Sports in the early stages of pregnancy. Exercise during pregnancy. Pilates for pregnant women

No one doubts the benefits of sports for women. Thanks to regular physical activity, the state of health improves, the figure acquires the desired contours, and efficiency increases.

But during pregnancy, the situation changes dramatically. Very often, a pregnant woman does not know what to do: either immediately abandon any workouts, or continue classes in the same rhythm. Therefore, the expectant mother should have an idea of ​​which exercises are permissible during pregnancy, and which ones are better to refuse.

Moderate exercise helps to reduce manifestations, strengthens the woman's body, normalizes metabolism, but some types of stress can be dangerous to the fetus.

Kinds of sports

Before deciding on the possibility of engaging in this or that type of physical activity, you should find out about the possible contraindications and features of training during pregnancy.

advice While most exercise and sports are safe for a pregnant woman, some are best temporarily forgotten.


The following types of physical activity should be abandoned during pregnancy:

  • horseback riding;
  • skiing and speed skating (associated with a high risk of falls and injury);
  • Weightlifting;
  • rowing;
  • high and long jumps;
  • high-impact aerobics with intense jumps and jumps;
  • cycling;
  • intensive training on strength simulators;
  • any types of martial arts;
  • exercises related to somersaults and torso flips.


If the expectant mother feels well for some time, you can continue to engage in certain sports, while reducing the usual load by 20-30%.
During the first months of pregnancy, the following types of physical activity are allowed:

  • dancing;
  • shaping;
  • aerobics (with the exception of some types of exercises associated with jumping).

additionally Many financial centers have developed special sets of exercises for expectant mothers, but before starting classes, you should consult with your doctor about possible contraindications.

Finally, some types of physical activity are very beneficial for pregnant women, so they can be done throughout the entire gestation period.

  • Swimming(except ski jumping). While staying in the aquatic environment, the load on the spine is reduced, all muscle groups are gently trained, the well-being of the expectant mother improves.
  • Yoga(with the exception of rather difficult asanas, during which the legs are above the level of the head or the load on the abdominal muscles increases) - promotes mental and physical relaxation of the body.
  • Pilates- develops and strengthens the muscles in the pelvic region, improves the blood supply to the fetus, etc.
  • Fitball(exercises performed on a special large ball) - helps to reduce, improves well-being, reduces.

In addition, it is advisable to pay attention to special therapeutic exercises for expectant mothers - it can be performed under the guidance of an instructor in the classroom in special groups for pregnant women.

Early pregnancy sports

During the first months of pregnancy, when playing sports, you should pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • you need to do it regularly (the best option is three times a week);
  • classes should be started a few hours after eating;
  • overheating of the body should not be allowed, since the future baby does not yet have its own thermoregulation system;
  • it is recommended to perform breathing exercises that contribute to the saturation of the body with oxygen;
  • during the first trimester, cardio loads are contraindicated, since during this period the load on the heart of the pregnant woman is already increased;
  • if there is pain or discomfort in the abdomen, it is better to refuse to do physical exercises.

additionally If there are contraindications to sports, you should not be upset. Sports during pregnancy can be replaced by regular walks in the fresh air, which will keep the body active at a sufficient level.


Before starting exercise, be sure to consult with your doctor. Of course, with the threat of miscarriage or premature birth, any load will be prohibited, but in conditions such as high blood pressure, arrhythmia, endocrine disorders, the doctor can allow classes, subject to strict control over the state of the body and the woman's well-being.

It is completely incomprehensible where the myth came from that pregnancy and sports are two different and absolutely incompatible things! But regular training will not only contribute to rapid weight loss after childbirth, but also give strength and health not only to you, but also to the baby growing inside you. Still wondering if you can exercise during pregnancy? Let's try to figure it out together.

Many girls, having learned about their "interesting" situation, start a new life, but not always of a better quality than before. They take care of themselves, try not to get nervous, climb up on the sofa with their feet and don't get off from there, no matter what happens. And if the first two points are true, then the third one is important to observe only for those women whose pregnancy is extremely difficult and the life of the unborn baby literally hangs in the balance. But this happens extremely rarely in practice, and in all other cases it is extremely irresponsible to protect yourself from physical exertion, not only to yourself, but also to your unborn baby.

