The best cosmetic rejuvenation procedures. Cosmetic procedures for the face: an overview of salon techniques

Clean, smooth and elastic facial skin is the ideal that almost every woman aspires to. However, already after 25 years, the first signs of aging become noticeable on it - bags under the eyes, fine wrinkles and other defects.

The rate of development of unpleasant skin changes is different for everyone. It depends on many factors - heredity, the general condition of the body, the presence of bad habits and other reasons. With age, the problems only get worse, so you need to start caring for your skin as early as possible. Properly chosen salon or home cosmetic procedures for the face can delay negative effects for a long time.

How to choose the right procedure based on age

In different age periods, certain changes are characteristic of the skin, and defects that require correction will also vary. Therefore, it is necessary to choose those procedures that are best suited for solving a particular problem. Cosmetologists recommend paying more careful attention to the skin of the face, starting from the age of twenty.

  • Until the age of twenty-five, attention should be paid to maintaining the freshness, firmness and elasticity of the skin. To do this, it is enough to cleanse the skin in a timely manner and periodically make soothing and moisturizing cosmetic masks. If acne is present on the skin, then peeling procedures will help to cope with them.
  • From twenty-five to thirty years, regular care is required, which will help overcome the first signs of aging of the dermis - slight dryness of the skin and fine wrinkles. During this period, cosmetologists advise resorting to cosmetic facial procedures such as biorevitalization or peeling based on fruit acids.
  • From thirty to thirty-five years, the aging process becomes more obvious: the nasolabial triangle becomes more pronounced, the corners of the lips are slightly lowered, the owners of active facial expressions have noticeable wrinkles. The procedures that were performed earlier remain relevant, however, at this age, correction of age-related skin changes with fillers and Botox may be required.
  • From thirty-five to forty, cosmetic procedures for the face become more diverse. The specialist can offer revitalization, various types of peeling, laser resurfacing, wrinkle filling with fillers, mesotherapy and other anti-aging measures.
  • After the age of forty, wrinkles become more visible, the skin quickly loses moisture, age spots appear, and the contours of the face become fuzzy. Forty-year-old women who want to look young just need to visit a competent cosmetologist who will develop an individual program of facial cosmetic procedures. It can include all previous skin care methods, as well as various ways to tighten fading tissues.

Beauty salons offer many ways to maintain healthy and youthful skin with the help of modern achievements in the field of cosmetology. Which one to choose is best, an experienced specialist will tell you. However, it will be useful for any woman to get acquainted with the most popular of them.


Many women are familiar with such a procedure as peeling. It is independently performed with the help of scrubs, which allow you to qualitatively remove keratinized particles of the epidermis. However, peeling performed in the salon is many times more effective in cleansing the skin. It can be mechanical, chemical, based on fruit acids, ultrasonic, diamond or laser. Peeling is recommended as a facial cosmetic procedure for women with the following skin problems: acne, stretch marks, increased sebum secretion, black spots, wrinkles.


If a woman has excessively dry skin, prone to early fading, then biorevitalization is recommended for her. The name of this method of rejuvenation is translated literally as a return to life. The procedure is the introduction of hyaluronic acid under the skin, which normalizes metabolic processes in the epidermis, eliminates dryness and gives the skin elasticity. Hyaluronate is delivered to the deep layers of the skin by injection or by hardware (laser, magnetic waves, current, etc.). Just a few biorevitalization procedures give a powerful rejuvenating effect.

Contour plastic

If it is necessary to eliminate pronounced wrinkles, improve the external contours of the face, then contour plastic surgery comes to the rescue. The essence of the method is to fill the cavities under the skin with fillers. As a result, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the contours of any part of the face are evened out.


A cosmetic facial procedure involves the introduction of various therapeutic components under the skin that help eliminate many different defects: pigmentation, wrinkles, dryness and other problems.

Numerous injections with thin needles are performed on problem areas. Under the skin, either monopreparations consisting of a single component, or cocktails are introduced, which include several active substances at once. The procedure not only rejuvenates, but also significantly improves the skin.

