Scripts for celebrating carnival at school. Cheerful Shrovetide script at school “Shrovetide fun on the street. What to wear for Shrovetide at school

Shrovetide script at school

We have prepared a beautiful and rather unusual scenario for celebrating Carnival at school for you. It is perfect for both indoor and outdoor celebrations. It can be attended by both elementary school students and high school students. Because many contests and jokes will cheer you up and prepare everyone for spring. Celebrate, burn Shrovetide and welcome the spring that is just around the corner.


In the center of the hall, where the celebration will take place, stands on a special stand Maslenitsa (a large straw or rag doll on a stick, which will subsequently be burned on the street). Next to Maslenitsa there are 2-3 tables with pancakes and refreshments.
Guests enter the hall.

So Shrovetide has come!
Shrovetide came to us,
Maslenitsa is red, smiles at us all!
He smiles at us all, but says goodbye to winter!
Goodbye Winter,
Come spring to us!
We will treat you to pancakes
Yes dance Spring you are with us!

A dance group comes out in Russian folk costumes, and they perform a Russian folk dance, and then with all the guests they lead a round dance around Shrovetide.

Do you know that Maslenitsa precedes Lent. It lasts only a week, and this week you can dance, have fun, ride the slides, arrange competitions and eat pancakes. Also, each day of Shrovetide week has its own name. Let's find out with you how each of the Shrovetide days are called.
7 students come out.

1 student:
Monday first forever
and it is called "meeting"
On this day, Spring is met,
And the pancakes begin to bake!

2 student:
Tuesday - "flirting" is called,
Everyone goes to visit each other,
Everyone rolls from the snowy hills,
And they gorge themselves on pancakes.

3 student:
Wednesday is called a gourmet,
Here everyone is definitely overeating!
Everyone stuffs their belly,
And they treat each other!

4 student:
Well, what about Thursday,
Thursday is called "fracture"
From this day on, everything changes
And revelry begins!

5 student:
"Mother-in-law Vechorka" is called Friday,
On this day, the sons-in-law are going to visit their mother-in-law!
And mother-in-law baked pancakes for their sons-in-law,
And they made a real feast for the son-in-law!

6 student:
And Saturday is a family day
It's called "sister-in-law gatherings"
On this day, the bride accepts relatives on a visit,
And he gives gifts to all his sister-in-law!

7 student:
Sunday has many titles
But we will only say one thing,
Forgiven is called Sunday
And everyone is asking each other for forgiveness!

So we learned the names of the days of the Maslenitsa week. Now let's play a little.

You can arrange games that are traditional for Shrovetide: tug-of-war, cockfighting, etc.
Game - Hot Damn.
A circle is cut from the album sheet. It will be damn it. All participants stand in a circle and make their hands palms up. Cheerful music turns on. The first participant has a “pancake” in the palm of his hand, and the participant must pass this pancake in the palm of his hand to the other participant as soon as possible. At that moment, when the music stops, the participant, who at that moment will have a "pancake" in his hands, is eliminated. The participant who drops the pancake during the transfer is also eliminated. The last remaining player receives the prize.

So we played a little. Let's now invite spring to visit us! And so that she can hear us, let's sing a spring song.

A spring song is being sung.

Something does not want spring to come. Let's tell her poems, maybe she will hear and come to us.

Children recite poetry.

Spring comes out:
I hear, I hear what you are calling,
I see, I see that you are waiting for me.
So I came to you friends,
Finally, I found you!
Now let's join you
We will treat ourselves to pancakes
But first we will burn our Shrovetide,
So that winter and all our troubles are gone away with fire!

Shrovetide, which stood in the center of the hall, is taken out into the street and burned. You can also invite everyone to write on the pieces of paper everything bad, for example: illness, bad mood, bad grades, etc. and throw these leaves into the fire. You can also host several outdoor contests and games. And after Shrovetide is burned, you can already go to drink tea with pancakes.

Shrovetide at school

Shrovetide: scenario of a holiday at school

Target: acquaintance of schoolchildren with the customs and traditions of the Russian people.


Instilling interest in the study of elements of Russian folk culture;

Development of dexterity, ingenuity;

Contribute to the development of the creative potential of students;

Education in students of a careful attitude to preserving the traditions and customs of the Russian people;

Health improvement for students;

Form of carrying out: KTD.

Location: school, school grounds.

Necessary equipment: hoop (2 pcs.), sledges (2 pcs.), rope, scarecrow, costumes, scotch tape, magnets, handicrafts, matches, pens, pencils, dolls, balls, threads, needles, oranges (2 pcs.), tangerines (2 pcs.), raisins, marmalade, grapefruit (2 pcs.).

Actual material: quiz questions, riddles, proverbs and sayings, fables, text of ditties, text of poems for judges, drawings, suns for participants, sweets, snowmen (2 pcs.), route sheets (2 pcs.).

Event progress

(All participants and presenters in folk costumes)

Buffoon 1.

- Good afternoon, dear guests! Waited, invited, welcome!

Buffoon 2.

- Hello, young ladies!
Hello winches!
- Well done guys, funny daredevils!

Buffoon 1.

- Respectable and young!

Buffoon 2.

- Full and thin!

Buffoon 1.

- We welcome guests as good news!

Buffoon 2.

- Welcome! We welcome everyone, heartily meet!

WITH lump 1.

- We are buffoons!

- It's better to have fun with us, but the holiday is worthless without us!

WITH lump 2.

- We invite all guests to our celebration as soon as possible!

Buffoon 1.

- Today we have a performance to everyone's surprise!


- Today Maslenitsa invites you to visit!

Buffoon 2.

- Today we meet Shrovetide, we see off the winter, we call the spring!

Buffoon 1.

- Shrovetide - honest, cheerful, wide - this was the name of the week before Lent in Russia!