Why do you need sports during pregnancy? It is important to understand that with the constant growth of the abdomen and the gradual increase in weight, the expectant mother's load on the entire body increases, especially on the legs. The center of gravity is shifting every day, coordination is getting worse. And only regular sports activities will help the expectant mother to cope with the increasing loads with ease, she will love her new body and learn to manage it with ease.

Constant training will not allow the muscles to relax, keep them in good shape, which will facilitate the process of recovery of the body and return to its previous form after childbirth.

Sports activities also affect such muscles that are most directly related to the process of labor. Their training will help to avoid gaps at the most crucial moment, and, again, to recover faster after the baby is born. And he, by the way, also participates in your training. Especially if they provide for meditation or breathing exercises, for example. Let's talk more specifically.

What sports to do during pregnancy

So, during pregnancy, sport is not just desirable, it is sometimes simply necessary! But first, let's define what exactly the concept of "Sports during pregnancy" means. This is not horseback riding, skydiving, or martial arts. There are thousands more similar "Not" - we will assume that you have grasped the essence.

What kind of sport is possible during pregnancy?

  1. Gymnastics for pregnant women.
  2. Swimming.
  3. Water aerobics.

It should be understood that any of these areas in sports can be practiced if, and only if, the doctor permits you.

Each pregnancy is as individual as each expectant mother is. Someone always went in for sports, but someone came up with this bright thought already being in a position. Someone has not encountered toxicosis, but someone is forced to take sick leave and be on bed rest. Your doctor will weigh these and many other factors so that you can responsibly approach the issue of exercising during pregnancy.

Sports during pregnancy. Gymnastics for pregnant women

These are special group sessions that combine strength training, yoga and Pilates elements, tailored for pregnant women. Strength exercises affect many muscles that need to be kept in good shape, even the abdominal press indirectly works. Each term has its own gymnastics, its own exercises. They can be performed with or without additional equipment. Usually they use fitballs, sports mats, light weights, resistance bands and other equipment.

Adapted elements from yoga and Pilates are also exercises mainly with equipment, but they already work on breathing, many exercises are done in statics. After them, you will feel how easier it is to breathe, that the back pain that torments many expectant mothers has disappeared, especially in the later stages.

Among other things, at gymnastics for pregnant women, they often meditate, imagining their tiny baby in their tummy. This greatly strengthens the already unbreakable bond between the mother and her child.

Kegel exercises are necessary to train the muscles of the pelvic floor, because it is they who are directly involved in childbirth. Regular exercise will make them more elastic, which will help avoid tears that occasionally occur in some women in labor. And after childbirth, the muscles will quickly take up their previous position and will delight the spouse with their mobility!

Now you have an idea of ​​what gymnastics for pregnant women is. But where can she do it, how and with whom? In our time, problems with this should not arise. The best option is to buy a membership to a good fitness center. There are many offers today, the main thing when choosing is to choose a really proven complex with qualified trainers. After all, poor-quality, improper exercise and a healthy person can create a number of serious problems, what can we say about a pregnant woman?

If you can afford to set aside the extra money and time for additional personal training with an instructor, that would be great! A personal approach, when all the attention of a professional is directed only to you, is truly worth a lot.

There is always a more affordable option. Just go online and search for pregnancy exercises there. But free cheese is only in a mousetrap. Are you sure you have found a quality guide? And even if so, can you repeat everything accurately? It is still dangerous to save on health. In any case, if you have already chosen this option, do it only when there is someone at home.

There is also a variant of gymnastics. Many pregnant women attend courses for expectant mothers, where, in addition to theory, they are directly involved in practice in the company of like-minded women. Each organization has its own courses, program and exercises. But you should definitely be shown some breathing techniques that will help you cope with heavy contractions. There are also some exercises, for example, on the same fitball, which will also help you in childbirth. It used to be that women were forced to lie down in maternity hospitals, but today do anything to make it easier for you - crawl, dance, walk ...

Sports during pregnancy - swimming

If you have chosen the option of a fitness center, then pay attention to the presence of a pool in it. You will feel especially its charms at a later date, when the belly is very large, the gait will become duck, and the back will make itself felt. In the water we become lighter, this is no secret to anyone.

