Festive congratulations on Victory Day on May 9. Holiday by tears in the eyes: Beautiful congratulations of veterans with Victory Day

Happy Victory Day. The most important thing is that I want to wish on this day, this is what our grandfathers fought for the world! Suppose above the head will always be a clear sky and a bright sun. I wish on the day of victory of health, joy and happiness. Let the victory accompanies everywhere and always, beside the only good and sincere people. I wish that the heart did not know pain and longing, and in the soul always played a victorious march.

I've gotten a long time ago
Again blue sky over us
Only the memory of the past is alive,
Do not forget this pain over the years.

Do not forget young guys
That the victory for us is approaching
Without having a road back
Just ahead under fire fled.

Happy Victory Day! Let the birds sing,
Let the planet be moving with flowers.
The skyscoon will decoke the salute
In honor of the heroes that now not with us

The dead - be permanently in the post, they live in the names of the streets and in the eponymies. Their exploits are artists in paintings. Alive - heroes honored, do not forget, their names are to keep in immortal lists, about their courage to everyone to remind and put flowers to the foot of the obelisk!

Victory Day on May 9 - the celebration of the world in the country and spring. On this day we remember the soldiers who did not return to families from the war. In this holiday, we celebrate grandfathers who defended their native countries who gave the victory and returned peace and spring to us!

Ninth May - Day of sadness and happiness,
The people's victory is proud of the people.
More than those veterans,
Who on the day of the anniversary will come to the square ...

Salutes, parades, colors cast -
All this for them: both alive and dead.
And thousands of words of grateful and thoughts -
For them, the heroic in the war of the won.

Let's bow down the great years

The glorious commanders and fighters,

And the marchas of the country, and ordinary.

Let's bow and dead, and alive.

All those who cannot be forgotten!

Worship, bow my friends,

The world, all the people, all the earth,

Let's bow for that great fight!

On Victory Day I want to wish
Forget finally about bad weather
In good health years to meet
If you cry - then only with happiness!

Let the successes please you
Your great-grandchildren, grandchildren and children!
And let every moment, every hour
The sun is gentle in life shines you!

On the day of Victory Sun brighter,
Sky blue
Bitter clouds do not cry
In the heart happiness ripens.

On the battles of the Great
We remind us
Slips, balls, salutes ...
My congratulations!

Let spring breeze
Misfortune disquires
The world will give and warm
Having fun!

Victory Day - Pride, Pain and Memory ...
Distant, out of thousands of fate.
Without heroes, the birthplace of loved,
This holiday would be impossible!

On this day, everywhere flowers and flags,
Songs about war and movies.
On the day of Victory, everyone understands:
We are lucky! And very much.

Victory Day on May 9, 2018 is a big and important holiday. This holiday is devoted to the victory of our soldiers in the Great Patriotic War.

Every year on May 9 on the day of victory in many cities of Russia, festive events, parades, concerts, and salutes are passing. No one stays away from this holiday. People congratulate their loved ones, relatives, acquaintances, friends.

SMS-congratulations and congratulations in verses Happy Victory Day on May 9, 2018 will definitely please the addressee.

Happy Victory Day Congratulations
And sincerely I wish
Never know war
See joyful dreams.

Everyone will be involved,
To be peace and happiness,
To faith and love
The house included again and again.

Great holiday, Victory Day,
No one is entitled to forget.
We wanted grandfathers world,
And we have to keep it!

Let it be a peaceful sky
We have over your head!
I wish the Victory Day,
So that life was color!

Let the world be filled
Good, love, light!
We proudly remember everything
After all, the dates are important not!


Let him sound in the centuries a victorious "Hurray!"
Let him rejoice in life, laughs a defector.
And in peaceful blue, let the pigeons welcome,
Let them ever be entitled again!


Georgievskaya ribbon came to us again,
And the fresh May morning I brought a victory.
We celebrate this date at the festive table,
So that the war broke into the birthplace.


Red Square shines in the morning
And - expensive - veterans are full,
All sneeze and honor them
All winners - our relatives!


With a victory! This is the main holiday.
Let the world be on the whole earth,
Children laugh from joy.
Let's say "no" war.


