Approximate menu for a child of 7 months. What foods and how much should be on the menu of a seven-month-old baby


Complementary feeding of a child at the sixth month

From the sixth month, you can include the following foods in the child's diet: an apple, carefully mashed banana or banana and apple puree, mashed boiled carrots, potatoes or mashed carrots and potatoes, rice broth, oatmeal. The cereals that you want to use for porridge must first be boiled in water and only then add milk. If the child has manifestations of rickets, cook porridge with vegetable broth.

Cooking porridge If you want to cook 10% milk porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice), rinse the cereal thoroughly and cook it in water over low heat. When the cereal is boiled, it must be rubbed through a sieve. The resulting mass is poured with hot milk and boiled for several minutes. Add sugar syrup, butter, a little salt. 100 g of porridge requires 10 g of cereals, 50 ml of water, 100 ml of milk, 3-5 ml of sugar syrup, 3 g of butter. Delight your child with pumpkin milk porridge. It is prepared like this: the washed and peeled pumpkin must be cut into cubes, covered with water, add sugar syrup and simmer for 30 minutes; then add the prepared - sorted and washed - cereals (oat, buckwheat or rice) and simmer for another 30 minutes, until the cereals are boiled; the resulting porridge must be rubbed through a sieve, add heated milk and bring to a boil; salt a little, put butter. You can use the same recipe to cook milk porridge with beets, carrots, turnips, as well as fruits. 100 g of porridge requires 100 g of pumpkin, 10 g of cereal, 75 ml of water, 50 ml of milk, 4-5 ml of sugar syrup, 3 g of butter.

Complementary feeding of a child at six to seven months.

At 6.5-7 months, you can include the following dishes in the baby's menu: carrots with potatoes or carrots with rice; cauliflower with potatoes; low-fat broth (at 6.5 months) and meat (starting at 7 months); if the child's body already copes well enough with complementary foods, use beans, green peas, red beets, broccoli, celery, cook vegetable soups, cereals (you can with vegetables and fruits), mixed cereals from several types of grains. From 6.5 months, you can slowly give your baby low-fat meat broth. Veal broth is best, or you can start with chicken broth. Like all other dishes, teach your child to meat broth gradually, starting with 1-2 teaspoons. For 7-10 days, bring the volume of the broth given to the child to 20-30 ml. Watch your baby's reactions. Some children have manifestations of exudative diathesis when taking meat broths. If you notice symptoms of diathesis, stop giving broth, consult your local pediatrician about further tactics regarding meat dishes. It is customary to give meat broths before vegetable purees (no more than 20-30 ml of broth). Otherwise, you will reduce the child's appetite, and he will refuse the main course. With the broth, you can give your child a small white bread crouton.

The child tastes meat.

From the age of seven months, the child tastes meat. You can add lean meat (for example, veal) to your child in all vegetable dishes. You can also add chicken egg yolk to these blues. You can give the child and the liver in the form of puree. Beef or pork liver is boiled and rubbed through a sieve. A little broth or milk should be added to the resulting mass. This is done so that the dish is not very dry. The liver contains a lot of valuable protein, iron and vitamins. It is especially useful to give liver dishes to children with anemia. At 7 months, you can give your baby minced meat (minced twice). Minced meat can be added a little to vegetable purees. At 5 months, already give meat in the form of mashed potatoes, and in a year offer your child steam cutlets. In a year, a child can already eat 70-80 g of meat. All meat dishes that you cook, use immediately after cooking, do not store. If the child has not eaten the entire serving, eat the leftovers yourself.

Canned meat.