Facial Oxygen Therapy

The method is suitable for stopping the aging process of the skin, treating acne and eliminating dark circles under the eyes. The procedure consists in the introduction of various drugs into the deep layers of the dermis using a jet of oxygen supplied under pressure.

Unlike mesotherapy, this technique does not imply a violation of the integrity of the skin, that is, it is non-invasive. In addition to the delivery of active ingredients, the dermis is saturated with oxygen, which improves metabolism and the process of cell regeneration.

Rejuvenating facial treatments at home

Salon procedures will help you quickly achieve the desired effect. However, they are not suitable or accessible to everyone. If for some reason it is not possible to visit a beautician, then you can use those skin care methods that are easy to carry out at home.

Rejuvenating facial procedures must be carried out regularly, and then the result will please even the most picky women.

Skin care complex

At home, you can perform peeling procedures, apply cosmetic masks to the skin and do facial massage. Special gymnastics, which strengthens the facial muscles, will help to cope with the aging process. Cleanliness of the skin is the basis of its health. It is necessary to clean the dermis daily from cosmetics, dirt, toxins and sebum.

Cosmetics can be washed off with cosmetic milk, impurities are removed with soap or foams, lotions or tonics will help to refresh and tone the skin. In addition to store-bought caring cosmetics, you can use folk remedies, such as cucumber juice or herbal decoctions. Deep cleansing should be performed regularly.

For the preparation of scrubs, you can use a variety of folk recipes. The easiest way to clean the pores well from sebum, dirt and remove dead skin particles of the epidermis is to peel with ground coffee beans. As a scrub, berries with small grains, such as raspberries, are suitable.

  • Scrub recipe. If the dermis is problematic, then you can prepare a mixture consisting of two tablespoons of oatmeal ground into flour and a tablespoon of rice. Add a tablespoon of olive oil to the resulting powder mixture. The skin is treated with a scrub, and then the face is rinsed with clean water.

Anti-aging procedures for the face, carried out independently, must necessarily include masks. The local effect on the epidermis of healing components brings an excellent rejuvenation effect, which is achieved by moisturizing, nourishing the dermis and activating the process of cell renewal.

As components of anti-aging masks, you can use egg white or yolk, vegetable and essential oils, honey, kefir, lemon, parsley and many other useful plants and products. Recipe for a tightening mask. Soak a teaspoon of gelatin in water, then heat in a water bath until dissolved.

Add a tablespoon of kefir to the liquid and mix. In order for the mask to take on a creamy consistency, use flour as a thickener. Regular use of such a mask will improve complexion, narrow pores and smooth out wrinkles. Massage is performed after preliminary cleansing of the skin.

Any cosmetic cream that is used daily is suitable for massage. Massage movements should be carried out in certain directions: from the chin to the ears, from the wings of the nose to the temples, from the bridge of the nose to the scalp, from the eyebrows to the temporal region, the eyelids are massaged from the inner corners of the eyes to the outer ones. A rejuvenating facial treatment in the form of a massage will cope with mimic wrinkles, as it relieves spasms of the facial muscles.

Massage improves blood microcirculation and enhances metabolic processes in the cells of the dermis. With the help of this procedure, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, puffiness and bags under the eyes are eliminated, tissues become more elastic.

Elasticity, healthy color and absence of wrinkles are the hallmarks of young and healthy skin. However, with age, these qualities are lost, the dermis loses its elasticity, and the face becomes covered with a network of wrinkles. Until the age of 35, this process is slowed down with the help of cosmetics. In adulthood, masks and serums are no longer enough to maintain youth. The only reliable way to slow down aging is salon facials prescribed after 40 years.

Popular anti-aging treatments

Cosmetic procedures for facial rejuvenation after 40 years are divided into superficial, hardware and injection. According to customer reviews, the last method is more effective than the others, but this is only partly true. The effectiveness of the procedure depends on the competence and experience of the cosmetologist, the concentration of substances and the apparatus that is used in the provision of services.

If a hardware tightening is performed by an experienced specialist, this method of rejuvenation is more effective than injections and other ways to prolong youth.