Let the day of victory give only a smile
And the sadness of the battle heart will stir,
I wish that the war - history error -
In our life, peaceful will not go again.


Let the heads of heaven,
Will always be peaceful for you
And let all the troubles bypass you,
You congratulate you on Victory Day.

May 9 in all countries of the former USSR people will honor the winners, to give flowers to veterans, talking about important, watch military films and mentally ask "War never again" will never come. On this day, congratulations on May 9 veterans that have already left so little is the way to express your gratitude.

I congratulate you on the day of the Great Victory! Let this day be a reminder that our people were able to unite in the face of the general enemy, stand in the difficult struggle and save the world from fascism! I wish you, your family and all of us never experience the war!

Dear, immensely respected our veterans! Your valiant honor, an indomitable courage gave us the right to live, writes RosRegistr. Protecting the depression, you not only defended the godpody, you saved the world, clearing it from the fascist fascist. From the ruins and the ashes in incredibly short time rebuilt the country.

Happy Victory Day! Let the pure sky of dreams stretch over you, let him ahead await a happy and kind life, let the heart remember and proud of the great feats of our grandfathers.

In this May day, we celebrate veterans, congratulations to colleagues, partners, management. For such cases, congratulations are appropriate from May 9 in the official prose. Preferably, they are short, not pompous, first of all sincere, sincerely. We offer you several options for official congratulations in prose from May 9, which you can interpret under yourself.

Dear veterans! To the memorable for all of us the day I would like to once again express your great gratitude and a low bow for the fact that you, without sparing your life and health, defended their homeland and did not give it to the fascist. Your merit will be in the memory of all living on Earth. We wish you good health and long life! Happy holiday you!

Congratulations on the holiday of Victory! In our memory, it is not to raise the feat of our grandfathers, and in the hearts - the pain of losing millions of our compatriots. It is unlikely that there is a family who did not touch the war. We tell children and grandchildren about the exploits of our soldiers, honor their memory, carefully convey from generation to the generation of grandfathers medals. This is our story, family history, country history. We give children on May 9 to the eternal fire and explain the meaning of the Great Victory for all mankind, for every person. On this day, I sincerely wish you happiness, health and peaceful sky above your head!

Our dear! Perhaps, in no one in the world there is no words to invest in them all the gratitude of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren for your immortal feat on the fronts and in the rear. Therefore, we will not talk much, but better knees before you, ordinary heroes who daily went to death for life. Your exploits will live in the centuries! Good health, optimism and happiness! Happy holiday, respected veterans! Happy Victory Day!

I hurry to congratulate you,
Today is a holiday - Victory Day!
Let them come out friends,

Victory Day - Nice Holiday,
To remember us about the main thing:
Wish with your soul
The happiness of peaceful in fate!

Happy Victory Day Congratulations!
This holiday is dear to us
Well, that shrewd
We landed enemies!

Let there be no wars in the world!
Peace, dominance on earth,
To the sky blue
I smiled in the window!

Computer shooter hero,
Well, beat off the screen!
With a victory! Fought for her
Our heroes, veterans!

So gratefully celebrate
That your life is quite normal
And shots are not dangerous here -
Fights because virtual!

Grandparents fought for you.
His honor and praise them!
You are victory on this day
Be agreed like an arrow, -

Congratulate all veterans yourself,
Ordinary and captains,
Officers and sergeants -
Giant winners!

We spend a lot of time at work, so the employees will be at odds will be simply ugly. Depending on the nature of the established relationship, congratulations on May 9 in prose colleagues may be oral or in the video, email letters, short or flowery. Choose on the eve of May 9 for colleagues the best congratulations on the holiday!

Colleagues! Congratulations on Victory Day! On this day, each of us is aware of what this ethospheast is not seeing war, not to lose loved ones, not be afraid of the life of relatives! I wish you a peaceful sky above your head and the world in the soul! Our debt is to remember the feat of the people, take care of the memory of a terrible war, so that our descendants read the memory of the dead warriors!

