How many hours can fight. Signs of this feature. Breath in the fights

In order for the woman easier to suffer childbirth and fight, it should well understand how this or that stage is happening, and also to behave correctly during childbirth, following the instructions that the midwife or doctor give it. Only if the woman in labor is absolutely calm, and will not be in panic, it can be guaranteed that everything will end completely safely, and most importantly, fast enough. Let's find out how to determine the contractions and how much is the fight?

What is the fight and how they start

The beginning of the birth is marked by involuntary muscle contractions, of which the walls of the uterus consist. These reductions are called the fights that the woman begins to feel. Fights last until the neck of the uterus is completely revealed. At this, the first stage of childbirth ends.

If you have started fights, it is necessary that you exactly record the time of the first fight, how much she lasted and the time of its end. Best, gently record the beginning and end of each contraction on a separate sheet of paper. This is necessary in order for the doctor to correctly determine if your generic activity did not slow down, whether its weakness has come - this is a state when the gaps between the fights begin to increase, and they themselves become shorter. By the way, it will help you and pay attention to the pain.

Fixing fights will help you to break and whether it is really generic contractions, or so far only their forerunners are false contractions. In the latter case, the contractions will be irregular, with different intervals that will increase instead of decreasing.

It often happens that before starting the fights, there is a pouring of the octal water. If this happened, be sure to lock the time when you have moved the water and quickly intend to the hospital. It is necessary to do this in the event that the water did not move completely, but only began to leak. The fact is that it is the air-free waters with a bubble with a bubble to protect the child from infection to him and if from the moment of their expulsion will be held more than 12 hours, then the baby may be infected.

What are such drugs

Similar pains, these are painful sensations of a pulling nature, which sometimes arise before childbirth in the lower back or in the lower area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen. This is not a fight, they do not wear a wave-like nature and do not have a pronounced start and end. If you have launched in pain, try drinking a couple of butt-shop pills and relax, it is possible to sleep. If this did not help, turn to the doctor, since the development of drug pains can lead to weakening in the future fasteners and generic activities in general.

How much is the fight

Earlier it was believed that normal childbirth cannot continue more than a day from the start of the bout. Today this time has decreased significantly, and modern feminines are managed with this important thing in less than 18 hours. If the fight continues at a woman longer, then childbirth is already considered protracted.

Actually, childbirth is divided into three periods and fights that are the first period to them last longer. On average, in the first birth, the duration of the battle is about 10 hours, repeatedly this happens slightly faster - 4-6 hours. During this time, the cervix is \u200b\u200bcompletely revealed, and the child begins to move along the generic channel, usually head forward.

Carefully listen to what the midwife tells you, do not start to sleep ahead of time, even if it seems that the fights last long enough and it's time. If the cervix is \u200b\u200bnot fully open, you can not only break it, but also to inflict your injury yet yet born baby.

It was a pregnancy to the end, and childbirth, no matter how future mothers wanted, are inevitable. But what is the most frightening women in the labor process? Of course, fights during childbirth. The fears are lost all sorts of stories of friends, moms, grandmothers and others, as it was not easy for the battle.

In this case, you can offer only one thing: not to listen to anyone, each person has the body in its own way, and therefore everything happens in different ways. Someone easily tolerate pain, and someone becomes bad from the rose spike. Get rid of fears of the upcoming pain in childbirth will help knowledge of the labor process, how to reduce pain in the battle period and how to breathe at this time.

Childbirth and their periods

It is called a complex physiological process that completes pregnancy. Depending on the period of gestation, childbirth is divided into premature (up to 36 weeks), urgent, that is, on time 38 - 41 weeks and the captured, which occur on the 2nd week. The generic process itself is divided into 3 periods:

  • 1 period is called a period of disclosure of the uterine zoom or a period of bouts;
  • 2 period is the period of expulsion (that is, birth) of the fetus;
  • 3 Period - the last one (in this phase is born after).

The longest period of childbirth acts. It is characterized by the fights and pain that accompanies them. The period of expulsion Many women mistakenly consider childbirth. Although it continues normally 5 - 10 minutes and is accompanied by attempts, which occur against the background of kits and push the fruit of the uterus. The third period - the expulsion (birth) of the lane, is also a short and amount to 5 - 15, a maximum of 30 minutes. It becomes clear that childbirth is not only the process of the birth of the baby, but also the fight, in the end of which the octopling waters and the birth of the last ("child seat" or the placenta) are departed.