Children of seven months of age (and those suffering from rickets, anemia, lagging behind in physical development and somewhat earlier) can be given lean beef, lean pork, veal, chicken, and also tongue. On sale you have come across canned meat (including chicken) in small metal cans of 100 g. These canned food is very convenient to use. Don't forget to check the canned food labels. There must be exactly indicated the age of the child for which the canned food is designed. The domestic food industry produces canned meat of varying degrees of grinding. Homogenized finely ground canned meat is designed for children aged 5-6 months (for example, children suffering from rickets, lagging in physical development, anemic); finely chopped canned meat is intended for children 7-8 months old; and coarsely ground - for children 9-12 months. When you buy canned meat, consider the age of your baby. If you buy canned meat for future use, you must remember that their shelf life is up to one and a half years. Reheat canned meats before eating. You can add them to vegetable purees (for example, potatoes); such a dish turns out to be very tasty, since in addition to meat itself, onions, starch, spices, butter or vegetable oil are added to canned food. Your child may not have eaten the contents of the entire jar yet. All the same - 100 grams! .. What about the remaining canned food? They should not be stored in an opened tin - put them in a glass container with a lid. And then you can store it in the refrigerator. But no more than a day.

Cooking meat broth.

You can prepare meat broth for a child from lean beef or veal. Don't give preference to one or the other. Not recommended for making bone broth. There is a lot of fat in this broth. Bone broth, which seems to you more delicious, you will cook for your child later - when he is already a schoolboy. You must finely chop the meat used for the broth or mince it. Simmer for up to two hours. Salt is added at the end of cooking. It is not recommended to add spices. But greens - dill and parsley or celery - you can put. When preparing meat broth, you can use carrots, onions. When the broth is ready, strain it through 2-3 layers of sterile gauze and bring to a boil again. You can make chicken broth in the same way. You also need to cook chicken meat for about 2 hours. For 100 ml of broth you need 40-50 g of lean meat, 150-200 ml of water, 1/4 of an onion, a little carrots, greens - to taste.

Cooking meat puree.

Rinse the meat pulp well, remove fat and films. Cut into small pieces, cover the meat with water and simmer over low heat until tender. Scroll the cooked meat several times through a meat grinder, and then rub through a sieve. A little broth or hot milk should be added to the resulting mass so that the meat puree does not turn out too dry. When the puree has reached the required consistency, bring it to a boil, add a little salt and butter. Do not pour out the broth remaining after cooking the meat. Having passed it through 2-3 layers of sterile gauze (excess fat remains on the gauze), you can cook a very nutritious vegetable soup for your child in this broth. 100 g of meat puree requires 100 g of meat pulp, 50 ml of water, 4-5 g of butter. No spices needed. You can use only a little greenery.

Cooking chicken soufflé.

Cooking this dish is quite simple. First you need to boil the chicken, then separate the meat from the skin and bones. Pass the meat through a meat grinder. Add flour, egg yolk, butter and hot milk to the resulting mass. All this must be thoroughly mixed, put in a greased form and baked in the oven. To obtain 100 g of soufflé, 60 g of chicken meat, 1/2 yolk, 30 ml of milk, 3 g of wheat flour, 4-5 g of butter are needed.

Approximate menu for a child at seven months.

A seven month old baby's menu should look something like this:
6.00 - breastfeeding;
10.00 - vegetable soup with meat broth - 20 g; vegetable puree - 150 g (add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and half an yolk to the puree); meat or liver puree 10-30 g; fruit juices - 5-6 teaspoons;
14.00 - breastfeeding, one of the fruit juices - 5-6 teaspoons;
18.00 - oatmeal (buckwheat, rice) - 150 g; cottage cheese - 4 teaspoons; a scraped apple or one of the fruit purees - 3 tablespoons;
22.00 - breastfeeding.
As you can see, the child's menu is already quite diverse.
If your baby is bottle-fed, his menu looks something like this:
6.00 - milk mixture or kefir - 200 g;
10.00 - oatmeal (buckwheat, rice) - 150 g, cottage cheese - 4 teaspoons, one of the fruit juices - 5-6 teaspoons;
14.00 - vegetable soup cooked in meat broth - 20 g, vegetable puree - 150 g with the addition of 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and half of the yolk, meat or liver puree - 40 g, a scraped apple or one of the fruit purees - 3 tablespoons;
18.00 - milk mixture or kefir - 200 g; one of fruit juices - 5-6 teaspoons;
22.00 - milk mixture or kefir - 200g.
As you can see, vegetable, fruit and meat dishes are gradually replacing dairy dishes.
In winter, when the child does not get enough exposure to the sun, give the child vitamin D. The child receives this vitamin in the form of a drug prescribed by your local pediatrician.