Buffoon 2.

- So, Shrovetide is starting!

Folk music sounds, girls come out in sundresses, carry out an effigy of Maslenitsa, sing a song."Maslenitsa is coming."

Buffoon 1:

"Oil week

She flew to the village

I went to our native school,

It brought joy to all of us.

Buffoon 2.

Oh, Shrovetide is good!

The soul sings from her!

We will dress up the dolls

And we'll sit next to you.

Buffoon 1.

Let's sing and have fun

And let's go to the stations

A lot of interesting

We will find on the way "

Buffoon 2.

Shrovetide lasted a week and therefore in our game there will be 7 stations that correspond to the days of the week: (each class comes out with a class teacher and tells about the day)

1st class: Monday - Meeting.

Shrovetide starts on Monday, which is called a meeting. On this day, they celebrate Maslenitsa, build snowy mountains. They made a doll - a scarecrow - Maslenitsa, dressed it up, seated it in a sleigh and carried it up a hill. They greeted her with songs. The first were the children. From that day on, the children rode down the mountains every day.

2-3 class: Tuesday - Play.

Children and adults went from house to house, congratulating on Maslenitsa and begging for pancakes. Everyone went to each other friend to visit, sang songs, joke. On this day, games and fun began, girls swings, horse rides were arranged, snow and ice fortresses were built, buffoons sang their ditties.

4th grade: Wednesday - Gourmet.

Adults began to ride from the mountains. From that day on, they rode around the village in a troika with bells. Relatives visited each other with families, went to visit with children, feasted on pancakes and other Shrovetide dishes. On this day, sons-in-law - dads - come for pancakes to mother-in-law - mother's mothers, our grandmothers.

Grade 5: Thursday - wide, Razgulyay-Quartet.

This day was the most entertainment, the most fun day, we walked from morning to evening. They arranged horse races, fist fights and wrestling. They built a snowy town and took it in battle. We rode horses around the village. The costumed people amused the people. Everyone ate pancakes. They drove a scarecrow on a wheel, sang ditties, danced, danced in circles. On this day, they began to carol.

Grade 6-7:Friday - Mother-in-law's evening.

On mother-in-law's evenings, sons-in-law (our dads) treated their mother-in-law (our grandmothers) to pancakes. And the girls at noon carried pancakes in a bowl on their heads and went to the hill. The guy who liked the girl was in a hurry to taste the pancake in order to find out if a kind mistress would come out of her.

Grade 8-9:Saturday - Sisters-in-law's gatherings.

On this day, the newlyweds invited their relatives to visit and treated them with a meal. There were conversations about life, put up, if before that they were in a quarrel. They also remembered deceased relatives, spoke good and kind the words. The daughter-in-law gives gifts to her sister-in-law (her husband's sisters). On this day, an effigy of Maslenitsa is burned and finally said goodbye to winter. Ashes are scattered across the field so that there is a good harvest.

Grade 10:Sunday is a forgiven day or farewell.

It was the farewell to Maslenitsa. In the field or on the ice slides, fires were made to melt the ice, to destroy the cold, and a doll with songs was burned. The ashes were thrown across the field in order to gather a rich harvest for the next year. On a forgiven Sunday, they went to each other to make peace and asked for forgiveness if they offended before. They said: "Forgive me, please." “God will forgive you,” they answered. Then they kissed and did not remember the insults. But even if there were no quarrels and insults, they still said: "Forgive me." Even when they met a stranger, they asked him for forgiveness. So Maslenitsa ended.

Buffoon 2:

“Welcome to our holiday,

We have many different undertakings!

We will listen to songs, ditties,

We'll eat pancakes with sour cream,

Let's dance a merry dance

Let's go for a ride on a sled

And there will also be competitions here,

Various funny tasks.

Winners and those around you

They will receive prizes and awards today. "

Buffoon 1

“And now it's time to get acquainted with the rules of the game. We have 7 stations at each station. You need to travel along the route sheet and complete tasks. Answers are accepted if spoken in chorus and loud. I ask the team captains to get route sheets "

(The teams receive route sheets and go to stations.)

Description of stations:

I. Monday - "Meeting"

Buffoon 2:

“The first station is called Meeting.

Here we will hear interesting speeches.

There is no fun without ditties

Get-togethers without girlfriends

There is no dance without an accordion,

There is no fairy tale without a fairy tale.

Buffoon 1

Tell stories

In a monologue or in faces

Imagine, friends,

You can't be sad on Shrovetide! "

(Criteria for evaluating the work of the team: 1 point for each non-fiction.

II. Tuesday - "Zaygrysh"

(This station is on the street; both teams arrive at this station at the same time).

Buffoon 2:

"Everyone to" flirt "with us:

We offer games for you!

Well, which one of you is stronger?

More agile, smarter!

Show me your prowess

Before the girls, sir! "

Buffoon 1:

“We have seven teams

For deeds, praise them, honor

Who will play games with us?

Who will be the winner?

One two three four

We play what we have strength. "

Relay 1 "Hoop": (grades 6/7 and 8/9) (grades 4-5) (grades 1-3)

On command, the first player runs to the hoop, climbs and comes back, passes the baton to the next player.

Relay 2 "Sani":

The team is split in pairs. At the whistle, the first one pulls his partner, dodges obstacles and comes back, passing the baton to the next pair.

Relay 3 "Chains and chains, forged":

Teams line up against each other, holding hands. One team speaks in a recitative: "Chains, chains, forged, forge us." The other team replies: "Which one of us?" The first team says: "Everyone!" The team runs, trying to free the opponent's hands.

Buffoon 2:

“And now I ask for your attention!

New competition!

Who wants - old and young

Tug-of-war? "

Relay 4 "Tug of War".