Fights: what is it and for what you need

Signs are called involuntary uterine reductions (carried out due to the muscular layer), which occur regularly and are necessary for the expulsion of the fetus from the uterus. The contractions are classified for false and true.

Fights before childbirth or false future mom begins to feel a few weeks before the start of labor. For the first time, similar uterine reductions occur after 24 weeks. They are characterized by a small duration, only a few seconds (less often a minute), irregularity, the intervals between the fights range from 10 - 15 minutes before half an hour and continue no more than two hours. Arriving at the end of the beating period means approximation of childbirth. Such uterine reductions are called training, as they prepare the body of a woman, in particular, the uterus, to the upcoming work in the process of childbirth.

True fights marvel on the beginning of the generic act. They are impossible not to notice and miss how the majority of women fear, especially those who give birth for the first time. First, the beginning of childbirth is preceded by their numerous precursors, the discharge of the mucosa (for 3 to 7 days before delivery) is especially important. Secondly, it is possible to extend the accumulating waters. And thirdly, the fights possess their parameters, knowing about which, even a primary woman is not doubting at the beginning of the generic act.

The fights are needed so that the ude of revealed, the child's head first will go through it, and then the whole kid is entirely. Material Zev is an outdoor and inner zev of the cervical canal. Normally, before the start of childbirth, the uterine zev is closed (closed) or skips the tip of the finger. To facilitate the fetus, the exile from the uterine uterus, the uterine zev is revealed to 10 - 12 cm. Such an opening is called full. In addition, in the course of the first period of delivery, due to the fights, not only the disclosure of the neck is made, but also the movement of the preemptive part of the fetus in the planes of the small pelvis. When the cervix rolls completely, and the child's head passes the bone pelvis ring and turns out to be on the pelvic day (that is, in the vagina), there are swells, which indicates the second period of childbirth. The swelling and the fights belong to the fruitful forces, it becomes clear that childbirth without battle is impossible.

Fights: how to recognize them

As mentioned, it is impossible to skip the fight, even if the woman is preparing to become a mom for the first time. But you should not believe the films where it is very often showing such a situation: a woman in the last period of pregnancy among complete health suddenly begins labor activity, and after a couple of hours it becomes a happy mother. Yes, such situations are not excluded, but this refers to rapid gods, which will last from the primary no more than 4 hours, and with second birth from the moment of the beginning of the uterine abbreviations until the birth of the child passes 2 or less hours.

True contractions (normally) began to be treated, gradually increasing, and the gap between them decreases. How to understand that the fights started if the birth was first? It is necessary to listen to yourself. Feelings can be different. Someone compares the uterine cuts with menstrual pains, and someone has drawing pain or squeezing in the lumbar department, gradually spreading to the abdomen, looking by a woman. True fights, as they write on many sites on the Internet, do not treat harbents of childbirth, but by the beginning of childbirth. To recognize bouts during childbirth, you should know their characteristic:

  • fights are always regular and renewed through certain periods of time;
  • the duration of the uterine abbreviations increases, and the gap between them is shortened;
  • paints (if any) are gradually growing.

Another feeling that the future mother is experiencing during uterine abbreviations is especially if it does not bother the pain - the uterus "Kamenet". It is easy to determine hand. Since the beginning of the fight, the uterus is compressed and becomes solid to the touch, and by the end it gradually relaxes.

How much is the fight? When the birth just started, each uterine reduction lasts 10 - 15 seconds, over time the contractions are lengthened and the completion of the first period reaches 1 - 1.5 minutes (60 to 90 seconds). Breaks between the fights first make up 10 - 15 minutes, then they are all shorter, and in the waiting period, the fight occurs on average after 1.5 - 2 minutes, but per minute after a minute.

Phases of the fighting period

In view of the fact that the neck is revealed unevenly, and the advancement of the fetus on the bone ring occurs at different speeds, the battles are subdivided into three phases:

First (latent phase)

Its beginning coincides with the establishment of regular fights, and it ends with the smoothing of the cervix and its disclosure to 3 - 4 cm. Fights continue from 20 to 45 seconds, it occurs every 15 minutes, the phase itself lasts up to 6 hours. This phase is called "latent" due to painlessness or weak painful sensations and does not require medication anesthesia.

