Congratulations on the new year school. New Year wishes. Comic predictions for schoolchildren

Most of all, we say funny and cool wishes before the New Year: after all, on this holiday it is customary to congratulate everyone, from relatives and colleagues to neighbors on the porch. We want the wishes to be not only witty and original, but also correspond to the year of the Rat. After reading the article to the end, you will get acquainted with the best short wishes for the New Year 2020, suitable for different recipients and situations.

Looking for funny and funny wishes for the New Year for a group of friends? Want to wish your beloved a Happy New Year in verse? Do you urgently need a truly original New Year's greetings for an unusual creative person? In the article you will find many short wishes for the New Year 2020 that will make you smile and will certainly please the recipients.

Merry and funny New Year's wishes are as inseparable from the atmosphere of this holiday as the chiming clock and the smell of spruce. Short wishes, consisting of 1-2 sentences or one quatrain, are best perceived. Whether these wishes for NG will be oral or in writing depends on the situation and to whom they are addressed. However, in any case, it is desirable that they reflect the features of the coming year according to the eastern calendar.

Since 2020 is the year of the Rat, it's time to remember the habits and tastes of this cute animal. Rats are very energetic and curious, they are interested in everything new, and therefore the year promises to be successful for changing jobs, and for creative pursuits, and for traveling. At the same time, the Rat is very homely and economic, she loves to make supplies. The White Metal Rat is also very clean and tidy, she likes the order in the house. These properties of a rat should be played out in prose or poetry.

May all the bins be full in the year of the Rat, all the doors open, all the people friendly, and free cheese is found not only in mousetraps.

Let there be a spacious cozy mink,
So that there was fat in it, a loaf and caviar!
Mountains of cheese grew and more, and higher ...
Tranquility, peace, kindness! Happy Year of the Mouse!

This year is subject to the Mouse,
Very business baby!
Everything is for the cause, this year
It will bring us good luck.

You can beat not the properties, but the name of the symbol of the coming year.

May in the year of the White Metal Rat all the stripes in your life be only white, and all metals only precious.

This is the Year of the Rat with metal,
If gold is not enough for you,
That's the coming bright year
Silver will bring you.

If you don’t want to mention the symbol of the year directly in the wish text, you can break it into two parts: first congratulate “Happy Year of the Rat!”, And then write or say a neutral text.

Happy Year of the Rat! I wish Santa Claus put three gifts under the tree: happiness in the house, love in the family, money in the wallet!

Best wishes in verse

The preference given to poetic wishes is understandable. They are more solemn in nature, they are easier to remember, especially when it comes to short wishes in verse. Such congratulations are perfect for a variety of situations: corporate parties and home feasts, New Year's Eve together and a friendly party. Children are very fond of pronouncing them, and even kids can learn the simplest poetic wish on NG. An elegant handmade postcard with a beautiful New Year's wish in verse is a great gift for clients or customers who are not very close friends.

The best wishes in the poems often mention the symbol of the year, and the range of their mood ranges from romantic to playful.

Happy Year of the Rat!
Let success be higher
The house is quiet and comfortable,
And friends are all right there!

Here comes the New Year...
What's in store for you in the Year of the Rat?
So that everything goes well,
To make all that dream come true!

Naughty, naughty,
The Mouse is always full
Let her on New Year's Eve
It will bring you good luck!

Let the frost silver with powder,
Sweeping any misfortune.
I wish you only the best
In the upcoming New Year!

In the year of the Rat, be extremely dexterous,
To avoid the insidious mousetrap,
Don't eat poison, be friends with cats
Keep your nose in the wind, keep your tail with a pipe.

You bloom like a cypress
You smile so sweetly.
Happy New Year, dear Rat,
Our youth and strength!

Poetic wishes allow you to add a game element to the New Year's scenario. There are several scenarios for the game, during which guests choose predictions or wishes in pieces of paper:

  1. A short poem is printed on thin colored paper, in which the candy is wrapped. Guests choose a candy, unwrap it and read the prediction on the wrapper.
  2. Wishes, written or printed on small pieces of paper, are poured into a vase or basket, after which each guest draws out his note while blindfolded.
  3. Small leaflets with wishes are placed in balloons, inflated and distributed to guests (if it is a children's party, the guys can catch them). To read the wish, you will need to pierce the balloon.
  4. Wishes are placed near cutlery (this option is more suitable for a serious feast).

