60th birthday wishes to grandfather

60 today to grandfather,
Congratulations, my dear.
You are a faithful and reliable friend
And you are a world man.
I want to wish you health
So that you do not lose heart.
So that at the weddings of your grandchildren
He also danced briskly.
There is still so much ahead
So I wish you strength.
May it always be a support
Your friendly family.

Grandpa, sixty is so small!
On our anniversary - hello!
Know: a lot left to live
Long wise sweet years
Without despondency and boredom,
Full of happiness, passion.
Grandchildren will confirm all this,
Giving you my children ...
And with every new great-grandson, you too
You are getting many years younger!

Your optimism and kindness
They inspired me in life
Your mind is lively and simplicity
They made me wiser.
You are 60 today.
I wish my grandfather happiness
Health, let your eyes shine
Inspiring family and friends.

We celebrate grandpa's sixty!
And I want to wish you:
Be healthy, vigorous, activist,
And an irresistible optimist

So that luck goes with you,
To charm you with a look
And also - with heart and soul,
How now that you were young!

Congratulations on the anniversary,
Dear, beloved grandfather.
Let the soul melt with happiness
There are no troubles in life.

In these sixty years
Happiness may find you.
May health be strong
Age goes to the figure one hundred.

All the words, today for you
And this is grandpa loving.
You always help me
And from evil, you protect.

I wish you a lot of happiness
Let all the bad weather go away!
Congratulations on your sixtieth birthday,
And I will send inspiration.

Live and enjoy life
And always be merry.
Let paradise come to life
And you are a grandfather, the main thing is not to be discouraged!

Happy 60th anniversary!
How to live, in that he did not give a promise,
It was just a voice inside yours that led
And he knew where the origins of honesty,
Such is my dear grandfather!
Let your ear ripen in the field
There will be no grief and trouble
Congratulations in unison, in one voice,
So that you are healthy and happy!

Congratulations to my grandfather on his anniversary,
60 - I can't believe it.
You live without growing old in soul,
And I will help you with this.
Grandpa, stay cheerful -
This is the main secret of youth
Keep on striving for yours
And live without knowing the troubles at all!

Congratulations to grandfather on his 60th birthday from his grandson, granddaughter

My grandfather, I congratulate you!
On your anniversary, on your 60 years!
I wish you good health!
In business, I wish only victories!
Oh, 60 - is this old age?
I am sure that life is still in full swing!
Let love send faith in the heart,
And let your soul keep happiness!

What are years? This is the wind.
What is happiness? It's okay
This is when children laugh
And the grandchildren warm their grandfather at 60.

Harmony of soul and health to you,
Great joy, so much so that right up to tears,
And I will repeat a little again:
Let your family share the cart with you.

Today grandfather is only 60!
And he is so rich in grandchildren.
Health, strength and work with us,
And you don't have to give in to age.
Our grandfather can always understand us,
If you need to say a kind word.
We will, it happens, he scolds us,
He knows a lot, he is our polymath.

I wish grandfather
On a wonderful anniversary
Your dreams and plans
Implement soon,
Interesting activities,
Health at sixty,
Well and me, of course,
Pamper more often!

Grandpa is sweet and happy
As wine you are cunning and playful.
I love to walk with you
To conquer all the peaks together.

I always rejoice at your successes
Despite the age, for years.
May good luck not leave the house
And the star shines like a satellite for us.

Let the reward for love
You come to my house again.
Together we play again
We learn and read something.

Edushka, you are 60 years old today.
So tell me one secret:
How have you lived for so many years
And the face remained young.

Maybe old age never takes you
Will not touch with his grip with his hand?
We are ready only by loving you
Spend the whole day with you.

You will tell us all the stories
As in our distant childhood, we will believe you.
May you have a good dream
And you will open the doors to happiness.

Records 1 - 14 from 14

Happy anniversary,
Beloved grandfather.
I wish you happiness, joy
Always be happy.

Be healthy, successful, glorious,
You are our idol!
"There is no better grandfather in the world!" -
Let's shout to the whole world.

Grandpa has a round date
His wonderful anniversary,
He is sixty and today
He is surrounded by family and friends!

We congratulate him now,
We wish you health and strength,
Good luck, patience, luck,
So that he was beautiful and sweet.

Grandpa is sixty today.
This is a respectful date
It's not for nothing that people say
That you have been rich in experience for a long time!

Be healthy, grandpa, do not hurt,
Do not get old, but go in for sports.
Come out to play football soon
And do not succumb to sores!

Hikes await us, fishing awaits,
Campfire songs and conversations
And the second youth will come
And love will give very soon!

