Scenario for the birthday of a girl in the Winx style "fairytale journey". Children's birthday in the Winx country

The series about the young Winx witches that appeared on the screens in a short time gained incredible popularity among girls. Winx fairies are beautiful, kind and modern, each has its own unique character and interests, which are so close to their little fans! If your daughter is delighted with this cartoon, organize a birthday party with her in Alfea - the magical land of the Winx.

Of course, a children's Winx birthday will require preparation, but if you involve the child in this exciting process, it will be easy and joyful.

Cooking a girl's birthday in Winx style: creating an atmosphere of Alfea

You can spend your birthday in the country of Winx in a cafe, in an entertainment center, and in a country house - the features of the venue will tell you many of the nuances of decorating the room and creating a magical entourage. We will focus in our advice on holding a holiday in an ordinary city apartment.

What does the country of young sorceresses look like? Airy, in pink and soft green tones, decorated with an amazing garden - this is how Alfea is described.

In decorating a room, the most important thing is to correctly capture and convey the mood and fabulous atmosphere. What will help us in this?
1. Draperies - with the help of a beautifully arranged fabric, you can change the room beyond recognition. Several sheets of delicate tulle, fixed under the ceiling and spread around the perimeter of the room, form a magical tent.

A window opening decorated with a pink canvas will color the sun's rays in a warm pinkish color. "Plant" on top of nylon butterflies, bright artificial flowers, satin bows - and the fairy tale will come to life! Experiment, fabric in decorating rooms is a very fertile and creative material.

2. Helium balloons under the ceiling - a simple and very effective way to breathe into the house the atmosphere of the holiday. In accordance with our "magic" idea, a bunch of balloons scattered around the room will help create the necessary airy atmosphere.

3. Places for rest. It’s good if instead of traditional chairs and stools, soft sofa cushions in bright covers will be waiting for the birthday girl and her guests. Just a nuance, but it will immediately give your holiday a unique rank.

4. Indoor plants. The marvelous garden mentioned above can easily be replaced by pots with plants collected from all over the apartment and bouquets presented to the birthday girl. The main thing is to arrange them so that they do not interfere with active games.

5. Successful serving and decoration of dishes.

Birthday in Winx style: gifts and prizes

A very important aspect of the holiday. The name of the thematic program is "Treasures of Alfea", so you need to try and arrange children's gifts accordingly. What could it be? Sets of children's cosmetics, jewelry, stationery, stickers, toys - today countless products are produced under the Winx brand.

Gifts can also be personalized, for this we independently assemble sets of "Young fairies":

  • kapron wings
  • bright wigs
  • vials with miraculous elixir (soap bubbles)
  • magic wands
  • personalized "magic books" (diaries made using the scrapbooking technique with photographs of their future owners on the covers)

A good gift for a birthday girl will be a children's magic set.

Winx birthday: musical arrangement

There are no clear instructions and taboos here. The main thing to remember when choosing music for a holiday is that it should create a mood. Beautiful instrumental music (like the soundtrack to the movie "Amelie" or music from the movie "The Miracle Shop") and moving incendiary music for active competitions are great for the background.

Birthday in Winx style: hosts of the holiday

Our program needs a leader. Here you can choose one of the options you prefer: invite a host from a holiday agency (in this case, you will need to carefully discuss it with him in advance) or spend the holiday on your own.

The advantages of the second option are that you will perfectly know the script basis, the features of your house and, of course, get along great with children (which even a professional presenter from the agency cannot guarantee 100% of). Choose what is closer to you. Just remember that the presenter is obliged to comply with the dress code of the holiday. Whom he or she will appear - a good wizard or a beautiful fairy? The outfit must match the chosen image.

Winx style birthday: holiday program

Story line: little "sorceresses" (the birthday girl and her guests) enter the magical world of Alfea. Performing various tasks and overcoming obstacles that appear on the way, the girls are looking for treasures of good fairies. The thematic part ends with the solemn initiation of all participants into Little Fairies.

Event progress

The tie of the holiday occurs with the appearance of the leader (or leader). The presenter informs that the young fairies - Flora, Techna, Stella, Bloom, Roxy, Leila and Muse, having learned about the birthday of the little ..., invite the girls to visit the magical land of Alfea. Girls are waiting for amazing adventures and wonderful gifts. The guide of girls in a magical land will be the chief magician and wizard (kind guardian) Alfea - our leader.

As proof, the presenter hands the birthday girl a scroll-letter from Alfea, tied with a satin ribbon and decorated with a flower or butterfly. The text of the message might look something like this:

Hello, dear Mashenka, Tanyusha, Arisha ... (etc., here we enter the names of the hero of the occasion and her girlfriends)!

We are pleased to invite you to Alfea, the magical land of all the little fairies. We hope you enjoy your trip, it will be full of adventures and surprises. You have to pass the tests that all young sorceresses traditionally have to cope with on the way to the treasures of Alfea. Your guide in a magical land will be ... (leader's name), the main magician and wizard.

Good luck! And may your friendship and kindness become your faithful assistants on the way!

Your loyal friends are Flora, Techna, Stella, Bloom, Roxy, Layla and Muse.

After reading the scroll, the host offers to come up with a magic spell that will take the girls to Alfea. Magic words are necessarily pronounced in unison and are accompanied by characteristic waving of the hands.

After saying the spell, all participants should close their eyes and count to three. Beautiful music will become the sound accent denoting the magical transfer of girls to Alfea. The girls open their eyes, in the hands of the leader a bunch of multi-colored balloons. He explains that these balls are not simple, each of them contains a task from one of the Winx fairies.

The host pierces one of the balloons, a note with a greeting and the first task falls out of it.

You can include in the program your tasks with games and contests that you and the little birthday girl like, or you can use our experience. Here are examples of tasks that can be included in the holiday program.

1. Task from Flora. With the help of blanks from colored paper and felt-tip pens, you need to create a huge flower card from whatman paper for the birthday girl. The main condition is that you need to write a good wish near each flower.

2. Task from Stella. Stella is the most fashionable and stylish of the Winx. Let the task be appropriate: you can use improvised materials - beads, buttons, painted pasta to create stylish beads or a beautiful frame for photographs (for frames, you must first stock up on wooden or cardboard bases), or you can try to make outfits from balloons for modeling and arrange a magical defile.

