The project "We Together" The project is aimed at social support for families with disabled children Epishche Svetlana Viktorovna, Director of the Budget Institution of Social. Foundation "Change One Life" launched the "Advancer" project for adoptive families

In order to develop family forms of education of orphans and children left without care, older orphans and children left without parental care, from among children with disabilities, as well as raising the level of social security and material support for adoptive families who adopted On the upbringing of these children, the Government of Moscow decides:

1. Conduct from February 3, 2014 in the city of Moscow a pilot project on the property support of families who took up the education of the admission family of older children and (or) children with disabilities (hereinafter also a pilot project).

2. To approve the Regulations on the procedure for conducting a pilot project for the property support of families who have taken on educational institutions on the adopted family of older children and (or) disabled children (application) in the city of Moscow.

3. Install that:

3.1. The list of residential premises to be transferred in the established manner in the economic management of the Moscow Social Guarantee State Unitary Enterprise, designed to provide as part of the pilot project on the basis of contracts for free use, is determined by the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of Moscow on the basis of the Department of Social Department protection of the population of the city of Moscow.

3.2. Information on the conditions and procedure for the pilot project is posted on the official website of the Department of Social Protection of the population of the city of Moscow in the information and telecommunications Internet.

4. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow on the issues of social development Provisnikov L.M.

Mayor of Moscow S.S. Sobyanin

on the procedure for holding in the city of Moscow a pilot project on the property support of families who took on education under contracts on the adoptive family of older children and (or) children with disabilities

I. General provisions

1. This Regulation determines the conditions and procedure for conducting a pilot project for the property support of families in the city of Moscow to educate the adoptive family of older children and (or) children with disabilities (hereinafter referred to as a pilot project).

2. Citizens of the Russian Federation are involved in the pilot project, which are married at least three years.

3. Citizens of the Russian Federation (paragraph 2 of this Regulation), which concluded in accordance with this Regulations on the Conditions of Participation in the pilot project and adopted on the education of 5 and more orphans and children who remained without parental care, from which are at least three children under the age of 10 years and (or) children with disabilities (hereinafter referred to as children who are left without parental care), for the period of participation in the pilot project, residential premises in the city of Moscow under the contract of gratuitous use under conditions and in order, established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow, as well as in this provision.

These citizens who have entered into conditions and in the manner established by section V of this Regulation, a contract for free use by residential premises, are recognized by the pilot project participants.

4. Citizens who have expressed a desire to participate in a pilot project, children remaining without parental care living on the territory of the city of Moscow, information about which is contained in the regional bank data on children who remain without parental care, or children who remain without parental care identified in the territory of Moscow and are residents of the city of Moscow.

5. In the period of participation in a pilot project, the number of children on education in the family of participants in the pilot project, as a rule, can not exceed 8 people, taking into account their native children, adopted children, children accepted by custody (guardianship) before participation in the pilot project .

6. Participants in the pilot project are committed to the upbringing and maintenance of children who are left without parental care, to achieve such children of the age of eighteen (majority).

II. The procedure for considering the appeals of citizens who applied with a statement about participation in a pilot project

7. Citizens of the Russian Federation are addressed to the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the city of Moscow with a written statement about participation in a pilot project, signed by both applicants subscribed (hereinafter referred to as applicants).

The form of an application for participation in the pilot project is approved by the Department of Social Protection of the population of the city of Moscow.

8. At the same time, with a statement about participation in a pilot project (hereinafter referred to as applicants, the applicants are presented:

8.1. Documents certifying the identity of the applicants.

8.2. Marriage certificate.

8.3. The conclusions of the guardianship and guardianship authority to be guardians or trustees issued in the manner prescribed by the rules of the selection, accounting and training of citizens who expressed the desire to become guardians or trustees of minor citizens or to adopt children left without parental care in the family for education in other established Family legislation of the Russian Federation forms approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 18, 2009 N 423 "On individual issues of the implementation of guardianship and guardianship for minor citizens".

8.4. Documents confirming the applicants in the property and (or) on the right of possession and (or) use of residential premises (if available).

8.5. The written consent of the applicants who have reached the 10-year-old age (taking into account the adopted children, children accepted by custody (guardianship) before participating in a pilot project), who will live together with the applicants during the participation in the pilot project (with such children) , adoption in the family of children left without parental care.

8.6. Certificate (certificate) on the birth of a child (children) (if available).

8.7. Treaty (contracts) on the reception family (if available).

8.8. A written obligation to jointly resolve applicants with children left without parental care in the residential premises provided for the period of participation in a pilot project signed by both applicants.

8.9. The consent of the applicants for processing personal data in order to implement the pilot project.

8.10. The autobiography of each of the applicants.

9. Consideration of applications is carried out in accordance with the procedure for accounting for applicants who applied with a statement about participating in a pilot project.

The procedure for accounting for applicants who applied for participation in a pilot project is established by the Department of Social Protection of the population of the city of Moscow.

10. Department of Social Protection of the population of the city of Moscow on time no later than 10 working days from the date of registration of the application in the prescribed manner:

10.1. Carries out an inspection of the presented information, including by sending relevant requests to the state authorities of the Russian Federation, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local authorities.

10.2. Requests in educational and medical organizations, guardianship and guardianship authorities information on the execution by applicants with parental duties (responsibilities of legal representatives) for minor children (in the presence of such children from applicants).

11. When submitting an incomplete document package, as well as in the presented documents of incomplete or inactive information (PP. 7 and 8 of these Regulations), the statement and submitted documents on time no later than three working days from the date of completion of the activities provided for in paragraph 10.1 of this Regulation, Returns to applicants indicating the reasons for such a return.

With repeated applicants, the new statement and the documents attached to it are considered by the Department of Social Protection of the population of the city of Moscow in the manner and deadlines established by paragraphs 7-10 of this Regulation.

12. After registering the Department of Social Protection of the population of the city of Moscow, applications in the amount corresponding to the utmost number of residential premises transferred in the established procedure to the economic management of the Moscow Social Guarantee State Unitary Enterprise (hereinafter referred to as the State Unitary Enterprise "Mossocharantia") and intended for providing The framework of the pilot project (clause 3.1 of this Regulation), the consideration of applications is suspended by the decision of the Department of Social Protection of the population of the city of Moscow.

Information on the suspension of the consideration of applications is placed on the official website of the Department of Social Protection of the population of the city of Moscow in the Internet information and telecommunications network on time no later than one working day, following the day of making such a decision.

13. Consideration of applications is resumed:

13.1. With an increase in the number of residential premises transmitted in the established manner in the economic management of the MOSCOsGaranty State Unitary Enterprise and intended for the provision within the pilot project.