In addition, it is important to swim in the pool, not just plying from side to side, but professionally diving, swimming part of the way under water. If you've never swam like this, be sure to get an instructor first. To train the lungs, it is even enough to dive in place, exhaling and blowing bubbles. This is necessary not only for you, but also for the future baby. When you hold your breath, oxygen stops flowing to it. The same will happen to him in childbirth. It is not difficult to conclude that regular swimming sessions are an excellent preparation for the baby's birth. So he will be less afraid and will help you more.

Sports during pregnancy - aquaarobics

This element is in principle optional, but highly desirable. Some fitness centers offer water gymnastics for pregnant women. Great if diving. If not, it is advisable to swim after it on your own. It aims to strengthen the core muscles, but in a lighter form - all efforts are aimed at overcoming water resistance.

Early pregnancy sports

Quite often, in the early stages, any, even minimal physical activity is prohibited. Indeed, in the first trimester, the laying of all vital organs and systems of the baby is carried out. Just imagine, in 12 weeks a real man is formed from a tiny cage, reaching a length of up to 9 cm, whose heart beats and who is already tumbling and jerking with arms and legs! The kid does a great job on his development in the first 12 weeks, then he only grows and improves.

This does not mean that sports in the first trimester of pregnancy are strictly prohibited! Let us remind you once again that each pregnant woman is individual, the doctor may well give the go-ahead if you have good tests and an irresistible desire to start as soon as possible. You just have to approach responsibly, do not rush into the pool with your head, forget about lifting weights for the next 9 months! The coach will need to be sure to inform you about your period and how your pregnancy is progressing. Sometimes the doctor may prohibit the performance of certain exercises, write down everything for yourself to the last letter. And if you decide to do it yourself and at home, let's at least not in the first trimester.

Sports during pregnancy. What else can the expectant mother do?

If there is no opportunity or desire to play sports during pregnancy, it is still not worth sitting on the couch without getting out. Again, unless you are prescribed bed rest. Now you need to walk, walk and walk again. Fresh air is an excellent prevention of all kinds of diseases, during pregnancy it is more important than ever. It is better not to get sick at all, and if you get sick, then run to the doctor - it is no longer possible to be treated with the usual medicines.

In addition, the baby needs oxygen, and if mom is in the room for too long, he can express his displeasure with sharp jerks. Yes, yes, if the baby is constantly messing around without stopping, no matter how you change the position, it means that he simply does not have enough oxygen. Walk, walk, enjoy life, soak up the positive, gain strength!

Let's sum up

Dear ladies, it is really important to exercise during pregnancy! You want the pregnancy to go well, the birth will remain a pleasant memory for you, and the baby was born healthy and with a ton of excellent immunity! A healthy lifestyle is important for everyone, but especially for expectant mothers!

Video " Pregnancy and sports "

More recently, any expectant mother was prescribed almost complete rest until the very birth. Today, fitness classes during pregnancy are only welcome. Research has proven the tremendous benefits of moderate, well-designed exercise while carrying a baby.

Why Exercise During Pregnancy

Fitness instructors have worked with gynecologists to develop whole exercise courses. All of them, performed during this period, are capable of both improving the overall well-being of the expectant mother, and developing individual muscles to prepare the body for childbirth.

By resorting to fitness - exercises for pregnant women, you can keep your chest, arms, legs in good shape. The main thing is to remember that during 9 months of waiting, fitness is not a means to make your figure perfect, you will need to do it after giving birth. Exercise now is a way to keep your body in good shape and prepare it for childbirth. However, moderate exercise will reduce the likelihood of gaining excess weight.

Requires special attention Press... It is strictly forbidden to download it at any stage of pregnancy. All exercises related to the load on the lower abdomen should be abandoned. A gentle bent chair exercise may be acceptable. This will help support the abs under such colossal loads.

Correctly selected exercises improve blood flow in internal organs, relax the spine. Improving blood metabolism in the mother's body is important for a good oxygen supply to the fetus. Fitness classes will ease back pain caused by pinching.

The fitness that you did during pregnancy will be of great benefit even after the birth of your baby. For example, exercises aimed at strengthening the pelvic muscles are a good prevention of urinary incontinence after childbirth.