What is for a man
Date means 60?
That there is also strength,
And the eyes are burning with fire.

Congratulations, beloved grandfather,
I admire you.
Wise, kind and beautiful,
Be healthy, my dear.

Grandpa my dear
My beloved and dear,
Happy anniversary,
I wish you 60 more years.

So that they go
In peace and joy,
So they don't know you
Grief and nasty things.

So that the strength does not diminish,
Health has increased
And to faithful friends,
I really liked being around.

So that happiness settles in the house,
So that they sang there and have fun,
And so that they always live there,
Love and tenderness and spring.

You have an anniversary today
You invited your friends to visit.
I sincerely congratulate you
And, of course, I wish you joy!

You are only sixty
You turn everyone on with jokes
There is no kinder grandfather in the world.
So you live for many years!

Grandpa, beloved, my dear,
Today is a great holiday.
Today you turned sixty
I want to congratulate you so much too.

I wish you only good
Fate will always be generous to you.
Listen to your congratulations from your grandchildren,
And only when you are younger, you are our old man.

You are worthy of honor
And a lot of respect
Your care is in your family
Finds a reflection.

On your birthday
At sixty even years
Do you have over your grandchildren
Big priority.

Be happy, our good,
Our funny congratulation
Let the postman deliver
By all means on time!

Happy anniversary, grandfather!
We wish you
To make you live happy
Sadness without knowing.

And we also wish
Good health,
Have a business, do not get bored,
Visit the sea.

My grandfather has an anniversary today,
You are in a hurry to celebrate it as soon as possible.
He will ask me and granny
Invite mom and dad.

Granny and I will quietly lay the table
And we will tell you what kind of a grandfather was a hero.
Grandpa invited his friends
The house has the most guests.

We will celebrate 60 years of grandpa,
So that friends come to you more often.
And sending a congratulatory note
Desires pure health for the angel.

Grandpa, have you turned
Full sixty years already
You are with us - not only by fate,
You are in our soul.

Congratulations on your anniversary, dear,
Let's have fun, smile
After all, celebrate your holiday
You need to smile for a long time.

You are sixty today
We will make you happy again.
Grandpa i love you
And I will give my present.
We will soon celebrate the anniversary,
And we will meet all your friends.
We will invite them to the holiday
And sing along songs.
And may this congratulation be mine
Will definitely come true and on time.

Grandfather was born and opening the holiday,
We want to wish you today
So that there is no end to the fun and not the edge,
And everyone tried to please you.

We wish you a lot of good health,
And the hustle and bustle of pleasant necessary things,
And children's fun and with love,
That you wanted to do everything around you.

So that you have enough strength to make efforts,
In any business, and even if they are difficult,
There would be enough power for education,
Their grandchildren and the rest of the relatives.

Visitors and neighbors see
The color of venerable gray hair:
Grandpa knows a lot of fairy tales
And the legends of antiquity.

Children, boys and girls -
Congratulations to everyone around:
How we love you, grandfather,
Our great friend of all!

Sixty candles are burning
All - both adults and children
We say with love:
Happy anniversary to you, grandfather!

It turns seventy today
And sad, of course, is forbidden.
There are so many friends around you
Nobody loads with problems.

We love you, our grandfather, very much,
She, love, is tantamount to a breath of only air.
We give you this rhyme,
And with him a bag of gifts.

Happy birthday greetings to grandfather 60 years anniversary

Sixtieth anniversary
Grandfather's beloved today,
Let there be many pleasant guests
On this wonderful annual holiday,

Strong health for many years,
And the mood is good from now on
May it never leave again
And all your relatives will be near!

Happy birthday to grandfather 60 years old

Grandpa is eighty years old,
And this is very cool
We kiss you now
Into your gray beard!

Don't be sick, live without troubles,
We love you very much
Be happy, dear hero of the day,
And we will be with you.

Touching congratulations to grandfather on his 60th birthday

You have entered a respectable age!
Today grandfather is sixty years old!
We, of course, have not forgotten about this!
And on the anniversary we strive to wish:
Let the autumn of life be golden!
Let the clouds not cover the sun's light!
And may fate be with you a generous hand
Will measure off more than a dozen years!

Congratulations to grandfather on his 60th birthday from granddaughter

Today is the anniversary
The holiday is a miracle, believe us.
You are a beautiful light of life
You know the secret of love.

Kind, sincere and gentle,
You are almost, almost sinless.
I wish you
Only good luck in fate.

Always be young at heart
And freeze on the white strip, wait.
We don't need sadness at all
Let her go away.