13.2. When returning applicants and submitted documents in accordance with paragraph 11 of this Regulation.

13.3. When making a decision to refuse to applicants in the pilot project on the grounds provided for in paragraph 19 of this Regulation.

13.4. With the release of the dwelling in connection with the provision of participants in the pilot project of a different residential premises in accordance with paragraph 30 of these Regulations.

13.5. In case of inconclusion by the applicants' agreement on the conditions of participation in the pilot project.

13.6. Upon termination of the agreement on the conditions of participation in a pilot project on the grounds provided for in paragraphs 32.1, 32.2 and 32.5 of these Regulations (in case of non-invalidation of a contract for free use by residential premises), or termination of the contract for a gratuitous vendor in connection with the termination of the Agreement on participation in a pilot project on the specified grounds.

13.7. When terminating an agreement on the conditions of participation in a pilot project on the basis of paragraph 32.4 of this Regulation.

13.8. Upon termination of the contract of gratuitous use by residential premises due to the termination of the agreement on the conditions of participation in the pilot project on the grounds provided for in paragraphs 32.3 and 32.6 of these Regulations.

13.9. With the termination of the agreement on the conditions of participation in a pilot project on the basis of paragraph 34 of this Regulation.

14. Information on the resumption of the consideration of applications and the number of residential premises intended for the provision of a pilot project is posted on the official website of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow in the Internet information and telecommunications network within a period no later than one working day from the day the circumstances specified in Paragraph 13 of this Regulation.

III. The procedure and conditions for making a decision on the possibility of participation in a pilot project. Grounds for refusal to participate in a pilot project

15. When establishing the completeness of the presented documents and the accuracy of the information contained in them, the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the city of Moscow on time no later than three working days from the date of completion of the activities provided for in paragraph 10 of this Regulation issues applicants to the organization authorized by the Department of Social Protection of the Population of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as an authorized organization), for the passage of psychological diagnostics.

Applicants undergo psychological diagnostics within the deadlines specified in the direction. Payment for the passage and residence of applicants in order to pass psychological diagnostics is carried out at their own expense.

16. The authorized organization for a period no later than 5 working days from the date of passing by the applicants of psychological diagnostics sends to the Department of Social Protection of the population of the city of Moscow Conclusion about the feasibility or inappropriateness of the applicants' participation in a pilot project, based on the results of such diagnostics.

17. The Department of Social Protection of the Population of the city of Moscow forms a package of documents for each statement and on time no later than three working days from the date of receipt of the results of psychological diagnostics sends a formed package of documents for consideration by the city interdepartmental commission to address the housing issues of orphans and children remaining without care Parents, individuals from the number of orphans and children left without parental care (hereinafter - the Commission), created by the order of the Moscow Government of April 19, 2002 N 547-RP "On the creation of a city interdepartmental commission on solving housing issues of orphans and children remaining without care of parents, people from among orphans and children left without parental care, "to make a decision on the possibility of the participation of applicants in a pilot project or to refuse to applicants in the pilot project.

18. The Commission on time no later than 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the documents specified in paragraph 17 of this Regulation decides on the possibility of the participation of the applicants in a pilot project or to refuse to applicants in the pilot project.

Applicants are invited to the meeting of the Commission, with respect to which the question of the possibility of participating in a pilot project is being resolved. Notice of the date and place of the Commission's meeting is sent by the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the city of Moscow to applicants no later than 14 calendar days before the day of such a meeting, ensuring confirmation of the specified notice.

The decision of the Commission is made at a meeting of the Commission in the manner prescribed by the Regulations on the City Interdepartmental Commission to address the housing issues of orphans and children left without parental care, people from among orphans and children left without parental care approved by the order of the Moscow Government from 19 April 2002 N 547-RP "On the establishment of a city interdepartmental commission to address housing issues of orphans and children left without parental care, people from the number of orphans and children left without parental care."

The decision of the Commission is made through a comprehensive, complete and objective consideration of the documents submitted and the information contained in them, as well as the information obtained in accordance with paragraph 10 of these Regulations, the results of psychological diagnostics and taking into account the individual interview with the applicants conducted in the Commission meeting.

19. The grounds for refusing to applicants in participation in the pilot project are:

19.1. The presence of information on the improper execution by the applicants of parental duties (responsibilities of legal representatives) obtained in accordance with paragraph 10.2 of this Regulation.

19.2. Conclusion of an authorized organization on the inappropriateness of the applicants' participation in a pilot project obtained in accordance with paragraph 16 of this Regulation.

20. In solving the Commission on refusing to applicants, participation in the pilot project indicates the basis of such a refusal provided for in paragraph 19 of this Regulation.

21. In solving the Commission on the possibility of the applicants' participation in the pilot project, information is indicated on the provision of applicants under the Agreement of gratuitous use of residential premises under the conditions established by Section IV of this Regulation.

22. The decision of the Commission (paragraphs 20 and 21 of this Regulation) on time no later than three working days from the date of decision is sent to the Department of Social Protection of the population of the city of Moscow.

23. The Department of Social Protection of the Population of the city of Moscow on time no later than three working days from the date of receipt of the Commission's decision sends a copy of the decision by the applicants to ensure that the decision has been confirmed by receiving a copy of the decision.

IV. The procedure and conditions for entering into an agreement on participation conditions in a pilot project

24. The applicants in respect of which the Commission decided to participate in a pilot project, no later than 5 working days from the date of obtaining a copy of this decision conclude with the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the city of Moscow Agreement on the conditions of participation in the pilot project.

The form of an agreement on the conditions of participation in the pilot project is approved by the Department of Social Protection of the population of the city of Moscow.

25. On the period no later than 60 calendar days from the date of the conclusion of an agreement on the conditions of participation in the pilot project, the applicants conclude agreements on the admission family, as a result of which at least 5 children remaining without parental care will be adopted. At the same time, the adoptive family agreements are concluded with each of the applicants.

V. Terms and procedures for providing residential premises in the city of Moscow under contracts for free use

26. Applicants concluded contracts on the admission family (paragraph 25 of these Regulations) are provided with residential premises under the contract of gratuitous use by the residential premises concluded with the State Unitary Enterprise "Mossocharantia" in the manner prescribed by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow, and Also in this provision.

At the same time, the applicants remain residential premises belonging to them on the right of ownership or on the right of possession and (or) use.

27. The residential premises provided under the contract must be landscaped in relation to the conditions of the city of Moscow and to be within the city of Moscow.

The residential premises is provided with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 10 square meters. M Square of residential premises, but not more than 18 square meters. M of the area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises for each of the applicants who concluded contracts on the admission family (paragraph 25 of these Regulations), their minors (taking into account adopted children, children accepted under guardianship before participation in a pilot project) and children remaining without parental care.

