Signs for pregnant women: folk wisdom for pregnant women. Pregnancy in the country. What you need to consider

As a pregnant woman, you make every effort to ensure that your baby can grow up healthy, getting all the necessary micronutrients and vitamins. As you read information about food, you draw conclusions from your diet that can harm you or your baby. But there are some products that can be used not only in nutrition, but also in the treatment of various diseases.

For example, potatoes during pregnancy can help treat colds as well as relieve symptoms of hemorrhoids. The opinion that potatoes during pregnancy will not bring anything other than excess weight is incorrect, since this can be expected only if there are old potatoes and in large quantities. Young potatoes contain not only starch, but also a large amount of necessary vitamins and minerals.

The benefits of potatoes

Young potatoes contain:

  • Vitamin C, it is valued for its protective properties against various types of viruses;
  • B vitamins, which take part in almost all body processes;
  • Biotin, takes part in the synthesis of fats;
  • Nicotinic acid, it helps to strengthen the placenta during pregnancy and promotes healing of wounds on the body;
  • Folic acid, which is responsible for the correct formation of the entire central nervous system of the fetus;
  • The trace element potassium is a helper for the mother's heart during pregnancy, and it also participates in the regulation of water balance;
  • Trace elements of phosphorus and calcium, which are involved in the formation of the musculoskeletal system in a baby;
  • Antioxidants that serve as additional protection in the event of colds (learn about what can be safely treated if you do get sick from the article Cold in Pregnancy >>>).

Interesting! A thick mashed potato will help during pregnancy if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Potatoes have the ability to remove excess acids, remove toxins and cleanse toxins.

How to use potatoes in the treatment of various diseases

  1. Potatoes for hemorrhoids during pregnancy can be used in several ways. Such procedures will help with minor bleeding in the nodes, as they regenerate damaged intestinal tissue and restore normal metabolism;
  • Fresh potato juice, squeezed through cheesecloth, should be taken half an hour before meals, three times a day. Keep in mind that you should not store the juice; you should only use freshly squeezed juice for each meal. With the normalization of health, treatment can be stopped;
  • To treat hemorrhoids, you can also use a homemade micro enema. To do this, pour 30 ml of fresh potato juice into a small syringe and pour the contents gently into the anus. Remember that during such treatment you need to lie on your side, for 15-20 minutes, tucking your knees to your stomach. The course of such a procedure is 7-10 days;
  • Compress for the treatment of external hemorrhoids. For this compress, you need to grate medium-sized unpeeled potatoes, put the porridge in tightly folded gauze and fix it to a sore spot overnight. The approximate number of such procedures is 7-10.
  1. Potatoes will also help with a burn or cut. It is enough to attach one plate of potatoes, or cheesecloth with grated potatoes to the injured place and hold it for a while;
  2. To remove bruises and bags under tired eyes, you can use the pulp without juice. This method is very convenient during pregnancy. To do this, put three potatoes on a fine medium-sized grater, put in cheesecloth and squeeze. Place dry gruel under the eyes for 10 minutes;
  3. Potato inhalation during pregnancy can be done if you have a dry cough. It is enough to breathe the steam of freshly boiled potatoes 2-3 times a day. This will help speed up the discharge of unpleasant sputum, alleviate painful sensations and relieve general inflammation;
  1. If during pregnancy you often develop heartburn or suffer from gastritis symptoms, you can also use the same ordinary potatoes to relieve the condition. Drinking squeezed, fresh vegetable juice, 100 - 150 grams per hour before meals, you can get rid of discomfort for a long time. It is enough to conduct this course for only 10 days.

Read about how to eat properly with gastritis in the article Gastritis during pregnancy >>>
Can potatoes be used for inhalation during pregnancy if there are heart problems? If you have a high temperature or heart problems, this procedure should not be performed!

Pregnancy puts a heavy load on the cardiovascular system, and this procedure increases this load several times!

Is there any harm from potatoes

Despite the uniqueness of the potato, it can still harm a woman during pregnancy.

  • fried potatoes during pregnancy, as well as stewed ones, will be harmful for a woman who tends to gain weight rapidly;
  • Potatoes during pregnancy should be eaten for breakfast or lunch. Eating potatoes before bedtime can lead to unpleasant consequences - fermentation, heaviness. Also, do not cook potatoes with the addition of fatty meat, this will provoke problems in the digestive tract;
  • When peeling potatoes, remove all the skin and green areas. During pregnancy, it is also worth giving up old potatoes that have begun to sprout, as there is a possibility of poisoning;
  • In the presence of diabetes, potatoes during pregnancy are strictly prohibited.