3. Task from Roxy. Roxy is in charge of the animal world. Remember the popular game "Crocodile", when one of the participants depicts an animal with the help of gestures and sounds, and the rest try to guess it? This is where this game comes in handy.

4. Task from Techna. Techna is the technical intelligence of the Winx. We offer the game "Puzzle" (also called "Confusion"): we choose the driver, she should leave the room for a while. The facilitator asks the girls to stand in a circle and hold hands tightly. Then he thoroughly “confuses” the chain - he twists someone, he commands someone to step over closed hands, someone - to “dive”. The main thing - in the process of these manipulations - do not tear your hands. The task of the driver is to unravel this "living tangle". The game is very fun and exciting.

5. Task from Leila. Layla's magic is associated with liquid. Divide the girls into two teams and have a relay race in which the girls will need to use tablespoons to fill glasses with water at speed. If the participants of the holiday are already old enough, you can arrange a competition for the best magic cocktail for the birthday girl, offer fruit juices, ice, syrup, water, pieces of fruit for decoration as ingredients.

6. Task from Bloom. Bloom's element is fire. Have the girls sit in a circle, turn off the lights, light the floating candles, and propose a contest for the best fairy story.

7. Task from the Muse. The muse patronizes the arts. Host a small concert or talent contest. Usually, girls are happy to participate in such creative competitions and show their skills.

Finish the program with a search for Alfea's treasures with the help of the "Cold-Hot" game and the solemn initiation of the girls into the Little Fairies of the Winx Club. You will need face painting and elements of masquerade costumes for this: wings, wigs, magic wands.

Hold the ceremony brightly and solemnly - with the pronunciation of magic words and bumfetti explosions, and then arrange an incendiary disco!

©2011 Attention! The script was developed specifically for the site Prazdnodar: an encyclopedia of holidays. Full or partial reprinting of the material and its publication on other websites are possible only with the written consent of its author and the editors of the website site. Attempts to make unauthorized use of the material for commercial purposes are illegal and subject to prosecution.

It is hardly possible to find a girl who would not know about the young Winx sorceresses. Beautiful, kind, resourceful and modern fairies won the hearts of a huge number of girls, gained incredible popularity.

Each has a bright individual character and their interests are very close to their little fans. If your birthday girl is also among the fans of wonderful fairies, organize a magical birthday party in the country of Winx - Alfea.

This scenario requires some preparation by both parents and participants. But the big plus is that the preparation process itself will already bring great pleasure to the whole family. Birthday will be light, fun, joyful and will be remembered for a long time.

Every home party begins with a guest list. Winx birthday is no exception. Even if there are very few invitees and they are all our closest relatives, it is still more pleasant to receive a beautifully designed invitation than just an invitation by phone. Invitations-crafts in the form of butterflies will correspond to the theme of our holiday and the child can make them with his own hands. What’s more, it’s not hard to make them. Such an invitation will immediately set the guest on a pleasant festive wave and create a good mood. To create such a masterpiece, you need colored paper, glue, scissors and a stick or a plump tube on which the butterfly will sit.

DIY invitation.

Birthday in Winx style - room decor.

Our task is to create an airy, light and colorful atmosphere at the venue of the holiday using a delicate or rich pink color combined with soft green. Create an atmosphere that reigns in the amazing garden of the magical land of Alfea.

In this we will be helped, first of all, by drapery from light fabrics, from tulle. Cloths of fabric, fixed under the ceiling or high on the walls, and divorced in the form of a tent, decorated with beautiful bright bows, butterflies, paper flowers and images of your favorite fairies, will create an inimitable magical entourage. You can put pillows in the tent, also in bright beautiful covers. Children love these cozy corners. Only in this case, do not bring the fabric to the floor so that children do not step on and sit on them. Otherwise ..., you understand, your design may suffer.

The next obligatory, important attribute of a magical birthday will be multi-colored helium balloons under the ceiling or tied to the backs of chairs. Balloons will create an atmosphere of lightness and joyful festivity. If a bouquet of balloons is loose under the ceiling, then the ribbons from them will serve as an additional very cute decoration. On these ribbons, you can attach multi-colored paper butterflies that will flutter from the slightest movement of air.

A magical garden will help you create bouquets of fresh flowers, as well as paper and artificial flowers made or bought especially for this occasion, garlands hung on the walls, on a chandelier, on curtains. Indoor plants will serve as an excellent decoration for the magical Winx garden. In addition to flowers, do not forget about plastic or paper insects. Such as ladybugs, butterflies, dragonflies and bees. They will perfectly enliven your magical garden. All this splendor can be collected in one place and arranged a magical garden, or it can be distributed throughout the room.

Festive table.

Now there are a lot of disposable holiday tableware on the Winx theme in stores. Tablecloths, glasses, plates, spoons and forks and all this with the image of the characters of your favorite cartoon.

What to feed children? If you ask the parents in advance what their child prefers, whether the child has allergies and proceed from the fact that children prefer more, then some surprises can be avoided.

You can prepare traditional salads that children are used to, for example, with crab meat and the usual salad "Olivier". It is not known how children will react to unfamiliar gourmet dishes, with ingredients that are new to them. Fruit and berry salads will also appeal to guests. Especially if they are beautifully designed. When decorating, you need to remember the theme of the holiday and, accordingly, flowers, ladybugs and butterflies should abound in the decor of salads and cakes.

Winx birthday script

In this scenario, the direct participation of the presenter is assumed. So we need a leader. You can invite a host from the agency, but it will be a completely different birthday. In our case, we expect to choose to lead someone from close relatives or a family friend who is well known to our child. The main thing is that the birthday girl should be cozy and comfortable.

So, a wizard or a beautiful fairy in an appropriate outfit appears in front of the children with a magic wand, asks the children to stand one after another, put one hand on the shoulder of the person in front, close their eyes and not open until special permission, otherwise the spell of magic may not work. The children close their eyes, the host's assistants release balloons and turn on "magic" music. The facilitator takes the first child by the hand and leads everyone around the room, saying a spell that will open the doors to Alfea's magical garden. Here the host announces in a mysterious voice that the children have entered the magical land of Alfea and you can open your eyes.

