The tallest tree in the Guinness World Records Show. The craziest Christmas trees in the world. What distinguished Russia

The biggest garlands, the most expensive Christmas trees and the most platinum hits - the New Year has its own records. Residential building with the richest and most numerous illumination according to the Guinness Book of Records - the home of David and Janean Richards in the Australian city of Forrest. There are 331,038 lights used in the Christmas lights and decorations. The owner of the house spent 4 years to create the light record.
The most expensive Christmas tree decoration was recorded on December 7, 2002 in Tokyo. Piaget Japan has adorned the tree with 83 pieces of jewelry worth $ 16 million.
The largest floating Christmas tree a height of 85 meters was installed in Rio de Janeiro in 2007. The record was sponsored by the largest Brazilian insurance company Bradesco Seguros e Previdência.

The biggest Christmas star height of 31.59 meters was installed in the Indian city of Kochi on December 31, 2009. The project was realized thanks to the real estate company Apple A Day Properties. The largest stocking for gifts 32.56 meters long and 14.97 meters wide was created in 2007 as part of the action of the British Society for the Protection of Children's Rights Children 's Society.
At the entrance to Singapore's Tanglin Mall in 1996 stood the biggest Santa Claus made of metal and polyurethane foam. The structure was 15.6 meters high and 4 meters wide. The largest Christmas calendar 71 meters high and 23 meters wide, was placed at St Pancras in London in 2007.
The fastest Santa the winner of the traditional race of Santa Claus in England, Paul Simons, has been announced. In April 2009, he covered the required distance in 2 hours 55 minutes 50 seconds.
Canadian Jean-Guy Laquerre - owner the largest collection of Christmas symbols... He started collecting it in 1988, and by 2010 it has over 25,104 items.
A thirty-centimeter spruce in a pot is considered the oldest Christmas tree... British grandmother Janet Parker bought it back in 1886.
The largest number of bulbs in a Christmas garland- 150,000 pieces - was recorded on a Christmas tree in Germany in 2006.
American Erin Lavoie able to cut 27 spruce in 2 minutes and is the absolute record holder in this type of activity. She proved it at the 2008 Guinness World Records.
The largest gathering of Santa Clauses was recorded in Northern Ireland in 2007 and had 13,000 participants.
Largest Christmas Choir consisted of 7,514 people who gathered in the US state of South Carolina in December 2004.
According to Western tradition, it is customary for Christmas to bake cookies and put a piece of paper in it with the name of the gift. The finished cookie is broken by two people, the gift is received by the one who managed to break off a larger piece. Biggest Massive Cookie Breaking Campaign was organized by the UK operator Vodafone on December 1, 2011. It was attended by 566 people.
The largest number of participants in the anonymous gift exchange game"Secret Santa" was 1270 people. The event took place in the UK in 2008. The largest gathering of people in Christmas turkey costumes happened during the 44th Annual Capital One Bank Dallas YMCA Turkey Trot in Dallas, Texas on November 24, 2011. The number of participants was 661 people.
The Beatles are the absolute record holders of the Christmas charts... Their songs repeatedly took first places: December 12, 1963 - the song "I Wanna Hold Your Hand", December 10, 1964 - "I Feel Fine", December 16, 1965 - "Day Tripper / We Can Work it Out" and December 6 1967 - Hello Goodbye.
Most Consecutive Christmas Chart Winners considered The Beatles and Spice Girls. Both groups managed to hold out in first place for three years in a row (1963-1965 The Beatles, 1996-1998 Spice Girls).

Best selling Christmas single became the song "White Christmas" by Bing Crosby (Bing Crosby). It was first performed in 1942 and has since sold over 100 million records.

New Year is approaching, one of the brightest holidays. And the topic of the next post will be the New Year tree. And not one, but three. Well, given the name of this site, of course it will be man-made Christmas trees. Each of which is the largest of its kind.