Second (active phase)

As soon as the urek zev revealed 4 cm, the active phase starts. This phase is characterized by native generic activity and a fairly fast disclosure of the cervix. The active phase of 3 - 4 hours continues, the duration of the uterine abbreviations reaches 60 seconds, and the gaps between them continue 2 to 4 minutes. When the opening of the neck is reached, 8 cm and the whole fruit bubble should open it (timely amniotomy).

Third or deceleration phase

It begins with the opening of the neck to 8 cm and ends with full disclosure. If there is a fight in the first birth, then the third phase of 40 minutes - 2 hours. In the case of second genera, the absence of a deceleration phase is possible. The uterine abbreviations last 1 - 1.5 minutes and repeated every minute.

Based on the foregoing, it is easy to calculate how much the fight and childbirth as a whole. So, the duration of the 1st period and childbirth as a whole among the primordin is approximately 10 to 12 hours. With repeated childbirth, this distance decreases to 6 to 8 hours. If the duration of labor exceeds the specified norms, they say the protracted birth.

When it's time to the hospital

If the fights started before childbirth, when to go to the hospital? As it often happens, especially at primible women, they come to the maternity hospital or too early (which is very nervous to the woman in labor), or late. To avoid a situation, we will define whenever it's time to cause ambulance.

It is easy to understand that the fight began, especially in the case of the first birth, just enough. The uterine cuts are distinguished by regularity, that is, repeated every 10 minutes, and then the gap between the fights is slowly, but it starts to shrink to 7, then up to 5 minutes and so on. Since the birth is the first, then when establishing a woman itself regular battles with an interval of 5 - 7 minutes, time to call the ambulance station. If the birth is repeated, the regularity of the bouts, as a rule, is installed almost immediately, and the periods of rest between them decrease quickly. Consequently, the causes of physicians need to be immediately needed to avoid a rush when entering the hospital when the disclosure is complete, and it's time for a birthplace. The risk of so-called road delivery is also increasing (especially in large cities, where the fare is often difficult because of the "traffic jams").

Also, call, and immediately, the ambulance brigade is necessary in cases:

  • the departure of the accumulation waters (often it happens in a dream, the woman wakes up in the wet bed and thinks with horror that he was crying);
  • suspicion of water is suspected (the light fluid is odorless or suspicious liquid selection appeared);
  • there were bloody, with clots or without a discharge of dark or scarlet colors (the placenta detachment is not excluded).

The beginning of childbirth, the appearance of regular battles makes the woman and her relatives to fuss and nervous. Therefore, the bag in the maternity hospital must be assembled in advance, on the previously compiled list, so that in a hurry and bustle, do not forget something important. Prior to the arrival of the future mother, as well as her relatives should calm down and tune in to a favorable outcome of an important event (sometimes the ambulance brigade does not know who to assist the first: the Genuinee is to accompany her into the car or its treasured native).

How to facilitate generic pain

It is impossible to say that the generic pain is so unbearable, which is easier to die than to survive it. I repeat, if you believe the stories of familiar and relatives, they all were so hard and bad at the moments of kits, such was unbearable pain, that they decided to survive her again, burning the second or third child. Smiled? So, it is not so afraid of the hell like his little. Everyone in this life can be survived, and childbirth is a natural process and is laid by nature. As a soothing of future mothers, you want to bring another famous fact: men would not be able to make the pain that a woman experiences during the battle. What does it say about? It only confirms that women are much stronger and rushing men, so women, and not men, nature provided the opportunity to enter and give birth to a child.

Undoubtedly, pain in one degree or another will accompany the contractions, but there is no need for medication anesthesia, and whether it is necessary for your future kid? There are a number of recommendations, observing which pain during battles if they do not disappear, then at least decrease.

How to facilitate pain in childbirth:

Psychophylactic preparation

Such preparation begins with the second half of pregnancy. In class at the "School of Mothers", doctors and midwives illuminate the entire process of childbirth in detail, from A to Z, answer questions and tell how to behave in every period of childbirth, how to breathe and how to help you make it easier to ease them . The main female fears originate in the ignorance of the process, which can be expected and how to behave in one way or another. Good psychoprophylactic preparation will not only eliminate the gap in the knowledge of the generic process, but will definite the future mother for the prosperous outcome of birth, to a happy waiting for a meeting with her child.

