The truth about the black stone of the Kaaba. Mysterious Black Stone of the Kaaba - meteorite

My translation. Possibly crooked) Edits are accepted.

(In the photo: Sacred Yoni, part of the Sacred black stone, mounted in one of the corners of the Kaaba in Mecca - a place for the attachment of pilgrims).

In the Goddess in Mecca, Shaybah or Sheva, the Old Woman, was worshiped, she was worshiped as the Goddess of the Scythian Amazons, and perhaps the stone was the personification of her image. The sacred Black Stone currently placed in the Kaaba in Mecca was her female symbol, marked with the Yoni sign, and covered, like women in antiquity, in a veil (veil). No one today seems to know what exactly this stone is. The Black Stone lies in the Haram, "Sanctuary", which is consonant with the word "harem", which is used to refer to the Temple of Women in Babylon, the Temple of the Goddess Har, the mother of harlots. The hereditary guardians of the Haram were originally women and only later was it handed over to male priests who called themselves Beni Shaiban - "Sons of the Old Woman".

So what is this Black Stone of Mecca? Here is a possible answer6 The Black Stone is the Omphalos of the Goddess.
Bob Trubshaw

(By the way, in the stone in the photo above I see a symbolic image of an embryo. Or it just seems to me. Until I found information what kind of angle it is and what these "inclusions" mean, which are not in other photographs - Mts.)

Many Omphalos are associated with stones - be it Lia F il (Stone of Destiny) in Tara or various "king stones" (for example, Kingston on the Thames), where medieval English kings were crowned. But some of these sacred stones are of particular interest - they are (or are considered to be) black. Such Black Stones are usually associated with the legend that they fell from the stars. Obviously, the methiarites upon impact should crumble into small fragments, as well as leave noticeable craters. In fact, this is not important, but the symbolism of such stones, which represents the connection between this world and heaven, is an integral aspect of the Cosmic Axis that is present in all sacred centers.

Perhaps the most famous and currently revered Black Stone is Ka "bah in Mecca. Ka" bah "means" cube "and describes the shape of a marble plinth on which a black stone sits, located in the center of the Great Mosque, Masjidul Haram, in the center of Mecca. It is about 50 feet high and about 35 meters wide. Installed in the east corner is a sacred stone covered with elaborately embroidered black draperies. Since any non-Muslim who enters the temple will be killed, and photography in the temple is generally prohibited, this stone is overgrown with mystery. However, Rufus Camphausen was able to track down three pilgrimages to Mecca, during two of which photographs were taken (1-3). We managed to see a polished black stone set in a large alloy of pure silver. All together quite clearly resembles the vulva of the goddess. Muslims call it now - the Hand of Allah, perhaps so as not to diminish the desires of all those who make a pilgrimage to Mecca to touch or kiss the sacred object.

(Here I have a remark that it is the silver "setting" of a characteristic shape that makes the shrine look like a vulva. Therefore, it is interesting in what period the stone was placed in this setting. Most likely even at the time when the stone was associated with the feminine principle. For wanting to choose a worthy setting for an artifact associated with a God-man, such a form is more than a strange choice)) - Mts.)

The black stone has long been broken and silver frame holds fragments. It is traditionally believed that it was a meteorite and the stone was white when he hit Earth, and then turned black. The color change led to the belief that the stone absorbs the sins of the pilgrims, but at the same time, this is consistent with the well-known phenomenon that meteorites which are originally are oxidized by white a certain period of time.

"The main shrine in the Arab religion was a stone..... Such a stone was considered the residence of God, therefore term used to them Byzantine Christian writers fifth and sixth centuries: "Baetyl", from bet "el," house of God.

In the Arabian North temples sometimes stood outdoors and could be protected by vaulted nichanis -Qubbah... Not to be confused with Qubbah which applies to the Kaaba , and means a cubic form serving haven for sacred stones ».

The inscription on Adumattu, Arabia, reads: "Allat (Goddess) anyone can use a wish. "Another inscription:" Shalm - Allat (world of the Goddess) "
Camphausen in his article shows that hostility towards women in the Muslim religionhas its origins in goddess worship... Allah is an updated version of the ancient goddess Al "Lat, and this was her temple which has a continuation - a slight change - the Kaaba.

According to history, Mohammed says he was born around 570 AD. in the Quraysh tribe who are not only worshiped a goddess Q "re, but were the keepers of her shrine. From 622 AD Mohammed preached the ways of his god - Allah, and as a result was expelled from own tribe.

Triple goddess

Pre-Islamic goddess worship- apparently, primarily associated with Al "Lat which just means" goddess ". She is a triple a goddess similar to the Greek moon deities Kore / Demeter / Hecate. Every aspect of this trinity corresponds to phase The moon. With regard to Al "Lat, there are three ways of identifying these three hypostases of the goddess: Q "re- crescent or maiden; Al "Uzza- literally "strong", which is the full moon , and has a maternal aspect and then Al "Menat- a waning but wise goddess of fate, prophecy and prediction. Islamic tradition continues recognize this trinity, but calls them now"Daughters of Allah".

(By the way, looking at the third woman in this picture, I remember one of my own - Mts).