Let someone play the role of a little elf postman, bring a message from the Winx fairies and give it to the host. The message is a scroll - a folded sheet tied with a bright satin ribbon and a beautiful box. The host unfolds the scroll and says that the Winx fairies are invisibly present here, everyone is very welcome and invited to their magical land. The country of Winx is full of surprises and gifts, for which you need to pass tests. The fairies have no doubt that the young wizards will cope with all the tasks and friendship and mutual assistance will help them in this. And the fairies, Flora, Bloom, Techna, Stella, Layla, Roxy and Muse will help them with this.

Children join hands, stand in a circle, close their eyes and repeat the spell after the leader: “Grass of friendship, grass of love, call Joy and Happiness to us!”, raise their hands and wave, fly like on wings and count to three. A beautiful melody plays, which will be a sound signal, symbolizing the transition to the fabulous country of Alfea. The host opens the box and finds there notes-tasks from the fairies.

Task from fairy Flora.

Site walker:

  • DIY pirate birthday invitation
  • Festive table
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The animated series, which began to be broadcast on television screens about young sorceresses from the Winx Club, gained a high reputation among all girls in a short period of time. Winx fairies are very good-natured, beautiful and stylish by nature, each has its own unique character and interesting hobbies, which in many ways are so similar to their little admirers. If your daughter really likes this cartoon, we suggest organizing it with her at Alfea's school - in the magical and fabulous Winx Club.

Of course, to celebrate a birthday in a tasteful Winx Club, you need a lot of preparation, involve your little one in this exciting cooking procedure, then the holiday will go smoothly and fun.

Preparations for the birthday of the little princess in the style of Winx: creating the atmosphere of Alfea

You can celebrate your birthday in the country of Winx in the entertainment center, and in, and in a country house - the specifics of the place where the idea is carried out will tell you all the nuances and create a fabulous entourage. We offer a game program that can be held in a city apartment.

Room design secrets - recreating the interior of the world of young sorceresses

What is it - this unusual country? Airy, light, pale green, light green and light pink tones, an amazing garden is everywhere - this is how Alfea is described.

The room is needed so that at first sight a feeling of magic and fairy tale is created. What will help you?

1) Curtains.

If you lay the fabric correctly, you will transform the room in such a way that the rightful inhabitants do not know it. Take some delicate fabrics, fasten them under the ceiling, spread them around the entire perimeter of the room, so a tent is formed.

Pink fabric will decorate the window, and the sun's rays will turn into flowing pink. Attach nylon butterflies, artificial flowers of bright colors, satin ribbon bows to the top - and your fairy tale will come true! You can experiment as much as you like, fabric is a great material that encourages creativity.

2) Helium balloons under the ceiling

Easily and simply help to fill the apartment with the atmosphere of the upcoming holiday. Dissolve throughout the room, so you create the airy atmosphere you need in our magical land.

3) Place of rest.

Simple furniture cushions in covers of bright or multi-colored colors will look original and unusual. A small nuance, but the level of originality will be one step higher.

4) Resourceful table setting and decoration of dishes.

Gifts and prizes

One of the highlights of the holiday. The theme of our festive evening is “Alfea Treasures”, which means that it is necessary to arrange gifts for children properly.

Examples of gifts from the Winx brand (there are a large number of them in stores now):

  • A set of children's cosmetics;
  • office;
  • Decorations;
  • stickers;
  • Toys.

You can also make personalized gifts, assemble the Young Fairy set yourself:

  • Nylon wings;
  • Bright wig;
  • Bottles with wonderful elixirs (soap bubbles);
  • Magic wand;
  • Named "magic book".

An excellent gift for a birthday girl would be a children's magic set.

Musical arrangement

In this direction, we give freedom of action. Remember the main thing, choose one so that it creates a mood. Beautiful instrumental music is ideal for the background, and of course, fast, dance music for active competitions.

Leading the holiday

For our holiday we need. There are two options here: you can invite a host from the holiday agency (then you will need to meet in advance and discuss all the nuances of the scenario), or hold the holiday yourself.

The advantage of the second option is that you thoroughly know the whole scenario, all the subtleties of your apartment, and make 100% excellent friends with the children (which any agency cannot always guarantee at a high level). If you invite a presenter, remember that you must take into account the dress code of the event. Who will he / she be at the holiday - a good wizard or a beautiful fairy? Of course, the outfit should be in harmony with the image.

Holiday program

Story line.

Little "sorceresses" (birthday girl with guests) find themselves in the fairyland of Alfea. To find all the treasures and treasures of the fairies, the girls need to complete various tasks and overcome all possible obstacles on their way. The holiday ends with a festive dedication of all guests to the Little Fairies.

Event progress:

The celebration begins with the appearance of the leader. The presenter solemnly announces that the little fairies - Stella, Roxy, Flora, Leila, Techna and Muse, when they found out that little _______ is celebrating her birthday today, decided to invite all the girls to visit, to visit the magical land of Alfea.

Unusual adventures and wonderful hotels await all guests. The girls' guide to the fairyland will be the most important of the magicians, the magician of the wizards, the magician of Alfea - our leader.

And the proof of this is a scroll - a letter from Alfea herself, entwined with a satin ribbon with a butterfly or a flower.

Sample letter text:

Good afternoon, dear Alenochka, Lenochka, Katyusha ... (and so on, enter the names of the guests and the hero of the occasion here)!

We are pleased to invite YOU to Alfea, the magical and fabulous land of all the little fairies. We believe that you will enjoy the trip, many adventures and surprises are waiting for you. You will need to pass tests, all young sorceresses traditionally have to cope with them on the way to Alfea's treasure. Your guide to the magical land will be _______ (leader's name), the most important of the magicians, the magician of the wizards, the magician of Alfea.

Good luck! And may your kindness and friendship help you along the way!

Your humble friends are Techna, Roxy, Flora, Bloom, Stella and Musa.

After the letter has been read out, the host offers to compose magic words that will take the girls to Alfea. A magic spell must be pronounced by everyone together, together and waving, characteristic of wizards, with their hands.