"I expel demons"

Under demons, there are in mind the fears of upcoming birth. It is not necessary to experience the upcoming process in the soul again and again and think about pain, how to survive or about possible complications. Otherwise, a vicious circle is formed: the more you will be afraid, the likely the emergence of complications and severe pain in the fights. Remember that all thoughts are material, expressing scientific language, the negative emotions "give the installation" the brain, and he will try to implement this installation. Births should not be waiting with fear, but with joy, because so many long months the woman wore a baby under the heart, how she wants to meet him as soon as possible and meet.

Warm water

If the fights started at home and time allows, it is recommended to take a warm, but hot bath (provided that the oily water was not separated). Warm water will help to relax as much as possible and remove the voltage of the uterine muscle, the fights will become softer, and the cervix will accelerate. If the water has moved away, the warm soul is allowed. In the maternity hospital, in the receipt, the guinea is also sent to the shower, where you can stand under warm jets into your pleasure.

Maximum relaxation

In the event of the beginning of kits at home and long interruptions between them, it is necessary to ensure their comfort and relaxation. You can listen to a pleasant music, see your favorite movie, calmly drink tea (if not to be) and even take a nap. The first period, especially at primible, long enough, so a woman needs to gain strength and energy for childbirth.

Active behavior

Under active behavior in the battle, it is implied walking and accepting convenient poses at the moment of the uterine reduction. Not so long ago, the guinea was prescribed to be in a horizontal position in the first period. To date, it is proved that the movement in a vertical position forces the opening of the cervix (the predatory part presses the neck), and facilitates the contractions. You can swear a pelvis, dance or perform circular movements of the thighs.


The first period of samov is the time for massage. You can make a massage yourself, but it is better to charge this business to her husband (if it is present in childbirth). Light movements during the fight you can stroke the stomach (but only clockwise). Also allowed to massage the loaf and a sacrum, the pressure with fists on the points on the sides of the spine in the lumbar department and pressing the pelvis with thumbs in the places of the front top of the pelvis (they are easy to determine - parts of the pelvis that are most of all in front).

Right Pose

At the time of the fight, the fever takes the most convenient pose for it. It may be a tilt of the body forward with a focus on the wall or back of the bed (as an option - the husband), the legs are bred on the width of the shoulders. You can get up on all fours or squat, it is also convenient to lift one leg, putting it on the chair, leaning on the wall (bed, windowsill). In many hospitals today there are special big balls on which you can jump during the uterine reduction or lie. When choosing and receiving a convenient position, it is important not to forget about the correct breathing.

I breathe correct

Proper breathing not only to reduce pain in the fights, but also ensures the maximum inflow of oxygen to the fetus. It is not recommended to scream during battles. First, when screaming, breathing is delayed, which means that oxygen does not go to the child. Secondly, a lot of energy is consumed on the screams, which will still be needed in the waiting period. And, thirdly, you just scare a child (yes, he believes that since Mom screams, it means not everything is in order).


Helps relieve pain or at least forget about it different distracting moments. You can read poems or sing songs, repeat out loud multiplication table or produce simple arithmetic action.

Trust in the doctor

Another important point that affects the intensity of pain in the first period is a confidence in the doctor. If the doctor does not like you something or you don't believe him instinctively, ask for an obstetrician. But the best option is a preliminary agreement with a doctor who will take childbirth.

Example from practice

I had a young primarime woman. Something I won her trust, and she decided that she had to take her childbirth. And once, in the weekend, early in the morning the doorbell. I open and see this woman who says that she began fighting, and she came after me to pick up in the hospital. She came not alone, of course, with her husband. I asked if a long time ago began and tolerantly? She replied that it was tolerated, the fights for about 4 hours go, the water did not go away. Well, since this case, there was nowhere to hurry, we drank tea, talked and laughed, and slowly went to the hospital (the hospital is seen from the window of my house). When the fever was issued, measured the size of the abdomen and the pelvis (the pelvis, by the way, turned out to be normal), I determined the situation of the fetus and his presence, listened to the heartbeat and invited a woman to the gynecological chair. During the inspection, it turned out that the opening of the uterine zea is complete, the head is on the way to the exit from the small pelvis. About an hour later we gave birth to a healthy duddy boy.

Summing up, I want to note why the woman did not experience pain, but only a slight discomfort during battles:

  1. sufficient sizes of the pelvis and the fetus of the average value;
  2. positive attitude to childbirth and their successful completion;
  3. husband support;
  4. infinite confidence in the doctor.