Clinical picture

What Doctors Say About Wrinkles

Doctor of Medical Sciences, plastic surgeon Morozov E.A.:

I have been doing plastic surgery for many years. Many famous personalities who wanted to look younger have passed through me. Currently, plastic surgery is losing its relevance. science does not stand still, more and more new methods for rejuvenating the body appear, and some of them are quite effective. If you do not want or do not have the opportunity to resort to plastic surgery, I will recommend an equally effective, but most budget-friendly alternative.

For more than 1 year on the European market there is a miracle drug for skin rejuvenation NOVASKIN, which can be obtained FOR FREE. In terms of efficiency, it is several times superior to Botox injections, not to mention all sorts of creams. It is easy to use and you will see the most important effect of it instantly. It is no exaggeration to say that fine and deep wrinkles and bags under the eyes disappear almost immediately. Thanks to the intracellular effect, the skin is completely restored, regenerated, the changes are simply colossal.

Learn more>>

Services in demand include:

  • Peelings based on fruit acids;
  • Mesotherapy and biorevitalization;
  • Subcutaneous injection of Botox, fillers and anti-aging drugs;
  • Bio-reinforcement (face correction with tightening threads).

The choice of service depends on the goals and the ability to tolerate pain.

When choosing a procedure for a face after 40 years in the salon, it is important to take into account the structure and condition of the dermis, the nature and severity of age-related changes and general health.

Peeling with fruit acids - a cosmetic procedure for the face after 40 years. During the peeling process, the beautician uses cleansers that remove dead cells. The service is popular and is provided in every salon, so you will not have problems finding a master.

Fruit peeling is used to remove the stratum corneum of the dermis. In young girls, this process is continuous, so additional help is not required. With age, cell regeneration slows down, the skin renews itself slowly, and the top layer of dead skin limits the access of oxygen. Peeling with fruit acids helps to achieve pleasant effects:

  • Gently removes inactive cells;
  • Starts the production of collagen and elastin;
  • Removes seals and age spots;
  • Evens out complexion;
  • Smoothes out roughness, unevenness and shallow wrinkles.

The scheme for performing acid peeling is as follows:

  1. Before visiting the peeling, the skin is prepared for cleansing. Limit sun exposure and try not to injure the area where the fruit acids will be applied.
  2. Already in the treatment room, the beautician removes makeup and fat residues.
  3. Next, the doctor gently applies the composition intended for peeling. If the patient feels a strong burning sensation, the lotion is immediately removed.
  4. At the final stage, a nourishing cream is applied to the treated area.

The allowable number of visits is no more than 10. The face should be cleaned no more than 2 times a year. The effect lasts from 2 to 6 months depending on the type of skin.

This is a non-surgical procedure for the face after 40 years. The essence of mesotherapy is the subcutaneous administration of drugs and vitamins. Natural ingredients are used during the injection process, so there are no side effects after the procedure. Medicinal formulations are introduced into the problem area and, with regular use, help:

  • Strengthen blood circulation;
  • Normalize the metabolism in the subcutaneous tissues;
  • Increase elasticity and tone;
  • Saturate the dermis with the missing moisture.

Mesotherapy is performed in stages:

  1. The cosmetologist cleanses the skin and treats the area with an antiseptic solution. If this rule is not followed, there is a risk of inflammation.
  2. Next, the doctor provides the patient with local anesthesia. For this purpose, a cream based on painkillers is used.
  3. At the third stage, the introduction of the medicinal composition is carried out. The doctor performing mesotherapy uses a thin, sterile needle. The instrument is inserted under the skin to a depth of 4 mm.
  4. The final step is the application of a soothing cream.

If you do not like the process of acupuncture, use the non-injection mesotherapy service. The main difference from the classical method is the method of introducing a rejuvenating composition. This is done using an apparatus that emits magnetic pulses. Active components penetrate to a depth of up to 2 mm.

With regular visits to the procedures, a pronounced rejuvenating effect appears. The skin becomes toned and healthy. The effect lasts from six months to several years (subject to the doctor's recommendations). With non-injection therapy, the effect of the administered drugs stops faster.