Colleagues! Victory Day - "Holiday with tears in the eyes", because he reminds us of the most tragic pages in the history of our country. I want to congratulate you with this magnificent holiday that our grandfathers gave us, brave warriors and valiant soldiers. We are lucky to be born and live in peacetime, so let's remember the heroes, honor their memory and take care of the world on our land! Joy to all and health, happiness and peace!

May 9 - a holiday with a story. Let the distinguished days of forty-fifth be eased from our memory. Let the world be strong, the relationship between the countries of good-neighborly, and consent and mutual understanding reigns between people. Let the children know about the horrors of the war only on films and books. With the Great Holiday, which today celebrates the whole country!

Dear colleague today has come an amazing holiday of May 9th. This day is full of happiness and joy, as well as sorrow and sadness. But in this bright day I want to wish you a peaceful sky over your head, as well as the brightest moments that are waiting ahead! Happy holiday!

Dear colleagues in this respectable day we speak a big "thank you" to our fallen characters who gave their lives for the sake of peace on earth. I would like to wish on this day well-being and stability in everything. Let only the world reign in your families! Happy holiday and all the best.

Victory Day is a holiday that is of great importance for all of us. Every year of the ninth of May our hearts overwhelms pride, joy, and at the same time bitterness and sorrow. But more nevertheless in this celebration of light and hope that the sky above our heads will always be peaceful! Happy holiday, dear colleagues! Do not forget about the exploits of our heroes!

I sincerely congratulate you on May 9th. This day is a symbol of heroic courage, valor and courage.
The victory that went to us, provided everything peaceful sky above his head. Glory and honor to all heroes. Happy holiday!

Take the most sincere congratulations on the great holiday - Victory Day! This holiday has become a symbol of the heroism of our people, his inflexible durability and disadvantages of the spirit! The careful attitude of the older generation to the fate of his homeland should be for all the bright example of patriotism and the strength of the folk faith!
The great price was paid veterans for the victory, many today are no longer next to us! But we remember about their military glory! I wish you health, spiritual heat, attention and care of loved ones! Let the sky always be peaceful, and the sun shines brightly!

Time does not spare veterans - they leave, leaving us memories of war, mental pain, an example of self-sacrifice, resistance. Practices from May 9 in verses veterans, flowers for the holiday, everyday attention, respect, help - then a little, what we can thank them for Contribution to victory. Choose by May 9, the warmest, filled with genuine participation, congratulations in verses for war veterans. Offer children, grandchildren to learn them by heart - wishes from children are particularly touching, roads.

You are forever young soul,

Though sometimes the wounds are ...

With victory nice, big

Congratulations on you, veterans!

Let go of the year

But memory will live in centuries,

As a red army soldier

Fucked violently with enemies.

For peace and happiness, for love,

For life and first children's bow

In the attack you went again and again,

Intostatza answered everything.

We are inspired by the feat of your

Before you bow your head ...

For us you shed blood,

Happy Victory Day Congratulations!

Mercilessly time to veterans,

The soul is still surgery:

Harness memories, rude wounds -

The pain of loss is still stronger.

Tests, losses, troubles

The memory left their mark.

Congratulations to you, relatives, Happy Victory Day!

The world you, good and many years.

The world is beautiful, but, alas, so fragile!

Enjoy the joy of worldly,

Sun, Blue Sky Dome

Let you give you happiness and peace!

We thank you for all:

For your courage without obstacle,

For those who defended the world

Not for the names and rewards.

We want to wish to wish

So long lived, did not hurt.

Thanks we say to you

For the fact that life does not regret!

You defended the world without wars,

And quiet night and peace ...

Fought on the fields with the enemy,

So happily lived later!

We know a lot about the war

On films, news from screens,

Iblading doubly -

Let the soul and wounds do not hurt!

Congratulations on May 9 invariably affect the thinnest strings of the soul, every time mentally returning us to a long-time military battle and bloody fights. Indeed, Victory Day is considered a symbol of the power and forces of our people, which at the cost of many lives managed to protect his homeland. As a sign of gratitude, we dedicate our fathers and grandparents the most beautiful congratulations on the victory on May 9, 2018 in verses. Today we have the opportunity to congratulate on the day of victory at a distance, sending a short SMS to all relatives and friends. We are confident among our options, you will definitely select a few beautiful short SMS congratulations by May 9 - with best wishes in such a great holiday.

