Entertainment program for the wedding anniversary. Happy together: cool and original wedding anniversary contests. Competition "Women's Affairs"

A wedding anniversary is a great occasion to meet friends and family for a memorable celebration. It needs to be organized so that no one is bored and everyone is happy. This means that you cannot do without a good script, because the guests who come to congratulate the heroes of the day must not only be fed and watered, but also entertained.

If the holiday takes place in a cafe or apartment, where there is not much space, you can hold table contests for the wedding anniversary.

Table Wedding Anniversary Contests

For your first wedding anniversary contest, you will need hearts cut out of colored paper and cut into many pieces. The presenter distributes "pieces" of hearts to the guests, from which they must reassemble the whole. Those who complete this task faster will win.

Participants in another tabletop competition, which is suitable for celebrating a wedding anniversary, need to write 10 adjectives on a piece of paper. After that, the presenter gives them the text of congratulations to the heroes of the occasion. In empty spaces, you need to write the adjectives they have chosen.

Congratulations can be, for example, like this: “Dear and… .. heroes of the day! I congratulate you on this… ..and… .. holiday and wish you… .. happiness,…. health and ... .. love! Several years ago you created ... ... and ... .. a family, which is a standard for us, because such a ... ... and ... always reigns in your house. atmosphere that you want to come to visit you again and again! I wish you happiness and love! "

In the next competition, six people will take part in the wedding anniversary. They choose cards that have one of the letters of the word "love" written on them. The winner is the one who, in a minute, lists more wishes to the family starting with this letter.

For example, with the letter "b": prosperity, wealth, endless love, endless happiness. Someone who gets a soft mark can come up with wishes starting with any letter, but with a soft mark in the middle or end of the word.

Participants in another wedding anniversary competition also take turns saying their wishes to the married couple, and each wish must begin with a new letter of the alphabet in order (a, b, c ...), for example: "Angelic love!", "Endless happiness!" etc. At the end, the spouses of the anniversary will name the compliment they like the most and give the one who expressed it a small gift.

Other wedding anniversary party contests

To hold a "sweet" competition at the table, you will need a bag of lollipops (preferably round). Two people take candy, put it in their mouth, but don't swallow it.

After that, the participants should congratulate the heroes of the occasion, saying: "Happy wedding anniversary, dear heroes of the day!", And this phrase must be pronounced as clearly as possible. Then you need to take one more candy, and so on. The one who copes with this task better will be declared the winner.

In the next wedding anniversary competition, guests are given photographs of young children - newborns and toddlers. Participants need to find photographs of the heroes of the occasion. Those who complete the task faster than others will be photographed together with the heroes of the day.

At wedding anniversaries, contests of the "believe - not believe" type are also popular. Since the wedding anniversary is celebrated, the questions will also concern the traditions of this celebration. Participants need to be told if ...

  • Hindus believe in the introduction of evil spirits into girls with an unsightly appearance. The only way to banish an evil spirit from an Indian woman is to temporarily marry her off to a pet. Most often, a goat or a dog becomes a husband at such an imaginary wedding. (This is true).
  • In Norway, newlyweds milk a cow in a barn after the wedding. (Truth).
  • In Hungary, the groom is obliged to present a ham to the bride's parents. (This is not true).
  • In Kenya, newlyweds are required to wear women's dress for 30 days. This is how Kenyan traditions instill in young husbands a tolerance for female responsibilities. (Yes, that's right.)
  • In Denmark, during matchmaking, the groom must give each of his beloved's family members two wooden shoes as a gift. (It is not true).
  • The rite of passage into a wife in Scotland involves throwing mud. Guests throw it on the bride, smear it with soot, pour sauces on the wedding dress. It is believed that the more the girl is smeared, the less negativity there will be throughout the married life. (Truth).
  • In Bangladesh, the bride must survive in the forest for five days. (Not true).

What other contests to arrange for a wedding anniversary?

Participants in another wedding anniversary competition, which can be held at the table, need to come up with a fun ending to the phrase the host reads out. Whose continuation, according to the guests, will be the funniest, he is gaining a point. At the end, the presenter calculates the points of the participants and names the winner.

Phrases can be like this:

  • The groom did not have enough money to buy the bride, so the celebration was postponed ... (until the young man's salary).
  • At the bachelor party on the eve of the wedding, the groom got so drunk that he ended up in a sobering-up center. And on the morning of the day of registration of the marriage, the bride had to ... (redeem the groom).
  • The desire of a woman is the law, the desire of a man is (... article).
  • Traditionally, the bride cannot be seen before the wedding. And after the wedding it is better .. (some do not see at all).
  • Before marriage, I loved all women. And after the wedding ... (one less).
  • At the wedding of the daughter of the prosecutor, the daredevil who stole the bride's shoe received ... (a decent term with the confiscation of the stolen property).