According to Edward Rhys, Al "Uzza was especially revered in Ka" bah, where seven priestesses belonged to her. Her admirers walked around the sacred stone, each seven times - according to the number of seven planets known then. The action took place in a nude look. The Zamzam flows near the Kaaba, which quenches the thirst of countless pilgrims.

Water always flows in the oasis, the Black Stone on its mountain has become a symbol of the Goddess who gives life. Only the Indian continent makes such physical symbols male and female generative power- lingam and yoni and continue to worship them with the original zeal.

Easily imagine that in pre- muslim times the temple of the goddess in Mecca was an outstanding place for the joy of life, requests for protection, prayers for posterity. Legend tells that his wife Abraham, could not have children and brought him to this place his slave Hagar so that Abraham would make love to her. Later, when Hagar returned to give birth, she could not find water and Abraham created the holy well Zamzam to save life his first son.

When Muhammad wanted to supplant Al "Lut by Allah, it was one temple and Allah had to win. Although Muhammad did conquer the Kaaba, little changed. Believers still walk around the Holy of Holies seven times (although now they do it fully clothed)... The priests of the shrine are still known as Beni Shayba or "Sons of the Old Woman - Shayba", who is now, of course, known as one of the queens of Solomon's time.

Sheba appears disguised as Lilith in the middle east and like Hagar ("Egyptian") in Jewish mythology Of the Old Testament. So, rewriting the above legend Abraham made his son Ishmael - ancestor all Arab peoples- on the Black Stone Kaaba belonging to the goddess.

While we keep track of the name, Q "re (or Qure), the first aspect of Al" Lut, seems obvious the origin of the Greek Bark. Camphausen suggested that holy quranKoran (qur'an in Arabic) means "Word of Qure". Even Muslims admit that the Qur'an existed before the time of Muhammad. Legend says that he was copied from divine prototype that appeared in the sky at the beginning of time, or from the book-Mother. Al "Uzza is the mother aspect of Al" Lut, possibly related topre-dynastic the Egyptian serpent goddess Ua Zit [Uadjet], who develops into Isis.

Field of archo-astronomy

Returning to geo-meaning Kaaba, Professor Hawkins claims that it is very precisely aligned with two celestial phenomena. These cycles of the moon and rising Canopus, the brightest star after Sirius. In the thirteenth century Arab Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr al Farisi noted in his manuscripts, that the alignment to the moon is the crescent - an ancient symbol of the virgin - the goddess who still appears in the national flags of many Islamic countries... On some flags (Algeria, Mauritania, Tunisia and Turkey) - the crescent moon is accompanied by a star, probably representing Canopus.

Sirius Lord

Egyptian city ​​known as Canopus also seems to have had a temple to the Goddess, and as greek pointed out historian Strabo(64 BC - 23 AD) , this temple is considered famous place wild sexual activities. Such links usually refer to temples where prostitution as a sacred ritual or licentiousness was part of cult. Invariably in such places were revered shrines depicting the genitals of a god or goddess. Such sacred licentiousness continues to be a part pilgrimages to Mecca, at least for some Muslims.

Persian Shiites was allowed form temporary"marriages" during the pilgrimage period. All children born as a result were considered divine or like saints - the custom has parallels all over the world. In english surnames such as Goodman, Jackson, or Robinson may have received from similar sacred alliances with the God in the form of the Green Man, such as Jack o'the Green or Robin Greenwood. It is also possible to assume that original meaning of words"godfather" and "godson" have similar origins.

A sacred black stone venerated in the Temple of Aphrodite (Paphos, Cyprus). ...

Other Black Stones

The gods of other cultures associated with stones include Aphrodite, Cybele, later Astarta, Diana. the most ancient sculptures of Diana were carved from a black meteorite.

That- crescent symbol

The earliest form of the name Cybele may have been Kubaba or Kumbaba which presupposes Humbaba, who was the guardian of the forest in the epic of Gilgamesh... The origin of Kubaba may have been Cuba or Cuba meaning - "cube". The earliest form goddess worship was veneration cubic shape stone from Neolithic Anatolia.

In addition, 'Kubaba' could mean an empty vessel, or a cave, which could also be the supreme image of the Goddess. Ideogram for Kubaba in Hittite alphabet jv alphabet - cube, double-headed ax, dove, vases and door or gate - all cbvdjks images goddesses in neolithic Europe.

To the Phoenicians, she was Astarte, to the Phrygians, Cybele; Babylonians, Ishtar; the Thracians, Bendis; Cretans, Rhea; to the Ephesians, Artemis; for the Canaanites, Atargatis; to the Persians, Anaitis; Cappadocians, MA. But although her names are different, her attributes are the same - she is always a mother, help and help, and who bestows fertility.

She was Astartes among the Phoenicians; among the Phrygians - Cybele, among the Babylonians - Ishtar, among the Thracians - Bendis, among the Cretans - Rhea, among the Ephesians - Artemis, among the Canaanites - Atargatis, among the Persians - Anaitis, among the Cappadocians - Ma. But although her names are different, her attributes are the same - she is always a mother who helps and grants fertility.