No one expects special poetic skill from such wishes in pieces of paper: the main thing is that they are funny and cannot offend anyone. Any negative "predictions", even in a joking manner, are excluded.

Today you are among friends
Shout again: "Pour-pour"
So that tomorrow you will not be ashamed,
Today you have to be solid!

We want to hit the target
Succeed in all things
Let the year not destroy the Rat,
And more money adds!

The twentieth year prophesies to you
Glory, money and success!
In it you will become rich,
Maybe the richest of all!

How to choose wishes in prose

The best prose wishes are distinguished either by the presence of a plot, or by an unexpected and witty ending. If you want prose wishes to be truly funny and cool, you should not turn them into a long speech: 3-4 sentences are more than enough. Prosaic congratulations are most often oral. In order for them to make the right impression, it is necessary to choose the right intonation and be able to hold a dramatic pause if necessary.

I wish everyone to stumble, fall and cry in the New Year.
(Pause) But to stumble over money, fall into your arms and cry with happiness!

If you are seized before the New Year, tied up and stuffed into a bag - do not be afraid! (Pause). This means that someone ordered you as a gift to Santa Claus.

Happy New Year! I wish you such a generous Santa Claus so that your gift does not fit in a bag, does not fit on a sleigh, is beyond the power of deer. So that the very delivery of it would cost the generous old man more than your entire salary. And most importantly - that it be desirable, timely and from a pure heart.

We wish you that in the coming year only Santa Claus's wadded beard will be fake. And everything else - love, friendship, mutual understanding, warmth and gifts were real.

May 2020 bring fresh crisp banknotes, sparkling happiness, a whole sea of ​​positive and good mood!

May you have as much money as fluffy white snow falls this winter, as many true friends, as many stars in the high shining sky, as many new impressions as tinsel and balls on all holiday trees and pines!

An important advantage of prosaic New Year wishes is the ability to change them without compromising the meaning and overall impression. A ready-made wish in prose is easy to adjust to a specific addressee, whether it be a child, an elderly relative, a boss or an acquaintance, while such an operation is more difficult to do with a poem. If the recipient has some kind of dream that you know about, you can add it to the finished wish.

For example: May all days in the New Year be as bright and cheerful as New Year's, and let the defense of a diploma / admission to a university / move to a new apartment, etc. it will pass as easily and quickly as a snowflake melts in the palm of your hand.

New Year wishes in a nutshell

Brevity is the sister of not only talent, but also table wit and good taste. A beautiful, spectacular wish that fits literally into one line makes a stronger impression than a verbose congratulation. Such wishes are often aphoristic in nature, they may contain an internal rhyme. With short congratulations in a nutshell, you can decorate small postcards, balloons, Christmas toys, they perfectly replace toasts.

I wish next year 12 months of good health, 53 weeks of good mood and 365 days of immense happiness!

I wish that in the New Year all desires coincide with opportunities, and the possibilities are endless!

Enter the cream of society or find a sponsor!

So that in the New Year money is in your pocket, in business - openwork, in your heart - mur-mur-mur!

In the coming year - do not know worries, do not measure money, love, hope and believe!

Most often, very short wishes are used for good luck cookies. They are written by hand on very narrow (up to 2.5 cm wide) strips of white or colored paper or printed on a regular sheet, which is then carefully cut. Ready-made strips are put into cookies, which are easy to bake yourself.

Wishes for cookies consist of one sentence: a comic prediction, forecast or wish. Since they are treated to such cookies with a “surprise” at the set table, guests often read aloud a prediction or wish that has fallen to them. This is entertainment, not fortune-telling, and therefore you should not put serious or overly general predictions into cookies, such as “New Year and Christmas holidays will bring grace into your life!” The more specific and shorter the wishes for NG, the more fun they will cause.

The year of the rat promises a career take-off!

Unusual luck: an addition is waiting for you in the family!

Faithful friend, pure sky, immeasurable happiness!

A trip to the sea awaits you soon.

I wish you success and even better.

Good luck awaits in the New Year: there will be your own dacha!

Cheerfully look forward: your marriage is waiting for you there.

There will be changes in my personal life soon, no doubt.