But especially on wedding anniversaries, guests love song contests. The presenter prepares a selection of popular musical compositions in advance. These songs should be known to representatives of both the older and younger generations. After listening to the first few notes, guests must guess the names of the songs and name the artists.

Then, divided into teams, they will perform songs of a certain theme (for example, with the words "love", "wedding", "bride", "groom"). Those who sing more songs win.

And at the end of the wedding anniversary celebration, you can arrange a cheerful and noisy table competition called "Wedding Fireworks". Each guest is given a balloon, which must be inflated at the signal of the host.

The host then asks the guests to write the date of their wedding anniversary on the balloons with markers and poke the balloons at the same time. As a result, sounds are heard that resemble salute volleys.

It remains for us to add that a well-prepared holiday in honor of the creation of a family will delight the spouses and will be remembered for a long time by the guests, so one should not spare time and effort in organizing it.

Of course, the second wedding day or the year from the date of marriage is usually not prepared as carefully as the wedding day itself. However, these days are no less important and are intended to remind and consolidate the most pleasant wedding impressions. After all, now a much narrower circle of close friends and relatives is being invited. This means that their entertainment should be, maybe, not very large-scale, but certainly carefully thought out and fun.

And what fun is it without games and exciting contests? Here are some simple ways to keep your guests entertained.

Props: ring, rope or cord
Participants: everyone interested

You also need to choose a driver from the players: for this you can use a simple children's counting rhyme.

All participants stand in a circle, and behind their backs they hold a rope on which a ring is worn. It must move freely. On command, the participants begin to move the ring with their hand along the string to each other, and in any direction. The driver's task is to guess who has the ring now. As soon as he guesses this participant, he changes places with him, and the game starts over.

Game "History or Fant"

Props: not required
Participants: everyone interested

Everyone present must participate. They sit in a circle and take turns telling interesting or funny short stories that happened to the newlyweds at a wedding or during the year of marriage. Anyone who does not remember any history is giving away some kind of fancy.

Forfeits are then played out with the fulfillment of the wishes of the heroes of the occasion.

Competition "And I have ..."

Props: not required
Participants: all guests

All guests stand in a circle, in the center of the circle is the leader. He says, for example: "And I have hands!", While stretching out his arms forward. Participants must take the hand of their neighbors and walk in a circle. Then the presenter says that he has legs, shoulders, a head, and so on. The guests also grab each other's body parts and draw a circle each time.

The fun begins when the presenter announces that he has knees, heels and other inaccessible parts of the body. The winner is the one who can last the longest in the circle in different positions.

Contest "Let's Draw a House"

Props: two sheets of drawing paper, markers, scarves
Participants: all present

From each team, the first participant goes to his Whatman sheet and draws a square or rectangle on it: this will be a house. The second participant is blindfolded, he goes to his team sheet and draws a window in the house from memory. The third, also blindfolded, should draw a door, the next one - a pipe, and so on. The team that has the most beautiful house wins. The picture can become a memorable souvenir for the newlyweds.

Relay competition "Record a Team"

Props: paper, pencils
Participants: all present

Participants are divided into two teams and stand in columns in one part of the hall. In the other part, 2 tables have been prepared for them with sheets of paper on them. Pencils are given to the first member of each team. These participants run to the table as quickly as possible and write the name of any member of their team on a piece of paper. You can't write your name! Then they come back, pass the pencils next, and the relay continues.

The winner is the team whose list of participants is more complete and without repetitions.

Ear-nose competition

Props: not required
Participants: all guests

This entertainment is good because it doesn't even have to get up from the table. It is enough for everyone to grasp the tip of their nose with their right hand, and their right ear with their left. At a sign from the leader, everyone should clap their hands and change hands: the left one is holding the nose, and the right one is holding the left ear. Then again clap and change positions. Moreover, claps are becoming more frequent, and it becomes more and more difficult to take the correct position. Anyone who makes more than three mistakes in a row is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who can hold out the longest.

Show a fairy tale game

Props: chairs
Participants: 6 persons

Some well-known fairy tale is chosen, for example, "Kolobok". Participants should be according to the number of roles in it: grandmother, grandfather, bear, wolf, hare and fox. Moreover, each of the participants simultaneously performs the role of Kolobok.
The facilitator arranges 6 chairs - one for each participant - and begins to tell the story.

Of course, he improvises, for example: “Somehow the old man came to the grandmother. Although is this a grandfather? There was a man in full bloom; he and his grandmother wanted more children. And the grandfather says to the grandmother, who is not quite a grandmother: “But bake me, grandma, a kolobok! And then at least suck a paw like a bear in winter, and you really want a bun too! "

The bottom line is that each participant, upon hearing the name of their role, should jump up and run around their chair. And if the word "kolobok" is called, everyone has to jump up!
This game is a great way to warm up in the middle of a hearty meal. You can guarantee that, having shown the fairy tale to the end, all the participants will rush back to the festive table with all their might and begin with renewed vigor to congratulate the heroes of the occasion.

