Symptoms of diseases on black spots on the skin. Such different reasons for the appearance of gray spots on the skin

Brown tint spots that appear on the skin can manifest themselves throughout the body. Some of them are peeling and itching, others are not remarkable by anything, deliver discomfort exclusively on the psychological level. This is especially true of skin sites, an open view of a stranger.

Therapeutic methods applied to pigment spots are selected based on the etiology of their occurrence. If the appearance of pigmentation is provoked by pathologies of various internal organs, it suffices to cure the main disease, and the stains will come in themselves.

If brown spots went through the body due to the influence of external factors, such as the impact of direct sunlight, applying poor-quality decorative cosmetics, then such stains can be tried to dry with medicinal oats or creams.

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Causes of appearance

There are cases when a child is born with a brown tint speck, or it appears on the skin of the kid in the first weeks of life. But such cases are quite rare. Much more often, the spots may arise in more adulthood due to the increased maintenance of the pigment substance - melanin.

Factors contributing to the manifestation of spots on various skin sites:

Varieties of brown spots on the skin

There are several types of spots appearing on the skin. Among them:

These stains have a dark brown shade, localized on the face, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen and on the inner surface of the thigh. They are smooth-to-wear and clearly stand out against the backdrop of healthy skin. The occurrence of them is preceded by a hormonal background failure during pregnancy or due to taking steroid drugs. They may also appear as a result of a long stay under the right rays of the sun.

Represent the rash of small sizes. They have a light shade and appear on those areas of the skin, which more often get the sun rays - face, hands, shoulders, back. They are completely not felt by a person and do not carry any threat to health. Rather, they can be called a cosmetic defect.

These are spots that have brown, protruding over the level of the rest. The form they usually round or elongated. The stain may be one, and maybe many stains to unite into a single large group. Lentgie more often appear in adolescence or in the elderly.

Some moles appear on the skin of the child even with intrauterine development, others may appear after birth throughout the human life. They can have a different structure, to be rough or smooth, on the same level with skin or discover, of various shapes and shades of brown.

They are absolutely safe, and no special actions in relation to them should not be taken.

But there is in dermatology and such types of pigment spots that are much less common, but are dangerous to human health:

Treatment of brown spots

If the spots of brown began to appear on the skin, you should get a consultation of the dermatologist. The doctor will conduct a primary inspection, will determine the etiology of the disease, if necessary, will send to the examination, and then explain in detail how to treat stains if they need treatment.

If their appearance is associated with the impact of external factors, and the spots themselves are not dangerous, then cure them quite easily.

Most often, the method of dermatoscopy is used to determine the type of stains, scales from the changed skin and sowing the smear. If necessary, you can undergo a survey from a gastroenterologist or an endocrinologist.


The most popular recipes of folk remedies:

Effective ointment to fight stains

Medicinal ointments that can help whiten the darkened areas of the skin can be purchased in any pharmaceutical kiosk or in a cosmetic salon. It should be checked to check the shelf life of the drug, since the overdue means may aggravate the situation.

The drugs in the form of ointments should be applied to stains in the afternoon, it should be withstanding them at least 2 hours, after which the tool is removed from the skin with water, and the bleached plot is moisturized with a nutrient cream.

The most effective ointments are considered to be:

  1. Salicyl ointment;
  2. Zinc paste;
  3. Ketoconazole.
  • Salicylic alcohol;
  • Ointment based on tar or sulfur;
  • Benzyl-benzoate emulsion.

You can not engage in self-medication and assign to yourself ointment or creams yourself. Before the start of use, you should consult a dermatologist and carefully read the instructions for contraindications, since many ointments are not recommended for diseases of the liver, the gastrointestinal organs and others.

Procedures used in cosmetic salons

In the case when ointments and folk medicine funds were ineffective in the fight against the pigment sites that appeared on the skin, you can try to get rid of them with the help of cosmetic procedures that are carried out in the salons. Here are the most widely used:

Preventive measures

To prevent the occurrence on the skin of pigment stains, it is enough to adhere to simple rules:

Do not be upset if the skin has become covered with brown spots of a dark or light shade. They can be cured. The main thing in time to consult in the dermatological department and find out the reason for the appearance of pigmentation.

ATTENTION, only today!