Doctors-gynecologists not only say that you can do fitness during pregnancy, they advise you to do yoga and breathing exercises... These two types of fitness prepare a woman for proper breathing during childbirth, stretch the tissues that will participate in this process.

Yoga, in addition to physical activity, teaches you to control yourself and listen to your body. This will be useful during childbirth, when you need to gather, extinguish your fear and courageously endure pain.

Going in for sports is not only preparing yourself, but also training the fetus. The child, being in the womb, feels everything. And, if a woman loves to play sports, it is not a burden for her, if she is tempered, then the child after birth will be much easier to endure adaptation to the world around him and physical exercises.

Also among the benefits of fitness during pregnancy:

  • improving digestion;
  • reducing the risk of constipation;
  • reducing the number of stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth;
  • burst of energy.

Contraindications for fitness

The expression "pregnancy is not a disease" today can be heard more and more often among doctors and pregnant women themselves. Everyone is prescribed walks in the fresh air and positive emotions. Also, no one cancels the sport. But, when a new life is growing under your heart, for which you are responsible, then you should be extremely attentive to the loads. You should also be aware of contraindications that cannot be ignored.

There are absolute and relative contraindications for exercise during pregnancy.

Absolute contraindications exclude any load at all. In some cases, full bed rest is prescribed. These indications include:

  • ruptures of the membranes;
  • the likelihood of premature birth;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • placenta previa;
  • ruptures of the membranes;
  • more than 3 previously performed abortions;
  • a history of miscarriages.

Relative contraindications do not exclude sports. However, in this case, you should be extremely careful and pre-agree with the doctor all the exercises.

Relative indications include:

  • anemia;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • arrhythmia;
  • fluctuations in weight;
  • fetal fading that occurred during previous pregnancies;
  • previously transferred premature birth;
  • bleeding.

Thus, in the absence of the above contraindications, pregnancy and fitness are quite compatible things. However, the development of classes should take place according to the individual characteristics of your body and the nature of the course of pregnancy.

How are fitness classes during pregnancy

Having made a decision to practice, it is worth remembering the rules that will make the classes useful. First of all, we pay attention to the intensity of the classes. Each workout should not end with shortness of breath, everything should be done in moderation.

It is worth remembering about forbidden movements: sudden movements, strong bends of the back, swinging legs, jumping and stretching.

Sport is an activity that does not forgive long pauses. This is especially true for sports during pregnancy. Irregular exercise can become simply useless at best, or negatively affect the course of pregnancy.

The lessons must be approached responsibly. First, monitor your own well-being during and after exercise. Any discomfort is a reason to stop practicing. You should also drink enough fluids to stay hydrated.

Overheating during exercise can adversely affect the fetus and should be avoided. In the summer, for example, do not exercise in the heat, but do it early in the morning or in the evening. And in winter, choose cool rooms for classes. Since the blood flow during pregnancy is much stronger and the body heats up more intensely.

When choosing a program for training, do not forget to tell the trainer if you have played sports before or if you are a beginner. This fact requires different decisions when developing an individual program.

All of your activities should begin with warm-up and warm-up muscles. Before starting, you should pay attention to the pulse. Normally, it should be 12-16 beats in 10 seconds after completing the exercises, this mark rises to 18 beats.

Fitness in the first trimester

The first trimester is the period when all the vital organs of the baby are laid. Sports activities at this stage should be kept to a minimum. Do not think that the stomach has not yet grown, so while you can load yourself in full force. Excessive stress can lead to miscarriage, as it prevents the embryo from attaching to the walls of the uterus.

Early fitness can focus on strengthening the thighs. Also, breathing exercises and strengthening of the pectoral muscles are not contraindicated.

Experts characterize exercises in the first trimester this way - simple but effective.

Fitness in the second trimester

Pregnancy is proceeding normally, the size of the fetus still does not interfere with exercise. After 12 weeks of pregnancy, the exercise can be increased slightly. Now you can pay attention to the pelvic area and the press.

It is advisable to perform all exercises at this stage in a bandage in order to reduce the load on the spine. Also, all exercises that were previously performed on the back are replaced with exercises on the side. The supine position prevents oxygen from reaching the fetus.