Cybele's Stone?

The stone associated with the worship of Cybele may originally have been in Pessinus but possibly Pergamum or Mount Ida. The only certainty is that in 204 BC. he was taken to Rome, where Cybele became the "Mother" of the Romans. The ecstatic rituals of her worship were alien to the Roman temperament, but, nevertheless, annual animated processions with a statue of the goddess took place on the streets of the city. Along with Isis, Cybele retained a place in the heart of the empire until the fifth century, and then the stone was then lost. Her cult flourished throughout the empire, and every city or village remained loyal to the cult of Cybele.

Aphrodite's home was in Paphos, Cyprus. Various authors describe the classic rituals that took place in her honor - these included practices that are now known, but are designated by the term "sacred prostitution". In any case, the tilted black stone that was the altar in this Temple and is still preserved, although it is now placed inside the museum.

The Tower on the Head of Cybele is a reminder of the Tower of Babel, a scene from the first great apostasy after the Great Flood.

Also in Cyprus there is another place revered by Muslims - the third most important after Mecca and Medina - Hala Sultan Tekke. There is also a black stone there, they say that it is a fallen merorite. The temple is female - in honor of the aunt and adoptive mother of the Prophet Muhammad. Perhaps, as in Mecca, originally, this temple was created in honor of the Goddess. Unfortunately, there is no evidence of this.

To add some local flavor, many of the stones in the British Isles are said to be of meteoric origin. However, whether such stones were ever associated with the cult of the goddess we will never know.

It would take too long to discuss the extent to which the cult of the Goddess of the Black Stone can be used as references to Solomon's bride in Song of Songs, what is meant by "black but beautiful" or to study the black images of Apollo, Artemis and Isis that have its direct continuation to Black Virgin Europe - the patroness of troubadours, gnostics, alchemists, as well as the current pope. Those who wish to follow such ideas could read the myths of the goddess, which sensibly but inspiringly evaluates the female deity that has remained with us throughout history.

The exact time of the construction of the Kaaba is unknown, just as information about the people who built the shrine is unverified. Some sources claim that the building appeared during the life of the first man on the planet - Adam - he appears as the creator of the temple. Then the Kaaba was destroyed by the Flood and the place where it was was forgotten. After the flood, the restoration was undertaken by the prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismail. There is a legend that they were helped by the Archangel Gabriel, who told about the complete similarity of the rebuilt temple and the building created by Adam.

Ismail brought stones for construction, and Ibrahim built the future shrine. When the walls of the “sacred house” were built, Ismail raised one stone for Ibrahim to stand on him and continue the construction of the Kaaba. The prints of the prophet's feet are still preserved on this stone.

The Kaaba was almost complete when it was discovered that there was not enough stone to complete the construction. Ismail went to look for a suitable stone, but when he returned, he found that it had already been found by his father Ibrahim. The son asked where the father could get this stone. Then Ibrahim replied that the angel Gabriel brought it to him directly from Paradise. This stone became the most famous in the Kaaba. We are talking, of course, about the Black Stone. Having laid it, the prophets completed the construction of the Kaaba. When the building was completed, it became the first mosque on earth.

According to various sources, the Kaaba was then reconstructed from 5 to 12 times. Among the reasons for the subsequent destruction of the building, historians point to floods and fires. The most famous reconstruction of the "sacred house" happened during the life of the prophet Muhammad (at that time he was not a prophet). Then, with his correct decision, he saved the Arab tribes from a bloody massacre. The dispute was about who will insert the Black Stone into the structure after the reconstruction. As a result, it was decided that Muhammad should do it. But the elders still argued for the right to carry the stone to the Kaaba. Then the future prophet suggested putting a stone on the cloak, and the elders take hold of its ends. This resolved the dispute, which did not seem to have a peaceful solution.

It was during this reconstruction that the shape of the Kaaba changed from rectangular to cubic. The Quraysh firmly decided to use only clean money for the reconstruction of the "sacred house"; funds from prostitution, robbery, gambling, usury and the like were not accepted for donations. But it turned out that people at that time were so mired in sins that they could not collect the required amount of clean money and the mosque had to be shortened.

Several times there were attempts to return the Kaaba to its original form, but subsequent rulers again returned the cubic one. After a while, it was decided not to play with the sacred structure and leave it as it is. The last time the temple was rebuilt was in the 1st century AD. and has survived to this day without any significant changes in design. However, cosmetic reconstruction for this building is carried out every few centuries, but it does not affect the shape of the structure. The last renovation was carried out in 1996.

Crowds of believers

The Kaaba became the main sanctuary for the people inhabiting the Arabian Peninsula. They were convinced that the temple was God's home and made pilgrimages to it. It was this shrine that glorified Mecca, which is now the main center of Muslims.

Construction and decoration of the temple

The shrine stands on a marble base, its corners are clearly oriented to the cardinal points. Professor of Geography at Cairo University Hussein Kamaluddin found that the Earth's magnetic center is located at the site of the construction of the Kaaba. The scientist found that even the natural change of the planet's poles, in which the center would invariably move to another territory, does not affect this.