Who and how to congratulate on New Year's Eve

In order for New Year's wishes to evoke exclusively positive emotions and reinforce the atmosphere of the holiday, it is necessary to take into account the personality of the addressee, as well as the relationship that binds you.

The biggest liberties and uninhibited jokes are allowed in the circle of friends of the same age. During the New Year's party, comic wishes “on the verge of a foul”, ironic predictions in poetry and prose are very well perceived for their own. But at an official corporate party with colleagues, it is better to avoid ambiguities and any expressions that can be regarded as a mockery or insult: for example, ladies, even jokingly, should not want to lose weight. If the wish is addressed to the authorities, then the prose form will be more appropriate than the poetic one. Congratulating all the colleagues present, it is appropriate to mention the prosperity of the company.

Older parents and relatives usually like more traditional wishes in verse or prose. Even if you celebrate the New Year together and repeatedly congratulate your parents verbally, give them a beautiful card or a souvenir with a congratulation written on it (for example, a ceramic product). As for children, they love surprises and pranks: all kinds of fortune cookies, New Year's "prophecies" in balloons - this is just for them.

Wishes for a loved one always have a shade of originality and individuality. If you prefer a congratulation in poetic form, pick it up under the sign of the Zodiac or under the name. A good option is to put a leaf with a wish in a box with a gift.

The table will help you figure out who is best to congratulate.

Friends! The New Year is a special holiday, and how nice it is to receive timely congratulations from you to your loved ones, relatives, teachers, old and new acquaintances, loved ones, and even those with whom you are at odds. Congratulate them, because good wishes will definitely return to you, and all good things will come true.

Native school! Happy New Year!
You have many years, not days ...
So stand again with his coming
Even more beautiful and dear.
Although we have become a little older,
But happy, your people are happy.
On education, knowledge march
Lead us to release ahead!
Teachers with students is durable
Union. Everyone is friendly, good...
We, the school, love you very much!
We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts!!!

Congratulations, friends, Happy New Year 2013!
Let's smile at all our troubles,
Ahead is only success and luck,
After all, life cannot be otherwise!
New Year will bring us victories
All troubles are bypassed,
May love, fun and light
Everything in this world will overflow!

The New Year is coming soon.
We want to congratulate you on the holiday.
We wish you to be as strong
So that you can continue to teach us.

It's nice to be teaching us.
Such a good person like you.
And sincerely we wish you happiness,
So that you are always cheerful.

For the teacher, probably the New Year
Comes on the first morning of September.
But let it bring good luck
You and the last day of December.

No blots, no mistakes let
The new leaf will start in January.
Let the students bring joy.
After all, you are carrying it to the kids.

Teacher! Happy New Year
With all my heart we want to wish you
There would be no bad weather in my heart,
So that you can achieve everything,
Let the students bring joy
Let the invested return in full.
And even though it's winter, so it turns out
that in your heart is eternal spring.

Happy New Year, Happy New Snow!
Let dreams come true
So that barriers - without a run -
Awesome height!
There is no better holiday!
How much joy in the soul!
New thoughts in a new song
New meetings and in general! ..
Let the past not return
A new day will come again
Only the old remains
Our friendship and love

So in the white world is arranged,
Starting from the beginning of the universe:
New year - many summers,
To the outgoing - goodbye!
May all of us be warmed by expectations!
May our success not be torn to pieces!
May we become kinder and wiser!
Happy new year friends! With new happiness!

So that the New Year is a sweet fairy tale
But firmly in good shape kept
Problems he brain at the same time
Didn't load very hard.
So that the prince who came on a horse
Has not lost its heat and ardor
To continue to love, cherish
And to wash the floors more often.
And helped to do the housework
Forgetting your male egoism
And showed in the kitchen even
Your culinary heroism.
So that the backbiters of the kids
You didn't count on New Year's Eve
And to be able to relax
From the hardships that have come.
To bring the New Year under the tree
Patience for the whole family
Believe me, they are madly in love.
Your gentle smile.

Let the magical night give you
A lot of joy, light, love,
And a snowflake in the palm of your hand will melt
Bad luck and gloomy days.
Let the frost grow stronger outside the window,
If only warmth reigned in the souls.
Happy New Year we congratulate you
And we wish you luck in life!

