During pregnancy, dizziness after eating. Why do you get dizzy during pregnancy?

May occur due to changes in the composition of the blood of the expectant mother. During this period, due to the content of a large number of hormones in it, the vessels of the brain expand, and the blood stagnates a little in them. The oxygen supply to the brain is disrupted, and the head begins to spin.

Dizziness in early pregnancy

If in the first few months of pregnancy you are desperate, try to lie down. Disturbed blood flow returns to normal, oxygen stops, and dizziness in most cases disappears. The head may be spinning in a room that is poorly ventilated or smoky - try to leave it.

Another cause of dizziness during pregnancy is an increase or decrease in blood pressure. To bring the pressure back to normal, it is not always necessary to resort to the help of medications. When it drops, you can try drinking a cup of green tea or freshly ground coffee. Green tea contains much more caffeine, and this should be taken into account when the pressure drops slightly. In this case, it is better to drink coffee. If you have high blood pressure, you can drink some warm milk.

In the early stages, dizziness can also occur due to toxicosis - at this time, water is excreted from the body in large quantities, and blood pressure is significantly reduced.

Dizziness in late pregnancy

During pregnancy, multiple changes occur in the body - these are, in particular, changes in the circulatory system. Gradually, the woman's heart shifts and takes a horizontal position, and the number of blood vessels increases, and the load on the heart. In late pregnancy, dizziness can be caused by vena cava syndrome. If a woman assumes a certain position when lying on her back, an enlarged uterus can press on the inferior vena cava and obstruct blood flow. You need to carefully monitor your position, and change the position chosen for sleep at the slightest sign of a change in well-being.

Another common cause of dizziness is a decrease in hemoglobin levels in the blood. This can happen if the expectant mother forgot to eat or could not due to toxicosis. There are also pregnant women who are specifically starving so as not to gain excess weight. But during pregnancy, this is an unnecessary procedure that can harm both the woman and her child.

Many women experience dizziness while in position. For someone it is insignificant, but for someone, on the contrary, it is strong and, sometimes, preceding fainting. Why does this happen?

Doctors say that this is not as dangerous as, say, vomiting. However, it is useful for a pregnant woman to know why this happens and how to act if she gets dizzy from time to time.

Let's make a reservation right away, if dizziness is minor and not frequent, then there is no reason for concern, because now the body is undergoing physiological changes, first of all, this concerns the circulatory system. But if it is accompanied by severe weakness, drowsiness, impaired coordination of movements and fainting, then you should contact the specialists.

So-called "normal vertigo" can occur as a result of a sudden change in position, for example, when a woman gets out of bed very quickly. In addition, the head may feel dizzy if the pregnant woman is in a stuffy room or overheated.

Causes of dizziness during pregnancy

Among the main causes of "abnormal dizziness" are various diseases that disrupt the blood supply to the brain (osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, vegetovascular dystonia, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, brain tumors). Very often, dizziness occurs due to low blood pressure or anemia (anemia). It happens that a woman has these two conditions at once. Also, dizziness can be caused by a low amount (sugar) in the blood. In this case, the patient is prescribed a special diet containing iron and other necessary elements.

In addition, dizziness can also be a symptom of allergies, hyperventilation, and other conditions unrelated to pregnancy.

Sometimes dizziness precedes a pre-fainting state (ringing in the ears, a feeling of emptiness in the head, severe weakness, darkening of the eyes, cold sweat, numbness of the extremities) or specifically fainting (short-term loss of consciousness). This occurs as a result of a decrease in blood flow to the brain and, as a result, a violation of the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the brain tissues. In this case, if possible, it is necessary to lie on your back and raise your legs above your head. If there is no opportunity to lie down, then the pregnant woman should be seated on a chair and asked to lower her head as low as possible between her knees apart.

By the way, it is noted that such conditions are more often observed in those who, before pregnancy, "was familiar" with both dizziness and fainting. This could occur during menstruation or shortly before it.

To prevent dizziness from overshadowing your pregnancy, follow these simple rules:

  • avoid sudden movements and rises;
  • change position more often while sitting or standing;
  • do not allow the feeling of hunger to appear, eat more often, but little by little (it would be nice to have raisins, dried fruits or fruits, bran bread in your purse);
  • try to avoid crowded places;
  • ventilate the room you are in more often;
  • do not neglect moderate physical activity;
  • take a contrast shower.

We wish you good health and easy pregnancy. Let your head, if it's spinning, then only from happiness!