The structure is made of durable granite produced in Mecca. The temple is built in the form of a cube, the length of its sides is approximately the same. The height is 13.1 m, the length is 11.03 m, the width is 12.86 m, and the area is 191 m².

Only a limited number of people can enter the sacred building - as a rule, these are high-ranking representatives of religious communities. The head of the Islamic Community of North America once visited here and spoke about the interior of the building in one of his interviews. According to him, there are three columns inside, the floors are made of marble, and the walls are covered with curtains. The room is illuminated by lamps that are placed on the ceiling. There is also a table for incense and other items.

Components of the Kaaba

1 Black stone is a cobblestone placed in the eastern corner of the Kaaba at a height of 1.5 m. It is dark red fragments, connected with cement and protected by a silver setting. Among Muslims, it is considered a great fortune to touch this place in the wall. After the Prophet Muhammad touched the stone with his cane, the followers of Islam began to consider it a shrine.

Black stone of the Kaaba

Many believers claim that the stone descended from heaven into the hands of Adam - then it had a white color. Gradually, the cobblestone acquired a dark shade, which symbolized human sins. It is also believed that he was sent to Noah as a token of memory of the Flood. Prophet Ibrahim used the cobblestone for the construction of the Kaaba and installed it in its present place. During all the destruction of the temple, the stone remained intact.

Door of the Kaaba

2 The door is located in the eastern part of the Kaaba at a fairly large distance from the ground - about 2.5 m. This is explained by the desire of the creators of the temple to protect it from possible floods. The door itself was presented by the fourth king of Saudi Arabia, King Khalid ibn Abdel Aziz. Approximately 280 kg of pure gold was used for its finishing. Since the time of the Prophet Muhammad, only the Bani Shaiba family have had the keys to the temple. These people look after the Kaaba and keep it clean.

3 The gutter was created to allow water to drain out after the downpours that caused the temple to collapse. The liquid flowing from the roof is a symbol of grace, it is directed to the burial places of the wife and son of the prophet Ibrahim.

4 The plinth on which the walls of the Kaaba are located was added in 1627 to protect the foundation from groundwater.

5 Hijr Ismail is a low wall made in the form of a semicircle. Pilgrims are allowed to enter here to pray. It is believed that Ibrahim's wife and his son Ismail are buried in this place.

View of the clock of Mecca

6 Multazam - a part of the wall between the Black Stone and the door of the Kaaba, about 2 meters long.

7 Makam Ibrahim is a fenced-off place that has preserved the footprint of the prophet. Muslims are convinced that he was here during the restoration of the Kaaba, holding his son in his arms to erect the highest part of the temple.

Wall of the kaaba

8 Black Stone Corner - The corner in the eastern part of the Kaaba where the Black Stone is inserted.

9 Corner of Yemen is the southern corner of the Kaaba.

10 Sham Corner is the western corner of the Kaaba.

11 Corner of Iraq - The northern corner of the Kaaba.

12 Kiswa is a black silk fabric with gold threads embroidered on it. Used to cover the Kaaba in order to protect the shrine from dirt and rain. The bedspread is changed annually, while the used product is cut into rags and distributed to pilgrims. It is replaced on the 9th or 10th day of the month of Hajj according to the Islamic calendar.

13 The marble strip is a special designation that shows the places of the bypass of the temple when performing the Hajj. Until recently, it was green, then it was dyed white, which made it less noticeable.

14 Ibrahim's station - the place where the prophet Ibrahim stood during the construction of the Kaaba.

Visiting rules

Kaaba inside

A large number of pilgrims made it impossible to freely visit the temple due to its small size. Only special guests are allowed inside - the doors of the Kaaba are open for them twice a year. They can see the shrine from the inside during two ablution ceremonies that take place before the start of the holy month of Ramadan and before the Hajj.

Key to the Kaaba

Followers of Islam have the opportunity to make a pilgrimage to Mecca, during which they can touch their main shrine. Visiting these places by representatives of other religions is almost impossible. During the hajj, there are a huge number of people near the Kaaba; hundreds of accidents are recorded here every year. There is an opportunity to watch an online broadcast of the Muslim pilgrimage, as well as to get acquainted with unique footage showing the Kaaba from the inside.

The Kaaba bears a symbolic name Al-Bayt al-Haram which means in Arabic "Sacred house".

Collegiate YouTube

    1 / 4

    ✪ Film "Protected Mosque" | "Kaaba behind the scenes ... How is cleaning, cleaning and everything else going on?

    ✪ Historical 3D video clip The history of the black stone of the Kaaba in Mecca

    ✪ Components of the Kaaba. Documentary ๑ ۩۞۩ ๑

    ✪ What is inside the Kaaba? Filming!



Since ancient times, the Kaaba has been rebuilt more than once. It is believed that the first building of the Kaaba was erected by heavenly angels [ ]. Its next builders were, sequentially, the prophets Adam and Ibrahim, about which the words of Allah are mentioned in the Qur'an: "... Remember how the Holy House Ibrahim and Ismail were laid ..." (Al-Bakara, 2: 127). For the fourth time, the Kaaba was rebuilt by the Quraysh (attested by the prophet Muhammad when he was 35 years old), for the fifth time the Kaaba was rebuilt by Ibn al-Zubair.