The form of a contract for gratuitous use by residential premises is approved by the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the city of Moscow.

28. In the period no later than 5 working days from the date of concluding contracts on the admission family (paragraph 25 of this Regulation), the Department of Social Protection of the population of the city of Moscow sends copies of these treaties and a copy of the Agreement on the Conditions of Participation in the pilot project in the Mossocharantia State Unitary Enterprise to conclude a contract Grateful use of residential premises, as well as notifies applicants about the need to conclude such an agreement in a manner ensuring confirmation of obtaining the specified notice.

At the same time, the applicants are entitled to submit these documents in the State Unitary Enterprise "Mossocharanthy" on its own initiative.

A contract of free use by residential premises is no later than 5 working days from the date of receipt of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mossocharantia" of these documents.

The indicated agreement is a period of 5 years. No less than 3 months before the expiration of the contract for the contract of gratuitous use by the residential premises of the Moscow State Unitary Enterprise "Mossacentia" notifies the participants in the pilot project on the need to extend the term of this agreement for a new term.

29. With a decrease in the number of children left without parental care and educated on a pilot project, the participants in the pilot project are obliged for no later than 60 calendar days from the date of the onset of the specified circumstance to conclude contracts on the admission family, in accordance with which they have on education There will be at least 5 children left without parental care.

30. With an increase in the number of children in the family of participants in the pilot project (birth, adoption, the establishment of guardianship (guardianship) Department of Social Protection of the population of the city of Moscow on time no later than 30 calendar days from the date of submission by participants of the pilot project of documents and information confirming the onset of the specified circumstance, For consideration by the Commission, the issue of providing other residential premises of the relevant area instead of the previously provided.

Consideration of the issue of providing participants in a pilot project of other residential premises and concluding a contract for free use by this room in the manner prescribed by paragraphs 18-23, 26-28 of this Regulation.

31. Citizens who participated in a pilot project with a duration of at least 10 years since the conclusion of a contract for gratuitous use by residential premises, subject to proper and continuous execution of obligations for upbringing 5 or more children left without parental care, continuing to educate such children who have not reached The age of eighteen (majority), under the contract of gratuitous use, a residential premises from the Housing Foundation of the city of Moscow is provided by the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the city of Moscow in the manner prescribed by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow, as well as this Regulation.

The residential premises is provided with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 10 square meters. M Square of residential premises, but not more than 18 square meters. M Square of residential premises for each citizen who participated in a pilot project, minor children of such citizens (taking into account adopted children, children accepted by custody (guardianship) prior to participation in a pilot project) and children left without parental care.

A contract for gratuitous use by residential premises is for the period until children who remained without parental care and adopted in the family as part of the pilot project, the age of eighteen (majority), but not more than 5 years.

The conclusion of a contract for a gratuitous use for a new term is carried out in the manner prescribed by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow, as well as this Regulation.

Vi. The grounds and procedure for termination (termination) of the agreement on the conditions of participation in the pilot project and termination (termination) of the contract for a gratuitous use of residential premises

32. The grounds for termination of the agreement on the conditions of participation in the pilot project are:

32.1. Agreement of Parties.

32.2. Entry into force of acts of the guardianship body and guardianship on the release or removal of both participants in the pilot project from the execution of responsibilities assigned to them to raise children left without parental care.

32.3. Detection of the fact of permanent residence of the participants in the pilot project and (or) one or more children left without parental care, outside the residential premises provided under the contract of gratuitous use.

32.4. Violation by clause 25 of this provision of the deadline for concluding contracts on the admission family or the inconclusion of these treaties.

32.5. The impossibility of fulfilling the duties on the upbringing and maintenance of children who remained without parental care, one of the participants in the pilot project (death, recognition incapable, disease, termination of marriage, long lack, exemption (removal) from the execution of duties assigned to it in accordance with the act of guardianship and guardianship).

32.6. Finding within 60 or more calendar days in a row in the family of participants in the pilot project on raising less than 5 children left without parental care.

33. The decision to terminate the Agreement on the Conditions of Participation in a pilot project on the grounds provided for in paragraphs 32.3-32.6 of this Regulation is made by the Commission with regard to:

33.1. The health of the participants of the pilot project and minor children in the education of the family.

33.2. The possibilities of creating children who remain without parental care, the necessary conditions for education and development.

33.3. Relationships that have developed between the participants of the pilot project and minor children who are in education in the family.

34. Agreement on the conditions of participation in a pilot project is terminated due to the death of both participants in the pilot project.

35. To terminate (terminate) on the conditions of participation in a pilot project on the grounds provided for in paragraphs 32.1, 32.2 and 34 of this Regulation, the decision of the Commission is not required.

36. The decision of the Commission on the termination of the Agreement on the Conditions of Participation in the Pilot Project on the Foundations provided for in paragraphs 32.3-32.6 of this Regulation, on time no later than three working days from the date of decision-making, is sent to the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the city of Moscow. At the same time, the Department of Social Protection of the Population of Moscow in the term no later than three working days from the date of receipt of the specified decision or obtaining information on the occurrence of the circumstances specified in paragraph 32.2 of this Regulation, sends a notification to the pilot project participants or the applicants on the termination of the Agreement on Participation Conditions in the pilot project A way to ensure confirmation of this notification.

37. During the term no later than three working days from the date of termination (termination), in accordance with this Regulations on the Conditions of Participation in the pilot project, this information is sent by the Department of Social Protection of the population of the city of Moscow in the State Unitary Enterprise "Mossocharantia".

38. A contract of free use by residential premises is terminated due to a termination in accordance with this Regulations on the Conditions of Participation in a pilot project by sending MosOsjezza State Unitary Enterprise on time no later than 5 working days from the date of receipt of information on the termination of the specified agreement (paragraph 37 of this Provisions) relevant participants in the pilot project notification of the refusal to fulfill the contract of free use by residential premises (on termination of the specified contract unilaterally).

Termination of the contract of gratuitous use by residential premises entails the termination of the participation of these citizens in a pilot project.

39. A contract of free use of residential premises is terminated due to the termination in accordance with paragraph 34 of this provision of the Agreement on the Conditions of Participation in the pilot project.

VII. The procedure and conditions for the provision of parties to the pilot project of residential premises in the city of Moscow to the property or under social employment contracts

40. Participants of the pilot project hosting (taking) participation in a pilot project with a duration of at least 10 years since the conclusion of a contract for gratuitous use by residential premises, subject to proper and continuous execution of their duties for upbringing 5 or more children left without parental care, with consent Such citizens once provided a residential premises.

41. Citizens who are not employers of residential premises under a social hire agreement or family members of the tenant of residential premises under a social hire agreement, as well as not owners of residential premises, members of the family owner of residential premises, a residential premises are provided under a social hire agreement with an area of \u200b\u200bconsistent Residential space for each participant in the pilot project and their minor children (relatives and adopted).