When the children say the spell, everyone closes their eyes and counts to three. The signal that the girls were transported to a magical place will be beautiful music. Children open their eyes, the leader has a whole bunch of colorful balloons in his hands. He explains that these balls are not simple, inside each there is a task from one of the Winx fairies.

The presenter or birthday girl bursts the first balloon. A piece of paper falls out of it, in which the text of the greeting and the first task.

You can independently choose contests and games that you and your little princess like, or you can use our experience. Below we give examples of tasks that can be used in the holiday program.

Task from Flora.

Use blanks from colored paper, felt-tip pens to create a large card-flower from whatman paper for the birthday girl. An important condition is that you need to write a good wish next to each flower.

Task from Stella.

Stela is a fashionista, she always dresses according to the latest “squeak”. This task is on par with a young sorceress: from beads, colored pasta, different buttons, make stylish beads or an original photo frame (use special frames for frames). Or, with the help of balloons, create outfits and hold a magical fashion show.

Quest from Roxy.

Roxy is responsible for the animal world. Remember the game "Crocodile". One participant comes out, using only gestures and sounds, shows the hidden animal, the rest try to guess it. This game will be right here.

Task from Techna.

Techna is the most intelligent fairy. We offer a game to match, "Puzzle": the children choose "vada", we ask her to leave the room for a few minutes. The leader puts everyone in a circle and asks to firmly hold hands. After that, the leader “confuses” the chain well - someone can be twisted, someone steps over closed hands, someone crawls under others. All this is done without breaking hands.

Task: you need to unravel this “tangle” as carefully as possible so that the chain does not break.

A task from Layla.

Attributes: tablespoons, an empty glass, water in a bowl / or pieces of fruit.

Layla "magic" with liquids. We divide the girls into 2 teams and conduct a relay race.

Give each team a spoon. With the help of their girls need to fill the glasses with water, at speed.

If the guests are already adults, arrange a contest for the best magic cocktail for the birthday girl, here use fruit juice, syrup, ice, water, pieces of fruit for the ingredients.

Bloom's assignment.

Bloom is the patroness of fire. We invite everyone back to the circle. We seat. We extinguish the light, light floating candles and announce a competition for the most exciting magical story.

Musa's mission.

The magic of the Muse is associated with art. We suggest organizing a small amateur performance program or a talent contest. Most often, girls take part in such creative competitions with pleasure and demonstrate their skills.

An excellent and no less interesting result of the birthday will be the search for Alfea's treasure, play "Cold-Hot". After the successful discovery of the treasured treasure, we encourage children and solemnly dedicate girls to the Little Fairy of the Winx Club.

Improvised or masquerade will come to your aid: wigs, wings, magic wands.

Conducting the initiation ceremony solemnly and brightly - say the magic words and clap confetti, and after the entry - everyone to the disco!

On your birthday, you really want miracles, magic, and of course, turn into one of the fairies! Modern girls of 5-6 years old are so passionate about fairies that girls want to celebrate their birthday with fairy fairies. Our scenario for the children's holiday "The Adventures of Fairy Fairies" is the best suited for celebrating the birthday of a girl 5-6 years old.

According to the scenario of the holiday, the birthday girl is dedicated to fairies.

The main idea of ​​the script for the children's holiday "The Adventures of fairy fairies" is a role-playing game for girls who dream (!) on their birthday to turn into real fairy fairies. The celebration of the children's birthday is held under the sensitive and skillful guidance of the "directors" - leading children's holiday of the Main Sorceress - Queen of Nature Diana, and flower fairies Flora.

Having received the power and knowledge of Nature, fairy children boldly go to a magical land to help Diana disenchant the Lotus flower of wisdom. Little participants, together with Fairy Fairies, build traps for evil goblin and enliven the forest, play with forest inhabitants (elves) - all this is in the Fairy Fairy Adventures program on the birthday of girls 5-6 and 7 years old.

Many pleasant surprises await the hero of the occasion and her friends at the birthday party.

And the Birthday Girl of the Fairy Sorceress herself is given her magical horoscope as a gift!

Optionally, in addition to the program, you can order:

"Show of giant soap bubbles" and face painting.

Winx birthday scenario > favorites for the holiday

After discussing with the birthday girl her favorite fairies from the Winx club, we will prepare an individual scenario for your holiday and offer options for characters that will succinctly enter the plot of the holiday with the Winx fairies. A film edited with such elements will be much more interesting. For example: feather crafts, soap making, graffiti and more, pasta decorations, origami, pencil shaving crafts. the menu is also an element of a theme party. You just have to want and the Winx fairies will come to the children's party. Selection of actors to bring the scenario of a children's holiday with the Winx fairies to life. You just have to want and the Winx fairies will come to the children's party. The film will be much more interesting, mounted with such elements. You can also order an animator in a Winx fairy costume for any celebration. To rate a comment by Sergey Meshcheryakov, log in to your account. Little Zlata Sergei Meshcheryakov 355 views. Child's birthday script with Winx fairies. The children's menu is also an element of a theme party. It is very important how the tables are laid, as well as what dishes will be served and how they are decorated, what napkins and items are on the table. Preparation of games and contests for the birthday with the Winx fairies, we think over all the games and contests individually and negotiate with the parents so that there are no repetitions of previous parties. In our opinion, neon balls that glow in the dark from neon lighting will look very beautiful in the design. To prepare for the birthday should be in advance, you need a margin of time to develop many details of the holiday. After all, everything should be really magical and believable. birthday invitations with Winx fairies, it can be a telegram from space, some object belonging to the Winx fairies. This is both an original meeting of children, and a good end to a festive evening - leaving some handmade items as a memory for children, and an excellent dilution of the program. You can make decorations with photos of the birthday girl and your favorite Winx fairies, install a screen for showing cartoons with Winx fairies, make warning signs from Winx fairies: Fairies are not toys for children, Video filming of various episodes from cartoons with Winx fairies, Strangers In, Do not scare fairies, Flying on broomsticks are prohibited, they are very vulnerable. Professional actors together with children will play various scenes from cartoons with Winx fairies. According to the scenario, the heroes of the holiday program, fairy Roxy fairy Roxy, fairy Flora fairy Flora, Bloom fairy Bloom, fairy Stella fairy Stella, can be: fairy Tecna fairy Tecna, fairy, fairy Layla fairy Layla, fairy Musa fairy Musa, with Winx Club fairies Winx Club .

there will be anniversaries of the team

Scenario of the girl's birthday "in the magical land of the winx fairies"

Recently, a cartoon about the Winx fairies has become popular among younger schoolgirls. We are offering to you mini-scenario for the girl's birthday "In the magical land of the Winx fairies".