The increasing number of pilgrims during the Hajj necessitated the expansion of the Masjid al-Haram mosque. One such expansion was made in 1925, during the reign of King Abdel Aziz ibn Abdurrahman. In 1953, electric lighting and electric fans appeared in the Masjid al-Haram mosque. As a result of large-scale construction work carried out during the reign of Kings Saud IV, Faisal and Khalid, the area of ​​the mosque, together with the area around the Kaaba, increased to 193,000 square meters. m, and the capacity is up to 400,000 people. Under King Fahd, the mosque received air conditioning, fire extinguishing systems, storm sewers. The total area of ​​the mosque was 356,000 square meters. m, and the capacity increased to 600,000 people. In 2007, the next stage of reconstruction of the mosque began, as a result of which it will be able to accommodate 1.6 million believers. As part of this reconstruction, the area around the Kaaba inside the mosque is expanding from 20 meters in a radius of up to 50 meters, as a result of which its capacity should increase from 52 thousand to 130 thousand tawafs (bypassing the Kaaba) per hour.

In one of the corners of the Kaaba, the Black Stone is mounted. Around the Kaaba, during the hajj, the tawaf rite is performed. The Kaaba serves as a qibla - a landmark to which Muslims around the world turn their faces during prayer.


Literally, the word الكعبة in Arabic means "cubic house", in turn derived from الكعب - "cube". Another name for the Kaaba is “Al-Beit al-Akdam”, that is, “the most ancient House”. Muslims also refer to the Kaaba by the word "Beytu-Llah", which means "House of Allah":

Original text (ar.)

إِنَّ أَوَّلَ بَيْتٍ وُضِعَ لِلنَّاسِ لَلَّذِي بِبَكَّةَ مُبَارَكًا وَهُدًى لِّلْعَالَمِينَ ‎

Components of the Kaaba

The shrine rests on a marble base. The corners are oriented to the cardinal points and are called Yemeni (southern), Iraqi (northern), Levantine (western) and stone (eastern). The Kaaba is made of Meccan granite blocks on a marble foundation. Outside, the walls of the Kaaba are permanently covered with a special black silk blanket called kiswa. The veil is changed once a year, on the 9/10 day of the month of Dhu'l-Hijjah (the month of Hajj) according to the Islamic calendar. There is a room inside the Kaaba, but it opens only twice a year (and only for guests of honor) during the so-called. the "Cleansing of the Kaaba" ceremony. The height of the Kaaba today is 13.1 m.The length and width, respectively, are 11.03 and 12.86 m. Under the prophet Ibrahim, the dimensions of the Kaaba were different:

Eastern wall - 14.80 meters; wall from Hatem side - 10 meters; the side between the Black Stone and the Yemeni corner - 9.15 meters; west side - 14.2 meters.

According to legend, when the Black Stone was sent by Allah to the Prophet Adam, it was white, but gradually turned black, saturated with human sins. Although, according to other sources, the stone was sent to the prophet Nuh (Noah), apparently as a token of memory of the flood and was kept for a long time on Mount Abu Qubais. When the prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) was looking for stones for the construction of the Kaaba, he brought it and installed it at its present place in order to take a walk around it (tawaf), which has become traditionally considered an element of worship of Allah during the Hajj.

Door(Template: Lang-ar-link) is located on the East Face of the Kaaba, 2.5 meters above the ground, and is accessed via access steps. This was probably done to protect against rare floods. The door itself is 3.06 meters high and 1.68 meters wide. In the production of the door, about 280 kg of 999-carat gold was used, worth 13,420,000 riyals. The doors were donated by King Khalid ibn Abdel Aziz. Since the time of the Prophet Muhammad, the keys to the doors of the Kaaba have been kept by the Bani Shayba family.

Mizab ar-Rahma(Template: Lang-ar-link - mercy gutter) - a rainwater runoff gutter, added during the 1627 rebuilding after the rains that caused the walls to collapse. Water from the roof, symbolizing grace, is directed to the graves of Ismail and Hajar.

Plinth(Template: Lang-ar-link) The walls of the Kaaba are added in 1627 to protect the foundation from groundwater.

Multazam(Template: Lang-ar-link) - a part of the wall between the Black Stone and the doors of the Kaaba, about 2 meters long.

Makam Ibrahima(Template: Lang-ar-link) - a glass and metal fenced area with the imprint of the prophet Ibrahim's feet. Ibrahim stood on this stone during the construction of the upper part of the Kaaba, lifting Ismail on his shoulders to build the highest part.

Blackstone corner(Template: Lang-ar-link) - The corner in the eastern part of the Kaaba where the Black Stone is mounted.

The Kaaba was the main pagan sanctuary of the Hejaz; in the center of the Kaaba was the idol of Khubal - the deity of the Quraish tribe in the form of a man with a golden hand (gold replaced the once broken off hand). The ancient Arabs considered him the lord of the heavens, the lord of thunder and rain. There were other idols outside the Kaaba, most of which were shapeless stones. The cult of stones is the most ancient among primitive tribes and also existed among the Phoenicians and Canaanites.