Wedding contests for the bride and groom are comic tests for young people in preparation for family life. Tasks are carried out in the form of fun games. Newlyweds must show their skills that will be useful in everyday life, find out the headship in the family, demonstrate respect and love for each other.

Wedding contests are romantic, extravagant, funny and lyrical. Consider examples of interesting wedding contests.

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The site provides only introductory information for creating an original and beautiful wedding celebration. I don't sell anything;)

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Testing the skills of the bride and groom

The task of this group of competitions is to find out the skills of the bride and groom. Very often, thanks to various tasks, you can find out a lot of new things about the bride and groom.

The newlywed demonstrates her skills in sewing, knitting, cooking, caring for her husband and children.

The young spouse shows the ability to perform purely male household chores: fix, make something, chop wood, light a fireplace, etc. You can also find out if the future dad will be able to swaddle the baby, get the child to school, kindergarten or for a walk, braid his daughter's pigtail or tie a bow, etc.

The newlyweds can show the coherence and compatibility of a couple in such tasks as: together to light the family hearth, extinguish the first quarrel (a candle, a torch, which is set on fire at the right time and with the right words). In addition, newlyweds will have to be resourceful in order to redeem it faster.

Distribution of responsibilities in the family

With the help of the following selection of games, newlyweds will be able to distribute their responsibilities in family life.

Family responsibilities. Option 1.

The facilitator brings a piece of paper with responsibilities written on them, which may fall to the lot of the bride or groom. Each piece of paper is folded so that what is written is not visible to anyone, and placed on a tray.

Young people should take turns taking pieces of paper and reading out what fate is in store for them. Moreover, each duty is accompanied by the words: "I will ..." - and what is written will become a continuation of the phrase.

Responsibilities can be as follows:

  • wash up,
  • taking out the trash,
  • Earn Money,
  • to lay on the sofa,
  • mending clothes,
  • go to picnics,
  • wash diapers,
  • chat on the phone,
  • go to restaurants and cafes,
  • prepare delicious meals,
  • go to the beach,
  • wash,
  • iron,
  • give birth to children,
  • To do nothing,
  • babysit children,
  • watch TV,
  • vacuum,
  • watch "M-TV",
  • raise children,
  • to make purchases,
  • to drink beer,
  • teach a child to read,
  • dust off,
  • knit socks,
  • do makeovers.

My dear readers!

  • 22 high quality copyright cards ~ (2453x574px) 72dpi

Download Cards "Responsibilities of the bride and groom"

Wedding game - Chamomile, duties of a husband and wife (19 rubles)

Family responsibilities. Option 2.

Various things are hung on the rope, which symbolize different responsibilities.

For example:

  • frying pan - who will have to cook food;
  • an empty beer bottle - who should drink beer;
  • iron - who will iron;
  • a pack of washing powder - who will do the laundry;
  • children's book - who will bring up the children;
  • wallet - who will become the earner of money;
  • skewer - who will go to the barbecue;
  • spool of thread - who will mend clothes and darn socks, etc.
The bride and groom are blindfolded, after which the presenter explains that each of them will need to remove six items. After this is done, the eyes of the bride and groom are untied.

The presenter, taking in turn each of the removed objects, explains their meaning, starting with the words: "The husband will be ...", "The wife will be ...".

Family responsibilities. Option 3.

The toastmaster says to the bride and groom:
Dear newlyweds! In life, you will have to carry out many responsibilities for housekeeping, and let fate now distribute them between you. Magic balls will help us in this competition.
Put out 10 balls, 2 pins.

The bride and groom take turns choosing and bursting balls, reading out the responsibilities that have fallen to their lot.

To the bride and groom, before reading the text of the card, it is advisable to say the following:

To the groom:

My only one! For your smile, I'm ready ...
To the bride:
My dear! I love you so much that I agree ...
Phrases for cards:
  • Throwing in money - I can do that.
  • Cook cabbage soup, or maybe borscht - I don't mind doing this.
  • Do sports in the morning - This suits me, brothers.
  • My business is to rest, Lying on the couch to read.
  • Play in the casino until nightfall - I love this job very much.
  • I will go shopping, so be it.
  • I will wash, and wash, And clean the apartment.
  • Mushrooms, fishing and hunting - Here, friends, my job.
  • I will bake pies Only on holidays.
  • There is no better job - Making compotes for the winter.
  • I will take the children to the circus, to the cinema, to the theater, to the museum.
  • I say in front of everyone, friends, I will be busy with the children.
  • Digging a vegetable garden in the country. I will, but how else?
  • In the morning I will serve coffee. I'll go to your bed.
  • Sweating in the bath - This is a wonderful job.
  • I will eat the harvest in the garden bed, everything is all right here.
  • Make the bed in the morning I'm not too lazy at least every day.
  • Throw the trash out of the house - This business is familiar to me.
  • Giving gifts and flowers You will be in our house.
  • To fix the bell or the door, I can, you trust me.
  • To nail the shelf to the wall, I can do that.
  • Go to rest on the sea I will, no need to argue.
  • Dress only in fashion - I can do it, like.
  • Fixing the car in the garage - I will, of course.
  • Travel the world - I'll be, how cute it is.
  • Renovate an apartment - I will be different for a miracle.
The presenter says at the end:
Family responsibilities are distributed, but I am sure that you will help each other in difficult family work.


  • 1.Dolls (Ken and Barbie) - 2 pairs.
The bride and groom stand with their backs to each other, each holding a pair of dolls that symbolize the bride and groom. The host names different family responsibilities. The newlyweds raise those dolls that are supposed to do this.

The competition is very interesting not only for guests, but, first of all, for the bride and groom.

Examples of family responsibilities:

  • I will ask my parents for money.
  • I will make money.
  • I will spend money.
  • I will be in charge of raising our children.
  • I will bear children.
  • I'll drink beer with my friends.
  • I'll serve coffee in bed in the morning.
  • I'll go to the dressmaker.
  • I will take out the trash.
  • I will cook and eat.
  • I will lie on the couch and watch TV.
  • I will be cleaning the apartment.
  • I will hand over the bottles.
  • I will wash the baby diapers.
  • I will go to football.
  • I will go to the theater.
  • I will walk with the child.
  • I will wash the dishes.
  • I will drive the car your parents will give you.
  • I will be repairing our car.
  • I will go fishing.
  • I will go to the resorts.
  • I will play on the computer.
  • I will wash my socks.
  • I will embroider and knit in the evenings.
  • I will carry my wife in my arms.

Wedding contest: Get to know me, darling

Leg of the bride

  • 1. A scarf for the eyes.
  • 2. Stockings.
Ladies sit on chairs, including the bride, 4-5 people. They show the groom that his wife is sitting among them. The groom is blindfolded. At this moment, all women are transplanted, and among them (for flavor) 1-2 men are transplanted. At this time, the bride is replaced by another girl. All bare one leg (just above the knees) and let the groom in with a bandage. He squatting, alternately touching his bare leg with his hands, must recognize his wife. For men, to hide hairiness, you can wear a stocking. There are many options.

Bride's hand

Several women come out, preferably of different ages, from girls to grandmothers. They remove all jewelry from their hands. The groom must guess his betrothed blindfolded.

Kiss the bride

Recognize the bride by kissing (the groom is seated on a chair, three girls call, he is blindfolded; only the bride kisses).

Wedding Contest: Guess Me Darling!

Groom's ear

The bride is blindfolded. You need to recognize the groom by the earlobe or nose (five men).

Recognize by voice

  • 1. A balloon filled with helium.
Take a balloon filled with helium. First, the bride is blindfolded or she turns away. Then several men should come out and in turn say to the bride the phrase "I love you", changing their voice with the help of a balloon. Among these men is her husband. The bride must guess the voice of her beloved.

Wedding Competition: Choosing the Head of the Family

  • The newlyweds have to break the bagel. Whose half is bigger - he is the head of the family.
  • Together break a loaf of bread. Whose half is more - he is the head of the family.
  • A coin is hidden in a loaf of bread; whoever finds it first is the owner of the house.
  • Two glasses, one filled with vodka, the other with water. Whoever chooses a glass of vodka will be the head.
  • A strip of paper with a penny glued in the middle. The newlyweds take the strip by the edges and, at the command of the presenter, tear it apart. Whoever has a coin on a piece of paper will make money for the family.

Wedding fortune telling for a boy-girl


  • 1. Cabbage.
  • 2. Coin.
There is a coin hidden in the cabbage. Who will find her first? If the groom is a boy, if the bride is a girl.


  • 1.Children's toys.
  • 2. A scarf for the eyes.
Children's toys are laid out on a tray - those that belong to girls - a doll, knitting needles, some kind of decoration, and those that belong to boys - cars, pistols, etc. The groom is blindfolded and offered to take a toy from a tray at random. On this subject and wonder who will be the first.

You can also give the bride to participate in fortune-telling. Then the newlyweds, blindfolded, take turns taking apart the toys and by the last toy they determine who will be the first to be born in a young family.