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Such a phenomenon, when pregnant women feel dizzy and sick, it gets dark in the eyes and the feeling that you are about to fall is not uncommon in the early and late stages. But what are the reasons for this phenomenon in pregnant women - why is it dizzy, from time to time it makes you feel very sick and dark before your eyes, what to do and how to prevent this negative symptomatology? This will be discussed below.

Dizziness in a pregnant woman manifests itself in the fact that the head is spinning weaker or stronger, the woman has an illusory impression of the movement of the surrounding space, objects. In addition, dizziness in pregnant women can be accompanied by bouts of nausea, from time to time overcomes weakness that occurs when the head is turned sharply or the work of a weak vestibular apparatus, overwork. Often, dizziness in pregnant women can be accompanied by fainting due to a lack of blood and oxygen flow to the brain, as well as a rapid heartbeat.

Speaking about why pregnant women often feel dizzy in the early stages, the first of the reasons doctors identify a change in the blood flow system - the network of blood vessels in the pelvic area expands, and the blood flow in the uterus increases. All this can cause dizziness, along with the fact that the body is actively producing new blood cells and insignificant blood thinning - a decrease in hemoglobin level is not the development of anemia, but in especially sensitive pregnant women this can lead to the development of negative symptoms.

It is also worth noting that the cause of dizziness, which manifests itself as very strong attacks, can also be a constant stay in an upright position. In this case, the blood accumulates most of all in the pelvis, legs, and with sharp turns, tilts or any movement, the head will spin, quite strongly.

A long stay in a stuffy and smoky room, as well as toxicosis, can become the root cause of dizziness in pregnant women - it is the latter that especially makes itself felt, leading to dizziness, nausea and bouts of vomiting. At the same time, toxicosis in the early stages is often accompanied in the early stages of gestation to hypotension, which occurs due to the instability of the hormonal background and malfunctions of the adrenal glands, which also leads to disruptions in the nutrition of the brain.

Considering the question of why dizziness bothers pregnant women in the later stages, first of all, doctors note that this is caused by an increase in the size of the uterus - it compresses the vessels with its weight, especially in a horizontal position. This is what leads to an insufficient supply of blood, oxygen to the heart and brain - during a sharp rise, a woman can sharply.

Lack of oxygen supply to the brain can also be caused by developing hypoxemia - a decrease in the level of oxygen in the blood. In the later stages, this can be caused by anemia - a decrease in hemoglobin levels, which supplies oxygen to the brain. In this case, the pregnant woman may be disturbed from time to time by very strong bouts of dizziness and headaches - the head is spinning every time more and more, up to fainting.

What is most interesting is that women wonder why they feel dizzy if the latter consume foods rich in simple carbohydrates in large volumes. Especially if, while pregnant, a woman pleases herself with pastries, sweets - this is what leads to an increase in insulin production and a decrease in blood glucose. This is what, from time to time, leads not only to dizziness, but also to very severe attacks of nausea and loss of strength - it is the right, nutritious nutrition during the period of gestation that is so important for every future woman in labor.

In addition to the above reasons, other reasons can cause an attack of nausea and dizziness, namely:

  • a pregnant woman has a weak vestibular apparatus, motion sickness, and head injuries are diagnosed - in this case, the head is spinning with every trip in a car or tram, when traveling by plane;
  • the woman in labor has an incorrectly formed posture and, accordingly, there is an infringement of the vertebrae of the neck and along the entire length of the spine;
  • overheating or vice versa hypothermia is another reason when a woman in labor is very dizzy.

From time to time, pregnant women are worried about bouts of nausea, dizziness, and it gets dark in the eyes, and in order to minimize these negative symptoms, take a few useful tips into service.

First of all, make it a rule to fully, correctly, and most importantly, eat regularly - this is how you fill the body with useful, nutrients, macro and microelements. At the same time, try to remove flour and sweets from the diet, especially in the first and last trimester, since an increase in glucose in the blood directly affects pressure.

Always, every day, in any weather, doctors recommend that a pregnant woman walk in the fresh air, do physical education - this is what you can do with the permission and agreement with your gynecologist, who will individually select a program. It is the development of one's own body that improves blood flow and relieves the brain of oxygen starvation, thereby nullifying the likelihood of developing dizziness.

Be sure to undergo an examination by a gynecologist, go through the examinations and tests prescribed by him, talk about your migraine attacks, dizziness, especially if your head is spinning often and is accompanied by prolonged attacks. Only a doctor, based on the results of the examination and tests, can accurately diagnose the cause of headaches, nausea, dizziness.

