Giving birth in 35 years of the first child opinion. - How to reduce the risks of infant mortality? "Combined oral contraceptives can be taken over the years."

Recently, women appeared quite a lot of reasons to postpone the moment when they decide to become a mother - a career, the search for a partner and caring for material well-being goes to the fore. And often it happens that when all goals have already been achieved, a new problem arises - pregnancy does not occur.

According to experts, conception and the course of pregnancy in women over 35 years old depends not so much from age as from the physiological state of the body of the future mother and its partner.

Georgy Lebedenko, a physician, chief physician in the clinic of Professor Yukkovskaya, Yu-Life project curator:

"Women at the age of 35+ to the question of pregnancy must be approached very carefully. In our practice, we are faced with the fact that many such patients simply do not have time for premonish training. And in this case, pregnancy preparation occupies a certain period, because, as a rule, patients after 35 years accumulate a certain number of genetic "breakdowns". This may be due to the presence of chronic diseases, all kinds of viral infections and so on. It is important to understand that the problem of conception is not the only one, because the period of pregnancy is a very important stage for the body of a woman, and at the age of 35+ it is becoming more difficult. "

In addition, an important factor is the reproductive health of the potential father of the future child. After all, men after 35 years old decreases the function of producing high-quality sperm, spermatozoa becomes less active, their morphological qualities are reduced.

Elvira, 41 year

"We are with my husband together for 8 years, and despite the fact that they never protected, I never got pregnant. I have passed a complete medical examination, it was hampered by the little things, the vitamins were cut off, but it would not get pregnant anyway. I constantly cry, when the monthly arrive ... Also, on the part of relatives and friends, constant pressure on the fact that I can't give birth ... "

"When choosing an ECO method, a woman is going through a hormonal stimulation protocol, but you need to understand that the partner plays an equally important role in the efficiency of conception. There are couples, which in the period from 25 to 35 years old are trying to get pregnant independently, and they do not work. Often in such cases a problem in a man. Therefore, it is necessary to competently approach the survey and premeditant training that both partners must pass. It is also important to note that it is necessary to consult several specialists, at least three: an urologist-andrologist, a gynecologist-endocrinologist and a doctor therapist. Only such an approach approach can increase chances to get the desired pregnancy. And of course, a period of pregnancy should observe several specialists "

Tatyana N, 38 years

"I am 38 years old, no children, but I would very much like. The problem is that I'm just afraid of pregnancy. It seems to me that I just can't make a child. After all, I have a constant weakness, forever the lack of vitamins of some, then something is wrong with blood and so on. I, of course, I understand that and not with such problems, they are carrying and give birth. But, after reading the articles and forums, I came to horror - because if I already have health problems now, as I can walk in pregnancy at all ... Girls who do not "suffer from good health, but nevertheless I endured and endured and Born? "

Lilia Farrehov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Okusher-Gynecologist in the clinic of Professor Uzkovskaya, a member of the Russian Society of Gynecologists:

"A psychological factor plays an important role - fears reasonable and not very. Imaginary unpretentiousness of a woman can lead to infertility at the self-leveling level. As for the physiology, the reason for reducing the ability to conceive in age patients is the quality of the follicles remaining in the ovaries. The probability of chromosomal anomalies in the eggs begins to grow sharply after 35 years. And accordingly, from this age the amount of normal embryos falls, with a normal chromosomal set capable of giving a normally developing pregnancy. Already in 43, the percentage of normal embryos does not exceed 15% digit "

Consider the main risks and complications associated with late pregnancy:

High risk of the "late" child with congenital anomalies (such as Down syndrome);
Miscarriages, ectopic pregnancy - also often complications of the course of pregnancy in women older than 35 years;
The aggravation of chronic diseases that may be caused by pregnancy.

Nevertheless, the achievements of modern medicine make it possible to diagnose innate defects before the birth of a child. For example, amniopunction, chorion biopsy and other methods. Also, with the help of special equipment, you can estimate existing threats to the fetus during childbirth, take the necessary actions and prevent possible generic injuries.

