The movement of the fetus in the late dates. The first movements of the baby: the reasons for joy and anxiety. If within two

Already in the first trimester of pregnancy from the fertilized egg, a full-fledged embryo is developing with the meetings of future handles and legs. At 7-8 weeks, an ultrasound monitor can be seen as it moves. This is due to the active development of the nervous system, which transmits the muscles of the future kid impulses. Such movements are chaotic and too weak so that the woman could feel them.

By a period of 14-15 weeks, the fruit becomes quite large, its limbs acquire the usual human appearance and shape. The movements of the future child becomes more intense. Thanks to the accumulating waters, the baby is fluent in freely, turns over, pushing out from the walls of the uterus. Some women argue that the first movements feel at this time, but doctors consider it unlikely. Most likely, future mothers give the desired for the actual, the kid's movement with the intestinal peristalsis.

It is believed that primary women feel the first movements in the interval between the 18th and 22nd weeks, during re-pregnancy, these deadlines can be for a couple of weeks less

Every day, weak shocks are becoming more distinct, stronger.

Proper definition of the term of birth according to the first movement of the fetus

  • More details

Felt the first movements can be felt in different parts of the abdomen, as the baby is still small enough and can freely roll over in the uterus. As the fetus grows the movement, they become stronger and similar to shocks, and then - on kicks and turning. The more period, the more noticeable the movement of the fetus outside.

If you lie on the back, you can see how the stones are twitching or lifted in some places of pregnant

Often in the region of the uterus, feelings of shudding appear. This is a sign that the baby is playing. Such movements are associated with swallowing the fruit of spindlewater and a reduction in the child's diaphragm.

How to determine in chapels, is everything good with a child

In terms of frequency and nature of the fetal movements, it is possible to determine its condition in the womb. If in the early deadlines for the movement of the child, not every day can be felt, then by 26-28 weeks of pregnancy, he should move at least ten times within two or three hours.

If the baby is for a long time, you can walk along the stairs, and then go to rest state, lie on the back, eat something sweet. In the absence of fetal movements, more than 12 hours in a row should immediately consult a doctor.

The question is when you can feel the first movement of the fetus during the second pregnancy, is actively discussed on the forums and is given to the gynecological obstetrics on planned inspections . For this occasion, there are so many different opinions and speculations that even the most sober pregnant woman begins to be confused, doubt and worry. And this does not benefit neither to her nor her baby.

So, many are confident that at the beginning, it must be fixed much earlier than when. And if this does not happen, it means that something goes wrong: the child does not move, because it is lagging behind in development, etc. Of course, from such thoughts to panic ... In this article we will try to place all points over "I".

The answer to the question about , what how many weeks the second child begins to move, many will surprise. Exactly at the same time, when first. It happens about 8 or 9 weeks from the moment of conception.

The start time of the first movements does not depend on what kind of pregnancy. But the early movements of the crumbs are not felt by the mother. The child is still too small and does not even touch the walls of the uterus. Therefore, it cannot be jolts, and moving really fix only on.

But to feel the movements of the fetus at the second pregnancy begin when the child is already large enough: it periodically compresses his fingers and pulls behind the umbilical cord. And women who have already gave birth, really often fix the shocks for a few weeks earlier. If, with the first pregnancy, the movement of the child is beginning to feel about the middle of the period, then at the second mom, by the end of the fourth month, can feel the baby. The norm in any case, what would be a question of any child, it is considered to be the beginning of the movement in the period from 16 to 24 weeks.

Causes of earlier sensations in second pregnancy

Thus, the length of time between when the fetal movements at the second pregnancy begin and when the mother feels them, it may be less than when having tooling the firstborn. Sometimes the difference is a week, and sometimes a month. This is explained simply: experience!

When the child begins to move, it is very similar to the sensation at the intestinal peristals. First-night women simply take timid shoes kid for signals from the digestive system. Only by the middle of the period of movement of the baby becomes so active that the future mother understands: it is the most.

When a child starts to move at a second pregnancy, a woman who has already survived all this once, it is easier to understand where the peristalistic, and where the shocks. Therefore, she fixes the first movements of the baby often earlier. But it is not necessarily. Sometimes the sensations appear on the same date, and it happens later. After all, in addition to the sequence of pregnancy, there are other factors affecting the ability to feel the shock.