Criteria for evaluating the work of the team: active participation - 1 point.

III. Wednesday- "Gourmet"

(Both teams come to this station at the same time. Conducted in the office. There are two cast iron on the board. The teams at home had to find recipes about buckwheat. The recipes should be beautifully designed. Teams should "fill" the cast iron with buckwheat. Whoever has a full iron, that team scores the most).

Buffoon 1:

"Station" Lakomka ".

It smells like buckwheat here,

Porridge is being cooked in cauldrons.

Well, let's find out how many recipes

Contained in your heads.

Who is bigger? Who is tastier?

Buckwheat soup and porridge

We're drooling!

Well, where is our spoon? "

The referee explains the rules of the game.

Criteria for evaluating the work of the team: for each recipe - 1 point.

IV. Thursday "Walk a Thursday"

(Held in the school building).

Buffoon 2:

And at our station "Chetvertok wide"

Russians meet you

Funny buffoons.

Here we will hear ditties

Well, and the best - we will write down

Walk - walk, people,

Take Shrovetide into circulation!

Sing ditties, have fun;

Clap louder, smile! "

Participants squat in a circle. Boys and girls take turns in the circle. Everyone else clap their hands.

Criteria for evaluating the work of the team: for each ditty - 1 point.

V. Friday "Mother-in-law of the evening"

Buffoon 1:

"At mother-in-law's evenings

Son-in-law treats mother-in-law

At tables set

All relatives are invited.

Make a riddle

Guess the answer:

Better than a sweet mother-in-law

For a friend's son-in-law ... (no!) "


Table. On the table is a samovar, pancakes, cups. Mother-in-law and son-in-law at the table.

The son-in-law agrees.

Son-in-law: "I will"

Buffoon 2:

"Guys, if the son-in-law cannot find a word in rhyme, we will help the mother-in-law!"

Guys: -Yes!

The son-in-law decided to arrange a ball,

To visit his mother-in-law, he ... (called).

I bought flour, I bought cottage cheese,

I baked crumbly ... (cake).

Mom's son-in-law is waiting for a visit

But something mother-in-law ... (does not go).

He walked at the table for a long time,

Then a piece ... (snapped it off).

Then he pulled up a chair and sat down

And all the pie in a minute ... (ate),

When the mother-in-law came up

That even crumbs ... (did not find).

Buffoon 1:

"Well done boys! And now, in order to "butter up mother-in-law" you have to guess riddles "

Participants must respond in chorus.


1. A lonely fiery eye wanders, wherever it is - it warms with a look. (The sun)

2. No one sees him, but everyone hears him. Without wings it flies, without a tongue - but speaks (echo)

3. An annual slice drives a leaf every day, a year will pass - the whole leaf will fall off. (Calendar)

4. Stronger than the sun, weaker than the wind, no legs, but walking; no eyes, but crying. (Cloud)

5. It's raining, I'm right there, many are waiting for me here, frogs and guys, pigeons and pigs. I look like a mirror and a little bit like a lake, but you didn't want to visit me. (Puddle)

6. They beat Yermilka, who has strength on the back of his head, he does not cry, only hides his leg. (Nail)

7. Zarya - the charger, the red maiden, lets out the trail, spreads the dew. Rides by the side, with a plow, harrow, with spring water. (Spring)

Buffoon 2:

Mother-in-law was "butter up"

We got pancakes from my mother-in-law.

Criteria for evaluating the team's work: activity, ingenuity, for each correctly guessed riddle - 1 point.

Vi. Saturday "Sister-wife's gatherings"

Buffoon 1:

"Sister-in-law get-togethers -

These are not trinkets for you.

Come on, sayings

Remember Shrovetide

Wise proverbs

Remind the guys all

About pancakes and about spring,

About bright festivities,

And about the farewell to winter, cheerful and hot "

Buffoon 2

“Now you are red girls and you, good fellows, show your ingenuity. Proverbs are the color of the people's mind, they are everyday folk wisdom. Proverbs color speech, make it figurative. I begin the proverb - you finish "


1. The hut is not red in the corners, but red ... (with pies);

2. Winter without snow - summer ... (without bread);

3. Who gets up early ... (God gives him);

4. You can't get up to work, your legs are hungry ... (you can stretch it out);

5. The one who boasts is ... (he will fall down from the mountain);

6. For whom that hurts, he ... (he says about that);

7. Bad head ... (does not give rest to the legs);

8. What has fallen from the cart ... (it is lost).

And now you tell me the proverbs and sayings about Shrovetide.

Criteria for evaluating the work of a team: activity, ingenuity, creativity.

Vii. Sunday "Goodbye Day"

(Held on the street. Everyone is around the scarecrow).

Buffoon 1

“On the day of forgiveness - Sunday

Ask everyone for forgiveness.

Maybe who offended you

Maybe you are someone

Deliberately, accidentally

Now it's all the same.

Smile and obey

Hug a close friend

And with those with whom you quarreled,

Make up today! "

Buffoon 2

Let's now ask for forgiveness from the one who is on your right, from the one who is on the left.

(Everyone asks each other for forgiveness).

"God will forgive!

“It's time to say goodbye to Winter,

Meet everyone with Spring.

We will get winter

Burn on a large fire.

But not everyone can go to her,

There are brave ones here who will help! "

(The buffoons run out, set the scarecrow on fire.)

All participants shout:

“Burn, burn clearly,

So that it does not go out

Look at the sky - the birds are flying

The bells are ringing!"

Buffoon 1

“So the butter is over,

Maslenitsa has passed, has passed!

What has brought us!

To bread, to radish,

Up to a steamed turnip,

To the bitter tail

Before Great Lent. "

Dear guys and guests of our holiday, let's go to school to continue the holiday.