The idols of other Arabian gods were located around the main deity. According to legend, before the establishment of Islam, there were more than 300 idols in the sanctuary.

Sacrifices were made around them. In the sanctuary and around it, on the forbidden territory, it was impossible to quarrel, to take revenge on anyone, let alone shed blood - the Arab tribes worshiped different gods, but everyone honored the Kaaba in the same way. It was believed that if someone insulted a pagan deity, he would inevitably be punished: he would get sick with leprosy or lose his mind. Lived in Mecca Jews, Christians, as well as Hanifs - ascetics and followers of the faith of the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) - pious people who professed strict monotheism, but did not consider themselves to any of these religious communities.

Renovation work in the mosque

Reconstruction of the Kaaba by the Quraysh

Based on religious tradition, the Prophet Muhammad participated in the restoration of the Kaaba five years before he was entrusted with the mission of the prophet. After a flash flood, the Kaaba was damaged, its walls cracked, and repairs were required. The right to carry out the repair was entrusted to four Quraysh tribes, and the Prophet Muhammad took part in this construction. When the walls were erected, it was time to insert the Black Stone (al-hajar al-aswad) into the eastern wall of the Kaaba, and a controversy arose over who deserved this honor. As internecine war was about to erupt, Abu Umayya, the oldest resident of Mecca, suggested that the first person to enter the mosque gate the next morning would resolve the dispute. This man turned out to be a prophet. The inhabitants of Mecca triumphed: "He can be trusted (al-amen)," they shouted in chorus, "this is Muhammad." When Muhammad approached them, they asked him to resolve this issue. The Prophet Muhammad proposed a solution, with which everyone agreed - to put the Black Stone on the cloak and bring it to the elders of the four clans, holding on to its ends. Then the prophet took a stone and inserted it into the wall of the Kaaba. Since the Quraish tribe did not have enough funds, this reconstruction of the Kaaba did not cover the entire area of ​​the structure built by the prophet Ibrahim. This is how a cubic building appeared instead of a rectangular one, as it was before. The same part that remained outside is now called Hatem.

Reconstruction after the era of the prophet - Abdullah ibn al-Zubair

The Syrian army destroyed the Kaaba at Muharram in 64 AH (683) and Abdullah ibn al-Zubair rebuilt the Kaaba before the next Hajj. Ibn az-Zubair wanted to make the Kaaba the way the Prophet Muhammad saw it, on the basis laid by the Prophet Ibrahim. According to Ibn al-Zubair, he heard Aisha say: “The Prophet spoke:“ Since your people have recently abandoned delusion (Unbelief) and since you have sufficient means to restore it [the Kaaba], I would add five cubits from Hijra. I would also make two doors: one for the entrance and the other for the exit. "Ibn al-Zubair said:" Now I can do this, and I am not afraid of the opinion of the people. "

As mentioned above, Ibn az-Zubair built the Kaaba on the foundation laid by the prophet Ibrahim. The roof rested on three columns of special Aoud wood (scented wood that is commonly burned as incense in Arabia), and two doors were made, one to the east and the other to the west, as the prophet wanted. Hatem was included in the Kaaba (Hatem is a semicircular part adjacent to the Kaaba, surrounded by a low wall). Abdullah al-Zubair also made the following changes: - made a small window in the roof of the Kaaba for the penetration of light into it; - lowered the door to ground level and made another door; - increased the height of the Kaaba by nine cubits (4 meters), and its height became 20 cubits (9 meters); - the width of its walls was 2 cubits (90 cm); - made three columns inside instead of six, which were built by the Quraysh.

During the construction, Ibn al-Zubair built four columns around the Kaaba and hung a curtain on them, which was removed only after the completion of the work. However, people could perform Tawaf around these pillars, so Tawaf around the Kaaba was always allowed, even during its restoration.

Kaaba at the time of Abdul-Malik ibn Marwan

In 693, Hajaj ibn Yusuf, a well-known tyrant of that time, with the approval of the Umayyad Caliph Abdul-Malik ibn Merwan, destroyed the building built by Ibn al-Zubair and created the Kaaba as it was in the days of the Quraysh. The changes he made were as follows:

  • he reduced the volume of the structure, which has not changed to this day;
  • he separated Hatem;
  • he walled up the western door (its traces are still visible), but left the eastern one;
  • destroyed the wall that surrounded Hatem;
  • removed the wooden staircase installed by ibn al-Zubair inside the Kaaba;
  • reduced the height of the door by five cubits (2.25 meters).

When Abdul Malik ibn Merwan came for Umrah, he heard the Hadith that the prophet himself wished that the Kaaba be recreated in the form in which Abdullah al-Zubair had built it, and regretted his actions.

Caliph Harun al-Rashid wanted to rebuild the Kaaba according to the wishes of the Prophet Muhammad, as Abdullah ibn al-Zubair did. But when he consulted with Imam Malik, the Imam asked the Caliph to change his mind, because the Kaaba should not be a toy in the hands of the rulers, each of whom wanted to destroy and then rebuild it. Obeying his advice, Harun al-Rashid did not rebuild the Kaaba, and it remained in the form in which Abdul Malik ibn Merwan had built it, for 966 years, not counting minor repairs.