First, figure out how to decorate the room where the holiday will take place. Decorate your room with pink balloons and hang posters of your favorite cartoon characters on the walls.

Take care of the invitations, they are best made in the form of wings cut out of paper and painted in pink.

Put juice, fruits and snacks on the table: pizza, salad in a bowl, airy cake, meat and vegetable cuts.

Also take care of the accessories for the holiday according to the scenario of the girl's birthday "In the magical land of the Winx fairies". Namely, you will need wings, children's makeup and additional materials that will be required during the holiday.

The birthday girl will play the role of Bloom. All other roles will be played among the rest of the girls.

Competition from Leila

Layla is in charge of the liquid, and therefore will be appropriate. Whoever wins this competition is given wings, and this girl becomes one of the fairies of the Winx Club - Layla. She is awarded a badge with the image of this heroine and a small prize - a Winx doll Layla.

The competition will be held in the form of a relay race. A glass of water is placed in front of each participant and a spoon is placed, at the other end of the room opposite the participant is placed the same glass, only empty. The task of the players is to transfer water from one glass to another as quickly as possible. Whoever does it faster wins.

Competition from Roxy

Roxy is in charge of the animals. Therefore, the game will be of the appropriate theme. Players will need to portray different animals, and whoever makes it more interesting will win. She is given wings, a badge and a doll.

Competition from Techna

Techna is in charge of all the technical devices of the Winx, so the game will be intellectual, for solving simple mathematical examples. The host says the task, for example, 4 + 8-12 + 1, and the girls must answer what this example equals. The smartest one will wear the proud title of Winx Techna, she, like all the winning girls, will be awarded a badge with the image of this heroine, wings and a doll.

Competition from Flora

Flora is in charge of the flowers. The task of the participants of this competition according to the scenario of the girl’s birthday “In the magical land of the Winx fairies” will be as follows: draw a beautiful bouquet for the birthday girl on a piece of paper. Whoever draws the most beautiful bouquet will be Flora.

Muse competition

Muse manages talents. Therefore, this competition will be for the best song for the birthday girl. The best performer receives a pair of wings, a doll and a badge.

Competition from Stella

Stella is the biggest fashionista. For her, such a competition as a demonstration of a beautiful outfit and a fashion show is suitable. Lay out in front of the girls: beads, hats, panama hats, scarves, skirts. Let everyone choose clothes for themselves and demonstrate their outfit. The winner will wear the proud name of Stella, she will be given wings, a badge with the image of the heroine and a doll.

Girl's birthday script "In the magical land of the Winx fairies"

Set with tools in the form of a diary1 290 rubReal Man simulator1 250 rubUSB mini fridge1 250 rubMug in the shape of a photo lens1 240 rubCama sheet1 210 rubDesk punching bag1 190 rubKalashnikov set for strong drinks1 170 rubGift diploma "Cover girl"1 150 rubGift diploma "Man" from the cover"1 150 RUBTraveller's globe1 150 RUBWall clock "Wheel"1 130 RUBFlying alarm clock1 090 RUBWood with photo frames "Heart"1 080 RUBWood with photo frames "Flowers"1 080 RUBWine set "Merry little men"1 050 RUBSet for strong drinks "Mauser" 1 045 rubArchive photo album995 rubBouquet of toys990 rub



Winx club to visit you. birthday scripts with winx fairies, animators

To organize a children's birthday party with the Winx fairies, it is very important to start from the child, from his hobbies, favorite fairies and space characters. After all, everything should be really magical and believable! You should prepare for the birthday in advance, you need a margin of time to develop many details of the holiday.

1. Children's birthday invitations with Winx fairies (this can be a telegram from space, some object belonging to the Winx fairies, etc.).

2. Scenario of a child's birthday with the Winx fairies. After discussing with the birthday girl her favorite fairies from the Winx club, we will prepare an individual scenario for your holiday and offer options for characters that will succinctly enter the plot of the holiday with the Winx fairies.

3. For a children's party with Winx fairies, you can choose a cozy restaurant, a playground in nature, an old mansion, a motor ship, a kindergarten, a summer house or a spacious apartment.

4. Selection of actors to bring the scenario of a children's holiday with the Winx fairies to life. According to the scenario, the heroes of the festive program with the Winx fairies (Winx Club) can be: fairy Tecna (fairy Tecna), fairy Bloom (fairy Bloom), fairy Layla (fairy Layla), fairy Muse (fairy Musa), fairy Roxy (fairy Roxy), fairy Stella (fairy Stella), fairy Flora (fairy Flora).

5. Preparing surprises for a real baby's birthday (soap bubbles, snow, disco in foam or fog, fire fountains, confetti, crackers, fireworks, a balloon to explode, launching balloons, launching magic lanterns, a piñata filled with various surprises or treats for children) .

6. Preparation of games and contests for birthday parties with Winx fairies (we think over all games and contests individually and negotiate with parents so that there are no repetitions of previous parties).

7. Preparation of thematic props for a stylized party with Winx fairies.

8. Filling the festive program with thematic original numbers (magicians, illusionists, artists of the original genre, numbers with animals - cats, dogs, rabbits, parrots, pigeons, puppet shows, children's performances, pantomime shows, balls show, bartender show, DJ show, show aliens, stunt show, sand show, paper show, foam show, laser show, costume show, step show).

9. Children's attractions are a good addition to a children's party with Winx fairies.

10. Children's master classes are appropriate at any time of a children's holiday - this is an original meeting of children, and an excellent dilution of the program, and a good end to the festive evening - leaving some handmade items for children to remember. For example: feather crafts, pencil shavings crafts, pasta decorations, soap making, origami, graffiti and more.