So, this is the world's largest floating tree, simply the world's largest Christmas tree and the world's largest lighting installation for a Christmas tree.

The world's largest floating tree is set in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on Lake Lagoa. This lake is located next to the Corcovado mountain, on which the statue of Christ the Savior is located. But during the Christmas and New Year holidays, it is the tree that becomes the main attraction of Rio. This year, it is being installed for the 16th time. The tree is 85 meters high and the total weight of the structure is 542 tons. All this keeps four pontoons afloat, with a total area of ​​810 square meters. The tree is decorated with garlands, the total length of which is 105 kilometers, and the number of lanterns in these garlands is about 3 million 300 thousand pieces. Thanks to this, the New Year tree can take on a wide variety of colors, and even reproduce animated pictures.

The largest Christmas tree in the world (without any attachments, such as waterfowl, etc.) is installed in the capital of Mexico, Mexico City. Its height is 110 meters, 35 centimeters. If you ask yourself a question, why such accuracy, right up to centimeters? Let me explain. The fact is that the Mexican tree broke the record of the previous largest tree in the world (it was installed in the Brazilian city of Arakahu), by only 24 centimeters !!! However, this was quite enough to put it in the Guinness Book of Records. This year it is being installed for the 3rd time. The diameter of the Mexican beauty at the base reaches 40 meters, and its weight is about 300 tons. It takes 80 kilometers of garlands with 1 million 200 thousand bulbs to decorate the tree.

However, the largest decoration in the world in the form of a tree is not a tree at all, but a light installation. Since 1981, on Mount Ingino (Italy), several dozen volunteers have been deploying 8.5 kilometers of electrical cables with 730 multicolored floodlights. It is all located in the form of a Christmas tree, the height of which is 650 meters, and the width is 350. And when the illumination turns on, Mount Inzhino acquires this view (and everything is visible from a distance of up to 50 kilometers).

Even before joining Christianity, the ancient Germanic tribes revered the tree as an amulet that protects their home from cold, hunger and evil spirits. It was the triumph of life over death. And the first came up with the idea of ​​decorating a Christmas tree for the French living in the territory of modern Alsace. As art historians say, this historical fact of decorating a tree took place back in 1605, which was recorded in the annals of city events. "At Christmas, the townspeople set up Christmas trees in their homes, and their branches are decorated with roses made of colored paper, sugar cubes, and apples."

The Protestant community of the German state of Württemberg adopted the newfangled introduction, and gradually this rule spread throughout Germany, later capturing all of Europe. At first, only wealthy merchants and nobles could afford Christmas trees. In those days, pines, beeches and cherry branches could act as spruce. Only in the 19th century, the tree, as an indispensable attribute, entered the homes of ordinary residents of European countries.

Christmas tree fashion

Who could have foreseen this many years ago! No matter how funny, but it turns out every year, on New Year's Eve designers are working on new collections of Christmas tree decorations. Today there is a whole industry for the production of fashionable Christmas tree decorations, which is changing its trends no worse than the houses of Dior and Chanel. But, nevertheless, there are classic tendencies - there are not many toys on the Christmas tree, the color scheme of decorations is most often kept in blue-milk and red-golden shades.

Christmas tree giant

According to the data recorded by the Guinness Book of Records, the largest New Year tree in 2009 decorated the Pasio de la Reforma Avenue, which is located in Mexico City. Its size was officially measured by representatives of the famous Book and was 110m 35cm, which approximately corresponds to the height of a house of forty floors.

It is worth noting that the tree was assembled on a metal frame, the total weight of which is 330 tons. This powerful structure was assembled by a team of two hundred workers for almost 2 months. After installing the tree, the process of decorating it began. With the help of lifting mechanisms, more than a thousand huge Christmas tree decorations and many electric garlands were hung. The total length of the garlands was 80 km, while about a million bulbs were used.

