Money gift wishes. How cool is it to give money for a birthday? Original handing over of money

A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

How not to give

First, a little about what situations it is undesirable to create when handing money to the birthday man.

  1. Get out the wallet at the table and count out the required amount in front of the guests and the hero of the occasion. A certain amount must be prepared in advance and no longer be in your wallet, but at least in a simple envelope. Better, of course, if it is a gift envelope, which needs to be taken care of in advance.
  2. You should not announce to the guests how much they gave to the birthday boy. But it is also undesirable to hand over silently. A small congratulatory speech is quite appropriate when presenting the coveted envelope.
  3. Try not to put worn money in the envelope that has lost its outer shine. Pick up bills, if not new, then at least a decent appearance.
  4. There is no need to put small change in an envelope, unless it is conceived according to the script.
  5. If there are two birthday people in the family on the same day, then prepare a couple of envelopes. Handing money in one envelope, offering to divide them, is completely unacceptable. Each of the birthday people has the right to their own birthday, so the bags must be individually for each of them.

Now let's talk about the creative way of presenting. Although bills simplify the procedure for finding a gift, a creative approach will not hurt, and your envelope will not fade against the background of bright gifts. In this case, humor always helps out))

We give with a joke

- Cool! - said a friend's niece as her turtle crawled into the room with a small box on its back. It turned out that in this way the guest congratulated her on her birthday)) There was money in the box.

One good friend was also given money for his birthday, while playing it.

Everyone handed over gifts, and one of the guests was empty-handed. The doorbell rang and a man appeared on the threshold, very similar to the postman Pechkin from the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino". Imitating the voice of a cartoon character, he offered to present a passport for the delivery of a particularly valuable letter.

The birthday boy even got confused at some point: to believe or not to believe. In the hands of the postman there really was a package tied with coarse thread. Curious guests surrounded the "postman" who insisted on presenting documents. At the same time, he showed his ID (of course, homemade). As a result, he handed the package, immediately opened it, it turned out - money.

The donor was the very guest who came empty-handed. Well, then we learned that the postman Pechkin was played by an actor of the local theater. And I must say, everyone liked it. It was funny, original and emotional.

  1. Money in a glass jar will also make you smile.
  2. You can invite the birthday person to check their chair or chair. For a surprise, you just need to fix the money in advance to the seat of the chair from the inside.
  3. If you sew a small pillow for the sofa and invest in it, you get a two-in-one gift. The money will be spent, the pillow will remain as a piece of furniture.
  4. You can buy a toy house in the children's store. Give a gift to the birthday boy with the wish that the house will always have finances. Looking inside the toy, the birthday person will see the money invested in it.
  5. Make a poster with brand new bills under the glass. The birthday boy will decide for himself when to use the contents of the picture.

Where can you find ideas to give money in an original way? In communication with the birthday boy. The better you know the hero of the occasion, the more chances you have to congratulate unusually. If he understands jokes, it is possible with humor, if he appreciates creativity, we think about how to beat the presentation or pack the bills in an unusual way.

We hand it over beautifully

To give money beautifully means to give it delicately, sincerely, in a good mood.

  1. The decoration of the gift also matters: wrapping banknotes, congratulations in words or written on a postcard.
  2. You can order your favorite birthday song on the radio with the condition that it will sound at a certain time. And after a musical gift, hand over an envelope with money.
  3. It is interesting to arrange a cash gift that you will give. An original box, casket, a bag in the form of a valuable parcel will be suitable for packing a sum of money.
  4. Houseplants will also help in this case, in a pot with which you can put money or decorate the flower itself with them.

We give money to a man

  1. Can be presented directly in a genuine leather wallet, accompanied by owls, "So that money knows its place."
  2. Beat the presentation of money with a small competition. A homemade fishing rod and a box in which to put bills by attaching paper clips to them. You need a fishing rod with a hook to pick up bills on paper clips. How much he pulls out - all of it. Guests can join this game by tossing money into the box.
  3. You can come up with an original packaging design. Homemade postcard or diploma of the birthday person, in which to put the required amount.
  4. Make a congratulatory garland in the form of the name of the hero of the occasion. Attach a banknote to each letter - it will turn out festive and original.
  5. Give a man a money tree from banknotes as a gift. You can take a souvenir version as a basis, decorating it with banknotes.
  6. If you find out that the birthday man is planning to save money for new furniture, household appliances or even a car, do your bit, so to speak. Present money in a transparent piggy bank. Perhaps this will be the beginning of the accumulation of funds for a big purchase.
  7. If you find a small souvenir keg, try using it as a money box. The inscription "Money for a barrel!" cheer up the guests.