All the teams in the school

Buffoons - judges on stage:

1. Seven teams tried so hard.

We just admired them.

And we were sick for everything-

Well done, you really!

2. We give you the sun,

So that you smile

To learn, to be friends

And they competed!

3. So that you are rays - sweets

They ate by all means.

And then spring

Change will come.

4. Spring will ring with streams,

Sing like nightingales.

May our Maslenitsa be ours

Fives will bring more.

(Give all the participants suns).

Buffoon 1:

“We invite you to tea with pancakes.

Come don't hesitate!

Pancakes are good! Enough for everyone!

Help yourself! Help yourself!

And the pancakes are round

Directly in the heat of the heat.

Come on, come on

Closer to the samovar "

Everyone approaches the set table and a tea party is held

Target: to acquaint students with the traditions of the Russian people through the Maslenitsa holiday.


    Educating the spiritual and moral qualities of the student's personality, instilling interest and love for Russian history and folk traditions;

    Formation of a class team, activation of cultural leisure of students, communicative qualities of a person.

    Development of creative abilities of students

Prepared and conducted: primary school teacher and history teacher Reizvikh Natalya Vasilievna, Gymnasium №9 p. Osakarovka, Karaganda region

Registration : drawings on the topic; balls, ribbons by class; record player; Russian folk costumes for three girls and one boy; table with refreshments.

Teacher ... Good day! I am glad to see you at our celebration, which is dedicated to the Maslenitsa meeting. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers also met her. We have kept this tradition and today we celebrate Shrovetide with "wide revelry", fun and Maslenitsa treats.

February and March in Russia are critical months. It seems to be winter as well, but everyone knows that it is moving towards the end. It seems that the sun is still low above the horizon, but everyone knows that the day has begun to grow. And the main difference between winter and spring is sounds. Winter howls like snowstorms, whistles like blizzards, crunches like soft snow. And the sun warms up - streams will flow, drops will ring.

Guys. Birds.

Teacher ... That's right, bird song. It used to be thought that even roosters at the end of winter sang louder and more merrily - they smell it warmly.

At this time, from time immemorial, the most cheerful folk holiday in Russia - Maslenitsa, coincides with the so-called "cheese week".


There is a custom, very old,

Revered by all in Russia:

Winter doesn't want to leave?

Invite Shrovetide!


Shrovetide is going on ice,
Carries pancakes to the frying pan.
Take the young -
Disassemble by pancake!

Teacher: Shrovetide is a special guest. One thing that can attract her is the long-awaited warmth of the sun. Shrovetide is a capricious girl. She loves to be called for a long time, praised and praised and lured with tasty treats.

A week before the holiday, the hostess gave a pancake to a boy of 8-10 years old. He rode on horseback or a poker and shouted.


Goodbye snotty winter!
Come, summer is red!
Sokhu, I'll take the harrow-
And I'll go to plow!

Teacher: They called Shrovetide with chants, songs, games.


Dear guest - Maslenitsa!

We miss you so much.

We know: if you come -

Winter is over.


If Maslenitsa comes to us -

So, wait for happy holidays,

Daring fun from morning to night,

Rakish buffoonery amusements.

Pancake week: Hello, good people!
I came to you for a short while, not for seven years, but for seven days! Eat until hiccups, drink until dandruff, sing until hoarse!
Teacher: Hello and you, dear guest, Shiroka-boyarynya Maslenitsa! What news did you bring, what did you come with?
Pancake week:And I came for a reason, because the sun turns in the spring, the day becomes longer - by the spring things are going!

Children: Like butter week
Pancakes flew from the oven!
Shrovetide - treat
Give everyone the pancakes.

Teacher ... The guys were the first to meet Maslenitsa. With the first glimpse of the dawn they poured out in a crowd to build a "snow town".


My soul, Shrovetide,

Come visit us

To a wide courtyard on a hill,

Ride, roll in pancakes.


We will meet you well

Cheese, butter, roll

And a baked egg!

We boast of you

We ride on the mountains

We overeat pancakes.

Teacher. Maslenitsa has been living for seven days. Shrovetide was celebrated for a whole week. Sleigh rides and the construction of "snow towns" took place on Monday and Tuesday. Then came Wednesday-Gourmet. On this day, pancakes were cooked with the most exquisite and delicious spices.

Pancake week:

Tell me, guys, what flour and dough were used to make pancakes for Shrovetide?
Answer: wheat, oatmeal, buckwheat.

What does the pancake symbolize?
Answer: Eastern Slavs worshiped the sun god Yarila. Obviously, the hot round pancake is exactly the symbol of the sun.

What was it customary to eat pancakes with?
Answer: with red and black caviar, with salted salmon, with butter,

with honey, sour cream, with various jams


And the sweetest thing is Maslenitsa

Treats - delicious pancakes,

Pancakes are delicious, ruddy

With egg, butter, sour cream.


The guys will run with a warm pancake

Ask for more sun.

And they will brag about pancakes -

Buckwheat pancake, oat pancake -

Who has what!

Teacher .

And on Thursday there was the widest revelry. Hence the name of this day - "walk-quarter" or "wide Thursday". On Thursday, they made a stuffed animal of winter and took it in a sleigh.

Maslenitsa games were arranged.

Shrovetide: And now we will play with you, sing, compete.

1 competition "Chastushki - I sing the best"

Spring is knocking to visit us,

Drives winter from the yard.

Under the cheerful ringing of a drop

The sun is dancing in the morning!

Here is the Shrovetide

A bright holiday has come.

He and adults, he and children

Gave a lot of jokes.

Buy me a horse
Black legs.
I will roll girls
On the big path.

Monday is a meeting.

And we are not too lazy to work!

We build slides from snow.

And we play all day.

Sewing a dress from cabbage
I trimmed it with a cucumber.
I got angry, I ate the dress,
What have I done?