Appetizing compliment

The presenter asks the bride the names of the dishes that she will prepare for her beloved for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

For each dish, the groom must tell his wife an affectionate word starting with the same letter as the dish:

Potatoes - my beauty, cutlets - my kitten, salad - my sexy ...

Wedding game - Compliment (19 rubles)

Affectionate hedgehog

  • 1. Apple.
  • 2. Toothpicks.
Stick more matches into a large, beautiful apple. Newlyweds should take turns pulling out these matches and uttering affectionate words. Whoever has the most matches is the winner.

I am always with you

  • 1. Sheets of paper with inscriptions.
This game involves the bride and groom. Its essence lies in the fact that on a large sheet of paper the sentence "I am always with you, beloved" is written in a line. The paper is cut into stripes, each of which corresponds to one of the letters of the inscription.

The bride and groom take turns tearing off the strips of paper and picking each other up affectionate words that begin with the letters that make up the phrase.

Wedding competition: "Darts"

  • 1. Game "Darts".
  • 2. Inscriptions on paper.
Test for the groom. You need to prepare the game "Darts" in advance. On the field, glue strips with the names of those benefits that he can present to the bride in the first year of life together - "travel around the world", "car", "dacha", etc.

Well, groom, tell everyone
Show in the test -
What is the first year of life
Will bring it to your bride.
There is a lot on the target,
What can you give her.
Pull yourself together with strength, come on
Direct your arrows.

Wedding drawing competition: Question-Answer

  • 1. Cards of the groom, the bride.
Make cards for the bride and groom (separately). Everyone pulls out a question, reads it out, and then pulls out and reads out the answer.

Questions to the bride.

  • Will you call your mother-in-law mom?
  • Do you want to have three children?
  • Are you fond of Kama Sutra?
  • Will you look at other men?
  • Are you going to feed your husband a three course dinner?
Answers of the bride.
  • I would not mind, but I am afraid of the collective condemnation.
  • This is my secret passion.
  • As a rule, I want more.
  • Yes, I consider myself sufficiently prepared in this matter!
  • I'm scared to even think about it.
Questions to the groom.
  • Are you able to spend your honeymoon without leaving your bedroom?
  • Will you give your wife expensive gifts?
  • Are you going to take your wife on vacation to the Bahamas?
  • Will you look at other women?
  • Do you want to have many children?
The groom's answers.
  • It all depends on how many dollars are in your pocket.
  • This is fine, but it comes with some risk.
  • Only with good nutrition.
  • Only for the sake of great love.
  • I dream about it at night.

My dear readers!
To save your time on organizing a holiday, we suggest you use our efforts. In our archive you will find cards for this competition.
The cards are made in the same style, good resolution and sizes suitable for all major print formats.
You just have to print them (it is best to print them on photo paper of A5 or A4 format (two or three cards per sheet), you can also print on ordinary photo formats 10x15,13x18, ...).

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  • pictures are made in the same style
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Examples of pictures from the archive (reduced):

Summing up the wedding contests, the host should focus the guests' attention on the victory of solidarity and understanding of the new young family. The main task of contests and assignments for newlyweds is to show the talents of the spouses, their willingness to help each other, to equip their everyday life together, to respect and love each other.

You can purchase all these and other Games for a feast in the special:
Online store of wedding accessories

A wedding anniversary is one of the brightest events for every couple. In addition to delicious food and drinks, on this day, it is worth preparing comic contests and fun activities that will help entertain guests. If you are tired of rolling the testicle and bursting the ball, refer to the example of our entertainment program.

1. Quiz about spouses

Prepare questions related to the married life of the spouses ... Remember the important events that happened during the years of marriage - the birth of a child, the purchase of a car or a summer residence, etc. Let the guests answer the questions of the quiz and remember pleasant moments. The one who knows the couple best of all wins the prize.

2. Song competition

They call two guys and give them leaflets with the text of the song "Grasshopper".

Three backing tracks are recorded in advance:

  • Classic.

Each of the guests must sing "Grasshopper" in three versions to the music presented ... Other guests are allowed to help the singers.

3. Flashmob

If any of the guests knows a fun dance, ask him to go to the center and perform ... The rest of those present should exactly repeat the movements to the energetic music.

You can dilute the performance with original attacks: crawling on all fours, belly dancing, etc.

4. Knight's tournament

This competition contains three challenges for guys:

  • Three compliments should be paid to your lady, comparing her to the food and drinks on the table. For example: "You are as hot as this potato and as hot as red pepper."
  • The guys compete in strength and dexterity: push up for a while, weave a rope.
  • Each of the men must name a famous pair of lovers (Romeo and Juliet, Beauty and the Beast). Whoever calls the last one won.

Competitions in the knightly style can be supplemented with other tasks.