Brown spots on the surface of the skin can occur on any part of the body, but most often they appear on the face, chest and neck. The reasons for their appearance can be the most different. In women, this may be a consequence of genital diseases, for example, dysfunction of ovaries, or receiving highly active hormone-based drugs. It provokes an increase in pigmentation, since hormonal changes occur in the body, which contribute to the appearance of so-called chloasm - dark spots with sharply outlined incorrect forms. Such skin changes are also characteristic of a shortage of vitamin C, with problems with the urinary system or diseases of the central nervous system of man, or other failures in the work of the liver or gallbladder.

Often, a person himself provokes the appearance on the body of brown pigment spots. Excessive zeal in terms of cleansing the skin with special cosmetics, for example, scrubies, desire for an ideal tan in the shortest possible time, that is, an increased portion of ultraviolet, cause melanin malfunctions, which causes the increase in pigmentation. Low high-quality means of caring and decorative cosmetics, salon anti-aging procedures made with violation of technology and hereditary predisposition can also become causes of increased skin pigmentation. In addition, such stains appear after the injuries of the epidermis, penetration into its structure of coal or graphite particles, for example, in miners, removal or extrusion of acne.

Prevent the appearance of pigment spots on the skin is easier than to get rid of them. It is necessary to regularly undergo a medical examination, control the hormonal background of the body and use tanning tools in the summer.

When signs of increased skin pigmentation appear, even if this problem does not cause any harm and spots appear in places hidden from prying eyes, you need to see a doctor to a dermatologist or a gastroenterologist. Only a medical specialist can correctly determine what caused a failure in the body and choose those tools that will help get rid of the problem. If the initial inspection fails to identify the "culprit", then blood tests, urine, feces, ultrasound diagnostics of internal organs can be appointed.

The method of getting rid of pigment spots depends not only on the cause of their appearance, but also from their type. Chloasma and freckles disappear after some time after the reason for their appearance is eliminated, for example, bright sun or hormonal malfunctions. Netures and Lentgigs need constant observation and are removed by medical professionals or in a cosmetic salon with special devices. It can be a surgical operation, cryotherapy or laser removal. You can get rid of freckles or chloasm with chemical peeling, professional cosmetic or folk remedies.

The action of folk remedies is directed to the clarification of the skin surface, and not to get rid of pigment spots. Therefore, one can not solve the problem with one masks or rims.

Of the folk agents to combat pigment stains, such as a yeast mask based on the juice of lemon, masks from the pulp of cucumber, radish or sauerkraut, almond-lemon, honey-lemon or cottage cheese. But it is possible to use folk remedies only after the recommendation of the dermatologist and establish the reasons for the appearance of pigment spots.

Dark spots on the skin can be caused by various reasons - from an allergic reaction to chemicals to congenital pathologies. The color of spots can vary from yellow-brown to black. Some skin diseases accompanied by hyperpigmentation are harbing cancer. Particular attention should be paid to the skin of the skin in small children, as this may be accompanied by serious pathologies.

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    Causes of the appearance of dark spots on the skin

    The appearance of dark spots on the skin can be due to many factors:

    • Congenital deviations: birthmarks (nevus), lentiginosis, incontinence of pigment.
    • Hereditary hyperpigmentation: freckles, neurofibromatosis, black acanthosis, pigment Keroderma.
    • Acquired pigmentation: neules, chloat, melasma, lentigo.
    • Hyperpigmentation associated with diseases of internal organs:
      • Independent - Addison's disease, hormonal disorders, bowel and liver disease.
      • Infectious nature - tuberculosis, HIV and others.
    • Infectious skin diseases: Flyless deprived, atrophic Akrodmetrats and others.
    • Insect bites and reactions to chemicals, including drugs. The most severe form of manifestation is Layella syndrome, which may occur at any age when taking drugs. Super all-end flow leads to a fatal outcome. Spots from insect bites can be identified by the presence of a skin puncture in the center.
    • Under mice can arise brown spots from sweat.

    When forming dark spots on the skin and their rapid growth should consult a doctor. This is especially important when this symptom appears in a child, as it may indicate a serious hereditary disease.