And again May and we and flowers

Come to the eternal fire!

In war, the heroes defended

Freedom, his homeland!

I hurry to congratulate you,
Today is a holiday - Victory Day!
Let them come out friends,
Let in life do not touch the troubles!

Congratulations to the grandfather now,
And I wish good health!
Victory Day came just -
So you meet him with love!

Grandmother, honey, happy holiday!
Let the day of victory bears
Joy are very different
Bright days all year round!

I congratulate my colleague
I wish you from the heart
So that the Victory Day is!
Joy, good and faith!

So, we tried to collect the most beautiful congratulations on May 9, 2018 in verses and prose - short SMS and long stains, fun for friends and colleagues, strict official veterans and head at work. In addition, here you will find a selection of touching before the tears of congratulations on the Day of Victory on May 9 with the mental words of wishes - such poems and prose can be devoted to everyone who are expensive to you and mean.

Friends are the most close people after Rodney, we celebrate holidays with them, divide joy and sadness. Congratulations on May 9 in verses Friends are an original and pleasant attention sign. You can sign a stitch, send on May 9, a rhymed congratulation in social networks, by email or extend poems to friends at a meeting.

Congratulate allow you, friends

Let you not touch you any evil or trouble.

Live, Issues is not melting.

Smile sharing, kindness,

Do not care for the soul with love,

And let the fate religious hand

Winning your sleep and peace.

I want to congratulate you on Victory Day!

This is not an easy holiday,

After all, our grandfathers died for the world,

Salzing the whole life is young.

To no longer be war,

How many people have laid -

We must remember everything.

Victory Day - the holiday of the whole country.

The brass orchestra plays marches.

Victory Day - Seen's Day,

Our grandfathers, memory of all fallen ..

Even those who did not see the war -

But her wing will be held every

Congratulations on Victory Day we!

This day is very important for all of us.

Spring came to Earth again

And everything is alive - in her power.

And awakened from sleep,

The soul is now in captivity of passion.

Although it turned rare all the battles,

Forget time then hardly.

After all, for the sake of happiness and love

Soldiers death of brave fell.

Let's not know

The world will keep on the entire planet.

So that we could play wedding

And happily laughed children!

It is not always possible to congratulate everyone, but to bypass someone from loved ones, friends, my colleagues do not want. Short congratulations on May 9, set the mood to the addressee, will create an atmosphere of the holiday. We picked up for your SMS congratulations on the occasion of the Victory Day short, capacious in the meaning of wishes in verses and prose, which will be proud of the people, for their homeland.

May 9 - Victory Day, Memorial Day. Let NEVER be larger than the blue sky, it doesn't darken from smoke, and the land does not shudder from shocks. I wish you peace and good! Happy holiday!

On the day of victory even birds

Congratulate everyone around.

Let the war be repeated!

Happy holiday you, my friend!

Happy Victory Day, Valiant People,

The pigeon of the world in heaven is spinning.

Let the trouble no longer come to us,

And weapons are not useful.

Happy Victory Day of All Living,

Everyone who remembers the war

I wish you good, happiness,

World of our country.

War ended, and the guns were silent,

And the years smoothed the Great Bed,

Spring came, and again celebrate

We are Victory Day - the best day of the year!

Congratulations on May 9 are pleasant to everyone who respects the memory of the ancestors, honors the feat, courage and bravery warriors. The bright joyful holiday of the celebration of life and the world, good over evil - the reason to rethink the events of the past, competing, on whose share fell out terrible tests, thank for the valor of veterans. Select warm kind words in advance to congratulate friends, close, colleagues with the anniversary of the victory. Congratulations along with the children of veterans veterans, give them flowers, thank the fate for happiness to live in the world!

Victory Day on May 9 -
World holiday in the country and spring.
On this day we remember soldiers,
Not returned to families from the war.

In this holiday, we celebrate grandfathers,
Defending their native countries
I gave the victory to the nations
And the world and spring returned to us!
(N. Tomilin)

2. May. Russia

Flowers spring.
I got raged for a long time.
And today, fraternal graves
Recall those who have retained our life.