5. Acquaintance

The heroes of the occasion are given a leaflet. One with the image of the letter "O", the other - with the "A". You can replace symbols with any others.

The task of the spouses - to depict the first acquaintance, for example, in an elevator, using words for the corresponding letter. So, if a man has "O", he can start: "Oh, what a beauty," the lady continues: "I don't talk to strangers." It usually turns out to be a lot of fun, especially if the couple has a lot of imagination.

6. Original greetings

Guests take turns to say congratulations to the spouses in a certain intonation ... To do this, they pull out notes with the inscriptions: sleepy, sad, crying, dumbfounded, sly, suspicious.

7. Dressing up as stars

Invite your guests to dress up as famous stars of show business, having prepared the necessary attributes in advance. Boys and girls put on hats, glasses and other clothing items, and then sing and dance to a certain composition.

The heroes of the occasion choose the best parodists.

8. Let's look into the future

As a congratulation contest, prepare a video clip with photos of heroes of the occasion from the future ... To do this, use Photoshop and suitable pictures, for example, of the rich and famous people.

Announcing to the spouses that they will now see photographs from the future, show the slides and comment: “This is you in Bali, this is you in the new cottage on Rublevka,“ This is you diving, ”etc. Summarize what awaits them bright, comfortable and positive future.

9. Let's remember the wedding day

Guests are encouraged to remember the couple's wedding day.

Questions are asked:

  • Who caught the bouquet and the garter?
  • Did it rain on your wedding day?
  • How many guests were invited?
  • For whom did they put more money: a boy or a girl?

You can print funny photos of guests from the day of the wedding on A4 format and try to reproduce them again, assuming the same posture and facial expressions. Later it will be interesting to compare - before and after.

10. Hot glass

The guests take turns at the table pass a glass to each other and each pours a little champagne into it ... Those present who have a full glass in their hands must drink the contents and make a toast for the heroes of the occasion.

11. Writing a verse

Spouses are given sheets with paired rhymes. They take turns saying the phrase, as if composing a poem ... Usually, the creativity of the couples amazes the guests.

12. Body parts

The next competition is suitable for both guests and heroes of the occasion. Any of the boy-girl pairs pulls notes from the box indicating the body part ... These can be: back, calf, heel, toes, ears. With this part of the body, partners should touch and pull out the next piece of paper.

While maintaining the same position, it is necessary to touch the following parts of the body, and so on while the couple can stand. It is allowed to use furniture. Then the next pair is called, and the papers are mixed.

13. Answer or desire

Guests are asked in turn questions, which must be answered "yes" or "no".

For example:

  • Is it true that a girl has to clean her husband's house for a week before getting married in Finland? (Yes)
  • Is it true that in Hungary the groom presents a pork leg to the bride's parents for the wedding? (No)

If one of those present answers incorrectly, he takes out a piece of paper with a desire from the box and fulfills it.

For example:

  • Perform belly dance, break, lezginka, lambada.
  • Sing a ditty.
  • Declare your love to your neighbor on the left.
  • Kiss the neighbor on the right.
  • Sing a song about a wedding or about love.

All contests are selected based on personal preferences and the age category of the guests. The main thing is to make it fun and decent.

A wedding without contests and entertainment is like a joke without humor. It is the entertainment moments that create the general atmosphere of fun and real celebration. Well-chosen contests will not make you blush the next day, but, on the contrary, will give you wonderful memories of one of the best weddings in your life.

For convenience, we have broken down the 13 ideas into groups.

Competitions for guests

1. Impromptu "Welcome guests"

The presenter asks what the guests wish for the young from intangible values. They will definitely be listed: happiness, health, success, luck, joy, warmth, understanding, harmony and, of course, love. Everyone who guesses correctly is given cards with roles and phrases. The text is read out. Participants must say the phrase immediately after mentioning their character.

Roles and phrases:

Love:"I will warm your blood!"

Happiness:"Here I am! Hello everyone!"

Health:"I will replenish the genealogy!"

Success:"I am the coolest among you!"

Luck:"I'm going to you to boot!"

Understanding: "Just a moment of attention!"

Patience:"I'll give you a solution!"

Harmony (all guests in chorus): "Advice and love to you!"

So the day has come when Harmony has come in the world. He is ruled by a beautiful Love... A huge hovering over our young Happiness... Promises to be in perfect order, cheerful Health... Swears he's around the corner, loud Success... On the wings of a blue bird the inevitable arrives to us Luck... Serious reigns at the table Understanding. And with him came cheerful Patience... This is what we have Harmony... Very loud promises unrestrained Love... Even louder - stubborn Health... The unbelted one tries to keep up with them Success... Cheered up Harmony... Especially when, flirting, the word said Luck, and joined her, winking meaningfully, Happiness... I could not stand it from the abundance of emotions Harmony... She just burst into tears from the wild Happiness... But then came to the rescue with adventurous intonations Patience... The drunken one understood him at once. Understanding. All came to the conclusion that the main thing among them is the Caucasian Health... And you just need to raise your glasses for him. Mutual understanding and Patience, Success and Luck, Happiness and Love and, of course, Health wish our newlyweds that there is always absolute Harmony in their family!