    Freckles - hereditaryly due to family hyperpigmentation. Their color varies from light-selected to dark brown, the form is round or oval. People with a bright skin type have the greatest predisposition to the appearance of freckles under the influence of the ultraviolet radiation of the sun. Such people can be located under the right rays without skin protection for no more than 5 minutes. Freckles are formed in open areas of the skin, most often on the face.

    In relation to freckles, preventive measures must be observed - the use of photoceat creams and ointments, especially in spring and summer. In the cold season, they can completely disappear. For leather whitening, cosmetic serums, creams and ointments are used, chemical peeling.


    Chloat refers to the acquired types of hyperpigmentation. The stains of the wrong shape are painted in a dark yellow or brown, they do not protrude above the skin. Most often, they appear aged 20-50 years. Spots are localized in the following sections:

    • cheeks;
    • top lip area;
    • around eyes;
    • on the nose.

    The predisposing factors for the appearance of chloasma are:

    • hormonal failure during pregnancy and lactation, menopause, menstrual cycle;
    • chronic liver diseases;
    • inflammatory processes in female genital organs;
    • use of oral contraceptives.

    Treatment of chloasma depends on the cause of its appearance and is carried out after consultation with the therapist, endocrinologist and gynecologist. The following means apply:

    • vitaminotherapy - ascorbic and nicotinic acid, riboflavin, aevit, folic acid;
    • in the presence of photosensibilization - Plaquenil, delagil, nicotinic acid, calcium pangamate;
    • whitening agents - lemon juice, 2% apple or dining vinegar and cosmetics;
    • chemical therapy, laser therapy, photorebulment.

    Lentigo (Lentiginosis)

    Lentigo happens both hereditary and acquired. The latter form of hyperpigmentation occurs during diseases of the liver and in high age. Intensive solar radiation is the main provocation factor.

    A lot of small pigment specks appear on the skin, the color of which varies from light brown to black. Localization is the following:

    • around the mouth;
    • on the lips;
    • in the oral cavity;
    • the back side of the palms;
    • soles legs;
    • eye conjunctive.

    Skin rashes are often combined with polyps in the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms of polyposis and pigmentation increases with age. Polyps may be reborn in malignant formations, so they are removed surgically. Skin formations are preconditions and can also become malignant.

    Addison disease

    The appearance of the illness of Addison ("bronze" disease) is associated with several pathologies:

    • diseases of the compaction glands;
    • nervous system disorders;
    • changes in the pancreas;
    • tuberculosis.

    In addition to dark skin pigmentation for the disease, the following symptoms are characterized:

    • general weakness;
    • gTS disorders - loss of appetite, dyspepsia, abdominal pain;
    • anemia;
    • disorders of the nervous system - depression, anxiety, tension, tremor.

    It is known that hypopigmentation can occur when the nerve disorders can occur, some people become white in a few hours. Addison's disease also belong to neurosis causing dischromy.


    Moles, or Netures, are benign skin formations. There are a wide variety of their types, both in color and form:

    • Blue Necess has dimensions from a few millimeters, up to 1 cm. Most often appears on the skin in women. Moles color dark blue. In old age can be transformed into melanoma.
    • Nesus Seatton has a view of a brown papule 3-5 mm with a lighter rim. It appears on any parts of the body and can fade spontaneously. Treatment, as in the case of a blue nevus, is made by the method of surgical excision.
    • Necess Becker is revealed mainly in men. First, a small plaque appears with an uneven surface, yellow-brown or brown. It gradually grows and can achieve significant sizes. In the center of the spots, there is a hypertrophic hair growth. This species of moles are localized on the shoulders, back and under the milk glands. There is no specific treatment.
    • Nestus OTO is hereditary pathology, more common among Asian persons. Spotted rashes from gray-brown to black color are located on the skin of the forehead, temples, cheeks, nose, ears and lips, as well as on conjunctiva, cornea and iris. The surface of hyperpigmented skin smooth. There is no specific treatment.
    • Systematized pigment neust - symmetrical yellow-brown spot, flat or slightly elevated above skin level. Its size can range from several millimeters to several centimeters. Spots do not have inflammatory changes. Most often they are located on the torso or on the neck. Nevi may be congenital or appear due to injury.