Biorevitalization is a popular method of facial rejuvenation after 40 years in the salon. Prevention of skin aging is achieved through injections of hyaluronic acid and other active substances. The preparations gently penetrate into all layers of the dermis and are perceived as a natural nutritional component. This is due to the fact that hyaluronic acid is already present in the human body. With age, the concentration of acid decreases, so the skin needs additional nourishment.

The introduced composition performs several functions at once:

  • Saturates cells with essential substances and renews them;
  • Activates the skin's ability to self-rejuvenate;
  • Fills in irregularities and smoothes the dermis;
  • Moisturizes and restores natural hydro reserves;
  • Increases tone and elasticity, gives a healthy color;
  • Improves blood supply and metabolic processes;
  • Forms a barrier that protects the skin from negative environmental influences.

The procedure is similar to mesotherapy, as it refers to microinjection methods of rejuvenation. Biorevitalization - "complemented mesotherapy".

The effect produced by hyaluronic acid is deeper and longer than the effect of amino acids and minerals introduced during mesotherapy.

The procedure is carried out in 5 consecutive steps:

  1. Before undergoing biorevitalization, the patient is sent for a medical examination. This is necessary to identify contraindications.
  2. The skin is cleansed of cosmetics and impurities, after which it is treated with an antiseptic solution.
  3. Next is local anesthesia. This is done with the help of a cream with an anesthetic effect.
  4. At the fourth stage, the doctor performs marking - determines the places where hyaluronic acid will be injected.
  5. The final stage of the anti-aging procedure is the introduction of hyaluronic acid.

At the final stage, the dermis is treated with a soothing cream. Before the appointment of the next session, the patient is consulted about the recovery period and its features. The average number of visits is about 5. Breaks between sessions are up to 2 weeks. The resulting effect increases as the hyaluronic acid is broken down and lasts up to 6 months.

Age-related changes are manifested by a violation of the contours of the face. Women are worried about this and are increasingly thinking about facial procedures after 45 years. One of the ways to rejuvenate rapidly aging skin is bioreinforcement. The procedure is carried out using gel threads based on anti-aging agents. Substances are injected under the skin according to a special scheme that helps to evenly and safely distribute the necessary components in the treated area.

The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  1. Preparatory. It is carried out 2 weeks before bioreinforcement. The doctor collects data on the patient's condition, excludes contraindications and prescribes drugs to prevent hematomas.
  2. Cleansing the skin and providing the patient with local anesthesia.
  3. A mesh is applied to the treated area, designed for the precise introduction of active ingredients. Next, the selected drug is injected into the designated area.

During bio-reinforcement, the cosmetologist uses hyaluronic acid and threads with polycaprolactone. In the first case, moisturizing, smoothing and improving complexion occurs.

The skin is strengthened, but the effect of such a procedure is superficial.

With the introduction of threads with polycaprolactone, collagen production is stimulated. There is a vector lifting effect: the skin acquires clear contours and looks much younger. Small wrinkles are completely smoothed out, and deep ones become less noticeable. The result obtained lasts up to 5 years.

Laser facelift is an effective anti-aging procedure for the face after 40 years. Effective for correcting double chin, sagging skin and deep wrinkles. Before undergoing a laser lift, the patient is sent for a consultation with a doctor. This is necessary to identify primary problems and exclude contraindications.

If the state of health does not prevent attending anti-aging sessions, the patient is sent to the treatment room. Like many other salon procedures for the face after 40 years, laser lifting is performed in several stages:

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you are still looking for a way to rejuvenate your face and get rid of wrinkles that make you feel uncomfortable when you see them in the mirror.

We have conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the ways and means against wrinkles, from folk methods to the procedures that doctors can offer. The verdict is:

All means, if they gave, then only an insignificant temporary result. As soon as the procedures were stopped, after a few days everything came back.

The only drug that has shown significant results is NOVASKIN.

This serum is the best alternative to Botox. The main feature is that NOVASKIN acts instantly, i.e. In just a few minutes, you can see significant improvements!

This drug is not sold in pharmacy chains, but is funded by the Ministry of Health and distributed FOR FREE. Reviews about NOVASKIN can be read here.