Proper breathing

Proper breathing during childbirth and fights not only makes it easier for pain, but also helps the feminine to relax as much as possible, provides the body and mother, and fetal oxygen, favors the disclosure of the uterine zois. Unfortunately, many women relate to the need to teach the correct breathing with a fair sharing of Skepticism, not believing in its "miraculous" opportunities, and in vain. How to breathe in the fights and childbirth, they are trained in the "School of Mothers", in terms of 30 - 32 weeks. It is necessary to master the breathing technique so that all movements are performed automatically, this will facilitate the flow of labor in the future.

Technique breathing

How to breathe properly, depends on the strength of the fight and their phases. It is important to follow the rule: the longer and more intense the fight, the most likely breathing. Proper breathing techniques:

I breathe deep and slowly

Such a way of breathing is recommended in the latent phase of the fights when they do not give pain, but only discomfort bring. Inhale briefly and quickly, and breathe slowly and long. You need to inhale through the nose, and pull out my mouth, stretching the lips of the "tube". It is recommended to be considered in the process of breathing: in the breath we consider to 3, in exhalation up to 5.

Method "Candle"

As soon as the fights gained strength and become longer, breathing often and superficially. Inhale the nose, exhale the mouth elongated lips. I breathe so often and not deep, as if we blow up a candle. By the end of the bout can be returned to deep slow breathing. Light dizziness that appears after this breathing technique is due to the hyperventilation of the lungs. Also, frequent surface breathing contributes to the ejection of endorphins ("joy hormones"), which reduce pain.

Method "Big Candle"

By the end of the first period of birth, we turn to the "Big Candle" technique. I breathe with an effort, inhaling like a nose, and exhausted through almost closed lips.

Breathing in the event of early fence

When the neck is not fully revealed, and the head begins to drop, the early swells arise, which are contraindicated and can provoke cervix breaks. In this case, it is recommended to change the position of the body (up or squatting), at the beginning of the fight to extend the "candle" (superficially and often), then briefly breathe and repeat the "candle". Thus breathe until the end of the fight. In the interruptions between uterine abbreviations breathe freely.

Method "Doggy"

I breathe often and superficially, but the mouth is open (inhale and exhaling your mouth).

Breathing in Potuga

At the beginning of the swelling, inhale inhales as deeply and tearing into the crotch, trying to push the child. Avoid to sleep in a person (otherwise the rosures of blood vessels of the retina and headache) will arise. For the fight you need to stay three times. As soon as the head was born, stop being stuck and breathing "doggy". After the team, the sweat is renewed, in the process of which a child is born.

Under the fights after childbirth, women imply the contamination of the late period. After the birth of a child, it is necessary to give birth to the last. When the post was separated from the uterine walls, pain resumed, but not so intense, as in the first period. In this case, special efforts are not required, a slightly stretched and "kindergarten" comes out of the uterus.

The closer the day of childbirth becomes, the more pronant to the future mother in the soul and is terrible from the thought that the contractions will soon begin. In the head of the sea questions and full unknown: what, when and how?

Panaching can not fight on the eve of childbirth
Future mom worker
Symptoms of false support for battles

When the contractions begin, you do not need to panic. First of all, it is necessary to calm down, breathe deeply and figure out, it is a fight before childbirth or they are false. In order to accurately understand what is happening with you, you should remember the signs of kits before childbirth, and after calculating the interval between them, since "false pains" differ from pain in front of childbirth.

Signs of this feature

To begin with, you will get acquainted with the symptoms of kits before childbirth.

  1. For a week or two to childbirth, most women are observed, the so-called "abdominal omission". At the same time, the future mother becomes easier to breathe, the gait is changing, it becomes inconvenient to sit.
  2. One of the main signs of fights before childbirth is the discharge of the mucosa of the plug - this is the discharge that may be abundant or not very, to move at a time or for some period. They resemble the mucus in their consistency, as is clear from the name.
  3. Feelings for generic battles differ from "false" sensations. In the first case, the pain with time will only increase, and in the second - it can remain the same, and then disappear at all.
  4. The frequency of contractions should be measured, that is, the frequency with which they are repeated. Only during generic battles, the frequency will be strictly reduced with time. With a false option, the time between the collapse of the belly can increase, then decrease.
  5. The interval should be calculated, that is, a period of time that lasts the fight itself, the spasm itself. At the very beginning of the fight before childbirth lasts a few seconds, reaching with a time of 1-2 minutes, the false usually do not increase in time.