Poems are the verbal fireworks of any holiday. Greetings will sound especially impressive when presented with a modest-looking envelope, but with financial content. Poems will help to play up almost any situation and become the highlight of the program.

Usually, congratulations in poetic form are already written on the envelopes intended for wrapping money. But a poem or song performed exclusively for the birthday person will refine the presentation procedure.

We stopped by for an hour.

There is a valuable envelope for you.

Let him help you decide:

How to use money profitably.

When handing over money, congratulations in verse are even necessary. And, as a rule, wishes are heard first, and then an envelope is handed over.

We wish you good luck, success in everything,

Health, joy, happiness to your home.

Happy birthday to you

And we give this envelope from the bottom of our hearts!

You can give one banknote at a time, accompanying with verses.

I give a thousand rubles

Pour a glass here!

I take out another five hundred,

Give me a sandwich to eat.

I give two and a half

And I say a beautiful toast.

I'll add three more,

To buy a nice gift.

Happy birthday congratulations

And with all my heart I wish:

Let your financial income

It always grows only upwards.

We give money to a woman

  1. Flowers, regardless of the gift, we always give. You can put a bag of money inside the bouquet.
  2. Balloons can be used. After tying the balls all together, attach a box or bag of money to the connecting thread. It is better not to experiment when handing in a room, in the open air - they can literally fly away. But at home it turns out original.
  3. Invest money inside the balloon, where it will be clearly visible.
  4. Present the lady with an elegant box, in which there will be money.
  5. When handing over a bouquet of sweets, diversify it with banknotes.
  6. You can donate money by investing it in a soft toy. This gift is perfect for a girl.
  7. Try to make a postcard in the form of a flower or a butterfly with your own hands by putting banknotes inside.
  8. Money can be presented in an exclusive bag with original embroidery or presented on a tray.
  9. You can take a holiday box, put money in it and tie it with a bow. In any case, the gift should look attractive and elegant.

Undoubtedly, money is a convenient gift option for both parties, if it is known for sure that the birthday person is waiting for a present in the form of bills, and not a certificate to a cosmetics store.

Friends, I wish you a creative approach to money) Even a simple tape for packaging will serve you as a design for bills. And also add the mood with which you will present the gift

May everything work out for you in a wonderful way. I wish you prosperity and good luck in all your endeavors. And I hope you subscribe to the blog update. In it you can find ideas for your holidays and just pleasant events) Tell your friends about the article if they do not already know

Best regards, Anastasia Skoreeva

Hello dear friends! Today we will discuss how to give money for a birthday in an original way.

What to give for your birthday? I am sure: this question comes before you 4-5 times a year at least. And if you choose a gift for a couple of birthday people easily, knowing their needs and interests, then you probably prefer to give bills to the rest. But it's so annoying to hand over money in an envelope or a postcard ...

And here the second pressing question arises: how to give birthday money in an original way?

Moreover, judging by the comments to the article? " (and there are more than 150 of them) you are worried not only about the money gift itself, but also with what words to hand over the money?

In this article I will give 10 ways to give money, and with what words can they be presented.

Choose the option that you like the most. I hope that after reading the article, you can quickly decide how to give money for a birthday in an original way, no matter who you are planning to attend. Please and surprise your birthday people!

How to give money in an original way for a birthday or anniversary?

I repeat: it is desirable that your monetary surprise evokes feelings of surprise and joy! In this case, he will be remembered by the birthday person due to the emotions that he experienced at the time of receiving your presentation, and you will be satisfied with yourself and the holiday in general (and this is also important).

So here we go!

How unusual is it to give money?