"No achieving medicine for the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth can be equated to what depends on the mother itself so that the outcome of pregnancy is successful both for her itself and for her child. We are talking about the performance of exercise, compliance with a special diet, about high-quality prenatal care "

Having considered some disadvantages after 35, it is impossible to forget about the pros:

Pregnancy at such age contributes to the rejuvenation of the body;
Moms of this age group (after 35 years) are better than a parent, thanks to their maturity and "knowledge" of life. They are more patient, restrained, balanced.

Maria, 37 years

"At 32, I divorced my husband who did not want children. It remained without housing, without special financial reserves. Already on himself the cross set. But in a year, the dating site met a man. We both wanted to have family and children. Marry married in the fourth month of pregnancy. Almost 35 years old gave birth to the first child. The pregnancy was complicated by the fibrium, and I lay 5 times in the hospital on saving. But never doubted the birth of a healthy child. It was Cesarean. But now, at 37 years old, I have a two-year-old baby, a good husband and the desire to start a second child. In general, the main thing in this business is a good doctor, and it is better a few, non-drinking husband with brains that loves you, and a positive attitude. And everything will work out! "

The conclusion is one - when planning the conception of a child after 35-40 years, a woman is recommended to pass surveys from medical professionals. It was then that the result of pregnancy will be the birth of a healthy child who will grow and develop on the joy of mom and dad.

Today, each Russian family talks about maternal capital, payments within it, about the fate of this program. In the days of the crisis, instability it is difficult to contain one child, because the Russians are not solved by planning the second. That fertility does not decrease, the government makes various proposals that would stimulate Russians to replenish, reports

In the media today it is reported: next year they can start paying 250000 for the second child up to 35 years, the latest news is pleased. But can women really give a quarter of a million for the second kid? The second year in Russia as part of the maternal family of families receive a fixed amount - 453026 rubles. Earlier, lump-sum payments were provided, but they were canceled in 2015. It is known that the principal amount may begin to index since 2019, and one-time payments may resume. Up to this point, the Government may decide on the payment of 250000 for the second child to women who born to 35 years. However, the Russians are now more concerned about whether the program will act at all in the future, what changes can occur whether the use of funds will be expanded.

The government reports: if a woman is up to 35 years old, he will give birth to a second child until December 31, 2018, then it can get an additional 250,000 rubles. This amount is large enough, and along with the main generally very significant. Thanks to the maternal capital of the family, they receive good help from the state. Many large Russians were able to improve living conditions, teach a child, socialize the baby - a disabled person. Some mothers are asked to transfer the bulk of maternal capital to their future pension.

Recently, the DG discussed the issue of coordinating the social program due to the crisis in the field of economics. Fortunately, they were limited to only the cancellation of the indexation of the principal amount and the abolition of one-time payments. The bulk is not raised from 2015, and cash payments have ceased to issue from the beginning of this year. Mintrost insists on the resumption of payments, explaining that families need "living" money. But the Ministry of Finance and the Mayor consider it differently: their analysis of statistical data has shown that the revenues of Russians have increased, because there is no need for one-time payments. Cancellation of payments allows you to save significantly.

Now there is a bill on 250,000 for the second child under 35 years old, which can be spent on their needs. It is said that these funds can be purchased by the car of the domestic automaker, and after three years it is sold. About the surcharge of 250000 rubles spoke in the spring. The government believes that the surcharge stimulates Russians to plan a second and subsequent child, as a result of which fertility will increase. Accept this bill or not - a big question. According to experts, the Ministry of Finance will not approve it, as the budget will lose great.

Read also the latest news on maternal capital

    In needy families (low-income), in which since January 1, 2018, a second child was born or was adopted, there is the right to receive a monthly payout. To understand whether the family has the right to pay, follows the total amount of family income for the last 12 calendar months, divided by 12 and ...

    The means of maternal (family) capital can now be directed to the construction of a garden house. The official website of the Government of St. Petersburg reports this.

    At the end of March, amendments to the Maternal (family) capital program came into force, which concern the waste of the Matkapal (MSK) to improve the housing conditions of the family.

    From March 29, the amendments to the Maternal Capital Program concerning the disposal of the means to improve the housing conditions of the family were entered into force.