Important! The starch content of old potatoes is several times higher than that of young ones. Such food is difficult to digest, and also accelerates weight gain. Best choice: Eat small amounts of young potatoes during pregnancy.

For communication of expectant mothers who are at the very beginning of pregnancy.

Features of the trimester:
The increased level of progesterone causes changes in the body of a pregnant woman. In the first trimester, menstrual bleeding stops, and the frequency of urination may increase. Many women notice a change in the shape and sensitivity of the mammary glands. Another symptom typical for this period is fatigue. Another consequence of the increased level of progesterone is the frequent light-headedness and constipation. Weakness is due to the fact that under the action of progesterone the smooth muscles of the blood vessels are stretched, which causes stagnation of blood in the legs. In addition to this, blood flow to the uterus is increased. This can cause a drop in blood pressure and lead to fainting. They can be provoked by long periods of being in a standing or sitting position. For prevention, it is recommended to lie down or do exercises aimed at increasing blood circulation. Constipation is caused by the fact that progesterone relaxes the smooth muscles of the small and large intestines, slowing down the digestive process.
At the beginning of pregnancy, women are often plagued by a feeling of lightheadedness and vomiting. In the first trimester, 60-80% of pregnant women suffer from morning sickness. Symptoms that accompany morning sickness include an aversion to certain foods and odors that have never bothered you before.
The first trimester of pregnancy is the most critical period of development, when there is an increased sensitivity of the embryo, embryo, fetus to the action of damaging factors, since all the vital organs of the unborn child are formed in the first 12 weeks.

Doctor visit schedule:
After the first examination (up to 12 weeks), return in 7-10 days. Consultations of specialists: therapist, ophthalmologist, dentist, otolaryngologist, according to indications - other narrow specialists (neurologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, etc.).

List of basic analyzes and examinations:
Once registered, the following are submitted:
- general blood test, blood test for sugar, RW, HIV, hepatitis B, biochemical blood test, determination of the blood group and Rh-factor of the pregnant woman and the father of the unborn child, blood clotting test;
- general urine analysis,
- examination for TORCH infections (toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes), other infections (mycoplasma, ureaplasma, etc.),
- smear on flora,
- electrocardiogram.
The size of the pelvis is measured.
At each appointment, blood pressure and weight are measured.
For a period of 10-14 weeks - ultrasound of the first trimester and a double test (PAPP-A, hCG).

Pregnancy makes certain changes in the usual life of a woman and even the whole family. In such conditions, women begin to be wary of everything that was previously familiar to them. They constantly think about the risks that they love to do.

Is it worth it for pregnant women to work in the garden, is it dangerous, is there a need to refuse such activities? This will be discussed in this article. Answers to other questions about pregnancy can be found on the official website of the magazine "9 months"

The decision about the possibility of working in the garden should be made by the woman herself, taking into account the recommendations of the doctors. Only a woman can determine how much her state of health allows her to work, whether she has a psycho-emotional need for relaxation, doing this favorite pastime. Of course, if it does not harm the health of the baby.

If the woman's health is satisfactory and there is no threat of termination of pregnancy, then doctors recommend such work. However, it must be remembered that this is possible with a gestational age of more than 12 weeks. At the same time, the physical condition should allow working, for example, a woman should not have edema.

Working in the garden should not be an overwhelming task for a pregnant woman - any heavy loads are contraindicated. At the slightest sign of fatigue, it is necessary to interrupt work and lie down to rest in the house. You should also be careful about being in the sun. After all, direct sunlight is harmful to any person, and for a pregnant woman, prolonged exposure to the sun can be dangerous.

Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right time and mode of gardening work. The most optimal work will be in the morning or in the afternoon. The duration of work should not exceed 30 minutes, followed by a break of 2 hours to rest in the shade of trees or in the house.

Working in the garden is a great way of psycho-emotional relief

Any work is important for a person, and work that brings pleasure is twice as useful. If a woman does not have clear signs of poor health and there are no contraindications, working in the garden will be beneficial. Experts note the following important points:

1. Being in the fresh air for a woman during pregnancy will improve her psychological state, create a positive emotional background and improve her mood. In addition, fresh air is an effective means of fighting insomnia, because the blood is actively saturated with oxygen.