Money bag

This phrase draws a very specific image. With a bag of money, you can fulfill most of your everyday desires. Hence, "we will stomp."

It is not difficult to prepare this present. A bag can be sewn from a fabric similar in structure to a sackcloth and then draw a dollar sign on it. And you can use any gift bag, even a translucent one, in which you can put bills rolled into a tube and tied with pretty ribbons. The main thing is to name it correctly. Indeed, in either case it will be a bag (or sack) of money. Well, handing over a bag of money is always nice!

Money in the bank

This gift is built on a play on words. The phrase "money in the bank" is usually associated with a checking account or bank deposit. Hence the idea. We give a glass jar with money, and present it with a hint of a substantial amount in the bank account.

Money flowers

This idea can be viewed in two ways. Someone likes chic money bouquets, while others cannot bear the sight of crumpled banknotes.

But I think no one will argue with the fact that this is an original monetary gift. Because such compositions look really beautiful and unusual. And this is what we are trying to achieve, right?

See how a rose and a bouquet of banknotes are made in this video.

How cool is it to give money?

We have amateurs for whom it is not enough to present money in an original way. They want to make it funny, play the hero of the holiday.

I noticed that men like these methods more, especially if in their company of friends it is customary to make a good laugh at each other. But sometimes women are not averse to joking, having prepared an unusual gift "with a joke". I have chosen several ways for you to give money in a cool way.

Shovel with money

"Rowing money with a shovel"- probably a purely Russian dream that came to us from fairy tales. It is not surprising that we often hear such a wish on holidays.

And what if, together with the money, you donate the tool with which you can make this wish come true?

It turns out that even online stores offer a souvenir shovel that can be handed to the birthday person along with banknotes.

But you can do it easier: buy an ordinary children's shovel (it costs a penny), carefully glue a paper pocket to it, into which you put the bills so that they look out of it. This will be a really cool gift! And you can give it with jokes, jokes, which is always perceived "with a bang" πŸ™‚!

Money in a hundred ruble

A variant of a monetary surprise from a stern man.

See the idea in the video.

Toilet paper made of money

Another "funny" πŸ™‚.

But for students, young people and creative people it is quite suitable. After all, such a gift can be presented not with a mockery, but, on the contrary, with the wishes of a successful life, in which money is not of great importance.

How beautiful to give money?

In this section, I have collected ideas that are suitable for women. We love everything beautiful, right? Therefore, if the type of banknotes that we prepare for our friends, mothers, sisters and grandmothers will cause aesthetic pleasure and pleasure, this will only benefit the gift!

Money in candy

The options for giving money in sweets can be very different.

For example, you can roll the bills into rolls, tie them with ribbons and arrange them neatly in a box of Rafaello chocolates.

Or buy an expensive box of chocolates and wrap each candy in a bill (not a quick option, but attractive).

Picture of money

A picture of money is a very attractive option. Moreover, the plots of the pictures can be completely different!

It can be a tree of happiness or a scarlet flower (look how I once made a very simple picture out of money for a friend in), a sailboat with sails in the form of bills, or money randomly located on the canvas. A picture made of money can be presented with style, and there will always be words suitable for presenting a gift.

Money butterflies

This gentle greeting balances the strength and power of a monetary gift. Butterfly - a symbol of serenity and ease of attitude towards life will be an adornment and a good addition to a surprise from money.

Money cake

An excellent and "magnificent" cash gift, which will definitely become the most memorable present at the holiday.

If you decide to bring this idea to life, you will receive a lot of compliments and admiration from the birthday person and guests of the holiday, since such a gift is rarely given.

It is not surprising that the eyes of all those present will be riveted precisely on your money present - the money cake always looks great.

Birthday gift poems

What's the best gift ever?
Anyone will probably answer this for you.
The gift is convenient and versatile,
A useful gift, a real gift.

Of course, we are talking about money here,
With money, luck will always smile!
We wish you prosper every moment,
You will never know the lack of money!

It is difficult to choose a gift that suits you,
To please both the heart and the eye.
So that he caused a real delight,
And so that it can be beneficial for you.

But money will never be superfluous,
You take them from us! Congratulations!
May the wallet be filled with them always
We wish you wealth on your birthday!