If the patient herself feels an attack of dizziness - try to exclude all sudden movements, do not make sudden movements. When dizziness is caused by a bout of hunger and a lack of blood glucose, be sure to eat, preferring carbohydrate foods such as sweet tea and chocolate, thereby restoring blood glucose levels.

If you suffer from a disorder of the cardiovascular system, do physiotherapy exercises, which the doctor will prescribe. It can be a visit to the pool and yoga classes, or just walking in the fresh air. If you were anemic before pregnancy, eat more iron-rich foods. But if you still feel an attack of dizziness, try to lie down with your legs above the level of your head. So the first signs of an approaching attack of dizziness are darkening before the eyes and noises in the head, aching pain in the back of the head and temporal part of the head.

Speaking about the prevention of dizziness attacks in a pregnant woman, these include:

  • regular ventilation of the entire room;
  • don't get up when you wake up. Making sudden movements of the body;
  • every day, consume enough calories for the body of the woman in labor and the fetus, do not limit yourself to healthy food unnecessarily;
  • if dizziness is provoked by vascular diseases, follow a special, fortified diet, correctly alternating work, physical activity and rest;
  • if the cause of dizziness is a very serious disease, pathology - do not self-medicate, but consult a specialist;

Every woman in labor, even a healthy woman who does not suffer from any pathologies and diseases, is simply obliged to observe a healthy daily routine, eat well and rest, controlling her own blood pressure.

Dizziness is a typical manifestation during pregnancy. Every second pregnant woman at one stage or another of being in an interesting position can feel dizzy. Very often, this is why a woman who manifests a symptom begins to suspect that she is expecting a child. What are the causes of dizziness, and what trimester of pregnancy is it most characteristic of, we will consider all the questions in the article.

7. Lowering blood pressure.

9. Pathologies of the nervous system.

10. Diabetes.

11. Diseases of the auricle and other diseases of pregnant girls

All these reasons are internal and depend on the health of the woman, but the external environment can also provoke dizziness during pregnancy. They may be:

  • long stay in a stuffy room;
  • being outside in hot weather;
  • strong odor or fragrance;
  • food eaten, etc.

Information There are many reasons for dizziness during pregnancy, so if you feel dizzy often and for unknown reasons, you should immediately contact a specialist to determine the causes and, if necessary, prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Severe dizziness during pregnancy

Severe dizziness during pregnancy is a very dangerous condition. If you experience severe dizziness, you should immediately call an ambulance, otherwise you may faint.

Important It is severe dizziness that may precede fainting.

In addition to dizziness during pregnancy, symptoms such as:

  • numbness of the limbs;
  • ringing or loud noise in the ears;
  • darkening in the eyes;
  • chills or cold sweats may break out;
  • weakness.

Fainting is an extremely undesirable condition during pregnancy, such a condition means that the blood flow to the brain has decreased so much that a person can lose consciousness. This can also affect the fetus, so that this does not happen any dizziness is best treated, so you can prevent fainting.

Information If fainting cannot be prevented, then before “fainting” in a faint with a very bad state of health, it is better to sit down. It is noteworthy that during a faint, a person usually does not fall, as if “settling down”, if there is something motionless nearby, then “sliding down”. In any case, a sharp "fall" or "settlement" can harm the child, especially at long gestational ages, and even more so if it is unsuccessful to fall.

Weakness and dizziness of the head

Often a concomitant symptom of dizziness during pregnancy is weakness. This condition is also considered quite normal, but it can also indicate that y, or hypotension. Low blood pressure can also be a danger, so doctors systematically monitor a woman during pregnancy, check blood and urine parameters, pressure is no exception. With due observance of all the recommendations of the doctors of the pregnant woman, it is possible to eliminate all risks to the health of the mother and fetus, as well as get rid of dizziness and weakness, and low blood pressure.

Additionally Weakness and dizziness may appear if the pregnant woman is in a stuffy room, takes a hot bath, ate at the wrong time, is in a bad mood, is very worried or nervous.


Another symptom of pregnancy is nausea, which is also present in all women. Usually nausea and dizziness in a pregnant woman are. Mild nausea and slight dizziness are not a reason to immediately consult a doctor, this condition is considered the norm, but you can tell the observing doctor about this at the appointment. Most likely, he will advise you not to worry, walk in the fresh air, eat right and on time, and most importantly - do not overwork.