11. Thematic musical selection for your baby's birthday (all music is selected taking into account the scenario of the children's birthday and the wishes of the children).

12. Thematic prizes and gifts: for example, each child can receive real Winx fairy wings, various items with Winx fairy symbols, etc. as a gift.

13. Decoration with balloons for a child's birthday with Winx fairies. In our opinion, neon balls that glow in the dark from neon lighting will look very beautiful in the design.

14. Themed decorations for a children's birthday. You can make decorations with photos of the birthday girl and your favorite Winx fairies, install a screen for showing cartoons with Winx fairies, make warning signs from the Winx fairies: “Fairies are not toys for children”, “Outsiders B”, “Flying on broomsticks is prohibited”, “Do not scare fairies , they are very vulnerable”, etc.

15. Video filming of various episodes from cartoons with Winx fairies. Professional actors together with children will play various scenes from cartoons with Winx fairies. A film edited with such elements will be much more interesting!

16. Photo session, costumed photo session with the participation of stylists, make-up artists, aqua make-up artists, printouts on the spot, your child along with guests on the cover of your favorite magazine, humorous collages, caricaturists, silhouette artists.

17. Children's menu is also an element of a theme party. It is very important how the tables are laid, what napkins and items are on the table, as well as what dishes will be served and how they are decorated.

18. Thematic cake with Winx fairies - what could be nicer at the end of the whole holiday!

You just have to want and the Winx fairies will come to the children's party. You can also order an animator in a Winx fairy costume for any celebration.

Winx girl's birthday

The series about the young Winx witches that appeared on the screens in a short time gained incredible popularity among girls. Winx fairies are beautiful, kind and modern, each has its own unique character and interests, which are so close to their little fans! If your daughter is delighted with this cartoon, organize a birthday party with her in Alfea - the magical land of the Winx.

Of course, a children's Winx birthday will require preparation, but if you involve the child in this exciting process, it will be easy and joyful.

Cooking a girl's birthday in Winx style: creating an atmosphere of Alfea

You can spend your birthday in the country of Winx in a cafe, in an entertainment center, and in a country house - the features of the venue will tell you many of the nuances of decorating the room and creating a magical entourage. We will focus in our advice on holding a holiday in an ordinary city apartment.

What does the country of young sorceresses look like? Airy, in pink and soft green tones, decorated with an amazing garden - this is how Alfea is described.

In decorating a room, the most important thing is to correctly capture and convey the fabulous atmosphere. What will help us in this?

1. Draperies- with the help of a beautifully arranged fabric, you can change the room beyond recognition. Several sheets of delicate tulle, fixed under the ceiling and spread around the perimeter of the room, form a magical tent.

A window opening decorated with a pink canvas will color the sun's rays in a warm pinkish color. "Plant" on top of nylon butterflies, bright artificial flowers, satin bows - and the fairy tale will come to life! Experiment, fabric in decorating rooms is a very fertile and creative material.

2. Helium balloons under the ceiling- a simple and very effective way to breathe into the house the atmosphere of the holiday. In accordance with our "magic" idea, a bunch of balloons scattered around the room will help create the necessary airy atmosphere.

3. Places for rest. It’s good if instead of traditional chairs and stools, soft sofa cushions in bright covers will be waiting for the birthday girl and her guests. Just a nuance, but it will immediately give your holiday a unique rank.

4. Indoor plants. The marvelous garden mentioned above can easily be replaced by pots with plants collected from all over the apartment and bouquets presented to the birthday girl. The main thing is to arrange them so that they do not interfere with active games.

5. Successful serving and decoration of dishes.

Birthday in Winx style: gifts and prizes

A very important aspect of the holiday. The name of the thematic program is "Treasures of Alfea", so you need to try and children's gifts, respectively. What could it be? Sets of children's cosmetics, jewelry, stationery, stickers, toys - today countless products are produced under the Winx brand.

Gifts can also be personalized, for this we independently assemble sets of "Young fairies":

  • kapron wings
  • bright wigs
  • vials with miraculous elixir (soap bubbles)
  • magic wands
  • personalized "magic books" (diaries made using the scrapbooking technique with photographs of their future owners on the covers)

A good gift for a birthday girl will be a children's magic set.

Winx birthday: musical arrangement

There are no clear instructions and taboos here. The main thing to remember when choosing music for a holiday is that it should create a mood. Beautiful instrumental music (like the soundtrack to the movie "Amelie" or music from the movie "The Miracle Shop") and moving incendiary music for active competitions are great for the background.

Birthday in Winx style: hosts of the holiday

Our program needs a leader. Here you can choose one of the options you prefer: invite a host from the holiday agency (in this case, you will need to carefully discuss the scenario with him in advance) or hold the holiday on your own.

The advantages of the second option are that you will perfectly know the script basis, the features of your house and, of course, get along great with children (which even a professional presenter from the agency cannot guarantee 100% of). Choose what is closer to you. Just remember that the presenter is obliged to comply with the dress code of the holiday. Whom he or she will appear - a good wizard or a beautiful fairy? The outfit must match the chosen image.

Winx style birthday: holiday program

Story line: little "sorceresses" (the birthday girl and her guests) enter the magical world of Alfea. Performing various tasks and overcoming obstacles that appear on the way, the girls are looking for treasures of good fairies. The thematic part ends with the solemn initiation of all participants into Little Fairies.

Event progress

The tie of the holiday occurs with the appearance of the leader (or leader). The presenter informs that the young fairies - Flora, Techna, Stella, Bloom, Roxy, Leila and Muse, having learned about the birthday of the little ..., invite the girls to visit the magical land of Alfea. Girls are waiting for amazing adventures and wonderful gifts. The guide of girls in a magical land will be the magician and wizard (kind guardian) Alfei - our leader.