3. What holiday?

In the sky, a festive salute,
Fireworks there and here.
Congratulates the whole country
Nice veterans.
And flowering Spring
Gives them tulips,
Gives white lilac.
What for the glorious May day?
(N. Ivanova)

4. May holiday

May holiday -
Victory Day
Notes the whole country.
Outfit our grandfathers
Martial order.

They are calling them in the morning
For a solemn parade.
And thoughtfully from the threshold
Following Him grandmother look.
(T. Belozørov)

5. Obeliski

Stand in Russia Obeliski,
They are surnames soldiers ...
My peers of the boy
Under obels are lying.
And to them, sick in sorrow,
Flowers bring field
Girls those waiting for them so
Now completely gray.
(A. Ternovsky)

6. Old picture

Photograph on the wall -
In the house the memory of the war.
Dimkin Grandfather
On this photo:
With a machine gun near Dota,
Tied hand
Smiling slightly ...

Here just ten years
Older Dimka
Dimkin Grandfather.
(S. Brewerov)

7. Obelisk

Frozen fir in Karaul,
Blue sky peaceful clear.
Go for years. In anxious gule
War remained far away.

But here, the faces of Obelisk,
In silence the head bowing
We hear rumble of tanks close
And the gap bombs gap.

We see them - Russian soldiers,
That in that distant terrible hour
The life was paid
For happiness, bright for us ...

8. On Radio

I tried a letter
Write without blots:
"Please make
Grandfather gift ... "

Was long in the way
Musical hello.

But here came
And hugged me grandfather -
Came to him on holiday
9th May
Favorite song HIS
(S. Brewerov)

9. What is Victory Day

What is victory day?
This is a morning parade:
Rut tanks and rockets,
Mars the system of soldiers.

What is victory day?
This is a festive salute:
Fireworks takes off into the sky,
Scattering there and here.

What is victory day?
These are songs at the table,
These are speeches and conversations,
This is grandfather album.

These are fruits and candy,
These are smells of spring ...
What is Victory Day -
This means there is no war.
(A. Usachev)

10. Let the children know the war

I have not seen the war, but I know
How hard it had to people
And hunger, and cold, and horror -
All of them experienced.

Let peacefully live on the planet,
Let the children know the war,
Let the bright sun shine!
We should be friendly family!

11. Medals

Veteran - the fighter is everyday,
She seemed a lot of life.
He is with a courage in battle
Defended his country!

On the day of Victory flashed
On the chest of his medals.
On his chest - medals!
My sister and I were counted.

12. Died and alive

Dead -
Be permanently
They live in the names of the streets and in the eponymies.
Their feats holy beauty
Made artists in the paintings.
Alive -
Heroes honor, do not forget
Their names to store in immortal lists,
About their courage to everyone remind
And put flowers to the foot of the obelisk!

13. Grandfather friends

May ... piercing poultry might and
And the parade goes to the capital.
Grandparents walk in orders.
Congratulations on Victory Day!

Come to the grandfather friends
Come on Victory Day.
I love to listen to a long
Their songs and conversations.

Burn in the sun with gold
Combat awards
And enter the house
In our peaceful house,
Front roads.

I silently sit down
But sometimes sometimes
What I'm in the sight looking
What am I getting ready for battle.

Come to grandfather friends
Celebrate victory.
Less than them
But I believe:
They will arrive again.

14. Grandfather story

Yesterday I told the grandfather Zhenya:
The partisansky squad hit the surrounding.
They have eighteen grenades
One pistol and one machine.

More and more in the detachment of the dead fighters,
Everything is stronger than fascists compress the ring, -
They are behind the bushes, they are behind the stones.
And my grandfather shouted: "Motherland with us!"

And everyone ran towards the enemy,
And they became grenades to throw on the run.
All brave struck, forgetting about death, -
And so, managed to make a breakthrough.

Through the forest in the swamp they left:
And grandfather the medal then awarded.
(A. Paroshin)

15. Festive morning

9th May!
Delight and pain!
Congratulate you
Happy Victory Day allow!
Lilac, cherry, apple
Sprinkled with color.
Everyone who fought
Thank you for it.