There is no better birthday
Than a long-awaited gift -
Sweeter than any hello
More beautiful than warm wishes!

Happy holiday, I congratulate
And I give a paper envelope -
In it I hand you money
On a solemn and important day!

And I wish to be cordial
Sweet, kind and perky,
And I also send you, of course,
A lot of happiness and health!

For a very long time we could not decide:
What to give from your heart on your birthday?
What if you don't like the watch?
What if you don’t wear earrings?
We went through many options
And the conclusion was, in the end, this is:
We will give you money in an envelope with a cute bow,
So that you buy yourself any present!

I am in a hurry, flying to your birthday!
I carry flowers, congratulations rhyme!
I want to give a lot of surprises,
But to surely please!
Accept, please, a difficult envelope -
Filled for you with all my heart!
In it is a modest wish-fulfillment agent:
Spend everything without hesitation!

On your birthday, I give you a difficult envelope
Although only money is there, not a golden key!
I want to buy a present for myself,
So that the joy of your life would immediately illuminate.
It's so nice to pamper yourself on your birthday,
About this, dear, my poem.
Money is not happiness, but they fulfill desires,
Let there be a lot of money, let it be enough for everything!

Give different gifts
Both friends and relatives,
Mugs, books, lighters,
And also - postcards to them!
I think that on a holiday,
Just right to do miracles!
For the most diverse desires,
I will give money!

Everybody thinks I'm tight-fisted
And stubbornly and for a long time ...
I'm not obsessed
Listen to everyone, but
Let everyone, lined up in ranks
Under the orchestral "dawn"
They will see that I am money for you
I give it for your birthday!

We will share great ideas that you can use when preparing a gift

Today, money is a universal gift that is presented to newlyweds. But to make everything look beautiful, it is worth choosing a special way of how to give money for a wedding or other holiday in an original way. This can seem like a daunting task as there are many different options. We will share some great ideas that you can use when preparing a gift for newlyweds.

1. Method number 1 - Collage of money for newlyweds-travelers

2. Method number 2 - Present under glass

3. Method number 3 - Humorous surprise "Careless guest"

4. Method number 4 - Monetary composition

5. Method number 5 - Unusual umbrella

6. Method number 6 - Money balls

8. Method number 8 - Money in the bank

9. Method number 9 - Gift passbook

10. Method number 10 - Money carpet

11. Method number 11 - Brick

12. Method number 12 - Well-wrapped gift

13. Method number 13 - Present "Help"

14. Method number 14 - "Ten" or "Sotochka"

15. Method number 15 - "Bablomet"

16. Method number 16 - Money house

17. Method number 17 - Chocolate with a surprise

18. Method number 18 - Thermos

19. Video bonuses

Method number 1 - Collage of money for newlyweds-travelers

For newlyweds who love to travel, a special surprise can be prepared. Create a kind of collage of currencies from different countries of the world, the more of them, the better. It is not at all necessary to have only large bills (you can use several solid ones, for example, 100 euros or 100 dollars), the main thing for a collage is variety.

You will definitely surprise the newlyweds with such an original gift. In addition, read the congratulations in poetic form, because poems for a gift (money for a wedding) will be an ideal complement. Mention that young people now need to visit all the countries of the world whose banknotes are in your gift.

Method number 2 - Present under glass

You can present money gifts for a wedding in another, no less interesting way - in a frame, for this you need a photo frame. It should be handed over with the words: "Now you have such a glass, breaking it, you will instantly solve material problems and find happiness again."

We wanted to give you a picture,
But they wondered - what if you already have it?
Then there were arguments about the car ...
And the proposals of all are countless!

We decided - enough questions from us,
Already tired of thinking
And we just give this money,
So that you yourself can choose everything!

Method number 3 - Humorous surprise "Careless guest"

It is better to beat the presentation of a gift so that it will be remembered by everyone. Take a large box, decorate it festively using bows and ribbons, and place glass jars in the middle. Heading to the newlyweds, the guest should, as it were, accidentally stumble and fall so that the box effectively flew out of his hands, and its contents broke with a characteristic ringing.