Fitness late

It seems to many that the belly is big and sports in the last trimester should be postponed until later. But this is not the case. During this time, special attention can be paid to the arms, chest and hips. Consideration should be given to exercises that are designed to relax your back and reduce stress on the spine.

In this case, exercises on fitball will be useful. In the last trimester, the likelihood of an increase in uterine tone is high. Therefore, at the slightest malaise or an increase in heart rate during the lesson, you should stop it and consult a doctor.

As the due date approaches, women often think about exercises to stimulate labor. Yes, there are such exercises. But they need to be approached carefully and only after consulting a doctor.

Fitness during pregnancy should be a pleasure for you. Swimming, which is allowed in any trimester, can be a useful and enjoyable pastime. A range of exercises have been developed for pregnant women and on the water, among which there will certainly be those that are suitable for you.

Pregnancy is a great time to wait for your baby. But joy can be combined with constant concern for your health and the condition of the child. Women ask questions: is it necessary to change their established way of life, what habits are useful in this state, and what is better to give up? We will talk about whether it is possible to exercise early in pregnancy.

Read in this article

Exercise during pregnancy

The normal course of pregnancy does not require restriction of physical activity. On the contrary, moderate physical activity prepares the body for childbirth and allows you to recover faster after it. Another thing is sports during early pregnancy. Some restrictions are possible here, which we will consider below.

Sports and their combination with pregnancy

Sports activities in early pregnancy are, in principle, not contraindicated. Especially if the woman is a professional athlete, and her body is used to constant physical exertion. Many sports women are interested in questions: is it possible to run in early pregnancy, swim, lift weights? Here are the prohibited loads and unwanted sports:

  • Those in which there are tremors of the body and vibration loads on the abdomen. Most doctors do not recommend jogging during early pregnancy. Equestrian sports, diving, wrestling are contraindicated.
  • Lifting weights in the early stages of pregnancy over 4-5 kg ​​is contraindicated. Violation of this rule is fraught with miscarriages, and.
  • Traumatic sports. Skiing during early pregnancy, wrestling, ice skating, team competitions are prohibited due to the risk of injury, including the abdomen.

In the question "Is it possible to play sports in early pregnancy?" there are also conflicting points. For example, riding a bike. Domestic medicine considers pregnancy and early cycling to be incompatible concepts. European doctors, on the contrary, advise such walks for expectant mothers. The following facts speak in favor of the opinion of Russian doctors:

  • the emergency situation on the roads leaves much to be desired, and there are few specialized cycle paths in our country;
  • an uneven road with bumps and bumps creates a dangerous vibration in a woman's body;
  • driving in urban conditions under exhaust gases from many cars can only increase fetal hypoxia.

Where cycle paths start directly at home and parks are close, cycling in the fresh air at a moderate pace benefits the health of the pregnant woman and her baby.

Sports for pregnant women: what to choose?

It should be noted right away that doctors identify several indicators in which, despite the desire to practice, it is forbidden to do so. Early pregnancy and sports are categorically incompatible under the following conditions:

  • abnormal development of the uterus;
  • the threat of miscarriage with hormonal imbalance (ratio and estrogen);
  • unfavorable history (miscarriages or premature births that have already occurred);
  • low tone and its isthmus (risk of miscarriage);
  • from the uterus;
  • placenta previa (threat of premature detachment during physical exertion).


What sport can you do in early pregnancy? Despite the many controversies on this issue, conventional medicine has a clear preference for swimming. The benefits of this type of exercise:

  • training the muscles of the back, abdomen and pelvic floor;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system, which is under increased stress in the state;
  • improvement of blood supply in all organs, prevention of varicose veins;
  • relieving stress from the back and spine, relaxing the body;
  • training of the respiratory system.


Many women are accustomed to keeping track of their physical condition and do not want to give up their usual exercises. They have many questions: is it possible to squat, bend over, twist a hoop, dance in the early stages of pregnancy. If a woman has no health problems, then doctors do not prohibit fitness in early pregnancy. But classes in general groups have to be revised: to limit running, jumping, load on the press. Therefore, it is better to go to a special group and study according to a specially developed program.