Happy morning -
Wonderful gift!
They reflected
At the front impacts.
From the ground, from the sea, from the sky
We drove the enemy.
All the memory of the ancestors
Light, road.

Let a minute
Deculs all speech ...
And in memory of them
Candles are lit.

16. Victory Holiday

In a nice holiday - Victory Day,
I have a hurry to congratulate my grandfather.
He waror brave, brave,
Defended his power!

At 20 years old - the soldier is
Sorrow saw him a lot.
He came from the battles from the Volga.
The path was difficult, terrible, long.

Stalingrad, Moscow, Warsaw ...
For the courage - the Order of Fame.
So many ranks and medals
You, believe me, did not meet!

Grandfather told a little
About the war and about the bombing.
How in the trenches the porridge fir,
And prior to the deadline.

He was injured and cleaned,
She went to the attack, was contused.
And in a hiking medical
He met with Baba Katya.

Lucky her and her grandfather:
Together they met victory.
And now blooming mare
The holiday is celebrating together.

The world will be on the planet!
Happiness - adults,
Happiness - Children!
(T. Lavrov)

17. Veteran

Then browsing back pain
That junk is hearth.
Hold on! You are grandfather - in gray
And in the soul - a boy.

Long cooled the last fight
In the ruins of the Reichstag,
And the honor of the fighter is always with you,
With you your oath.

Live, soldier, while alive,
Do not cool on the march.
Salute you, our private!
Hurray to you, our Marshal!

18. Congratulations to the grandfather by May 9

Congratulations to grandfather
Happy Victory Day.
It's even good
That he was not on her.

Was then like me now
Vertically challenged.
Although he did not see the enemy -
Hated simply!

He worked as big
Behind the hill bread,
Brought by Victory Day,
Though the fighter was not.

Stall all the extra snow
Having paid by childhood
To live and grow in the world
His grandson is wonderful.

To input and love
Enjoyed life
So that I have not seen war,
Grandfather my saved schism.

19. Grandfather portrait

Grandmother put on orders
And now there is a beautiful one!
Victory Day celebrates
About the war remembered.
Sad grandmother face.
On the table, the soldier triangle.
Grandfather from the front of the letter
She read and now it hurts.
We look at the grandfather portrait
And we divor the handles with a brother:
- Well, what kind of grandfather is it?
He is completely a boys!
(V. tours)

20. Combat Order

Dawns shook in the Odden rays,
No you can not,
In writing tables
The victory light was locked.
Not for personal glory to you Country
I gave the awards without sparing:
Consider a bowl of the Order,
The world from them becomes lighter.
(L. Sorokin)

21. Monument in Berlin

It was in May, at dawn,
I grew up at the walls of the Reichstag battle.
German girl noticed
Our soldier on dusty pavement.

At the pillar, trembling, she stood
In blue eyes froze fright.
And pieces of whistling metal
Death and flour sowed around.

Here he remembered how, passing goodbye in the summer,
He kissed his daughter
Maybe the father of this girl
Daughter his native shot ...

But now, in Berlin, under fire,
Colls of fighter and, body flap,
Girl in a short dress white
Carefully made out of the fire.

How many children returned childhood,
Gave joy and spring.
Soviet ordinary army,
People who won war!

And in Berlin in the festive date
Was erected to stand in the centuries,
Monument to the Soviet soldier
With a girl saved in his arms.

22. Salute

Ridge behind the windows
Firework -
Lights bouquets bloom.
In my room
Colored reflections

On the wall -
Grandfather portrait.
He here is exactly
Twenty years.
Belt, pilot,
Stern look
It has not been over
And far victory.
But before
He did not live
Near Kursk
Grandpa fight ...