When fighting can not panic

Below is a small plate that will help to distinguish false contractions from generic.

BattleHow to leakInterval
FalsePulling in the lower area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen, often without pain in the back. Grapping can occur with the same force or becoming weaker, and after completely disappear.There is no clear interval between the fights: it can remain the same, then crushed, and then lengthen again. Grappling itself lasts a different amount of time without extending.
GenericStart with small pains in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt and the bottom of the belly. Over time, pain is growing, they no longer disappears before childbirth, if anesthesia has not been introduced.The interval is clear, gradually decreasing. The fight itself lasts less than a minute, with time this figure is only increasing. At some point, the fight lasts longer than breaks between them.

How to facilitate pain?

Below are simple, but effective ways to help you facilitate the fights on the eve of childbirth.

  1. Do not remain one in terms of moral support. If the husband is not at home, and he cannot come home soon, call mom. If my mother can not, then do not hesitate, call friends, other relatives, even neighbors, if they are good relationships with them. The main thing is that with this person you were comfortable.
  2. Do not stand alone in terms of help. When you determine that the fights started before childbirth, you immediately need to go to the maternity hospital. Here you will need help attribute a package to the car or even just serve a jacket and put on boots.
  3. You need to move more. Do not go to bed, and even more so to sit on the sofa and tolerate, sleep anyway will not succeed. I will have to endure for a long time, so it is better to deal with your affairs in the breaks between the collapse. During the collapse, you need to try to find a convenient position of the body, and in such a posture to experience the subsequent pain.
  4. Ask for someone nearby to massage your back - the waist massage is helping to many.
  5. Breathing is a very long topic for reflection. You can visit courses, watch videos, how the fights look before the start of childbirth, listen to the stories of the girlfriends. Most likely, before childbirth, you remember only how to recognize the contractions, and the rest will be forget. Therefore, just breathe, do not delay your breath and try not to fill on it.
  6. Warm shower or bath will help relax, relax a bit. The main thing is not to miss when water goes away.
  7. Some women helps swaying on phytball.
  8. During the collapse, you do not need to restrain your emotions and shy something. This is your day: I want to cry - cry, scream - shout, 5 times go to the shower - go.

As a rule, doctors advise to come to the maternity hospital when the break between the columns is 10 minutes, and the time of setting is about 1 minute. It concerns primary mothers. If you are worried, you are afraid, then it is better to go right away, since the future mom is absolutely prohibited.

It's time to give birth

Repeatedly ride better before, since they have all the processes proceed faster. If there is forces, then some hygienic procedures are better held at home on their own. As soon as the water has moved, you need to immediately go to the hospital.

Things for the maternity hospital should be collected in advance. It is better to prepare 3 packages: one you take with you in the maternity hospital immediately, the second you will bring relatives or friends after the birth of the baby, and you will need the third only before discharge.

What is a grasp?

Probably, all the future mothers are wondering how the contractions occur, what sensations are the woman before childbirth? We can safely say that absolutely all kinds and contractions are different. Even one woman has the first and second pregnancy will be different, as well as childbirth.

Let's try to describe what a woman is experiencing during battles before childbirth.

  1. Painted pain at the bottom of the abdomen.
  2. Painting pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe waist, spreading sometimes all over your back.
  3. Pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tailbone.
  4. In the break between the collapsions, pain may be absent at all, or be insignificant.
  5. At first, when the interval between the fights reaches 20-30 minutes, a woman can do its affairs, interrupting on the fight, but the pain is quite small. At this stage, you will not need some special pose or breathing.
  6. Each fight becomes a little more painful. After 2-3 hours, the pain is already significant and simply wait for it. You can breathe, sit down or burn, depending on which posture you choose.
  7. At some point, the collapse will turn into at night. During this period, a woman really wants to sleep, but without permission, the doctor cannot be done. It is really difficult to restrain, but you need to try to very much.
  8. Speakers last long. On the one hand, you are facilitating after the fights, since the sensations are less painful and absolutely different, on the other hand, it is really very difficult to restrain the desire.
  9. When the doctor allows you to sleep, know that if everything goes well, then soon everything will end and your baby will be next to you.
  10. The kid's birth rate itself is the shortest in childbirth, it often takes 10-30 minutes, while the battle period can last up to 20 hours.