What includes gymnastics for pregnant women in the early stages:

The whole range of breathing exercises Allows you to prepare for special breathing during childbirth. In addition, during the last trimester of pregnancy, when the enlarged uterus presses on the diaphragm, the woman's lung volume decreases. Oxygen demand, on the contrary, increases every month. Respiratory gymnastics allows more efficient use of oxygen entering the lungs.
Special exercises to strengthen the abdominal wall To make labor easier to pass, it is recommended to strengthen the abdominal muscles. It is very good to swing the abs during early pregnancy on a fitball.
Strengthening the back muscles Such exercises make it easier to cope with the load on the spine in the last trimester of pregnancy.
Strengthening the ankle joints Prevention of flat feet.
Exercises for the pelvic floor muscles Direct preparation for labor.
Relaxing complex To relieve fatigue in the muscles of the whole body.

Fitness and early pregnancy are prohibited from being combined in the following cases:

  • any chronic illness in a woman;
  • pathology of pregnancy;
  • fetal pathology.

Abs exercises during pregnancy

It is not recommended to pump the abs during early pregnancy in the traditional way. But the abdominal muscles are very important for normal stretching activity. Therefore, special exercises have been developed:

  • In a standing position, move your heels 40 cm away from the wall. Bend towards the wall, hips bend. Remain in this position for 5 seconds. The exercise is repeated 10 times.
  • Lying on your side, raise your leg 10 cm from the floor, after 5 seconds, lower it. The leg should be straight. The exercise is repeated several times on each leg.
  • In the supine position, alternate raising your legs about 20 cm from the floor (scissors with your feet).
  • Doctors do not prohibit twisting the hoop. It is important to choose it correctly and not overdo it.

Exercise in the early stages of pregnancy should be regular so that the body of the woman and the baby gets used to the stress. Otherwise it will be unnecessary additional stress.


Dancing is physical exercise, only more enjoyable and emotionally intense. There are restrictions on classes in dance groups during pregnancy and are similar for other physical activities. There are special groups where, under the supervision of an experienced trainer, women perform only "useful", correct dance moves.

It is better to forget discos and night clubs. A smoky atmosphere and sudden movements only bring harm.


Yoga during early pregnancy allows you to prepare a woman's body for childbirth and normalize the mental sphere, which often fails in this state. Special exercises have been developed for pregnant women. The benefits of yoga:

  1. Static exercises strengthen the spine, pelvic muscles, and legs.
  2. Poses upside down become a prophylaxis against the wrong position of the fetus (pelvic, transverse).
  3. All yoga exercises improve blood circulation, which is very important for the normal development of the child.
  4. Breathing exercises of yoga practitioners increase the oxygen supply to the fetus. Another plus is training in correct breathing during childbirth.
  5. Many techniques remove the first half of pregnancy.
  6. Normalization of mood. Women who practice yoga are more confident, calm and not prone to the swings that are typical of pregnancy.

Physical activity for untrained women

If a woman has never been involved in sports and fitness, she will also benefit from physical activity during early pregnancy. They help prepare the body for the upcoming stresses during childbirth, improve mood and have a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus. Early pregnancy exercises include the following exercises:

  • breathing exercises;
  • cross step;
  • body tilts to the right and left;
  • forward bends;
  • backward bend;
  • sun - rotation in the cervical spine, then in the thoracic, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal (the amplitude of rotation gradually increases, then in reverse order with a decreasing amplitude;
  • gymnastics of the feet.

You need to do it regularly for 15-20 minutes a day. Deterioration during exercise is an excuse to stop exercising and consult a gynecologist.

Is sport and carrying a child compatible? This question certainly arises for those expectant mothers who are used to keeping their bodies in good shape through training. Find out what are the features of fitness classes while waiting for the baby, what types of workouts can be used in the early stages, and which ones will be useful shortly before childbirth.

Is it possible to play sports during pregnancy

When a woman finds out that she will become a mother in a few months, this fact brings many changes to her usual routine of life. One of the first questions arise about the correction of the mode of physical activity in order to provide the best possible conditions for the formation of the baby in the mother's womb. Is it safe to continue vigorous exercise during pregnancy? How to keep yourself in good shape so that the birth goes well, and after it you quickly find your optimal shape?