Why sensations are different

The deadlines for fixing the first movements of the fetus during the second pregnancy (as, however, and with anyone in a row) depend on many factors. Not all future mothers, even having experience know about it.

For the occurrence of tangible movements affect:

  1. Weight of mother. What he is more, the later woman can feel the shock. The fat stomach on the stomach does not allow pregnant to be pregnant with a fairly weak activity of the baby.
  2. Weight and fetal growth. The larger the child, the earlier it will begin to make himself felt.
  3. Woman sensitivity threshold. If he is overpriced, the first motels of the fetus for the second pregnancy mother will feel before, and if underestimated, this event will happen closer to the middle of the term.
  4. Number of water. What they are more, the later Kroch will give himself a felt.

In addition to these four main reasons, the toddler, and the lifestyle of his mother, and her play their role. In any case, it should be remembered that the timelines of the child's movements at the second pregnancy do not need to occur earlier than when first.

Yes, it happens often, but not always. If the baby does not make himself felt even in the middle of the period, there is no reason to worry. After all, the norm for the first movements of the fetus in the second pregnancy is considered the period from 16 to 24 weeks.

Muscular activity of the child and the sensation of the mother

It is important for future mothers to know how many weeks must make a new child. It has already been said that the first of his movements begin for another 2 months, but pregnant does not feel them. Low signals are already fixed closer to the middle of the term. They are barely distinguishable and similar to fermentation in the intestine.

From 7 months, the crumb is learning to breathe and swallow the oily water, which causes him with my andot. Mom feels it as strong enough, rhythmic shocks. For this period, the peak of the kid activity is falling. Further movements will not be so frequent, but more tangible.

Methods for counting movements

In order not to miss possible complications, the future mother must constantly monitor the chairs of the child: with a second pregnancy, the first or third is not important. There are several ways to count the movements of crumbs.

Here are the main methods:

  1. Pearson technology. From 9 am to 9 pm, movements are calculated daily and each 10 is fixed on paper. Sharp failures should cause concern.
  2. Cardiff method. For 12 hours at any convenient time, pregnant fixes movements, pointing the gap between each tenth in a special table.
  3. Method of Sadovsky. Start counting is needed at 7 pm, lying on the left side. Within an hour there should be 10 or more movements. If they are smaller and then they are not studied, you should contact your doctor.

All the above methods can be applied, starting from about 28 weeks, when shelling at a second pregnancy is already felt. In earlier time, these ways are ineffective. The movement of the child is still too timid and chaotic.

Child behavior before childbirth

Many pregnant women begin to panic, noticing that under the end of the deadline, the child almost ceased to move. In fact, this is normal and indicates what will begin from day to day. The baby is preparing for the emergence of the world and, having similate, saves strength. In addition, he is already very closely in the uterus. But there is no question of complete silence. Moves though rarely, but must be felt.

And it happens, on the contrary, the kid begins unprecedented motor activity in front of the fights. This is also a version of the norm. . When a child at the second pregnancy began to move very much on the eve, he may be trying to take the most convenient for birthday.

Shelling disappeared sharply: causes and action

Sometimes shelling disappear sharply in earlier time. The duration of silence is very important here. Normally, each series of active movements is replaced by the rest. At this time, the child sleeps. If he did not move after three hours of the plush, you need to melted. If the movements are not felt more than 12 hours - it's time to beat the alarm.

Long lack of movements can be explained by different reasons. And in most cases everything ends well. But it is better to reinforce it again. Because the reason for the disappearance of the jokes can be

The fetal movement is one of the most exciting moments for the entire pregnancy. What do you need to know about it?

This amazing moment comes during pregnancy every woman. At first it is easy to confuse with the intestinal motility or the tension of the muscles of the stomach walls, but with the time of the movements, they are becoming increasingly strong and distinct.

The importance is that the severity and activity of movements are diagnostic criteria for the health of the future child. In the past century, diagnostic tests were created, which using fetal motility allow you to identify hypoxia and fetoplacentage failure.

But how to correctly interpret these results? What factors affect the toddler motorcy in the womb?

The first fetal movements

The nervous system of the embryo begins to form on the 6th week of pregnancy. Already on the 7-8th week, involuntary movements are recorded, but during this period the embryo is still too small (its length is only 15-22 mm), so the woman of these movements does not feel. On the 10-11st week, motor regulation centers are formed in the brain. Then the first arbitrary muscle contractions occur.