Every woman experiences toxicosis differently, some feel mild nausea and sometimes dizziness, and for some, these symptoms are especially pronounced, up to vomiting and fainting. The condition as in the latter case requires the help of specialists. At the same time, a pregnant woman with nausea and dizziness can be prescribed medications or even hospitalized, as they say "to save."

Dizziness in the first weeks of pregnancy

In the first weeks of pregnancy, an interesting situation can be easily guessed. There can be many signs of this:

  • drowsiness, constant craving for sleep;
  • weakness, unwillingness to do anything;
  • dizziness with sudden movements, in a stuffy environment, with excitement, etc.

It is easy to guess that all these signs indicate pregnancy, especially if they arose for the first time. An informed woman will immediately understand what's what. This condition is considered normal, but it occurs if a woman experiences a strong mental and emotional stress, overstrains, suffers or suffers from vascular pathologies.

Information In the first weeks of pregnancy, new cells are formed in the pelvic area, there is an additional blood flow directed to the uterus, the body changes completely, but the body does not always rebuild quickly, which disrupts the blood supply - blood flows out of other organs and goes to the pelvic organs , which can cause dizziness in the first weeks of pregnancy. After a few weeks, the woman's body gets used to such changes, the activity of the circulatory system improves, and dizziness disappears, sometimes without a trace.

Dizziness in the first trimester

In the first trimester of pregnancy, dizziness is similar to that observed in the first weeks of pregnancy and is also considered normal. A pregnant woman during this period may become ill in a stuffy room, transport, in hot weather, etc., that is, when there is not enough oxygen.

Attacks of dizziness in the first trimester appear most often. The thing is that not every body is able to quickly rebuild and therefore women react to pregnancy in different ways. Some endure the “perestroika” normally, while others suffer from terrible toxicosis, the characteristic companions of which can be not only dizziness, but also nausea, weakness, etc. Despite the fact that such signs of pregnancy in the first trimester are considered natural and medical intervention is not required, it is still better for the doctor observing the pregnancy to warn about them.

Important Dizziness, nausea, weakness during pregnancy can provoke undesirable consequences up to the threat of miscarriage, so you should always inform the doctor about everything, and in case of bleeding, call an ambulance.

In the second trimester

The second trimester in many pregnant women can also be accompanied by dizziness. Often during this period, girls become lazier, begin to lead a sedentary lifestyle, which leads to a deterioration in blood circulation, and with sharp or sometimes not even very sharp movements, the head begins to spin, it darkens in the eyes. However, health problems can also cause dizziness in the second trimester.

1. Lack of oxygen or its poor supply to the brain of a pregnant woman. Starting from the fourth month, the fetus develops more and more, begins to increase in size, and also increases in size. All this leads to increased blood flow to the uterus and outflow from other organs, for example, the brain, which subsequently causes dizziness during pregnancy.

2. Hemoglobin decreases, iron levels fall, as a result of which anemia may develop, as a result of which oxygen starvation also occurs in the brain and dizziness occurs.

Here are the two most common causes of dizziness in the second trimester of pregnancy. However, the cause of dizziness can be gestational diabetes. This type of diabetes appears during pregnancy and goes away after birth. It occurs because the pancreas is not able to produce enough insulin to keep blood sugar normal. In this case, frequent dizziness can also be observed.

Dizziness in the third trimester of pregnancy

The third trimester is more difficult than the previous two and the symptoms of pregnancy may be felt more acutely, in addition, during this period, the so-called toxicosis of the last months may occur, which is accompanied by dizziness.

In the last months of pregnancy, dizziness can appear due to a greatly enlarged uterus, which compresses large blood vessels, as a result of which the general blood flow is disturbed, which leads to dizziness in a pregnant girl. The head begins to feel especially dizzy if you lie on your back for a long time, since it is in this position that the inferior vena cava is clamped, which can disrupt blood flow in the body. In this regard, it is recommended to lie on your side for the most part, and in order to make it more comfortable to sleep at night, you can purchase a special pillow for pregnant women.

Information In late pregnancy, dizziness can also be due to prolonged standing, such as in long lines. In this state, the blood flow increases and goes to the lower part, as a result of which the nutrition of the brain decreases, and dizziness appears.

Another cause of dizziness in the third trimester is a decrease in blood glucose. This indicator decreases due to malnutrition or with severe toxicosis, accompanied by vomiting. Although blood glucose may decrease throughout pregnancy.