Congratulations to grandfather on his 60th birthday

Happy anniversary, grandfather!
You are a well-versed person
Wise, solid -
The most wonderful!

Sixty and five - albeit
There will be happiness over the edge
And the same amount of health
And a lot of good luck!

Congratulations to grandfather on his 60th birthday to tears

Let me congratulate you on your birthday
And, for starters, wish
The absence of any doubt
Lucky, happy to become!

After all, seventy is not a hundred!
There is a lot of luck ahead
When the hand of the Lord takes hold -
Hold on, look, don't fall!

The main thing here is to keep your posture,
To meet every day with a smile
And raise the bar higher
And do not lower your head!

Congratulations to grandfather on his 60th birthday from his grandson

Grandpa has a round date
His wonderful anniversary,
He is sixty and today
He is surrounded by family and friends!

We congratulate him now,
We wish you health and strength,
Good luck, patience, luck,
So that he was beautiful and sweet.

Congratulations to grandfather on his 60th birthday from grandchildren

Let the head be covered with snow -
Always be the same young.
The best wishes
We want to tell grandfather now.
We will meet so many springs yet,
60 is not an age for you.
"Remember, you are the best in the world" -
We will whisper, sincerely loving!

Congratulations to grandfather on his 60th birthday in verse

Today you are 60th anniversary!
Congratulations to you, grandpa!
I wish you happiness, many bright days,
And let the troubles leave forever!

Well, is this age for you?
There is so much more to be done in life!
Let your destiny give a dream
Health so that there is no limit!

Short congratulations to grandfather on his 60th birthday

Dear grandfather, beloved grandfather,
Sixty today, you have turned years old!
Let a playful light always sparkle in your eyes.
May a kind, wise light always sparkle in your soul!

Congratulations to grandfather for 60 years

I rather congratulate my grandfather,
I wish him happiness, good luck.
Let inspiration shine on you
Well, and the trouble does not conquer.

Life is already a shining firmament,
Let it only bring you income.
New, beautiful, sincere days,
That will not leave even a shadow of sadness.

Come back to me as soon as possible
And you always smile at me.
May our life always amaze
Leaves a place for happiness for you.

Congratulations to grandfather for 60 years from grandchildren

Grandpa, happy birthday again,
Wishes inspiration
You get it sooner
Never be discouraged.

Always smile
Despite the age, for years.
Love your grandchildren very much
And always take care of them.

And in your 60s,
I know life very happy.
May luck not go away
Money comes into the house again.

Cool birthday greetings to grandfather for 60 years

Well, grandpa, have fun
And come off today.
After all, only your anniversary today,
You light it up, come on soon.
Sixty, so much to come
Only chores are left behind.
It's time for yourself to live
And accumulate emotions.

Happy birthday, dear grandfather,
My dear life.
I wish you a lot of happiness
And with you, I am not discouraged.

Congratulations to grandfather for 60 years from granddaughter

Oh what a beautiful day
A moment of wonderful wishes.
Grandfather - only those
What are full of charm!

So that life is full of good
I was inexpressibly happy
So that fate is generous
Fulfilling all desires!

Beautiful congratulations to grandfather for 60 years

The family has an honorary hero of the day,
Today grandfather is sixty
But he's not old at all
Although the years fly by.

You carried me in your arms
He played with me as a toy soldier,
We caught fish in the ponds
I bought ice cream!

And on your holiday, thank you
For everything that you did for me
I am a grandfather, I love you,
Let the Earth wear you forever!

Touching congratulations to grandfather 60 years old

Grandpa, 60 is so small!
On our anniversary - hello!
Know: a lot left to live
Long wise sweet years
Without despondency and boredom,
Full of happiness, passion.
Grandchildren will confirm all this,
Giving you my children ...
And with every new great-grandson, you too
You are getting many years younger!

Congratulations to grandfather for 60 years in verse

On this jubilee day
It's not too lazy to congratulate you
And desire and kiss
Raise toasts together!

For health, for good luck,
So that all tasks are solved!
So that the heart does not grow old
Would have fun and sing!

And so that the soul rejoices
And how the sun was shining!
We are under a cake and seagulls
We present our generous rhyme!

Congratulate grandfather on his 60th birthday

Grandfathers are needed for happiness:
For walks, laughter, arguments,
Sincere conversations,
For care and participation ...

Who blows on the knee
If suddenly she is broken
Asks if you forgot your shift
And read about Aibolit?

On holidays, on important dates
Congratulations to them sincerely!
Grandparents need grandchildren
Well, and great-grandchildren, of course!