Every mother strives to give her child the best. Control everything, especially the process of his nutrition. With the gradual expansion of the diet, the mother for the first time thinks about recipes for a 7 month old baby. So what can you cook yourself?

How to cook porridge for 7 month old babies?

All porridge recipes for children of 7 months come down to one thing - at the stage of introducing complementary foods, it must be liquid. And it is extremely important to learn how to cook it correctly. The child's first porridge should be 5%, and is prepared at the rate of 5 g of cereal (teaspoon) per 100 ml of liquid. A couple of weeks after the introduction of the first porridge, its concentration can be higher and amount to 8 - 10% (1.5 - 2 teaspoons).

There are quite a few ways to cook porridge, but the main thing is to properly prepare the cereal first. Any cereal must first be ground into flour. The best assistant for this is a coffee grinder. For busy mothers who value their free time, it is better to use industrial baby cereals, which are notable for proper processing and are additionally enriched with minerals and vitamins.

After cooking, from the correct calculation, it is recommended to pass the porridge through a sieve so that no lumps remain and the crumb does not choke. In a ready-made porridge, add no more than 5 g of butter to one portion.

Compote recipes for crumbs after six months

The first compote for a child should be one-component - from green apples, without added sugar. As soon as the baby gets used to such a drink, it will be possible to cook two-component, but only using light and green fruits, for example, apples and pears.

Cooking compote, it is necessary at the rate of half a liter of water, one medium apple and one pear. Rinse the fruit thoroughly and remove the core, cut into small cubes. You should not use imported apples, local ones are better. These foods contain more vitamins and less pesticides. The ideal option is apples and pears that have grown in their own garden.

After cutting the fruit and pouring the right amount of water, the pan is put on a slow fire, and after boiling, the gas is immediately turned off. With the lid closed, the compote must cool on its own, while the lid must not be opened.

For a richer flavor, cooked fruit can be chopped with a hand blender and the mixture passed through a sieve. There are practically no vitamins and minerals in the pulp itself, they pass into the liquid itself - compote. But giving such a drink to a baby, he will receive dietary fiber.

In winter, when there are no fresh fruits, the child can cook dried fruit compote, but the main thing is that the apple variety is green or yellow. For the first time, it is necessary to give compote to a child from a teaspoon, with a normal reaction of the baby, you can gradually bring it to the age norm - 100 ml per day.

After a while, you can make more complex compotes using prunes (especially if the child is prone to constipation), peaches, etc.

What else can you cook for babies at 7 months: recipes

A child of 7 months still has a limited diet, these are vegetables and fruits, cereals. You can combine these products with each other and offer your baby. Usually babies like rice with vegetables, potatoes in combination with broccoli, carrots, etc. You can combine different cereals with each other, provided that they are well tolerated separately.

How to cook soup for 7 month old babies?

Vegetable soup for a child of 7 months is still prohibited, the term of its introduction is 9 - 12 months. Only from this time can you prepare soups for your child yourself. The first soups should be liquid in vegetable broths with the addition of salt and breast milk (if the baby is receiving breast milk).

Broths cooked with celery and carrots have a great taste and aroma. Soups can be vegetable - potatoes, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, it is permissible to add vegetables - rice, buckwheat, etc. Any soup for a child must be chopped - passed through a sieve.

It is permissible to add baby cream, vegetable oil, chicken egg yolk to soups, based on age recommendations.

How to cook meat for crumbs 7 months old?