42. Citizens who are employers of residential premises under social employment contracts or family members of the residential premises under a social hire agreement are provided with residential premises in Moscow in the amount of 10 square meters. M Square of residential premises for each participant in the pilot project and their minor children (relatives and adopted).

43. Citizens who are owners of residential premises or family members of the owner of residential premises are provided with residential premises in the city of Moscow under a social hiring agreement in the amount of 10 square meters. M Square of residential premises for each participant in the pilot project and their minor children (relatives and adopted).

44. Citizens who are owners of residential premises in the city of Moscow are provided with residential premises in the city of Moscow under a social hiring agreement in the amount of 10 square meters. M Square of residential premises for each participant in the pilot project and their minors (relatives and adopted) or a residential premises in the city of Moscow under the Mena Treaty, taking into account the additional area in the amount of 10 square meters. M Square of residential premises for each participant in the pilot project and their minor children (relatives and adopted).

45. With the participation in the pilot project of the only participant in the pilot project (paragraph 32.5 of this Regulation) with a duration of at least 10 years from the date of concluding a contract of gratuitous use by residential premises, a residential premises is provided, the size of the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is similar to the size of the area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises provided for two participants Pilot project (PP. 40-44 of this Regulation).

46. \u200b\u200bResidential premises (PP. 40-44 of this Regulation) are provided to the participants of the pilot project (citizens who participated in a pilot project) in the manner established by the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the city of Moscow.

Overview of the document

From February 3, 2014, it is planned to hold a pilot project in the city of property support of families who have attended educational institutions on the adopted family of older children or disabled children. The project will be able to participate citizens who are married at least three years. Family participating in the upbringing of 5 or more orphans, of which at least three are children older than 10 years or children with disabilities, free of charge will be able to receive apartments under the contract for gratuitous use in accordance with the provision of housing. After 10 years of participation in the project, they have the right to count on a single provision of housing in property or under a social hiring agreement.

To participate in the project, you must contact the Department of Social Protection of the Population with a written application and provide a package of necessary documents. Applicants are mandatory undergo psychological diagnostics in the organization authorized by the Department. Those applicants for whom decided to participate in the pilot project, conclude an agreement on the conditions of participation in the pilot project with the Department of Social Protection of the Population.

The list of grounds for termination of the Agreement on participation in the pilot project is given. So, it can be terminated by agreement of the parties, in case of identifying the permanent residence of the project participants or children outside the residential premises provided, in case of entry into force of acts of the guardianship body and guardianship on the release or removal of the project participants from the execution of duties assigned to them and t. d.

Good day!
Happy New Year! I wish you all happiness, health, patience and wisdom. Peace your families!
My family participates in a pilot project, to his blood two minors and adopted daughter we took another funny five. Teenage boys, one of them "Return", the second from drug addicts, a sunny girl and two sisters with a "pedzapness", which turned out to be a real genetic psychiatry. But despite the source data, we live peacefully and calmly. Senior kids learn in a regular school, sisters now I will translate 8 species to a correctional school (from September, there were surveys and treatment in a psychiatric hospital), as a result, the doctors convinced not to keep in a simple school, and still translate into the correction, they say so more benefits will be. The children got along quickly, quickly built a hierarchy and everyone admitted and adhere to it. I thought it would be more difficult and physically and mentally, but oddly enough, we found each other. We are children, children. It seems that we have been all so long ago, even children constantly say it. I do not know how it will be further, but now everything is as in an ordinary family. Having visited their grandfathers and grandmothers, oddly enough, do not bring us inconvenience that I expected at the beginning of the path. They do not have special attachment and influence on children, and their children do not even remember. When relatives visit them, they are walking with them a little, and they will be happy to return to other children, forgetting to say goodbye, you have to remind them of good tone and ask how to say goodbye to relatives. The only inconvenience - I had to urgently buy huge pots and frying pan, and get used to prepare an increased amount of food. But even with this month after 3 I got burned)))) I also got used to the general menu for a long time, someone does not like fish, someone livenka, etc. Earing to the new menu had to tell a lot about vitamins and trace elements contained in food, and for which we need. Now they constantly ask themselves what is contained in a particular dish and for which it is useful.)))) Now everyone eats everything. We have our curator and psychologist, who come to the month once a month and talk with us and with children. If questions arise, we can call them and consult if necessary, can come in addition. All kids are dancing in Todes, all the results are different, but for physical development it is useful to everyone)))).
I did not choose children, printed in the data bank of the first, suitable for the "project" and went to get acquainted. There was one slip, can someone remember, there were five sisters and brothers. The older was 10 years old, and the rest were the weather of 5,4.3.2 years. I took the direction on them, and there my mother in court "Fucked", had to abandon them. But the following were all our. True, in the process of participation in the project (as long as the documents were checked until the commission was held, etc.) were in different temples and monasteries and asked for blessings to take children. Not a single father said that it was not necessary to do so, etc. All blessed. So we met with our children. What am I writing this? Maybe someone stands before choosing to go to the project or not, maybe someone feels strength, someone does not know about the project. I do not know how others, but I was lucky with kids. There are different cases, but they are not worse and no worse than those who are with blood. We speak a lot with them, explain every step and give examples from life. So, the project is not as scary, just as just to become a foster parent.
Once again all with the holidays!

"There are no children!"

Implementation of the socio-oriented project "Way home".

In the Thazhinsky district at the beginning of 2014 322child have the status of orphans. Education in public institutions does not satisfy the needs of the child in parent warm and care. To date, the dissemination of the practice of family education of adoptive children is hampered mainly, low awareness of society about the problems of orphans and accessible support.It is a concern and the fact that cases of failures of adopted parents from their children are rapidly, as well as conflict situations between the substitute family and the child. One of the serious problems is the unpreparedness of parents to such work, the incorrect lack of services themselves, the lack of developing technology of social and pedagogical and medical and psychological support of replacement families. The process of creating receiving families, adaptation of children is accompanied by many psychological and pedagogical difficulties. The main reason for the aforementioned problems is seen in the absence of preparing future parents for the adoption of a child in the family (socio-psychological, legal, social) and psychological support of replacement families in the process of adapting a child to new conditions, as well as in the event of controversial and conflict situations in the family . Consequently, detailed training and preparation of candidates for replacement families is a key factor in the successful premises of the child in the family. However, most adoptive parents do not have basic psychological and pedagogical education, do not own methods and technologies of child education in the family. In the conditions of the Thazhinsky district, the problem of preparing, creating and maintaining adoptive families, preventing the return of children is very acute. This problem is solved during the implementation of a socio-oriented project "Path home", which won the federal competition of innovative social projects to support children and families in a difficult life situation (grant 1.5 million rubles).