We are in a hurry to congratulate you on the New Year
And wish you fun and good luck
Bright smiles, joys of the soul,
Prosperity in the house and love to boot.
May all aspirations, dreams come true,
And your wishes will come true
All fabulous dreams will come true
Life will change and become more beautiful!

Congratulations on your new happiness
With a new bright dream.
The old year is no longer in power
Another year is coming.
This night under the chimes
You make a wish.
Noisy, fun, passionate
Celebrate New Year of the Snake!

May the New Year bring you
Health, joy and good luck,
Let the blizzard sweep generously
Gifts and money in addition.
Smiles, let the light not go out
And laughter will be heard everywhere.
We wish you many more years
Goodness, love and faith in a miracle!

Congratulations on winter and snow,
With the scent of spruce branches
And with magical sparkling light
From garlands of New Year's lights.
We wish you smiles, fun,
Lots of joy, happiness, love.
And these wonderful moments
May all the long days last!

Let the snow play like mother-of-pearl
In the rays of pre-holiday lights.
Winter congratulates today
With the departure of the year of all people.
Leave all your worries
Let happiness sparkle in the eyes
And in life there will only be ups!
Good luck in all your affairs!

Ready for the New Year
Earth and sky, all around!
Already dressed up nature
Fluffy snowy silver.
When the clock strikes twelve
Say thank you to fate
For a reason to laugh,
For the fact that you are on earth,
For the loyalty of loved ones, the light of smiles.
Believe me, everything will be fine!
And abundance will come into your life,
Love, health and kindness!

May the New Year bring you
Lots of fun things to do.
Good luck let you smile
And you will definitely get lucky!
We wish you bright beginnings,
Great victories in life
optimistic expectations,
Happy days and long years!

Take a snowflake in your palm
Tell her your dream
What do you want a little joy,
Love and happiness for the soul.
After all, a miracle is possible in the New Year,
And a fairy tale can come true.
You just need to believe in her
And then learn to wait.
Warm others with the warmth of a smile,
Share advice and kindness.
Give love to friends and family
And grace will fill the house!

We wish you a New Year
Fun noisy and on a grand scale.
May the holiday bring joy
And this will be a good sign.
We wish you bright prospects,
Good luck, bold undertakings.
Let there be positive in life
And many wishes come true!

New Year is the most beloved and anticipated holiday of the year, especially for children. This is the time of miracles and magic, surprises, gifts and congratulations. Every child is looking forward to this holiday with trepidation, which is associated with the smell of tangerines and pine needles, with fairy-tale characters, with gifts from the kind wizard Santa Claus and his granddaughter Snegurochka. Therefore, for adults, the issue of organizing a children's New Year's holiday remains very important. One of the most important aspects of the holiday is decorations. Multi-colored garlands should flash everywhere, tinsel should shine, sparkle, a New Year tree decorated with beautiful toys with long-awaited gifts under it - all this will contribute to the anticipation of a magical holiday and a miracle, fun and surprises. Do not forget about beautiful New Year's greetings for children. We offer congratulatory verses Happy New Year, among which you will certainly find the one that you want to dedicate to your child. You will find colorful New Year greetings for children with warm wishes in this section. Happy New Year!

  1. Rushing in an ice carriage
    The wind beats its wings
    Sleepy houses.
    Blooming squares, parks

Snow white.
And frost builds arches
Above the forest path.

  1. Winter came down to us from heaven,
    A large bag carried miracles:
    Snow Maiden from a fairy tale
    And skis and sleds
    And a Christmas tree, and toys,
    And snow in a big tub.
    For rivers - smooth ice,
    For children - New Year.3. She carried blizzards
    And winter drops
    shiny skates,
    garlands of lights,
    perky masquerade,
    magic starfall,
    Gifts in a package
    And winter outfits.
    Patterns painted
    And walked merrily
    colored confetti
    Scattered on the way.
  1. The winter is merry
    With skates and sleighs
    With powdered ski tracks,
    With a magical old fairy tale.
    On a decorated tree
    The lanterns swing.

    May the winter be cheerful
    It doesn't end anymore!
  1. Winter has come, and soon the New Year,
    And the smell of the Christmas tree, and the radiance of the balls,
    And winter stars magical twinkling,
    Once a year the sky comes to visit.
  2. Wonderful snowflakes are flying from heaven,
    Probably the angels send us their greetings,
    Winter weaves a cobweb out of the snow,
    Her beauty is not to unravel the secret.
    Her beautiful white clothes
    She changes them day by day
    And gives us hope for the best

And Christmas in the frosts of January.