2. Wedding forecast

The presenter proposes to make a gift-wish to the young people together, using certain gestures. The text will contain key words, after hearing which you need to show the indicated gesture. Rehearse with each gesture before starting.

Love- married ladies paint a heart in the air.

Happiness- unmarried girls blow a kiss to the young.

Health- married men, bending their arms at the elbow, show their biceps.

Wealth- unmarried guys show the young a “yes” gesture, lowering their bent arm down at the elbow.

Passion- all together show the sign "in!" With both hands, pulling in the direction of the young.

We will read you a forecast
For the next hundred years.
How to live them is not a question,
We have the answer to everything!

A hurricane awaits you love,
Downpour pouring out happiness,
AND wealth on a way,
AND health, sea passion.

Will become happiness Sweet home -
Have love he will be a prisoner
AND wealth will be in it,
AND health, undoubtedly!

Passion there will be a typhoon in it,
Happiness will be with children's laughter.
AND love among the lagoons,
AND wealth, and joy!

Will always serve you
AND wealth, and health.
Passion, love you will not get rid of -
Happiness will be at the head!

3. Flashmob of love

During the dance break, guests are invited to make a flash mob for the young. To a cheerful, rhythmic melody, tell the love story of the newlyweds in a dance. The presenter shows and rehearses the movements - first without music, then with it. The young people are shown an already rehearsed number.


  • Went- rhythmically step from foot to foot.
  • Saw- with palms clenched into a fist with extended index and middle fingers (gesture "V"), hold in front of the eyes.
  • Fell in love- draw a heart with your hands.
  • My head was dizzy with happiness - turns around the axis with arms outstretched: first in one direction, then in the other direction.
  • We began to soar on the wings of love - the same thing, just swing your arms like wings.
  • Made an offer - put your hands to the heart and spread to the side: to the heart - to the left side - to the heart - to the right side.
  • She agreed- bend your arms at the elbows, move up and down, while simultaneously turning in one direction or the other.
  • Blow kisses to the young.

Repeat the movements 4-8 times. You can “tell” the story 2-3 times in a row, but reduce the number of repetitions.

4. Body designers

Two teams of 7-8 people are recruited. No inventory. They are given assignments to portray a specific subject by the team. Each team has 3-4 tasks. For example: kettle, car, bouquet, window, multi-armed Shiva, plane and so on.

5. A rainbow of desires

Competition for the unification of related teams.

7 people from the side of the groom and the bride participate. Participants randomly take out one ribbon of a certain rainbow color 1 m long from the bags. Then the teams line up opposite each other. The presenter proposes to castling and unite in pairs of participants with the same color of ribbons.

  1. Educated couples should tie their ribbon on the more attractive, in their opinion, part of the partner's body.
  2. All pairs become a semicircle - facing the young. Excerpts from songs (20-30 seconds) sound, in which one of the colors of the rainbow is mentioned. Participants with the same color of ribbons come forward and dance. The most active dancing part of the body should be the one on which the ribbon is tied.
  3. By applause a winner is selected for each pair.
  4. Everybody's dancing together to the general song about the rainbow.

Props: two bags, 7 pairs of ribbons 1 m long.

Recommended songs: Orange Sun (Paints), Blue Frost (Prime Minister), Yellow Autumn Leaf (Hummingbird), Blue Eyes (Mr Credo), Red Dress (Shtar), Don't Hide Your Green Eyes (I. Sarukhanov), "Violet Powder" (Propaganda), "Rainbow of Desires" (E. Lashuk).

6. Spy at the wedding

Participants are called who, after the question "who considers himself sober?" raised their hands. They take turns blowing the "tubes". The commentary of the "breathalyzer" is sounded after each time.

Comments must be recorded in advance, changing the voice to a more funny one using the program:

  • This man is completely sober! Check urgently for spy equipment!
  • There was not enough scale to determine not enough, not ... Asta la Vista, baby!
  • There is no more strength to hold on. Put the client on the sofa!
  • Your blood alcohol level is below the legal limit. The client broke the main rule of the feast! Immediately pour a penalty!
  • Ouch! Something even felt bad for me. Have you tried a snack?
  • I don’t understand anything! Did you just sniff alcohol all evening? Three free throws!
  • The client is half drunk. And the better half. Keep it up!

Props: whistles with a retractable tongue for each participant.