    It should be borne in mind that the melanomas (cancer) of the skin often arise as a result of a single or multiple nevus injury:

    • bruises;
    • abrasions and cuts;
    • running clothes or shoes.

    The melanoma of the skin is twice as often appears on the site of the innate or acquired moles than on unchanged skin. Benign moles do not bope. If the mole acquired a heterogeneous color, changed its shape to the asymmetrical or on its surface appeared unevenness, inflammation and ulceration, itching, then it is necessary to take advice from the dermatologist. Netures, which are in places subject to friction, as well as on the face, it is recommended to delete. For this use several ways:

    • laser Surgery;
    • diathermocoagulation;
    • cryodestruction (liquid nitrogen removal).

    Found (Multicolored) deprived

    With a deceased lisha skin lesion, Malassezia fungi is superficially, there is no inflammation. The prevalence of the disease reaches 10% of the total population, and 90% are carriers of fungus. Most often, this lesion is observed in adults.

    At the beginning of the disease, stains with clear contours appear, their color varies from yellowish to brown and is determined mainly by the impact of ultraviolet. Especially brightly they stand out in the lateral people. Stains can merge into large areas. A characteristic feature of the rash is a light peeling, which is enhanced by justice. The stains are most often localized in areas rich in saline glands:

    • sip of head;
    • zone near the ears;
    • face;
    • middle chest and back;
    • groin area.

    The accurate diagnosis of the disease is carried out using a microscopic study. Local antimicotic drugs are used for treatment: shampoos, ointments, creams. In the case of frequent repeated recurrences, the doctor prescribes systemic antifungal drugs (ketoconazole, fluconazole and others).

    Atrophic acrodermatitis

    Atrophic acrodermatitis is associated with the manifestations of the disease of the Lyme - infectious disease, in which human skin is affected by Borrelia bacterium after the bite of ixodic ticks. In the initial stage, the affected skin becomes red with a blue, violet, brick or brown tint. Small inflammatory spots are formed on the bending-extensive surface of the limbs, and then apply further, merge into extensive areas. On the shoulders and the legs of the stains are formed in the form of strips. In the atrophy phase, the coloring becomes brown and has uneven intensity in different sections. Skin covers are thinned, become wrinkled and dry.

    For diagnostics, a serological survey of blood tests is carried out. It is also advisable to study the biteing tick for the presence of a causative agent of the disease. The basis of treatment is antibiotic therapy (ceftriaxone, ceftaxim or macrolides). As a prevention when the tick bite is recommended to take doxycycline.

    Tuberculosis and HIV

    The stage of acute HIV infection without secondary diseases is accompanied by various skin manifestations, including the formation of urtically (reminiscent burns from nettle) and roseless (light-pink) spots. In the later stages of the development of the disease, other bacterial, viral and fungal infections are joined, for which dark color rashes are characterized: the Rubrinder, the Bison, Lisha, Sarcoma Caposhi, angiopathy. The last pathology is associated with the damage to blood vessels and is also observed with diabetes mellitus. The most often angiopathy develops in the foot feet, the skin will first be pale, then it acquires the bias and blacks, the trophic ulcers, mocking areas of the skin of a dark color, comes gangrene.

    In the sarcoma, the rash capos begin with pink-red spots, which are transformed into large dark nodes. Nodes can ulcerate, removal of dead tissues. Most often, rash appears on brushes, footsteps, genitals and mucous membranes.

    The elimination of skin rash is possible only in the treatment of the main disease. When the skin tuberculosis, the stains are mainly pink or red color, and with a wart-type, strings are formed with a blue tint.


    Neurofibromatosis (Recklinghausen's disease) is a hereditary disease and most often manifests itself in children aged 12-15 years. First, many pigment spots of oval shape with a smooth surface appear. Their color is yellowish-brown ("coffee with milk"). Spots are located on the body, under the mouse and in groin. With age, the size and coverage area with rasub increase. The second characteristic feature is gradually emerging - neurofibromes - skin hrying-like protruding, reaching several centimeters in size. It feels itching, pain or loss of sensitivity.

    A characteristic feature is the presence of spins, similar to freckles in the armp and groin, because in these places the freckles are not formed. This disease is often accompanied by other problems of nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Neurofibromatosis treatment is to surgically remove the neoplasms.