Toward the end of the third trimester, dizziness may be due to the fact that the female body begins to prepare for future childbirth. This is because most of the blood flows to the uterus, and oxygen starvation occurs in the brain, which leads to dizziness. This condition should not cause concern, unless the pressure drops or there is no tendency to faint.

Actions during the spinning of the head of a pregnant woman

With a slight manifestation of nausea and dizziness during pregnancy, you can help get rid of discomfort by following simple recommendations:

1. In the morning you should not get out of bed abruptly, you can even have a bite to eat in bed to “drowse” bouts of nausea and dizziness.

2. With a tendency to such a state, it is important not to make sudden movements: do not bend down, do not get up, etc.

3. Snacking during the day can also help get rid of nausea and dizziness during pregnancy, because undereating or overeating is hard and bad for a pregnant woman.

4. Some nausea can be blunted with citrus, salty, spicy or other types of foods, the main thing is that you are not allergic to such foods and you should not eat too much of them.

5. More time should be spent outdoors, walking, walking.

6. It is worth regularly ventilating the room in which a pregnant woman is most often.

7. It is important to get enough sleep, and you need to sleep at least eight hours a day.

8. In the later stages of pregnancy, do not stay in an upright position for a long time, do not sleep on your back.

9. Do not overeat, drink water in moderation.

10. A lot of movement, a sedentary or sedentary lifestyle also leads to dizziness.

Treatment of dizziness during pregnancy

Usually, dizziness during pregnancy is not treated unless there are any other symptoms or diseases. Therapy is necessary in the following cases:

1. With iron deficiency. In this case, doctors prescribe drugs that make up for the lack of this element, and also offer a list of products that can also restore the necessary element. Ferrum Lek can be prescribed as an iron-containing drug. Among food products, preference is given to red meat, legumes, seaweed, nuts, dried fruits, beets, cabbage, dill, garlic, pumpkin seeds, etc.

2. Under reduced pressure. Violations in blood pressure are also corrected with the help of drugs or food, among which black tea and weak coffee are recommended.

3. In the case of vegetative-vascular dystonia. To normalize the condition, it is recommended to take sedatives, for example, valerian or motherwort.

4. In violation of blood glucose levels They advise you to eat right and regularly, do not skip tomorrow, afternoon tea and lunch. Portions at the same time should be hearty, varied and small. Starving is strictly prohibited. Sweets and sugary foods should be limited.

Here are a few pathologies that require therapy for dizziness during pregnancy. In other cases, it is better to limit yourself to prevention.

Additionally Dizziness is the main symptom of pregnancy. In most cases, dizziness is weak and disappears in the first months of an interesting position, and in other, more severe cases, dizziness can be avoided by following all the recommendations and instructions of the observing doctor.

Nausea, constant ailments - the first sign of a "long-awaited surprise." Dizziness during pregnancy is quite normal, but the right lifestyle and diet will help eliminate this factor. Women in anticipation of a baby carefully monitor their health, so any changes in the body become a cause of concern and anxiety. And the question of why pregnant women feel a little dizzy is of interest to the expectant mother before the baby is born.

The expectant mother can feel dizzy for various reasons:

  • a sharp drop in pressure;
  • anemia - a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • increasing or decreasing glucose levels;
  • hunger, a sharp change in body position;
  • sunstroke;
  • prolonged stay without fresh air in a room with a large crowd of people;
  • mental, physical fatigue;
  • weather conditions, atmospheric pressure drops;
  • increase in the intensity of blood circulation of the uterus in a pregnant woman;
  • excessive load on the vessels and the heart due to an increase in blood circulation and the formation of an additional circle of blood circulation;
  • toxicosis causes dizziness during pregnancy in the initial stages;
  • diabetes gestational mellitus is formed due to excessive pressure on the pancreas, disappears after the birth of a child;
  • cervical osteochondrosis makes itself felt with spasms with sharp turns of the head.

Dizziness can also be more serious, which can be provoked by various pathologies:

  • diseases of the heart, blood vessels;
  • inflammation of the inner ear;
  • problems with the vestibular system;
  • brain diseases, various injuries;
  • pathology of the cervical spine;
  • ectopic pregnancy, frozen fetus.

Dizziness during pregnancy can also occur for other reasons not related to bearing a child, for example, with allergies or increased ventilation of the lungs.

Vertigo, as a harbinger of an "interesting" situation

The first signs of pregnancy are manifested by dizziness, constant drowsiness, weakness. What is typical for women who are constantly experiencing mental stress, physical, mental overstrain.