After the end of the development of the placenta in the first trimester, the fruit is in "free swimming" in the amniotic fluid, which protects it from infectious, temperature and mechanical factors. It can independently repel from the walls of the uterus, but because of its sizes and a small force, these shocks pregnant woman does not feel.

The turning point comes on the 16-22th week. A future child reaches 18-22 cm sizes, and its mass increases sharply until 150-300 g. It begins to respond to external stimuli (sound, mechanical).

What affects the sense of the first movement

For the first time, the feeling of fetal movements is celebrated in pregnant women at various times. Why is this happening? This affects a number of factors:

  1. Features of the constitution of the body. In women with complete or excessive body weight, this happens more often on the 21-22th week. Fat deposits in the abdominal cavity protrude with a shock absorber of the child's movements. Slept pregnant marks the movement already on the 18th and 18th week.
  2. In the first pregnancy, women feel moving usually later than with subsequent. This is due to the fact that after childbirth, the tone of the front wall of the abdomen and the feeling of movements of the fetus are already familiar to the woman. Therefore, with a second pregnancy, she marks them about two weeks earlier.
  3. The number of fruits. With multiple pregnancy, mom can feel their movements from the 16th week (or even earlier).
  4. Waiting for mother. If pregnant is purposefully waiting for the movements of the baby and constantly listens to himself, then she marks them a little earlier.

How felt movement

The motor activity of the fetus is captured by mechanoreceptors, which are located on the walls of the abdominal cavity and in the internal organs. Therefore, at first her symptoms are nonspecific. Women often describe the movement as a feeling of "fluttering butterfly" or "fish swimming" in the stomach. Also the movement of the child is confused with intestinal motor activity.

From the 22nd week, movement becomes more tangible. It is felt as pressure or "kicks" in various parts of the abdomen, the intensity of which increases over time. In the second trimester, the child can freely change its location in the uterus. When turning, you can notice the change of the external configuration of the abdomen. Sometimes the footprint is clearly visible.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the fruit grows up to 40-50 cm long and occupies a more stable position. His shocks can be painful because it often hurts the bladder, liver or stomach.

Motor activity factors

The fruit, being in the uterus, is able to react to various external and internal stimuli. Its motor activity depends on the following factors:

  1. Times of Day. Many pregnant women note that their child is most active in evening or night hours.
  2. Communication with nutrition. Often, motor activity rises after dinner of the mother, or, on the contrary, when it is hungry.
  3. Voices of familiar people. The experiments confirmed that the fruit already from the second trimester can recognize the voices that he often hears. They can calm it, or, on the contrary, to activate.
  4. Foreign Summas. Sharp sounds stimulate the movement.
  5. Psycho-emotional state of mother. During stress, excitement, fear of fear or Mom's depression, hypo-or hypendine can be occurred.
  6. Uncomfortable Pose Mother and physical exercise. More often, the child moves at rest or when it is uncomfortable.

Chapel rate

The activity of the child in the womb is gradually increasing. At the 20th week, on average, he makes 160-180 movements, and the maximum amount is observed on the 28-30th week - 500-600. In the third trimester, their number is somewhat reduced due to the small number of free space. Naturally, Mom feels only the most powerful shocks of the fetus.

What time is it desirable to start watching the frequency of the child's movements? Experts recommend this from the 28th week. A woman is issued special forms with tables where she writes their observations. Medical staff must necessarily explain pregnant, how to do it right, in what situations should not be panic and when you need to consult a doctor.

What time should it be worried if there are no movements? Almost all patients feel the movement of the fetus until the end of the 22nd week. But if this did not happen, then it is better to turn to your gynecologist.

Movement and cardiotokography

Cardiotocography is a non-invasive ultrasound method for diagnosing heart rate frequency of the fetus. The norm of this indicator is 120-160 shots per minute. Planned in the second and third trimester of pregnancy after a gynecologist inspection.

An important diagnostic value has a motor-cardial reflex, which appears in the fetus since the 28th week. During conventional cardiotockography, simultaneous monitoring of motor activity is carried out. A pregnant is given a remote with a button that she presses when the child's movement. At these points, the frequency of heart abbreviations on the ultrasound for more than 10 seconds increases by 15-30 shots per minute.

If the child has remained calm all the time of the survey, the pregnant is asking for a little walking around the office.