Tuesday - the game has arrived.

Have fun with us!

We are for the games, for the fun

They will treat you with pancakes!

The kuma had a sister
The pancakes are baked by a craftswoman.
I baked six of them
Seven can't eat them.
On Wednesday, the mother-in-law fusses,

Bake pancakes, oh, craftswoman!

I gathered everyone at the table

I treated you until the morning!

And Thursday is a succession

Attends for Wednesday.

We ride in a sleigh

On smart horses.

Snow flies from under the hooves

Friday evening.

Mother-in-law goes to pancakes

We will all meet her!

Get-togethers with friends

We'll be on Saturday.

We will treat ourselves to pancakes

Honey, cheese, pies!

Forgiven Sunday

Forgive everyone the insults

And with a light, pure soul

Have fun, sing and dance!

Let him not know trouble in his labors

Our Orthodox people.

May it be fertile

And happy this year!

"Sash". Opponents stand on opposite sides of a line drawn on the ground, tie their hands with a sash (belt, belt). The middle of the sash is weakened, the left hand is behind the back. The task for the participants is to drag the opponent over the line. The loser is the one who stands behind the enemy's line.
"Potato Pig-Iron". At the beginning of the distance there is an empty bowl. At the end of the distance - a pot with potatoes (according to the number of participants in the relay). Using a wooden spoon, transfer the potatoes from the cast iron to the bowl.
"Drawing competition" : Shrovetide chooses the best drawings of the guys

Teacher. Friday was known, and now it is known as "mother-in-law's evening", and Saturday is called "sister-in-law's gatherings." Both of these days are dedicated to the people walking around their relatives.

So Friday and Saturday were served. Shrovetide Sunday has come.

Sunday is the last day of Maslenitsa. It bears the names: "farewell", "farewell", "adversary". A “forgiven day” was approaching - relatives and friends asked for forgiveness and mutually forgave each other.


If Maslenitsa has come to us -

So we survived the winter.

How can we not celebrate a holiday,

How can we not sing and dance!


Open the gate!
March came first.
I spent all the children.
And April will come for him
Open the window and door.
And how may come -
Walk as much as you want!
Pancake week:
My animal friends, who knew me in the spring. Now I'm going to guess riddles about them.
- As black as soot, as white as sour cream, I love to chirr to everyone in the forest, where I was. (Magpie).
- You have seen me more than once, I am jumping two steps away from you. Tweet - tweet. Who is used to this song? (Sparrow).
- Not an artist, but a vocalist, not a rider, but spurs at his feet. (Rooster).
- What kind of spring black bird likes to walk and feed behind the plow? ( Rook) -Lives in the wilderness of the forest, both in summer and in winter, a diligent worker, a forest-nosed carpenter .(Woodpecker) - Behind the trees - bushes flashed a fast flame. Flashed, ran, but no smoke, no fire. (Fox).

- the owner of the forest wakes up in spring, and in winter he sleeps in a snow hut under a blizzard howl. (Bear)
Pancake week: Well done! You have prepared a good meeting for me.
I walked with you, now I sat in the sleigh,
I sang and danced - I was painfully tired.
The fun is over - get down to business,
Direct the pusher to go to the plowed field,
And say goodbye to me, treat yourself to pancakes. (Shrovetide leaves)

Teacher ... After Maslenitsa, Great Lent began, all believers fasted, that is, they abstained in food and entertainment.

But now we are celebrating Maslenitsa, and therefore I ask everyone to the table, let's celebrate this holiday with fun!

Folklore festival in primary school "Veselaya Oiler"

Preliminary work. Before the holiday with parents, it is advisable to prepare a Maslenitsa stuffed animal, a stove (made from cardboard boxes or drawn on paper). Several parents are preparing roles - Leading (Russian folk costume), Emelya (fairy or Russian costume), Tsar and Tsarevna Nesmeyana (fairy costumes), Costumed (Russian folk costume). Parents will bake hot pancakes for the holiday.

The party can be held on the street or in the assembly hall of the school. The burning of an effigy of Maslenitsa must be imitated or the presenter must retell this action, explaining why it was done in Russia.

In the hall, you can organize outdoor games adapted to the room. On the street - games are more difficult, for example, tug of war, sled competition. The place where the holiday will take place should be decorated with garlands of bagels, a samovar, ribbons, balls. In the musical arrangement include audio recordings of Russian folk songs and ditties.

Description of the folklore holiday

Emelya, sitting on the stove, unfolds an ancient scroll and reads it.


Attention attention!

Ordered up to you

Bring a decree to this hour,

Dictated by herself

Our Mother Winter:

“Every year, on this date,

As the pointer says,

Whether it is the city of al selo -

Come out to the party.

By all means, everyone should

Be on the wires of Winter! "

Emelya rejoices - claps her hands, beckons the children and asks:

Emelya: Guys, do you know why we are here?

Guys: We walk Shrovetide!

Emelya: Do you know what kind of holiday this is?

(Guys answer)

Emelya: Did you know

Both adults and toddlers? What about Maslenitsa among the people One hundred proverbs in a round dance:

Shrovetide forgives Winter, ends cold life.

Thirty brothers, a sister, forty grandmothers, a granddaughter, Maslyan's three-mother daughter.

Ride on the mountains, roll in pancakes.

Not life, but Shrovetide.

Shrovetide walks for seven days.

Shrovetide is afraid of bitter radish and steamed turnips (i.e. fasting).

This Shrovetide is coming, damn it and honey.

Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, like spring wheels.

On a forgiven day, like Easter, everyone kisses.

Maslenitsa is Semikov's niece.

Not everything for the cat is Shrovetide, there will be Great Lent.

Damn - not a wedge, the belly will not split.

Let's pay homage to cheese Sunday.