In anticipation of childbirth

Methods of calling Calling

Sometimes doctors have to specifically cause contractions. Here are some ways that they can take advantage.

  1. Make the injection injection drug, relaxing muscles.
  2. Suggest a butt pill, which also relaxes muscles.
  3. Suggest you physical exertion, if time allows you to: like the stairs, pull up, raising your hands to the sky, or drive through the car on a bumpy road.

Practical every woman passes all this way at least once in life. Birth and fights do not need to be afraid, it is better to prepare for them, and, both morally and physically. Over time, they remember something good and bright, which was only the opposite of the appearance of your crumbs into the world.

Learn, as well as the truth about

The first birth is a long-awaited and very exciting event. The primary woman is more often experiencing the outcome is somewhat stronger than it is reasonable. Her alarms and excitements are explained primarily - because it is not clear that they will have to go through. It can endlessly ask yourself the same questions about behavior, their pain, duration. But there is nothing to worry about anything.

How long can the childbirth can last

It was previously believed that at first birth, this period should be lazy at no more than 24 hours. Now these deadlines are considered a little different. According to doctors, at the birth of the first child, it is quite normal when childbirth continues in a period of up to 18 hours. The average duration of the first birth is 11-12 hours.

It should be borne in mind that factors that will depend on the duration of labor can be quite a lot. Almost never turns out exactly how time it is necessary for the birth of the baby. The age of pregnant women and the state of health of the baby and the mother, and the presence of the health.

The psychological state of pregnant, physiological features, medicines who took a woman, and much more plays an important role.

How to calculate the birth time

Total time can be calculated from the moment the fight will begin, before being born. Ordinary uncomplicated contractions last about 10 hours. The initial stage may be generally invisible for the future mother. The next stage will take about an hour - a child will appear at the end of the world. After that, the third stage comes - its duration is the smallest, hardly more than half an hour. Here, the female has almost no effort. In most cases, the subsequently leaves one of the bages that become much easier after the child's birth.

We can assume that childbirth is completed. In some cases, you will need to perform several more manipulations. For example, during childbirth, the crotch tissues can happen - in this case, the seams are needed. And after the birth, bleeding will open - it will be needed to stop. A woman on the stomach is laying with ice, for some time she will be in Rodar.

When the first births occur within 4-6 hours, they are called rapid. With a smaller period, these are already rapid genera. With a duration of more than 18 hours, childbirth is considered protracted. Doctors in this case may decide to stimulate the process with medicines or solve the issue of conducting cesarean section.

In anticipation of the firstborn, the woman does not always experience positive emotions. Very often the upcoming birth causes. Future mom worries when childbirth will begin whether they will be accompanied by a strong pain, how much will last.

At how much childbirth will continue, many factors affect: the weight, sizes of the pelvis, the age of the mother, heredity. An important point is the order. Normally, in a repeatedly, the entire act lasts 10-12 hours, and the appearance of the firstborn takes even more time - from 15 to 20 hours.

Despite the fact that all women want to give birth as quickly as possible, the duration of labor is less than 4-6 hours is considered unfavorable.

Natural childbirth

Natural childbirth is a process that consists of three main stages: disclosure, expulsion of the fetus, the output of the last. The period of disclosure begins from the moment of establishing effective generic activities. Sometimes childbirth begins with premature oral influence, which is considered an unfavorable factor. The beginning of the second period is the full disclosure of up to 10-12 cm. During this stage, the fighting is noted, the lowering of the presets of the fetus in a small pelvis and the occurrence of the fence. The second stage ends the birth of a child. At the release stage, the placenta and the fetal shells are expelled.

Differences first birth

The first births differ from the following. Subjectively women consider them the most severe and painful. The appearance of the firstborn takes more time mainly due to the longer first stage. The total disclosure of the cervix for the first time takes 13-18 hours, and in the next - 10-11. This is due to the fact that in the first childbirth under the action of kits first, the disclosure of the internal uterine zea occurs, and then the outer. In repeatedly, both process go at the same time.

Many women note that the second time the fights seem less painful. This can be explained by greater adequacy of the cervix, and the psychological readiness of the girlfriend.

The period of exile in the first birth takes 1-2 hours. In the event that the woman has already gave birth, then this stage is somewhat shorter - 0.5-1 hours. As for the third stage, its duration in the first and subsequent birth is not significantly different and ranges from a few minutes to 2 hours.