Ridge behind the windows
Firework -
Lights bouquets
And illuminates
Bright light
On the wall
Grandfather portrait.
(V. Orlov)

23. We meet the Victory Day

We celebrate Victory Day,
He goes in colors, signs.
All the heroes we are today
We call it tasted.
We know: not just
He came to us - Victory Day.
This day was conquered
Our dads, our grandfathers.
And therefore today
The orders they put on.
We, going for a holiday with them,
Song brought to the song.
I dedicate this song
Our dads, our grandfathers.
Our homeland beloved
Glory, fame on Victory Day!
(Abdulhak Ijabayev)

24. Let the world be

Let the machine guns do not strict
And Grozny guns are silent,
Let the smoke be smoke in the sky,
Let the sky be blue

Let bombing on it
Do not fly to anyone
People, cities do not die ...
The world is needed on earth always!

25. Thank you all

Thanks to everyone who gave life,
For Rus native, freedom,
Who fear forgot and fought
Serving beloved people.

Thank you,
Your feat is eternal,
While alive is my country,
You are in our souls,
In our heart,
Heroes will not forget, never!

26. Glory to our generals

Glory to our generals
And soldiers ordinary.
Glory fallen and alive,
From the soul thanks to them!
Will not forget those heroes,
What lie in the ground is raw
Life giving on the battlefield
For the people, for us with you!
(S. Mikhalkov)

27. Mir

No, the word "world" will remain hardly
When wars will not know people.
After all, what was previously called the world,
Everyone will just call the life.

And only children, connoisseurs,
Playing fun in war
Rapid, remember this word,
With whom died in the old days.

28. Early, it is more likely to dress!

Early, get enough sleep!
Mostly call the guys!
In honor of the Victory Day
The guns are palying.

Everything was quiet around
And suddenly - salute! Firework!
Rockets in the sky flashed
And there, and here!

Over the area
Above the roofs
Over the festive Moscow
All the above are being sealed
Lights fountain alive!

On the street
Everyone joy is running
Scream "Urra"!
On festive

29. Let the days of the war stretched very long

May the days of the war stretched very long,
Let the peaceful years raced quickly.
Victory near Moscow, under Kursk and on the Volga
The story will remember forever.
Let you now fathers and grandfathers,
Whiskey Surprised Sedna.
Western you do not forget the spring of Victory,
That day when the war ended.
Let many today do not in the ranks
We remember everything that was done then
And promise your homeland
Save for business, peace and labor.
(Alexey Surkov)

30. Imagine a moment that outside the window

Imagine a moment that outside the window war
That the sky under the black veil is hidden,
From tears and blood dead earth
Framed from grenades life is broken.

Imagine the pain of suffering and loss
On faces, doomed by terrible news.
When yesterday was a clear day,
Songs sounded on graduation balas.

In one moment, life overgrowing
War came, yes, if she was Neladna!
Imagine what a unthinkable feature
On "to" and "after" dividing everything is irretrievably.

You only imagine
In tears favorite kiss of a soldier,
Under that terrible deadly hum
And the cry of the soul from the hopelessness is damned.

Imagine ... Yes, never for anything!
And even in a terrible dream, let him not dream.
Bow to all those who defeated the enemy
Giving a chance to us peaceful life to enjoy!
(sent fir sunny, 2016)

This year the 73th anniversary of the Great Victory over the fascist army of Germany is celebrated. This holiday with tears in his eyes every year causes greater joy, sad memories and pride to the ancestors for those who, fortunately, did not happen on themselves to experience the consequences of the war. This day sounds special. Therefore, the editors I want to prepare the beautiful and all children of war, which came in touch with this human misfortune.

May 9 in all countries of the former USSR people will honor the winners, to give flowers to veterans, talking about important, watch military films and mentally ask "War never again" will never come. On this day, which was already so little left, is a way to express your gratitude.

Therefore, we collected congratulations on May 9 official, beautiful in verse and in prose to congratulate with a great holiday. Record a beautiful congratulation with in verse. You can write these congratulations on May 9 in postcards and give veterans.

Congratulations on Victory Day -
With a legendary, bright day.
We wish the world in the house,
In society, in the country of native.

We wish in order
Henceforth anywhere and never
Did not happen, did not express
No longer war.

We wish people
Guarded, bold
The world that our grandfathers
His grandchildren brought.

I've gotten a long time ago
Again the blue sky over us.
Only the memory of the past is alive,
Do not forget this pain over the years.