Maslena is not given for a century.

Feast and walk, baba, on Shrovetide, but remember about fasting without butter.

You are welcome to us about Shrovetide with our good, with an honest belly.

Pancake is not Maslenitsa.

Damn belly is not spoilage.

Shrovetide is a waste of money, money is bought.

Leading (teacher):

In buttermilk for a week it was supposed:

There is - until hiccups,

Scream - to dandruff,

Sing - until the hassle,

Dance until you drop!

Oiler only once

He visits us all year round,

Let me have some fun, I will poke,

I will not be stingy - good!

Guys, let's call Shrovetide!


Oiler, oiler -

Quail bones -

Come to our wide yard

Roll in pancakes and ride from the mountains!

(One of the mothers, dressed as a girl, brings in a stuffed carnival and sets it in the center)

Leading: Become, guys, in a round dance - we will meet Shrovetide with a cheerful song!

(Students start a round dance around Shrovetide. Perhaps to the music "Now the winter is coming", modeled by P. Tchaikovsky) Emelya is going to the "hill" and invites the children with her.


Everyone hurry here,

And take brooms -

Not riding, but fun,

That's where there will be a lot of laughs!

(Emelya "rides down the hill" on a bath broom, and the students begin to "ride" with him)

Suddenly there is a loud cry. The Tsar and Nesmeyana run into the center. The king is trying to catch up with Nesmeyanu. Finally, grabbing her sleeve, he tries to calm her down and wipe away her tears. Nesmeyana pushes him away and cries again. The Tsar runs to Emela.


Help me out, friend Emelya,

Get out of trouble

Otherwise it really is

A stream of water will flood us!

Make you laugh, do mercy

I do not laugh, my daughter,

I am for you, dear friend,

At least I will give you my kingdom.


Crying and tears for us is not a problem

Plant your daughter here!

(Points to the stove)


Let the laughter and jokes sound sooner,

Don't waste a minute, my friend!


Well, guys, more fun!

Let's get our friends together

Let's sing and eat sour cream,

We will laugh at Nesmeyanu!


Everyone, everyone, everyone -

Who is not frozen at all

Hurry, hurry!

And if you make the princess laugh,

The king will announce a feast for the whole world!

(Nesmeyana continues to cry quietly, but looks at what is happening with interest)

Possible games:

1. Tug of war.

2. Self-propelled sledges: several sledges, participants lie on their stomachs on the sled, and then push off with their hands and feet. Who will get to the finish line faster?

3. Cockfight.

4. Reeling in the rope.

Rope - 10 meters. Two participants are tied with the ends of one rope, and the middle of the rope is marked. Who quickly winds the string around him?

You can invite the Tsar and Nesmeyana to play the game. During the games, Nesmeyana behaves more and more actively: she cheers up the participants, laughs, and joins in the games herself.

Tsar: My daughter, dear, good fellows are standing in front of you, that they finally made fun of you and shook girlish tears from your eyelashes.

Reward them according to their merit and give gifts to the white ones!

(Nesmeyana distributes sweets and gifts. Emelya invites everyone to the stuffed Shrovetide)

Emelya: What holiday are we celebrating?

Guys: Shrovetide!

Emelya: And which of you can tell a poem about Shrovetide?

Poems, riddles, proverbs, chants, sayings are heard. For example:

To be on a holiday - do not forget about pancakes!

What pancakes the hostess has - such a harvest!

Every day is not Sunday!

(Emelya puts his ear to the stuffed carnival)

Emelya: Maslenitsa whispered to me that she had not heard songs for a long time. Let's make her laugh, we'll sing a song about pancakes to her!

The song "Oh, pancakes, pancakes!"

Like butter week

Pancakes flew from the oven!


You pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You are my pancakes!

We haven't eaten pancakes for a long time,

We wanted pancakes

Chorus: the same.

Put pancakes on the tray

Yes, bring it to the threshold!

Chorus: the same.

(Mummy comes out of the wooden house)

Costumed: Who here wanted to taste my pancakes? (Answer of students) And you ask!

(Guys ask)

Costumed: Well done, guys, you know how to ask!

(Distributes pancakes, tea and sentences)


Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes

Just baked

From the heat, from the heat -

A pair of dimes.

Pancakes, pancakes,


Eat, eat,

Eat, guys!

Emelya: Hey guys! Who wants to warm up and say goodbye to Shrovetide? Everyone, run here quickly, quickly! All students gather around the Maslenitsa effigy. There is an imitation of the burning of a stuffed animal or a story about it by the presenter.

Tsar: Tsarevna Nesmeyana and other heroes are jumping around the scarecrow and singing cries about Maslenitsa.

(You can invite all the mummers to the round dance, but on the condition that they learn the words of the song-verses in advance)

Early, early chickens sang

About spring they announced.

Goodbye Shrovetide!

But we dressed you up

Rogozina, thin.

Goodbye Shrovetide!

We walked you honestly

They were dragged on the logs.

Goodbye Shrovetide!

We'll take you to the forest,

So that the eyes do not see.

Goodbye Shrovetide!

Honest Shrovetide!

It's fun to meet you, greet you,

It's hard-tedious to see off from the yard.

How can we turn you around, turn you around?

Come back, Shrovetide, come back!

Honest Shrovetide!

Come back for at least three days!

You won't be back for three days

Come back to us for a day!

For a day, for a small hour!

Honest Shrovetide!


Go out of the yard

Your time is gone!

We have streams from the mountains,

Play the ravines

Turn out the shafts

Set up a plow!


Our sweetheart has come!

Goodbye, honest Maslena!

If I'm alive, I'll see you.

Wait at least a year, but know-know,

That Maslena will come again.