The Grantor of this project is the "Foundation for the Support of Children, founded in a difficult life situation." The implementation of the project "Path home" is carried out on the basis of the MCU "Socially - Rehabilitation Center for Minors". The duration of the project is 1.5 years (18 months) from 01.04.2014 to September 30, 2015.

The goal of the "path home" project is to assist in the creation of replacement families and the harmonization of the style of family education through the formation of adequate parental positions in various situations of interaction with a receiving child.

The project "Way home" is one of the areas of implementing a comprehensive municipal program for the prevention and prevention of social orphanhood in the Thazhinsky district. The uniqueness of this project consists in an integrated approach of specialists of the ICRTSDN, MBUZ "TCRB", the Education Guardianship Body, the Office of Social Protection of the Population of the Thazhsky Municipal District, which are the projects of the project, to the problems of adapting a child in a family and society, helping the child and family, and Members of society to establish harmonious relationships. Integrated professional work with the families of guardians and adoptive parents, both "before" and "after" the premises of the child in the family, is key to the development of the child, and, therefore, when adapting a child and family is the necessary conditions for the preservation of families, preventing the returns of children in Child house and for guaranteed child safety in the reception family.

During the implementation of this project, expected results are planned:

1) the development of the Guest Family Institute, as one of the forms of the replacement family;

2) an increase in the Thazhinsky municipal district of the number of adoptive families, the creation of real conditions for the realization of the right of every child to live in the family;

3) an increase in the number of trained candidates for receiving parents who replace parents, the growth of the psychological and pedagogical competence of host parents;

4) a decrease in the number of refunds of children from replacement families;

5) increasing the professionalism and the formation of professional competencies in specialists from supporting replacement families;

6) the formation of a positive public opinion regarding replacing marital care;

7) Reducing the number of orphans and children remaining without parental care, which are in the fields of the district.

Activities for reflected in the project started before its development (from 2012 "School of Adsid Parents") and will continue upon completion of the project implementation, because Reception families in the coming years will retain popularity trend, will form more than previous years.

Dear Parents!

Each child wants to live in a prosperous family, feel warm, care and attention. If you have a desire and the opportunity to take a child to upbringing, create a foster family, please contact the bodies of the guardianship and guardianship of the management of the Thazhsky municipal district. To study at the "school of adoptive parents", as well as get psychological support and consultation you can at the social and rehabilitation center for minors, at the address of PGT. Thazhinsky, ul. Michurina, 15a, we will be glad to help you.

Phones for references: 29-201 (guardianship), 28-526 ("SRCDN").


Deputy Director of MKU "SRTSDN".



"The way home"

1. Project budget

(by sources of financing)


Source of financing


Period of implementation

year 2014

2015 year

Own media grantee

500 000

250 000

250 000

Attracted (charitable) funds

300 000

150 000

150 000


1 500 000

750 000

750 000


2 300 000

1 150 000

1 150 000

2. Project budget

(according to expenses)

№№ P / P

Name of the draft budget expenditures



grant trap funds, including attracted (charitable) funds


year 2014

2015 year


Administrative expenses related to the implementation of project activities


Remuneration of project executors, including insurance premiums in extrabudgetary funds

351 540

351 540



10 000

10 000


Travel expenses of project executors

Total expenses on paragraph 1:

361 540

361 540

Expenses related to the implementation of project activities


Payment of services of attracted specialists

343 170

114 390

228 780

343 170


Rental of premises, equipment and vehicles for project activities

129 000

94 000

20 000

15 000

35 000


Expenditures on business trips directly related to project activities

324 440

158 440

166 000

324 440


Preparation and publication of materials for the generalization of innovative technologies, models and techniques developed (applied) in the project

75 000

25 000

50 000

75 000


Expenses for advanced training activities

40 000

20 000

20 000

40 000


Expenses for measures to improve health, social rehabilitation and integration into the society of children in a difficult life situation

360 800

178 400

121 600

60 800

182 400


Acquisition of consumables

234 790

87 970

146 820

234 790


Acquisition of fixed assets

305 200

40 000

202 600

62 600

265 200


Protection of premises during project events

84 000

84 000


other expenses

42 060

42 060

Total expenses on paragraph 2:

1 938 460

438 460

750 000

750 000

1 500 000

Total expenses on points 1 and 2:

2 300 000

800 000

750 000

750 000

1 500 000

(O. V. Karabanova)


Financial and Economic Justification of Project Events

(At the expense of the grant)


Treaty No. 01-01-38P-2013.7 / _____ from "___" ____________ 2014 On the provision of funds (grant)

№№ P / P

Project Event Name / Expenditure Type

Calculation of value

Amount (in rubles)

Project budget expenditure

Improving the qualifications of project executors, volunteers, parents on the prevention of family disadvantage and social orphanhood of children (p.4 section 2 project implementation plan)

Training of specialists, parents, and volunteers participating in the implementation of the project with departure to the place of study.

5000 rub. * 8 people

40 000

Payment of accommodation

2500 rub. * 8 people * 14 days

280 000

Payment of the cost of travel to the travel destination and back

1000 rub. * 2 tickets * 8 people.

16 000

Payment of services of attracted specialists (coach-coach) under a civil-legal agreement for the provision of training services for specialists of project participants

1000 rub. * 30 people. * 9 seminars

270 000

insurance contributions to extrabudgetary funds (27.1%)

73 170

Payment of accommodation involved experts

2500 rub. * 6 people * 1 day

15 000

Payment of travel involved experts

1000 rub. * 2 tickets * 6 people.

12 000

Total event:

706 170

Informing the population of the district on the possibilities of creating and maintaining potential replacement families in the framework of the project "Path home" (paragraph 5 of section 2 of the project implementation plan)


45000 rub. * 1 PC

45 000

Paper for A4 printer

200 rubles. * 5 Paches.

1 000

Total event:

46 000

Psychodiagnostics of future receptions (paragraph 6 of section 2 of the project implementation plan)


30000 rubles. * 1 PC.

30 000

Computer in the kit

35000 rub. * 1 PC.

35 000

Computer table

7400 rub. * 1 PC.

7 400

Software and hardware complex for psychophysiological research (PACKPF-02)

12700 rub. * 1 PC.

12 700

Software Methodology "Verbal Frustration Test"

7900 rub. * 1 PC.

7 900

Software Methods "Psychological Automated Expert System" "

16450 rub. * 1 PC

16 450

Software Methods "Test Rorshah" "

10050 rub. * 1 PC.

10 050

Software technique "Diagnostics of interpersonal relationship" "

5710 rub. * 1 PC.