Christmas fairs, concerts of choral groups, festivals were held near the installation site of the New Year's beauty on Zocalo Square. At several free performances, the lucky ones managed to hear the singing of Placido Domingo himself. More than three million tourists were lucky enough to see the unusual giant Christmas tree during the 2009 holiday season.

Surely many of us would like to admire a large, beautifully decorated Christmas tree in the New Year. A New Year tree is installed in almost every city, let's look at the largest of them:

1st place. The largest tree in the world located in Italy in the commune of Gubbio (Umbria). Although, of course, it is very difficult to call a light composition lying on Mount Indzhino a Christmas tree, nevertheless, it nevertheless looks like a Christmas tree. Its height is 650 meters, width at the base is 350 meters. The outline of the tree is created with 260 lamps, and the star at the top with 200 smaller lamps. 270 lamps were used to illuminate the interior of the composition.

For the first time, such a tree was installed on Mount Indzhino in 1981, and in 1991 it was entered in the Guinness Book of Records.

2nd place . The largest artificial Christmas tree in the world was installed in 2009 in Mexico City. The height of the metal structure was 110 meters 35 centimeters, and the weight was 330 tons! The width of the lower part is 40 meters. The strings of 8 million light bulbs were 80,000 meters long. The huge tree is planted every year and every time it appears in new colors.

The installation of the giant was carried out by 200 workers for 2 months. The tree was located on the Pasio de la Reforma avenue in the Zocalo square. More than 3 million people came to see it during the Christmas holidays. One day Placido Domingo himself gave a concert. Also, near the largest Christmas tree in the world, the city authorities organized various entertainment events, including a very unusual vacation for Mexico, namely an ice path. The construction of the unique “tree” was sponsored by Pepsi.

3rd place . A giant artificial Christmas tree with a height of 110 meters 11 centimeters was installed in the city of Arakahu (Brazil). At one time, the building claimed the title the tallest Christmas tree in the world... However, during the installation, a collapse occurred, as a result of which four people died.

4th place. The tree, installed at the end of 2011 in Rio de Janeiro, was 85 meters high. The uniqueness of this “tree” is that it was installed on a floating platform.

More than 3 million light bulbs were used for decoration, the total weight of the metal structure was 542 tons. On New Year's Eve, in the lagoon of Rodrigo de Freitas (it was here that a beautiful structure was installed), a grandiose fireworks took place, which lasted 6 minutes.

An evergreen spruce has long been considered a symbol of Christmas and New Year's holidays in many countries of the world. Almost in any city on New Year's Eve, the main squares are decorated with various and original Christmas trees.

Tallest Christmas tree ever

The largest Christmas tree in the world is a 45-meter spruce, planted in 2014 in Dortmund, Germany, at the Christmas market. It was made by splicing small Christmas trees and weighed 40 tons; assembly took 4 weeks. For the holiday tree, 1,700 spruce trees were specially grown in Sauerland, a mountainous region in western Germany. The Christmas tree was decorated with 48 thousand light bulbs and luminous garlands. The four-meter angel mounted on the top weighed more than 90 kg.

The Dortmund Christmas Market is somewhat of a record-breaking attendance. It is the largest in Germany, and more than 300 tents and stands are presented here every year. They offer Christmas souvenirs, gifts, as well as local cuisine and sweets.

Visitors could make their own Christmas coins, greeting cards and send them to friends and family. For this purpose, special stamps and postmarks were made especially for the fair.

Ranked second

The second place is rightfully taken by the tallest Christmas tree in Europe (43 meters), which grew in the national park "Belovezhskaya Pushcha" (Republic of Belarus), its age was more than 150 years. Not far from the spruce, the estate of Father Frost was built; its opening took place on December 25, 2003. For New Year's holidays and meetings with Santa Claus, guests came not only from Belarus, but also from other countries of the world. On New Year's Eve, up to 5 thousand tourists arrived daily to look at the Christmas tree and visit Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

In 2013, on December 13-15, festivities were held in honor of the 150th anniversary of the Christmas tree. Colleagues of Santa Claus from Belarus came to the holiday: the Karelian Pakkaine, Joulupukki from Finland, the Yakut Chyskhaan, the Tatar Kysh Babai, the Buryat Sagaan Ubgen, fairy-tale and epic characters. In 2014, the spruce began to dry out, its needles turned yellow and began to crumble, so the tree had to be cut down.