The absence of an engine-cardial reflex indicates the development of fetoplacentage insufficiency, which is accompanied by a violation of blood supply to the fetus.

Table of heveling

In gynecological practice, a chapel table is used, in which the pregnant fit fits their observations for the motor activity of the fetus. There are several types of its varieties:

  1. Pearson table ("Consider up to ten") is used most often. Observation is carried out from 9 am to 21 pm. At the same time, it is necessary to record the time of the 10th movement in the special table (for example, 12:30).
  2. Cardiff method. The woman independently chooses the time to observe (but also 12 hours) and records when the 10th movement occurred, the time of which is written on a special form.
  3. Methodology Sadovsky. Pregnant after dinner falls on the left side (these factors contribute to strengthening motor activity). For four hours, it must experience more than 10 separate jolts.

When using Pearson or Cardiff methods, pregnant can be done daily activities, but without excessive physical exertion.

Alarm symptoms

There are a number of situations when a pregnant woman needs to immediately appeal for medical care:

  • there is no motor activity of a child for more than six hours;
  • fetal's shocks suddenly loosely weakened and began to occur much less often;
  • against the background of hypodynamine, there was a sharp pain in the stomach, blood or purulent separation from sex tract appeared;
  • prematurely watered water or contracted.

If a reduction in the motor activity of the fetus was found during cardiotockography, there is no motor-cardial reflex, the hospitalization is recommended to the department of pathology, where additional research is being conducted (blood tests, doppler, amniocentesis and others) are prescribed, supporting therapy is assigned. Since the goal is to preserve the life of the mother and child, the possibility of premature genera (with the help of cesarean section) is discussed.

When there is no reason for concern

Sometimes fruit can pour amniotic waters, which provokes rhythmic diaphragm reductions (Icoto), which feels Mom. This is an absolutely safe state.

Do not panic if there is no active movement within a few hours. Baby can sleep at this time. Its daily rhythm often does not coincide with the maternal.

If he is too active at night and prevents a woman to relax, it is better to adapt to the rhythm of the child. A few hours of day sleep will allow fully restore forces.

At first pregnancy, the active fetal movement is often noted, which brings pregnant significant discomfort or pain. There is no risk of injury or violation of the functions of the digestive or urinary system. This is not a harbinger of premature birth. Pregnant women advise to choose a comfortable pose (on the side), use loose clothes, pillows and orthopedic mattresses.

Pregnancy is an extraordinary condition for every woman. And if the first trimester is most often memorized with a not very pleasant side due to toxicosis and poor well-being, then the second and third trimester are always excellent memories associated with the chapels of the child. In this article we will tell, from what week of pregnancy you will feel the movements, if we carry a child for the first time or for the second time. In addition, you will learn what motor activity is the norm, and which fetal movements during pregnancy are considered dangerous .

Before moving to a detailed description of the motor activity of the child in the mother's womb, we will stop in detail on embryogenesis, because it will depend on it when moving in pregnancy will begin.

The fact is that the baby begins to move back in the first trimester of pregnancy (at the end of 8 weeks), it is simply so tiny that a woman does not feel any gestures of his child. At this early stage of its development, Kroch moves unconsciously, and from the 16 weeks of his movement provoke external factors, for example, mother's voice. And from that moment on, not a primary woman can already feel the first shoes of their baby. But most often the chapels in the second pregnancy woman will feel for 5 months. Therefore, if you are pregnant for the second time, then the first movements you will feel by 18 weeks.

Several otherwise will feel the girl, pregnant for the first time. For her, waiting for the pushes of the child is a very exciting moment. Most often, the first movements at the first pregnancy, the future mother feels 20 weeks, but this indicator may vary depending on the physique of a pregnant lady. Slept girls can feel the movements at first pregnancy even before the specified period, and full women, on the contrary, later.

What are these movements like? Scientific explanation to them is very difficult. It is possible to describe them only for the feelings that the pregnant woman occurs during the movement of her child. Some compare crumbs with a splashing in the river Fish, others claim that the toddler's gestures look like a butterfly in the stomach. In any case, only at the moment when the child will lead to you for the first time, you fully realize the happiness of motherhood.

Until 26 weeks of pregnancy, the chapels of the child are disordered. It is impossible to determine their meaning, because the kid has not yet formed the rhythm of his life. He sleeps and awake constantly at different times, so even for 30 minutes a pregnant woman can feel up to 60 shoes of his baby.