(Fragments from the spring fairy tale by A.N. Ostrovsky "The Snow Maiden)

Heroes and mummers dance around the Maslenitsa effigy - they pretend to be collecting ashes from a burnt effigy.

All characters:

We bury deep

Hide it far away

And in the summer we will unearth

Not ashes, but bread!

Grant, god of light,

Warm summer.

The Red Sun is ours!

You are not more beautiful in the world.


Summer is grain-growing.

The Red Sun is ours!

You are not more beautiful in the world.

(An excerpt from the spring fairy tale by A.N. Ostrovsky "The Snow Maiden)


We invite all the guys

Dance and play!

Soon the holiday is over

Who is cheerful - well done!

A series of games or contests are being drawn. It is important that the holiday is fun, but does not last long. The main thing is that all students and their parents participate in it, there is a lot of music, dances, competitions, riddles.

Maslenitsa holiday
Funny music sounds, buffoons run out.
4th buffoon:
- Everything! Everything! Everything! On the holidays! We meet Shrovetide, we see off the winter, we call out the spring!
1st buffoon:
- Hurry! Hurry up! Hurry up to take the best places!
2nd buffoon:
“If you don’t take it yourself, your neighbor will get it!”
3rd buffoon:
- Come on without hesitation! You don't need a ticket - show a good mood!
4th buffoon:
- Come, knead the bones! Today Maslenitsa invites you to visit!
1st buffoon:
- Hurry up soon! Hurry up soon! There is no more fun our holiday.
- Hello, dear guests, long-awaited!

Pancake week! Pancake week! Wide carnival!
The guest has taken a meal, said goodbye to the winter,
Drops from the roof, rooks flew in,
Sparrows are chirping, they are clicking spring!
The fun is over - get down to business!

- Our dear Maslenitsa Avdotyushka Izotovna! Dunya is white, Dunya is ruddy! The braid is long, triarshine! Black eyebrows, hovering!

Set up a scarecrow "Maslenitsa"
2nd buffoon:
- Eh, I would have eaten a blink of a inch!

3rd buffoon:
- Look, there is a bag in the corner!
4th buffoon:
- And tell the buffoon, what's in the bag - beans, peas?
1st buffoon:
- I brought in honor of the holiday
Miscellaneous treats:
Gingerbread, candy, bagels
For our good-looking audience.
2nd buffoon:
- There is no better joy for me than sweets.
(bag waddles)
3rd buffoon:
- What a miracle - a gallop and a gallop!
Look, the sack has started!
Hey grab it, grab it
Hurry up the bag!
(Buffoons catch a sack)
4th buffoon:
- Come on, cut open the bag and treat all honest people, you stroke, and we will get a pretzel.
1st buffoon:
- And maybe it will get a blink.
(they untie the bag, and there Baba Yaga, dressed in Maslenitsa
eats the last gingerbread)

Baba Yaga:
- Great, guys! And children too, hello! Bow to you, good people! Greetings from Leshy! Ugh you! From the summer! I met him in the swamp! Ugh you! In flight! When, therefore, I was in a hurry to see you! It's time for me to celebrate duties!
- Wait, something is wrong here! Gay, Pancake! Do you have a passport?
Baba Yaga:
- I have it? I have a passport, I have it. In, look!
(The buffoons read)
2nd buffoon:
- "Appointed by the long-awaited Maslenitsa for 2011"
and there is a seal, look!
3rd buffoon:
- And the signature is tricky at the bottom!
4th buffoon:
- Come on, come on, what's that signature?

Buffoons(together) :
- “Koshey is immortal! (disappointed) Ah-ah.
We cannot accept you Shrovetide!
Baba Yaga:
- How so? I have been preparing all winter, I have not had enough food, I have not had enough sleep ... I have prepared such a menu for you - you will lick your fingers!
The first is sap-sante in cold water. For the second, frog's feet pie. On the third, it means sweet, Yes, to tell the truth, so disgusting: Not that jelly, not that kind of cake, Only they sent me to hell for him!
- We cannot accept you Shrovetide. And you can stay on our holiday.
1st combo.
And among you there are craftswomen who know how to bake pancakes?
2nd skompokh.
Craftswomen - anywhere!
Here's a stove and a frying pan!
Get down to business
Feel free to treat all pancakes.

Game "Bake pancakes". The game is played by 2 people or 2 teams of 4 people.
To play, prepare 2 plywood stoves, 2 pans or 2 tennis rackets, paper pancakes, real pancakes, 2 pots or bowls and 2 plates.
The task of the participants is to quickly "bake" pancakes. To do this, they need to put a "frying pan" with a paper "pancake" in the "oven", then turn it over and put it on a plate on a chair, the distance to which is 4-5 meters.

3rd buffoon.
Well, what a holiday without a Russian fair.
4th buffoon.
Fair sale everywhere!
Here is everything you need - and even unnecessary.
Folk music sounds. Peddlers come out with trays.
1st peddler.
Get trinkets
Homemade toys,
For a smile and a joke
For any joke.
Come and fly -
Whatever you want, choose!
2nd peddler.
Who will guess the puzzle -
He takes all my goods.
Contest of riddles is held... For the correct answer, peddlers give out a prize.
He will dress everyone
And never myself. (Needle and thread).
In one place, two hundred meters. (Clew).
Four fours,
Two spreads
One twirl
And two - like yachons. (Cat).
Enough for the whole world
And crawls through all the cracks. (Light).
A lonely fiery eye wanders
Wherever it happens, it warms with a look. (The sun).

Nobody sees him, but everyone hears him,
It flies without wings, but speaks without a tongue. (Echo).

An annual bush drops a leaf every day.
A year will pass - the whole leaf will disappear. (Calendar).

It's raining, I'm right there
Many are waiting for me here:
Frogs and guys
Pigeons and pigs.
I look like a mirror
And a little bit to the lake.
Well, you didn't want to
To visit me? (Puddle).