2. Moderate physical activity is necessary for a woman, because they allow her to prepare the body for childbirth and facilitate the process in the future. Passive pastime, as well as excessive physical activity, is harmful. Loads are also unacceptable if the woman has clear instructions from the doctor regarding leading a more passive lifestyle, for example, with uterine tone, the threat of termination of pregnancy and in other similar situations. In other cases, moderate work in the garden will only be beneficial.

3. Moderate exposure to the sun during a period of low activity allows the expectant mother to recharge with energy and replenish the vitamin reserve, due to the use of washed, just picked, fruits and berries. After all, for example, vitamin D is extremely necessary for a baby.

4. The expectant mother working in the garden is a great example for the rest of the family. Joint work is able to unite the family, tear relatives away from gadgets and TV, orientate that in the future the help and care of all family members will be especially necessary for the mother.

When should you limit gardening?

In some cases, a woman may begin to experience physical discomfort while working in the garden, even if all the doctor's recommendations are followed. After all, the body of each woman is individual, it can react differently to various physical activities.

If, during gardening work, a woman begins to get very tired, then the load must be stopped. But this does not mean that now you should just lie down. The loads in the garden can be replaced by leisurely walks near the river or in the park.

One must also be wary of the fact that after small loads, severe pulling pains in the lower abdomen occur. This can be caused by poor movement or uncomfortable posture while working. You should stop working and lie down with your legs raised above your head. In the future, you need to choose those poses for work that would not allow squeezing the abdomen. It is also advisable to use low benches or chairs.

In the normal course of pregnancy, moderate physical activity in the garden or vegetable garden is beneficial for a woman. But at the same time, you need to listen to your body, follow the recommendations of doctors and strive to ensure that the work is comfortable and enjoyable.

So, your pregnancy was in the summer. A natural question arises about how and where it is best to carry it out - for the benefit of yourself and the future baby. It is quite possible that you will give up traveling to distant countries and distant seas, rightly deciding not to take risks, especially without health insurance (pregnancy is not included in cases subject to medical insurance abroad). City entertainment in summer is not very diverse, plus stuffiness, heat, hot asphalt. Naturally, a summer cottage option comes to mind - fresh air, picturesque nature around, fruits and vegetables from your garden, swimming in the river, the sun, a sun lounger standing in the shade of a tree - what many associate with a classic calm vacation.

Indeed, there are many advantages to such a pastime, and first of all it is a climatic factor: during pregnancy, especially in summer, you should not drastically change the climate, it is desirable that it be close to the one in which you spend most of your life. During the summer heat (this is the second half of July - the first half of August), it is especially important not to overheat, and this is much easier to do in a familiar climate than in the best resort. Therefore, a country house or dacha is quite capable of providing all the joys of life, only in the pursuit of these joys it is worth remembering the old truth: caution does not hurt. So what should you pay special attention to? Let's try to solve problems as they come.


Naturally, you have to get to the dacha somehow, and to the city too, especially since a doctor is waiting for you there for an appointment at the antenatal clinic. Of course, the best option for a pregnant woman is personal transport - a car. Drive her herself or entrust her to her husband - this decision must be made and, depending on how you feel, do not forget that during pregnancy the attention needed on the road may be weakened; but it is quite possible that you feel comfortable behind the wheel, especially if the belly is not too big (remember that the seat belt should not press on the belly - it must be under the belly). The scourge of big cities is traffic jams, especially during the summer and summer cottage hours - Friday evening and Sunday evening, so it's better not to risk it at this time. If, nevertheless, the road took longer than you expected, you need to get out of the car, walk a little to stretch your legs - it is undesirable to sit for a long time, because your legs can swell and hurt.

A more extreme option of transport is public transport: bus, commuter train. The first rule that should not be broken is no assaults, no matter how much you want to come in and sit down first: in the crowd you can lie in wait for a variety of troubles. Rule two: you need to ride while sitting, not standing - it is much more difficult for a pregnant woman to maintain balance, and her legs will get tired. How to solve this problem - to ask to give way or to wait for free transport - can be determined by the situation, but it must be resolved without fail.

What not to forget to take to the dacha?