What distinguished Russia

The tallest Christmas tree in Russia in the ranking takes the 3rd place - 33 meters, its age was more than 110 years. It was installed in 2009 on the Cathedral Square of the Kremlin (Moscow). The tree was grown in the Zvenigorod forestry (Moscow region) and delivered to the capital on December 20.

The main Christmas tree of the country is chosen according to strictly defined standards:

  • pyramidal shape;
  • smooth trunk;
  • fluffy branches.

The spruce must withstand temperature changes, not crumble and be of high quality in order to stand for more than three weeks. Trees with lichens on the trunk and with hollows are rejected. Usually they choose a Christmas tree that stands at the edge. So it will be more convenient to take it out of the forest.

The spruce was installed in a special reinforced concrete structure using two cranes. The decoration for the holiday tree consisted of more than 2 thousand different toys, bells, balls, garlands and bows in the colors of the Russian tricolor, the length of which was one kilometer. The crown of the head was crowned with a golden star.

Main Christmas tree of Catholics

The Vatican 30-meter Christmas tree, installed in St. Peter's Square in 2009, holds the 4th place in the ranking. The tree weighing 14 tons, 90 years old, 83 cm wide arrived from Belgium (Spa) by a special forklift. Christmas trees are brought to the Vatican every year from various European countries at the end of November. Offering a meal to the Pope is considered an honor for any country and region of Italy.

The tradition of planting a festive fir tree was introduced in 1982 by Pope Paul II, who was originally from Poland. The very first tree was brought from Italy. Not far from the spruce, a manger or nativity scene was set up, depicting the story of the birth of Christ and consisting of seventeen life-size statues. The Christmas tree lighting ceremony was conducted by the governor and cardinals of the Vatican. At the end of the holidays, toys and souvenirs are made of wood.

Fifth place

In the ranking of the largest trees in the 5th place is the Christmas tree from Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. Its height was 28 meters, diameter - 80 cm, weight was 9 tons, age was about a hundred years. The tree was donated by the Colloredo-Mansfeld family, whose family owned the forests of Western Bohemia.

The Christmas tree was erected on the Old Town Square on November 28, 2006, and the organization of its installation and decoration took four days. The ceremonial lighting of the fires traditionally takes place on November 30th. The Christmas market, which is held around the holiday tree, ran from December 2 to January 1, 2007.

The search and selection of the country's main Christmas tree begins long before the holidays. There are strict requirements in accordance with which the competition is held. So, a spruce should be 23-25 ​​meters long, have an impeccable appearance and be durable. Once there was an incident when a tree fell on the Old Town Square during a fair.

Honorary 6th place

The famous New York tree is ranked 6th in the ranking. In 2014, a 23-meter-tall Norwegian spruce weighing 12 tons was installed on the main Christmas square in New York. The tree was planted 20 years ago in Easton, Connecticut in the nursery of the Vargosh family, who donated it to Rockefeller Center.

The spruce was decorated with 45 thousand LEDs and a three-meter crystal star weighing 250 kg. It consisted of 2.5 thousand crystal plates and was inlaid with Swarovski crystals.

The tradition of setting up a Christmas tree in Manhattan at Rockefeller Center began in 1931. There are certain rules for choosing a holiday tree: it must be real, more than 20 meters high, weighing more than 9 tons and at least 75 years old.

Finding the tree is the responsibility of the Rockefeller Center manager. On his trips, he visits spruce farms and looks out for suitable specimens by helicopter. It usually takes more than two weeks to organize the installation and decoration of a holiday tree.