Reconstruction in the era of Sultan Murad Khan

In 1629, due to heavy rains, floods and hail, two walls of the Kaaba were destroyed. The water level rose by almost 3 meters, which was half the height of the walls of the Kaaba. On Thursday 20 Shaban, the east and west walls fell. When the water level dropped on Friday 21st Shaban, preparations began for the renovation of the building. As in the time of Abdullah ibn al-Zubair, four columns were erected, on which a curtain was hung, and construction began on 26th Ramadan. Remains of the walls, except for those that were next to the Black Stone, were demolished.

The Black Stone, also known as Hajr-i Aswad, is a stone bestowed from heaven. This is no ordinary stone. Muslims are very reverent and reverent to him. The stone is located in the eastern corner of the venerable Kaaba.

Muslims all over the world try to kiss or at least see him when they visit Mecca for Hajj or Umrah. The stone is now held in a silver setting. Visitors can approach it - the stone is not covered with anything and access to it is always open.

In Islam, the Black Stone is revered as a sacred relic, because, according to all Muslims, this stone was sent down from Paradise, and also because the Prophet (peace be upon him) personally took part in its installation. The Black Stone is also known as the cornerstone of the Holy Kaaba.

Who Stole the Black Stone?

Few people know that once the Black Stone was stolen and was absent from Mecca for as long as 23 years! The Ismaili sect of the Carmatians abducted him in 930 AD. Leader of the Karmat sect Abu Tahir al-Jannabi stole a black stone and took it to his residence in Bahrain. The reason for this was Abu Tahir's desire to destroy the hajj tradition. At first, the Karmatian detachments attacked the hajis for this purpose, taking them captive. However, the stream of hajis did not dry up and Abu Tahir with his army made an attempt to attack al-Haram, where he staged a massacre, taking the Black Stone with him.

Abu Tahir al-Jannabi was the ruler of the Karmat state, which was located on the territory of modern Bahrain. His brother Abu Said Hasan bin Abhram al-Jannabi was the founder of the Karmat sect, and Abu Tahir became the head of the sect after him in 923 AD.

The state of the Carmatians during his reign expanded significantly. He raided Basra in 923 and Kufa in 927. He also threatened to take over Baghdad and devastate most of Iraq. His troops mercilessly terrorized all the surrounding regions.

How was the Black Stone stolen?

In 930, the leader of the Carmatians planned to attack Mecca. When he first visited the city, he was forbidden to enter here, but he vowed that he would remain in the city in peace.

But he didn't even plan to keep his vow. On the very first day of the Hajj, the Karmatians attacked Mecca. They broke into al-Haram on horseback. They began to brutally kill the pilgrims. It is reported that during the prayer at the Kaaba, the Karmatians killed about 30,000 hajiyev. The Carmatians killed the pilgrims while reading the Koran with a mockery.

They devastated the Kaaba, destroyed nearby buildings, plundered the houses of the townspeople, took many inhabitants of Mecca into slavery, and the dead bodies of pilgrims were thrown into the well of Zamzam to desecrate and destroy it. Other dead were left around the Kaaba and in the territory of al-Haram.

Abu Tahir dismantled the Black Stone, smashed it into pieces and took it with him. He took him to Masjid ad-Dirar, the main mosque of the capital of the Carmatian state. He wanted to make ad-Dirar a sacred place and redirect the hajj from Mecca to the capital of his state. But his plans were not destined to come true.

The Abbasids had to pay a large ransom to get the Black Stone back. The stone was broken into seven parts during dismantling and storage.

Probably, every person who visited the Hajj saw the sacred Kaaba, which is located inside the mosque called "al-Haram" (Forbidden Mosque), and around which all pilgrims walk around. And someone saw her in different pictures on the phone or on social networks.

Yes, this is the Kaaba, covered with black material, which many mistakenly think of as one large stone. However, this is the sacred Kaaba, the main shrine of Muslims. It is within its walls that the famous "al-Hajar al-aswad" is located.

Many Muslims, approaching the Kaaba, strive to kiss and hug it, and turn to Allah with a prayer in this state. But there is a special stone in the corner of the Kaaba, it is black and around there is a silver circle, inside which it is located, and from the touch of people it has already become like a hole in the corner of the shrine.

"Al-Hajar al-aswad" (Black stone) or "al-Hajar al-asaad" (stone of happiness), as the Meccans like to say, is the most valuable stone in the world. And the side of the Kaaba, in which this stone is located, is the best and most worthy corner - "rukn al-Hajar al-aswad". Therefore, they kiss him, put his forehead on him, touch him with their hands in order to receive grace. It is located about one and a half meters from the ground in the corner of the Kaaba.

Who was the first to put the Black Stone into the wall of the Kaaba

The first to build the Kaaba was the Prophet Adam (peace be upon him). This is according to the opinion of Said ibn al-Musayyib, Ibn al-Jawzi, Ibn Hajar al-Askaliani. There are other opinions of scholars that the first holy Kaaba was built by the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him).