  1. The skin is cleaned of dirt and decorative cosmetics.
  2. The treated area is disinfected with an antiseptic drug.
  3. A cream based on lidocaine or another pain medication is applied to the skin.
  4. To protect the eyes, the patient is given dark glasses. Protective tissue is placed on areas of the skin that will not be treated with a laser.
  5. Next is the laser work. The doctor directs the instrument to the desired areas of the dermis. The drug exudes rays that warm up the subcutaneous, adipose and connective tissues.

Once the procedure is over, a soothing ointment is applied to the patient's face. The tool is intended for the formation of local immunity and the restoration of the layers of the epidermis damaged by the laser.

Time is fleeting and inexorable, it would seem that yesterday there were no problems, and today the nasolabial folds, lacrimal grooves and wrinkles on the bridge of the nose have become clearly visible. Having crossed the 35-year milestone, every woman should approach the choice of means and methods for skin care with special care. We will talk today about which cosmetic procedures for the face after 35 most effectively help maintain youth and attractiveness.

Features of skin care after 35 at home

Every year, the amount of collagen produced by the body is rapidly declining, but the elasticity and smoothness of the skin directly depends on its content in the cells. Therefore, after 35 years, it is worth taking care of the introduction of collagen from the outside.

Opt for anti-aging creams 35+, conventional nourishing and moisturizing products are no longer able to cope with their task. The composition must contain:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • antioxidants A and E;
  • elastin;
  • vitamins B.

Also take into account the following aspects:

  1. Skin care gel must also be labeled 35+;
  2. Add serum to your arsenal of products. It contains the highest concentration of useful and nutritious substances;
  3. If before that you did a face mask from time to time, now it's time to make this procedure regular, and apply at least 2 times a week;
  4. Replace your usual makeup remover with hydrophilic oils;
  5. Pay attention to the gel lifting, which can fight wrinkles and have a tightening effect.

Anti-wrinkle lifting gel Pectilift, which is based on pectin, is exactly the remedy that you need at this age. It is enough to spread the gel in a thin layer on thoroughly cleansed skin, and after 10 minutes wash your face with water heated to a comfortable temperature. To enhance the effectiveness after washing, moisturize the skin with a daily cream.

If before you did not use the services of professional cosmetologists, now the age has just come when you should acquire another useful habit.

A trip to the beautician

If every woman can do cosmetic procedures on her own at home, then cosmetic procedures can be done only in salons and clinics. The cosmetologist uses special equipment in his work, with the help of which he acts on the deep layers of the skin. This explains the amazing effect that cannot be achieved at home, despite regular efforts.

Only a qualified specialist with a medical degree and extensive knowledge in the field of cosmetology and skin structure has the right to carry out anti-aging procedures for the face.

Any of the procedures have a number of contraindications. The reason for refusal may be:

  • pregnancy and lactation.
  • malignant and benign tumors
  • myasthenia gravis (muscle weakness);
  • allergy;
  • acute skin diseases;
  • colds, flu;
  • myopia.

Botulinum therapy

It is necessary to fight not only with the wrinkles that have appeared, but also to carry out preventive procedures that prevent the appearance of new mimic folds. Sessions of botulinum therapy contribute to the normalization of skin tone, relaxation of facial muscles, and as a result, minimization of the formation of new wrinkles.

The procedure consists in introducing prophylactic drugs into the subcutaneous layers, p. The most famous of which are:

An improved technique for introducing drugs with microneedles made it possible to reduce pain to a minimum.

The procedure does not take much time, an experienced cosmetologist processes each problem area from 1 to 5 minutes, and the rehabilitation period usually does not exceed 2-3 days. The maximum effect of botulinum therapy appears after 2 weeks and lasts for 3-6 months. To maintain the result, it is recommended to repeat the introduction of Botox every 6 months, 2 times a year. The cost of one rejuvenation session depends on the amount of botulinum toxin used.

Injection successful:

  • eliminate mimic wrinkles in the area of ​​the eyes and lips;
  • Return clear lines to the oval of the face;
  • smooth nasolabial folds;
  • allow you to lift the corners of the lips and add volume to them.