Starting from 27 weeks of pregnancy, the movements of the fetus already acquire a conscious character. The kid is trying to inform his mother to the mother or show that its emotional state or the situation gives him discomfort. From this point on, the future mother should listen to the crumb all the time. If he is strongly violent or vice versa, sat down and for a long time (within 12 hours) does not submit signs of life, then it is necessary to urgently take measures - to contact your gynecologist who leads your pregnancy. He will send you to an ultrasound or a dopplerometric study that will determine whether your baby suffers from oxygen starvation. If everything is in order, then no violations in the blood flow of umbilical bodies and other vessels in the child will not be detected, and its pulse will be equal to 120-160 shocks per minute.

The character of the charming of the child before childbirth is completely different from the one who pregnant woman feels in the second trimester. The baby in his stomach is already becoming closely, he cannot actively move, so the movements from 38 weeks of pregnancy will be felt more in the place where the fetus limbs are located - either near the ribs, or at the bottom of the abdomen (depends on the preservation of the baby).

What does the child's motor activity indicate?

Immediately the field of how you feel the first movement in the belly of the baby, you can determine what its character will be. Probably, in this regard, many have already heard different beliefs. For example, there is a widespread version that the frequent and brown movement of the baby during pregnancy suggests that the child after birth, on the contrary, will be quiet and calm. If he is calm in the womb, it means that he will be raw after it appears.

However, this is not more than prejudice. The chapels of the child speak absolutely about something:

  1. On the mode of his life in the womb (it can act, for example, at night and in the evening, when mom goes to rest, and then sleep when it is awake).
  2. On the emotional state of the fetus (if mom is calm, the child kicks, and if she has stress, the baby can hide).
  3. About the mother's nutrition (if mom is hungry, the child begins to actively lead himself than allegedly signals that it is time for her to eat).
  4. About discomfort (if the baby is bad, uncomfortable, it will show excessive activity).

Sometimes active movement during pregnancy does not mean anything. Just the baby has the ability to hiss in the womb, this is caused by rhythmic shocks that can last 20 minutes and repeated several times a day. This is an absolutely normal process, indicating that the central nervous system of the baby is normally formed.

Some mommies - "Happy" manage to even see through the belly whether the leg of her child is pushing. This is only possible if the placenta is attached to the rear wall of the uterus.

There are such cases when the kid does not kick for a long time, because he sleeps. To stir up, you can use such tricks:

  • Eat something sweet.
  • Go up and down the stairs for a few minutes.
  • Hold your breath.
  • Pour the tummy with a jet of cold water.

Video "Number of fetal chapels"

In this video, an obstetrician-gynecologist tells about the sensations of pregnant women in the first week of shelling. In addition, the specialist stops in detail on the nature of the child's gestures in the third trimester of pregnancy.

The first sensations of movements (movements) of the child - as a long-awaited greeting for Mom. Like: "I have grown, let's communicate." Each dreams of this greeting to feel as early as possible. The movement of the baby gives us to know not only that he is closely that he has grown and can touch the walls of the uterus. It is now a special language on which he will communicate with mom until the very appearance of the world. That is why the future mom is so important to know and understand what these or other changes in the behavior of her child can say.

Norms of the first sensations of the chain of the child

The embryo moves from 7-8 weeks of pregnancy, when a chaotic reduction in individual muscle fibers occurs during the formation of the nervous system. In 10-12 weeks, the fruit (and from 9 weeks of life is correct exactly that), actively moves in the fetal bubble. But the fruit is so small (in 15-16 weeks of pregnancy your baby weighs only about 100 g), and free space in the uterus still so much that these movements feel it is simply impossible.

Previously, there was such an opinion that if a child began to move, add 20 weeks for another 20 weeks, then you know the period of childbirth. Yes, there is a way to count the date of birth and gynecologists, but it is not informative enough. So it makes no sense to use it. There are more accurate ways to determine when your baby will appear. Therefore, regard the movement of the fetus just as a physiological phenomenon and a kind of indicator of well-being. In fact, feeling him, the future mother calms down and realizes that the baby is alive, develops, and everything is in order with him.

The first chapel of the child is a woman who is first preparing to become a mother, feels a little later than repeatedly. This is happening about the 18-20 week of pregnancy. Women who have previously experienced the joy of maternity can hear such a greeting of their baby on the 16-18 week of pregnancy. But these deadlines are averaged. Everything is individually possible, small deviations from the deadlines called me are possible.