At an early stage, the expectant mother has a new network of blood vessels near the small pelvis, an additional blood flow is formed, which enhances the movement of blood inside the uterus. But the female body does not always respond to such changes in a timely manner, as a result, the distribution of blood supply is disrupted, and a large blood flow is directed to the pelvic area, thereby causing acute oxygen starvation of the brain.

After some time, in the process of establishing the normal functioning of the venous system, vertigo during pregnancy during the bearing of the baby may disappear, or may remain for the entire period of the “interesting” position.

Ailments at all times

Dizziness during pregnancy is a normal process that occurs in the female body, so it should not cause much concern. Basically, the condition is defined as mild and does not require specific treatment.

Classification of the disease depending on the term

Period Causes
In the first trimester
  • fever, lack of oxygen;
  • mass gatherings of people;
  • inaccurate movements;
  • weather conditions;
  • prolonged stay in a stuffy room.

Pregnancy in the 1st trimester is often accompanied by mild ailments that are completely natural causes.

In the second trimesterIn the absence of toxicosis, the origin of vertigo is similar. But the body in the 2nd trimester begins to react slowly to irritating factors, so in this case the reasons are different:
  • lack of physical activity for a long time;
  • hypoxia;
  • a sharp change in body position;
  • low blood pressure.

Pregnancy in the presence of such conditions proceeds quite normally.

In the third trimesterThe last stage of waiting for a child is the 3rd trimester, the most difficult. The body has changed, the uterus is preparing for the appearance of crumbs. This happens at the 38th week. Blood rushes to the bottom, as a result of dizziness during pregnancy.

These are minor ailments that disappear after half an hour. They should not be alarming, if they do not cause fainting, pressure reduction.

Pregnancy in the later stages requires special monitoring, so seizures should be treated more carefully, since fainting, lack of coordination can provoke the fall of the expectant mother, which is dangerous for her and the baby.

The main signs of malaise: diagnosis

Dizziness during early pregnancy, makes itself felt by the following symptoms:

  • feeling of movement of things, body;
  • problems with coordination;
  • vomiting, mild nausea;
  • tinnitus, blurred vision;
  • cold sweating, weakness;
  • temporary fainting.

Feeling dizzy in the early stages can be for quite normal reasons, it goes away on its own. With severe symptoms, the gynecologist examines the patient:

  • analysis (general);
  • biochemistry;
  • Ultrasound of the brain, heart;

Consultation of narrow doctors (neuropathologist, internist, endocrinologist) is indicated, subsequent monitoring of the patient's condition takes place with their participation.

Treatment of minor ailments

If a pregnant woman feels that she may feel dizzy, certain measures must be taken:

  • Lie down, put your feet on the pillow. Collar, unbutton the belt.
  • If the attack occurs when the patient is standing, she should sit down, lower her head and drink some water in small sips.
  • With a feeling of hunger, a sharp decrease in pressure, take hot sweetened tea.
  • With anemia, a special diet is indicated, drugs that increase hemoglobin levels.
  • Provide the patient with fresh air.

If dizziness in early pregnancy occurs due to vascular dystonia, then sedative drugs based on herbs can be used for treatment: pharmaceutical valerian, medicinal motherwort, peppermint. With hypotension, medications with a stimulating effect are used: coffee drinks, eleutherococcus, tea, pink radiola. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Can a woman prevent dizziness that occurs due to pinching of the inferior genital vein in the final stages of expecting a baby - yes, it can. For this, a pregnant woman should not rest on her back for a long time, the preferred position is on her side.

Basic Prevention Measures

Why you feel dizzy during pregnancy, only a gynecologist can reliably answer, who will also tell you how to prevent such attacks:

  • To maintain normal blood sugar levels, you need to eat little, but often, consume more fresh fruits, vegetables, foods with sufficient iron content (buckwheat, apples).
  • Avoid places with large crowds of people.
  • To walk outside.
  • Do sports daily.
  • Do not stay in one position for a long time, warm up.
  • To strengthen the vascular system with dizziness, it is useful to take a contrast shower.
  • With toxicosis, it is better to eat in the morning without getting out of bed.
  • Regular visits to the gynecologist.

Pregnant women should understand that they are now protecting not only their health, but also the life of the unborn baby. With constant dizziness that causes concern, you need to consult a doctor, undergo an examination to determine the causes of vertigo, take certain measures, and prescribe treatment. If you leave such attacks unattended, you can increase the risk of untimely birth, complications of the course of pregnancy at all its stages.