I carry everything with me, "- this means that on a trip you need to take copies of the results of all tests and studies that were done to you during pregnancy, the latest extracts from the medical history if you suffer from serious illnesses, an exchange card and the coordinates of your gynecologist. also a cell phone, which can be used to contact a doctor and not only. Find out in advance if you can call an ambulance in an emergency and where is the nearest hospital.

Do not forget the necessary supply of medicines you are taking. Don't rely on an assortment of local pharmacies.

It is better to bring sunscreen with you. It must have a protection degree of at least 15 SPF.

Don't forget about mosquito repellent to help make life in the country more comfortable. It can be a nylon canopy over the bed, which will allow you to sleep peacefully. Or means for repelling insects such as a fumigator (do not forget the pills to it) - their choice is now very large. Remember that during pregnancy you cannot use insecticides that are applied directly to the body: numerous studies have unequivocally proven that they are harmful to the body of a pregnant woman.

Country fun of the future mother

Of course, a dacha for many is not only outdoor recreation, but also taking care of this nature, plus the favorite pastime of many of those who want to be closer to the earth - to grow crops and make supplies for the winter. This measure, worthy in all respects, for a woman during pregnancy should be corrected in connection with her special condition.

The main principle of this kind of dacha fun is not to get tired! He needs a detailed explanation: firstly, no work in the open sun in the summer heat - this threatens overheating of the body and, accordingly, other serious troubles for a pregnant woman. If the desire to dig in the beds is so strong, it is better to do this in the morning, before 11 o'clock, and in the evening, after 17.

Secondly, it is strictly forbidden to lift any weights - in the country it can be a bucket of water, a container with fertilizer, boards, logs, stairs, bricks, garden tools and much more. Neglect of these recommendations can have the most unpleasant consequences, up to termination of pregnancy, and, in order not to regret later about your own indiscretion, you should know that if the work is associated with lifting weights, then the pregnant woman may have increased intra-abdominal pressure, the movement of the diaphragm is limited, the pressure increases on organs located in the lower abdomen, including the uterus, and on the muscles of the pelvic floor. Carrying weights in the hands increases the compression of the spine and impairs ventilation. Increased intra-abdominal pressure can exacerbate the existing threat of termination of pregnancy. Therefore, you cannot lift weights during pregnancy! The maximum weight that a pregnant woman can lift should not exceed 5 kg, although the specific number of kilograms that can be lifted without harm should be determined individually, depending on the state of health, the woman's physique and other factors. Therefore, away from heavy shovels and rakes, especially since there is currently a large selection of light, convenient tools in gardening stores.

Thirdly, bending over to your favorite beds is also not recommended, because this is associated with a shift in the center of gravity and a possible loss of balance, the load on the spine increases, pain in the lower back may occur.With prolonged tilting, intra-abdominal pressure increases, the tone of the uterine muscles increases, which can provoke an abortion. If the thirst for activity is stronger than common sense, you can weed, tie, pinch, either sitting on a bench, moving it along from garden to garden, or standing on all fours (after putting on trousers and putting a mat under your knees) - in this you can even see something similar on a special exercise that prepares the muscles for childbirth, just do not get carried away with it!

Another obvious dacha danger is the possibility of contact with various kinds of fertilizers and chemicals. It is much more serious than it seems. The substances used to control pests or increase yields are mostly toxic, they can adversely affect the formation of the fetus and provoke irregularities in the course of pregnancy, therefore, this area of ​​activity is absolutely contraindicated for a pregnant woman! If one of your loved ones really needs to spray the trees, it is better at this time to take a walk somewhere farther, observing the surrounding landscapes.

In any case, no matter what you do, it is necessary, without bringing yourself to fatigue, to rest periodically, especially since where, if not in the country, it is so pleasant to sit in an armchair in the shade of a tree. It is very important!

Whatever work you do in the country, remember that any activity should be stopped when the following alarm signals appear:

  • pain in any part of the body;
  • dizziness;
  • dyspnea;
  • weakness;
  • vaginal bleeding;
  • difficulty walking;
  • contractions;
  • lack of fetal movement;
  • cardiopalmus.

Of course, ideally, in order not to be tempted by agricultural work, it would be nice not to plant anything at all in this spring-summer season, which coincided with your pregnancy - and the earth will rest, and you will have no reason to grab a shovel.