5 710

Software "16 Cognitive Methods"

5800 rub. * 1 PC.

5 800

Software "Psi-1 software complex"

12000 rub. * 1 PC.

12 000

Total event:

143 010

Organization and holding of the school of receiving parents (paragraph 7 of Section 2 of the Project Implementation Plan)

Payment of typographic services for the manufacture of a witness about the passage of training in the courses "School of Adsid Parents" (under the contract)

100 rubles. * 50 pcs.

5 000


20,000 rubles. * 1 PC.

20 000

Computer table

5600 rub. * 1 PC.

5 600

Albums for drawing

25 rubles. * 7 pcs.

The pencils

60 rubles. * 6 pcs.


55 rub. * 6 pcs


15 rubles. * 6 sheets

Wax crayons

40 rubles. * 3 pcs.


50 rubles. * 6 pcs.

Plastic folders

50 rubles. * 16 pcs.


1 rub. 20 cop * 300 pcs.

Scotch bilateral

40 rubles. * 1 PC.


20 rubles. * 1 PC.

Paper for A4 printer

200 rubles. * 4 Pach.

Paper for A3 printer

340 rub. * 5 Paches.

1 700

Total event:

35 695

Implementation of the social and rehabilitation program for replacement families based on the touchroom (p.10 section 2 of the project implementation plan)

Computer in the kit

25000 rub. * 1 PC.

25 000

Trapezing with granules

3200 rub. * 1 PC.

3 200

Fund-chair "Pear" with granules

3400 rub. * 1 PC.

3 400

Interactive panel "Infinity" (Wall)

4900 rub. * 1 PC.

4 900

Panel "Curve Mirror"

4600 rub. * 1 PC.

4 600

Safe bubble kolonna

5700 rub. * 1 PC.

5 700

Set of fish for bubble column

200 rub. * 1 pc.

Rotation Mirror Ball

2900 rub. * 1 PC.

2 900

Confaped light source to the mirror ball "Zebra"

2800 rub. * 1 PC.

2 800

Sound-activated Light Effects Projector "Russian Pyramid"

10,000 rubles. * 1 pc.

10 000

Safe optical fiber bunch of face luminescence "Firefly"

7600 rub. * 1 PC.

7 600

Kit "Touch Corner"

18100 rub. * 1 PC.

18 100

Albums for drawing

25 rubles. * 7 pcs.

The pencils

60 rubles. * 7 pcs.


55 rub. * 7 pcs


15 rubles. * 7 sheets

Wax crayons

40 rubles. * 3 pcs.


50 rubles. * 7 pcs.

Plastic folders

50 rubles. * 17 pcs.


1 rub. 20 cop. * 300 pcs.

Scotch bilateral

40 rubles. * 1 PC.


20 rubles. * 1 PC.

Total event:

91 225

Implementation of a comprehensive program for the prevention and prevention of social orphanhood for the adaptation and residence of children in receptional families (paragraph 11 of section 2 of the project implementation plan)

Albums for drawing

25 rubles. * 6 pcs.

The pencils

60 rubles. * 7 pcs.


55 rub. * 7 pcs


15 rubles. * 7 sheets

Wax crayons

40 rubles. * 4 things.


50 rubles. * 7 pcs.

Plastic folders

50 rubles. * 17 pcs.


1 rub. 20 cop. * 400 pcs.

Scotch bilateral

40 rubles. * 3 pcs.


20 rubles. *2 pcs.

Paper for A4 printer

200 rubles. * 5 Paches.

1 000

Total event:

4 060

Organization and conduct of leisure activities for replacement families based on the center (paragraph 12 of section 2 of the project implementation plan)

Video camera

10,000 rubles. * 1 PC.

10 000


12000 rub. * 2 pcs.

24 000

Rental of premises for events (under the contract with a legal entity)

5000 rub. * 6 events

30 000

A visit to museums, exhibitions and excursions

500 rub. * 120 people.

60 000

Payment for the passage of children on a suburban bus (from PGT Thazhsky in Kemerovo and back)

360 rub. * 2 tickets * 120 people.

86 400

Payment of travel expert on a suburban bus (from PGT Thazhinsky in Cemerovo and back)

720 rub. * 2 tickets * 1 person.

1 440

Food of children of the target group (under the contract with the appropriate organization)

300 rub. * 120 people.

36 000

Provision acquisition:


20 rubles. * 70 pcs.

1 400


400 rubles. * 60 pcs.

24 000

educational games

400 rub. * 15 pcs.

6 000


150 rub. * 60 pcs.

9 000

small sports inventory

350 rub. * 80 pcs.

28 000

Gel balls

35 rubles. * 800 pcs

28 000

Posters thematic

50 rubles. * 15 pcs.

Artificial flowers

1500 rub. * 6 pcs.

9 000

Total event:

353 990

Conducting a district conference "On the results of the implementation of the project" Path home "on the creation and accompaniment of replacement families in the territory of the Thazhsky municipal district" (paragraph 13 of section 2 of the project implementation plan)

Renting the premises for the regional analytical conference "On the results of the project implementation on the territory of the Thazhinsky Municipal District" (under the contract with a legal entity)

5000 rub. * 1 event

5 000

Provision acquisition:


20 rubles. * 30 pcs.


400 rubles. * 40 pcs.

16 000

educational games

400 rub. * 5 pcs.

2 000


150 rub. * 40 pcs.

6 000

small sports inventory

350 rub. * 20 pcs

7 000

Consumables for registration of events:

Gel balls

35 rubles. * 200 pcs

7 000

Posters thematic

50 rubles. *5 pieces.

Artificial flowers

1500 rub. * 4 things.

6 000

Total event:

49 850

Edition and distribution of collections of articles, methodological benefits to summarize the experience of project implementation on the territory of the Thazhinsky municipal region (paragraph 14 of section 2 of the project implementation plan)

Payment of typographical services for the manufacture of booklets, brochures (under the contract with a legal entity)

100 rubles. * 200 pcs.

20 000

Payment of typographical services for the manufacture of a collection of methodological recommendations (under the contract with a legal entity)

500 rub. *100 pieces

50 000

Total event:

70 000


1 500 000

Director of the Municipal Cassenger Institution "Social - Rehabilitation Center for Minors"

(O. V. Karabanova)



Municipal State Institution "Social Rehabilitation Center

for minor "

Purpose: Assistance in the realization of the rights of families and children for social protection and social assistance from the state.

Directions of the institution:

Center structure

Social project to create

and support for replacement families

"The way home"

Terms of implementation:01.04.2014 – 30.09.2015

purpose : Assistance in the creation of replacement families and harmonizing the style of family education through the formation of adequate parental positions in various situations of interaction with the receiving child.