Botox procedures are most often resorted to when it is necessary to get rid of mimic wrinkles in the eye area, the so-called "crow's feet". The preparations not only fill the voids and smooth the skin, but also reduce the work of the mimic circular muscles. But to return the youth of the lower part of the face, it is better to turn to fillers.


Despite the huge number of the latest developments in the field of cosmetology, it has not yet been possible to create creams and masks that could naturally penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis and fill in wrinkles. To date, micro-injections continue to be an effective way to deliver nutrients to the inner layers of the skin.

Gel preparations (fillers), which are based on polylactic or hyaluronic acid, occupy a leading position in popularity in contouring. Fillers not only smooth wrinkles by filling the grooves in the skin, but also serve as a kind of catalyst that triggers the production of collagen and elastin.

The undoubted advantage of fillers, in comparison with other drugs, is their ability to be absorbed and excreted from the body, and not accumulate in it.

The drug, in consistency, resembles a gel with a rather viscous structure, it hardly spreads under the skin, so it cannot be said that this procedure is painless. To reduce discomfort, in some cases resort to the use of external anesthetics. After completing a series of injections, cosmetologists conduct a massage session, evenly distributing the product under the skin.

Efficiency can be noticed already a few minutes after the end of the session. Sometimes minor hematomas and swelling occur at the sites of skin punctures with a needle. Such negative effects are considered normal and disappear after a few days.

Separately, it is worth noting another way to rejuvenate the face by introducing hyaluronic acid into the deep layers of the skin. Like fillers, biorevitalization preparations are introduced into the body by micro-injections. So what is the difference, a woman inexperienced in cosmetic wisdom will ask.

Unlike fillers, biorevitalizants do not add volume, they cannot be used to enlarge lips or fill in deep folds. This procedure is used when:

  1. The skin is too dry and it is not possible to normalize the water balance at the cellular level with the help of moisturizers and serums;
  2. The skin is excessively flabby, devoid of elasticity;
  3. Painful, dull complexion;
  4. Recurrent pigment spots appeared;
  5. there will be a vacation in countries with direct sunlight (equator).

The course consists of 4 procedures, however, positive changes will be noticeable after the first visit to a specialist.

At the end of the sessions, swelling and bruising may appear at the needle puncture sites, but the recovery process will not take much time.

After the procedures it is necessary:

  • exclude visiting the fitness room, swimming pool, and it is better to try to reduce physical activity altogether;
  • solarium and sauna lovers will have to forget about them for 2 weeks;
  • alcohol-containing drinks significantly increase the swelling of the soft tissues of the face, so it would be wiser to refuse them as well, until the skin is completely restored after injections. Although it has been scientifically proven that alcohol does not affect the quality of the procedure.

If standing in front of a mirror, you notice that the face has appeared:

  • hyperpigmentation;
  • spider veins;
  • a network of shallow wrinkles;
  • unhealthy, dull skin tone;
  • highly visible pores;
  • acne scars.

So, it's time to try the innovative development of engineers and cosmetologists ELOS-rejuvenation.

To rejuvenate the skin in this way is a real pleasure. This procedure combines the simultaneous impact on all layers of the dermis of high-frequency current and light energy. Unlike the usual laser rejuvenation, this technology allows you to influence the deepest layers of the dermis, while not violating the integrity of the skin at all. In this case, it is possible to start the process of collagen production.

The advantages of ELOS include the absence of redness of the facial areas after the session, but the result is already noticeable after the first visit to the beautician. And to consolidate the effect, you will need to go through a cycle consisting of 4 to 6 procedures.

If you decide to undergo ELOS rejuvenation, please note that at least 15–20 days should elapse between a visit to the solarium and a cosmetic session. The duration of one exposure ranges from 40 to 120 minutes.

How to get rid of wrinkles after 30?

All women after 30 face the problem of wrinkles on the face. And now you look at yourself in the mirror without pleasure, noting age-related changes.

  • You can no longer afford bright makeup, control facial expressions so as not to aggravate the problem.
  • You begin to forget those moments when men complimented your impeccable appearance, and their eyes lit up when you appeared ...
  • Every time you approach the mirror, it seems to you that the old days will never return ...