The donor quickly rises, apologizes for the incident and says that there is an instruction for the box (an envelope with a cash gift), which he hands over to the couple. Such a surprise prepared for the wedding of the newlyweds will be remembered by everyone, without exception.

Method number 4 - Monetary composition

Approach the preparation of a gift creatively, be able to beautifully and correctly present a gift for a wedding with money.

An excellent option would be a money picture. Take a large photo frame, place banknotes under the glass (preferably randomly). Above each bill, sign the purpose, for example, "for a diaper for a baby", "for a present for his wife", "for a fifteenth wedding anniversary", "for a beer for her husband."

Method number 5 - Unusual umbrella

Another way to give money is to give an umbrella with money. Use a regular umbrella, put inside the bills that are tied on threads. The chorus of a song about the weather in the house can be used as musical background. At the end, open the umbrella over the bride and groom, thus symbolizing a simple solution to financial problems.

We recommend that you see how such a surprise looks live. In the video below, the newlyweds had to work before the umbrella opened. Fun, isn't it?

Method number 6 - Money balls

Of the proposed methods, you have not yet picked up an option on how to beautifully present money for a wedding? We will offer you a few more ideas - a gift in a gift. How to make it? It's very simple: cover a large box with gift paper, then pack balloons with helium and money in it. When the presentation is opened, the packed balls fly out, each of them has an attached surprise for the newlyweds - banknotes. This is how you can give money in an original way.

Is it all wrong? Then see how else it is unusual to give money for a wedding. Then, by the wedding day, make a money cake, the young people will definitely like it.

How to do:

  • Prepare a round cardboard base.
  • Now carefully roll the bills into a tube, then lay them out in three rows.
  • Further, the "layers" need to be tied with a ribbon, and decorate the cake with flowers (think over the design in advance). The presented craft will undoubtedly surprise and delight. Do not forget to say congratulatory words when presenting. You can prepare such a surprise for your sister, girlfriend or friends.

On a note: You can make a ship in the same way.

A detailed description of creating a wedding decorative cake is presented in the video tutorial.

Method number 8 - Money in the bank

Various gifts are presented for the wedding, but very few funny gifts. If the newlyweds have a good sense of humor, prepare them money at the bank. It's best to do everything yourself. The procedure is very simple:

  • Roll each bill into a tube, then tie a thread around the banknote, tie it.
  • Put everything in the jar, you can add large coins.
  • Now cover the jar with a nice piece of fabric with raised edges and tie it with a string. You can decorate such a surprise with an original label with a cut out heart. It seems that this is the most original option among the many ideas that imply a cash gift.
  • Finally, decorate the jar with the cabbage sticker. Presenting a jar, in addition to the banal "congratulations", you can say a beautiful poem. Give it special meaning with its solemn intonation.

We suggest you choose any of the wishes below.

I give you a jar!
She's for storage
Anything, anything
Maybe jam!

In your household
It will come in handy.
And it won't break
And it won't get dusty!

Take a present
So humble.
Just a jar
But this is with a soul!

Of course, happiness is not about money!
And what it is - no one knows ...
But, if you have money in your hands,
This "tone" raises!

This perfect gift
And it is universal for everyone,
Take money as a gift
And what you want, then buy.

Or keep it neat
And multiply them a hundredfold,
Or maybe even 1000 times,
We will be happy only for you!

Method number 9 - Gift passbook

Here is another option for how to give money for a wedding in a cool way: to make a passbook.
How to create:

  • To do this, you need to take envelopes, put a bill inside each, and then glue it.
  • Now, on the front of each envelope, make an inscription - the purpose of the contribution.
  • After that, create a cardboard cover and sign: "Savings book".
  • Place the envelopes inside the cover and sew. This is a great wedding gift from parents.

To make the gift brighter and more original, write humorous rhymes on each "sheet" of your passbook, something like the ones below.

1. Though your happiness is not in money,
But you can't live without them,
We decided to start with
Give you a passbook.

2. An account has been opened for you with Sberbank,
the interest on the deposit will go big!
We will invest a lot of money, a little money,
But in the bank, your money turns into capital!

And each envelope has its own text:

Do not throw money in vain,
Buy furniture sensibly,
So that it stood for hundreds of years
There is never wear and tear.