7. Quiz "Guess the melody"

Collages of photographs are shown on the screen, by which you need to guess what kind of song is encrypted in the image. After the answer, a fragment from the song sounds. Compositions should be taken well-known and popular. For example, a collage of 4 photos: blue carriage - accordion - crocodile - pipe. It's very easy to guess.

The quiz can be done in PowerPoint (version 13 or higher).

Contests for newlyweds

8. Beautiful life

At the beginning of the competition, the presenter asks the audience what they can wish the young from material values. Someone will definitely name: a house, a car, a yacht, a dacha, money. Those who guessed one of these words should raise their hand.

At the end of the poll, the guessers and the newlyweds are invited to the center of the hall. Each of the participants must show what he / she wishes. The presenter asks to first demonstrate how they will show it and direct the process. For each participant - his own short excerpt from the song. During the action, the young are photographed with the participants of the competition.

  • House. The participant must stand behind the young and make a roof over their heads with the help of hands. Moose. track: "Under the roof of your house" by Y. Antonov.
  • A car. The participant sits on a chair and pretends to be the driver. The driver's gloves and helmet can be used as props. Moose. track: "Crazy Frog".
  • Yacht. The participant portrays the captain of the ship, standing at the helm. You can use a pipe and a captain's cap. Moose. track: "Yacht, sail" V. Strykalo.
  • Dacha. You need to portray something for a summer residence - digging a vegetable garden, for example. Props - baby shovel or rake, gloves, sunglasses and a hat. Moose. track: "What a wonderful day, I'm not too lazy to work ..." from m / f.
  • Money. The participant is given a bundle of "money". He can scatter it over the heads of the young, making "money rain". Moose. track: "Money, money, money" gr. ABBA.

At the end of the competition, you need to take a general staged photo for the track "We wish you happiness."

9. School of etiquette

The host explains that there are different situations in life. Conflicts arise in which it is important to find a compromise. The main thing is not to stoop to hurtful words thrown in the heat, which you can later regret.

Newlyweds are encouraged to complete an accelerated school of etiquette. And, if a bad word is spinning on the tongue, replace it with the name of the flower. To do this, young people, with the help of the guests' tips, write 5 names of flowers on a sheet of Whatman paper. The groom - with female names, the wife - with male names.

For the bride

For the groom

Competitions for parents

10. Anecdote from life

Ask parents to tell in turn two of the funniest experiences in the life of their children. The winner is determined by applause, but in the end, of course, friendship will prevail. At the end of the competition, you can give each couple a notebook and a pen to record the future "exploits" of the common grandchildren.

11. Guess

Parents on both sides are called. On a projector screen or on a large plasma screen, group photos of the bride and groom are shown alternately: kindergarten, school, graduation, a group at the institute. The bride's parents find the groom, the groom's parents find the bride.

Props - a stopwatch. But more for show. One big family must win.

Contests for witnesses

12. Telepaths

The presenter asks the young people how well they know their witnesses: how long have they been friends with each other, do they know the innermost secrets, do they know how to understand without words. Then he announces to the audience that the witnesses, it turns out, are telepaths. And he offers to check it out.

The competition is held on the principle of the "Crocodile" game. Each of the witnesses is given a sheet with 7 actions that every man (for a witness) or woman (for a witness) must be able to do.

Game principle: show the action without words and pointing to objects so that the team guesses correctly. Opponents are silent at this time. The witness team is the bride and all women. The witness team is the groom and all the men.

Assignments for the witness:

  • hammer a nail;
  • to plant a tree;
  • drink beer;
  • to play football;
  • to build a house;
  • keep yourself in control;
  • Earn Money.

Assignments for a witness:

  • bake pancakes;
  • make eyes (flirt);
  • walk in heels;
  • make a scandal;
  • carry a child;
  • do makeup;
  • wash the floors.

13. Sprinters

To a cheerful melody, each of the witnesses must choose one person. Those, in turn, must bring one more. And so on, until there are 7 people in the team. The number may vary depending on the activity and the number of guests.

Each team must come up with a name for themselves. The commanders are witnesses. They are given a list of tasks. The winner is the one who completes the task faster.


  1. Bring a man whose name or surname begins with the letter "A".
  2. Find and bring an item whose color is the same as the scallop of this year's symbol.
  3. Find something round.
  4. Bring something with the letter "W".
  5. Bring the unmarried girl.
  6. Bring the married guy.
  7. Bring a glass colorless liquid.

At the end, you can ask both teams to make an artistic composition from the collected material and give it a name. From an unmarried girl, you can make a model for composition.

Props - 2 trays for teams.

All presented contests are selected so that they can be held without a presenter. A little imagination, a creative approach to playing around situations, witty comments - and the wedding was a success! Have a bright and wonderful celebration!