But it is important to understand that small deviations are possible. If a woman under the 24th week of pregnancy did not hear the movement of the fetus, then you shouldn't panic, but you need to have anxiety. She should tell her gynecologist about it. If the doctor finds fit, then will send it to an extraordinary ultrasound. As a rule, if the second screening ultrasound, which is carried out in about 20-22 weeks of pregnancy, did not show deviations from the norm, there is no reasons for concern. All this will explain to you at the reception of your gynecologist.

The peak of the activity of the fetal movements is just for the period from the 24th to the 32nd week of pregnancy. The activity of the growing kid during this period is an integral indicator of normally flowing pregnancy.

Why is everything so individually with the first sensations?

It all depends on the individual sensitivity of the woman ("the height of the painful threshold"). As well as from the Constitution (features of the physique and weight) of the future mother, the weight of the child, the place of attachment placenta, the position of the fetus. Colegar (full, simply speaking) moms, as a rule, feel the movement of their baby later than skinny women.

It is noticed that active, occupied working women can hear the movement of the child a little later. By virtue of their employment, such women listens less than their feelings and are not inclined to an in-depth analysis of minimum changes and sensations. That is, the first cautious movements busy mom may simply not notice.

It may be not only in employment or inattention. With the position of the child, when his legs and handles are directed towards the mother's sacrum, his shocks will be on the rear wall of the uterus. And for the mother they will be less noticeable.

A description of their feelings of the first movement has its own, individual. In some poetic and romantic descriptions: "Butterfly flies." Others are simple and concise: "Something bouffered." For someone, it is comparable from the peristaltic wave of the intestine (our intestine is constantly waving a waveway). More often and confused. For someone it is like a push of fish about the wall of the aquarium. Someone compares the first movements with the touch of a butterfly wings. Someone feels "fluttering", "tick" from the inside.

Perhaps your sensations will not be similar to any of the above, will become new in the description of these touches. Share them in the comments to this article.

At first, the chapels of the child will be rare, not even daily, barely catchy, spilled, without clear localization. As the fetus grows and the reduction of free space in the uterus, the shocks are rapidly and become stronger. For about 20-22 weeks, they become more tangible, clear. Even dad can feel them, applying palm to the belly mom. By the movements of the crumbs by the 26th week of pregnancy, Mom can already understand whether her baby pushes with handles or legs, bending or blending them, or he turned and touched the walls of the uterus barrel and back.

What does the different intensity of the kid movements mean?

By 20 weeks of pregnancy, the number of fetal movements reaches 200 per day, and by 25 week - already 600 movements. Of course, all these movements does not feel a woman. The norm is considered when in 26 weeks of pregnancy, a woman feels 10-15 fetal motels per hour.

By 32 weeks, the intensity of movements decreases to about 400 movements per day. During this period, the growth and weight of the child does not allow it to turn over so freely, to move as before. It is during this period that the baby occupies the final position head down, which is called a head preview. There are exceptions when the child never turned over and remained in position with legs down. This is a pelvic prevention.

With the head of the fetus, the main movements of the fetus mother will feel in the upper part of the abdomen, and with pelvis - at the bottom of the abdomen. Thus, the woman herself can determine in which position is its child in the uterus.

The child also responds to the emotional background and the mood of the mother. If my mother has been releasing, it will also affect the child. Most often, the reaction is manifested by the excitation of the baby. For prolonged hunger, the child also reacts excessive activity. And thereby telling mom that it's time to eat. On the physical load of the mother, as a rule, the kids are reacting with a fading.

The activity of the child also depends on the time of day. The peak of the child's daily activity falls for the period from seven in the evening to four o'clock in the morning. And the smallest activity of the fetus is marked in the morning (from four hours to nine o'clock in the morning).

That is, to sleep mom at night the children begin to interfere before birth. And, in fact, we can say that this is forever. After all, children are forever. And even if the child is born and will not move to the mother's womb, then the mother will not stop worrying for him. And anxiety often does not sleep at night, even when children are already big ...

Also, the kids in the womb are sharply reacting to a long uncomfortable mum's posture. Almost all pregnant women are surprised in the position of the mother lying on the back, the baby begins to push stronger. This is a scientific explanation: in such a position, a very skinned uterus throws back and interferes with full-fledged blood flow of blood vessels that feed the uterus and organs of a small pelvis. The child eventually experiencing a lack of oxygen. Activating, he tries to tell her mother about his inconvenience.