  1. Christmas trees are ready for holiday outfits -
    They have toys, beads and garlands on them,
    Magical lights are blooming paints.
    December is coming, and fairy tales come to life.
  1. On New Year's Eve, like in a fairy tale,
    Full of wonders.
    The tree hurries to the train,
    Leaving the winter forest.
    And the stars shine bright
    And they dance.
    Under New, New Year!
  1. Laughs like snowflakes
    They fly all night, they fly.
    And songs everywhere
    They sound funny.
    The wind whistles
    Snowstorm sings
    New Year's Eve New Year's Eve
    Under New, New Year!
  2. Well, the tree! Just a miracle!

How elegant! How beautiful!

Here the fires were lit on her,

Hundreds of tiny lights!

And, decorating the tops,

There it shines, as always,

Very bright, big

Five-winged star!

  1. What a beautiful Christmas tree!

How she dressed up - look!

Dress on a green tree

Bright beads glitter on the chest.

Our tree is tall and slender,

In the evening it will all sparkle

Shine of lights, and snowflakes, and stars,

Like a peacock's open tail!

  1. Christmas tree in its golden pockets

They hid a lot of different sweets.

And extended thick branches to us,

Like a hostess welcomes guests.

You won't find a better tree anywhere!

With a good Christmas tree and a good holiday!

  1. Get in a wider circle

Let's start the round dance now

In the whole world, in the spruce world

There are no guys happier than us!

Good at the Christmas tree

Dance in a round dance!

It’s good to sing songs at the Christmas tree.

  1. Our tree to the top

They lined up everything.

Here are crackers, here are toys,

Here are the flags on it.

Outside the window of a flock of snowflakes

They also lead a round dance.

Saying goodbye to the old year,

We are celebrating the New Year.

  1. What is New Year?

This is a friendly round dance,

This is the laughter of funny guys

Near all the elegant Christmas trees!

New Year!

  1. What is New Year?

Everyone knows in advance:

These are pipes and violins,

Jokes, songs and smiles!

That's what it means, that's what it means

New Year!

  1. What is New Year?

It's snow, frost and ice!

And in the dancing snowflakes

Invisible springs -

That's what it means, that's what it means

New Year!

  1. Soon, soon, New Year!

He's in a hurry, he's coming!

Knock on our doors:

Children, hello, I'm with you!

We celebrate the holiday

We decorate the Christmas tree

We hang toys

Balls, crackers…

Santa Claus is coming soon!

Will bring us gifts -

Apples, sweets...

Santa Claus, where are you?!

  1. Dear Santa Claus,
    Sequined coat, red nose
    He brings the children a holiday,
    He is our joker and prankster!

He will give us crackers,
colorful toys,
Caramels and sweets
Christmas Secrets!

  1. He will come to us in a sleigh,
    With a sly sparkle in your eyes!
    He will sing songs with us
    And dance with everyone!

He will give people a miracle,
Quietly slip away in the morning
Leaving a holiday in the souls -
Our good old prankster!

21. Look: there are so many stars in the sky!
So, Santa Claus is coming.

From distant Lapland,
Where frost and snow
Sleighs are racing along the roads,
And a blizzard is circling around.

But all this is not a hindrance:
Rides, rides Santa Claus,
Now - look: arrived,
And he brought us presents!

We are under a beautiful Christmas tree
Let's sing a song to grandfather -

Grandpa will be happy
Our house will be joyful!


  1. In every house on New Year's Eve
    Through the creaky snow
    Santa Claus is coming
    With my granddaughter.22. Hello. Snow Maiden, dear shy!
    You brought us New Year again.
    Let only good things be remembered in it,
    Let the evil go away.
    Hello, Snow Maiden, the sun is clear!
    Again I came to the holiday at the Christmas tree,
    Eye blue and a beautiful smile
    Brought to us along with gifts.With its tender beauty
    She charms everyone.
    After all, with her arrival in the house
    Children's laughter is heard.
    In an elegant blue dress
    And in boots with heels
    She is with Santa Claus
    Knock on every house.
    Here the snow maiden starts
    Round dance around the Christmas tree,
    With her we are fun and friendly
    Let's meet this new year.