Take it to your passbook
What are kids supposed to do
On diapers, on pants
And for other needs.

For you, (name of the bride), for outfits,
For candy, for lipstick.
Spend your money wisely
Only to my husband not gu-gu.

To you dances, to the cinema,
On the button accordion and on the phono
We also provided
They did not spare you money.

Buy a car later,
We think you are lucky
So that they do not ruin her,
We put it in front of the garage.

Hawaiian cigars
For a decent wine ...
Even though they put it in an envelope,
It's a pity for money anyway.

If a rainy day has come
Then for this case
Open the envelope last
And don't torture yourself.

FOR THE Groom:
(Name of the groom), for love cupids
And on the women on the side
Don't expect a bill from us
Instead of money - figs for you!

Leave the last envelope empty!

Method number 10 - Money carpet

It is not at all difficult to make such a gift yourself. We offer a good idea that can be easily realized - make a wedding money carpet.

How to do:

  • Place the bills inside the transparent files, staple them all together to make a large square.
  • In the middle, you can place several photos that are included in the couple's joint photo album (choose cool photos for the wedding).
  • Sew a tape around the perimeter of the carpet, its design will become much more interesting.

Here we thought, wondered,
You have chosen the microwave oven,
Then a food processor
So that the design is excellent
And then they decided: no!
Let them go on a cruise
Wherever they like
We would be happy to send them
To Turkey or to the Emirates.
Let them walk in the open
Only money is needed the sea!
But here we are on the safe side,
With a fabulous gin contacted!

They asked for help
And now we received the parcel (get the box)
We don't know what the genie sent
We open the parcel in front of everyone (take out the carpet and unfold it).
Oh, what a fashionable gift
The money carpet is excellent!
If you spread it over your shoulders
It will warm your soul (portray).
And, if you take a camera,
You can't find nature better (to stage a photo session in front of the carpet).
Against the background of this carpet
You can shoot until the morning!

Our gift is very beautiful
We give you this exclusive.
Just a mole not to eat
Sprinkle it quickly
Young, glasses in hand
For a gift this day!

Method number 11 - Brick

Take a brick, then attach a banknote to it. Optionally, you can decorate the brick with ribbons. You need to present it with the words:

"Brick is an excellent harmonizer of your relationship!"
"A good brick is an excellent tool for resolving conflict situations!",
"Whoever has a brick in his hands is right!"

Such a present looks unusual and interesting.

Method number 12 - Well-wrapped gift

Place the bills inside a beautiful envelope, put it in a bag, then in a small box, then in a larger box, and so on. Give a present in a box, a small chest can also be used. Attach a note containing the following words:

β€œIt’s not easy to get money in our life, but you can do it for sure!”

Method number 13 - Present "Help"

As you know, every man must fulfill three important things in his life, help in these endeavors. To raise a son, for example, put a dummy, to build your own house - a brick with tape, to plant a small tree - a decorative tree.

Such a present is symbolic, the newlyweds will appreciate it.
Method number 14 - "Ten" or "Sotochka"

You can donate bills not one at a time, but, for example, a dozen or a hundred, while pronouncing certain words. By presenting a gift in a playful way with poetry, you will definitely be sure that the newlyweds will remember it.

Read an example of a verse here ...

We are giving you a point free of charge,
A hundred for being let in kindly.
We put a hundred on a transparent stocking,
A point from us in income tax,
Weaving for a glass
Weaving - for two (even if it makes a little noise in your head),
We will give you a hundred as a surprise.

Weave your Versace linen,
And we will give this hundred square meters to the dacha -
There you will walk in Versace underwear,
And look like Cleopatra herself.

Take a weave for a cream from "Max Factor",
Sotku for clarity in the housing issue,
A hundred to go to a restaurant
And this one is to put in your pocket.

Sotku for our mutual friendship
A hundred square meters for what you really need to drink!

Method number 15 - "Bablomet"

To give money for a funny wedding, take note of the following option - "cash". For manufacturing, you will need a shovel or broom, attach banknotes and coins to them and hand them with the following verse words:

Such a shovel can become a symbol of the financial well-being of a young family.