A double action is much better than a point strike. Especially in order to make your skin transformation and rejuvenation program twice as effective, Marie Claire experts have selected 5 pairs of the best hardware, injection and plastic procedures that produce a real wow effect, working as a duet.

1. Phototherapy + fractional laser

The technique, invented by the doctors of Lumenis Ltd, is called Photofractional and combines two sequential effects on the skin: IPL light (phototherapy) And fractional laser. Thanks to the effect of IPL light, it is possible to get rid of pigmentation (it often appears after exposure to the sun), and the fractional laser triggers the synthesis of collagen - thus, it is possible to restore skin fibers that are destroyed under the influence of UV rays.

The Photofractional procedure is quite aggressive: it gives the effect of a slightly sunburned face (redness, peeling). Slight swelling persists for 1-2 days. After a week, peeling disappears, the skin becomes smoother, more even and reflects light well.

The combination of two different effects gives an impressive result after just one procedure. First, the skin is exposed to IPL light, but at parameters that are more gentle than those used for an independent phototherapy procedure (getting rid of age spots) - they are selected individually. Anesthesia is then applied and the skin is treated with a fractional laser. Phototherapy removes pigment, spider veins, whitens and gently stimulates collagen synthesis. The laser penetrates to a great depth and “spurs” the synthesis of new skin fibers. The final effect will be noticeable in 1-2 months. On average, it is necessary to do 1-3 procedures (regularity is individual) with an interval between them per month. After the procedures, be sure to protect your face with SPF creams.

2. Facial massage + botulinum toxin injections

Face massage─ manual or hardware ─ one of those procedures that is appropriate to use to prevent age-related changes even at a fairly young age. It also gives a good effect when correcting already emerging age-related changes (pronounced nasolabial folds, “proud wrinkles” and longitudinal wrinkles in the forehead, “crow’s feet” in the eye area, loss of facial contours, double chin). Massage allows you to work out and tone up relaxed muscles or, conversely, relax tight ones. Due to this, we get the effect - reducing the severity of wrinkles, improving the oval of the face. Massage is done in a course (an average of 10 procedures, two per week), after which mimic wrinkles can be corrected using botulinum toxin injections. In this case, it will be possible to get by with a smaller amount of the drug and get a more pronounced result.

3. Fractional laser + PRP therapy

Fractional laser─ one of the most popular and effective anti-aging procedures. This is a soft, but deep skin renewal using a laser, which allows you to reduce the depth of wrinkles, restore even color, smoothness and density to the skin, start the natural process of the formation of fresh collagen and elastin. To achieve this effect allows the principle of operation of the device : a thin laser beam penetrates the skin to a predetermined depth and forms therapeutic microdamages with a diameter of no more than 0.2 mm. This effect destroys old collagen and stimulates the formation of new cells responsible for the rapid restoration of damaged areas. It is due to this that the skin is tightened and its texture is improved. Fractional resurfacing can help if you notice sagging skin and fine lines, you don't like uneven complexion and enlarged pores, you have age spots or post-acne scars.

Despite the short rehabilitation period after laser exposure, the full and final effect will appear after 3-5 sessions. At the same time, rejuvenation mechanisms are activated already a week after the first procedure (and will continue to intensify), and the effect lasts up to 1.5 years.

Fractional laser treatments are best combined with PRP therapy– injections of own blood plasma. The plasma contains platelets, which accelerate the recovery of the skin after laser exposure. Plus, it also contains growth factors that additionally stimulate fibroblasts - cells that produce new collagen and elastin fibers. By combining these two procedures, you can get a more pronounced rejuvenating effect.

4. Face skin lifting + injections of fillers or auto fat

By using plastic surgery it is possible to achieve a lifting effect, but, alas, it is impossible to completely get rid of wrinkles with its help. After plastic surgery, for example, wrinkles around the mouth, as well as “wrinkles of marionettes” (the so-called “folds of grief”) remain. To make them less noticeable, use filler injections in the area of ​​nasolabial folds, lips, zygomatic area. An alternative to filler injections is the lipofilling procedure, when your own fat cells are used to replenish the volume. They are taken with a syringe from certain areas of the body (abdomen, inner thigh, knees) and injected in small quantities into the desired area. This must be done very carefully, because the main task is to ensure that the fat cells adapt in the right place and take root. The advantage of lipofilling over filler injections is obvious: fillers need to be renewed every year, while fat cells remain in the injected area for years. Also, in the case of lipofilling, a possible allergic reaction, which can manifest itself on the injected fillers, is excluded.