The time of introducing meat into a child's diet is from 8 months, starting with low-fat varieties - for example, veal, beef, turkey, offal are allowed from 10 months. Many mothers try to prepare all the complementary foods for the baby on their own.

While it is quite possible to make vegetable or fruit puree, and quite easy, but with meat puree it is quite difficult. It will be necessary to cook the beef until fully cooked, divide it into fibers, chop it thoroughly with a blender, and pass it through a sieve. And all these difficulties in order to give the child a teaspoon of meat puree.

It is much easier to buy ready-made - industrial production, which was prepared according to all the rules, in sterile conditions, with additional enrichment with vitamins, iron and minerals.

How to prepare cottage cheese for babies from 6 months old?

You can introduce cottage cheese into a child's diet from the middle, towards the end of the 8th month. Until this time, it is highly undesirable to give the child cottage cheese. But still, until this time, mothers can practice and learn how to cook cottage cheese on their own.

A baby at the age of seven months not so long ago ate only mother's milk or mixture, but some time ago vegetables, cereals and fruits appeared on his menu. The child rejoices in new tastes, and the task of the parents should be the correct beginning of the crumbs' acquaintance with new food. Let's take a look at what new foods a seven-month-old baby is trying and how to build his diet at this age.

What foods can be added to the diet?


At the age of seven months, the baby eats five times during the day, with breaks between meals from 3.5 to 4 hours.

The diet is highly dependent on the temperament of the child and may differ from generally accepted norms.

Sample menu

For a baby who was fed only breast milk up to 6 months of age, at 7 months the menu will look like this:

For a seven-month-old baby, who began to be fed at 4-5 months of age due to a lack of breast milk from the mother, the menu will be as follows:

For a bottle-fed baby, the diet at the age of 7 months will look like this:

For a baby who began to be fed, taking into account Komarovsky's recommendations, the diet at 7 months will be as follows:

Do not be over-zealous about introducing and complementary feeding recommendations and time and amount tables. They should serve only as a guide, and parents should take into account, first of all, the individual characteristics and state of health of the baby.

Each child is different, and deviations in the amount of complementary foods are common.

Consider the following nuances:

  • Before giving the baby a new product, you need to pay attention to various factors, for example, the baby's well-being and the absence of diseases (including allergies), weight gain, good appetite, and others.
  • A seven-month-old baby is already sitting well, so it should be fed in a sitting position. For greater convenience, it is worth buying a special children's chair for the baby.
  • Prepare your baby fresh meals daily. Before giving food to the baby, check the temperature of the food and stir well.
  • A baby who does not want to try a new complementary food cannot be forced. There are many reasons for this behavior, for example, the taste was not pleasant or the child was not hungry enough. Breastfeed your baby, but keep offering him new food.
  • Spoon feed your baby and do not be afraid to put a spoon in your baby's hands to start eating on his own. Of course, this way some of the food gets past the mouth and the plate, but the child needs to start learning to master this skill.
  • When choosing your first porridge, consider the characteristics of the cereals. For example, rice contains a lot of starch, but this cereal is the safest for allergy sufferers, and buckwheat contains a lot of vitamins. Porridge cooked in water can be diluted with mother's milk or a mixture.
  • A new group of complementary foods should be given only after complete getting used to the already introduced products. To make it easier to track which dish has a negative reaction, first give your baby one-component food.
  • Use a strainer, mixer or blender to prepare food for your 7 month old baby. This will help you achieve the desired product uniformity.

At the age of seven months, babies become very active. They are already sitting, some are trying to get up with support, many are crawling, taking steps with support by the handles, and absolutely all healthy crumbs are in constant motion. Expending a lot of energy, they need a nutritious diet. Breast milk or an age-adapted formula is the basis, but the baby also needs additional nutrients.

The nutrition of a child at 7 months should be compiled taking into account all energy and mental costs. Immunity, health and harmonious development of the baby directly depend on its correct organization.