Country life in anticipation of a child

Of course, country houses have different degrees of convenience, and more often than not many everyday problems in the country have been resolved. Nevertheless, you have to deal with the same washing, cleaning and cooking. What can you say about this?

So far, an automatic washing machine is not installed in every country house, the problem of washing dirty linen is very relevant, and, perhaps, this is one of the most serious problems. As a way out, the following may be suggested: do not wash dirty linen at the dacha, but, having accumulated more of it, transfer it to a city apartment for washing, so that you can then bring it back. If this method is not suitable, and there are small children in the country whose clothes need to be washed constantly, hand washing remains. It is highly advisable to avoid it by entrusting other family members. In an extreme case, when you have to do this yourself, the same principle remains: no bends over the pelvis, no bent postures. The fact is that growing vividly leads to a mixing of the center of gravity and an increase in the load on the spine. In a bent position, the spine and back muscles experience even greater stress, which leads not only to fatigue, but to lower back pain (the more serious consequences of bending are described above). The only way out is to put a stool or other elevation, sit next to a chair with a back, clasping the pelvis with your knees, and wash while sitting. The basin with water and linen should not be lifted by itself either.

Cleaning rooms, especially floors, should also be treated with caution: instead of crawling with a rag in your hands, it is best to take a mop with a spin system and, without bending over, wipe the floors safely and calmly.

Stairs to the cellar, to the attic, to the second floor are a very common detail of country architecture. You also need to be extremely careful with them - it is natural that the hike or the attic should be shifted to other family members, you must be careful to go up and the room to the second floor, holding onto the railing, which must be done if there are none. A slippery ladder is best covered with carpet or rubber "corners" to keep your foot from slipping.

Dacha diet of a pregnant woman

The principle of "fresh vegetables and fruits from your garden" should be corrected during pregnancy with the following considerations.

Firstly, all the gifts of nature must be thoroughly washed, rinsing with boiled water and not forgetting that dirt could remain on your hands.

Secondly, this summer season of raspberries, strawberries, cherries, red currants will have to be missed. The fact is that red berries and fruits mostly contain histamine - a substance that plays a significant role in the occurrence of allergic reactions in an unborn child, so it is better not to risk it and limit yourself to a few berries. The same goes for tomatoes. But the apples of the new harvest, pears, plums, rich in iron, as well as carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, greens harvested in their garden can replenish your body with vitamins and have a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach due to the fiber contained in vegetables.

Thirdly, if the dacha is located next to a village or village, local residents often sell eggs and dairy products to summer residents - sour cream, cottage cheese, sour and fresh milk. Naturally, fresh milk must be boiled before drinking, and the number of eggs eaten should not exceed 1-2 per week.

Fourth, on hot days, you should drink plenty of fluids (unless otherwise instructed by your doctor). No raw well water, only boiled water, and it is best to drink mineral water without gas.

Countryside entertainment and leisure

Communicating with nature in the country is the sun, river or lake, forest. Let's comprehend each of these points separately.

The sun in moderation, residents of the middle lane are simply necessary. Sunlight will promote the production of vitamin D in the body, which regulates the metabolism of trace elements in the body - calcium, magnesium, phosphorus. The kid will "take" the substances necessary for his body. Expose your tummy to the sun for a few minutes. But such sunbathing has nothing to do with tanning, which should be discussed separately during pregnancy.

To prevent the sun from causing trouble, the expectant mother needs:

  • Try to avoid direct sunlight and spend more time in the so-called "lace shade" - before 10 am and after 7 pm, when the sun's rays break through the trees or the morning (evening) haze.
  • Use sunscreen: apply them 30 minutes before sun exposure and then every 2 hours.

Bathing and swimming refreshes well in summer and is useful in all respects, since during swimming, a group of muscles develops and trains, which will have to "work" during childbirth. But another thing is more important here - the safety of the reservoir for health: you can swim only if you are 100% sure that there are no funnels, holes, underwater currents in the river, lake or pond and that the reservoirs are environmentally friendly, otherwise you will catch the infection can be almost imperceptible. And no hypothermia - in no case sit in the water until you freeze. If you cannot swim, you can simply wander in the water, going into it ankle-deep - the coastal sand soothes the feet, on which the nerve receptors are located.