    Information on the size or residue of the maternal (family) capital can be monitored in the mobile application of the FIU. The application is especially useful will be the owners of the certificate that sent it tools to receive a monthly cash payment or a kindergarten.

    Important amendments to the maternal program concerning the disposal of the means to improve the housing conditions of the family came into force. In the Novgorod region, 37,250 government certificates for maternity capital were issued by the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of Russia. Volume of listed means ...

    One of the main changes has affected the strengthening of the condition of residential premises purchased on the means of maternal capital. According to the new provisions, the information of the housing supervision authorities that the apartment or the house is unsuitable for living, are now recognized as a legitimate basis for ...

No age can be a one hundred percent warranty of the birth of a healthy baby. But over the years, the woman becomes harder to decide on motherhood: and doctors do not advise, and pressure jumps, and girlfriends dissuade.

But late motherhood has its advantages:

  • female consciousness is fully responsible for the born baby, the future mother is ready to psychologically raise his child in love and a warm family atmosphere;
  • the changes that occur on the hormonal level is rejuvenated by the female organism, they are given together with a new life and a second breath for mom;
  • the occurrence of menopause, which makes it possible to make a mother-born child to enjoy a full-fledged life a few more thanks.

Minuses of late birth

When planning the possibility of the appearance of another little man, we should not forget about the risks that can manifest themselves in women who give birth after 35:

  • the percentage of opportunity to get pregnant is reduced;
  • conception may not be for many months;
  • the possibility of genetic deviations in the child, Down syndrome, including;
  • often there are complications associated with the work of the kidneys, hearts, an increase in blood pressure;
  • fabrics change, hormones are produced in insufficient quantities, which leads to the possibility of miscarriage, detachable of the placenta, all sorts of bleeding.

Horn after 35 do not need to be afraid

No listed minuses and all kinds of risks can not be a convincing argument for someone who wants to be a mother. If the pregnancy of a woman is planned, she will try to avoid trouble, adhering to five simple rules.

The rule is first. Overweight

How quickly appear extra kilograms, and how hard on the fourth dozen reset them. But this is necessary to do to avoid the appearance of atherosclerosis, hypertension, strokes and other diseases. The whole body during pregnancy should work on the proper formation of the fetus, and not to help all organs who are hard to wear extra few tens of kilograms. Therefore, even before conception, we eat less, recorded in the hall and reduce the volume.

The ideal option for consultation is your doctor who knows everything about your female features, watched you for many years and can immediately say how risks you. Do not neglect the tips of the gynecologist. An experienced doctor will tell you where to start prepare for conception when the most favorable period for this will prescribe possible procedures and treatment if necessary.

Rule third. Breathe fresh air and eat vitamins

Attach each cell of your body with oxygen, give the opportunity to feel the tide of fresh strength, revived with nature - this is another task you want to perform. Make mandatory morning or evening walks in the park or forest, plan your time so that you always have time for oxygen baths.

Fall by vitamins fridge. Fruits and vegetables, greens and citrus fruits should always be on your desk, if you want the child's health to become excellent inside you. Chew nuts, raisins, dates and kuragu, eat at least on a teaspoon of honey a day - the result will appear very soon: tide of new forces, beautiful color, excavation energy.

Rule fourth. I pull out the bad habits from your life

Even smokers with experience can easily quit forever smoking, if there is a goal. And the desire to give birth can be the goal of life. Therefore, the psychological attitude and the complete awareness of their capabilities give any woman to part with smoking, drugs, alcohol and never come back to them.

Rule fifth. Thought only positive

By making the decision to give birth after 35, you never need to hear and doubt his correctness. Only a positive attitude, good thoughts, visual images of a healthy child will be another success in achieving the goal. Healthy mom and child - everything you dream, will surely come true. You will be the happiest mom in the world, and your child is healthy and beautiful.

If you are 35, and you want another child or not yet gone - no need to be afraid. Fear destroys from the inside, and the future mother is completely nothing to do. We accept the decision and begin to fulfill all the rules leading to the fulfillment of the dream.

Lana Aleksandrov