Various intensity of the fetal movements can tell the mother and a gynecologist about many changes in the state of the baby. Movement of the baby should not be painful for the mother. If the child pushes too actively or it gives the pain of the mother, this may indicate the pathological course of pregnancy. It should be applied to the gynecologist.

It is required to clarify that with an acute lack of oxygen (acute hypoxia), the child is activated. The active movements of the child lead to improved blood flow in the placenta vessels. Consequently, a child with a large volume of blood will receive more oxygen. Thus, the child is trying to report an existing problem or cope with it alone. An example is given above, where we are talking about the position of the mother lying on the back.

It is worth noting that in chronic hypoxia, the child, on the contrary, becomes less active. Therefore, a formidable sign is a change of active movements on a sharp fusion (reduction) of them. That's what Mama is worth paying attention to the timely appeal to the doctor and the diagnosis of the pathological course of pregnancy. Such phenomena may be observed with low hemoglobin at the mother.

Also on changing the sensations of the mother can affect the amount of accumulating waters in the fruit bubble. When the fetus moves, they are usually more active, often happen painful for the future mother. With multi-altar, fetal movements are changed to less intense and rare.

And multi-way, and lowland is a pathology of pregnancy and manifests itself mainly by the hypoxy of the fetus. Changes in the nature of the movement of the fetus can be associated with other violations. And the degree of severity of these changes depends on the degree of severity of pathology.

The only thing that is required from pregnant is to carefully observe the chapels of the child and listen to himself to report changes in time. That is why gynecologists are always interested in a pregnant woman, whether she feels the chapels of the child and how often. For them, this information is very important.

How and why the future mother need to control the movements of the baby?

To count the movements of the fetus in the third trimester of pregnancy (from 28 weeks) there are special techniques that, on the recommendation of the gynecologist, the mother conducts independently.

The Pearson technique is the counting of movements for 12 hours (required from 9.00 to 21.00). Preparation This method does not require, but during the woman you need to reduce the physical exertion. In a special form or table, a woman brings data on the start of the test, the time of the first movement and every 10th subsequent movement of the baby.

Normal is considered the result, in which there is less than an hour between the first and tenth moving. It is worth noting that, undoubtedly, periods of activity will be replaced by the periods of the clutter. Since the child can simply sleep 3-4 hours. But if the period of staggering movements lasts more than 6 hours - this is a reason for anxiety and urgent visit to the doctor.

Another type of test on the movement for 12 hours is the Cardiff technique. Unlike the first method described above, a woman can choose any 12-hour period. At the same time, 10 fetal motels are also rated. If a woman noted 10 movements in less than 12 hours, then there is no reason for anxiety. Do not be surprised by these numbers. With such an assessment of the results, the peculiarity of the fetus mode (wakefulness in the evening and night hours, sleep periods in the morning hours) is taken into account), and that the woman chooses any 12-hour period.

The activity of the fetus after meal is increasing. This moment is taken as the basis of the Sadovsky technique. According to this technique, counting the fetal movements is carried out after dinner (from 19.00 to 23.00). After meals, a woman should take a comfortable position (recommended precisely on the left side) and consider the movement of the fetus. Ideal will be the result in which the woman comes up 10 stirring in an hour. The result, when a woman counted 10 fruit movements more than two hours, causes anxiety.

In this case, the gynecologist will definitely prescribe a woman an additional examination (cardiotokography (CTG), ultrasound with dopplerometry). These methods will help finally find out if there is a lack of oxygen in the baby and with which the changes in the activity of the fetus are related.

Many mammies ask a question: "Do we need these grandmother's methods today, when there are such accurate instrumental methods for assessing the state of the fetus?" The advantage of these "grandmother" methods is that they do not require special preparation of pregnant and costs, accessible and understandable to each city or rustic woman do not have side effects and, most importantly, allow you to quickly learn about an existing problem and timely start a full survey. After all, you should not forget that the hypoxia of the fetus leads to a delay in the intrauterine development of the fetus (ZVOR).

During pregnancy, a woman needs to remember that the lives of two people are in mindfulness. And its special responsible attitude towards this stage of life will avoid many health problems in the future.