24. Happy magical New Year!
With fluffy white snow!
May the New Year's holiday
Will be filled with laughter!
Fulfilling wishes,
Let light stardust
Snowflakes will fall
Above the fairy tale and reality!

25. Let it take away worries
Their easy round dance,
And let it be magical
The whole coming year!

New Year is a special holiday, you can’t argue with that. A whirlpool of pleasant troubles covers with a head. Cheerful and noisy school discos will soon begin. And how often do we remember our esteemed teachers in the New Year's bustle? And they, on the contrary, forget about themselves, performing part-time duties of screenwriters, artists and animators in all school performances. Take a little time, connect your children, and let the congratulations to the teacher on the New Year be kind, sincere, joyful.

After all, it is important not only to remember relatives and friends, to please family and friends with gifts, but also not to ignore the people who share weekdays and holidays with our children.

Poetic congratulations

What could be better than congratulating the teacher with poems of your own composition? And if the sense of rhythm is lame and the phrases do not rhyme in any way, use ready-made options. Write them like at school, by hand - it's much better than a banal postcard with printed text.

Happy New Year
From the heart of teachers!
Lots and lots of highlights
Have fun, bright days!

For children, because school is
The second house, as well as for you.

May good luck be an amulet
Protects every time.

Let the children in the Olympics
Everyone will be shown the highest class.
First place award
May they always be for you.

Sincere congratulations to the teachers,
Happy New Year!
Lots of great people
Decorate let your weather!

May the diligence of the students
Makes you happy every time!
Of the fives, a festive catch,
It will be an exciting alley!

We wish you good health
And we say thank you for everything.
There will be inexhaustible positive
And the source of inspiration is invincible!

The child's parents each time
Send to school with love!
Huge and significant stock,
Teachers provide knowledge!

Great effort and willpower -
Reach out to every child!
Teachers deserve this role
To make dreams come true.

We wish this New Year
Emotions positive income!
Beautiful wonderful salary,
The labors of diligent super-results.

Happy New Year, our class leader!
Congratulations and best wishes
New plans, wonderful discoveries,
Be in contact with reckless kids!

From students (one or more)

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
You have opened the door and the way for me.
You taught me not to be afraid and to believe
And the strength of the spirit and ability to measure.

Now, I'm like a confident student,
I will avoid bad ratings.
And in the New Year, I wish with all my heart,
So that happiness is an indestructible wall.

Protected you from unnecessary troubles,
To love, kindness and joy together,
For you always, everywhere there was a mountain,
Good luck the rod to be steel!

Our dear teacher
Don't hide your emotions
We give you for the New Year,
Good words great flight!

Health, bright impressions,
To study in children aspirations.
So that fives knock on the door,
To never be upset!

For children to come to class
No delay every time.
And we will help you
Complete all tasks.

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
Happy New Year to all.
We wish you health
With all childish soul.

May adversity and sorrow
Who will disperse.
So that they do not upset
You are nowhere and never.

Finally decided
Take an example from you, teacher.
You have inspired us
All peaks to conquer.

We wish you very much
From the heart, and that there is urine.
All dreams come true
And conquer the peaks!

The class leader of the best, although sometimes obstinate,
We congratulate you on the New Year with the student crowd.
We wish the whip and sweet gingerbread skillfully combine in labor,
And let Santa Claus give you the mood for "five"!

From parents (one parent and multiple)

We send with love from parents,
Good and kind teacher.
We are congratulations on the New Year,
May good luck always await you in everything.

Under your careful guidance,
Reigns patience and nobility,
And with a gingerbread man with an iron fist,
Children will be able to study well.

We wish you with all our hearts
Happy and cheerful live brightly.
Good health and mood,
To be such an inspiration.

For your kindness, we send a response,
Parental New Year's greetings.
May happiness always protect you
And never let go for a moment.

Let a wonderful mood
It will always accompany you.
So that all lessons begin with a smile,
Streams of inexhaustible joy.

Haunted you on the path of life
To still find the bird of happiness.
Find her and never let her go
To fulfill your dreams.

Let the new year come,
All adversity boldly pulls
Stress will put you on a plane

Will take you to Antarctica.
For children, the second parent,
Surely there is a teacher.
I sincerely wish you
Dreams come true in the New Year!