Tasks :

Inna Viktorovna Chebatkova introduced a social project on the forum to create and support replacing families "way home". Participation in this event was preceded by a large preparatory work: the development and release of information material on the project, preparation of speeches, presentations, a video on the implementation of the project.
The exhibition-forum is held annually by the Foundation for the Support of Children in a difficult life situation. In 62 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, numerous fund programs are being implemented. So, in 2014, in 38 regions of the Russian Federation, the Foundation supported 72 regional programs and 199 projects totaling 680 million rubles, one of which is implemented in the Thazhinsky district.
The forums that took place in the past in Kazan, Astrakhan, Tyumen and Ulyanovsk are the culmination of the Foundation work with Russian regions. It is at the exhibition sites of forums, all that has been achieved performed by general programs is shown. More than 500 participants gathered at the Ufa Forum, not only to show the results of their collaboration with the Fund, but also to adopt new experience, innovative technologies.
The main guests of the event were professionals working in the field of childhood protection. The program of the exhibition-forum "Together - for the sake of children!" included the work of round tables, interactive exhibition sites on regions, trainings and master classes.

Parents - in all the wise,

They are for us - friends, breadwinners,

They are all closer and relatives!

One of the visiting fears of the district competition "Creative Family", among the replacement families, who was held in the framework of the implementation of the social project "Way home" began with the soul of words, and was dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Thazhinsky district. Four receptions of the family family became participants in this holiday.

Who does not know what a real, strong, friendly family, in which complete mutual understanding reigns, the atmosphere of love and care, can come to swim infamily of Malzub Raisa Ivanovna and Vladimir Petrovich from PGT Thazhinsky,where currently15 children live. Raisa Ivanovna always wanted to have a daughter, but they had three sons with her husband - Alexey, Dmitry and Peter. In 2002, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a female family, first in the area, was supported by all family members unanimously. So they had a seven-year-old Irina, the pupil of the orphanage "Swallow nest". Then in December 2005, two small brothers six and seven years old - Zhenya and Dima appear in the family. So the family was replenished with two more sons. A year later, on the family council, they decided that one daughter was a little and another reception girl came to the family - an eleven-year-old Tanya. In the fall of 2010, when older children left, only the younger Dima and Zhenya remained at home. It would seem - rest, parents! You can now think about yourself. But in the soul left so much uneasy heat. Then four more little girls, sisters appeared in the family. And since September 2010, the family has increased by 4 people - Any, Diana, Nastya and faith. In 2013, seeing a small boy in the orphanage, Raisa Ivanovna and Vladimir Petrovich, who was no longer thinking by Slavika in a big friendly family. And quite recently, the pupils of the children's home Dasha Kirill and Arcasha found a family and loving parents. In 2006, Raisa Ivanovna participated in the regional competition "Social Star" in the nomination "With love for people." He received a letter of thanks to the administration of the Kemerovo region and a diploma of appreciation. In 2011, the family was awarded 10 vouchers in the Borisovsky sanatorium for victory in the regional competition "with love and concern". There are also appreciated letters from the administration of the Thazhinsky district. In the family of Malzub there is no separation of children on other people's and their own. Their house is always a complete bowl. In the atmosphere of love, care and mutual understanding, children in this family are growing with decent people.

Supboa Economic Evgeny Stanislavovna and Gerasev Anatoly Sergeevich They raise seven children, three of them are taped. On the territory of the New Eastern Rural settlement, the family is an example and pride of the village of Pokiyevka. This family is an example of a traditional Russian large family. Father-minider, mother-keeper of a family hearth. Spouses are able to overcome life adversity, becoming stronger. Despite his huge employment, they find free time for their children. Family holidays are traditional. Their happiness in children, and children feel happy when parents are interested in their affairs, happy to their successes.

Large receptionfamily Alushkaya Yulia Aleksandrovna and Nikolai Vladimirovichfrom the village of Borisoglebsk, they know in the area as a talented family. Each member has his own talent and his favorite hobby.Probably, it is possible to evaluate how much the content of one pupil is bypass, but who and what will appreciate and measure the heated children's souls, their newly acquired faith in the joy of life, the future?

"Only a family is a marina for happiness, only she will retain from bad weather" - this is the family's mottoGreenenko Hope Ivanovna and Oleg Vasilyevich from p. Preobrazhenka. "When someone else's child knocks on your heart, and you break it towards meeting it, then since that second, this child ceases to be someone else's" - these are words of mom seven children ... in this family, everything is done together - they work together together, rest together.

And indeed, parents and children did everything together. Together they represented their family, revealed the secrets of the family hobby, treating sweets, giving gifts. Together they showed staged fairy tales, sang rap, painted their homes. But the competition is a contest. Each family became the winner in his nomination. They received the certificates of the administration of the Thazhinsky district and gifts from the Foundation for the Support of Children in a Difficult Life Situation. But the greatest thanks for these parents, when deceived by the most close people, a little man begins to believe in love of people around him when he starts looking at the world with confident and happy eyes when the child suddenly understands what power is behind his back - power which will protect and closes it from all the troubles - his family!

A. MARMYLEV, Deputy Director

on organizational and methodical work



Dear Oleg Viktorovich!

The Municipal State Institution "Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors" provides you with information on the events of the Center.

"From family victories to sports records" - so called the district event dedicated to the World Health Day, which was held among receiving families as part of the social project for the creation and support of replacement families "way home" on the basis of the sports complex "Youth". The competitions were attended by five teams of receiving families of the district: Ilyina Marina Borisovna, Malzub Catherine Valerevna and Panchenko Elena Anatolevna (Tyzhinsky), Larionova Irina Anatolyevna (Tasin-Verchanka), Smirnova Zhanna Georgievna (Danilovka). Representatives of the teams began their speech by the general motto, greetings of teams -Ceparters. Relay and competitive tests conducted by the ICRTSDN MKU employees forced the participants to get a lot of pleasure, positive emotions, a charge of cheerfulness and a great mood. Teams showed their cohesion of families, originality, creativity. The Dance Team "Edelweiss" was shared between the competitive tests of their work (head of Bogdanova Nadezhda Aidarovna). Summing up the competition, members of the jury celebrated each winner team in a certain nomination, awarded by grades and sweet prizes, courtesy of the Kemerovo Regional Office of the WFP United Russia. The organizers and members of the jury of the holiday were decided to hold such events traditionally.