As proof, the presenter hands the birthday girl a scroll-letter from Alfea, tied with a satin ribbon and decorated with a flower or butterfly. The text of the message might look something like this:

Hello, dear Mashenka, Tanyusha, Arisha ... (etc., here we enter the names of the hero of the occasion and her girlfriends)!
We are pleased to invite you to Alfea, the magical land of all the little fairies. We hope you enjoy your trip, it will be full of adventures and surprises. You have to pass the tests that all young sorceresses traditionally have to cope with on the way to the treasures of Alfea. Your guide in a magical land will be ... (leader's name), the main magician and wizard.
Good luck! And may your friendship and kindness become your faithful assistants on the way!
Your loyal friends are Flora, Techna, Stella, Bloom, Roxy, Layla and Muse.

After reading the scroll, the host offers to come up with a magic spell that will take the girls to Alfea. Magic words are necessarily pronounced in unison and are accompanied by characteristic waving of the hands.

After saying the spell, all participants should close their eyes and count to three. Beautiful music will become the sound accent denoting the magical transfer of girls to Alfea. The girls open their eyes, in the hands of the leader a bunch of multi-colored balloons. He explains that these balls are not simple, each of them contains a task from one of the Winx fairies.

The host pierces one of the balloons, a note with a greeting and the first task falls out of it.

You can include in the program your tasks with games and contests that you and the little birthday girl like, or you can use our experience. Here are examples of tasks that can be included in the holiday program.

1. Task from Flora. With the help of blanks from colored paper and felt-tip pens, you need to create a huge flower card from whatman paper for the birthday girl. The main condition is that you need to write a good wish near each flower.

2. Task from Stella. Stella is the most fashionable and stylish of the Winx. Let the task be appropriate: you can use improvised materials - beads, buttons, painted pasta to create stylish beads or a beautiful frame for photographs (for frames, you must first stock up on wooden or cardboard bases), or you can try to make outfits from balloons for modeling and arrange a magical defile.

3. Task from Roxy. Roxy is in charge of the animal world. Remember the popular game "Crocodile", when one of the participants depicts an animal with the help of gestures and sounds, and the rest try to guess it? This is where this game comes in handy.

4. Task from Techna. Techna is the technical intelligence of the Winx. We offer the game "Puzzle" (also called "Confusion"): we choose the driver, she should leave the room for a while. The facilitator asks the girls to stand in a circle and hold hands tightly. Then he thoroughly “confuses” the chain - he twists someone, he commands someone to step over closed hands, someone - to “dive”. The main thing - in the process of these manipulations - do not tear your hands. The task of the driver is to unravel this "living tangle". The game is very fun and exciting.

5. Task from Leila. Layla's magic is associated with liquid. Divide the girls into two teams and have a relay race in which the girls will need to use tablespoons to fill glasses with water at speed. If the participants of the holiday are already old enough, you can arrange a competition for the best magic cocktail for the birthday girl, offer fruit juices, ice, syrup, water, pieces of fruit for decoration as ingredients.

6. Task from Bloom. Bloom's element is fire. Have the girls sit in a circle, turn off the lights, light the floating candles, and propose a contest for the best fairy story.

7. Task from the Muse. The muse patronizes the arts. Host a small or talent contest. Usually, girls are happy to participate in such creative competitions and show their skills.

Finish the program with a search for Alfea's treasures with the help of the "Cold-Hot" game and the solemn initiation of the girls into the Little Fairies of the Winx Club. You will need face painting and elements of masquerade costumes for this: wings, wigs, magic wands.

Hold the ceremony brightly and solemnly - with the pronunciation of magic words and bumfetti explosions, and then arrange an incendiary disco!

©2011 Attention! The script was developed specifically for the website Prazdnodar: an encyclopedia of holidays. Full or partial reprinting of the material and its publication on other websites is possible only with the written consent of its author and the editors of the site Attempts to make unauthorized use of the material for commercial purposes are illegal and subject to prosecution.

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Flower birthday girl 4-7 years old

Hawaiian birthday 8-13 years old

Birthday in fairyland 6-9 years old

Children's center "UMKA" - Birthday party with the Winx Fairy

Children's center "UMKA" in Zhulebino - Children's and Birthdays.

Experienced, creative teachers and animators will create an individual and exciting scenario, taking into account the interests and characteristics of your child, as well as your wishes.

Invite your favorite fairy tale or cartoon character: Clown, Little Red Riding Hood, Dalmatian Dog, Princess, Batman, Pinocchio and Malvina, Dunno, Spider-Man, Pirate, Winx Fairy, Carlson, Cheburashka, etc.

Games and contests, songs and dances, as well as face painting and balloon modeling are waiting for you!

Birthday Scenario in Winx Style.

Sounds like music from the cartoon "Winx".
Flora and Leila come out. They have a beautiful scroll in their hands.

F: I came to you from the planet Linphea, and my friend Layla came from Andros. We have come with a very important message, which we were instructed to convey by Alfea's teacher. Listen carefully.

L (reads the scroll slowly in a solemn tone):
An ancient prophecy says:
At the apogee of the power of celestial silver threads on the day of the fading moon, 10 chosen ones will appear in Dimension Magiks, led by a young maiden born .... numbers…. months on the border of two constellations and two centuries. Great achievements and unprecedented trials await them, which have not been known so far in our magical world! And they will commit such an act that will remain in our history for centuries, they will talk about it not only in our world, but also outside it!
Fairy School is about to be attacked by the Cloud Tower. And in order to replenish the detachment of good sorceresses, we have come to you, to planet Earth.

F: Are you ready to fulfill the dictates of fate? (Children's answer) But first you need to be trained in our school of magic. Welcome to Alfea! We, Flora and Leila, will teach you magical secrets and tricks!

L: Magicians who successfully pass the exams will receive Alfea graduate certificates.

F: So, are you ready?

L: Today we have a competition. In each of them you will receive Charmixes. The team that received the most charmixes will receive diplomas from Alfea graduates.
(Charmixes for each team can be collected into magic boxes)

F: So, the first task - you need to break into teams and come up with a name.
Children come up with the name of the teams, perhaps the task is to come up with a motto and say it in unison, they receive the first charms.
(Any colorful small images of objects related to the competition act as charmixes. In this competition, you can give a traditional charmix - an image of a mirror).
F: All of you know that our school is located in the Magix dimension and magic is taught in it, but we use the same teaching aids in the lessons as you do, and it is also important for us to properly prepare for school. Everything we need to take with us, we know with our eyes closed. And you?
"We're going to Alfea school"
Called one person per team. Eyes are tied. In front of the children is a box with school supplies and other things. To the music, with your eyes closed, you need to grope and put in a briefcase (or a beautiful package, bag) everything that concerns the school. The one with the most school supplies in their bag wins.
Charmix of the competition - any school supplies.