The article is clearly useful, although it is not entirely clear how you can follow all the instructions given, but if you do it, then the rest will definitely be unforgettable!

04/13/2005 09:16:01, Ana_banana

Is physical activity necessary for a pregnant woman

If the pregnant woman has no complications, moderate physical activity and exercise are even beneficial. It helps to support and strengthen muscles, improve blood circulation in the organs and, most importantly, in the abdomen, delivering oxygen to the baby.

Special physical exercises train the muscles of the perineum and help to master the correct breathing technique during childbirth. In the process of such training, certain muscle groups are tense and relaxed, which is useful for cervical dilation and childbirth. Physical activity will reduce possible complications during childbirth, help in the future to quickly return to its previous shape.

Exercise programs help pregnant women and prepare their bodies for childbirth. To facilitate the process of childbirth, it is advisable to exercise regularly, at least to do gymnastics. For example, right in the office. But permission for such loads does not mean at all that a pregnant woman can dig potatoes in the garden or carry huge bags from the store.

Exercise during pregnancy and health problems

If a pregnant woman has metabolic problems, thyroid diseases, vascular and heart diseases, problems with the spine and weight, her activity is limited. And yet, a woman should engage in a sparing program - exercises are strictly selected in the set of classes, based on fitness before pregnancy and the woman's state of health.

Permission to practice is usually given by supervising physicians and obstetricians. Walking, therapeutic exercises, aerobics in the water, swimming under the supervision of an instructor are recommended. Before and after training, it is advisable to measure the pulse and pressure, you also need to monitor your well-being and listen to your body.

But to go to extremes and spend all 9 months on the couch or at the computer is also not worth it. It will not benefit you or your child. But, believing that pregnancy is not a disease, rafting down rivers, climbing mountains and making repairs, carrying construction materials, is not worth it.

IT IS IMPORTANT! What you need to know

When drawing up a stress program, it is necessary to take into account the list of factors that are important when certain exercises are included in the complex at different stages of pregnancy. During any, even the most prosperous pregnancy, loads that involve a concussion of the abdomen and body, lifting weights of more than 4 kg, vibration exposure are strictly contraindicated, since the risk of injuries and falls is high.

Sports such as diving, horse riding, wrestling, skating and skiing, team games are strictly prohibited. Professional athletes should rethink their load and training. With strenuous training with high intensity, the body experiences hypoxia, as a result of which the fetus suffers, and this already leads to a delay in its development, premature birth and possible miscarriage.

Dramatically limit physical activity during pregnancy, up to a complete ban on them, is possible only when:

Hormonal disorders with the likelihood of miscarriage;
anomalies of the genitals and the structure of the uterus;
smearing spotting;
isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
the threat of termination of pregnancy;
premature birth and their threats, earlier miscarriages;
placenta previa;
a large amount of amniotic fluid and other pathologies that the doctor will note.

In these cases, the obstetrician usually decides on the conclusion of the pregnant woman in the hospital for preservation. There is no need to be heroic and assume that the doctor is reinsuring himself - the load that you may think is trifling may manifest itself in the outcome of pregnancy.

And if you can

But if there are no threats, talk to your doctor about possible exercise programs. In the first trimester, activity should be low, it can be gymnastics, fitness or swimming.

At the age of 13, a pregnant woman can do fitness, yoga or swimming, you can walk and attend special courses for pregnant women, they often perform elements of gymnastics. Stretching, relaxation and breathing exercises can help you not only keep your body in shape, improve tissue nutrition and reduce swelling, but also make labor easier.

Yoga for pregnant women will help develop the elasticity and flexibility of the muscles, strengthen the muscles of the back and abdomen, which play an important role in pregnancy. There are also special programs related to training in the water, they are no less useful for physical preparation for childbirth.

Features of training during pregnancy

Exercises for the benefit of the body and maintenance of tone should be carried out regularly, at least 2 times a week, only then it will support health. Occasional or one-time activities will turn out to be more stress than benefit. The duration and intensity of classes are determined in conjunction with a doctor and a trainer and vary according to the period.

Workouts should be carried out after meals, after 1-2 hours, during them it is necessary to ensure that you do not overheat, do not overwork, and replenish the lack of oxygen in the room and fluid in the body.

Classes should bring pleasure to the expectant mother, not tire her, and contribute to her desire to practice again and again. Then it will benefit the mother and the unborn baby.

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