But the opinion that the Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) was the first to build it is more probable, because Allah Almighty said in the Quran:

وَعَهِدْنا إِلى إِبْراهِيمَ وَ إِسْماعِيلَ أَنْ طَهِّرا بَيْتِيَ

Meaning: " And we entrusted Ibrahim and Ismail (son of Ibrahim) to cleanse (of the idols worshiped by people other than Allah) My house (i.e. the sacred Kaaba) "(" Al-Bakara ", 125). That is, the Kaaba already existed even before the birth of the prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him), but during the flood that occurred in the era of the prophet Nuh (peace be upon him), it was raptured, and the Black Stone was hidden in Mount Abu Kubais.

At the time of the prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him), he rebuilt it by the command of Allah. Having built the Kaaba, Ibrahim (peace be upon him) discovered that there was not enough stone in one of the corners, which indicates the beginning of the circle when going around the Kaaba. Then from the side of the mountain he heard a voice: "Take the Black Stone from me!" (i.e. in me) and opened up. They said that the angel Jibril (peace be upon him) took out this stone and brought it to the prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him), this is how the construction of the Kaaba was completed.

It turns out that this stone was originally white, and it became black because of the sins of the sons of Adam (people). The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

نزل الحجر الأسود من الجنة وهو أشد بياضاً من اللبن، فسودته خطايا بني آدم

« The black stone was sent down from Paradise, being very white, and it turned black due to human sins "(At-Tirmiziy).

Subsequently, various peoples and tribes tried to steal this stone, while others tried to appropriate it for themselves. This is not unusual, because all Muslims of all times knew that this stone was from Paradise, and that, who acquired it, had authority and respect in society.

However, no one can change the will and decision of Allah, and the last Bani of Khuzaa took him from the Jurkhum tribe and put him back. And when the Quraysh of the time of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) decided to restore the Kaaba, the Prophet Muhammad himself (peace and blessings be upon him) was honored to take part in the establishment of this stone in the corner of the Kaaba. After that, and up to the present day, there were still restorations and some reconstruction of the Kaaba.

Dignity of the Black Stone

This is the greatest stone brought from Paradise, which a person can see with his own eyes and which he can touch. In addition to the fact that this stone is in the corner of the main shrine of all Muslims, there are also sayings of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) about his dignity. The hadith says:

الحجر الأسود من حجارة الجنة

« The black stone is a stone from Paradise ”(At-Tirmiziy, authentic hadith).

Another hadith says:

إن الركن والمقام ياقوتتان من ياقوت الجنة طمس الله تعالى نورهما ولو لم يطمس نورهما لأضاءتا ما بين المشرق والمغرب

“Verily, Rukn (ie Black Stone) and Makam (the stone on which Ibrahim stood when he built the Kaaba) Ibrahima (Peace be upon him) are precious stones (yahont) from the precious stones of Paradise, and Allah hid their radiance. If Allah had not hidden it, then they would have illuminated the west and east (the whole world) " (at-Tirmiziy, Ahmad).

Examination of stone

One Briton, when he heard that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said that it was a stone from Paradise, decided to check. He studied the Arabic language, flew to Mecca and, with the help of accessories, took pieces of stone and took them away for examination. What he learned amazed him, and he accepted Islam, because he was affirmed that this stone has no analogues on this earth in its composition, etc. This man was not a Muslim, there was no point in lying in support of Islam. And also it is very difficult to accept another faith, and for this there must be very strong arguments, and to this person Allah revealed these convincing arguments and guided through this on the path of Islam.

Black stone is the best medicine

This stone heals any disease except death. The hadith says:

لولا ما مس الحجر من أنجاس الجاهلية ما مسه ذو عاهة إلا شفي وما على الأرض شيء من الجنة غيره

« If this stone had not been touched by the evil spirits of Jahiliyya (pre-Islamic times of ignorance, i.e. the hands of polytheists), then the patient (physical illness or damage), who would have touched it, would certainly be healed, and there is nothing on earth from Paradise except this stone "(Ahmad, at-Tirmiziy).

Kissing and touching the Black Stone

Kissing this beautiful stone means kissing a piece from Paradise. Billions and billions of Muslims to this day and until the Day of Judgment honor this stone, as the Messengers and Prophets of Allah (peace be upon them), four righteous caliphs and righteous ancestors (salafu salih) bequeathed to us. Truly, this is a miracle, a miracle from Allah Himself and a sign for all who understand.

Once Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) approached this stone and kissed it, and then said: “ I know that you are just a stone that does not harm and does not benefit (i.e. by itself), and if I had not seen that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) kissed you, then I did not kiss you "(Al-Bukhari).

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

إن لهذا الحجر لسانًا وشفتين يشهد لمن استلمه يوم القيامة بحق

« This stone on the Day of Judgment will have a tongue and lips, and it will testify on the Day of Judgment in favor of the one who kissed it. "(Quoted by Ibn Khuzaim in the book" Sahih ").

This is the mercy of Allah and an intercessor on the day of the Great Judgment. May Allah make us from among the pilgrims performing the Hajj to the sacred land. Amen!

Ibn Muhammad