Do not forget young guys
What the victory for us is brought to.
Without having a road back
Just ahead under fire fled.

Happy Victory Day! Let the birds sing,
Let the planet be moving with flowers.
The skyscoon will decoke the salute
In honor of the heroes, what is not with us now!

Victory Day commemorative and bitter.
Victory Day - Holiday for Century!
Veterans together will bow.
You "Thank you" says the country.

Stressed. Saved. Forever memory
Everyone who did not reach and did not live
The same, who is next to us today
All - the heat of relatives and a lot of strength!

I wish the sky pure,
And the world without war
And the sun rays
Over the entire land of the country.

Native, loved ones - Happy holiday!
Love, health, forces!
So that every day you pleased
And happiness brought.

Let the sounds be smelled on this day,
Let the time run slow down his
Let him remember the feud of grandchild grandchildren,
Postwest their silence memory.

Let their non-worn glory
Leaves the fear of war in the past
Let it be a peaceful power,
Let the children sleep and see dreams.

Let people believe, wait and love
In villages and cities,
They will not forget your feat
Thank you, veterans, you!

Victory Day - special for the country:
On warriors, we remember about the fallen.
For them, rockets in the air will fly
Yes, the sky flames will flourish.
I pass, no not valuable people
Army feat of those who defended children.
Wars strikes, believe, behind,
Only light and joy remained ahead.
Good health and heat!
Birth of healthy, happy children,
Finding their grandfathers a great example!

Congratulations on Victory Day in Prose

Great glory great victory!
May 9 - a special day!
Today it does not matter, you are rich Il Pozhn,
You are a ribbon symbol to the clothes of the adris!

Friends, congratulations on you with the greatest,
So light, sad and joyful day!
And those who served faith-trick,
From us to the earth grateful bow.

Happy Victory Day Congratulations,
You are a favorite country.
Today I wish everyone
So that the world was in the heart forever.

I wish the wars not to see children,
And remember grandfather names
Who are at the price of life
The world gave us then.

Dobreye be, life appreciate,
Children, parents love,
Do not forget Never
Russia does not need war.

Happy Victory Congratulations.
This holiday is every honor,
After all, no wonder our grandfathers
They defended us like a shield.

The feat nice will not forget
Russia's honor will save.
We will win the century victory
Our people are invincible.

Congratulations on Victory Day!
This day was taken from us
Forever war and troubles,
Joy to each house brought.

Not simple - a great holiday,
We respect him.
And now, probably, each
Remember his grandfather.

Congratulations on Victory Day!
Let him not fill memory
The insection will be happiness, light,
And love love for everyone.

Let the descendants of the suspension,
This day will not let you forget:
In order for children in the world,
You need to store this world!

Happy Victory Day Congratulations
We wish the light in the heart.
The holiday is bold, strong, important.
About soldiers we brave
Recall - Low Bow
And salute from all sides.
So let's, friends,
We will always appreciate
Our land, peace, peace
And love all the soul.

With the great holiday of victory unforgettable!
Great happiness is that we live,
So let it be so! And certainly
The world on Earth let him enter each house,

Imagine, only imagine only
Beautiful world without pain and war,
Leave anger and keep hate,
With the Great Day of Victory and Spring!

Again on the Red Square Parade,
But less with us veterans.
Someone will say: "It's time to forget!
" It was. We won, and okay. "

You do not believe it is impossible to forget.
Too road the price of victory.
Eyes raise the sky.
Our fallen characters, where are you?

Pour there for us, from heaven,
So that our children live in peace.
So that about those of you who are still here
People gradually did not forget.

Let salute fly out of darkness
Let the parade begging again.
We are our heritage proud!
We are descendants of valiant heroes!

Close up one minute
Listen to the peaceful sky.
Ratherly rolled by the slave
From the loud word "victory".

So let there be war,
Let the children grow only in the world.
And the feat of soldiers we all appreciate
And grandfather, who in the photo in Mundire.

We remember this day should always
After all, along with him, forever troubles,
Missed all the responses of war
In a wonderful holiday - the day of our victory!

Thanks to those who have given my life
For now we live in the world
After all, every phrase waited a long time:
" Hooray! We finally won! "