Let the children not grieve
You are pleasantly surprised.
Let a huge salary
Will be glad to visit you.

For your efforts, let your
Happiness will punish you in full.
Children send you let in return
Of the five vinaigrette!

Our awesome leader!
Accept from parents
Happy New Year congratulations!
Happiness and inspiration to you!

For the teacher

New Year's teacher
We wish residents
This planet to be
who will live
To the fullest:
From heels to top!

To fill with happiness
And personified
Comfort and understanding
Pupils efforts!
May love keep you

Let her be like a magnet
Luck will attract
And the New Year will come.
May success come to your home
So that there is no interference!

We wish you a Happy New Year
From goodness, a global rally,
interesting situations,
Of the five illustrations,

Children's interest in learning
Negative - in a big snowdrift.
Encouragement from RONO,
Let it be full!

I wish you as a teacher
Just a little bit of everything.
And to believe, to expect,
Love, laugh and dream.

From nostalgia only to be sad,
Let the bad go to heaven
Wake up with a smile in the morning
Do not doubt yourself sometimes.

With soul, everything you invested,
May it not be erased for years.
May the upcoming New Year
Will visit you with a smile!

Teacher, may you have a New Year
Fervent positive carries,
And Santa Claus will congratulate so
What do you put "penny"!

For the teacher

We wish the teacher
All the best for this New Year.
We return to you with love
Their kind words fly a long way!

Let your colleagues respect you
For being who you are.
Your care inspires
Getting to know you is an honor.

We wish you great success,
We wish you lots and lots of laughter.
Let there be no place for stress
And let not visit sadness.

Our teacher, with the upcoming,
Let it be colorful and inspiring
The whole coming New Year for you,
So that the fountain of emotions does not go out!

We wish you diligent students,
Beautiful everyday life and magical dreams.
Let open lessons be held at a height,
Hurry towards you towards your dream.

We wish to please our students,
And let all their successes inspire you.
We wish you good health and luck,
And festive festive mood.

I sincerely congratulate the teacher,
Happy New Year ahead!
Knowledge of children's faithful keeper,
Let luck await in any bad weather!

I wish you great patience!
Good and educated students!
fast promotion service,
And happiness to you without edge, shores.

Beautiful congratulations in prose

Sometimes a short poem does not allow you to express the whole gamut of feelings and thoughts, and a long one does not fit. In this case, shine with eloquence or simply write in your own words everything that you want to say in prose. And to help - several templates of congratulations, which can be easily adjusted to any parameters.

From parents

Dear (th) ________, parents (class) are happy that in the life of our children there is a talented and sensitive teacher - a Teacher with a capital letter. We congratulate you on the New Year, Merry Christmas, on the successful completion of the first half of the year. Let the joyful brilliance and genuine interest in children's eyes give a powerful incentive to teach, create, find new non-trivial ideas, and the coming year will bring personal happiness and an endless ocean of love.

From students

Dear (oh) ______, students of __ class wish you a Happy New Year 2020. We wish our beloved teacher (teacher) to look like 20 and feel like 16. And let such a young age add enthusiasm, but not become an obstacle to the wisdom, experience, invaluable knowledge that you share with us and encourage you to develop, grow as whole individuals and not succumb to difficulties. Merry New Year holidays, pleasant holidays and interesting lessons, which we are looking forward to!

class teacher

(Name, patronymic) - You are a super class teacher, a reliable friend, a sensitive mentor and an indispensable assistant in all school affairs! Please accept congratulations on the New Year 2020 and gratitude for the fact that by personal example you teach to love knowledge, strive for high goals, seek and find your place in life. May the coming year bring inspirational plans, creative ideas, personal happiness, joy from the success of students and unlimited opportunities for self-improvement.


A talented teacher, a teacher from God, let me congratulate you on the New Year and wish you creative burning, unforgettable lessons, easy school days, inquisitive and hardworking students, undying love and interest in your subject. May the coming year be happy, fruitful and lead you to new successes.

Happy New Year to the coolest teacher in the school! We love you without hypocrisy and falsehood, and each of your lessons is like a small discovery. Building blocks of knowledge create a solid foundation for a successful and fruitful life. We wish your life to be rich, interesting, filled with dreams, plans, happiness, joy.

Do not forget your teachers, because they always remember us.