Why the first birth is longer

For the first time, the generic activity is not installed immediately - the central regulators in the brain and the receptors in the "study" the right interaction during the first primacy. Accordingly, the second time the organism is no longer "learning", but only "recalls" the necessary mechanisms.
The main hormone responsible for generic activity - oxytocin - is produced in the hypothalamus. His role is especially great in the first period of childbirth.

The duration of the first birth is significantly more due to the duration of the disclosure phase. In addition, the expulsion of the fetus takes longer. The passage of the fetus by generic paths in the second stage is slower at the primary, since the tissues are first subjected to strong stretching and have a strong resistance to the movement of the predatory part.

Fights are periodically repeated painful cuts of uterus in childbirth, accompanied by pulling pains at the bottom of the abdomen and / or lower back.

How do the fight begin? At the beginning of the fight weak, lasts a few seconds, and the gap between them is 10-12 minutes. In some cases, the contractions immediately begin every 5 - 6 minutes, but not very strong. Gradually, the contractions become more frequent, strong, long, painful.

Rhythmic cuts in the uterus are felt as a sense of pressure in the abdominal cavity, but special discomfort usually do not contribute; The uterus seems severe, pressure can be felt all over the abdomen. And the importance of this sign is not in the very fact of reduction, but in its rhythm. Pregnant itself can feel certain abbreviations and a few weeks before the child is born, but if regular and long-lasting rhythm is not installed, then they usually do not mean the beginning of childbirth.

At present generic fights Gradually, the intervals between them decrease as long as the cuts in the uterus begin to repeat every three or four minutes. It is noteworthy that in the period between the fights, when the belly is relaxed, the pain is not observed.

The first fights are usually felt in the stomach, but sometimes in the lower back. It seems that the pain rolls like a wave, borrowing in the middle of the back, then, separated, spreads to the hips and is connected in the abdomen. First, they are not very strong (like light pliers), but gradually enhanced, become long (6-10 seconds), there are increasingly becoming regular, i.e. repeated after certain intervals.

U. primary bouts lasting 10 - 12 hours, repeatedly -6-8 hours.

Sometimes fights are rare - In 25 - 30 minutes. These are not generic contractions, but harbingers of childbirth. If they are not very tired you, then you can wait and not go to the maternity hospital. It is possible that everything will stop.

By frequency fights Determine when you need to go to the hospital. Riding a hospital is better when the fight is more often than 1 time in 10 minutes. Another option of the beginning of childbirth is an influence of spindlewater waters or their leakage by small portions. In this case, no longer need to wait for the start of the fight, and it is better to immediately go to the maternity hospital, as the longer an anhydrous interval, the greater the likelihood of a complicated flow of childbirth, the penetration of infection in the uterus and the fetus.

Fruit bubble It can leak very slowly, and it can be broken suddenly and absolutely unexpectedly, and then the water is hung with a strong thread. Sometimes it happens before the rhythmic cuts in the uterus begin, it is more often for repeated childbirth, and not at the first. And although with a break of a fruit bubble, the pain does not feel, but it can scare a woman.

If a water will be departed, then you must certainly notify the doctor or midwife about it. Rhythmic contractions themselves, if they are still missing, can occur only after one to two hours. Sometimes they may not start and within two or three days; But in any case, this is an indicator that childbirth will come relatively soon, so a woman after the departing of the waters be sure to contact a doctor or midwife, even if there are any doubts, and then follow their advice. Doctors will prompt when you need to go to the maternity hospital.

Urgently need to go to the maternity hospital without any consultation, if there are blood discharge from the genital tract. For 24-48 hours before delivery, women appear minor mucosal discharges, often colored blood, which are caused by the output of the mucosa - the contents of the cervical channel. This usually occurs after the start of the uterine abbreviations to expand the cervical channel - thus, the mucosa is supplanted, which retained the channel closed during pregnancy. ATTENTION: When bleeding out of the vagina, the last weeks of pregnancy, it is necessary to go to the maternity hospital - it is serious.

They lead to the fact that the cervix begins to actively open. At the end of the first period, as a rule, the octulation of the octoped waters occurs. It is better to go to the hospital when the fights become more often than 1 time in 5-7 minutes, when they do not weaken, and enhanced, and it becomes clear that it starts childbirth.