Work technology

With replacing families

The main idea and the purpose of family life is to raise children. Home School of Education is the relationship between husband and wife, father and mother

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Family is a society in miniature,

on whose integrity depends

safety of all big

human society

F. Adler

Years of childhood are primarily upbringing a heart.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

"No one is not a favorite child ceases to be a child:

he is only a little defenseless adult "

Zhilber Sizzron

"Children willingly always something

are engaged. It is very useful, and

Therefore, not only should not

interfere, but need to take action

to ensure that they always have what to do. "

Jan Komensei

Children learn from an example of an adult

and not in his words

K.G. Jung

When publishing brochure

foundation funds were used

support for children

in a difficult life situation

During the meeting of the Government of Moscow, S. Sobyanin reported a new pilot project on the property support of receiving families, within which family participants who took on the upbringing of five or more orphans, of which at least three are children of older or disabled, The basis will receive apartments in accordance with the Moscow provision of housing.
"This project is aimed at improving the housing conditions of both the children themselves and receiving parents," the minister of government stressed, head of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the city of Moscow V.Petrosyan and added that the authorities of the capital are planning for 2014 to transfer 20 apartments to the project participating families . If the experiment is successful, the number of apartments will be increased.
The decision to participate in the family in the project will take the city interdepartmental commission to solve the housing issues of orphans and children left without parental care. Candidates will be required psychological diagnostics.
Until the majority of family receptions, families will live in apartments provided under the Contract for gratuitous use, concluded with the Moscow Social Guarantee State Unitary Enterprise, and after 10 years of proper and continuing participation in the project, it will provide a residential premises under a social hiring agreement or ownership.
"We assume that in the case of the implementation of this project, only in 2014 we will be able to transfer more than 100 children to the receiving families, and this is actually one orphanage," V.Petrosyan summed up.
This project was part of the new approach to the prevention of orphans and the family-based orphans, due to the Moscow specifics, which began to be introduced by the capital authorities in 2013. Institutions for orphans and children left without parental care were transferred under the leadership of the Department of Social Protection of the population of the city of Moscow, a plan for their reorganization was developed until 2016 and reducing the number of orphanages up to 24 children in the family. In 2013, 10 such institutions were reorganized, and their number has already decreased from 37 to 32.
Currently, in the capital, about 80% of orphans are brought up in receiving families, 3735 people remain in the boarding houses. V.Petrosyan reported that today in the capital the number of orphans and children remaining without parental care is more than 19 thousand people. Only 20% of these children now live in orphanages in the capital. "We have from children who live in orphanages, 67% are children of older ages and 41% - disabled children," V.Petrosyan stressed.
In 2013, the benefits of families raising receiving children were differentiated taking into account the age, the number and health of pupils, significantly increased the size of social benefits to families raising orphans was most increased to the most increasing financial support for families raising children with disabilities and older children. .
The head of the department noted that the positive dynamics of 2013 in the adoption of orphans is due to transformations carried out in the capital. "In Moscow, the implementation of a new model began, and organizational, financial, and resource events were adopted for this," V.Petrosyan said.
The modernization of existing institutions for orphans is carried out at the expense of 803 million rubles extracted in 2013, overhaul was carried out in 15 orphanages. "This work will continue in the present year," the leader of the Department emphasized.
In addition to material re-equipment and reorganization, a model for the transformation of orphanages in multifunctional centers of family education has been determined. "In every center, conditions approached by living in an ordinary family are being created," said V.Petrosyan and added that family cells of the apartment type would be created in the institutions, which will live a group of 7-8 children with a constantly working social mother.
Social non-profit organizations are included in working with orphans of Moscow. Currently, the power of the capital work closely with six organizations for children in which almost 150 people are brought up, the city allocates subsidies on their support. For the first time, an open contest for the maintenance and education of children in a non-profit organization was held, 50 children were transferred to the winning the winner - the Father's House charitable foundation.

Creating conditions for the effective rehabilitation of disabled children in a day stay group, organized on the basis of the CMR "Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children" The goal of the project Duration of the project implementation of the project 10 months, from August 1, 2014 to May 31, 2015

Project tasks Monitoring the needs of families raising children with disabilities to conduct a diagnostic examination of families with children -inalide formation of a day stay group for children with disabilities, project participants Development and implementation of group and individual programs for the social rehabilitation of children with disabilities in the conditions of a day stay. Social support of families raising children with disabilities

The address orientation of the project of children with disabilities, aged 3 to 7 years, living in Kyrillov, which will attend a group of disabled children aged from 7 to 18 years, living in the city of Kirillov and the region (individual rehabilitation work) parents, Rising children with disabilities in Kirillov and the Adults District, participating in project events (specialists, volunteers, the closest environment of families raising children with disabilities)

Rehabilitation classes Individual and group correctional classes using sensory equipment, sand therapy methods, art of therapy; Fairy-tale therapy Individual and group classes for the development of creativity, on the formation of social skills

Lack of motivation among family members to resolve their own problems. Change of specialists - the main performers of the project. Insufficient financing of the project implementation. Negative public opinion of the district's population. Optimization of the institution. Risks in project work Stability of the project to possible risks Motivation of parents through various forms of work with the family. Stimulating the innovative activities of specialists. Attraction of extrabudgetary funds. Informing the public about the purpose of the project and social significance for the area. Track changes in the legislative database.

Financial and Economic Justification of the Events of the Project Name of the Project Event Name / Type of Expenditures Calculation of the value Amount (in rubles) 1 acquisition of the developing and correctional complex with video-recommended for children with special needs "Take and do" rubles. * 1 pcs stationery (paper, handles , folders, etc.) 5000 rubles. * 1 Set payment for the provision of services of specialists, on the organization of a day stay group for children with disabilities (Social work specialist, psychologist, speech therapist) 2000 rubles. * 10 months. * 3 people Insurance contributions to extrabudgetary funds (27.1%) Total: 115960

Management, monitoring and assessment of the project implementation of the project Project Manager: - Director Bu SMR CMR "Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children" S.V. Hischant Working Group: - Deputy Director Bu SMR "Center for Social Assistance Family and Children" O.N. Chugunova, Head of the Working Group - General Guide and Coordination of Work on the Implementation of Calendar Events on the Project; - Specialists from CMR "Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children": Social Work Specialist, Psychologist, Logoped - Performance of Project Tasks, Development and Conducting Classes, Diagnostics and Analysis of Work Results, Registration of Documentation.

The expected results of the project organized a day stay group for children, the availability and quality of services for families raising children with disabilities were provided; The social isolation of a disabled child and his family was overcome, the social contacts of children with disabilities were expanded, anxiety, anxiety, fears, aggressiveness in children are expanded, the general background of mood is improved, the pedagogical competence of the parents is improved, the psychological climate in the family is normalized. The material and technical base of the center is provided, the skills of specialists are raised; Creation of a positive image of institutions and local government agencies.

The project "We Together" is aimed at social support for families with disabled children Epishche Svetlana Viktorovna, Director of the Budget Institution of Social Services of the Kirillovsky Municipal District "Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children". Kyrillov 2014