Bablomet - The unit is multifunctional!

If rubbish lives in the house
And dust lurks in the corners -
The ubiquitous "bablomet"
This is where it comes in handy!

If on the street in the morning
Unbearable heat
And sweat pours down like a hail
Your salvation is Bablomet!

Kohl "roll the ball" in the house,
And there is no gas in the car
Sit astride the "cash"
And rush to the store!

And when Saturday comes
Flood the bathhouse
And in the steam room "cash",
Of course, take it.
He is any disease and infection
He will drive him out of the body at once!

Method number 16 - Money house

To "build" it, you will need to take a beautiful box that will act as a foundation. Roll up the bills with a tube, then secure them with paper clips, two banknotes will need to be folded in the shape of a triangular attic. The wall will be supported by sushi sticks. Collect the whole structure - you get a wonderful house.
Method number 17 - Chocolate with a surprise

If the newlyweds have a sweet tooth, then present them with a surprise chocolate. Remove the packaging from ordinary tiles, leaving the foil. Make a festive decoration of a treat with the names of the newlyweds and the date of the wedding, wrap the tiles. Place bills under the package.
Method number 18 - Thermos

Get a metal thermos and engrave the couple's names on it, ideally with cups made of the same metal. Place your cash gift under the lid and give it to the young.

Although, at first glance, such a present may seem simple, it looks quite original. Do not hesitate, the thermos will be used for its intended purpose and every time you drink hot tea or coffee, it will remind the couple of the solemn day and, in fact, of the donor himself.

Video bonuses

The video instruction posted below will help you create a great gift - candy with money inside.

Another video will show you how to pack money in cabbage. Take note of these options for making a gift, because everything is done very simply.

A wedding is a solemn and exciting event, so prepare a bright and memorable gift for the newlyweds with which you will support a special cheerful atmosphere, and the holiday will go off with a bang.

Imagine, take into account the preference of the couple and create your own present that will amaze you with its originality and special appearance. Unusual pranks and extraordinary ideas will amuse not only the newlyweds, but also the guests. Present your excellent mood, spend the holiday bright and unforgettable!

Money is probably one of the most commonplace gifts. At the same time, you need to understand that it is at the same time the most practical gift. The thing is that the average person, to organize the celebration of his birthday or any other personal holiday, bears very solid financial costs, which make up a significant part of his monthly budget. Most of these people will never even think about themselves to reproach the person who gave them money, because this partly compensates for his expenses and will allow not to squeeze his usual way of life after the end of the holiday.

But, be that as it may, if you decide to give money to a person, you definitely need to prepare congratulations to the gift money... The thing is that we perceive money as an integral part of life, so the gift will be quickly forgotten and there will be no impressions from it. But the kind words with which you can accompany such a gift, this is really what will be deposited in the memory of a person, this is what will create the right mood in his soul, and for this he will definitely be grateful to you.

We have also collected money on our website, which will allow you to choose the option that suits your particular case, which means that you can achieve the desired result.

Who will receive a pack of money,
That lucky man!
You can hide them in your stash
To be with a supply forever!
Maybe you will immediately put it into action
And spend them wisely!
In general, act with them boldly
And don't think about anything!
We give an envelope for happiness
And we have no doubts:
Our humble participation
Save your budget!

As Marx teaches, as Lenin teaches,
As they teach at school from childhood -
Money has this property -
Either there is money, or there is no money!

And so that there is always enough of them,
So that the mother-in-law (son-in-law, husband) is not pledged,
We give money "little, little",
And with them - this rhyme!

Money is not really a gift
Well, who could say that?
Money is sometimes very important
We should all have enough of them.

A gift is what brings joy
And in the case of money, it is.
You may not guess with another gift,
After giving money, you can sleep peacefully.

What's the best gift ever?
Anyone will probably answer this for you.
The gift is convenient and versatile,
A useful gift, a real gift.

Of course, we are talking about money here,
With money, luck will always smile!
We wish you prosper every moment,
You will never know the lack of money!

Congratulations! All the goodies for you:
Happiness, joy, good luck.
Was that Rock is magnanimous ..
To be more successful and richer.