Complementary feeding rules

Many mothers want to quickly accustom the baby to adult products, without following the basic rules for getting to know new food. But the incorrect introduction of complementary foods is fraught with digestive disorders and an allergic reaction.

Any product unfamiliar to the body of a crumb should be given taking into account simple rules:

  1. Acquaintance with a new dish begins with one teaspoon. With favorable digestion of this food, the amount is gradually increased. For 1-2 weeks, it is brought to the full portion required by age.
  2. The dish should be prepared with only one unfamiliar ingredient. It is forbidden to introduce several new components at the same time. After successfully familiarizing yourself with one product, you can include a new ingredient in a recipe in small doses.
  3. It is advisable to spoon feed adult food, offering it before feeding with formula or human milk.
  4. A child's nutrition at 7 months should consist of dishes in the form of a homogeneous, puree-like mass without lumps, so that it is easier for the baby to get used to them. Then, gradually, small lumps should appear in them. The transition to solid and thick foods should be smooth. First, to grind food, you can use a blender or a special pusher for mashed potatoes, then knead with a spoon, and then with a fork. So the baby will imperceptibly get used to the new consistency of the dishes.
  5. It is wiser to introduce new food in the daytime, for example, during lunch or lunch. Mom will have the opportunity to observe the state of the baby and the reaction of his body to innovations.

Vegetable puree

Vegetable puree is a necessary dish that must be included in the nutrition of a child of 6-7 months. It has a beneficial effect on the functionality of the baby's stomach and intestines. Fiber, which is rich in any vegetables, promotes the production of enzymes in the intestines and activates the digestive tract. In addition, they are an invaluable source of natural minerals and vitamins. Usually, by this age, the baby has already become acquainted with several types of vegetables. Cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, broccoli, zucchini - these components are the first to be introduced into complementary foods. Sweet and healthy carrots and pumpkins are usually very popular with little gourmets. They contain a lot of vitamin A, which is necessary for the little eye. At this age, you can try to add bright vegetables to the diet, but do not forget about their allergenic properties and constant monitoring of the baby's condition. Healthy and nutritious dishes of beans and peas can be tried from the seventh month of life. In their pure form, they can cause irritation of the intestinal mucosa or cause colic, so it is better to add them to mashed potatoes with already familiar vegetables.

For babies receiving infant formula, acquaintance with vegetables began as early as the fifth month, and for infants - at the sixth. If the addiction is successful, then in the seventh month the baby can receive vegetable purees from several ingredients. At the age of seven months, due to the increasing energy costs and the growth of the crumbs, the portion volume increases. It is 170-200 grams. Vegetable puree is served to the baby with the addition of 5 g (1 teaspoon) of vegetable oil, such as olive oil.


Porridge in the diet of a seven-month-old crumbs is an irreplaceable product. Her daily intake is 150-200 ml. At this age, the baby should eat gluten-free varieties: buckwheat, rice or corn porridge, developed for baby food at this period of life.

From the age of seven months, you can try oatmeal. Nutritionists do not recommend diluting it with cow's milk; mother's milk or a mixture intended for toddlers 6-12 months is better for this. For feeding babies with exudative diathesis, preference should be given to porridge made from rice or corn, and crumbs with constipation - from buckwheat. Today, on the shelves with baby food, you can find various cereals - both single-component and with additives: rice with a peach, buckwheat with an apple and others.

Egg yolk

Protein is a very valuable element for the development and growth of a tiny organism. It's time to introduce egg yolk into the child's diet for 7 months, which must be hard-boiled well. It is rich not only in protein, but also in iron, phosphorus, fats and many vitamins. This product is allergic, so you should start with a few small grains and gradually work up to half the yolk. It can be diluted with breast milk or formula, and added to porridge or vegetable dishes. You need to give the yolk to the baby 2 times a week.