    Pigment Keroderma

    Pigment Keroderma is a hereditary disease associated with the absence or disadvantage of enzymes responsible for reproducing DNA affected by ultraviolet rays. The disease manifests itself in a child at the earliest age, in spring or summer. The first rash in the form of red spots appears on open areas of the skin. At the site of the inflamed areas there are stains in the form of points similar to moles. Their color fluctuates light brown or brown.

    Rash increase and acquire a dark brown color. Then the papillomas and warts appear, most often on the face and neck. Papillomas are reborn into malignant tumors, which in a short period of time give metastases into internal organs and lead to death. Most patients do not live up to 15 years. In rare cases, the life expectancy of such people is 40-50 years.

    The treatment is carried out by symptomatic - antimalarial means that protect DNA from exposure to ultraviolet, antihistamine preparations, vitaminotherapy, sunscreen creams and ointments.

    Black acantosis

    In the appearance of black acuthesis (papillary-pigment skin dystrophy), the following factors play a role:

    • heredity;
    • endocrine diseases (lack of thyroid hormones, diabetes, increased production of adrenal cortex hormones);
    • obesity;
    • malignant neoplasms.

    The disease is manifested in childhood and is characterized by the appearance of first drowned, and then black spots in the following places:

    • armpits;
    • on bending surfaces;
    • in inguinal and berical folds;
    • on the sides of the neck;
    • around the navel.

    Spots cause itching and feeling the skin of the skin. In adults, the skin becomes sharply pronounced changes - gray-black coloring, degradation, papillomatosis. In complete women, the disease develops against the background of the pathologies of the endocrine system and when the roast climate is affected. In 80% of cases, these rashes appear during cancer, and in the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bpreceded him several years before detection. Treatment is carried out symptomatic, malignant tumors are removed surgically.

    Incontinence of pigment

    The mutant gene of Menoblastose Bloch-Sulzberg (incontinence of pigment) is localized in the X-chromosome, that is, the disease is characteristic of women. In a child, she manifests itself immediately at birth or a few days after it. First, redness and bubble rashes appear on the skin, and after 3-6 months, brownish-yellow stains of the wrong shape are formed ("mud splashes"). By 15-20 years develops black acanthosis. The rash is localized mainly on the hands, legs and side surfaces of the body.

    Effective treatment methods of this disease do not exist. At the initial stage, low doses of corticosteroids are used, external - anti-inflammatory drugs and antiseptics.

Hello, dear readers! The article discusses brown spots on the skin. We are talking about the reasons for the appearance of spots and their possible treatment. Discussing melanoma skin and what to do if you were diagnosed.

The spots on the skin brown occur for reasons, in many ways independent of the person himself. The excess deposition of melanin (melanomy) leads to staining of some parts of the body in a dark color.

The causes of the appearance of the spots on the skin of brown color:

  • genetic features (phenotype);
  • age after 50 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • any hormonal violation;
  • psychological injuries, stress;
  • excessive stay in the sun;
  • reception of individual drugs;
  • allergic reactions;
  • disorder of digestive and endocrine systems;
  • itsenko-Cushing syndrome, when the bark of adrenal glands produces an excessive amount of hormones.

Particular attention should be paid to people whose genus activity is associated with chemicals, frequent staying in the sun and sensitive to ultraviolet rays.

Neus Becker

The main group - adolescents aged 10-15 years, less often a man and women of 25-30 years. It occurs in the zone of the shoulders, chest, back, legs. It looks like a yellow-brown spot of an incorrect shape with increased overexpasses. Pigmentation disorder is associated with a long stay in the sun and autoimmune diseases.

Melanose dyibia

Some experts relate the type of disease as the initial stage of cancer. It is an outflow of irregular shape, size from 2 to 8 cm. Over time, a nodules, erosion can be observed in the dark brown stain. There are freckles, keratosis segments. When typical treatment is possible transformation into skin cancer.

Black acantosis

A rare disease in which black spots are formed in places of large folds (area of \u200b\u200bneck, mammary glands, knee, on elbow bends). The main causes of the occurrence is the violation of the work of the endocrine system when receiving hormonal drugs, sharp diseases of the kidneys and adrenal glands. Black acanthosis can accompany other cancer or congenital.