The correct answer to the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to engage in fitness is possible only after consulting the expectant mother with her attending physician. It must be borne in mind that the body of each woman is individual. Some representatives of the fair sex, in anticipation of their unborn child, can go to the gym to classes until the last weeks of gestation, while others, in order to avoid the threat of miscarriage, may be recommended bed rest. As a general rule, women in position are shown moderate physical activity, but it is necessary to determine their type and intensity in consultation with a specialist.

What sports can pregnant women do?

Although expectant mothers are prone to rapid fatigue, they need to try to maintain a balance between active sports loads and sedentary rest. If a woman's routine includes gymnastics for pregnant women and regular walking, then this will only benefit the baby. Such moderate loads will effectively improve the blood circulation of the mother's body, as a result of which the fetus will receive the amount of oxygen and nutrients necessary for normal development. Complexes of exercises of fitness yoga, Pilates, water aerobics will also have a good effect on the course of pregnancy.

In order for sports activities for pregnant women to bring only benefits to both the woman and the baby in her womb, one must remember about some contraindications. The expectant mother should not do exercises aimed at the abdominal muscles - for example, do twisting or pumping the abs. Fitness elements such as jumping, bending the back, sharp swings and any movements characterized by high intensity will negatively affect the condition of the pregnant woman. Also, during the gestation period, due to the very high risk of complications, it is impossible to perform strength exercises.

Squats during pregnancy

This type of exercise, if performed correctly, will bring a lot of benefits to a woman. Squats during pregnancy not only strengthen the muscles in your hips and back, but also help your pelvic girdle joints become more flexible, which is very useful in childbirth. So that during the performance of such exercises the load is evenly distributed, you need to do them smoothly, and even better, squat with support. At home, a chair can be used for this purpose. It is even more convenient and effective to do squats in specially equipped gyms, under the supervision of a trainer.

Aqua gymnastics for pregnant women

This type of fitness activity is not only safe, but also very useful for expectant mothers. Performing exercise complexes in an aquatic environment is easier, as a result of which not only the physical condition, but also the woman's mood improves. Aqua gymnastics for pregnant women in most cases is carried out under the guidance of experienced instructors, which guarantees the correct distribution of loads during training. Even free swimming without sharp, intense swings is a great sport for pregnant women, from early stages to the last weeks before childbirth.

Fitness for pregnant women - 1 trimester

An important condition for a woman who wants to continue an active lifestyle in the first months of waiting for a child is to receive detailed recommendations on this matter from her doctor. In order to successfully combine pregnancy and sports in the first trimester, the specialist must confirm the absence of any contraindications to this. You also need to take into account the nature of the exercises that will be performed. In order for fitness during pregnancy to be safe in the early stages and not cause hypertonicity of the uterus, a woman should not strain her stomach, do sharp twisting, bending, swinging her legs.

Fitness for pregnant women - 2nd trimester

During this period, many physiological risks associated with the gestation process are reduced, a woman's health improves, and toxicosis disappears. This period of time is very favorable for doing fitness for pregnant women and preparing the body well for childbirth. Sports in the second trimester should pursue the goal of strengthening the muscles of the back, lower back, abdomen, and hips. You need to know that in order to avoid oxygen deficiency of the fetus and dizziness in the pregnant woman herself, she cannot train lying on her back - she must choose body positions with emphasis on her knees and arms.

Fitness for pregnant women - 3 trimester

At such a late date, the woman's thoughts are busy with the upcoming birth. Sports in the third trimester is designed to help her prepare her body for this important, responsible process. Expectant mothers need to be careful with physical activity in the last weeks of gestation, so as not to provoke the onset of labor ahead of schedule. For this reason, it is not recommended for them to do fitness on their own; it is better to do the exercises under the supervision of an experienced instructor.

You need to know that in the third trimester, the hormone relaxin is actively produced in the body of a pregnant woman, which affects the joints, making them more malleable. If the expectant mother will do stretching intensively, she may even provoke a dislocation in herself. For this reason, during the last weeks of pregnancy, fitness classes should be carried out without sudden movements. A woman needs to remember that she does such a complex not with the aim of losing weight or achieving some other sports results - she only relaxes the muscles that bear the greatest load and prepares for childbirth.

Video: fitness during pregnancy