Upon reaching the age of seven months, due to the intensive growth of the baby, his body's need for iron increases daily. The moment has come to taste the meat puree. A child's nutrition at 7 months must necessarily include a meat dish to avoid a problem such as anemia. Today, there are many manufacturers on the baby food market offering various meat purees for all ages. It will not be difficult for mommy to cook it on her own. For a toddler of this age, the following types of meat are suitable: lean beef, veal, rabbit, turkey and white chicken breast. The meat dish must have a puree-like consistency. To do this, the meat must be thoroughly cooked and chopped using a blender, food processor or meat grinder. You should start with half a teaspoon, and by the end of the age of seven months, the serving volume should be increased to 50-70 grams per day. You can offer meat puree to a little gourmet together with a vegetable one at lunchtime. For babies diagnosed with intolerance to cow's milk proteins, it is not recommended to introduce veal and beef into the diet.


A child's nutrition at 7 months should be rich in vitamin and mineral components, therefore, not only vegetables, but also fruits should be present in the baby's diet.

At this age, you can prepare fruit puree from one type or from a combination of such fruits and berries: apple, pear, banana, peach, apricot and cherry. You can use ready-made baby products from jars. It is homogenized and well absorbed by the baby's body. Its use is especially important in the spring-winter period, when the vitamin value of fresh fruits is significantly reduced.

Dairy products

Kefir and curd contain mineral components (calcium, phosphorus, potassium) and protein. Children's experts believe that nutrition for a 7-8 month old child who does not have health problems will not be complete without them. They must be introduced gradually so as not to create a load on the immature digestive system and the kidneys of the crumbs. Artificial babies are given cottage cheese and kefir from the age of seven months, and infants - from the eighth month. You should start trying kefir with a portion of 20 ml, gradually increasing to 100 ml per day.

You need to offer the baby a special children's kefir, and not an ordinary adult. The norm of cottage cheese for a seven-month-old baby is 30 grams. in a day. Some children from kefir may experience changes in stool, abdominal pain - in this case, nutritionists advise to postpone its introduction for up to a year.

7 months old baby: food, table and sample menu

The daily diet of a seven-month-old baby depends on the type of feeding (breastfeeding or artificial), the time of introduction of the first complementary foods and the success of the perception of new food. Below is a table with an example menu.

Table with a sample menu for 7 months

Feeding time

1st feeding 6.00

2nd feeding 10.00

3rd feeding 14.00

4th feeding 18.00

5th feeding 22.00

Breastfeeding baby from 6 months old

Breast milk

Dairy-free porridge or in breast milk (150 g), fruit puree (30 g)

Vegetable puree (150 g) with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and meat puree (50 g)

Breast milk + ½ yolk + (by the end of the month) cottage cheese - 30 gr

Breast milk

A baby on artificial feeding, receiving complementary foods from 5 months

Dairy-free or mixed porridge (150 g), fruit puree (30 g)

Vegetable puree (150 g) with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil + ½ yolk + meat puree (50 g)

cottage cheese - 30 g + kefir (100 g) or fermented milk mixture for the age of 6-12 months

Formula suitable for ages 6-12 months


When composing the diet of a child of 7 months, you need to correctly distribute the dishes in such an order that would be similar to the menu of preschoolers. The first and second feedings are eventually replaced by a milk breakfast, the third, respectively, will go to a nutritious lunch, the fourth to a light afternoon snack, and the last to dinner. The child is already sitting confidently, so it is better to feed him at a common table in a highchair.

Every day, growing up babies become more active and spend more energy, which must be replenished with additional nutrients. Therefore, gradually "adult" foods should be introduced into the child's diet, since the usual nutrition is no longer enough for the child's body. Seven-month-old fidgets by this age sit and crawl, and some even try to get up on their feet and take their first steps. Of course, the main food is still the mixture (or breast milk), but the constant activity of the baby requires a more complete diet. What can a seven-month-old baby eat and drink? Let's consider this issue in detail.