Coffee stain

In this type, stains arise on brown leather with uniform color and clear contour. Main areas of distribution - face, back, hands. On the surface of the stains sometimes there are darity of a darker shade. They manifest themselves at birth or spontaneously in early childhood. Conducted by this presence of such pathology in the phenotype.


It occurs at any age. These are benign stains of the dark color, smooth. Their size is about 2 cm in diameter. The main locations of the location are face, neck, arms and legs. Among the causes of the occurrence, gene mutations are isolated, frequent injury to the skin, burns and chemical impact, hormonal imbalance, infectious diseases of the internal organs.


Large stains of dark brown color. On the outlines resemble a geographical map, located on the face, back, genitals. In winter, the stains become lighter, with the slightest sunny exposure - darken. In most cases, women are subject to this disease, less often - men.

The main reason is the violation of the hormonal background - dysfunction of ovaries, pregnancy, menopause.

The most harmless type of pigmentation is freckles. They arise as a result of increased light sensitivity, hereditary predisposition. In winter, brown spots on the skin are less noticeable. The photo and names of each type of disease are presented below.

What is melanoma skin

Melanoma is a malignant formation on the skin, which develops from pigment spots. In rare cases, it can be located on the mucous membrane of the eye, nasal sinuses, female outdoor genital organs.

Most often, it does not cause anxiety at the initial stage, in appearance resembles a birthmark. But over the next 12 months, the neoplasm metastasizes into lymph nodes, vessels, then to all organs.

What does melanoma look like? Externally, it resembles a dense nodule, with a convex part., It has a dark brown or black color. Its diameter ranges from 0.5 to 3 cm. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by itching and a bleeding erosion surface.

Read more about melanoma in the following video:

Causes of occurrence

  • the effect of UV rays, long stay in the sun;
  • electromagnetic effect;
  • mechanical damage to the moles;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • multiplicity of moles;
  • age after 50 years;
  • active impact of chemicals on the skin;
  • pregnancy;
  • melanosis dyole
  • violation of the work of the endocrine system;
  • general condition of the immune system.

Note that people of any race, sexuality and age are subject to this submission. Meanoma forms:

  • malignant Lentgie - prevails in the elderly;
  • surface-widespread - observed in middle-aged people;
  • melanoma is nozzle (average age - 54 years).

Brown spots on the skin, photos and titles are presented below.

Symptoms of melanoma skin

If you look at the photo the initial stage of melanoma looks like an ordinary birthmark. That is why it is difficult to diagnose skin cancer at once.

Signs of skin melanoma:

  • fuzzy outlines;
  • symmetric shape;
  • uneven staining;
  • diameter more than 6 mm;
  • change in spot density;
  • bleeding, burning

Women reveal the presence of melanoma in the formations on the chest and legs, in men - on their hands, chest, back.

Such signs of melanoma leather talk about the initial stage of the disease, when treatment is effective in 96%.

In the later stages of the development of melanoma, there is a violation of the integrity of education, active bleeding, the appearance of pigmentation around the nevus.

The malignant form of melanoma is capable of actively and quickly. In this case, the patient has permanent headaches, chronic cough, an increase in lymph nodes, less frequently cramps and a sharp weight loss.

Forecasts of life at melanoma

Life forecasts for melanoma directly depends on its stage. 4 stages are distinguished:

1 Stage

At this stage, the cure occurs in most cases. Spot thickness about 1 mm with signs of integrity disorders, up to 2 mm in the case of a solid surface. Tumor cells do not germinate in the tissue, is in the outer cellular layer. At stage 1, it is difficult to identify the presence of cancer, since melanoma is similar to the spot. The average survival rate for the 5th term is 86-90%

2 Stage

Tilt 2 mm thick with a damaged surface, up to 4 mm - whole. In the second stage, an ulceration is also observed. Melanoma does not yet apply to lymph nodes and vessels that are nearby. The forecast of survival is similar to the forecast of the 1st stage - 86-90%

3 Stage

Tumor thickness more than 4 mm. Pathological processes affect lymph nodes and nearby vessels. The forecast of survival depends on the focus of the lesion: if one node is touched - 50%, with a lesion of several - 20%. It is at this stage that doctors resort to radiation therapy.