Red maiden,
Releases the weed,
Spreads dew.
Rides side
With a plow, a harrow,
With spring water. (Spring).
Traded, traded, even tired.
The peddlers leave to the music.

3rd buffoon.
Now, friends, let's start
The competition is a run together.
Couples cleverly tie legs
And let's start on the road!
The first to come to the line
He will take that gift.

Contest "Running in pairs" is held
4th buffoon.
Oh, it was, it was a long time ago. And to this day it remains. Good fellows gathered in the square to measure their strength and start fistfights, or even watch cockfights.
1st buffoon.
We invite the strongest to compete.

Game "Cockfighting". A circle is drawn on the site, in which 2 participants stand, with your left hand you need to hold your left leg, and with your right shoulder, without using your hands, push the opponent out of the circle.
2nd Buffoon.
It's old fun
Glory awaits the winner!
Who will win in the sack race,
That buffoon will reward.
The game "Bag Run" begins.
1st Buffoon.
Our holiday is moving forward, and the people are not waning!
2nd Buffoon.
One more gift awaits those who play with us.
3rd Buffoon.
We call men, guys, guys to the rope.
4th Buffoon.
10 on the left, 10 on the right, only the muscles are cracking!

Tug of war game.

1st combo.
Oh yes Shrovetide is fun! I made everyone laugh and amused!
2nd skompokh.
In the old days, a high pillar was erected on the square. And upstairs they hung up all sorts of prizes: a rooster in a cage, boots and other expensive goods. Many daredevils tried to climb it. Those who got to the top received a rich prize. And how many onlookers gathered - apparently-invisibly!
3rd skompokh.
Which of you is the most courageous and agile? Come out - show your skill!
Game "Rope"
V playing at there is one person. There is a long rope on the platform, and a prize at the end of the rope. You need to walk the tightrope blindfolded, never stumbling. Whoever reaches the end gets the prize.

4th rump.
Maslena week
I flew to Novosibirsk.
She sat down on a stump,
I ate the old lady
I took another bite -
I scuttled home.
1st combo.
And at Shrove Week
They invite each other to visit,
Everyone is treated, treated.
2nd skompokh.
Here's the challenge: eat food,
And without much difficulty
You only need a little bit
Feed your nesting doll.
Contest "Feed Matryoshka".

The competition is attended by 2 people or 2 teams of 4 people. For the competition, it is necessary to make 2 nesting dolls from hard cardboard or plywood, about 1 meter high, with a bag glued into the opening of the "mouth". On the chairs, which are about 4-5 meters away from the nesting dolls, there are bags of peas and wooden spoons.
Participants need to scoop up peas with a spoon and feed the nesting doll. Whoever copes with this task faster, without spilling the peas, gets the prize.
3rd buffoon.
In the old days they used to say: "Shrovetide -
ooze, money take away. "
4th buffoon.
Try you to continue the sayings.

There are sayings and proverbs about Shrovetide

1st buffoon.
Our holiday walks freely
Everyone is happy with Shrovetide.
2nd buffoon.
Let it playfully and freely
Russian songs sound.
3rd buffoon.
Russia is rich in talents,
Russia is strong with talents.
4th buffoon.
If the guys sing
So she will live!
They sing Russian folk songs 1st rump .
Have you been to the fair?
Have you heard ditties there? Have you not heard?
What a problem ... Guys, come out here.
A ditty competition is held.

Children (singing).

Here comes the Oiler,
The party is cheerful.
Soon, soon will play
Cheerful talyanochka.

Girls, the Oiler is coming.
Who will take us for a ride?
Outside Alyoshka's yard
Sivka disappears.

I rode on the Oiler,
I broke three sledges,
The crow tormented the horse,
But he drove the girls.

Sewing a dress from cabbage
I trimmed it with a cucumber.
I got angry - I ate the dress!
What have I done?

You, Alyosha, you, Alyosha,
Your accordion is good!
Put on your boots
Come for the pies!

I'll harness the black
In a painted sleigh
Who wants to dance
Come out yourself.

Put, mom, samovar,
A cheese maker is coming to me
Young cheese maker,
His name is Volodenka.

I have four shawls
The fifth is downy.
I'm not the only one fighting,
We are all bad here.

Walk, hut, walk, oven,
There is nowhere for a young lady to lie down,
I will dance to the "Lady"
I will beat off the fractions.

Oh, we're pretty drunk
Give a new shift.
Oh, thanks to the accordion player
For a fun game.

2nd skimmer.
Then we have a large supply.
Who are they for?
For you.
Well, where do we start:
Or sing songs, or dance?

3rd Buffoon.
And now there is a dance competition.
4th Buffoon.
Come here, people, the one who dances is forward.
1st Buffoon.
Cheerful dance warmed us many times.
Dance melodies "Lady", "Lezginka", "Yablochko" sound. Those who wish to dance, the best get prizes.

2nd buffoon.
According to an old Russian custom, they saw off the winter - they burned the Shrovetide Winter. Let's get up in a friendly round dance and say goodbye to winter with honor.
Everyone gets up in a round dance around the Maslenitsa effigy and sing.

3rd buffoon

Shrovetide, goodbye!
Come again that year
4th buffoon.
Ride down the hill
Overeat pancakes.
1st buffoon.
We will wait for you
To meet in the yard.
2nd buffoon
We will glorify with songs
Interesting poetry.

Burn, burn clearly
So that it does not go out
To all the blizzards
They flew away at once.
For the birds to sing
The skies were turning blue.
Well, and all the hardships
Cold, bad weather,
Winter frosts
Failures, tears -
Let them burn.
Burn, burn clearly
So as not to go out!

A scarecrow of Maslenitsa is burned.