Baby nutrition - what new foods should be introduced into the diet

How much complementary foods should a child eat - complementary feeding table

The main food of an infant at this age is still milk (mother's or adapted formula). But even with full breastfeeding, the baby must eat additional foods so that his body receives the vitamins and minerals necessary and important for health. Specialists in the field of pediatrics have developed a complementary feeding table, which describes in detail what to feed a child at this age.

Name of products and dishesDaily rateImportant rules
Porridge (oat, corn, buckwheat, barley, rice)150 gDo not dilute with cow's milk.
Vegetable puree (pumpkin, cabbage, carrots, zucchini)170 gYou can add green peas.
Fruit puree (banana, apple, pear, plum)70 gNo citrus fruits!
Meat puree (chicken, turkey, rabbit)30 gDo not give broth.
Dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir)50-150 gKefir should be for children.
Boiled chicken yolk0.25 gOnly yolk, no protein!
Juices and compotes (carrots, apples, apricots, peaches)70 mlDilute in half with water.
Cookies, croutons, crackers3 pcsSoak in water or milk.

Are there any differences in the nutrition of infants and artificial ones?

Most mothers believe that if their babies eat a lot of breast milk by the age of seven months, then they do not need additional food, so they are in no hurry to introduce complementary foods. However, many experts are of the opinion that even if a child continues to enjoy breastfeeding with pleasure, his body already begins to feel the need for vitamins and minerals that can be obtained from healthy foods. Therefore, the baby needs to be introduced to complementary foods, but the portions should be very small, literally half a dessert spoon, because for the baby this is a new food.

If the child is artificially fed, then one adapted mixture is not enough for him by four to five months. And by the age of seven months, the portion of "artificial" should not only differ slightly from the diet of children who feed on mother's milk, but also be larger in grams. Here it is better to focus on the complementary feeding table and calculate the amount of food in relation to the baby's weight. This is necessary so that the volume of each portion does not exceed the indicators indicated in the table - it will be much easier for mothers with it.

Daily diet for breastfeeding and bottle feeding

The menu for a child at 7 months, who is breastfed, is slightly different from the menu for a child who feeds on an adapted formula. The products are practically the same, the only difference is the dosage. A baby who has completely switched to an adapted formula needs a little more food than a breastfed baby.

Feeding timeBreastfedBottle-fed
6.00-7.00 Mother's milk.Milk mixture.
10.00-11.00 Porridge (150 gr.), Fruit puree (50 gr.).Porridge (180 gr.), Fruit puree (80 gr.).
14.00-15.00 Vegetable puree (150 gr.), Meat puree (150 gr.),
juice or compote (50 ml).
Vegetable puree (180 gr.), Meat puree (180 gr.),
juice or compote (80 ml).
18.00-19.00 Cottage cheese (40 gr.), Kefir (100 ml), cookies.Cottage cheese (50 gr.), Kefir (150 ml), half a yolk.
22.00-23.00 Mother's milk.Milk mixture.

As can be seen from the table, the diet for infants does not depend on the type of feeding and includes five meals a day with an interval of no more than 4 hours.

Approximate menu for an infant at 7 months for every day of the week

The diet of toddlers should be varied and age appropriate. We offer to help mothers an approximate daily menu, in which the first breakfast and the last feeding must necessarily include breast milk or formula. What you can eat and drink for your child at other meals is suggested in the table.