4 Stage

There is a multiple metastase in lymphatic nodes, ulcers appear on the surface of the neoplasm. There is a damage to the tissues, vessels, internal organs. After a complete extermination of cancer, tumor cells will still migrate with blood flow in the body, gradually settling survival in this stage about 5%.

Methods of treating melanoma

Any changes to the "Moles" must be subject to intervention:

  • surgical;
  • chemotherapy;
  • immunotherapy;
  • radiation therapy

In the first stage, surgery with healthy tissue seizure. On the second, in addition to excision, the nepography itself is carried out a biopsy of lymphatic nodes. In the event of a bad result, the entire group of lymph nodes of this group is deleted.

In the third stage, all lymph nodes are excised, which are near melanoma. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe defeat, radiation or chemical therapy is carried out. In the fourth stage, they remove the formation that interfere with "function", since the complete cure is impossible.

Chemotherapy is aimed at blocking the cell processes of accelerated division of cancer formations, immunotherapy is based on the reception of immunomodulating drugs that allow you to stop the development of metastasis. The radiation therapy destroys cancer cells by ionizing radiation.

More about one method of treating melanoma you will learn from the following video:

On this our article ends. Tell your friends about us, share links in social networks. Be healthy!

Gray spots on the skin

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People always strive for the ideal and especially for the appearance: the figure should be slim, and the skin is clean and smooth. Any changes on it are perceived ambiguously. Gray spots on the skin look ugly, with the negative, they take them not only by man and others. How to treat them and what they mean, we will consider below.

Pigment stains Gray causes

It is difficult to find a person in modern society who would not like to look attractive. The skin without flaw is the subject of admiration and envy. But, unfortunately, not all are owners. Looking in the mirror you can notice a lot - moles, gray pigment spots on the skin, pimples and so on.

Gray spots on man's skin photo

Form, size and location of the location of stains can be different. Over time, the parameters can be modified. Do not pay attention to such rashes is simply impossible, and it is impossible.

Pigmentation of the skin on the shoulder Or somewhere still quite easily detected. Skin fragment is smooth to the touch, over the surface of the skin is not towering. Only occasionally can felt minor roughness.

Gray spots on the skin of a man

You can qualify such rashes on the body for several types:

  1. Vascular - the color is determined by the coloring blood vessels, the color can vary from pink to gray.
  2. Pigment stains - their color depends on the presence of coloring substance in our body, namely, melanin.
  3. Some stains can be created artificially, that is, when applying a tattoo on the skin or after permanent makeup.

Vascular - when changing the number of melanin, spots will begin to appear on the body. The decrease in its number leads to the development of psoriasis, vitiligo, depriving and so on.

Pigment stains with the deviation of the number of melanin from the norm appear spots of gray or brown. Many have on the body after birth, and some are acquired throughout life. Another reasons for the formation of such spots:

  1. Venereal diseases.
  2. Education appearing against the background of reduced immunity.
  3. Lichen.
  4. Allergy.

What exactly develops you must determine the doctor.

Gray stains as a symptom of the disease

If you notice that the stains of gray appeared on your skin, they cannot be ignored them. They can be a symptom of deprivation or oncology.


People whose immunity is weakened, pathogenic microorganisms can provoke the development of deprivation. Provocative factors for pathogens - stressful situations, genetic predisposition, various pathologies, and so on.

Being the pathogens can be in animals, other people, when contacting them, they will be graduated. The duration of the incubation period is different. As long as the provoking factor appears, the disease will not make itself felt - depression, weakened organism. The appearing spots are localized in different places on the body.

Gray spots on the skin photo

Conduct diagnostics and prescribe treatment, a qualified doctor should. It is not recommended to engage in self-medication.

Oncological diseases

In the first stage of development of cancer asymptomen. But some symptoms at this stage can still be revealed. The main sign is smooth spots on the skin of gray. After finding them on your body, visit the doctor as soon as possible.

To make a diagnosis, it will have to undergo a survey in many specialists - oncologist, therapist, dermatologist. New stains can grow at high speed hitting new sections.

Melanoma can change the color from gray to brown. With timely treatment, you can achieve a good result and protect yourself from complications.

In order for gray spots to unwind your life, their appearance cannot be ignored.