5. Blepharoplasty + laser procedures

To a greater extent, such a combination would be appropriate for lower eyelid surgery, where the muscles are “soldered” to the skin and it is impossible to remove all its excess. That is why, three weeks after the operation, it is shown laser processing this zone. The laser has a stimulating effect on the skin, thereby reducing it and activating the synthesis of new collagen and elastin - after which the skin thickens and becomes more elastic. For a pronounced effect, one session may be enough.

Often this technique is used in cases where it is necessary to get rid of hernial sacs (this problem, by the way, can also bother quite young people). The operation to remove such hernias is performed transconjunctivally (through a small incision on the side of the lower eyelid mucosa), and after removing the fat pads, excess skin remains that needs to be tightened - for these purposes, a laser is needed.

Professional procedures are gaining momentum, becoming more popular, diverse and affordable. The Stranger, already known to you, has learned how to take care of her skin at home, now she is getting acquainted with cosmetic procedures in a salon.

She excited already from the situation, interior and atmosphere of the salon, which was recommended to her by a friend! What can we say about the attitude towards each client, when, in anticipation of the procedure, the woman was offered to take off her outer clothing, change shoes, seated in a comfortable chair and offered a choice of tea, coffee, water. Here is the service!

What can they offer to our Stranger in the salon, who has never done it? She, who practically falls into a semi-conscious state from the words “cleansing”, “laser”, “injections”! ..

Types of salon procedures for the face

How ridiculous and ridiculous it looks after several years, during which She is friends with the salon. How long ago it was! Now the woman is confident in herself, in her attractiveness, she skillfully talks about radio wave lifting, microcurrent therapy, botulinum therapy, birevitalization, mesotherapy, spa body treatments and much more.

Only the topic of plastic surgery is still not relevant for her, because she is a beauty! On these, not yet familiar topics, we will talk later, but now ...


Professional cleaning. What is she like? Our stranger now loves this procedure! After it, the skin becomes like new, begins to "breathe", glows. She (a woman) came to a beautifully decorated salon with a memorable sign, she was met by a friendly girl - the administrator and led to a pleasant-looking beautician in a bright, large office.

She was laid on a comfortable couch, covered with a soft blanket, and she felt at home. Soft, but confident hands of the master made make-up removal, i.e. washed off all cosmetics from the face, neck and décolleté area with milk, protonated the skin and ... She felt on her skin a pleasant texture, a light scrub, with which cleared all areas then they washed it off and again treated the skin with a cotton pad dipped in tonic, did a hardware cleaning, then she didn’t remember well, because. was practically in heaven from new sensations, smells, sounds, textures of the products used.

She practically fell asleep when the beautician said in a pleasant, quiet voice that the procedure had come to an end, but the client could lie down for a couple more minutes, come to her senses, and go down to the ground. Our Woman got up, went to the mirror and saw the Stranger: the skin is smooth, pink, glows from the inside, breathes with every cell!

Women like it now different types of cleaning: and ultrasonic, which is performed with an ultrasound blade and microdermabrasion, carried out with a special nozzle and mechanical, i.e. manual (not very pleasant, but necessary, because in this case the final almost every pore occurs). After that, all the treated areas were again rubbed with tonic, a soothing concentrate was applied, then an anti-inflammatory mask.

What was that mask! Like in the movies! Applied with a spatula, and removed with a whole layer! On subsequent visits, there were no masks: alginate, fleece, plaster and gel. Various ampoule and capsule concentrates were also used, among which were soothing, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, oxygen and many others. At the end of the cleaning, the Stranger is already happy to receive another hardware procedure - this is darsonvalization. Darsonval currents have anti-inflammatory, soothing, resolving post-acne spots effects, it is also a light tonic massage ...

The next thing the Stranger will tell us about will be others, no less pleasant and useful for the body. But that is another story.