Day of weekEatingWhat can you offer your baby
MondayBreakfast # 2Semolina porridge with dried fruits (150 g), cottage cheese with peach pulp (50 g), pear puree (50 g).
DinnerCabbage and pumpkin puree (180 g), turkey meat mousse (70 g), 1/2 yolk, compote (150 ml), bread.
Afternoon snackHomemade yogurt (100 g), buckwheat porridge (50 g), green apple puree (50 g), baby biscuits (5 g).
TuesdayBreakfast # 2Buckwheat porridge with pumpkin (100 g), plum puree (50 g), baby curd (50 g).
DinnerPotato soup with meatballs with onions, cabbage, carrots, herbs (200 g), pear and peach puree (50 g), bread.
Afternoon snackChildren's kefir (100 ml), oatmeal (100 g), green apple baked in the oven.
WednesdayBreakfast # 2Rice pudding (100 g), jelly (50 g), curd soufflé (50 g).
DinnerPumpkin soup (200 g), fish cakes (50 g), fruit juice (50 g), bread (5 g).
Afternoon snackHomemade yogurt (100 ml), corn porridge with pear and apple (100 g) croutons.
ThursdayBreakfast # 2Oatmeal with berries (100 g), baby curd (50 g), chopped prunes.
DinnerBroccoli and rabbit vegetable puree (200 g), peach puree (50 g), fruit juice (80 g), bread (5 g).
Afternoon snackKefir for children, rice porridge (100 g), baby cookies (5 g).
FridayBreakfast # 2Corn porridge with pear (100 g), baby curd (50 g), pear puree (50 g).
DinnerChicken soup (200 g), pear puree (50 g), berry juice (70 g), bread (5 g).
Afternoon snackHomemade yogurt (150 g), baby biscuits (5 g), barley porridge (100 g).
SaturdayBreakfast # 2Buckwheat porridge with peach (100 g), cottage cheese for children (50 g), fruit juice.
DinnerMashed potatoes, carrots, turkey meat (200 g), baked apple with berries, bread (5 g).
Afternoon snackKefir (150 ml), croutons, oatmeal porridge (100 g), applesauce (50 g).
SundayBreakfast # 2Barley porridge with pumpkin (100 g), curd with plums (50 g), fruit jelly.
DinnerVegetable soup with beets (180 g), fish puree (50 g), peach and pear fruit puree (50 g), compote (100 g).
Afternoon snackYogurt with pear puree (150 g), baby biscuits, buckwheat porridge (100 g).

Video about the child's menu at 7 months

How to properly feed your baby with new foods and meals

Every mother wants her baby to take new products well and eat with appetite. However, this can be achieved only if simple rules are followed, otherwise the child may refuse unfamiliar food. Most children accept new dishes well, but it happens that, for some unknown reason, they do not want to eat porridge and mashed potatoes. The reasons can be different, therefore it is recommended to observe the following rules.

  • Do not force feed the child, if he refuses to eat - do not force to swallow "at least a spoon". Try again later - perhaps you haven't cooled the dish enough and it is hot for the baby, or he is just not hungry yet.
  • In a new dish, only one product unfamiliar to the little one should be present. It is necessary to introduce the child to complementary foods gradually, and each new ingredient should be introduced gradually and in small doses.
  • It is undesirable to give the baby water to drink during feeding - only between them. This applies to boiled water, and not juices and compotes (they should be offered to the crumbs after each meal). It is better to give the liquid in a sippy cup.
  • All dishes must be of a uniform consistency, without pieces and lumps. For this, it is not enough just to knead the food with a fork, it is better to grind it in a blender. Or grate, then rub through a sieve.
  • It is very important how and what your fidget eats. He should only eat while sitting (for example, on a special highchair), but in no case lying down. A plastic spoon is recommended as a cutlery.
  • The first acquaintance with a new dish is best done in the afternoon during lunch, by this time the baby's body is ready to accept unfamiliar food, and the mother will have the opportunity to observe how the new product has been absorbed by the body until evening.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Many mothers listen to Doctor Komarovsky, a specialist in the field of pediatrics, and they trust his opinion. What does he think about complementary foods at seven months old? On this score, Evgeny Olegovich is categorical: it is imperative to introduce crumbs of porridge, especially buckwheat and rice, into the diet. And it is better to give them during dinner, before bedtime. But with semolina you should wait, her turn will come later. And if meat and vegetables can be added to the baby's menu at the eighth month, then porridge will certainly be at the seventh - at this age they are very important for the child's body, according to Dr. Komarovsky.