L: One of the main skills of a sorceress is to move objects without the help of hands. Do you know how to do it?

F: Leila and I will teach you.

Competition "Levitation"
Each team is given a balloon and a magic wand. Children are built in 2 columns for the relay. Landmarks are placed at a distance of several meters. Each child needs to move the ball forward with a stick along the top (or knocking it up from the bottom up). The main condition is that the ball does not fall. Thus, it is necessary to run around the landmark and pass the ball and wand to the next sorceress. Which team can do it faster, that one wins. Charmix is ​​a feather.

"Musical Message"
Each letter is assigned its own notation. The message is thought - for example - Happiness to you, dear ....! The message is "encrypted" with the help of musical notation. The team is given an encrypted message and a key. Those who guess the message are the first to receive a charmix - a treble clef.

L: Guys, a task has come from the planet Majix - the witches of the Cloud Tower used a destructive weapon against us, which turns the Fey into scattered pieces. You need to put the pieces back together and reverse their spell.
Children need to collect large puzzles. The winning team receives a charmix - an image of the Winx.

L: I hasten to tell you some bad news. While we were studying, Alfea's school was attacked in an insidious way - the witches of the Cloud Tower hypnotized hordes of insects, and now Alphea's teachers are repelling their attacks.

F: Are you afraid of insects?
Now we will learn how to overcome this obstacle.
"Insect Attack"
The children are on the run. Toy insects are scattered in front of them. The team must collect as many insects as possible with a net for a musical passage and transfer them to a box. You can carry one insect per run.

L: Well, well done. Faragonda conveys her gratitude to you. Thanks to such fairies, Alfea is not afraid of any attacks.

F: Wait a second, another call from Alfea.

He pretends to be talking.
F: Fairy Muse congratulates the birthday girl on her birthday and passes on her task. Since she loves to sing and dance, she is ready to give her charmix to those who show the most original dances.
"Dance with an Object"
Task - each girl gets a certain object - for example, a broom, a chair, a scarf, a hat, a cane, a bucket, a flower, etc. In a short time, you need to come up with an original dance with this subject. You can have everyone participate, you can call the representatives of the teams who want to. The names of the subjects are written on the sheets, the girls do not know which subject they will choose. The prize charmix is ​​an image of pointe shoes.

L: It's no secret that all the Winx fairies look very fashionable and stylish, but which one of them cares about her appearance the most? (Stella).

L: Stella sent you her assignment.
"Fashion Dress"
From improvised materials you need to make a dress in a period of time. Materials can be newspapers or wrapping paper of different colors, threads - adhesive tape. Adult assistance is needed here in order to use the scissors. The hosts choose a model, the rest of the girls are fashion designers. After the music ends, L. Interviews the girls.

L: Admit it, have you ever dreamed of being a model? Now your dream will come true.
Girls are invited to defile several times to the music and applause of the audience and fashion designers. Charmix (for example, the image of threads) is received by the team that has the most beautiful dress.

F: My dear fairies, tell me what gives me magical power? (It is necessary to bring to the answer - plants). You are right - and the more plants, the stronger my magic. Now I want to ask you to help me strengthen my magic.
"Magic of Flowers"
Children are given two blanks of the meadow - this is green paper. Letters are scattered on it - for example, K, P, A, O, G, R, L, N, I, etc.
In front of the girls are baskets in which there are flowers (printed, cut out of paper or artificial). A "meadow" is attached at a distance of several meters. On command, while the music is playing, the children should attach a flower to the appropriate place (for example, k-bell, p-peony, a-aster, o-dandelion, g-carnation, p-rose, l-lily, n-narcissus, i-iris) . Which team will plant the meadow faster and more correctly, that team will receive a charmix - a flower.

F: Each sorceress must be able to control herself in any situation in order not to get confused and repel the attack of the Cloud Tower witches in time. Now we will see how you can do it.
All participants in the game form a large circle. In the center is the leader with a handkerchief in his hands. He throws the handkerchief up until it flies to the ground, everyone laughs loudly, the handkerchief is on the ground - everyone subsides. Who could not stand it and laughed, leaves. And so, until one person remains, he receives a charmix - a smile.

L: Do you like guessing? Do you think any fairy should be able to do this? Now we will teach you this.

Out of competition. Entertainment "Cake with predictions"
An image of a cake is being prepared, cut into cakes. Each child in turn takes a piece of cake, funny predictions are written on it.


Waiting for you soon
A trip to the sea.

Let tears of joy shed
An old friend will be back soon!

Every day and every hour
Someone is thinking about you.

Have fun looking ahead
There wealth awaits you.

Gingerbread and sweets
There will be a lot of joy.

you at the end of the week.
Holidays and fun await.

Appear suddenly
You have a new friend.

You are lucky! Therefore, be modest and do not grab more lucky tickets.

Today is the best day for you! As the others!

If you come across a foreign body in bread, you should know that it is for good luck!

A trip to the Black Sea will help you change for the better

Leaving the entrance of your house, turn your head to the right. The brand of the car standing there will soon appear with you.

Try to vacation in the Bahamas about six times a year
And then you will certainly, certainly, probably be lucky ...

With such a sun, everything can only be good

F: Well, we passed on all the knowledge of the school of magic for the 1st course. I suggest you count how many charmixes each team has.

L: Guys, each team has enhanced their magic with charmixes, but you know that the second most powerful transformation is the Enchantix. The teachers of the Alfea school, led by Faragonda, warned us that only with the help of all the charmixes, the fairies of the Earth would be able to get the enchantix. So let's put all the charmixes in a magic chest.

Magical music sounds, confetti rains down on the chest.
After that, Flora and Leila take out the diplomas of the 1st year graduates of the Alfea school from the chest. You can also distribute Winx business card holders.

F. and L.: We are waiting for you in the 2nd year of our school! See you soon!